Horoscope for November Taurus the tiger. Taurus November horoscope

  • 23.09.2019

Representatives of the zodiacal house need to make it a rule to clearly plan current affairs for the day, otherwise chaos cannot be avoided - the horoscope for November 2019 warns. A Taurus should outline a list of tasks - this will help avoid confusion, force majeure and deadlines that can arise out of the blue.


Taurus in leadership positions should double-check information from subordinates. The dishonesty or miscalculations of the latter can affect the financial result of overly trusting or careless representatives of the zodiacal house.

Now it is better for representatives of the sign to postpone business trips, especially if they are related to crossing the border: bureaucratic complications are possible that will spoil many nerve cells.

Taurus, working in a well-coordinated team, will be able to achieve good success. But you have to use willpower and focus on results. At the end of autumn, luck will smile on those representatives of the sign who are looking for a new, higher-paying job: send out your resume and go for interviews.

Creative workers can be tripped by the autumn depression, and no matter how much effort is spent, the matter will not get off the ground until the Muse returns.


In many of the Taurus family in November 2019, there will be changes in everyday life. Taurus can start repairs, many of them will initiate a change of residence and improvements in their own homes. It is better for relatives and friends of the representative of the sign to reconcile: the temperament and emotional state of Taurus will not leave a stone unturned from their resistance, so grab a brush or help pack things - he will not retreat from his own.

Jupiter in Taurus will open in the representatives of the sign who have not yet found the use of their talents in hobbies or creativity, at the end of autumn it will definitely open up new talents and abilities in them. Get ready to listen for hours from your Taurus, regardless of his age, praise a new hobby, and if you don't, be prepared for resentment and annoyance on his part. Taurus is an addicting nature, he quickly lights up, but cools down just as quickly, so the horoscope for November 2019 predicts that this fuse will not last long.

At the end of the month, representatives of the zodiacal house will receive a pleasant surprise from their relatives in the form of gratuitous financial assistance or even an inheritance.

Taurus woman

Ladies belonging to the zodiac house, in the middle of autumn, should pay attention to the emerging tension in the relationship with the spouse. Mercury retrograde in November 2019 could lay the contours of a huge crack that will become a huge moat if no effort is made to correct the situation. Praise your spouse more often, try to spend time together to the maximum, do not hesitate to show feelings.

It's time to update your wardrobe - advises the horoscope for November 2019. Taurus woman, give up buying faded and expressionless things. Your conservatism is not appropriate now. Dilute autumn with bright colors, giving preference to warm red and terracotta, especially since it is very suitable for white-skinned Taurus. In relationships with children, Taurus women are a complete idyll, and they both draw positive and mental strength from warmth and goodwill towards each other.

Taurus man

Many Taurus men in November 2019 will be extremely preoccupied with their appearance... The Yellow Pig will stimulate the representatives of the strong half of humanity to make changes, which, by the way, will not be superfluous or inappropriate. Taurus can buy a gym membership, get a tattoo, let go of a beard. If you want to make an enemy for yourself, criticize Taurus or try to scoff at his transformations.

Mercury retrograde at the end of autumn will cause excessive emotionality. “Heavy in grief, unbearable in joy” - this is the phrase that most accurately characterizes the Capricorn man best. Some of the representatives of the sign can get acquainted with depression firsthand, so that this does not happen, it is necessary to give emotions a way out - advises the horoscope for November 2019. Taurus man, all means are good here: return to your old hobbies, go fishing or play sports. The adrenaline needs a way out.

Taurus children

Taurus babies can bother their parents with frequent changes in the state of the psycho-emotional sphere. Laughter for no reason, and the same tears will cause confusion and even irritation. Try to hold back. The kid is in a fever with Mercury at its apogee.

It's more difficult with teenage children. Teenagers will try to strengthen their rights, completely forgetting about responsibilities. A series of conflicts over household trifles, study and extracurricular activities can greatly upset older relatives, but this will not affect the success of Taurus in any way.


The physical health of Taurus is stable, which cannot be said about the state of the psychoemotional sphere. Despite the apparent well-being in all aspects of life, many representatives of the zodiacal house in November 2019 will overtake a feeling of anxiety and anxiety. The reasons for them can be very different: the near and distant future, financial well-being, relationships with loved ones. Pay enough attention to prevent lingering anxiety from turning into depression. physical activity and intellectual development... Reading special literature will help get rid of the gravitational state, and thanks to the Network, find the right book in psychology will not be a problem.

To solve the problems, the stars categorically do not recommend resorting to alcohol, which will further aggravate the situation.

If a Taurus is to undergo a routine check-up, go through it in good faith, and not formally. Tell your doctor everything that worries you. This will help some representatives of the sign to diagnose the disease on the very early stage, undergo treatment, which will end in full recovery.

Stay awake and asleep. Taurus tend to "change" day and night, but daytime sleep does not compensate for the lack of sleep at night.

(November 2017)


In November, you can relax and indulge in the pleasures you have long dreamed of. Your life will be like a holiday, as you will often receive invitations to visit. Try to take advantage of worthwhile offers, as in society you will learn a lot of new and interesting things for yourself.

November will be a productive and calm month for Taurus. You will be able not only to realize yourself, but also to show your best qualities to achieve the desired goal. Even if at first it seems to you that everything is turning against you, try to pull yourself together and go ahead to the chosen goal. The fact is that the progress of affairs will depend only on your perseverance, dedication and activity.

Some Taurus will be overwhelmed by a maelstrom of events and a quick career growth, others will be able to enjoy the achievement of results and spend time and money on pleasure. The result will be completely in your hands, so you can take advantage of the situation for your own benefit and achieve success without putting too much effort into it.

The only thing that can darken your happiness this month is troubles on the personal front. Most likely, your significant other will be inattentive or other people will interfere with the relationship. Try to stand up for yourself and avoid rash actions that can harm your relationship and reputation.

Many Taurus will face betrayal and intrigue. Evil tongues can harm your good name, so you may be at a disadvantage. Try to behave with dignity and make excuses for your own behavior if you want to stop the flow of trouble. You will be able not only to get out of this situation with dignity, but you will also be glad that the troubles will end soon. And enemies can be at a disadvantage if you can stand up for yourself.

Taurus Woman: Horoscope for November 2017

In November, representatives of the sign will be able to visit society more often and allow themselves to shop for not the most necessary, but beautiful things. Suddenly, you will free up a lot of time, and you will be able to perfectly realize yourself in your favorite business. To keep luck on your side, be proactive. Getting energized will help you not only deal with your daily activities with ease, but also find time for socializing and hobbies.

In November, you will not only be frequently invited to the holidays, but you will also be able to host guests or visit restaurants and clubs more often. This will allow you not only to expand your own knowledge, but also to learn a lot about your friends and acquaintances. Creative Taurus women will be able to get many interesting offers, one of which will prove to be quite lucrative. Try not to miss your own chance to make a leap forward in your career.

You will be glad that circumstances in your personal life turn in your favor. Your loved one will show you the attention and love you have been waiting for. However, personal happiness can be changeable.

Pay attention to dreams and omens - they will tell you what may actually be the cause of your troubles. Perhaps someone else is trying to intervene in the relationship. Try to get as much information as possible on this issue in order to correctly calculate your own actions.

Taurus-Man: Horoscope for November 2017

Taurus men will be able to be on the wave both in their personal life and in their careers. Your contacts with others will expand and you will be able to learn a lot of new and interesting things. If earlier things did not get off the ground, despite all your efforts, then November will provide you with an opportunity to advance in your career and activities.

Success will be promoted by acquaintances and family ties, which will help you take significant steps in your business. Try to prove yourself in different types activities and show your best merits. If you want to get a job or get more, go for it. In the foreground this month you will have various acquaintances and communication with nice people. Try not to miss your own chance.

Closer to the second half of the month, representatives of the sign may feel tired, lazy and blues. At this time, the risk of colds increases. If you want to recover as soon as possible and avoid complications, try to visit fresh air, but do not forget about warm and high quality, natural things. They will help you avoid complications and not get sick even on the coldest day of autumn.

Taurus November 2017 Love Horoscope

On the personal front, luck will come as a surprise to Taurus. You can take the initiative and get what you want very quickly, even if it seems that winning the heart of a loved one is like getting a star from the sky. Thanks to the positive influence of the planets this month, you can not only achieve reciprocal love, but also express your feelings in poetry, prose, or show concern for your loved one.

Free representatives of the sign will be able to show their best qualities and win over many people. Some will openly show their interest and sympathy towards you. If you want to find yourself a match, try to look closely at those who are in the shadows. Perhaps luck is waiting for you there.

Taurus in love will be able to get the long-awaited location. Many will decide to get married or offer to live together with their soul mate. The main thing is to rely on own feelings and act according to intuition. Pay attention to the signs and dreams - they will help you navigate the situation.

Fortune will smile at the family representatives of the sign at the end of the month. You can not only solve many of your problems, but also cope with difficult situation simply and easily. Your relationship with your significant other will be warmer if you are empathetic and not be rude or inattentive. Try to pay attention to what worries your significant other. Then you can find common points again.

Financial (money) horoscope for Taurus for November 2017

The last month of autumn will thoroughly pamper Taurus with money. You can not only make good money, but also learn how to plan income and expenses so as not to limit too much own desires.

At the beginning of November, do not limit your needs. A cup of coffee with dessert in good restaurant will perfectly cheer you up for the whole day and will help you feel cheerful for the whole week.

If you want to make a big purchase or sell an unnecessary item, the best time for this is mid-November. During this time, you can unexpectedly receive money that will help you feel more attractive, invigorated and brighter. Some Taurus will be able to purchase the right product for their health.

At the end of November, you better save on small things and sweets, as this can greatly harm your figure. To feel more invigorated, try to choose very warm and high quality items in the store. It's okay if you decide to update your wardrobe. This will help you not only create a new look, but also not catch cold on the cold days of November.

Taurus November 2017 work and business horoscope

This month, your working relationship and the climate in the team will depend only on your initiative and patience. It is important for representatives of the sign to show interest, especially if you have just got a job. Being active will allow you to understand the essence of the work and not miss important points, which will allow you to find short paths to career heights in the future.

Relationships will be successful for those representatives of the sign who work in the creative profession. You will receive not only new orders, but you can also earn decent money if you take the initiative in business. Try to do what you are interested in, even if some people are too lazy to get up in the morning and go to work.

Your relationships with coworkers can be stressful this month. This will be due to their increased demands and the intrigue that unfolds behind your back. Even if you are not directly related to the events, troubles can come to you too. Try to show restraint and composure, and, if the situation requires, prove your own innocence to others.

Taurus Health Horoscope November 2017

Taurus' health in November will be strong only if they pay attention to exercise and water treatments... Swimming, sports and swimming will not hurt you, especially if you feel in a situation of chronic stress. Limiting sweets will not hurt either, although sometimes you should afford a dessert with coffee.

pay attention to proper nutrition and an active lifestyle. It is in November, due to a decrease in motor activity, that Taurus are at risk of gaining a couple of extra pounds. However, strict diets will not be beneficial either. It is better to eat less than you used to eat, but full. Otherwise, you run the risk of breaking loose and eating more than planned.

If you do not want an exacerbation of chronic diseases, do not go out in cloudy weather without a warm scarf made of natural wool. Otherwise, you run the risk of catching a cold, not only the throat. Try to be attentive to your own health. Then luck will be on your side, and you can do a lot for your development, career, activities and personal life.

Taurus is expecting one of the best periods for love in 2017. You can enjoy harmony in relationships, because the beneficial planets Venus and Jupiter are in your partnership sector. Personal life is more pleasant, there are many opportunities for romance, your power of seduction grows, and love finds its way to you. You will get rid of doubts, you will be able to express your brightest, warmest feelings to those you love.

Venus and Jupiter pamper Taurus, sending one lucky chance after another for love and romance. It may even be difficult for you to choose the most worthy candidate among your circle of admirers and admirers.

If you are single, you can meet your soul mate, and this event will completely change your life. Love, born in November, will bring unforgettable impressions, excitement, a sense of freedom and carelessness. If you already have a loved one, your bond will be strengthened and positive changes will occur.

Moreover, Venus and Jupiter are accompanied by the Sun in the first two decades of November 2017, hinting that something wonderful will happen.

The period is also favorable for Taurus family life. You will spend pleasant time with people who are dear to you and forget about past disagreements. If you are at odds with a relative, opportunities open up for reconciliation.

Taurus career and finance horoscope for November 2017

In the last month of autumn, collaboration and partnership are becoming your priorities. Both work and financial success are linked to all of this. Either way, connections with other people have a significant impact on career and income, so strengthen them and keep them as friendly as possible.

November 2017 is very productive for professional development and business. Mars in the work sector makes you entrepreneurial, gives you the desire to be active, to set high goals and to achieve them with enthusiasm. However, it should be noted that aspects of this planet are disharmonious, therefore difficulties accompany your activity in the business environment. Be attentive to your surroundings, the intrigues of ill-wishers and backstage games are not in your favor.

V financial plan not a bad period. Mercury, the ruler of the Taurus house of money, is located in your house of general finance, which indicates the likelihood of receiving good income through interaction with partners. Collaboration will be more profitable than individual work. You can also count on financial assistance from someone close to you: spouse, loved one, relative.


The first decade of November is best time for health. The next part of the month is not entirely favorable, so health issues will require special attention. The influence of Mars carries the risk of injury, accidents, acute diseases. If you feel unwell, give preference traditional methods treatment, alternative medicine will not bring the desired results.

Don't let the responsibility be held on your own shoulders! Let others help you.

V love sphere this month will bring disappointments and difficulties to Cancers. They can overcome them only by mastering their feelings and relying solely on own experience, and not on the opinions of people from the outside.

Free bodies will experience acute dissatisfaction with their personal lives. In trying to find a partner, they can lose a lot: self-confidence, authority in certain circles, a significant amount of money. All relationships tied to finances will only bring disappointment and pain to Taurus.

It may seem to representatives of the sign who are in a serious relationship that their love has cooled towards them. In order to cheer up your partner and add confidence to yourself, you should radically take care of yourself. Any unexpected changes in appearance will benefit you, as long as they are welcome.

To avoid quarrels and conflicts, you should not accept any serious decisions without the advice of a half. Even in cases where the subject of reflection does not directly concern the partner, it is better to ask his opinion.

The marriage of representatives of the sign will receive a second wind. November will be the ideal month for the realization of all long-forgotten desires, both in the intimate sphere and in everyday matters.

Taurus Woman November 2019 Love Horoscope

Taurus women, who have experienced unrequited love for a long time, should put aside the blues in November and take a look at the men around her. Among colleagues, there is a person who sincerely wishes to enter into a serious relationship. Taurus should show a little tenderness and coquetry in order to interest him. After that, the man will return all attention a hundredfold and thereby help the chosen one to feel needed and loved.

Representatives of the sign who have already found their halves will feel how important they are to a partner. A period of tenderness and care awaits them, which will help them gain strength before the end of the year and look at themselves in a different way. By the end of the month, the energy received will need to be returned back. If you leave your partner without reciprocal caresses, then feelings can be shaken.

Married women will have the opportunity to make sure that they have chosen the right partner, or to be completely disappointed in their soul mate. You need to react to the clues of fate in November as quickly as possible. If life harshly and sharply points out the spouse's shortcomings, then he will no longer be able to correct them. Such a relationship must be severed. At the same time, if your partner has passed the test by fate, then you need to show more tenderness and attention towards him.

Taurus Man November 2019 Love Horoscope

November is the perfect month for Taurus men looking to start a serious relationship. Representatives of the sign will feel as confident as possible in themselves, and this moment is worth taking advantage of. Without being sprayed on every girl who has shown sympathy, Taurus will be able to see the very one, life with which will bring them only joy and tenderness.

Any, even the strongest, feelings need nourishment, and the calves will acutely feel this in November. They will feel the urgent need to constantly be close to their loved one, to know about all his affairs. Regular intervention in personal life halves, they will quickly tire her, but they are unlikely to be able to do something with their feelings. To avoid conflicts, it is worth discussing all issues of concern to Taurus with your partner at the beginning of the month.

Married sign representatives will fall into a complex love triangle. Not in all cases it will end in betrayal. Your spouse will receive a lot of attention from a colleague or business partner. You should not aggressively intervene in this issue. The best way to save the family and avoid adultery - spend more time with your spouse, and more often talk to her about your feelings.

Love horoscope for November 2017, Taurus predicts so many unexpected moments that he will forget about the current problems for a while. Indeed, be temporarily romantic and altruistic to attract fans. Taurus will not only give gifts to the chosen one, but also receive gifts from everyone who likes him. Fate is an unpredictable thing, so a meeting with Taurus can take place in the original place.

Love horoscope for November 2017 Taurus woman promises a lot of pleasant meetings, acquaintances and incredible actions on the part of men. At work, an affair with a colleague or boss is possible. There is no limit to your charm, but you should still be careful in love. In November 2017, Taurus will often recall their past romance. If you decide to return to ex-lover, then think carefully.

Love horoscope for November 2017 Taurus man recommends being meticulous even in small things so that the chosen one will notice your sincere attitude. A joint vacation at a camp site, nature or in another city will help Taurus get to know his beloved closer. In November 2017, you will learn something that will greatly elevate your companion in your eyes.

Taurus family in November 2017

The horoscope recommends to defend your soulmate if relatives suddenly attack her. There may be heated arguments and even quarrels that will confuse your family. Taurus should not forget about the traditions that have been established over the years. In November 2017, you will have to take care of your children if they get sick. You can take sick leave and fully devote yourself to loved ones and household chores. Many Taurus, as if reborn and fall in love with their spouse. Another romantic honeymoon? Well, that's not bad.

Taurus Horoscope November 2017
Finance horoscope, career for Taurus in November 2017

Love horoscope for November for other zodiac signs: