How to store young garlic at home. How to organize storage of garlic in winter

  • 13.06.2019

Garlic is an excellent protector against any infections in the cold and a necessary ingredient for spicy dishes. A good owner keeps garlic at home in the winter for his own needs and for planting next year. You do not know how to keep this vegetable until spring at home? Grandma's way immediately comes to mind - weaving garlic into pigtails and storing it in a suspended form. But there are other ways too.

We store garlic at home until spring in a box

Dry the garlic well first. Prepare a roomy wooden box. Make holes in its walls for ventilation. Your next steps are:

  • Sprinkle a one-centimeter layer of salt on the bottom of the box. Instead of salt, you can use wood ash or sawdust;
  • lay the heads of garlic, and again pour a layer of sawdust on top;
  • alternate layers of garlic and sawdust or salt until the container is full.

Install the box in a cool and dry place. The vegetable will remain firm and will not rot until spring. You can store garlic cloves in a shallow wicker basket or cardboard box without pouring ingredients away from heating appliances. But you have to keep an eye on the vegetable - sort and throw out the damaged heads.

We store garlic until spring at home in bags

Prepare small bags of thick fabric or paper. Mix garlic heads with onion peel and place in bags. Don't lay too many heads. Hang the bags in a cool, dry place. Perfect option- storage in the cellar.

Another effective method storing garlic in a canvas bag:

  • rub the bag with wet salt or soak it in saline solution;
  • do not rinse and dry;
  • put the garlic in a dry bag and keep it at home in the pantry. Salt takes away excess moisture and does not allow the vegetable to germinate. It will also kill bacteria, so the heads will not get moldy. You can store garlic in nets hung on the wall of a cool pantry.

We store garlic until spring at home - other ways

There are other effective ways storage of garlic in apartments:

  • oil storage. Divide the garlic into cloves. Place them in a sterilized cooled jar. Lay tight. Pour garlic in a jar with any vegetable oil so that it covers it. Cover the container with a lid with holes and refrigerate until spring. Use as needed;
  • storage in paraffin. Dip the heads of garlic in the melted paraffin, holding the stem. When the garlic is all covered with paraffin, hang it to solidify the mass. Store in a dark and cool place until spring;
  • instillation. Bury some of your harvest suburban area into the ground. Place the heads in plastic bags, wrap with several layers of paper and bury in the soil in late autumn. Lay the tops of tomatoes on the ground. Dig up in the spring and get perfectly preserved garlic.

We store garlic at home until spring - useful tips

Please note that the shelf life of garlic depends on the time it was harvested. Be careful not to crack the heads. After digging, dry the crop in the shade for fresh air and choose healthy heads for storage for the winter. After drying, trim the stems and roots. Cleaning winter garlic begins in the twentieth of July, spring - in the first half of August. Harvest in dry weather in the early morning or late evening, when there is no scorching sun. Do not wash the garlic before storing it and store it unpeeled.

By following our recommendations, garlic will not germinate, become moldy or rot. You will save money on buying an expensive vegetable and will use garlic at any time. Choose any suitable storage method, and garlic will last until spring without problems.

Garlic is indispensable for cooking all year round and is constantly needed fresh at hand. How to store winter garlic at home, why salt is needed for this and what is the essence of waxing - consider the secrets of saving a vegetable!

Which garlic is suitable for long-term storage

The duration of storage of garlic depends on the variety, the quality of the heads and the conditions of detention. The best varieties for wintering: ‘Armavirsky’, ‘Ukrainian white’, ‘Sochi 56’. Good indicators of keeping quality in varieties 'German', 'Reliable', 'Podmoskovny'.

Multi-tooth varieties are preferred, which have a higher keeping capacity compared to few-tooth varieties. The duration of storage of garlic without loss is determined by the timeliness and compliance with the agricultural practices of harvesting.

Signs that Garlic is Ready to Harvest

For non-shooters varieties, an indicator of readiness is the lodging of yellowed lower leaves. At this stage of growth, the bulbs are fully formed, have a whole and strong cover of scales. Such heads are suitable for long-term storage. Garlic that has fully ripened on the vine is not suitable for long-term storage: the heads of most varieties lose their cover, and can break up into separate bare teeth.

Arrows varieties ripen somewhat later. Readiness is determined by the yellow ends of the leaves and the brown color of the lower part of the stems. The growth of heads by this time stops.

Traditional harvest time spring planting garlic - August and September. The shelf life of the winter crop is short, so it is used at the beginning of winter. Above 0°C and high humidity air such garlic quickly sprouts or dries.

How to store garlic for the winter

Preparing bulbs for planting

Well-dried garlic is laid for storage. The heads are woven into small bundles or braids, hung under a canopy or in a well-ventilated area. After 20-30 days, the degree of readiness of vegetables is checked. If, with strong squeezing, the head breaks into separate teeth, it is believed that the garlic has dried up. Be sure to remove the heads with signs of decay, germinated, with damage to the cover, bare.

ON THE PICTURE: The heads of garlic are dried and ready for storage.

The resistance to decay of garlic can be increased by special treatment. The stems of the dried heads are cut short, the roots are burned on fire. You can use a candle or a burner for burning.

Creating optimal conditions

Garlic is best stored at -1°C to -3°C and 70-75% humidity. Under such conditions harvested crop it will lie without losses for 5-6 months, varieties with a high degree of keeping quality - up to 8 months. The room must be ventilated periodically!

Storage of garlic for the winter in the cellar

Garlic is placed in small boxes or bags made of dense nylon fabric, the so-called. "mill gas". fit nylon tights or stockings. You can braid the bulbs into braids if the length of the garlic leaves allows. Heads are best kept hanging.
ON THE PICTURE: Garlic braids are one of the most convenient storage methods. He cut off his head and into the kitchen, to conquer the household with culinary masterpieces.

It is possible to save garlic in the salt way. To do this, a layer of coarse salt is poured onto the bottom of the pan, then layers of garlic and salt alternate. Last layer- salt. Close the pan and store it in the cellar.

Methods for winter storage of garlic at home

What way to store garlic should you choose if the temperature in the room does not drop below +16–20°C? To prevent the bulbs from drying out, you can hang them in small bags filled with onion peel. It is also acceptable to use dry sawdust.

The problem of home storage of garlic is solved much easier with a warmed loggia. The temperature on the loggia should not fall below -3°C. If the thermometer creeps below this indicator, garlic must be brought into the apartment.

Saving in the fridge

The main problem with this method is high humidity. There are several secrets to keeping garlic in the refrigerator with less wastage:

  • Do not keep in plastic bags: vegetables germinate quickly.
  • Put the heads in clean, pre-pasteurized, glass jars, closing with polyethylene lids.
  • Place heads in fabric bag, after treating it with a strong salt solution and drying it. After the salt solution dries, a crust forms on the bag that does not allow moisture to pass through.

Can onions and garlic be stored together? Yes, if we are talking about stalks of garlic - greens. Garlic greens are saved at the bottom of the refrigerator, in a plastic bag. Before laying it is not washed. Unpeeled onions are added to the package, cut into quarters. Once every 4 days, the bag is replaced or wiped dry. At the same time, new bulbs are laid

Storage in a jar of oil

To keep peeled garlic fresh all winter and not lose its beneficial properties, it is kept in glass jars with vegetable oil. The method is suitable for placing in the refrigerator. Oil impregnated with garlic aroma is used as a salad dressing.

ON THE PICTURE: Storing garlic in oil allows you to "kill two birds with one stone": keep the burning and healthy spice fresh, and get a delicious fragrant dressing for salads.

Placement in glass jars with salt

You can put the garlic heads in a clean, dry glass jar and sprinkle with coarse salt. From above, the jar is covered with a saline-treated cloth.


If there are few heads, the easiest way to keep them in the winter is paraffin treatment. Harvest is guaranteed until spring. It is necessary to melt the paraffin in a water bath, dip the heads into it, let the paraffin harden and put the garlic in cardboard boxes.


It happens that some heads are damaged during harvesting. To properly store such garlic in the apartment, you need to clean the heads, cut into thin slices and dry. Garlic is laid out for drying on a grid over gas stove, no closer than 70 cm from the surface, or into an open oven.

ON THE PICTURE: It is best to dry garlic in an electric vegetable dryer. The ability to set a constant temperature and duration of the process will not allow the garlic cloves to burn.

Garlic slices dry completely in a few hours at a temperature of +60°C. Then they are ground and mixed with salt, in a ratio of 1:1. Subsequently, dried and ground garlic is stored at room temperature in a glass jar.

O useful properties and every housewife knows how to use it, there are usually no problems with planting either, but not everyone can keep it fresh and juicy all winter.

Secret successful storage garlic consists of the fulfillment of several conditions.

Cleaning time

Let's start with the most important component - timely cleaning. Keep in mind that garlic is divided into:
  • Spring- this is summer garlic (some call it autumn). He doesn't shoot. The signal to start harvesting is considered yellowed and fallen leaves.

Usually, spring garlicclean upin the second half of August.

  • Winter- winter garlic. There is a shooter and a non-shooter.

You can determine the ripening period of winter garlic by the following features:

  • the skin of the inflorescences cracks;
  • the lower leaves turned yellow;
  • the scales of the bulbs became thin and dry.
The approximate time for harvesting winter garlic is the end of July.

So your garlic is showing clear signs maturity. If the weather is dry and warm, start cleaning.

Harvesting should not be delayed, otherwise you risk getting a low-quality product that will not be stored well. Signs of overripe garlic:

  • the scales covering the bulb burst;
  • the heads break up into teeth;

  • young roots appeared on the bottom of the bulb.
Advice: If you damage the bulb during harvesting, do not store it.

How to remove garlic

They dig with a shovel or a pitchfork (I prefer a pitchfork - this way the bulbs are less damaged), laid out to dry.

Shake off excess soil from the heads and roots, leave the foliage. In clear weather, we dry the garlic right on the ridge for about 5 days. In damp - under a canopy or in a well-ventilated area. You can also take it out in the sun during the day, and clean it in a warm room in the evening.

After drying, we cut off the roots (leaving about 3 mm) and the stems (leaving up to 10 cm). Before storing, we sort the heads by size.

This cleaning will best storage in winter.

Storage temperature for garlic

Storage in warmer: +16 °С...+20 °С - optimal conditions for spring garlic.

Storage in cold: +2 °С .... +4 °С - the most successful conditions for garlic winter. Winter garlic is poorly adapted to long-term storage: it is more often affected by various diseases and loses moisture.

The storage location should not be too dry (the garlic will dry out) and not too damp (the garlic will be prone to disease): optimal humidity - 50-80%.

It is important: very good keeping quality for bulbs with three coverts.

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