A plan for self-development and self-improvement for a girl: where to start and what books are needed for this? Where to start your self-development.

  • 11.10.2019

Life, circumstances, or a sense of the meaninglessness of being often lead a person to the idea that it is time, finally, to take oneself into one's hands and start doing something. This suggests that it is time to engage in self-development. In fact, this is a cool idea, worthy of a standing ovation. But after making such a decision, a stupor often sets in - when you have no idea which end to grab onto and where to move at all.

If you go the wrong way at the very beginning, you can lose precious time. And it’s good if you come to your senses in a day or two, but if you spend six months or a year on it, at least it will be a pity that so much time has gone by. And if, having rolled up your sleeves, you start trying to become the idol of the generation from Monday, looking like a Superman, then by the weekend, most likely, you will take the remote control from the TV and you will look for something to stick into.

We have already talked about its importance in life more than once, but we decided to write an article about where to start when you don’t know what to do. No, we will not bombard you with advice in the spirit, do not, learn to set goals, cultivate positive thinking etc.

All this is good and great, but only a first grader does not know about it. Moreover, books are not always simple tips by correcting their habits give the desired result. Below, of course, we will not discover America either, but nevertheless we will try to touch on those things that are not often spoken about.

So, where should you start your self-development?

Stop wasting time

There are things that ruthlessly waste our most precious resource - time. It is ia, distraction or other similar phenomena. They are present in the life of each of us, and many people simply do not pay attention to them - they have become so firmly ingrained into everyday life. Meanwhile, all these are serious enemies on the path of self-improvement. By themselves, however, they do not mean anything, but the desire to devote time to them can cross out all good undertakings.

There may be several reasons for this desire:

  • Lack of motivation to do important things
  • Indulging your weaknesses, habits, instincts
  • window dressing

To overcome them, you do not need to be seven spans in the forehead. It is enough just to show maturity and apply the mind. Think for yourself:

  • What is more important: to go through a few exercises to train the brain or watch the next series of "House-2"? Of course, exercise. So, take it and do it!
  • Which is better: and or oversleep until 12 and then in the sweat of your brow try to make up time and do everything? Of course, get up early. So, get up and do the tasks!
  • What is more correct: to complain and remain in the image of a victim, or to take responsibility for your life, albeit through “I can’t”, but get up off your knees and start acting? Of course, act. So, pull yourself together and go ahead!
  • Which is more literate: “I don’t want to! I won't!" or “Decided, done, got the result”? Of course, the second. Well, so what are you? Work and get results!
  • What makes more sense: endlessly rereading motivational phrases and throwing all sorts of demotivators on the wall, or taking a self-education course, going to a training session, going to India to live in an ashram for a couple of weeks? Of course, what is the real benefit! , you can find a workout, save up for tickets!

You just need to cut off everything unnecessary. If you want to develop, develop if you really need it. Stop being led by losers, excuses and bad habits.

The winner is the one who does not feel sorry for himself and does not blame everyone for his difficulties and problems. If you're more comfortable sitting in your chair waiting for a miracle, then you don't have to go any further—keep it up.

If not, forget about laziness and stop wasting time. Start developing and stop doing nonsense. But work honestly in relation to yourself, and not for the sake of likes and the opinions of others.

By the way, here is a great motivation for action from a really cool guy:

Develop your mindset

All problems are in our head. Thoughts affect actions, actions affect results - elementary, Watson! It cannot be otherwise, and not only psychologists and self-development trainers talk about this, but also many religions and. The conclusion is very simple - success, no matter what area it concerns, is due to effective thinking. But what needs to be done so that the balls and rollers in the head start working the way we need?

We could recommend a couple of intricate books on how to make your thinking more flexible and efficient. But it is likely that after reading you will simply put them on the shelf, and you yourself will continue to live in your usual mode. Therefore, for real practical benefit, we advise you to focus and start doing:

In addition, we advise you to seriously think about what you want from your life in general, in which direction to move, what goals to strive for. Fortunately, we can help you find answers to these questions as well. Welcome here:

Start feeding your mind with useful information. This will help you create fertile ground for the start of self-development. Turning on the brain is not so difficult actually. Just pay attention to the fact that often it is turned off. And the more often you do this, the more malleable your thinking will become.

Remember death

Sounds provocative, doesn't it? But this is not a prophecy and not an attempt at all. However, we want you to remove your rose-colored glasses from your eyes. Personal self-development is not an occupation for those who are waiting for manna from heaven and think that everything they want will come to them by itself.

Time is running. Days turn into weeks, weeks into months, months into years. This is how our life goes. And at this time, we can sit on the couch and do nothing, engage in nonsense and waste precious minutes in vain. We are closed to new information and new opportunities. This makes us amorphous, lazy and going crazy with idleness. What is the result?

And in the end, we risk being left with a broken trough. We risk looking back and realizing that we have lived our lives without achieving anything. To achieve something is possible only through the development of oneself - only progress allows you to go forward. And the sooner we understand this, the sooner changes will begin to occur in our lives, the sooner we will begin to become better.

There is only one guarantee given to us from birth - the guarantee that we will all die. And it can happen at any time - today, tomorrow, in a year or in 50 years. Having accepted and realized the inevitability of our own death at a deep level, we will automatically learn to make a choice in favor of what is really important to us.

If you were told that you had two weeks to live, what would you do? It is unlikely that they would continue to lie in bed or take offense at native person because of stupidity. The priority would instantly be the most important and necessary things. I would like to do the maximum of what is in your power to become better, to bring joy and happiness to those you love.

Death is an adviser, as don Juan Carlos Castaneda said. Remember it more often, and you will stop lingering in the choice between the main and the secondary, you will always want to develop and move forward, more conscious and fulfilled.

Do it!

We can read a hundred books, review and relisten to a bunch of seminars, fill our heads with a ton of useful information. But this fact itself does not mean anything, and does not make us better or more successful than others. The whole point is that knowledge, even the most useful, in itself is only information. Much more important is what we do with them.

Here is one example: a person knows how to build a multi-million dollar business, and tells everyone he knows about it. He talks about and talks about the importance of moving into the investment sector, draws diagrams and tells how you can make a fortune. But he himself did not achieve anything, and somewhere in the depths of his soul he understands that for so many years he has not moved from his place.

And here is another example: a person does not know even half of what the first person knows. But he does not teach anyone about life, but acts stupidly: first one thing, then another, then a third. As a result, the first remains where he was, and the second reaches new heights, rejoices in his successes, expands the boundaries. What is the difference between these people?

The fact that the first only speaks, and the second moves and acts. This has always distinguished and will distinguish the winners from those who are used to complaining about life, pointlessly ranting and sitting still.

So you, thinking about where to start self-development, do the same. Decide what you need to do to start moving in the right direction, and start moving. Set goals, starting with small ones and ending with more serious ones, and also do not forget about intermediate ones. To better understand this diversity and generally learn how to set and achieve goals, read the articles:

Once you've set your goals, immediately (TODAY! NOW!) do something that starts moving you closer to them. If you want to learn how to read faster - find techniques and exercises (look for). Want to lose weight - learn about and. If you want to learn a foreign language, start with and so on and so forth.

Everything in this world is already there for you. Try to be smarter - look for ways of self-development and start applying them. There are a lot of them, and in the right direction anyone can. For the rest, we can only quote a wonderful phrase: "Even a slowly walking one will reach the goal, and millions of observers will remain watching."

Use your powers wisely

To start doing exercises in the morning, you need to make a little effort. It takes a lot of effort to cross the English Channel. Any action requires energy. But you already know it. The trick is that the energy has to be taken somewhere. But there is one trick here - you don’t need to take it anywhere - from ordinary person she is so. However, for many people, it goes exactly to what we talked about at the beginning - to unnecessary things, secondary tasks, meaningless actions.

Concentration will keep your energy from going where it doesn't belong. You will be able to direct all your enthusiasm and potential in the right direction. - you will feel a surge of energy. You can (or) - get rid of laziness, become healthier and more active, start sleeping better. At least a little - you will be more in time. Travel, and your horizons will become much wider, and you will gain experience and wisdom.

Surround yourself with useful activities, and your consciousness will gradually get used to constant development and itself will begin to demand it. Invest your energy in yourself - you will become smarter, more interesting, more competent, better!

What is the result?

And as a result, we get a ready-made guide for self-development (believe me, these five elements will be enough for you). Start by giving up useless deeds and developing your mindset. Remember from time to time that life is fleeting and time is running. Add to this immediate action and the right distribution of forces, and you will immediately begin to change and grow.

And if you want everything to be faster:

  • Write down all your ideas and reread from time to time
  • Form best image myself
  • Treat time as a valuable resource
  • Take at least one step towards your goal every day
  • Chat with smart, energetic and developing people
  • Lead
  • Learn to live in the present
  • Be open and honest with yourself
  • Take criticism the right way
  • people who take your time

We do not want to feed you with illusions: self-development is not work for the weak in spirit, not for lazy people and not for whiners. At the same time, it is a job for everyone and everyone. Anyone can start to engage in self-development and achieve outstanding results in life. Just try it, and after three weeks you will not want to return to your old life.

In short, everything depends on you. If you want to develop, start making yourself the master of your destiny, and do not remain a slave to the system and a victim of circumstances. We wish everyone to look in the mirror and see a person who is really worth something. And for more motivation, watch this short video:

Hello everyone. In this article, we will figure out where to start self-development, what should be the starting point personality development. If you asked this question, then today you will receive an answer to it!

So this is where development should start from. Need to start with changing your thinking! That is, for example, it is impossible to start any business if you are satisfied with working for a hired job, or it is unrealistic to go to dances if you are notorious and afraid that they will look at you.

If you want to improve somehow, then for this you need to understand yourself at the beginning of the path and understand in which directions you need to develop specifically. After all, there is no single concept “self-development is only a healthy lifestyle, quit smoking, drinking, and going to trainings for personal growth.”

The Internet is just full of such advice and this is fundamentally not true statements, then of course, it's great when you do not neglect these tips and lead the right way of life. But the fact is that for everyone the concept of "Correct" is individual.

So, where to start self-development?

Tip number 1. Understand yourself!

Understand what you want from life, what you want to do and in what directions to develop. I understand that for many this question is difficult, but nevertheless, if at this stage you are not able to decide, then you simply cannot go further, or you will go along a crooked road to nowhere.

By the way, there is one excellent article ““ not on this topic, so I highly recommend reading it.

It took me a lot of time to figure it out, unfortunately. Although now I understand that there is nothing to regret, because now there is concrete clarity, and I know what I should and want to do in life, what is my vocation, what is my mission and main goal. In order to understand, there are two ways;

  1. Just try one by one everything that life will offer and after who knows how many years to understand what your true passion is (not the best way truth?).
  2. Choose initially your passion, the business that brings you pleasure and fruits, both spiritual and material, and start acting in this direction.

I chose the second option and I don't regret it at all. If you still cannot understand what your true passion is, do the following:

  • Take a notebook and a pen and make a list of things you like to do, your hobbies or activities that bring you pleasure and do not get tired of them. The more the better (at least 10 different activities)
  • From the compiled list, select the 5 best and closest to you.
  • Then you can test each of these areas for yourself in order to understand what is more desirable.
  • After the test, you will definitely understand what is closer to you, what works better, and what you really want to do in life, and perhaps this is how you will find yours.

Something I was carried away by the choice of destination, but understandable. This is a very voluminous topic that cannot be covered in one article, so I will write in more detail about how to choose your destination in the following posts, I advise you not to miss it. And we will continue!

Council number 2. Pick up the relevant literature and start reading!

To start developing tightly in the direction you want, you need to be fueled by powerful knowledge in this area and nothing helps as much as. So go to the bookstore and find some useful material. of course, in addition to this, I advise you to take other books on the topic of personal growth, development, business, etc.

Definitely need to read books of different directions, so as not to get tired of the monotony and develop in different directions. When I asked myself the topic of self-development, I went to a bookstore and got myself the first book, Ladder to Success by Napoleon Hill. Won't say it was mine the best choice, as further I read more impressive ones, but nevertheless a start was made.

By the way, I have already opened a new section on the site, where I will talk about useful books that everyone should read, I will give reviews on them and briefly explain what the book is about, so that you can understand for yourself whether you need it or not, therefore, the first issues very soon.

Beyond Literature it will also be extremely useful to take additional courses, seminars and trainings on topics that are interesting to you and you feel that you need to pump certain skills. Now I’m not talking about those where all sorts of gurus will open your chakras and cleanse your body, but only those who help you fully reveal yourself in your favorite business and pump yourself up in this both physically and mentally.

For example: how to overcome laziness, how to put good voice and diction, how to get rid of fears and phobias, how to use your time effectively, how to learn to dance, how to find your purpose and life's work ... etc., etc. And now there is enough such goodness both on the Internet and offline. It all depends on what you need more at the moment.

For you, I will find the most useful and sensible courses and post reviews on them on this site so that you do not suffer from the tone of water and immediately take and apply the best.

Tip number 3. Think and act in the direction of your desires!

Do you already know about that? Or at least once heard about this theory, and maybe even felt it for yourself. I have no doubts about it, I have already tried it.

So, in order to give impetus to your development, you need to think in this direction, think about how you develop, how you become better, the main thing is to imagine exactly what you will become better in, how it will manifest itself in outside world and surroundings, how you will become a more authoritative and strong person in the eyes of other people!

It’s clear that thoughts themselves will not be enough, and skeptics of this theory may say that all this is nonsense, and yet, in addition to thoughts, certain actions must be constantly taken in order to grow every day.

That is, if you want to become the best in dancing, or in psychology, or in boxing, or in business and sales, do this regularly. Improve your skills every day, study books, courses, trainings and the most important thing – PRACTICE this knowledge, otherwise you won’t budge!

Of course, this is not all that I wanted to talk about within the framework of this topic, because the topic is quite voluminous, but today I wrote the basis for starting self-development. I did just that and everything went up further, so I advise you.

In the next article, I will continue this topic and in the second part I will lay out the maximum of chips that will be useful on the path of your improvement, therefore, in order not to miss it, you will receive it soon, as well as a number of other useful things in the future.

Finally, I prepared a useful video for you on this topic. We look:

That's all for today. See you later.

P.S. Write in the comments what you have already done for personal improvement? Where did you start or will you start?

Good day, dear blog readers. Today I want to tell you how to start self-development for girls and why it is important to start doing it as soon as possible.

The first stages on the path of self-development of a girl

For girls, self-realization can consist in many aspects at once, including work, study, family, appearance and many other facets. At the same time, some of them will really contribute to development, and, accordingly, to a good inner sense of self. The other part will be imposed by social stereotypes and will only lead to a decline in strength.

Self-improvement is a long process that has no end point. Rather, it is a certain lifestyle, attitude, philosophy and interest in the world around. But this does not mean that it occurs independently and unsystematically. On the contrary, it requires a clear setting of goals, a plan and an understanding of the direction of movement in order to correct actions.


In the process of setting a goal, it is necessary to correctly calculate your own strengths and interests. Otherwise, you can jump at a lot of offers without finishing anything.

On the initial stage goals should be:

  • real;
  • short-term;
  • motivating.

Under the reality of goals is understood as their correlation with their capabilities. If you set yourself the task of running 5 kilometers tomorrow, and before that for several years you even drove to a neighboring store by car, then at best you will fail the goal, at worst an ambulance will take you away.

Short-term achievement is necessary to maintain motivation for further achievements. In the early days of the “new life”, old promises kept, cleaning done, a new manicure, a chapter read will give inspiration, but the duration of getting the desired position or graduating from the university can be depressing with a daily lack of visible results.

But you can cheat and not give up on global dreams, they just need to be broken down into smaller components of the task. The weight loss program can be started by completing the point of purchasing a subscription to a fitness room. Developing your creativity by signing up for several master classes that will help you decide on the direction.

It is important to check each goal for truth, whether it is really yours - this is what the motivation point implies. If a woman needs to learn new language, then this will rather be done for the sake of new travels or in order to better understand your foreign lover, and the desire may also be associated with an increase in the career ladder.

But if such undertakings occur because one of the relatives demands this, or parents in childhood expected success in just such an area, then there will be no sense. Remember how easy it was for you to do the most difficult and crazy things when you were in love, and how everything fell out of your hands if you had to do something against your will. The feeling of easy falling in love is the main accompanying factor of fast and high-quality changes.

You will find goal setting methods and.

Areas of self-improvement or what to choose

A harmonious personality develops successfully in several directions at once, maintaining all important vital spheres at the proper level. But being at the beginning of the journey, you should conduct a kind of diagnosis of the initial data in order to understand what you have to work on first.

Good helpers for identifying weak areas are:

  • own feeling of dissatisfaction;
  • dissatisfaction of people whose opinion plays an important role (often problems are visible only from the outside);
  • present desires and dreams.

To make it easier to navigate, psychologists have classified the main areas of life:

  • health;
  • spiritual (emotional) sphere;
  • material security;
  • family;
  • friendly relations;
  • creation;
  • Professional Development.

For the most part, each person has a deficiency in the development of several areas at once, which indirectly affect the state of others. It is from scarce places that it is worth starting your self-development, and the best assistant for this may be the area that is best developed.

For example, if you have a complete zero with work, but everything is fine in relations with friends, then you can turn to them for help in finding a job. If you are a creative, but lonely person, then organizing your own exhibition can not only expand your circle of acquaintances, but also lead to changes in family status.

Planning your development

With regard to the goals set, it is necessary to build a clear plan for further actions, which will allow you to see the big picture, notice the speed of progress, and not deviate from what was planned. Naturally, each such plan will be unique, but there are common points.

Step by step instructions for self-development:

  1. Choose several goals of different scale. Let some moments be completed in 1 day, others require several months to implement or 1 year.
  2. For each goal, list milestones that indicate progress towards achievement (purchase of subscriptions, fixed indicators, quantitative achievements, etc.).
  3. The stages must be arranged on a time scale - what needs to be done in a month, in a week, tomorrow, tonight. It is necessary to indicate the execution time and the corresponding indicators. “Running today” and “running a 10K today at 6:00 am” are completely different items. The more specific the planning, the better.
  4. Get started as soon as you decide on a plan. Don't leave it for tomorrow or Monday, much less until next month. Do at least something small today, immediately after making a plan (well, at least google the necessary information on the selected goals).

Most importantly, don't lose your positive attitude, even if it doesn't work out right away. Fix attempts, adjust the load, since the first failures are most often associated with the inadequacy of the requirements set. Remember that any mistake is already an experience.

What helps not to give up halfway?

Step by step instructions only sets the direction. Initial confidence quickly vanishes as life changes and tensions arise. Self-development is always a way out of a comfortable state of anabiosis, where nothing happens, but where it is very tempting to return. In order not to regret the efforts spent and not to start many times from the beginning, it is worth providing yourself with additional support in advance.

The reaction of the social environment is important for every girl. Therefore, it will be great to inform all your loved ones about decision change into better side. Let your family know about getting rid of bad habits, then they will do everything to minimize provoking factors and will cheer you up when you want to break loose.

Among friends, you can look for like-minded people, especially when it comes to gaining new knowledge and skills. It is much more fun to go to classes together or sweat on the treadmill. In addition, it may turn out that it was the absence of a partner that stopped your acquaintances from their own development.

By the way, do not forget to inform your enemies about your plans - this is a great negative motivation. Knowing that these people are waiting for your failure, constantly asking stinging questions about changes, you can not only successfully achieve your goal, but also surpass the planned results.

Make new acquaintances in the areas where you want to develop. If you are going to improve your relationship - subscribe to a blog or a psychologist's page, communicate, ask questions. Thinking about expanding your geography - meet flight attendants, tour organizers and travelers. So you get a lot of useful information that is not available on the Internet.

Personal communication with a person who has already achieved something in the area you need allows you to learn faster and better, avoiding many mistakes when compiling an independent route.

inspirational literature

Self-development books are very different: from direct instructions on what to do and in what sequence, with a description of what your happiness lies in, to methods of spiritual search for your own path.

  • Professional Development Presented in Stephen Covey's Books "7 Habits of Highly Effective People", Seth Godina "Pit".
  • Spiritual and personal growth are considered in the work of Robin Sharma "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" and Paulo Coelho "Alchemist".
  • Sphere love relationships includes "How to make anyone fall in love with you" Layla Lowdens, "You don't know anything about men" Steve Harvey, "School of a geisha in ten simple lessons" Eliza Tanaka, and "5 Love Languages" G.Chapman.

This is just a small list of literature on the most common topics of self-development. Start with it if you haven't read any of it yet. Numerous other related books can be found.

Also, be sure to check out these free courses, especially for women. There you will find exactly what suits you.


Whatever path you choose, try to make it personal and happy. Joy is an indicator of the right direction of development. And do not forget to share your own ideas and successes with loved ones, to help others develop. If you know someone who needs a push of sorts, please share a link to my article and offer to start moving towards change together.

Until we meet again and good luck on your journey!

The material was prepared by Yulia Gintsevich.

Self-development and self-improvement - where to start? The article with the answer to this question will be short and extremely practical.

Congratulations - if you are asking this question, then you have already decided to change yourself and your life for the better. We've decided, so we've already started! The main thing is not to stop, so as not to lose inspiration. It is important to immediately begin to act so that everything does not end with just reading. useful tips and “doing nothing again.”

To prevent this from happening, so that you begin to act, here is the BEST MOTIVATIONAL PHRASE especially for you: “You are not eternal!”

The famous businessman and writer from the United States, Gary Vaynerchuk, at one of the meetings, spoke about his favorite phrase that he repeats every day when he wakes up. It enables him to remember the most important things in life, and not be distracted by trifles.

This phrase consists of only three words: "You are not eternal." This does not mean that they immediately want to scare you. Not at all. It means only one thing - if you want to be a happy person, then for this you have only one life. No one will give you and me another one. So, do not lose heart, lie on the couch and feel sorry for yourself! Start taking action and you will see how everything around you will change.

I want to tell you right away that each of us just a few years to build the life we ​​dreamed of. You can become better, smarter, more positive, learn new languages, start discovering other countries, do something useful for others.

It is this phrase “you are not eternal” that should wake you up in the morning and force you to give all your best.

And know no matter how old you are: 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 or 70! It's never too late to start a new interesting, meaningful life!

Self-development and self-improvement - where to start?

You need to start with what review your life because you already have achievements. There is no need to be upset if you set yourself some kind of goal, and having achieved it, you realized that it was a waste of time (for example, you set a goal to graduate from the institute, but it turned out that it was not needed). There is a wonderful Japanese proverb: “If you don’t try, you won’t know!”

Next, you need to write down the actions that you need to perform every day. Do not think that self-development will be difficult. Learning new things is amazingly interesting and exciting. You will notice that around you will begin to appear interesting people. You will have new opportunities. As you acquire new knowledge, your life, your surroundings will begin to change for the better.

Action plan

  • Write a list of goals(from the article you will learn the most popular 50 goals of people from different countries what are the goals and how to make a list of them). Only a bright, interesting goal can serve as a real motivation for action, for example, getting up early in the morning TO GO TO A JOB you hate is DIFFICULT, but getting up early in the morning IF YOU ARE WAITING FOR A TAXI TO TAKE YOU TO THE AIRPORT TO TRAVEL TO THAILAND, IS VERY EASY!
  • Start reading books, be sure to every day. Books on self-development, motivation, business and art. It is art books that will become the main source of knowledge and wisdom for self-development and self-improvement. Where to get time? Actually, there is time. Instead of liking pictures in social networks, read an hour. Plus, you can listen to books on your way to and from work (download audiobooks). Where to get the list?
    • Here .
    • You also need a list of books worth reading for self-development and self-motivation. Here list of books for self-development and personal growth.
  • Be sure to start learning languages. So your opportunities to learn something new will expand, you will start reading books in the original language. It will help a lot in learning - watching movies or cartoons in a foreign language. In this article, I have prepared for you.
  • Be sure to start keeping a personal diary. In it you will write down your ideas, dreams, plans, describe your feelings. You can make or buy a beautiful Diary. For example, I prefer to keep a diary on paper. But you can also do it electronically. Here are the best mobile applications for Personal diary - Penzu , Diaro .
  • Subscribe to brain training sites that will make you smarter and more intelligent, make you a genius with tests and exercises. Here is a list of such sites 4brain, Wikium and others like it.
  • Determine your purpose, your life's work, start your own business, and not sit out your pants on an unloved job.
    In this video, the Instruction of the famous psychologist, coach Pavel Kochkin, "How to find yourself (7 stages)". By answering all the questions, you will understand where you are stuck and how you can move on.

  • Sign up for one of the online courses at free courses online learningCoursera. These are courses taught by teachers from the most famous universities in the world. Many of the courses have already been translated into Russian. If you strive for excellence, it is important for you to become a professional in your field - the best photographer, marketer, programmer, etc. - Coursera has training in all areas of activity.
  • Follow new trends, ideas for business, advances in science and technology. In order to know a lot, I recommend these sites:
    • BBC  Future- IT news, news of modern technologies.
    • Postnauka.ru- educational site, science and technology news.
    • 99U - a channel about productivity and leadership.
    • YouTube EDU - educational YouTube channel with useful info.
  • Start reading personal finance books. This is an important part of self-development and self-education. Unfortunately, this is not taught in our schools. I wrote in detail about where to get this knowledge.
  • Start reading the Bible, this is the Book of Books from which all writers, philosophers and scientists draw their knowledge and inspiration. You need to know it too. If it is difficult to read on your own, there is free Orthodox courses . Spirituality is a very important aspect in self-development, self-knowledge and self-improvement.


Together with you, we answered the question: where to start in the matter of self-development and self-improvement? We have made a plan of what actions need to be taken for personal growth.

How to succeed? To do all this, I write down the days of the week in my diary, for example, English on Tuesdays and Fridays, an online course in Courser on Mondays and Fridays, books to read (or listen to) every day, and so on. In a word, allocate 1-3 hours a day to study all these areas of knowledge.

I also want to add this. I am a happy person and I enjoy helping others become happier. I open mine to you little secret: I noticed - if you want to be surrounded by happy people, you need to become happy yourself. To become happy yourself, you need to do what you love, be inquisitive, learn more and more new thoughts, ideas, worlds, countries, help others, love people and be able to appreciate what you have. To be happy, it is important not to lie, but to act. And in order to act, you do not need to postpone everything until later. Then you won't have time to do everything.

Each of you has only one life, and no one will give you a few more. So, don't sit stuck on your phone or TV, don't feel sorry for yourself and don't get depressed. There are so many interesting things around: interesting books, new knowledge, new countries, new meetings! Get started and then you can succeed.

Anyone can become whatever they want. Watch this inspiring video and get started:

I am sure that you will definitely succeed!

Self-improvement is a process of continuous effort to improve yourself and overcome your weaknesses and shortcomings. You can't do everything in one day. It takes a lot of patience, perseverance and constant striving to get better. And this is only a small part of what accelerates the movement of a person forward. So where do you start self-improvement?

1. Tidy up

Our environment greatly influences our thoughts and consciousness. So if your house is cluttered and dirty, then what will be your thoughts? You don't have to do it once a year. Try to clean regularly. Then there will always be clarity in thoughts. So if you are thinking about where to start self-improvement, then put things in order around you. But that's not all. Perhaps the most important thing is to put things in order in your own head. It means defining your goals and dreams. Moreover, the final result must be formulated, to which it is necessary to move every day. Set 5-7 ambitious goals and determine the steps needed to achieve them.

2. Take action!

Self-improvement is a favorite topic for many people. They have read many books about it and love to speculate and express their opinions. Just reading is not enough to make real changes in life. In books, we can only find inspiration and advice. You can talk very eloquently about what needs to be done to make changes. The hardest part is putting it into practice. Therefore, after reading any useful book, immediately act, applying the advice received in real life.

3. Maintain regularity and discipline

Regularity and discipline are the two things in our actions that self-improvement requires. How to start working on the implementation of these qualities? We need to change our attitude towards them. For many people, discipline is perceived as something that forces you to act against your own will. For example, if we do something to improve our health, then at first the body will resist with the help of laziness. Think of your regular activities as a short-term investment. It will take only a month for the things you do every day to become a habit and not contrary to your nature.

4. Find like-minded people

It happens that a person knows where to start self-improvement, but cannot take the necessary steps alone. In this case, you can try to find a team of like-minded people with similar tasks. Unification is one of the greatest forces. While working with others, you will receive inspiration and support. This can also be achieved by studying the biographies of prominent personalities. They have a lot to learn.

The paradox of self-improvement is that if we give most of our attention not to our own ego, but to those around us, then we achieve greater progress in personal development. So think about others more often. After all, a person is a social being, and the well-being of everyone depends both on himself and on the way he interacts with others.

Now you know where to start self-improvement. Be active and positive creators of your own life! Treat it like a game, and then you will succeed!