"It's a sad time! Eye charm! - The best poems about autumn. Analysis of the poem A

  • 13.10.2019

«… sad time! Eyes charm ... "(excerpt from the novel" Eugene Onegin ")

... Sad time! Oh charm!

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -

I love the magnificent nature of wilting,

Forests clad in crimson and gold,

In their canopy of the wind noise and fresh breath,

And the heavens are covered with mist,

And a rare ray of sun, and the first frosts,

And distant gray winter threats.

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Belinsky V. G. "Eugene Onegin"

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"Eugene Onegin" (end) Pushkin's great feat was that he was the first in his novel to poetically reproduce the Russian society of that time and, in the person of Onegin and Lensky, showed its main, that is, the male side; but the feat of our poet is almost higher in that he is the first

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N. G. Bykova "Eugene Onegin" The novel "Eugene Onegin" occupies a central place in the work of A. S. Pushkin. This is his biggest piece of art, the richest in content, the most popular, which had the strongest influence on the fate of the entire Russian

The famous poem “Autumn” (in a different edition “October has already come ...”) is known to everyone in our country. Perhaps not by heart, but a couple of lines are required. Or at least some phrases, especially those that have become winged. Yes, at least this one: “A sad time! Eye charm! Who else could say that? Of course, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin! Autumn time - the charm of the eyes ... Look how subtly noticed ... What could inspire a person, even if he is very gifted, to write such a touching work? Just autumn? Or something more?

Family estate

In the autumn of 1833, in Boldino, a village located not far from Nizhny Novgorod, comes a famous person, author of the most famous works to this day, Russian genius, literary reformer - A. S. Pushkin. Autumn time, eyes charm ... He loves this place, he idolizes the season, giving him not only inspiration, but also physical strength. The estate visited by the famous poet is ancestral.


The work "Autumn" is considered unfinished, consisting of 11 full eight lines and the twelfth begun. In poetry, he describes his worldview during his stay in Boldino. Silence, the opportunity to forget, even to renounce the world, in order to give free rein to thoughts and dreams... Only work - seething, selfless, all-consuming...

This is how the inspired one felt. Autumn time - the charm of the eyes - captured the author, forcing the bright colors of words to draw every moment of the withering of the surrounding nature. The poet describes the life and way of life of the county estates, his own pastime.

He also talks about his attitude to the seasons, arguing in detail one or another point of view. The author relates enthusiastic words not only to autumn, but also to winter with its amusements and beauties. Pushkin shares his feelings with readers in a simple way.

Autumn time, eyes of charm, so unloved by many, but conquered his heart, makes him feel the need to justify himself to the rest, proving and explaining his enthusiastic attitude, which is so strikingly different from the opinion of most other people.

First visit to Boldino

For the first time, Pushkin came to the Nizhny Novgorod region on the eve of his wedding. The author was stuck in Boldino for three months. The magnificent autumn time - the charm of the eyes, as Pushkin wrote - inspired him to fruitful work. At that time, from the pen of the Russian classic came a whole series of works that are most famous to this day, including "The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda."

Second visit

The next time (in the autumn of 1833) Pushkin goes to the village on purpose, he already perceives it not as a family estate, but as an office for creativity. He is in a hurry to go there, despite the fact that a beautiful wife is waiting for him in St. Petersburg, and he has not been at home for a very long time. Pushkin stayed in Boldino for only a month and a half, but during this time he gave the world several fairy tales and more than one verse.

Autumn time! Eyes of charm! .. Do you know how beautiful Boldino autumn is? She cannot but conquer with her beauty.

Everyone who has ever visited those places experiences the same feelings as Pushkin, but not everyone can express them so eloquently. Perhaps this is not necessary. After all, we have his "Autumn".


In the same period, Pushkin gave life to such a well-known work as The History of Pugachev. In Boldino, the author finished work on the work, rewriting it cleanly. There, work began on the cycle “Songs of the Western Slavs”. The writer must not have been exaggerating when he wrote that it was in autumn that he felt a surge of inspiration:

"... And I forget the world - and in the sweet silence
I am sweetly lulled by my imagination,
And poetry awakens in me...


Sad time! Oh charm!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -
I love the magnificent nature of wilting,
Forests clad in crimson and gold,
In their canopy of the wind noise and fresh breath,
And the heavens are covered with mist,
And a rare ray of sun, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winter threats.

Analysis of the poem by A. S. Pushkin "A dull time, eyes charm"

The golden time of the year is striking in its beauty and poetry. The period when nature brightly and solemnly says goodbye to summer, warmth, greenery, prepares for winter sleep. Yellow, red foliage adorns the trees, and crumbling falls like a motley carpet under your feet. The off-season has inspired artists, poets, composers, and playwrights for centuries.

Pushkin has always attracted autumn with its charm. He loved this time more than anyone else, about which he tirelessly wrote both in prose and in verse. In the poem “A dull time, eyes of charm”, Alexander Sergeevich talks about the seasons and comes to the conclusion that the end of October is ideal for him in all respects.

He does not like spring, sung by many poets, for being dirty and slushy. Cannot stand hot summers, with insects always buzzing. The lyrics are more to the soul "Russian cold". But the winter is cold and long. Although the hero loves sledding through the snow, skating. The weather does not always favor your favorite pastimes. And the narrator is bored and dreary to sit at home by the fireplace for a long time.

The famous lines were born in the second Boldin autumn in 1833. It is known that this period was the most productive for the poet, his creative upsurge. When the fingers themselves asked for the pen, and the pen for the paper. Preparation for sleep, the withering of nature - for Pushkin, the stage of renewal, new life. He writes that he is blooming again.

Already in the first lines the antithesis sounds. A striking contrast between two descriptions of the same phenomenon. On the one hand, the poet exclaims: "A sad time." On the other hand, he calls the weather outside the window the charm of the eyes. He writes about the withering of nature - a word with a negative connotation. But at the same time, he informs the reader about his love for this period. The farewell beauty of the forests dressed in crimson and gold, the devastated fields, beckons the author for a walk. In weather like this, it's impossible to stay indoors.

The lyrical hero is the narrator, behind whom the personality of Alexander Sergeevich himself is drawn. The attentive reader understands that the description is alive. Pushkin, what he sees, he depicts in poetic lines. Nature is spiritualized. Therefore, her image can be considered the second hero of the plot.

The author carefully, politely, very courteously, confidentially communicates with the reader. As if inviting to dialogue. Asks for opinions, apologizes for excessive "prosaism". Thus, the genre of address is used. So the reader better understands the author, his mood, feeling and the idea that the poet wanted to convey.

A measured, melodious, rhythmic reading is achieved with the help of the chosen poetic meter - iambic. The poem is divided into octaves, which are stanzas of eight lines.

Compositionally, the text looks unfinished. Alexander Sergeevich ends with the line: “Where can we go?”. Inviting the reader to think about this question for himself. A small element of natural-philosophical lyrics in the landscape description.
The lines are purposefully devoid of an accurate description of the landscape.

Pushkin, as a true painter in poetry, here acts as an impressionist. A moment is caught, which is about to be replaced by another. But the picture is slightly blurry, it conveys not so much details as emotions.

Thanks to the poem by A.S. Pushkin's "A dull time, eyes charm" we can see autumn through the eyes of a great poet. After reading the text leaves positive emotions, pleasant excitement.

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Kibereva Elizabeth

One of the topics in the lesson "Listening to music" was a conversation about the seasons. I especially liked the season of autumn and, doing my homework, I decided to get to know the theme of "Autumn" in painting, literature and music.

Having started work, I discovered that I knew little of poems about autumn, I was almost unfamiliar with paintings, and only one thing came to my mind from musical works.



NG MBOU DOD "DMSh im. V.V. Andreeva"

City competition of research projects "History of one masterpiece"

Nomination "Musical Art"

Sad time, eyes charm ... ..

Kibireva Elizabeth

1st grade student

vocal department


Korolkova M.A.


theoretical disciplines

Nefteyugansk, 2013.

  • Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
  • Main part. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
  • Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . eight
  • Appendix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9


In September of this year, I, like many children of my age, went to first grade. My old dream was to learn to sing and play an instrument, so I entered the music school named after Vasily Vasilyevich Andreev and became a student of the vocal department. In addition to vocal lessons, I attend solfeggio and listening to music, learning to play the piano.

One of the topics in the lesson "Listening to music" was a conversation about the seasons. I especially liked the season of autumn and, doing my homework, I decided to get to know the theme of "Autumn" in painting, literature and music.

Having started work, I discovered that I knew little of poems about autumn, I was almost unfamiliar with paintings, and only one thing came to my mind from musical works. Then I decided to conduct a survey among my comrades and ask them such questions.

Do you know poems about autumn?

Do you know pictures about autumn?

Do you know musical works, songs about autumn?

After the survey, it was concluded that my comrades know very few poems (two out of 14), they don’t know pictures at all (not a single positive answer out of 14), they know a little more songs (three out of 14).

Main part.

In autumn, nature calms down, as if preparing for a winter sleep, it seems tired, weary. The trees are shedding their leaves. Birds leave us and fly to warm countries. When you look at this fading autumn nature, different feelings cover you: tenderness, surprise from admiring the beauty, and sadness from saying goodbye to summer, warmth that the beauty of autumn is leaving. If we compare the season with the time of the day, then spring is morning, because everything wakes up, starts to move, summer is the middle of the day, and autumn is twilight, evening, end of the day.

Autumn is so different! In early autumn, nature is adorned with colorful attire. What colors and shades you will not see! And in late autumn it rains, the leaves fall, all the fabulous beauty of nature fades, leaves. It is sad to see bare trees, clouds and puddles.

To paint a picture, the artist has paints, the poets have words, the composer has only sounds. But they can perfectly draw, as Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky does. In Tchaikovsky's melodious melody "Autumn Song" - parting with the outgoing summer, regret about the fading nature. The work is dominated by sad intonations - sighs. The melody evokes memories, nostalgia. In it, a sad autumn landscape and the mood of a person are merged into one. Listening to the "Autumn Song" it is easy to imagine an empty veranda strewn with withered leaves, and the sounds of a piano coming from afar ... This is my favorite work.

S. Yu. Zhukovsky was probably overwhelmed with similar feelings when creating his painting "Autumn. Veranda" (Appendix No. 1).

One of the most famous artists who loved to paint autumn so much is Isaac Ilyich Levitan. Autumn was Levitan's favorite season, and he devoted many paintings to it.

The painting "Golden Autumn" is one of the best creations of the artist, bright colors, solemn peace create a feeling of the greatness of nature. Looking at the pictures, I just want to exclaim: “It's a sad time! Eyes of charm! ”,“ Lush nature withering ”,“ Forests clad in crimson and gold. How accurately and aptly Pushkin described his favorite season in famous poems, and the artist depicted autumn, putting a flurry of feelings and experiences into his paintings (Appendix No. 2).

In the picture we see birch grove in copper-gold autumn decoration. In the depths of the meadow, a river is lost, on the left bank of which there are slender white-yellow birches and two aspens with almost fallen leaves. The ground is covered with yellowing withered grass. And on the right bank of the river there is a row of still green willows, which seem to resist autumn withering. The river surface seems motionless and cold. The autumn day depicted by the artist is full of light.

The same rich autumn decoration appears before us in the painting by V.D. Polenov "Golden Autumn" (Appendix No. 3).

A poem by Sergei Yesenin surprisingly fits this picture:

The golden grove dissuaded

Birch, cheerful language,

And the cranes, sadly flying,

No more regrets...

In terms of mood, the musical work “Autumn” from the cycle “The Seasons” by A. Vivaldi echoes this picture. Listening to music, we can imagine the following picture: autumn leaves, falling, spinning in a waltz, the sun is shining, the birds, smoothly flapping their wings, fly south.

Both musical works and the painting "Golden Autumn"depict calm autumn weather.

These works impressed me very much and I also wanted to depict autumn, to convey my mood in the drawing, inspired by the melody Appendix No. 4, No. 5).

But autumn is not only golden with a clear azure sky! Autumn weather can be sad and cheerful, sunny and cloudy, golden and gray.

At vocal lessons, I got acquainted with the song "Autumn" to the verses of A. Pleshcheev. Minor fret, the melody returns to the same note. It depicts a picture of autumn bad weather:

Autumn has come

dried flowers,

And look sad

Bare bushes.

Wither and turn yellow

Grass in the meadows

Only turns green

Winter in the fields.

A cloud covers the sky

The sun doesn't shine

The wind howls in the field

The rain is drizzling.

Noisy water

fast stream,

The birds have flown

To warm climes.

This poem is consonant with "Autumn Melody" by A. Rybnikov. The music expresses a melancholy, depressed, sad mood, consonant with an uncomfortable, bleak picture of fading nature. The music is monotonous, plaintive, even some disturbing notes are heard. Notes of regret for the outgoing warmth and beauty.

This is exactly what Isaac Levitan saw autumn in his painting "Autumn" (Appendix No. 6).

And in the painting "Autumn" by Stanislav Yulianovich Zhukovsky, a real autumn bad weather broke out at all! (Appendix No. 7).

Looking at this uncomfortable landscape one can hear the sound of the wind carrying the last wet leaves and gray clouds, merging with the restless notes of the work "The Tempest" by L. V. Beethoven.


Composers, poets and artists see the nature of autumn in different ways, and convey their impressions in different ways with the help of colors, intonations, comparisons: composers in music, poets in poetry, artists in their paintings.

"A sad time" or "glamor of the eyes"... One way or another, autumn at all times inspired poets, artists and musicians to great masterpieces. Such a different autumn: in some works - a celebration of colors and the triumph of nature, in others - bright sadness, nostalgia, bad weather.

Autumn is the time of the magical transformation of nature, which generously gives the last rays of warmth, preparing to fall asleep for many months under a fluffy winter blanket.

Autumn is the season that leaves no one indifferent. Therefore, such wonderful lines were dedicated to autumn by poets and writers. Artists have painted many pictures of autumn nature, which are masterpieces and never cease to delight us. With the richness of its colors, autumn attracted the attention of great composers who sang of its beauty.

I love autumn, maybe because I was born in October. Perhaps because "Autumn Song" P.I. Tchaikovsky is one of my favorite works for me and my mother. I dream of learning to play the piano and perform "Autumn Song" for her one fine October evening...



Autumn (Z. Fedorovskaya)

Autumn at the edge of the paint bred,

On the foliage quietly brushed:

The hazel turned yellow and the maples blushed,

In autumn purple, only green oak.

Autumn comforts:

Don't miss summer!

Look - the grove is dressed in gold!

*** (A. Pushkin)

Already the sky was breathing in autumn,

The sun shone less

The day was getting shorter

Forests mysterious canopy

With a sad noise she was naked,

Fog fell on the fields

Noisy geese caravan

Stretched to the south: approaching

Pretty boring time;

November was already at the yard ...

Autumn (V. Avdienko)

Autumn walks along the path

Wet her feet in puddles.

It's raining

And there is no light.

Lost somewhere summer.

Autumn is coming

Autumn wanders.

Wind with maple leaves


New carpet underfoot

Yellow-pink -


*** (A. Pleshcheev)

Boring picture!

Clouds without end

The rain is pouring down

Puddles on the porch

stunted rowan

Wet under the window;

Looks village

Gray spot.

What are you visiting early

Autumn has come to us?

Still asks the heart

Light and warmth!

*** (A.S. Pushkin)

Sad time! Oh charm!

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -

I love the magnificent nature of wilting,

Forests clad in crimson and gold,

In their canopy of the wind noise and fresh breath,

And the heavens are covered with mist,

And a rare ray of sun, and the first frosts,

And distant gray winter threats.

Autumn (A.N. Maikov)

Covers a golden leaf

Wet ground in the forest...

I boldly trample with my foot

Spring forest beauty.

Cheeks are burning from the cold:

I like to run in the forest,

Hear the branches crack

Rake the leaves with your feet!

I have no former pleasures here!

The forest has shrugged off a secret:

The last nut is plucked

The last flower is plucked;

Moss is not raised, not blown up

A pile of curly mushrooms;

Doesn't hang around the stump

Purple lingonberry brushes;

Long lies on the leaves

The nights are frosty, and through the forest

Looks cold somehow

Clear skies...

Autumn (K. Balmont)

Cowberry ripens

The days got colder

And from the bird's cry

The heart is only sadder.

Flocks of birds fly away

Away, beyond the blue sea,

All the trees are shining

In multi-colored attire.

The sun laughs less.

There is no incense in flowers.

Autumn will wake up soon

And cry awake.

Autumn fairy tales and stories.

I. S. Turgenev Autumn day in a birch grove(an excerpt from the story “Date” from the cycle “Hunter's Notes”). Many of the stories in the Hunter's Notes also take place in autumn.

I. S. Sokolov-Mikitov Short stories about autumn: Autumn,Listopadnichek Story, Forest in autumn, Autumn in the forest, The hot summer has flown by, Autumn in Chun.

N. G. Garin-MikhailovskyAutumn prose poem.

I. A. Bunin Antonov apples.

K. G. Paustovskyyellow light, PresentA story about autumnbadger nose, Farewell to summer, What are the rains(Excerpt from the story "Golden Rose"),My house, Dictionary of native nature.

V. Sukhomlinsky I want to have my say.

K. D. Ushinsky Stories and Tales Autumn.

M. M. Prishvin Poetic miniatures about autumn.

N. I. Sladkov Autumn in the forest, Autumn on the doorstep, Forest secretsSeptember(Autumn on the threshold, On the great path, Spider, Time, Birds, Belkin fly agaric, Winged shadow, Forgotten owl, Sly dandelion, Friends-comrades, Forest rustles),October(Seamstress, Terrible invisible,

Bouquet of pheasants, Trees creak, Mystery of the birdhouse, Old acquaintance, Magpie train, Autumn Christmas tree, Stubborn finch, Forest rustles, Magic shelf),November(Why is November piebald? Icicle Resort, Porosha, Wagtail Letters, Desperate Hare, Titmouse Stock, Starlings Have Arrived, Forest Rustles).

G. A. Skrebitsky Autumn(A story from the book “Four Artists”).

G. Ya. Snegirev blueberry jam.

V. G. Suteev Apple.

V. V. Bianchi

Poems about autumn through the eyes of classical poets are amazingly beautiful. They colorfully describe this sad, but at the same time charming time of the year.

Excerpt from Pushkin's Autumn

Sad time! Oh charm!

(A. Pushkin)

leaf fall

Forest, like a painted tower,

Purple, gold, crimson,

Cheerful, colorful wall

It stands over a bright meadow.

Birches with yellow carving

Shine in blue azure,

Like towers, Christmas trees darken,

And between the maples they turn blue

Here and there in the foliage through

Clearances in the sky, that windows.

The forest smells of oak and pine,

During the summer it dried up from the sun,

And Autumn is a quiet widow

He enters his motley tower ...

(I. Bunin)

Unprecedented autumn built a high dome,

There was an order to the clouds not to darken this dome.

And people marveled: the September deadlines are passing,

And where did the cold, wet days go? ..

The water of the muddy channels became emerald,

And the nettle smelled like roses, but only stronger,

It was stuffy from the dawns, intolerable, demonic and scarlet,

We all remember them until the end of our days.

The sun was like a rebel who entered the capital,

And spring autumn caressed him so greedily,

What seemed - now the transparent will turn white


That's when you approached, calm, to my porch.

(Anna Akhmatova September 1922)

Late autumn

Late autumn

I love the Tsarskoye Selo garden

When he is quiet half-dark,

As if in a nap, embraced

And white-winged visions

On the dim lake glass

In some bliss of numbness

They stagnate in this semi-darkness ...

And on the porphyry steps

Catherine's palaces

Dark shadows fall

October early evenings -

And the garden darkens like an oak tree,

And under the stars from the darkness of the night,

Like a reflection of a glorious past

The golden dome comes out ...

(F. Tyutchev)

Autumn Blues...

The autumn wind played the saxophone

A little sad my favorite blues

The saxophone sparkles in his palms,

I freeze...

I'm afraid to scare...

Maestro wind, slightly screwing up his eyes,

Selflessly leads the party.

He frowned in inspiration...

And the leaves to the beat start a round dance.

He throws them up

And it's quiet...

Foliage soars obedient and light ...

The melody floats

And the heart melts

And can't find the right words...

And I so want in a green light dress

Dancing softly on tiptoe

And feel what happiness it is

Listen to autumn light music ...

And turn your face to rain-notes

Catching lips drops tart taste

And like foliage it is easy to soar in flight ...

I love when the wind plays the blues...

(N. Spring)

Autumn reigned in the old park,

Painted trees and bushes.

Throwing bright scarves on the shoulders,

I put canvases for artists.

Slightly smeared with blue watercolor

Smooth surface of the pond and sky high.

Colored with soft pastel

Clouds, adding purity.

I looked into the old alleys,

Noisy with wind and rain.

Beauty and affection without sparing,

Everything was covered with gold leaf.

Ran like a red fox

On uncut grass...

And a big, disturbing, bright bird

Ran into the cold blue.

(T. Lavrova)

An excerpt from the poem Eugene Onegin

Already the sky was breathing in autumn,

The sun shone less

The day was getting shorter

Forests mysterious canopy

With a sad noise she was naked,

Fog fell on the fields

Noisy geese caravan

Stretched to the south: approaching

Pretty boring time;

November was already at the yard.

(A. Pushkin)

Is in the autumn of the original

Is in the autumn of the original

Short but wonderful time -

The whole day stands as if crystal,

And radiant evenings ...

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,

But far from the first winter storms

And pure and warm azure pours

On the resting field…

(F. Tyutchev)

Sad time! Oh charm!

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -

I love the magnificent nature of wilting,

Forests clad in crimson and gold,

In their canopy of the wind noise and fresh breath,

And the heavens are covered with mist,

And a rare ray of sun, and the first frosts,

And distant gray winter threats.

(A. Pushkin)

Golden foliage swirled

Golden foliage swirled

In the pinkish water of the pond

Like a light flock of butterflies

With fading flies to the star.

I'm in love with this evening

The yellowing dol is close to the heart.

Youth-wind up to the shoulders

Headed on a birch hem.

And in the soul and in the valley coolness,

Blue dusk like a flock of sheep

Behind the gate of the silent garden

The bell will ring and freeze.

I've never been thrifty

So did not listen to rational flesh,

It would be nice, like willow branches,

To tip over into the pink waters.

It would be nice, on a haystack smiling,

Muzzle of the month to chew hay ...

Where are you, where are you, my quiet joy,

Loving everything, wanting nothing?