Florarium with your own hands. Do-it-yourself florariums and terrariums - photo Florarium in a round aquarium 20 liters

  • 23.06.2020

If you are tired of growing indoor flowers in ordinary pots, we offer the opportunity to create a home mini-greenhouse - a flower florarium. This rather original solution will allow you to easily create excellent decorations for any room. Now you will learn how to make a florarium with your own hands and you can even get acquainted with step by step instructions to the completion of this task.

What is a florarium: a variety of compositions in glass

Florarium is a real mini-greenhouse, where in glass containers the most different shapes and sizes live plants are planted. Usually, several types of colors are combined here at once, and a wide variety of colors are also used. decorative ornaments: starting from stones, and ending with cartoon figures and rhinestones. Thanks to such additions, it is possible to create very attractive living compositions that can decorate any room.

Did you know? The tradition of creating florariums dates back to XIXcentury. In those days, the windows of shops and salons were decorated with similar compositions, since glass containers looked more attractive than clay pots or wooden tubs.

Another feature of florariums is that by creating them, you create a special ecosystem with your own hands. After all, usually, for this purpose, semi-closed vessels are used, in which, with the growth of flowers, the humidity of the air increases significantly. Thanks to this, even tropical plants can be grown in florariums, which practically do not take root under normal conditions. Moreover, caring for plants in a florarium will not be difficult, since they themselves will accumulate moisture for themselves, and weeds appear very slowly in such an ecosystem.

Features of the arrangement of the florarium

The question of how to make a florarium includes a lot of aspects of creating a home greenhouse, which, in particular, relate to the choice of a container for planting plants, and the selection of the plants themselves. Below we list the main points that should be considered when creating a composition in jars with your own hands.

Choosing a place for a florarium

The placement of the mini-greenhouse will depend on the size of the container for the florarium, and what kind of flowers are planted in it. Since a large aquarium cannot be placed on the windowsill, it is worth choosing a plant for it that can successfully grow in partial shade. But when planting succulents, the place for the florarium should be as lit as possible.

Another aspect is the combination with the interior. Best of all, such mini-greenhouses look in the foreground, as they attract attention not only with the upper part of the plants, but also with the filling of the pot (some "inhabitants" are able to successfully develop even in white sand or special aquatic soil). It is best to put it in the middle of the table so that you can look at the flower arrangement from all sides.

What plants are suitable for florarium?

Plants for the florarium must be selected very carefully, paying attention to such aspects:

  • tolerance of high air humidity, which will inevitably be present in the semi-enclosed space of a glass container;
  • plant size (each flower should not grow more than 20 cm, although if your container for the florarium is very small, then the size of the plant should be the same);
  • slow growth of plants, which will allow for a long period of time to maintain the original appearance of the composition;
  • the compatibility of colors with each other in a decorative aspect, as well as in growth rates and care needs;
  • if you want to see in your florarium flowering plants, then consider also their tendency to rot after the flowers wither ( similar characteristic violets, azaleas and cyclamens are distinguished, which are best grown in open pots and in well-ventilated places).

To make it easier for you to cope with the task of choosing a plant for the florarium, here is a list of the most suitable ones:
  • ferns.
  • Fittonia.
  • Crotons.
  • Arrowroot.
  • Selaginella.
  • Alocasia.
  • Dieffenbachia.
  • Calathea.
  • Cereal calamus.

Flowering plants can also be used to decorate a glass container, however, in this case, special flowers will have to be installed next to the florarium. ventilation devices, due to which the humidity inside the vessel will decrease.

Cacti - not the most perfect option for the florarium, only if we are not talking about tropical varieties that can grow even at high temperature and humidity. In this case, it is better to plant succulents in an aquarium, many of which have an external resemblance to cacti.

Important! In such compositions, special moss for the florarium is often used, which, in addition to its decorative value, allows you to retain moisture inside the container.

Orchids are also well suited for the design of such compositions, however, in this case, you will have to use special florariums, on which heating, a barometer and a fan are already installed.

Choosing a place and a glass container for a florarium

Mini gardens in glass can be placed in almost any transparent container, which does not have to be glass (plastic products are in no way inferior to glass). It is only important that when filled with sand and other elements, the strength of the material can withstand the load and not crack. If you want to create a geometric florarium, you can plant flowers in an interestingly shaped chemical flask or bottle. By the way, bottle florariums are the most popular, since their creation requires the most effort. There are also such types of florariums as:

However, it is not recommended to create a completely closed florarium, since not all plants are able to endure the absence of fresh air currents. Even if the container you have chosen for the florarium has a lid, it will need to be removed periodically.

How to choose the soil for the florarium?

For plants in the florarium, loose soil that has a neutral acidity is best suited. Therefore, the easiest way is to buy a ready-made soil mixture for ferns in the store, which is distinguished by the indicated properties. But still, it is more rational to focus on the needs of each flower. For example, when growing selaginella, do not allow lime to be present in the ground.

Another important nuance preparation of the substrate for the florarium - no need for its fertilizer. After all, if there are a lot of nutrients in the soil, the plants will quickly grow and spoil the attractiveness of the composition. Also, the soil should be light, so as not to lead to decay of the root system of flowers. If you are preparing the substrate yourself, then use equal parts for it:

  • peat;
  • perlite;
  • vermiculite.

To make the acidity of the resulting soil mixture acceptable for plants, you can add 1 tablespoon of dolomite flour to it. If you are planting cacti or succulents, add some coarse sand or fine gravel.

Features of placing a plant in a glass container

Before planting plants in a container, it is important to decide where you will put it. If it will be located near the wall, then all the "inhabitants" should be placed so that the composition is attractive only from one side. For example, plant higher types of flowers behind, and leave moss in the foreground. But it is best to plant the plants in a centered manner, since the florarium will still have to be rotated periodically in relation to the light source in order to ensure uniform growth and orientation of the flowers. In this case, the tallest plants are planted in the middle, and the lower ones are placed around them.

Important! If you create a fairly large florarium (for example, an aquarium), then the flowers in it can be placed directly in pots, which are simply decorated with moss or shells. If they are planted directly in a glass container, then it is also necessary to create a drainage layer in it, the ratio of which with the rest of the substrate should be 1:3.

When planting plants in the florarium, consider the following rules:
  • the plant container must be clean, as when using an old aquarium, they can become infected with various diseases;
  • do not try to plant many plants at the same time, because close plantings will provoke flowers to stretch up;
  • select plants for composition with the same need for light, soil and moisture.

Rules for the care of the florarium

Care of the florarium is practically not required, since inside the glass container its own, independent ecosystem is created, which provides itself with moisture. However, some important requirements should still be observed.

What should be the lighting?

If you created a florarium with your own hands from succulents, then they will need a lot of light, but it is important that it does not hit the plants at a right angle (such placement can cause burns on the leaves). Usually, all tropical plants that are suitable for growing in florariums tolerate partial shade very well, so they can safely develop even in the far corners of the room.

Florarium or plant terrarium is a small home greenhouse, a transparent container made of glass or plastic, inside which plants grow. dry air in winter time year, lack of lighting, cold on the windowsill from window glass and lack of time for regular care often put an end to the dream of having your own tropical garden with moisture-loving and heat-loving species. It is the florarium that is the ideal solution for those who love exotic plants, but climatic conditions an ordinary city apartment is not conducive to their breeding.

What is a florarium

As a rule, the florarium is made of glass or dense translucent plastic, there are also completely wooden models or combined ones, with transparent inserts. Unlike a terrarium, a florarium necessarily has a narrowed inlet at the top or side to ensure a microclimate inside the container. Often this hole is completely covered by a lid. Special containers for growing plants are used, as well as all kinds of glass bottles, jars with lids, large bottles of wine, bowls with a narrower opening, laboratory flasks.

The main purpose of the florarium is to maintain a more or less stable level of humidity and temperature, as in a greenhouse. Special equipment for heating and lighting can make the florarium independent of the source of natural light and heat. All this allows you to grow the most whimsical plants in a container that require certain conditions and care. if the florarium is completely closed, it is necessary to ventilate it regularly so that condensation does not accumulate on the walls.

For plant terrariums, rectangular aquariums, terrariums for turtles, snakes and other animals, round large vases, bowls, even ordinary glass cups or glasses are used. This option is also called a showcase florarium. Access to plants here is open from above, which means that you must strictly observe temperature regime, regularly water and spray, avoid drafts if the plants need it.

Another important advantage of florariums is their compactness, which is especially important for owners. small apartments and small window sills, where there is not enough space for large flowerpots. A variety of plant compositions in the terrarium look very stylish and extraordinary, especially in comparison with standard pots with houseplants.

It is worth remembering that no matter how slowly the plants grow, sooner or later they will become crowded in a small container. Then the flowers can be transplanted into pots, and the florarium can be filled with a new composition.

Types of florariums

Florarium, in fact, imitates the natural habitat of selected plants. Therefore, you need to create a florarium with your own hands, based on the climatic zone and habitat. Do not plant ferns from wet forests and succulents from the desert in the same terrarium. Each type of florarium needs its own watering, ventilation and temperature regime so that the entire plant composition does not die. Let's look at the three main types of florariums.

Florarium "Tropical rainforests"

The compositions are based on tropical rainforests with a huge variety of plants, for example, the Amazonian rainforests, the rainforests of Southeast Asia, the Atlantic equatorial coastal forests. Even in a miniature container, you can recreate the likeness of multi-tiered selva forests using plants of different heights. It is important to foreground compositions remained open, making it possible to see all the tiers. Although the image of the rainforest is created mainly visually, using plants that are freely available in flower shops. It is not necessary to look for rare tropical species. The main condition for the selection of plants for the composition is similar soil requirements, moderate growth and the need for high relative humidity. It is preferable to use the soil of complex composition, with an admixture of coarse sand, leafy soil, peat. To maintain high humidity, you can put a small cup of water in a vessel and decorate it, put a small snag pulled out of the water.

Plants: ivy , asparagus, dwarf ficuses, calamus, begonias, miniature ferns, crotons, phytonias, hamedorea, selaginella, some types of bamboo with moderate growth.

Care.Caring for compositions with plants from the humid tropics largely comes down to maintaining optimal humidity and temperature in the container. Humidity level 70-85%, temperature not less than 25°C, frequent watering or spraying in conditions of very dry air in the apartment or when using an open terrarium.

Florarium "Semi-desert"

If you have neither the time nor the desire to monitor the humidity in the terrarium, often water and feed the soil, it does not matter, there are plants that do not need careful care at all. We are talking about the inhabitants of deserts and semi-deserts - a group of plants under the general name of succulents. And although it is believed that florariums are only suitable for tropical plants, succulents also do well in containers. For them, it is just convenient to use open terrariums and vessels without a narrowed neck. The soil can be formed from coarse and finely sifted sand, put a few stones, decorate with ceramic fragments.

Plants: all kinds of succulents of the original form - young, agave, adromiscus, beard, greenovia, wild, kalanchoe, malefora, spurge, euphorbia, different types of cacti.

Care. Watering should be done as the soil dries. During the growth period, from spring to autumn, once a week is enough - one and a half, and in winter period- once every three to four weeks. If you went on vacation for a couple of weeks - do not worry, the plants will meet you in the same perfect form. Succulents prefer moderate room temperature, even cool in winter - 13-15 ° C. The sun's rays are needed, so placement on the windowsills is quite justified.

Florarium "Mountains"

Mountain plants in plant terrariums can be conditionally divided into two types: inhabitants of high-altitude rocky, semi-desert plateaus and plants of forest foothills, including tropical rainforests. Therefore, the assortment of plants for a florarium with a mountain landscape is generally the same as for the other two species. The dry mountainous regions are characterized by plants of semi-deserts, and the forested mountains are inhabited by moist forests. For rocky areas, specific representatives of the Gesneriaceae are Saintpaulia, as well as some climbing plants. Again, depending on the chosen direction, the soil should be oily, saturated with organic matter and with good drainage or desert, with large pebbles. Actively use large stones irregular shape, with sharp edges and chips that will mimic rock ledges and peaks.

Plants: seleginella, ferns, ivy, saintpaulias, succulents, cacti .

Care corresponds to either florariums with tropical plants or desert ones.

Florarium "Moss"

Mosses are a division of plants spread over all continents, numbering more than 10,000 species! In nature, mosses grow in almost all climatic zones, often in very extreme habitat conditions. Usually bryophytes form dense clusters in shady places, love moisture, so they can grow in close proximity to water. Although there are many species that thrive in sunny dry areas, as well as in conditions of constantly low temperatures. In florariums, moss is often an additional element that covers open areas soil. But it is quite acceptable to make the main character of the composition out of moss. To do this, you can both purchase moss in flower shops for landscape design and decor indoor plants, for example, sphagnum moss, and dig up some types of moss in the forest. It is advisable to cut only the upper part, without the rhizome, to allow the moss cover to recover. The moss composition can include other plants, but try to make sure that they do not overlap or detract from the soft velvety cover. Moss does well in acidic soil, so you can purchase a special moss substrate from the store that can be laid on top of ordinary soil. With moss, florariums with a temperate forest landscape are well obtained.

Care. Create conditions for the natural habitat of moss. Place a container of water in the florarium, spray the entire composition frequently.

Master class how to make a florarium with your own hands

In order to make a florarium with your own hands, you will need:

  • glass container with or without a lid (aquarium, vase, jar)
  • soil that matches the plants
  • drainage (sand, small pebbles, expanded clay, broken bricks)
  • activated or charcoal
  • plants
  • decorative elements for decoration (figurines, houses, branches, driftwood)
  • tools (shovel or spoon, long tweezers, sprayer, watering can, scissors)

Prepare a planting container. Wash it well, pour boiling water over it. Pour a drainage layer 3-4 cm high. It can be expanded clay, coarse sand, pebbles, decorative pebbles for an aquarium, and the like.

Place activated charcoal directly in tablets or crushed on top of the drainage, fine charcoal can be used. This is necessary to absorb harmful chemicals from the water and prevent mold and mildew. By the way, it is recommended to water and spray the plants in the terrarium with filtered water.

Pour moist soil 5-8 cm on top. By the way, crushed coal can be mixed with the soil, and not laid in a separate layer. For compositions with desert plants, sifted sand can be used, and for tropical plants, a ready-made substrate. For decorative design layers of soil can be alternated with thin layers of colored sand.

Level the soil, use a spoon to make small indentations for the plants. Remove the plants themselves from the pots, clean the roots. Using tweezers, carefully plant the plants, sprinkle the roots with soil. Make sure that large leaves do not touch the walls of the container, otherwise condensation may constantly accumulate on them and they will rot.

Planted plants gently spray with a sprayer. If the soil is not moist enough, pour water from a watering can with a thin spout. Add decorative elements.

Here is another master class on how to make a florarium in a bank. By the way, a great joint activity with children!

Photos of different types of florariums for inspiration

Before you is a miniature corner of nature in glass vessel. Everyone can equip a florarium with their own hands. The sultry desert, humid tropics and even the prehistoric lost world can be seen in the works of people who are fond of this business.

Interestingly, the first florarium or "Ward's box" appeared in the thirties of the XVIII century. Its creator is a British physician and biologist who observed the development of an ecosystem in a sealed space. It turned out that plants that got into constant conditions feel good and develop well. This discovery gave impetus to the development of indoor floriculture.

Ward made it possible to transport rare species orchids across the ocean. The mahogany-framed glass boxes were skillfully carved, such an accessory was the pride of any salon.

Modern florariums are equipped with automation that monitors all internal processes and are not cheap. Terrarium for plants can be:

  • outdoor;
  • built-in;
  • suspended;
  • desktop or wall.
Table florarium

The shape is the most diverse: rectangular, cubic, rounded, elongated upwards. Vessels are either open or sealed.

For a florarium with their own hands, they use a three-liter jar with a wide neck or a glass vase. A spherical aquarium can also be adapted for a florarium with your own hands. When choosing a container, pay attention to the correspondence between the thickness of the glass and the size of the dishes. Otherwise, the walls will crack from the severity of the contents. A lid is a must.

Plants in the home florarium

At do-it-yourself florarium master classes, it is advised to plant slowly growing and low species. First of all, this is due to the fact that it will be necessary to take care of such a composition much less frequently. In closed florariums place:

  • fittonia;
  • croton;
  • arrowroot;
  • ferns;
  • small-leaved peperomia and begonias.

For the design of the "forest litter" use moss or various ground cover plants. This way you get a kind of tropical jungle.

Attention! Bromeliads are grown in orchidariums equipped with measuring instruments.

Plants selected for one florarium should be combined. It is impossible to combine drought-resistant species with moisture-loving ones. Glass containers are used for cacti and succulents. open type. Representatives of this group will help create the appearance of a mysterious desert. Use cacti, havortiya, young, fat woman, spurge for the florarium with your own hands. Unpretentious succulents are usually chosen by novice florists.

Advice. Dry florarium can be placed in a piece of bark.

DIY Florarium step by step

  • Vessel preparation. Glass containers are washed, disinfected with an alcohol solution, and dried.
  • The drainage layer is covered (expanded clay of fine fraction, river pebbles). In sealed vessels, drainage is 1:10 to the total volume of the container. If the bottom of the container has a drain or a removable bottom, then the "forest" florarium can be provided with water (5–10 cm), which will have to be changed from time to time.
  • Antiseptic layer (charcoal or activated charcoal).

Attention! Everything is carefully rammed so that there are no empty spaces.

  • Main soil. For succulents, coarse-grained sand and leafy soil (1: 2) are taken. The soil should be loose, breathable, poor in organic matter. Peat in the succulent substrate will encourage root rot. For plants in airtight containers, you should not use too nutritious soil, so as not to provoke their active growth. A mixture is suitable: leaf humus, river sand and coniferous earth. Spilled with warm settled water.
  • Planting plants. It is convenient to place plants in vessels with a narrow neck with medical tweezers or Chinese sticks. Make sure that the roots do not touch the walls of the container. If possible, the entire composition is centered so that on any side the florarium with its own hands has an aesthetic appearance. Plants should not be placed too closely. In the middle, as a rule, higher specimens are located, low and bushy on the sides.
  • Decorating the florarium with your own hands. Small pebbles, colored glass, textured dry twigs resembling fallen trees are suitable as decorations. Use various figurines, toys.

DIY florarium: care

Completely sealed florariums require virtually no maintenance. Rare watering, regular airing, pruning dry parts. In such dishes, a microclimate with the necessary humidity and temperature is maintained. Since no constant flow oxygen, plant growth slows down. Do not place the composition in direct sun or vice versa in shading. Often an artificial light source is required, to which the container is rotated evenly.

Attention! Condensation on the walls of the vessel is a signal for ventilation.

In large greenhouses, some plants are placed directly in a pot, carefully disguising its presence.

It is easy to take care of the "piece of the desert". There is no need for ventilation, watering is very rare. If the "residents" have outgrown their "house", they are changed to new ones, carefully removing them from the substrate. Fertilizers are not applied, the soil is changed no more than 1 time in three years. It is not necessary to make a composition for a long time, frequent updates will help you find more and more interesting options.

You can get your plant microworld using any glassware: teapots, wide glasses, candy bowls. Tiny compositions in burnt out electric lamps turn out to be very bewitching.

Large stones imitate mountain slopes, pebbles - a river bank, moss - a swampy clearing. The process of making a florarium with your own hands will bring pleasure and a desire to become closer to nature. Inspirational videos will help you understand the nuances of this most interesting activity.

Ideas for creating a florarium: video

November 2016

Do you know what a florarium is? As you can understand from the name itself, this is something related to plants. And there is. This is a flower arrangement. Only these are not the usual pots and vases with flowers. Florarium - these are flowers placed behind glass. Or rather, a living plant composition located in a glass terrarium - a jar, a glass, a bottle, an aquarium, etc. Sometimes the florarium is also called the "garden in a bottle." And not at all by chance. After all, in this way you can create a miniature rainforest, a piece of desert or rocky landscape.

Beautiful florariums

The first person to discover the possibility of containing plants in vessels was a Danish botanist Nathaniel Ward. It was he who, at the end of the 19th century, absolutely accidentally invented the prototype of the modern florarium - Ward's box. It was a glass closed vessel in which they transported different kinds exotic plants from tropical and subtropical countries to Europe. Due to this, new, unknown at that time plants spread around the world. Very soon, Ward's boxes appeared in the interior of fashionable secular salons of that time.

Florarium with orchid, moss and other plants

The baton was taken over by the American D. Latimer, who placed Tradescantia in a sealed glass vessel. It happened a long time ago, in 1960. Today, after many years, tradescantia also feels good in the resulting ecosystem. The plant produces oxygen, feeds on its own humus - takes care of itself. And in all these years, Latimer watered Tradescantia only twice - at the time of planting and after 12 years. And the whole care of the plant consists only in the fact that David from time to time turns the vessel to the light, first one side, then the other. It is clear that plants are able to exist offline.

Small florarium

Benefits of breeding florariums

A lot of people who dream of growing tropical plant species do not have such an opportunity in a city apartment. After all, a tropical flower is capricious, it needs a special temperature regime and high humidity He needs a greenhouse. And here the florarium will be an excellent alternative to bulky greenhouses and greenhouses. The terrarium creates a special microclimate due to the closed space. And this favorably affects the growth and development of many exotic plants and flowers.

Florarium in the shape of a cube

In addition, the florarium is incredibly beautiful! Composition of living plants and various decorative elements(snags, pebbles, various figurines) in a glass vessel - decoration in the interior of any home.

Florarium is very interesting! Caring for and observing the "garden in a bottle" will appeal to both adults and children. An unusual composition will become the "highlight" of your home.

High florarium

Florarium with carnivorous plant

Florarium with succulents

Florarium with stones, moss and other plants

Original florarium with orchids

What is needed to create a florarium

Creating a florarium with your own hands is a curious and quite simple task. This task is quite within the power of even a completely inexperienced amateur grower. It is enough just to know a few secrets of how to make a florarium at home.

So where to start?

Creating a florarium should begin with the preparation of all its components, as well as tools that may be useful in the course of work.

List of necessary items and materials in order to create a florarium with your own hands:

  • glass vessel - can be of any shape and size. For an open florarium (showcase florarium), a rectangular, round or geometric aquarium, a large bowl, a vase, a glass are suitable. For closed version- pharmacy bottle, jar for jam. In order to create a hanging mini florarium, you can use special containers purchased at the store, or even an ordinary incandescent lamp. The florarium in a pot-bellied bottle is very popular.
  • Decorative elements - beautiful pebbles, shells, pebbles, small colored glass, snags, moss, ceramic figurines, etc. All that is enough for your imagination and taste.
  • Soil - it is better to buy special, prepared and intended for a specific type of plants and flowers. A mixture of garden soil and sand can also be used as soil.
  • Activated charcoal - added to the soil in order to keep it fresh and to absorb odors.
  • Drainage - necessary for the florarium. If you do not use it, the roots of the plants may turn sour, and it will simply die. For drainage, sand, pebbles, expanded clay, or a plastic grate are used.
  • Tools - a surgical clamp for planting a plant in a container with limited access (if you make a florarium, for example, in a bottle). Alternative option surgical clamp- Chinese sticks or tweezers. Pinned on the needle wine cork, or a school eraser - for tamping the soil. A medical pear, a miniature watering can or a small spray bottle - for watering plants.
  • Microclimate control devices (thermometer, hygrometer) and lighting - these devices will be necessary to create a humid florarium from tropical plants that require high humidity.

Necessary items for creating a florarium

Florarium with panda figurine

Beautiful bright florarium

Florarium with deer figurines

Streamlined florarium

Choosing plants for the florarium

It is important to choose the right plants for the florarium. They should be small in size and preferably slow growing. In addition, they must be combined with each other in size, color, texture and be similar in terms of content.

Florarium with an orchid and a fern in the interior

For a dry florarium with a rocky or desert landscape, succulents are ideal: jade, agave, saxifrage. These plants are unpretentious and are most suitable for beginners who want to create a florarium with their own hands.

For a wet florarium that imitates a small piece of tropical forest, you can choose small bushes of begonia, tradescantia, phytonia, chlorophytum, pilea. These species are characterized by more active growth, and therefore begonias and tradescantia will need to be pinched, and chlorophytum will need to be periodically replaced with new shoots. Moss and ferns are also great ingredients for a wet mini-garden in a bottle. For the composition, various types of moss and ferns are used. But most often, this moss is sphagnum, and from ferns - multi-row, pteris, asplenium.

mushroom florarium

For a florarium with flowering plants, saintpaulias, cyclamens, azalea, gusmania, orchids are suitable. True, the latter are very whimsical and their maintenance requires lighting and a ventilation system.

In addition, plants with unusually colored leaves are used to compile the florarium: fittonia, crotons, alocasia, begonia, etc.

Important: open glass containers are suitable for a dry florarium with succulents, and a closed vessel is suitable for a wet florarium with tropical plants. Moss is also moisture-loving.

Unusual florariums

Florarium care

A closed-form florarium should be watered extremely rarely. To avoid blurring the soil, this must be done carefully, using a medical pear. Such a florarium should be ventilated periodically, especially when large drops of moisture appear on the walls of the vessel.

High florarium with cacti

Open florariums are watered regularly. Except for succulents that don't need frequent watering.

Florariums do not need frequent feeding, as there is no need to stimulate their growth.

It is necessary to wipe the walls of the vessel, monitor and change the soil layer in time, remove diseased and damaged plants. Also, in the absence of artificial illumination, it is necessary to periodically rotate the vessel relative to the light source.

Florarium with cacti in the interior of the house

That, in fact, is the whole care. Easier than some potted plants.

To create houses ornamental garden, you will need a minimum of costs, a little free time, a maximum of imagination and a great desire. And the result will be a fantastically beautiful decorative mini-garden. Whether it is an unusually shaped hanging vessel with an orchid, or a geometric florarium with moss and cacti. In any case, it will surely become a bright and unforgettable accent in the interior of your home!

Florarium with an orchid in the interior of the house

Photo gallery (20 photos)