What events do the fields dream of. Favorite dream book describes what a beautiful dream is about

  • 30.09.2019

The scale of our dreams is great. For half an hour of sleep, we can fly around the entire planet, visit uncharted islands, go on an intergalactic journey or visit a parallel world. There are no barriers to sleep.

Sometimes the beauty that we encounter in visions is amazing. It can be murmuring and emerald-colored hills covered with grass, and snow-capped peaks, and sandy ocean. Everything appears to us in visions brighter and more beautiful than in reality.

To be awake in a field and see how its edge goes far beyond the horizon means to feel a lot of everything, but the main thing is to feel your connection with the earth. What does it mean if you dreamed of a field?

Let's try to find out why the field is dreaming. So, as he says Slavic dream book, the field is a symbol of hope and great achievements. But as you yourself understand, the field can be anything (both wheat and flowers) and this, of course, will affect the interpretation of the vision.

In order not to be mistaken in the analysis, it is important to take into account all the details of sleep. From appearance, before your actions. Do not treat the details with disdain, because it is from the little things that a good interpretation is built.

What is important to consider when analyzing a dream:

  • Wheat or football?
  • Plowed or abandoned?
  • What did you do?

Look around - what do you see?

First of all, answering the question - why the field is dreaming, remember what it was like. If you had an endless wheat field in front of you, then a hospitable future awaits you. You will never need anything, most importantly, be generous to others.

If it was wheat, and rye, and buckwheat, it means that you will not be bored. You will find many different, interesting events that will open doors that have long been closed for you. If the earth was littered with many, then such a vision promises you romantic adventures. Also, a lot of berries in a dream means that soon you will accept gifts and courtship.

If you deal with the question - why the field is dreaming, then you should definitely remember whether you were on the ground. The land covered with hectares of greenery and flowers indicates that you creative person. A real creator lives in you, who only needs to create the conditions for innovation.

Also, green herbs and flowers in a dream of a young girl predict a successful marriage. Your fiancé will be a real romantic and sensitive person. Seeing yourself surrounded by flowers and sunflowers means that you will soon become a leader. Also, a field of sunflowers is a symbol of your piety.

If you saw a green field of tulips in a dream, then expect a meeting with a passionate admirer. If you are surrounded by yellow tulips, then all your dreams will soon come true. And enjoy life among tulips white color, then something magical and magical awaits you.

A meadow of dandelions on which they grow medicinal herbs, it is a symbol of your simplicity and kindness. Also, being in a meadow of dandelions means that you will soon be appreciated. A chamomile field in a dream is a symbol of innocence. You are perceived as a subtle, sensitive and of course innocent person.

dominance around means that hard work awaits you. Also, potato flooring is a symbol of unexpected diseases. Corn green floor in a dream means that you have a long road ahead of you. The most interesting thing is that it is not yet known where you will go and what will be waiting for you there.

A football green field covered with a layer of grass is a symbol of the fact that you perceive life as a game. It is important that a decent team is next to you, otherwise you may be defeated. Also, when dealing with what the field is dreaming of, it is important to remember what the land was like.

  • If in a dream it was uneven, with bumps, then this predicts you a happy and long life.
  • The earth is solid, rocky, says that trials await you. But do not worry, they will only temper your spirit and you will become invincible.
  • If the land in a dream was fertile, it means that you have remarkable potential. The main thing now is to sow it and wait for shoots, but remember that quickly, but soon nothing happens, everything takes time and effort.

Plowed green floor, a symbol of your work. Also, a plowed floor with flowers in a vision may mean that serious changes in life await you soon.

A plowed football field dotted with yellow dandelion flowers and many berries indicates that you have forgotten about yourself and your needs. You only dream, but do not realize anything. It's time to start turning castles in the air into real ones.

What did you do?

Answering the question - why the field is dreaming, it is important to remember what you did. If you saw a plowed wheat field, on which you yourself worked, then you are ready for serious work, ready to go towards your goal and withstand adversity.

If you were sitting on the floor of wheat that had risen, it means that it is time for you to harvest. The work that you have been doing for a long time will finally begin to bear fruit. Collecting herbs, surrounded by flowers, sunflowers and berries, means that beauty will always be present in your life. You will always be among flowers and numerous admirers.

Picking berries on a land strewn with ears of wheat means that you will soon meet with several potential suitors. Remember that the future husband must be chosen by consciously listening to both the voice of reason and the heart.

Thus, having figured out what the field is dreaming of, wheat, corn or sunflowers, you can understand what to do next in your life. But remember, any dream is only a harbinger of an event, whether it will come true or not is up to you to decide.

Being on bare fields is a harbinger of financial losses, beveled predicts difficulties in business. Most likely, the project that you have worked diligently on will not give the expected results. Seeing a spacious field filled with eared bread promises great profits, plowed field portends a short path to wealth.

Why the field is dreaming - according to Vanga's dream book

Fertile fields in dreams promise a fruitful year for mankind. For you, such a dream can be a harbinger of material well-being and stability in all aspects of life. Empty, devoid of any vegetation fields doom people to a severe prolonged drought. If you feel dry soil under your feet or see deep cracks in the ground, this is a sign of a powerful earthquake that will leave thousands of people homeless.

Mowing the grass on the field is a sign of diligence, soon you will be entrusted with a responsible task, you need to approach it in a balanced, rational way so as not to “lose your face” in front of the authorities and the team.

Why the field is dreaming - according to Freud's dream book

Wandering through a snowy field and enjoying the surrounding beauty in a dream is an omen of an imminent meeting with a person who will give you heaven on Earth, a complete idyll is expected in family and sexual life. To stay in the open spaces in a hot summer means to experience an exciting whirlwind of emotions, passion and happiness. But such a dream portends a fleeting romance, and, most likely, a blazing flame that flared up in an instant will just as quickly die out.

Why the field is dreaming - according to the dream book of Nostradamus

A dream in which you walk through uncultivated fields, catching every second of peace, means independence and serene life without steep ups and downs. Mezha symbolizes loneliness, renunciation of society, pilgrimage, solitude with nature. A plowed field prophesies success, a planted one - a bountiful harvest, spiritual and physical health, a steel will. Beveled promises bad news and worries for loved ones.

Meadows with verdant bright carpets portend the onset of a happy streak. Seeing how machines thresh ears is a good turn of events. Fields dotted with hemp warn of disagreements, quarrels and misunderstandings in the family. A lake in the middle of an endless field suggests that you are experiencing a crisis, but soon you will meet a person who will help you perk up, find hope for a brighter future.

Why the field is dreaming - according to the English dream book

Green fields, shrouded in the warm sun and birdsong, symbolize prosperity. Wander through the withered or scorched expanses - bad sign promising poverty and hard work. A sown field testifies to influence, high authority and useful connections.

Why the field is dreaming - according to Tsvetkov's dream book

- walking along it - to a meeting with a soul mate;
- sown with wheat - for profit, profit;
- sown with potatoes or corn - to the chores.

After such a dream, one should be attentive to the signs sent by fate.

Why the field is dreaming - according to Hasse's dream book

The field is a reflection of your life: fertile - promises success and prosperity, mowed - failures, plowed - achieving material prosperity through your own work and determination, empty - hunger, luxurious - a good stable income.

Why the field is dreaming - according to Meneghetti's dream book

The field, like the earth, in the understanding of Meneghetti, is a mirror of the inner world of the individual, symbolizes the balance between external and spiritual reality. According to the specific details and the image that appears before you, the overall picture of the dream is formed.

Why the field is dreaming - according to the universal dream book

The flower field portends: for the lonely - a successful union, for those who are married - happiness, love and peace in the family. Plowed - warns of obstacles that you can overcome by showing perseverance and a little ingenuity. Wheat or corn - to profit and improve the financial condition of your family. Working in the field is a sign of overwork and lack of sleep. To avoid unpleasant consequences, rest properly!

Collection of dream books

Why does the Field dream in a dream according to 38 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Field” symbol from 38 online dream books. If you did not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all the dream books of our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of sleep by an expert.

To be in a deserted, dull, winter field- to loneliness, life struggle.

Green field - you mean good earnings.

Measuring the field is hard work.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

A field with a harvest is a good, successful life period.

A plowed field is a quick achievement of the desired goal.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Field in a dream - symbolizes your deeds, plans and undertakings.

A lot of weeds - you have a lot of superfluous: things, interests, activities that take energy.

Erotic dream book

If you have a dream in which you see an endless snow-covered field- this means that you will have a happy and long-awaited meeting with a person who will turn out to be an excellent sexual partner, capable of fulfilling any of your most cherished desires.

If you see yourself walking through a field on a hot summer day- you will be captured by a whirlwind love relationship with the one you've been dreaming of for years. This will happen in the very near future. Do not miss your chance and prove that you are capable of selfless and devoted love.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: Field according to the dream book?

According to the dream book, a field on which a rich harvest ripens- promises well-being and prosperity.

More interpretations

If it's after the harvest- in the near future you will not see happiness.

If nothing is left on it because of the scorching heat- what you planned will not come true.

A field that has just been plowed- achieve everything you want and be proud of yourself.

Dream Interpretation interprets the football field- as a sign of your self-sufficiency and absolute self-confidence and the correctness of the path you have chosen, and no one can make you doubt it.

A dream in which you saw a plowed field- in the very near future you will be able to achieve your cherished goals, luck will be your faithful companion.

The dream interpretation interprets a field covered with greenery or spikelets- as the beginning of a new life period filled with happiness, when everything will turn out exactly the way you want it to.

If farmers see such a vision, they can safely count on rich harvests this season, weather conditions will be as comfortable as possible.

Video: Why is the Field dreaming

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    • Valya, you are trying to express yourself among the people around you. The dream indicates that you succeed. But the methods by which you achieve this do not cause admiration among your loved ones. In addition, all these actions will not lead to anything good that will help you in life.

  • somehow I ended up in a field where women work, I asked them how long it takes them to weed one bed and how much they get for it. the beds were very long. it turned out that in a day they can get 10 times more than I do at my job, and I decided to work there, agreed with the chief and got to work. it was very hot, I thought it would be nice to cover up from the sun so as not to get burned and it was a pity to spoil the manicure that I had just done. But that didn't stop me and I set to work with full responsibility.

    at first I dreamed of a bus in which there were people whom I don’t know most of. It was an ordinary bus, and then somehow it became for a camp or something. Everyone was there from 10 to 18 years old. Then from the city we ended up in the village. the bus stopped and I don’t even remember how I ended up in the field. The field was green, such a bright color, there was still a village, but there were no trees, only flowers and a lot of sunflowers. I woke up when I was running across the field

    sunny day. summer
    the sky is clear
    Three people are standing on the field, one of them is my daughter, the other is my sister. I don't see myself, but I know that I exist too
    the voice says: "you are all infected, only he will avoid it"

    Hello! i dreamed that I and someone else with me were standing on a hill, and below there was a large field, the sun was shining, nature was nearby, and a handsome young black horse was running across the field like the wind, he was running, his mane was waving in the wind, and I was standing I enjoy this spectacle, how beautiful it is, and the dream is very colorful, there is greenery all around, nature, everything was just so beautiful. I have never had such dreams. Then I look at the sky, and there a rocket flies and I shout to everyone, look what is flying, it’s a rocket, and it’s like a salute from it, it’s so beautiful. I don’t know how to interpret this dream, help me. The horse is very beautiful, very.

    i dreamed that I was walking along a beautiful wide yellow-golden earing field, the sun's rays illuminate everything around and it's so warm, an annoying guy is following me, I didn't see his face, and ahead of me is the bustle of the city

    A dream in which I walk through a green field on which watermelons grow. I'm looking for big watermelon and I can’t find it, either melons come across, or I see a pumpkin. I walked for a long time, and at the end of some village, I don’t remember the name, but I see a large monument in the form of a boot, it’s like a monument to the village, or something like that the village is called)))

    I had a dream but I was running along a hill where a lot of white rabbits and gophers were grazing, green grass is everywhere, and I have some kind of raft in my hands (I don’t remember the color, shape), but I remember that I was looking back at someone then I saw only my recently dyed in white curled curls of hair, and all so happy !!!

    I dreamed of a train that stopped in the middle of the field and couldn’t move, but another train should come to meet it, and I was standing in the vestibule and I didn’t know what to do and where to run, then I opened the door, jumped out, and there were a lot of people As it turned out, someone helped me.

    A field divided into cells is dreaming. In many cells there is just dry grass, such as happens at the end of summer, and in others ripe grain such as oats or millet. Someone is mowing millet with a sickle, but I run and don’t know where I can mow, but I really want to. Then the picture changes and I dream of some room where I have to plaster something on the wall, where they are already walking construction works. I'm on the search again.

    I saw in a dream how my husband and I were driving a car along wide road h / w fields that are even like squares and they all have ears and they are all different wheat barley oats but perfectly clean without weeds all the ears are like silky one to one and then I pass through for some time and see that they have already been harvested and perfectly even plowed

    Good afternoon.
    I dreamed that I and a girl (I know her from a dream) were going to the field for the harvest (like corn, but I'm not sure). And above the field there is a huge black cloud, and along the edges of the cloud there are tornadoes (about 8 pieces). And behind the cloud the sky is clear, clear, heavenly blue color and white clouds. When we entered the field (I didn’t feel fear in a dream), my companion was sucked in by one tornado and I tried to save her ... I don’t remember anything else ...

    Hello Tatiana!
    I constantly have dreams that I remember all my life .... Usually this different kind apocalypses where I save strangers, little children..
    Today I had a dream in which I walk through a wheaten, almost golden field and sob.
    Thank you.
    Sincerely, Alena!

    My daughter and I are in a large familiar field near the village. Guests at home - and we decided to go for a run, but not because we were in a hurry. We join hands and run across the field. Underfoot (as far as I remember, there were no shoes on them) - fresh green grass- so it flickers! We run very fast - I'm still surprised how my daughter manages to keep up with me ...

    I dreamed of a potato field, that potatoes sprouted on it, green neat bushes, and I know that the potatoes are ours, and strangers planted them, as if we were hiring someone, and it was already hilled, only the field was not completely planted, row 2 not planted. And some people wanted to dig, I did not allow ....

    I am standing on the edge of a field with dense green shoots, the weather is sunny. I am comfortable. But there are weeds. It seems that the rows of seedlings have grown together and it is impossible to hill them up, but separated rows of seedlings come out from under the harrow or plow, and this pleases me

    There was a sunset. In a large house in the middle of a huge field (or rather, even a steppe), a lot of people gathered. Then everyone found out that there was a bomb in it and began to run. Some stupid girl pulls me and shouts: "Let's hide behind the sofa!". And I understand that this will not save me in any way, I unhooked from her and ran out of the house. I was running very, very fast along with other people. There was another one near the house wooden outbuilding and at first I wanted to hide behind her, but then I was afraid that the explosion would hit her too. Therefore, I ran, ran across this endless field as far as possible now alone, because I overtook everyone who was running from the explosion. And I see myself from above, running in my traditional dress towards the horizon at sunset. And the sunset is very beautiful: orange and blue color beautifully combined, some clouds. And in the field the grass is not high, it is easy to run. I didn’t hear it, I didn’t hear the explosion, but I didn’t turn back either.

    The feeling that I was riding in some kind of bus and suddenly this bus abruptly leaves for a field sown with wheat, but the bus crossed the ditch and sharply pecked, as they say, with its nose on the ground, but nothing happened. I tell the driver: Let's turn left, there is an exit from this field, and I say again - this is my mother-in-law's field, let's leave faster, otherwise she will ask us that we drove through the field and broke the spikelets. And we left. from her field.

    A very beautiful green field, located somewhere not in our country. I was not lying on his grass, very soft and pleasant - bliss ... .. there was an elevator not far away. The field itself is on the mountain, below you can see beautiful, neat houses

    good afternoon! I had a dream from Friday to Saturday, I am on a plowed field, it is warm outside and I see a tornado in the distance, clear contours and how it moves towards me, moves towards me. I fall into this storm and feel what strong wind, they are trying to drag me into the center of the storm, but I resist and then I don’t remember, then I suddenly found myself in training and working out techniques on mats

    I was in the steppe, and there was such greenery all around, there were people with me, but I don’t remember who they were. The only thing I wanted to take a picture against the background of this greenery and I was told to wait until some person came out. We stood either near the hut and waited for her.

    I dreamed that I was walking across a field (plowed). The ground was soft. There was a very deep hole in the field. I climbed the field to the mountain and went out to the people. There was a small church there, but I didn’t go there. And went to the people in the house.

    I wanted to catch up with my friend and decided to "cut the corner" - I ran through the harvested field. The stubble was bright yellow, I ran downhill, very fast, with delight! On the move, he ran his hand along the stubble and it turned out to be surprisingly soft, and at the very edge of the field the strip of stubble was brightly Green colour and it surprised me. As a result, I got ahead of my friend and instead of catching up with him, I went out to meet him ...

    I dreamed that a guest appeared sitting at the table, then he was dad and I went through some kind of dry log that had been removed, but leaves were scattered around it to create the appearance of a living field, then we moved to a green field, but like tall green reeds

    As if I run and see muddy field and flower, but in the end I choose flower, then I end up in a holy place where I eat 7 holy candies that cannot be eaten. What would that mean, please tell me?

    In a dream, it was that I was somehow thrown into the field. I was driving a car. I was attacked by 4-5 dogs (evil) in the form of wolves. When I tried to disperse them, it was winter. But then sharply wolves (dogs) ran away and I ended up in a field where it was dark.
    I walked and walked and then dawn appeared.

    on the edge of the village a little closer to the ravine, I see new house with white brick as if this is my house, all around is a high field of wheat, everything is green, a little further there are tall green trees, but I didn’t like that this house is on the very edge, I know that the neighbors don’t live nearby, everything is somehow remote, thanks

    I woke up in a dream, saw a green field through the window, walked through the village house to the exit, met my beloved girl, talked to her, I stood on the street, and she was outside the threshold in the house.
    I don't remember anything else

    I am sitting in the car in the back seat on the side of the road near the yellow field. I see how resilient and heavy the mown ears are.
    They are so big and thick and I ask the owner of this field to give me a sheaf of these ears, then I see that my family and I are visiting him.
    The house is rustic, on the floor the self-woven paths are so bright and in the corner there is a broom with a dustpan.
    I went outside and saw that the fence caught fire, extinguished. And in a dream, everyone was waiting for a call from someone.

    I woke up in an open field that was fenced with mountains, very sharp, I got up from the ground to my feet and began to look around, I heard a growl. The dream was not in color. I was not scared, but the anxiety in my soul does not want to leave me

    my mother and I were on the field there were a lot of people we plucked extra grass from the roots of the road, I lagged behind them, one woman offered me her chopper, but it was not convenient for me then I decided to pick it with my hands and I immediately moved forward and the guys managed to wash these roads later the road became clearer. The weather was clear, the sun shone all around green.

    I dreamed of a plowed field. There is a cemetery on the edge of the field. My wife is waiting for my death, but I cannot die. And I tell my wife how I will be left alone in the cemetery.
    Then I thought in a dream that I was 38 years old and it was too early for me to die. I also saw a sign on the cross with a photo, the image was blurry. Like an old woman?

    I’m walking along the road in the middle of the field. It’s night, deserted, scary, the road is powdered with snow goes forward. Buildings and people walking towards me are far away. I reach the buildings and see a plowed field and a tractor that unexpectedly turned around the corner, almost ran over me .

    i dreamed that my friend sowed a field in my city ... Then she called me to mow it with a sickle. The field was yellow. ripe. But I refused and left. Then I returned and saw that she almost mowed it herself with this sickle. I I was very surprised that she mowed it so quickly and even with a sickle .... I didn’t make out what was sown there. I just saw a yellow field with tall grass. It looked like sorghum from which weave brooms ... According to her, it was so ...

    I, a child and two other people like a man, were walking through a field that looked like wheat, but for some reason it was in the subconscious that it was barley, because it was low, ripened. The color is yellow of ripened grain. It seems like they wanted to shorten the path, but there was a field on the way, or they wanted to run away from someone. I didn't really understand because I woke up.

    All this seems to have happened in the camp. Some biologist went into the field. Me, my friend and our families went with him. We quickly ran along the asphalt path. We ran to the field. Corn and sunflowers grew in the field. The field was divided by the same path next to an iron booth. There were no people other than us. So I screamed loudly like a crow. Then the dream faded. All bright summer colors have become dark and gloomy. The sky was clear, but then a flock of crows flew out from behind the forest with a cry. Then quiet circus music began to play, and where the crows flew out, there was a small explosion and a large green cloud began to grow. We all ran.

    Hello, I'm standing on the edge of the field with headphones on. The field in front of me is sown with some kind of crop. My condition was not very good, I felt bad. Next to me is the popular esoteric Andrey Duiko. He is also wearing headphones. Then he stepped aside, sat down by the road and began to talk on the phone, someone called him. I took off my earpiece and listened to what he was saying, but I couldn't hear anything. I woke up.

    hello, I run through an empty potato field and catch girls' children and next to them they joke the same field a wheeled tractor he ran into my daughter's leg but did not press down, he just ran into her shoes, I pulled her out and scolded on this I woke up

    My friend and I were in the field, we stood for a long time, later I saw a golden monument in the form of a key, then we went into the forest, we were told not to go there, they say, abandoned places and go for a very long time. But we went and we walked for 2 minutes then I woke up

    I went to the field with my grandmother and brother. We walked a little and my brother lay down on the field to sleep and rest. My grandmother and I went further, we went deep into the field. The field was very beautiful golden green, there was also tall grass, the sky was blue and beautiful and there were beautiful clouds high up. On the way, we met a good-natured watchman with a dog, when I was walking through the field with my grandmother, I ate a large crust white bread. Grandma and I got to a very beautiful place and I had the feeling that I had been here more than once. I looked at my grandmother and said to her: you like it, look how beautiful it is here, I smiled and sighed deeply. I felt very good and calm in my soul, a little later the watchman's dog ran out of the bushes and followed her. I sat down a bit, broke off a piece of bread and handed it to the dog, she was friendly. And I woke up. I have this dream from time to time. I go there either alone or with someone

    A field, not a single tree, only wildflowers. I bend down to pick a couple. Suddenly, a house appeared in front of me, just four walls with windows and a roof. Dirty blue color crashed into the eyes. And then, suddenly, I find myself inside this house. It looked much bigger there than outside. A square piece of field remained in the middle of the room. There was no roof over this place. I could not get into this small field because of the low fence, which, for some reason, I could not climb over. For days I walked around the clearing, waiting for something. And after a long time, the fence disappears. I run to the center, but I don't see anything. The sky is empty, there are no flowers on the ground. The feeling is still there… A little disappointment or something… But I keep waiting. I turn around, the walls are gone. I look at the sky, I see birds. A light cold wind passed over my skin and I closed my eyes.

    I first went through a field of wheat. Knee-high wheat went because people were supposed to come there to do some work. Not for me. I'm like a negotiator. Walked across the field. I didn't find them there. I return, I walk across the field, touch the spikelets and, as it were, dive into the wheat, as if the earth was not even, but was walking along a flat path. I see the path, but I'm walking across the field, I'm going to burrow into the wheat. Then, as soon as I didn’t leave the field, I immediately found myself like an office in a field, I talk to a woman, I tell her that people didn’t come to agree, but I didn’t find them. But such indignations on my part did not come, well, they did not come ... i.e. not aggressive. Then a picture appears, as if a courtyard with some kind of houses ... well, not Ukrainian houses, but some kind of old ones with beautiful architecture ... a large courtyard area .. there is a fence like a feeling and a woman is standing, I can clearly see her face .. an adult under 60 years old and said that come to me, I'll pick you up ... people went to work abroad, and we seemed to be waiting for something ... no money .. with my daughter .. and she says well, we're going to me .. to France it was so clearly said. I immediately began to think not a penny .. how to pay for an apartment .. I am studying massage .. I immediately think I will do it to her, she will bring girlfriends

    I dreamed of a plowed field. It has a long, shallow ditch in which tubers of sprouted potatoes small size color pink. Along the moat, on one side are some strangers and I. Across from me was an unfamiliar man, I couldn't see his face, he was explaining the rules of some game. I decided that this was some kind of experiment .. I didn’t want to participate (there were no tubers in front of me. The participants had to move, but I didn’t ask, I was shy, and leaving, I began to doubt

    I dreamed that I wanted to go somewhere, but my dad tells me to be careful because the buses don’t always go where they need to go and says that there was a ghost in his house (in Real he lives in a foreign city, but in a dream in my). I get on the bus and This bus rides across the field, I understand that it is going into the deep forest And I run out of it. Then a ghost in a long white shirt looks at me, But it didn't frighten me, It was a woman who looked like my dad's wife. Then I went to my dad and his wife cooked dinner for us, I could not eat enough. HE invited us to the theater. Then we went to the theater to see a movie with ghosts

    I was in some large building, there in a large cistern half-filled with water, they threw a guy and a girl with their hands tied, then a guy in a mask jumped to them to breathe underwater and for a certain time he had to untie them, and I it’s like I’m filming it all on video, then he untied them, and I’m already leaving this building with my mother-in-law, we went to the city with her, the city was gone, all you had to do was go down the metal steps and go through the field, initially I walked barefoot in a light dress, I was afraid to go down the stairs, because I thought that it was a collapse, there was only one handrail at the stairs and it dangled, but when we started going down, someone started screaming, don’t be afraid, this staircase will stand for another 100 years, it is strong. And when we went down we went through the field, I tell my mother-in-law right there the dirt, and then I took a closer look and it turned out it was caramel, and I see I’m not barefoot, but in nylon tights and we calmly walked across the field along the caramel, then I woke up.

    I dreamed of a huge plowed field and there are a lot of large potatoes on it. There was a simple wooden shed on the field, and there my husband and I sat at the table. There was some food on the table. The husband was drinking. Then we gathered some potatoes and left.

    Good afternoon, Tatyana. I had to complete some kind of mission with one girl, in reality I don’t know her. And so, we walked through the bazaar and went into the house of an old woman, she was lonely and the side where she lived was like as if dead, she took our documents and told us to sit with her. Then the girl left somewhere and we were left alone, the old woman asked if the girl would return, I answered her yes. After I met her grandson and went with him, we reached the field where the children played hide and seek, they hid in the grass and 2 of my former classmates had to look for them. He also wanted to play, I let him in, then someone started to mock him and yelled at him for that he did something wrong. After he went to play. The children were unfriendly. After he went, I went to the house and for some reason I was sure that the old woman was not there, she really was not there, I took our documents and went look for a girl. This all happened when it got dark. In my opinion, I saw lavender flowers on the field, I did not pay attention to others.

    I was swinging next to a tall multi-storey building, it was decaying in a yellow wheat field, it was sunset after I saw a black van and jumping off the swing, I ran after it. he stopped and I started a conversation with Jimin (a man from the Korean boy band Bts) then I found myself with him in some kind of castle at a table with a white cloth, on the table there were two cups and a teapot all white. there was something behind my back like a stone fence and we continued talking, my face seemed to be worried about something. then, as if from a balcony, I was looking down at the platform on it there was a long table behind it medals all the other members of the group (which I mentioned earlier) were all in white shirts and the tablecloth was also white.
    It's all.

    Hello, I had a dream that I was walking with my beloved through a beautiful, flowering field ... There were daisies ... Kissing in a dream ... Then I woke up after I fell asleep again. The catfish fell asleep. Why such a dream?

    I have a bad relationship with my mom. On the night from Friday to Saturday (from September 7 to 8) I had a dream: we had many guests at home and there were millions of paintings on the walls, my aunt said “what beautiful pictures, who painted?” after which I answered that I was, and asked permission from my mother to show them, to which she refused me, saying that the brother sitting next to me would be offended that you were being praised. Then a picture where my late grandfather (not my own) is running after me and I ran away through the window in the bathroom, taking only my phone with me. I ran and jumped across the field that we have near the house, and ran out onto the track, I was barefoot. I remember that it was not cold, and I was lightly dressed. I was picked up by a ride and we could not figure out where they would drop me off. Then I remember that I was very thin and I had a thin face and cheekbones were visible. Then another car and a man said that the girl was missing, they were looking for her, and I look like her (we were talking about me), then I came home like this big house, probably a lot of time has passed, and my mother says from the doorway "how easy it was for me without you." Then I listened.

    I dreamed of a golden field, with a very rich harvest. I looked at him from the side, a little from above. As if from a hill. On the path in the field went somewhere different people. I thought they were going to some kind of castle, which, perhaps, is somewhere far away. And then I saw my beloved person, who was also slowly walking across this field. I saw him in profile and from afar

Dream interpretation yellow flowers

Why dream of yellow? Interpreters give it a unique meaning, because it personifies sunlight, and it is also associated with financial well-being, since it looks like gold.

Did you dream of yellow flowers

If we consider such a symbol as yellow flowers, then there is an opinion that they are a symbol of separation. To figure out whether the same can be said about similar plants, as a symbol of sleep, it is best to turn to dream books.

How does a yellow flower perceive a dream book

The dream interpretation believes that yellow flowers are a symbol of a new beginning, changes in life that will occur thanks to the dreamer himself.

Dream Interpretation of Astromeridian

  • Why see a whole yellow field in a dream? Such visions dream of chagrin and sorrow.
  • If the plants were artificial, then the dream book predicts sadness and boredom for you.
  • You just dream that you see a lot of bright flowers - joyful events will happen to you.

Women's dream book

The plants are dreaming bright, and their color is saturated, a romantic adventure awaits you.

Why did they wilted in a dream? Possible health troubles, parting with a loved one, other troubles.

Why dream that you were presented with a bouquet yellow roses, did you prick your hand? A storm is raging in your soul because of misbehavior loved one.

Small Velesov dream book

Dreaming of any kind of yellow-colored flowers - to obstacles on the way to the goal, difficulties in life.

If you saw yellow flowers in a dream

Erotic dream book

Why dream of walking through a clearing of sunny chrysanthemums? You will begin to yearn for past relationships. You might want to return them.

It is considered unfavorable for love relationships when you dream of white and yellow flower.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

This dream book believes that a bouquet in a dream personifies the mood and inner experiences of a sleeping person. He divides his interpretations into groups:

  • too many plants - to sadness, negative events in your life;
  • one single flower - get satisfaction from the fact that your partner is faithful to you;
  • they give them to you heartache because of a breakup;
  • a bouquet of black, brown or yellow - the pain of loss, a person will simply part with you or leave this world altogether;
  • to feel in a dream a pungent smell that a bouquet emits - you will be annoyed, minor troubles and losses will lead to this.

Interpretations collected from various dream books of the world

In the interpreters of dreams, it is quite difficult to find a clear explanation of why flowers of a certain color dream. There are many varieties of flowers, but you can try to make a collective image that will help you get closer to solving what you saw in a dream.

If received as a gift

Located in a field, in a clearing, in a garden that is completely dotted with yellow inflorescences - now is the most ideal time for you to put your plans into practice.

Watching just one bud - your life will be overflowing positive emotions, you will fall into the cycle of events.

Those people who give in a dream a bouquet consisting of only yellow flowers to a loved one, the dream book gives a negative prediction. Your relationship will not lead to anything, you will soon have to leave.

Pick fresh flowers of sunny color - you will have material wealth, financial well-being.

Buying fresh flowers, a bouquet - for a long separation from a loved one.

By itself, a bouquet of yellow flowers in a dream is a symbol of the fact that you can’t set priorities for yourself in any way, it will be determined in life.

What kind of flowers do you dream of

See fresh flowers on the field

A huge field of sunflowers - you are a natural leader, you can organize people and succeed. But, in turn, the dream book warns that certain individuals communicate with you only because of their own benefit.

Dandelion field - be patient, very soon you will be rewarded for your merits.

A field of sunny tulips is the fulfillment of desires or the most cherished dream.

If a field stretches out in front of you, on which flowers of only one kind grow, you are following a clearly defined plan. This option is really the most acceptable in your case, if you continue to follow this path, you will achieve a lot.

If the field is absolutely different flowers- you are scattered over trifles, take on several cases at once.

You yourself plant flowers in a field or clearing - make an attempt to correct wrong decisions.

Dreams of a person are certain signs that tell the future. Seeing a field in a dream symbolizes imminent changes in our material affairs, but in which direction it depends on the details.

What is the dream of the field according to Miller's dream book?

A field that has already been harvested portends financial failure. To dream of a green flowering field or wide eared fields of cereals - for a prosperous period in life.

A plowed and sown field means the rapid achievement of prosperity and a worthy position in society.

Field in a dream - interpretation according to Vanga

Empty or dried fields portend a hungry lean year, material instability. Dry, cracked soil - to a possible earthquake. Blooming and fertile fields dream of stability and financial well-being.

If you dream that you are mowing grass on the field, you will soon be entrusted with a new business, which must be treated with special attention.

What does it mean, dreamed of a field, according to Freud

A beautiful snow-covered field in a dream portends a quick meeting with a person who will bring absolute happiness, complete idyll, into your life.

If you dream of a field on a summer day, this means that very strong feelings await you ahead, but the romance will most likely be fleeting.

What is the dream of the field according to the dream book of Nostradamus

If in a calm dream you are walking along an uncultivated field, this portends a calm, serene life. A plowed and planted field - to success and health, both physical and moral.

A harvested or mowed field promises anxiety and concern for relatives and friends. Greening and flowering meadows mean the imminent onset of a happy streak in your life.

Field according to Tsvetkov's dream book

Walking through a flowering field means a quick meeting with a future spouse or wife. A field sown with wheat - for quick profit or a profitable business. A field with potatoes or corn growing on it - to empty chores.

I dreamed of a field - interpretation in Hasse's dream book

Fertile fields dream of future success and prosperity. A plowed and sown field portends material wealth obtained by one's own determination and labor.

A luxurious, flowering field - to stable high earnings. A mowed or empty field - to failure and financial loss. Plowing a field in a dream - to fruitful, efficient work.

What does it mean to dream about a field in an old French dream book

A plowed and cultivated field dreams of well-being and prosperity. An empty uncultivated field in a dream promises failures and material difficulties, the cause of which lies in your own laziness.

If you dream of a battlefield, such a dream may portend an ardent fatal passion that will bring only misfortune.

What is the dream of the field according to the old English dream book

If you saw green fields, it promises happiness and prosperity, as well as success in all endeavors. If a young girl sees a dream, he promises her happiness in love and marriage.

If a sick person has a dream, it means a speedy recovery. If you dream of a burnt out or dried up field, this can mean hard work and financial complications.

Field in the Chinese dream book

Rural peaceful fields dream of prosperity and a happy life.

A field overgrown with grass - to material profit.

A spacious, sown field portends career growth.

A field with sprouted rice promises a benefit in business.

If a person sows rice in the field, business trips await him.

Harvesting ripe rice from the field means a happy family life.

Eared fields of cereal crops - to a long and rich life.

Why dream of a field in a dream according to a gypsy dream book

Seeing neglected or uncultivated fields in a dream means the need for long and painstaking work to achieve your goal.

If you dream of plowed fields, you will soon have the opportunity to strengthen your well-being. Fields with a rich harvest mean a rich and happy life.

The meaning of sleep in an esoteric dream book

If you dream of a field overgrown with weeds, this means that a lot of unnecessary things have accumulated in your life - things, connections, activities, etc.

If you dream of an empty plowed field, you will long for departed relatives or a lost homeland. If on the field grow cereal crops- such a dream means imminent prosperity and prosperity.

What is the dream of the field in a modern dream book

Mowed, harvested fields in a dream mean bleak prospects for the future. To dream about how the fields are sown - to a long struggle with circumstances, which will eventually lead to long-awaited success.

A newly plowed field portends good luck, fate itself will help you in your ambitious intentions. Green eared fields in a dream predict happiness and prosperity.

Dreams about the field in the dream book of the XXI century

Seeing an abandoned field in a dream is a sign of distant prospects, which means that you can “reap” the fruits of your current labors only in the distant future.

If the field is overgrown with weeds, this means that on the way to the goal you will find many difficulties and obstacles that you can still overcome in the end.

A well-cultivated, green field promises you victory over possible opponents in the near future, good luck in business and on the personal front.

Why the field is dreaming - Family dream book

If you dream of a field from which the harvest has already been harvested, your family will not have the most pleasant trials ahead. A green or flowering field in a dream predicts a period of happiness and prosperity for you and your loved ones.

Seeing a plowed or cultivated field means gaining quick prosperity and a high position in society.

If you dreamed about a field in a dream - Children's dream book

If a child dreams of a wide field, this means that he is open outside world ready to go to meet people. Such children do not cheat and do not pretend, their consciousness is absolutely pure.

If you dream that thunderclouds are hanging over the field, it is possible that someone spoke unflatteringly about the baby or offended him in some way.

Why else is the field dreaming?

  • A wheat field in a dream speaks of inner freedom person. A cheerful, carefree future awaits him, he can easily achieve prosperity and get rid of ill-wishers and envious people. However, if in a dream you see that the field is divided by a road or path, this means that disagreements or quarrels with friends or relatives are possible.
  • A corn field may dream of success at work and quick profits. Seeing ripe corn cobs means that you will have to work hard, but the result will not be long in coming. If it seems to you that you see a field from the window of your house, then it's time to heed the advice of relatives or friends.
  • A field of flowers dreams of close joyful events. Poppies dream of happiness and joy, buttercups - to change in personal life, cornflowers - for an imminent invitation to the holiday. A green field with daisies portends a stormy romance, and if you walk along it, then most likely the feelings will be mutual.
  • A field of potatoes dreams of an early victory over enemies or rivals. If in a dream you plant potatoes yourself, then in reality you can get an interesting business proposal, and if you dig it, you will have to rethink your recent actions and draw the appropriate conclusions.
  • A plowed field most often portends a quick profit or an opportunity to earn extra money. If there are plots of uncultivated land left on it, then soon you may profitable proposition and it is important not to miss it. If you see deep furrows, then the chance has already been missed.
  • Working on the field - such a dream means that at the moment you are working hard on the task at hand, and the more joyful the dream, the faster and easier you will achieve the goal.
  • A burning field can be seen in a dream by a person who will soon have to witness someone's failure or mistake. Also, a dream can mean that at the moment you are doing something useless, the results of which will “burn out” anyway.
  • A snowy field can be dreamed of by a person who is absolutely ready to realize his desires. Luck will be on his side, and the process of work will be joyful and bring pleasure.

Looking at the field in a dream always portends joy and prosperity, and the greener and richer nature is, the richer and brighter your life will soon become.