Rules and secrets of growing peppers in the open field: timing and planting pattern, care depending on the weather. Proper planting of pepper seedlings in open ground Pepper seedlings can be planted in the ground

  • 29.08.2019

Useful and delicious vegetable- sweet pepper came to our country from the New World. Often it is called "Bulgarian" due to the fact that in this country they know how and love to grow this plant. Vegetable contains a large number of useful trace elements, valuable vitamins and essential oils. At the same time, it is very tasty, because all summer residents and gardeners want to grow it. How to plant pepper correctly in order to get good harvest tasty and sweet vegetables?

Description of sweet pepper

Pepper is an annual plant that has a long growing season and is very thermophilic, therefore in our country it cannot be grown successfully by direct planting in the ground. Seedlings need to be grown properly. In order to get healthy, strong and high-quality seedlings, it is necessary to choose the right varieties and prepare the seeds.

The variety of varieties that exists today makes it possible to pick up peppers of various colors, sizes and shapes. It can be almost white, light, yellow, pinkish, red, orange, even striped and almost black. The vegetable receives this color at the stage of full maturity.

Pepper in shape is cuboid, round, cone-shaped, rectangular, and also take on various original forms. From shape and color beneficial features do not depend, it affects only the taste and aesthetic perception. Almost any variety is suitable for processing, and F1 hybrids are usually used for food.

Having dealt with a large selection of varieties and choosing the right one, any gardener thinks about how to plant pepper. To do this, you need to prepare seeds for growing seedlings..

seed processing

If you need to get a crop of peppers as early as possible, then you need to deal with seeds in March-April, taking into account where the seedlings will be planted: under cover, in a greenhouse or in open ground.

Often the seeds germinate unevenly, slowly and reluctantly, therefore their processing is desirable. Pepper responds well to heating, it can be combined with processing in biostimulants. Apply warm water around 36C. Biostimulants are natural substances, for example, succinic acid or aloe juice, or ready-made products such as Intavir, Zircon, etc. Soaking lasts approximately a day, during this time all feeble, small, floating or defective seeds are selected from the solution. They will not give a full harvest, so they can be safely thrown away.

The selected seeds that have hatched are sown in rows in planting boxes and trays or distributed in cups. 2-3 seeds are placed in individual containers, and they are planted in trays with a distance of 3-4 cm. Pepper tolerates transplanting and picking very well, so you can not be afraid of dense plantings.

Much attention should be paid to the soil for seedlings.. Pepper requires a lot of moisture and is picky about the nutritional value of the soil, and its seedlings suffer from such a disease as the "black leg", and the plant quickly rots. Therefore, the soil must be moisture-permeable, fertile and “nutritious”. She is obliged to retain moisture well and quickly pass through her excesses. If this vegetable is grown in small quantities, then in any gardening store you can buy ready-made soil for seedlings.

Growing seedlings

When the planted seed begins to germinate, it is necessary to ensure timely ventilation and watering. In order for seedlings was strong and healthy initial stage development is best watered by spraying. Water from a spray bottle does not damage fragile shoots and does not wash out thin roots, moistening only the surface of the earth. This moisture is enough for the bushes, but not enough for the appearance of mold.

A couple of times a day, plantings covered with polyethylene should be opened for ventilation. The grown seedlings dive from the trays to a greater distance, and the bushes that have grown in individual containers are seated or the weaker plant is removed. As a rule, 1-2 seedlings are left. Picking is required to get stocky and strong seedlings. If plantings are dense, then the seedlings grow weak, pale and tall, because the plants are constantly competing for nutrients, water and light. Planted in open ground, this seedling later enters fruiting and is sick for a long time.

Pepper is demanding on lighting and very thermophilic, the same applies to seedlings. Therefore, seedlings grown in greenhouses or at home will need to be illuminated.

Planting seedlings in a greenhouse or under cover

Grown seedlings with 2-3 true leaves can be transplanted under film shelters or in a greenhouse. This work is carried out in different time, taking into account the type of protection and climatic conditions of the region. How to plant a bell pepper correctly so that it begins to bear fruit quickly indoors?

Peppers are usually planted in pairs so that if one bush dies, the second one continues to grow. During planting, the root neck is buried in the ground, since the pepper gives additional roots on the trunk. This is all the more important in the case when seedlings are weak and small.

Seedlings after transplantation are carefully watered and mulched. This operation allows oxygen to freely enter the soil to the root system and maintains a supply of moisture in the ground.

Cultivation in the backyard and garden

To get a bountiful harvest and large fruits, you need to know how to plant seedlings in open ground. Hardened and strong seedlings are planted in open ground. Why, 2 weeks before planting, it is hardened by opening a greenhouse or exposing it to the street. At first, this is done for a few minutes, slowly increasing the time to several hours. Seedlings are hardened in the quietest and warmest time of the day. A draft is very dangerous - it can easily bend or break seedlings.

Hardened seedlings are more resilient and better prepared for the conditions that await them outdoors. Because they start to bear fruit earlier and bloom, develop a strong root system faster and take root.

Pepper is planted in the ground only when the threat of frost has completely passed. In the southern regions, this is usually mid-May, in the northern regions, the dates are shifted. Planted on a warm day best in not very sunny and windless.

Before planting, containers with seedlings are watered abundantly. This is required for several purposes. To begin with, this way the seedlings are more stable and strong, and it is also easier to get them out of the softened earth without damaging the fragile and thin roots.

How to plant pepper in the ground so that it grows quickly and well, gives juicy and tasty fruits, and also bears fruit abundantly? For this, a number of factors must be observed:

How to place pepper in the garden?

Depending on the variety of pepper is tall or short. One way or another, the bushes must be planted at a distance of about 50 cm from each other, so that the plantings are well lit and ventilated. This is all the more important for large-fruited types of pepper, since when in contact, the bushes can rot.

Between the rows you need to leave a distance of about 80-100 cm, taking into account the height and size of the plant. The larger the bush, the greater the distance should be between the rows and the row. Thickened plantings will produce small fruits.

Watering plants is a top priority. If there is not enough water in the flowering phase, then some of the ovaries and flowers will crumble or disappear. If moisture is not act during the pouring of fruits, then they will suffer appearance and taste.

Watering plantings preferably in the evening, after 19:00, under the root warm water, plentifully. Ideal for drip irrigation. For this, special hoses with a large number of holes are made. Slow irrigation deeply saturates the earth with moisture, as a result of which the pepper keeps well in the ground, extracts water from the lower layers of the soil, and forms deep and strong roots. If watering is insufficient, then superficial and weak roots are formed, subject to drying out.

Diseases and pests

As a rule, sweet peppers are affected by the following diseases: bronze, verticillium, fusarium, phytoplasmosis, black leg, gray and top rot, late blight.

Pepper from pests can annoy spider mites , aphids, slugs and wireworms.

Properly grown and planted sweet pepper seedlings are a guarantee of a good harvest. If you do everything right, then all your efforts will not be in vain. Moreover, the article describes in detail how to properly sow sweet peppers for seedlings, the sowing rules and planting dates are given.

" Pepper

Planting at the correct distance provides the plant comfortable conditions to get a good harvest. Beginning gardeners plant vegetables under the ruler, experienced gardeners - by eye. Pepper is a capricious culture, some recommendations for its cultivation should be followed. In this review, we will consider how to plant seedlings of this vegetable correctly and at what distance.

Pepper seedlings are a whimsical culture, so it is very important not to lose sight of important points. By the time of planting in the garden, the seedlings should have 8-10 leaves. It is allowed with the formed buds, when the pepper blooms, it cannot be transplanted. This is due to the fact that during the flowering period it will be difficult for the plant to take root in a new place.

Flowers may fall off, and seedlings will not be accepted. There are also time periods when you need to start planting, and when it's too late. These times may vary by region. For planting in open beds, the average temperature should be at the level of 15-18 ° C of heat.

It is necessary to wait for the threat of spring frosts to pass, otherwise, due to the low soil temperature, the plant will develop poorly. The likelihood of developing diseases will increase. Seedlings of Bulgarian and hot peppers are planted at the end of May. In order not to be afraid of night frosts, be sure to cover with a film or diaper.

It is better to be late than to rush, night frosts can ruin the entire future crop.

Is it possible to plant bitter and sweet peppers two pieces per hole

Gardeners often ask the question, how many peppers to plant in a hole? Planting 2-3 pieces is profitable; many gardeners practice this technique. Having tried this method once, they usually stop there. The paired method gives good yields. The single-hole planting method has many advantages:

  • of the two bushes more likely that one will take root if the second is damaged by a bear;
  • steam seedlings hold on tight, communicating with each other, in the process of growth, does not require a garter;
  • thus, Plants pollinate better people used to say "pepper loves to whisper";

Planting peppers two or three per hole is great way grow a rich harvest of fruits, especially in hot climates

Growing seedlings in pairs, you need to take into account the fact that growth in one root can give small fruits. If two different varieties grow side by side, mutually pollinating, hybrids can result. Both options have their advantages. Gardeners make decisions based on personal considerations.

Landing preparations

Any plant in the garden requires nutritious soil, it must contain a sufficient amount of humus. How to know if it fits home soil in the garden and where to plant? The earth from the garden must be taken in hand. If it is loose and crumbly, then the plant will be comfortable. Preparatory work provide for the following actions:

  1. Necessary loosen the soil well loot, remove grass and garbage.
  2. Mark the place of the future beds. Measure the desired distance between rows.
  3. Water abundantly trays with seedlings for the night before planting, so it will be easier to separate from containers.

On loam and acidic soil, a good crop will not grow, as the roots need moisture and air.

What to put in the hole

In order for the plant to be fed from the root, it is best to put a garden mixture inside each well. It is prepared from ash, sawdust and organic fertilizer (dung, bird droppings). Manure is taken in autumn. It is necessary that he was lying down and froze several times. If you take fresh fertilizer, it can burn the seedlings. Inside the hole, it is enough to add one press of the garden mixture.

Some simply add ammonium nitrate to the root. Experienced gardeners to scare away the bear from the root, they lay broken eggs. In addition to the protective function, the shell nourishes the bushes with calcium. So that the roots do not rot, if the soil is not loose, peat or humus is poured.

Before adding the nutrient mixture to the well, it must be watered. If this is done earlier, useful substances can go deep underground.

Rules for planting seedlings in open ground

  1. It is better plant out in the evening when the sun goes down. If this is done in the heat, the seedlings will quickly wither, and its recovery will be difficult.
  2. Well, if it rains during this period, then the soil will be wet. Vegetable culture will be easier to adapt.
  3. If seedlings own cultivation, before planting, the trays must be taken outside in advance. Let her get used to the open atmosphere.
  4. Peppers should be well watered, then it will be easy to get them out of the pots.
  5. Carefully remove the bushes from the pots. Planting should be carried out together with the soil, in which she grew up. This will help the plant to more easily endure stress.
  6. If the seedlings are purchased, they need store in a cool place. The roots should be wrapped in a wet cloth.
  7. If desired roots can be treated with a growth enhancer. Stimulants will help to quickly take root and develop properly.

At what distance to plant

The distance between rows should be 50-60 cm for undersized varieties, and about 70 cm for voluminous pepper bushes. Between bushes 25-30 cm. If planted too densely, the plant will not get the right amount of light. It will be difficult to care for the bushes, it will be difficult to loosen the soil and fertilize.

At the right distance, planting will ensure a good harvest and ease of care.

Pepper conditions and care features

From the moment of planting, careful care is required, when the bushes take root, it will be easier. If the bear eats up the bushes, you need to fight it. In place of the missing bushes, plant new ones. Further care consists of the following points:

  • the soil should not dry out;
  • provide regular loosening;
  • once every 2 weeks do top dressing;
  • water in the morning or in the evening;
  • plant loves the rain but not in the heat;
  • if their illnesses are noticed, need to be treated;
  • pick peppers from the bush carefully, so as not to damage it;
  • large bushes and with an abundance of harvest better tie up.

The basis of care and maintenance in the garden requires a certain skill that comes with age. studying useful advice even a novice gardener can grow this crop from seed and harvest a good harvest from the garden.

A good result depends on planting seedlings, if everything is done correctly, there will be no problems with growing.

If you do not take into account the importance of the distance between rows and plants, it is impossible to achieve rich harvests. Don't plant too close. Bushes planted densely will stretch upwards. Rarely planted peppers, both hot and sweet, are detrimental to drought. In everything, the distances for planting existing among gardeners must be observed.

Bell pepper is the most common vegetable crop on our Earth. Indeed, a garden plot is very difficult to imagine without this vegetable. In Russia, gardeners grow pepper exclusively by seedlings. At the same time, the choice of seeds is influenced by climatic conditions a certain area. In order for the harvest to be rich and the fruits sweet, it is important to know when to plant peppers in open ground in 2018. It is immediately worth noting that various factors can affect the yield of pepper. In particular, here it is necessary proper watering, prepared soil and, of course, good consecration. But everything is worth talking about in more detail.

How to grow pepper? Peculiarities

motherland bell pepper are: Guatemala and Mexico. It follows that culture needs:

  • Light day in the amount of 8 hours;
  • Moisture in moderation;
  • Light and fertile soil;
  • The mode of applying an increased dose of fertilizer with potassium.

Pepper is quite a capricious culture. And some varieties can only be planted in a greenhouse. Gardeners who live in areas with cold and short summers should pay attention to varieties of early ripeness and low growth. In these varieties, the fruits are small, but very fleshy.

On a note! It has already been proven in practice that early-ripening varieties are distinguished by a large yield, unlike late-ripening ones.

Planting seedlings in the ground

If you decide to grow bell peppers in the garden and in this case seedlings are used, then you need to use proper cultivation and care in order to harvest your harvest soon. So, pepper seedlings have long grown. Now it is important to trace other stages of cultivation.

We choose a place for a future landing.

Most important rule growing pepper is a well-chosen place in the garden. So at this point you have to be very careful. Pepper seedlings are not recommended to be planted in those places where nightshade crops were grown in the previous year. The point here is this. It turns out that tomatoes and potatoes have similar diseases and pests. At the same time, pests can easily winter in the ground.

Also, pepper requires a short daylight hours. In this case, the area should be shaded. In a very sunny area it will be difficult to get excellent harvest. Pepper must be protected from strong winds. Therefore, it is planted along plantings of shrubs or fruit trees. These plants will cover the pepper from the sun and protect it from the wind. If you are going to plant some peppers, then the space between the tomato seedlings can be used for this purpose.

On a note! In no case should pepper seedlings be planted in low-lying places where there is constant stagnation of moisture. The culture is drought tolerant. Therefore, the soil is not waterlogged.

We prepare the soil.

Peppers that grow outdoors require special cultivation and careful care. The landing site should be decided in advance. In addition, it is important to prepare the ground. For planting peppers, you can prefer a light dry clay soil, which is neutral. If on your garden plot black soil, no special preparation is required. A bucket of humus per 1 square. a meter is brought in if the soil has been worked out and has not rested for a long time. At the same time, it is worth making well-rotted humus.

  • In heavy clay soil, add a bucket to 1 sq.m of land for digging: sand, peat and humus. You can also add half a bucket of sawdust, which is well rotted.
  • 1 bucket of humus and a bucket of soddy soil are introduced into peat soil. Activities are carried out immediately before planting seedlings.
  • In sand-rich soil, add a bucket of peat, a bucket of clay soil and a bucket of rotted sawdust. And they also bring in 2 buckets of humus per 1 sq. meter.

On a note! The above dressing data should be used only if fertilizers have never been applied to the soil. If, on the contrary, you fertilize regularly, then the numbers should be reduced. In addition, the soil for planting peppers is best prepared in the fall. You can do this in the spring too. But all feeding activities are carried out 6 weeks before planting pepper.

Let's talk about pick up times.

If you want to know when to plant peppers in open ground in the 2018 season, then remember that you need to plant seedlings in well-warmed soil. Its temperature should be 15-16 degrees. Also, peppers are planted after the threat of frost has passed. Not sure about the temperature? Then plant the seedlings a few days later. It is not recommended to plant pepper in cold soil. In this case, the seedlings may simply die. Therefore, this moment should always be remembered.

Rooted pepper freely withstands temperatures down to -1 degrees. But at a temperature of +15 it ceases to grow and develop. Given this moment and taking into account the fact that the temperature is constantly dropping, it is necessary to put high-strength wire arcs over the beds with pepper. If there is a threat of frost, cover the beds with a blanket or film. In this case, the material must be laid directly on the arcs themselves. While maintaining a cold temperature, the cover is removed from the garden during the day, and at night it is again covered with arcs.

On a note! Arcs from wire are recommended to be done conscientiously. In the future, they will be required in order to cover the pepper from the sun.

Landing plan.

Now you know when to plant bell peppers in open ground. Of course, this should be done when it is warm outside. Now it is worth saying that landing is also important to carry out very competently. In this case, keep the distance between the seedlings. At the time of planting, remember that excessive sun can harm the bell pepper. Therefore, if you plant peppers close to each other, then the leaves of neighboring plants will cover each other. But too frequent planting can affect the loosening and weeding of the soil. Doing this will not be convenient. And the fruits themselves can grow small. And in this way, stem rot can be provoked.

Each pepper hybrid, as a rule, has its own feeding area. Therefore, during planting, it is worth considering the information that is given on the bags of seeds. In this article, we will further general tips, which should be used when planting seedlings of pepper.

So, the distance between seedlings of pepper should be 35-40 cm. The distance between rows should be 70 cm. 1 or 2 plants are planted in the nest.

Bulgarian pepper is convenient to plant in two lines. In this case, two close rows are at a distance of 30 cm from each other, and a distance of 20-25 cm is observed between plants. Another pair of plants is 70 cm from the first pair. If using this planting, then plant one pepper root in each hole.

On a note! For tall varieties of pepper, increase the distance between the rows and the seedling itself during planting.

How to plant seedlings.

As you can see, growing bell pepper outdoors requires some skill. But if you know certain information, then everything will definitely work out. Pepper seedlings are planted on a cloudy day or in the evening. Don't do this on a hot day. Before planting in the ground, the seedlings are well shed. Holes are dug in the garden right size so that a clod of earth with a pepper root can fit freely there.

Potash fertilizer is poured into each planting hole in the amount of one tablespoon. You can use a special fertilizer for pepper. At the same time, follow the instructions during use. In order to protect the plant from pests and disease, potash fertilizer is replaced with a handful of chopped chicken shells or a handful of ash. If you could not bring in humus for digging the soil, then you can throw it directly into the hole. The amount of humus is 1-2 handfuls. He rushes right under the root.

It is worth starting to plant pepper after you fill the hole with water and it can be absorbed. Seedlings are taken out of the container very carefully. The clod of earth must not be disturbed. When planting seedlings, it is not deepened. It should be planted as it grew in a pot.

The soil around the pepper after planting should be compacted properly. Tall varieties are immediately tied to pegs. Landing immediately, if possible, must be mulched with peat. This will keep the soil from drying out and prevent the growth of weeds.

Covering the ground with pepper seedlings with covering material is recommended for those gardeners who live in areas with a cold climate.

Seedling care after planting

After the seedlings are planted in the ground, it is necessary to start caring for the pepper. The culture is very demanding on watering and nutrition. If you poured fertilizer into the soil when planting in the hole, then in the next two weeks the seedlings are not fed with anything. It is important to monitor competent watering and avoid mistakes.


Not all pepper seedlings will be able to take root in the ground after planting. Therefore, you need to leave a certain number of copies of the plant for replacement. Vegetable seedlings die for various reasons. However, the most common is the bear. Fallen peppers should definitely be replaced. If this is not done, then the yield will be significantly reduced. Yes, and the shading that you sought may disappear. And this is fraught with sunburn of ovaries and fruits.

Peppers can die as a result of wilting on sandy soil that is subject to winds and long droughts. This happens quite often in the regions of the south and with elongated seedlings.

All about watering

The importance of irrigation in pepper cultivation is very high. However, it is difficult to say how and when to properly water the plant. In particular, in the Kuban, pepper is watered extremely often. But in regions where precipitation often falls, pepper is freely grown without irrigation.

The restorative ability of pepper is inferior to that of tomatoes. And it can take a long time for this culture to take root. The delay of the plant and even its death can occur even with a minimal deviation from temperature regime. This can also happen if the irrigation regime is violated. In particular, the very first watering occurs immediately after planting the plant. It is not recommended to rush with the next watering. Do not do this even when the plants withered from the sun's rays. And if in the early morning the leaves look up, then it is also early to water. To determine the date of the next watering, it is necessary to monitor the plant and the level of soil moisture.

On a note! Pepper leaves can be omitted not only from a lack of moisture, but also from its excess.

Determining soil moisture is easy. In this case, a handful of earth is taken in the hand and tightly compressed. If a:

  • The soil is dry and the earth is pouring through the fingers, then it is worth watering.
  • The soil is waterlogged, water should seep through the fingers.
  • If the earth in your hand remains a lump, then it is thrown to the ground. If the lump does not crumble, then watering is postponed for several days. If a clod of earth has broken, then the peppers need watering in this case.

In general, the second watering is done after the pepper has established itself. Some signs can signal the rooting of pepper. First, the upper leaves will darken on the plant, and then the lower leaves. And if there is an increase, then the pepper is accustomed. It usually takes about 10 days to restore the roots.

On a note! Peppers that are grown in fast-drying soils need to be given a lot of attention. If the soil, when compressed in someone, signals a lack of moisture, then it is worth making a second watering, which should be scarce. This is done after the first watering in a few days.

At the initial stage of the growing season, watering is carried out extremely rarely. It is recommended to produce it taking into account the amount of precipitation, as well as the composition of the soil. Understand that light soils made of sand should be irrigated more often. The amount of watering increases when the pepper fruits begin to ripen.

Pepper should not get wet at any stage of its development. As a result of soaking, the leaves of the pepper turn yellow. And the ovaries with flowers are sprinkled. But on heavy soil, and especially after overflowing, the pepper cannot recover. As a result, he dies.

Weeding and loosening

Loosening is an important event for bell peppers. As a result of this, it is possible to destroy not only weeds, but also to retain moisture in the soil. Loosening is done after each watering. As a result, you will reduce evaporation and achieve reduced watering. It is recommended to loosen sandy soils by 5-6 cm. And clay soil is loosened by 10 cm.

On a note! Loosening is not carried out between the first two waterings. This event can damage the roots of the plant and delay the period of its engraftment.

When loosening, the soil is carefully processed. It is worth doing this because the pepper has superficial roots that have the ability to recover poorly.

Pepper dressing

Peppers cannot grow normally without top dressing. You can feed both organic and mineral fertilizers. At what mineral fertilizers should be used those that were specially developed for this vegetable crop.

With whom pepper is good, and with whom not so

In this article, we talked about many things. Now we will analyze such a question, what to plant next to the pepper. There is not much space in the garden. And it makes no sense to allocate a huge plot of land for each crop. In this case, it is wiser to choose “neighbors” for the bell pepper with whom he will be comfortable. So, growing a culture will be great with:

  • bow,
  • basil and spinach
  • tomatoes and coriander.

Peppers are not planted next to fennel, beans, or in the place where beets grew last year.

On a note! If bitter and sweet peppers grow in your garden, then you should not plant them nearby. Such a neighborhood sweet pepper can become bitter.


Pepper seedlings are easy to plant in open ground. It is important to follow all the rules so that the harvest is not only rich, but also tasty.

Pepper is a vegetable rich in carotene and B vitamins, as well as vitamins C, P, PP. Sweet pepper helps to restore memory and remove insomnia. Good for the treatment of anemia and joints, improves the condition of the gums and relieves depression. People with diabetes need it too. But not all lovers of gardening know how to plant pepper in the garden.

First of all, think carefully and determine for yourself: when to sow, what varieties of seeds are suitable for your climate and the land in which the pepper will grow. And also decide where it will grow: in open ground or in a greenhouse.

Only after that feel free to buy seeds. Before sowing, you must:

  • Take a good look and sort out the seeds. Discard unsuitable for planting. To determine the suitability of seeds, they must be immersed in water. The good ones will sink to the bottom, and the empty ones will remain on the surface.
  • Seeds must be soaked before planting. To do this, it is better to put them in a cloth bag or simply put them in gauze moistened with water for a day (as our grandmothers once did). And you can use potassium permanganate. To do this, it is necessary to dilute several crystals of this drug in water. The water should turn dark pink. In this solution, you need to put the seeds and leave them in this state for twenty to thirty minutes. After that, the seeds must be washed.
  • For soaking, you can use any fungicide. When working, you must act exactly according to the instructions.
  • You can use a solution with the participation of epin (a solution consisting of one hundred milliliters of water and one or two drops of the drug) for seed locking. In this solution, the seeds should lie down for twelve hours.

After the soaking procedure, the seeds must be laid out in a thin layer on a dry cloth and covered with a second layer of cloth on top. In this state, the seeds remain for a week, perhaps two. At the same time, for germinating seeds, the temperature must be at least twenty-five degrees Celsius. The main thing is not to miss the moment when the sprouts hatch.

Important! The shoots are very fragile and any movement is dangerous for them.

Soil preparation

For sowing pepper, you need to prepare the ground. You can use ready-made mixtures for peppers by adding a little sand there (half of the sand is needed for three parts of the soil). You can prepare the necessary planting soil yourself.

  • To do this, you need to take humus or compost (two parts) and sand (one part).
  • Mix everything, sift, steam in a double boiler for one hour.
  • Such land can already be transferred to a vessel where seeds will be sown.

It is necessary to carefully spread the germinated seeds on the prepared soil with tweezers. The distance on the ground between the seeds should be one or one and a half centimeters. Next, you need to cover them with an earthen layer of one centimeter. For greater moisture conservation, the container can be put in a bag or placed in a greenhouse. In order for the seeds to germinate, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of twenty-five degrees.

After five or seven days, the first shoots may appear. Then the pepper must be rearranged in a bright place where the air can warm up to plus seventeen degrees. The plant needs enough moisture and good watering. It is necessary to ensure that the seedlings do not lean towards the sun.

Pepper pick

The first two leaves appear in young seedlings three or four weeks after sowing the seeds. This is the best time to dive. Peppers take a long time to grow. Therefore, it is better to dive each individual stem into a separate cup, the height of which should be from one hundred to one hundred and fifty milliliters.

The earth must be watered abundantly enough so that it is well saturated. excess water must not be. In the pot where the seedlings will continue to grow, it is necessary to make a recess so that the roots lie freely and comfortably. Planting peppers during their dive should be done gently and carefully so as not to inadvertently damage the stem. Next, the seedlings must be covered with soil and slightly pressed.

The root neck of the seedlings can be buried only half a centimeter. In a new place, it is necessary to water the seedlings, and if the soil has settled a little after watering, then you still need to add it to the pot. Seedlings can be placed on the windowsill, but do not allow direct sunlight on it. The temperature of the earth in each pot should be at least fifteen degrees Celsius. At lower soil temperatures, seedlings stop growing.

Before planting seedlings of peppers in the ground, it will be necessary to fertilize twice. Two weeks after the picking was carried out, you need to feed the seedlings for the first time. And after fourteen days it is necessary to carry out another feeding. After that, the pepper can be safely transplanted into open ground.

Fourteen days before planting pepper seedlings in the garden, it is necessary to carry out hardening procedures. Plants must be taken out into the air. At the same time, remember that drafts and direct sunlight are simply fatal for them.

When to plant

Pepper has a long ripening period, so it should be planted on seedlings very early. After the seeds have been planted in the ground, it can take up to 15 days before the first shoots hatch.
In order to transplant already established seedlings into a greenhouse or open ground at the age of 2 months, it is necessary to sow from February 15 to February 20.

Planting time is also affected by the region of cultivation and the cultivar of the crop.

In general, for middle lane Russia planting seedlings is made:

  • In the open ground - from May 20 to June 7-8;
  • To the greenhouse - two to three weeks earlier, April 27 to May 20.

How to plant pepper

If the air temperature is stable at least fifteen to seventeen degrees Celsius, and seedlings are already forming buds by this time, then transplanting into open ground can begin. Before transplanting, seedlings should be well watered so that they can easily come out of the pot and do not damage the roots.

For planting seedlings, it is necessary to prepare high-quality soil. Cold and heavy earth is not suitable for pepper.

In loamy soil make:

  • peat (one bucket);
  • rotted manure (one bucket);
  • and sawdust rotted (one bucket). This composition will be enough to fertilize one meter square ground allocated for planting pepper.

In heavy clay soil, you need to add:

  • humus (one bucket is enough);
  • peat (one bucket);
  • coarse sand (the same amount);
  • rotted sawdust (half a bucket). Such a composition can fertilize exactly one square meter allotted area.

Soil fertilizer

If the land intended for planting pepper seedlings is peat, then it is necessary to add to it:

  • humus;
  • soddy soil.

Both of these components will require one bucket each. This is based on one square meter of pepper beds.

To fertilize the sandy soil on which pepper seedlings will grow, you will need:

  • peat (two buckets);
  • clay soil (two buckets);
  • humus (also need two buckets);
  • sawdust (one bucket is enough).

With this composition it is necessary to fertilize one meter square square reserved for planting pepper. Seven days before planting seedlings in open ground, you need to thoroughly water the ground.

The bed itself needs to be dug up and fluffed up. The depth of digging the earth can be no deeper than the bayonet of a shovel. The bed should be flat, without slopes. The distance between the holes in a row is not more than fifty centimeters. Between the rows of peppers it is better to make a distance of sixty centimeters.

When planting a plant in a hole, the neck of the pepper should not go underground. Before planting seedlings, the soil in the hole must be fertilized. For this, one tablespoon of a full-fledged mineral fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is enough. Chlorine is by no means allowed.

Fertilizers must be thoroughly mixed with the ground. After that, the hole to the very top must be filled with water and wait until it is absorbed into the ground. Then carefully remove the seedlings from the pot in which they have grown so far, and transplant the pepper into the prepared hole. In this case, it is necessary not to damage the soil that surrounds the roots of the plant.

You can otherwise transplant the plant itself. In a fully prepared hole, you need to very carefully, without completely disturbing the root system, transplant a bush of pepper seedlings. Then carefully fill the hole with earth only up to half. At the same time, make sure that the roots are completely covered with soil. Next, water the ground around the bush (it can be half a bucket of water). After the water is absorbed, it is necessary to pour more loose earth into the hole.

Care after landing

After planting near each bush of pepper seedlings, you must immediately put a backup and tie up the plant. Do not forget to put a label with the name of the variety. It is advisable to cover the hole of each seedling bush with peat. You can also use dry grass, dry hay, leaves.

If the air temperature does not rise above thirteen degrees Celsius, then the plants need to be covered with a film. For convenience, the film can be stretched over arcs. The height of metal arcs can be one meter. This shelter will help keep the moisture necessary for plants, and at the same time protect the pepper from the cold on cool days. And in warm weather, such a small and compact greenhouse will give the plant enough heat.

In those areas where summer comes late, it is desirable to grow peppers in greenhouses. After all, this is a heat-loving culture, and in greenhouses it can be created suitable conditions lighting and temperature conditions.

Learn more about growing peppers here: