The earth is round or square. Flat Earth: where does myth end and reality begin? What are these people

  • 29.06.2020

What is the actual shape of the earth? Is the earth a flat circle or a sphere? Does the South Pole exist? Such questions have been asked for many years not only by ordinary people, but also by famous scientists and people. There is no exact evidence that the Earth is spherical, so people will look for evidence until all the hidden truth takes over.

People have a lot of questions about the flat earth theory. People want to find the answer: Is the earth round or flat? In any case, the Flat Earth is round, not spherical. The earth, according to flat earthers, is round and flat in the shape of a disk or saucer.

Wolves in sheep's clothing wrapped their eyes in wool. For nearly 500 years, the masses of people have been completely deceived by the cosmic tale of astronomical size. We have been taught lies on such a scale and so cruelly that we have become blind to our own experience and common sense regarding seeing the world and the universe as they are. With the help of pseudo-scientific books and programs, the media and public education, universities and government propaganda, the world has been constantly brainwashed and slowly instilled over the centuries with absolute belief in the great lie of all time. “Geography textbooks teach children, when they are still too young to properly understand these things, that the world is a huge ball that revolves around the sun. And this story keeps repeating itself, year after year, until the children become adults, and at that time they are so busy with other things that it no longer matters to them whether that teaching was true or false. And since they have not heard anyone disprove it, it is concluded that it must be true, and if you do not believe in it, then at least accept it as a fact. Thus, they tacitly accept a theory which they would immediately reject if it were originally presented to them during what we call "the years of prudence." The consequences of the devil's teaching, whether in religion or science, are much more pernicious than one might imagine, especially in a luxurious age of connivance like ours. The mind becomes weak and the consciousness withered.

Evidence for the flat earth theory

500 years ago, an elite group of sun worshiping conspirators spread a nihilistic cosmology/cosmogony that the vast majority of the world unequivocally believes in. We have been taught, against all common sense and experience, that the apparently motionless, flat Earth beneath our feet is actually a huge, moving ball spinning through space at over 1,000 miles per hour (1,609 km/h), which wobbles and lurches on 23.5 degrees from its vertical axis, while revolving around the sun at a blinding speed of 67,000 miles per hour (107,826 km/h), in interaction with the entire solar system, spiraling around Milky Way at a speed of 500,000 miles per hour (804,670 km / h), and rushing through the expanding universe away from the "Big Bang" at an unthinkable speed of 670,000,000 miles per hour (107,8257,800 km / h). But you don’t feel any of this and you don’t experience it yourself! We have been taught that the mysterious force called "gravity" is a magical magnetism responsible for keeping everything from falling and supporting a spinning globe that is strong enough to keep people, oceans and atmosphere so firmly on the surface, but so weak that it allows insects , it is easy for birds and planes to take off! “As we sit drinking our cup of tea or coffee, the world is supposedly spinning at a tremendous speed and our tea doesn’t even have a hint of ripples until you lightly tap the table with your finger and…!”

“I confess that I cannot imagine how any man of sound mind can believe that the Sun is stationary when he sees with his own eyes that it revolves around the heavens. But how can he believe that the Earth on which we are standing revolves at lightning speed around the Sun when he does not feel the slightest movement.

We have been taught that those tiny, pinprick-like points of light in the night sky known as planets or wandering stars are actually physical, globular, Earth-like dwellings millions of miles away. We were even shown a video of supposedly one of these objects, called Mars. We have been taught that pinprick-like points of light in the night sky, known as fixed stars, are actually suns trillions of miles away, each with its own solar system, spinning moons, and Earth-like planets that are a potential haven for alien life. We have been taught that the Moon has no light of its own, that its light is simply a reflection of the light of the Sun; that some Masons from NASA have walked on the Moon; that some other Masons from NASA have sent a rover to Mars; that satellites and space stations are constantly circling in a certain position, suspended above the Earth; that Hubble telescopes take pictures of distant planets, galaxies, stars, quasars, black holes, warm holes and other fantastic celestial phenomena. We were taught that our ignorant ancient ancestors mistakenly believed for thousands of years that the Earth was the flat, stationary center of the universe, but thanks to modern "science" and its Masonic prophets such as Copernicus, Newton, Galileo, Collins, Eldrin, and Armstrong, we now believe that the world is a huge spinning ball, covered with land and seas, rushing through endless space.

We were taught that over millions and millions of random "evolutions" and a random Big Bang, the universe began to manifest suns, planets, then water, then, somehow, single-celled organisms emerged from dead, inactive elements, they grew and multiplied, and mutated into large different organisms that kept growing and reproducing, and mutating, diversifying and becoming more complex (losing plausibility) to the point where amphibians came out on land, replaced gills with lungs, breathed air, evolved into mammals, became bipedal, grew fingers , evolved into apes, and then, thanks to a fluke, a human-ape hybrid was created, and the history of man began.

We were taught that it was the ultimate stupidity and naivety that our ignorant ancestors believed the earth was flat, and that if any man somehow still thinks that the earth is the unmoving center of the universe, then he must be the most primitive ignoramus. Nowadays, the "Flat Earth" tag has become a literary synonym for "goofiness" and a common cliché derogatory term for insulting someone's intelligence.

“I remember that when I was a little boy I was taught that the earth is a big ball revolving at high speed around the sun; and when I expressed my fears to the teacher that the water in the ocean might overflow, I was told that the waters are protected from this by Newton's Law of Gravity, which keeps everything in the right place. I suggested that my face must have shown some signs of disbelief, and my teacher immediately added - I can show you direct proof of this. A man can spin a bucket filled with water around his head without spilling it, and in the same way, the oceans can spin around the sun without losing a drop. This example was apparently given to exhaust the question, at which point I replied that there were no more questions. It can be assumed that if this happened after I grew up, then I would answer like an adult: “Sir, I dare say that the example of a man rotating a bucket of water around his head, and oceans rotating around the Sun, no way do not confirm your arguments, because the water in two cases is placed in a completely various conditions because they are different sizes. For an argument to be valid, the conditions must be the same in both cases, and in this example they are not. A bucket is a hollow vessel that holds water inside, while, according to your teaching, the Earth is a sphere that is convex on the outside, and, according to the laws of nature, cannot hold any water. Source: Vkontakte group Flat Earth | islam"

"(Are they not looking) at the Earth and how it is spread out?" (Quran, 88:20). His words “stretched out” obviously (prove) that the Earth is flat, on which Sharia scholars stand, and not spherical, as people say, judging by appearance (i.e., by the shape of the earth’s shadow on the moon)

flat earth map

All routes are determined by a FLAT EARTH MAP, not a spherical one ... it does not take into account the movements of the Earth around its axis at 1674.365 km / h and around the orbit, because the Earth does not move, on the contrary, the sun moves in circular motions over a flat Earth.

Video: How planes actually fly over a flat Earth

What does a flat earth look like?

flat earth map

The earth is round and flat at the same time

The flat surface of the Earth, and above the earth the Dome, which no one can overcome!

Flat earth facts

Is there a so-called "South Pole"

There is not a single photo of the South Pole, but pictures of the planet "Mars" and other "false planets" exist and moreover from all sides. But this is just photoshop, these and other planets do not exist ... there is no space either. The stars are under the Dome and in fact they are not big size. But at first it’s hard to believe, because we were deceived from school. If they take photos of Mars and Saturn, then it would not be difficult to take pictures of the Earth ... But there is not one original photo the south pole and the supposedly spherical Earth.

If the earth is spherical, then why does the compass show the direction of Mecca in a different direction. The South Pole does not exist. This can be proven by the fact that the compass needle always points north. Even if a person is located beyond the equator, at the point closest to the "south pole", it still points to the north, although it would be logical for it to point to the south, since there is also a magnetic pole there.

flat earth dome

In 1773, Captain Cook became the first modern explorer to swim across the Arctic Circle and reach the ice barrier. During three flights, total lasting 3 years, Captain Cook and his crew sailed a total of 110,000 km along the coast of Antarctica, never finding the entrance or way through the massive ice wall!
"Yes, but we can go around the South Pole quite easily" - often said by those who do not know, the British ship Challenger, which sailed 3 years "around" the south pole and sailed 69,000 miles (approx. 130,000 km) - a distance sufficient to circumnavigate the South Pole 6 times, according to the spherical hypothesis. Now no one is allowed to go to Antarctica, it is controlled by the Antarctic Treaty, there are many people (climbers, etc.) with money, opportunities, etc. who have been waiting years for permission to go there, but in vain.

It surprises me when some ignorant Muslims say, for example, that Islam is the youngest religion or that the Earth is spherical, while Islam is the most ancient and the only religion that comes from the Creator of the universe (of all worlds), life and people, and Planet Earth is actually flat and round, not spherical.

Previously, once "scientific" scientists believed that the Universe is infinite and unlimited! And now it is known that "science" was wrong and it became clear that in fact the universe is limited! Should we believe "scientific" theories? We can't believe in ASSUMPTIONS! And only the Creator, the Lord of all worlds, One Allah is not limited by anything, He is Eternal without beginning and without end, Perfect, Wise.

Which earth is flat or spherical?

What should lead to conviction? – Not blind following, but categorical texts of the Koran, hadiths in which there is not the slightest doubt and disagreement and evidence felt in reality, which a person is able to verify ... And in those places where it is quite difficult to verify, they lie. Allah Almighty, Creator of all the worlds says in the Quran:

Say: “Truth has come forth, and falsehood has perished. Truly, lies are doomed to perish.”

The truth is the revelations that Allah sent down to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and commanded to preach openly. The truth was revealed to him, which cannot be resisted, and therefore the lie perished and disappeared. Otherwise, it could not be, because a lie is doomed to death and disappearance. Of course, sometimes lies gain strength and spread. However, this happens only when it is not opposed by the truth. But as soon as the truth appears, the lie subsides and does not even dare to move. That is why erroneous views spread only in those countries where people forget the clear signs of their Lord.

Most people believe that the earth is round. But, as the Quran says, the majority are the ignorant, and the minority are on the right path.

إذا نصحت أحداً فقال لك :
When you give someone an instruction, and he said to you:

أكثر الناس يفعلون هذا !
Most people do this:

فقل له:
Then you tell him:

لو ﺑﺤﺜﺖ ﻋﻦ ﻛﻠﻤﺔ «ﺃﻛﺜﺮ ﺍﻟﻨﺎﺱ » ﻓﻲ ﺍﻟﻘﺮﺁﻥ
الكريم ﻟﻮﺟﺪﺕ ﺑﻌﺪﻫﺎ:
If you search the Holy Qur'an for the word "majority of the people" you will find after it:

(ﻻ‌‌‌ ﻳﻌﻠﻤﻮﻥ — ﻻ‌‌‌ ﻳﺸﻜﺮﻭﻥ — ﻻ‌‌‌ ﻳﺆﻣﻨﻮﻥ) !

ﻭﻟﻮ ﺑﺤﺜﺖ ﻋﻦ ﻛﻠﻤﺔ «ﺃﻛﺜﺮﻫﻢ »
ﻟﻮﺟﺪﺕ بعدها:
If you search the Holy Qur'an for the word "most of them" you will find after it:
(ﻓﺎﺳﻘﻮﻥ — ﻳﺠﻬﻠﻮﻥ — ﻣﻌﺮﺿﻮﻥ —
ﻻ‌‌‌ ﻳﻌﻘﻠﻮﻥ — ﻻ‌‌‌ ﻳﺴﻤﻌﻮﻥ) !

فكن أﻧﺖ ﻣﻦ ﺍﻟﻘﻠﻴﻞ ﺍﻟﺬﻳﻦ ﻗﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﺗﻌﺎﻟﻰ ﻓﻴﻬﻢ :
And you be from a small number, about which the Almighty said:
{ ﻭﻗﻠﻴﻞ ﻣﻦ ﻋﺒﺎﺩﻱ ﺍﻟﺸﻜﻮﺭ }.

{ ﻭﻣﺎ ﺁﻣﻦ ﻣﻌﻪ ﺇﻻ‌‌‌ ﻗﻠﻴﻞ }.

{ ﺛﻠﺔ ﻣﻦ ﺍﻷ‌‌‌ﻭﻟﻴﻦ ﻭﻗﻠﻴﻞ ﻣﻦ ﺍﻵ‌‌‌ﺧﺮﻳﻦ }.

Description of the Earth in the Quran

Here is a list of Qur'anic verses describing the shape of the earth:

  • (13:3) He is the one who spread out (Madda) the earth.
  • (15:19) And We spread out the earth (Madadnaha).
  • (20:53) He who made the earth a plain (Mahdan) for you.
  • (2:22) who made the earth a carpet (Firasha) for you.
  • (43:10) who made the earth a cradle for you (Mahdan)
  • (50:7) And We spread out the earth (Madadnaha)
  • (51:48) And We spread out the earth (Farashnaha)
  • (71:19) Allah has made the earth a bedding (Bisata) for you.
  • (78:6) Did We not make the earth a bed (Mihada)
  • (88:20) and to the earth as it is stretched out (Sutehat).
  • (91:6) and the earth and that which spread it out (Tahaha)

📗 The Quran describes the shape of the earth in the following words:
Madda, Madadnaha, Firasha, Mahdan, Farashnaha, Bisata, Mihada, Tahaha and Sutehat.

Each of them means "FLAT". It is clear that the Almighty Creator in the Qur'an wanted to tell people that the Earth is exactly flat, and He used all available Arabic vocabulary to convey this idea.

Allah said:

وَيَوْمَ نُسَيِّرُ الْجِبَالَ وَتَرَى الْأَرْضَ بَارِزَةً وَحَشَرْنَاهُمْ فَلَمْ نُغَادِرْ مِنْهُمْ أَحَدًا

“On that Day We will make the mountains move, and you will see that the earth will become flat. We will gather them all and let no one go.” / QURAN SURAH “CAVE”

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful!

Science claims that the change of day and night occurs as a result of the movement of the earth around the sun. At the same time, being on the surface of the Earth, we do not feel the movement of the globe, but we can only observe it, based on the apparent movement of the sun, stars, relative to the Earth.

Sheikh Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) says: “The Qur'an and Sunnah prove that in fact, what revolves relative to the earth is the sun. Allah in the Quran says:

“And the sun flows to its place. Such is the institution of the Glorious, the Wise!” 36:38.

He said "floats" and referred "floating" to the sun. Said:

“And you see how the sun, when it rose, turned away from their cave to the right, and when it set, it passed them to the left.” 18:17.

It can be seen here that Allah attributed all four verbs to the sun, and some theories force us to distort the verse from the obvious meaning to another. Whereas these theories are the fruit of the imagination.

Allah Almighty says:

  • "I did not make them witnesses of the creation of the heavens and the earth and the creation of themselves." 18:51.
  • And it is not given to a person from the sciences, more than a little. A person who does not know the essence of his soul, “They ask you about the (essence) of the Spirit. Say: “The Spirit is from the command of my Lord. And poor is your knowledge of what is given to you!” 17:85.
  • How does he try to understand the universe, which is greater than his creation? “Because the creation of heaven and earth is greater than the creation of people, but most people do not know!” 40:57.

We declare that the theory that the change of day and night occurs due to the rotation of the earth around the sun is erroneous, because it contradicts the superficial meaning of the Qur'an, which is the word of the Creator Subhanahu wa Taala. And He is more Knowledgeable in His creations. How will we distort the words of our Lord from a superficial meaning, because of the existence of theories, when the scientists themselves have disagreements in these matters. The opinion that the earth is motionless and the sun revolves around it exists to this day. Allah Almighty in the Qur'an says that the night twists around the day and the day twists around the night, that is, they revolve. If so, where does day and night come from, except from the sun? Not from where. This proves that it is the sun that revolves around the earth.

Allah Almighty said: A sign for them is the night, which We separate from the day, and now they are plunged into darkness. The sun is sailing towards its location. So predestined the Mighty, the Knowing. We have ordained positions for the moon until it becomes again like an old palm branch. The sun does not have to overtake the moon, and the night does not lead the day. Each floats in orbit. Sura Yasin Ayats 37-40

Today, what we are told in schools and everywhere is the absolute “Truth” for us. Many Muslims try to adjust the verses of the Qur'an to science, clearly distorting their meaning. And about those verses that cannot be adjusted to Science, they are silent about them. For example, the verses above explain to us the signs of Allah, about the movement of the sun and moon around the earth, as a result of which there is a change of day and night.

  • The Almighty said: He is the One Who gave the sun radiance, and the moon - light. Surah Yunus, verse 5
  • The Almighty said: ".. made the moon bright, and made the sun a lamp" Sura 71, Ayat 16

In other words, the Sun is a luminary that emits light, responsible for the day, which replaces the night. The moon is bright by itself, regardless of the sun, is responsible for the night and replaces the day. Write in the comments what you think about this.

This fact, probably, no one doubts today. Even small preschool children know that our planet has a spherical shape. But not all guys know why the Earth is round. Let's try to understand this issue in more detail.

ancient representations

The correct idea of ​​why the Earth is round (now scientifically proven and substantiated) did not develop among people immediately and not at the same time. The various peoples who inhabited our planet in ancient times had different theories of its appearance and buildings. Here are some of them.

  • In ancient India, the Earth was represented as a plane resting on the backs of three elephants. These giants are on and that, in turn, on a giant snake.
  • The Egyptians considered the incarnation of the Sun to the god Ra, who, on his chariot, sweeps across the dome of the sky. The earth in their view was also flat.
  • In ancient Babylon, there were ideas about land in the form of a huge mountain, in the west of which Babylonia flourished. Around the sea stretched, on which the solid sky rests (and in the heavenly world there were also water and land, only turned upside down).

Ancient Greece

The Greeks also had very interesting ideas about the structure of the universe (modern scientists know about them from the poems "Iliad" and "Odyssey"). The earth seemed to them a disc, resembling a warrior's shield. The land is washed by the ocean from all sides. The sun swims across the copper slope of the sky that stretches above the surface. According to the philosopher Thales, the flat Earth floats in a bubble (which looks like a semicircle). The planet was perceived as the center of the universe, and the city of Delphi was considered the "navel of the Earth." The sunrises and sunsets of the Sun and planets were justified by the fact that they move in a circle.

Aristarchus of Samos

What is interesting in Ancient Greece The followers of Pythagoras already considered the Earth and other planets to be round. And the outstanding astronomer of that time, Aristarchus, expressed his opinion on the question of the structure of the World. He, probably, was the first of the scientists known today who proved that the Earth is round and revolves around the Sun along with all the planets, and not vice versa. This was, according to some scientists, the impetus for the formation of correct human ideas about the structure of the planets and their movement in the firmament.


The earth is round and it spins! So or almost so, he declared with confidence - to the whole people! - this great scientist, having blown up with his seditious statements the entire church and scientific world that time. But even before that, pundits, in particular, Eratosthenes, argued that our planet has a spherical shape, and even managed to measure its diameter. Therefore, it is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to the question of who proved that the Earth is round. But back to Copernicus. The famous Polish astronomer lived and worked in the Renaissance. With his observations, he initiated the scientific revolution. His work, devoted to the justification of the heliocentric scheme of the structure of the Universe, continued for more than 40 years, until his death in 1543. Interestingly, in the book of Copernicus "On the rotation of the celestial spheres" (1543), an estimate is given of the size of the planets and the Sun itself, the distances between objects, which are quite close to modern scientific data.

Why is the earth round?

Be that as it may, modern science largely relies on the above-mentioned research of the Polish astronomer, who was many centuries ahead of his time. And yet, why is the Earth round and not square or flat, for example? Why all the known planets turned out to be rounded solar system, their satellites and the luminary itself - the Sun? There is a very specific physical explanation for this fact. The thing is that the universe is constantly rotating. The earth rotates around its axis. The moon is around the earth. Our and other planets travel in certain orbits around a star (the Sun), which, in turn, is also subject to rotation. Even huge galaxies move along their trajectories, rotating.

And the force of gravity and rotation acts on all sides of the surface of any planet simultaneously, as a result, giving them approximately the same distance from the imaginary center (in the global sense). That's why the earth is round. For children, you can conduct an imaginary experiment. Imagine that our planet has some other shape. With increased rotation, the force of gravity will be so great that even a cube can turn into an ellipse or a ball after a while.

Ball or geoid?

Of course, the orbits of the planets are not perfectly circular. Rather, they resemble elongated ellipses. By the way, the shape of our Earth is not a perfect ball, but a flattened ellipsoid (also called a geoid). And modern space exploration data show that on the surface of our blue planet there are huge depressions (in the Indian region - minus one hundred meters) and bulges (in the Iceland region - up to plus one hundred meters above the surface).

From space, the Earth looks like a big, “bitten off” apple on one side. And from the poles, the "ball" visually looks rather flattened. After all, even the distance from the poles to the center is less than from the center to the equator, by many kilometers ...

Subject " flat earth» Do you find it funny? Then I'll remind you. Just 500 years ago, everyone KNEW that the Earth was Flat, and those who said that the Earth was Round took a serious risk. At best, friends, acquaintances and relatives looked at him as a "lunatic". At worst, he was burned at the stake by religious fanatics.

Now this story has a sequel...

Earth became again flat, but now no one will burn you. Most people still do not understand what is written, because they have not learned to think with their heads. However, this is not about you. And treat the article with humor.

Piece: "The Flat Earthers Strike Back."

Scene 2: "Evidence for a Flat Earth".


Professor Sharov — (PW ). He talked about the Round Earth. . I hope you have seen his official answers. Because now the thing that we love most on this site will begin - “Melting Our Reality «.

Professor Wonderful — (PZ ). Talk about Flat Earth. Right now.

You -simple buyer.

Did I read Scene 1?

1. Our world.

You : Good afternoon Professor Wonderful (PZ ), I just talked to your colleague Sharov about our world, and somehow he didn't look 100% entirely convincing. What do you have?

PZ : I have a model and flat earth map. She looks like this.

PZ : Our world is a Flat Disc surrounded by an ice wall. Therefore, water does not leak anywhere and it is impossible to fall from the edge. The ice wall is officially called Antarctica, covers the entire disk, how far it goes into the depths - we don't know, maybe - to infinity. Or maybe a hundred kilometers there is life. The military closed Antarctica with a special treaty from 1959. Therefore, it is not so easy to get there. Alas.

The Flat Earth map is officially called in science Azimuth Projection.

More details: From above we are covered by the "Dome" - a structure UNDER which the Sun and the Moon rotate, plus the rest of the "planets". The height of the Dome is 5 thousand km. The moon rotates just below the sun. Stars are light bulbs on the Dome.

You : It's clear. Professor Sharov, can you remind me of your version?

PS: Earth is the planet on which we live, and our model is called Globe, from Latin globus -> ball. The surface is 29% land, 71% water. A simplified model of the Earth looks like this.

PS : The Sun - 99.86% of the mass of the entire solar system, is located in the center. The planets revolve around the sun. Earth is the third planet from the Sun. visually below.

You : It's clear. Refreshed memory. Question for you PZ . There is generally accepted evidence that is usually taught in schools as confirmation that the Earth is round. Can you refute them or show an alternative explanation?

PZ : Oh sure. Show me your evidence and I'll comment on it.

What's more, I'm willing to pay 1000 dollars the one who refutes evidence that the earth is flat. You are interested?

You : Yes, I want to earn $1000 if you're not kidding. But first, refute the evidence for a round earth. Ready?

PZ: I seriously offer a deal. Ready.

You: Proof 1. The ships go beyond the horizon and the hull disappears first, and then the sail disappears. This is not proof of the curvature of the Earth's surface?

PZ: No, not proof. The ship simply decreases on the horizon and disappears as soon as it passes " convergence point", that is, goes beyond" visibility horizon". You can return it back if you take binoculars.

How vision works.

An object that is receding from you reaches a point on the horizon when it is too small for you to see anything. Here is the point in the center in the figure where the road shrinks into a point. This point is called « convergence point «, the point where parallel lines IN THE EYE converge. Such is our vision on Earth.

We use 2 eyes to determine the distance to the object.

That is, the further the object is from us, the smaller it will be. And even 2 parallel lines are still removed and reduced to Points of convergence of the lens of the eye. This skill is very useful for PREDATOR HUNTERS (us, in the past). Determine distance to prey or danger .

Even 1 eye is still able to show us the Distance, because the light passes through the edges of the lens (points 1, 2, 3, 4). Pupil = ROUND LENS, not a narrow SLIT. Therefore, even 1 eye is very cool!

We see an object up to 7 km away on the horizon. The physical size of the pupil does not allow you to see further.


Here are 2 parallel railway tracks. They are parallel to each other for thousands of kilometers ahead, WAYS DO NOT CROSS, DO NOT CLOSE TO EACH OTHER AT ALL, otherwise the train would not have been able to travel for weeks along the Trans-Siberian Railway from Moscow to Vladivostok.

But, you see how 4 parallel rails converge to a point on the horizon, right? So it is with the ship. Curvature has nothing to do with it. Curvature is the most primitive way to explain all these effects.

Keep in mind that hot air or water vapor can interfere with seeing a ship in the distance and above the horizon.

Here, for example, is the phenomenon of a mirage. When in the summer the effect hangs over a hot road, like a wet puddle. I think everyone has seen it in their lives. The middle dividing line disappears into " puddle«.

Object, ship-machine will swell and shrink with distance. The wheels will disappear first, because it is closest to the ground, although the road is absolutely flat in front of you. The same is true at sea.

Water and wind create waves. Waves breaking on the surface of the water create a lot of small splashes and all this mass hangs above the surface of the sea. It is clear that the sail will be the first to rise above the thick mass, a mist of drops. After all, you look almost parallel to the surface of the water. A sail is the tallest object on a ship. The closer the ship is to you, the higher the sail will be above the surface of the water. Although, initially, you see the whole ship on the horizon. Just because of the small spray (distance in kilometers to the ship) you won't see its hull until it's close enough. You might as well try looking through the fog. Will it be strong?

You : According to Evidence 1: Features of vision, "vanishing point" + mirage + water vapor.

Proof 2: Moon and Lunar eclipses. We see how a semicircular shadow from the Earth creeps onto the Moon during eclipses. A semicircular shadow gives a ball or disk of the Earth to the Moon, and according to your theory, the Sun and Moon are above us. What then causes the eclipse in your model?

PZ : Solar eclipse easy to explain. The Sun and Moon orbit above our head. And the Moon is a little lower than the Sun, so when their path intersects, we see it as a semicircular shadow (of the Moon) creeping onto the Sun, and we have the Black Sun in front of our eyes.

For the lunar eclipse.

Let's begin with Moon by her own anomalous object on the whole head . You never wonder what we see always only 1 side of the moon? Why is that? Perfect synchronization of orbits? ---> or this artificial object? Why is everything in nature tied to the moon? Planting plants, migration in animals, even those very women's cycles perfectly synchronized with the cycles of the moon, which last 28 days? Isn't it because of this that women have a shift of "women's days" by 4-5 days by the beginning of the month?

In a word, the Moon is a very strange object and behaves differently than an ordinary piece of the Stone overhead should. By the way, scientifically the Moon is a satellite of the Earth. A satellite can be either artificial(turned with its dish-antenna towards us), or natural.

Let's be kids for a minute. How about the fact that the moon was built by previous civilizations? We do not know this, but modern scientists do not know how the Moon ended up in the sky. The version of the impact of a meteorite on the Earth is nonsense. Because the moon has WATER . In an explosion, from a meteorite hitting the Earth, and then flying in a VACUUM, WATER not formed! So what's the point then? Just imagine what it could be artificial sphere with its own light source.

We are reverse side Can't we see the moon? And what's in there?

You : Imagined (fantasy), let the Moon be an artificial object, as in your version. Move on.

Proof 3. During Moon Phases we see semicircle in heaven and during Lunar Eclipse we see semicircle a shadow, that is, it is given by a semicircular object, "sphere / ball / disk" as you wish. How do you explain it?

PZ : These are 2 different phenomena: Lunar Phases and Lunar Eclipse.

Concerning Moon phases when you have a crescent moon in the sky, and not a full moon, this is due to the illumination of the moon. The earth has nothing to do with it. The moon is a ball-sphere, and a spherical body will still be illuminated. For example, the "lamp", which is located BEHIND THE MOON. Will now beexperiment with iphone 5.

Imagine there is a lamp inside the moon. And she turns. Are not such phases you will see?

As for the Lunar Eclipse, I already answered in the previous example. There is a third body or phenomenon that we do not yet know. For example, that the moon has its own light source INSIDE, and a semicircular disk passes between the light and the surface, obscuring the light. Moreover, its size can be thousands of times smaller than the moon itself. You don't need the sun for this.

By the way, the Moon does NOT reflect sunlight, as official scientists say, but is the source of its own OWN light, easy to install on this example. If you have a Sphere (ball), then we know perfectly well how light will be reflected from it. Like this.

I didn't see a spot on the moon. And you?

You : Proof 4. World travel? Sailing or flying all the time to the East or to the West, you will arrive at the same point from where you started sailing. Isn't that talking about the Round Earth?

PZ : Simple experiment. Take a plate of water, place a powerful magnet in the middle of the plate, lower a small boat with a compass there and move to the West. You move only to the West, and you will make trip around the world on a plate!

Here is tea with lemon. If the lemon wedge twists around the center while remaining peeled towards the rim of the cup, it will make " trip around the world' by your cup.

Schematically: You are always move to the WEST. The magnetic compass shows all the time to the north .

This is what a round-the-world trip above a flat Earth looks like.

This is what Ferdinand Magellan's journey around the Earth looked like 1519-1522.

You: Proof 5. If all body over our heads Round then why should we think that our earth flat?

PZ : Here is a billiard table with Round Balls on it. Table, according to your logic = Round?

You : The table is naturally flat,

Proof 6. Availability of time zones when in some parts of the planet it is night, and in other parts of the planet it is day. How to explain? Is it not the rotation of the Round Earth?

PZ : No. And what about the turn? The sun moves over the surface of the Flat Earth, in the place where it is bright. Where it is not, there is Night.

Why does the Sun not illuminate the entire disk if it is at a height? Very simple. Here is a light bulb that does NOT light up the entire wall. The wall is too big, like the surface of the Earth.


why don't we see sunlight 24 hours a day?


For the same reason that a small lamp cannot illuminate the entire wall.


You : How do the seasons work? Why is it cold in winter and hot in summer?

PZ : The sun moves from North to South throughout the year. When we are hot - the Sun moves along the Yellow trajectory close to the North Pole ( Tropic of Cancer). When it's cold here, it rotates along the Red trajectory (Tropic of Capricorn), far from the North Pole, but it's Hot in the Southern Hemisphere. And, yes, the Sun moves much faster in the Southern Hemisphere to make its 360 degrees in 24 hours.

The fact that we have Winter in December, and in Australia - Summer, says this picture. Christmas - December 21 in Australia is celebrated in costumes of Santa Claus right on the beach.

You : Then we do not leave the Sun and the evidence of the Flat Earth. I'm interested in 2 more things: polar day and Polar night. When 24 hours a day is light and 24 hours a day is dark. You know this phenomenon, don't you? In official science, this is explained by the tilt of the Earth by 24.5 degrees and the location of the Earth relative to the Sun.

PZ : polar day- this is when the sun does not set below the horizon for 24 hours. That is, it spins above the Horizon Line, approaching the horizon, but not disappearing below it.

Interestingly, the photographs of the Polar Day and Night most often show from the North Pole, but very rarely they are shown from the South Pole. Do you know why? Because in the Flat Earth theory, the Sun does not illuminate the South Pole 24 hours a day. But there are no problems with the North Pole.

Here is an example.

How to check South Polar Day?

No way.

The South Pole is CLOSED for visiting, CLOSED for inspection. There are only government"scientific stations" and " military". Both the first and second government + military) are known as liars with a long, long history... It's not for me to tell you. So there are only 2 options left:

1. There are no days at the South Pole when the Sun is 24 hours above the horizon.

2. There is Polar Day at the South Pole, when the Sun is 24 hours above the horizon.

But, even if it is really shown that there is a Polar Day in Antarctica, then we have a theory. It uses the concept of reflected light from the DOME. Schematically and mathematically it looks like this.

By the way, since we have already started talking about Antarctica, then all of our people are showing some unhealthy interest in it. Earth Elite .

Chronicle for 2016:

1. February 12, 2016 Patriarch Kirill found in the Pope. February 18, 2016 - urgently flies to Antarctica.
2. Beginning of March 2016 - US President Obama flies to Argentina, from where he travels for several days in Patagonia. The territory borders on Antarctica, what he did for a couple of days is unknown. In the delegation with him was a representative of NASA.
3. November 11-12, 2016 - US Secretary of State John Kerry 3 days after the US elections - flies to Antarctica and is there, signing another agreement , which prohibits the entry of fishing vessels into the waters near Antarctica.

Some strange stirring around the icy wastelands among politicians and religious figures. Don't find?

But, let's leave that aside. Let's go back to the Sun and the evidence for a Flat Earth.

You A: Interesting, but that's later. Now m I am interested in the fact that the Sun should decrease in size if it simply moves away from us, and not set below the horizon in a huge disk with the same dimensions. After all, you say that the Sun simply moves above our head in a circular path.

PZ : Let's talk seriously about the Sun.

This video will be enough to prove that the Sun is decreasing in size, moving away from us in a straight line, when it goes to the horizon. Taken from observatory ABOVE cloud level. Link .

Now look here. You must understand that we very often see the Sun that sets above the level of the Earth. Mountains, hills, obstacles, buildings often block our view. And since they are much closer to them than to the real horizon, you see how the big and round Sun hides behind the "visible" horizon, although in fact, it is just REMOVED in a straight line and REDUCED.

Decreases BEFORE "vanishing point".

In this case, the point of convergence closed by a mountain. Therefore, the Sun is hidden from our view by a large disk, but still decreasing along the way.

Here simple experiment in flat earth proof, you can make it at home. Stretch the string across the room so that it has the same height from wall to wall. Place obstacles in its path, such as a book or a board (in this video it's 4 bottles of beer that hold the cardboard), and so that the obstacle is below the thread. And then look from ground level to see what it looks like.

Get this is the "effect".

The sun will move away from you, and the BIG will go “beyond the visible horizon”, and not a point. That's all. No rotation of the Round Earth is needed for this.

This experiment didn't impress you?

Okay, then what about an obstacle on the horizon like iPhone 6? Camera on the ground distance of 110 meters from the camera to the person? Consider that in our case IPHONE is a MOUNTAIN.


You : And the last question about the Sun and the Moon - how do they fly in a lateral orbit? What keeps them in the sky?

PZ : magnetic levitation. Here are working devices with magnetic levitation.

Lamp ,
computer mouse,
armchair sofa ,
maglev train on a magnetic cushion.

Incidentally, this also explains ebbs and flows on the ground. Water repels magnets ! And the Moon and the Sun = magnetic background sources, so they are just " push the water apart» underneath and she runs off to the shore. Gravity here, as always, is superfluous. Ebb and flow is only in the Oceans and Seas with salt water, which are in the path of the movement of the Sun and Moon.

At home, check how ordinary tap water reacts to a comb. Just before that, run through your hair to transmit an electric discharge

The faucet is pure fresh water! And sea water reacts even better to electricity. There SOOOOOOOOL!

The ebbs and flows have nothing to do with the gravity of the MOON. Because most gravity doesn't exist at all. This is Newton's fantasy and invented power, how to describe the world and facts at the beginning of the 19th century. This is how the electromagnetic repulsion of the Moon and Water looks like. Schematically.

You:Proof 7. Photos from satellites? Photo from above? Are you still saying the earth is flat?

PZ: Have you heard about special effects in photography? And fisheye lenses, right? These lenses bend the image a lot in order to cover a large area. Here are some examples:

1. Real round walls? Below = no distortion.

4. Round subway cars.

5. The spire of the church bows to the building on the right

6. Square Curves…

Horizon = Curvature.

What does the proof of a spherical Earth look like?

Now back to Space and the ISS. Here is a picture from 2008. Where is NASA recognized , that pictures are taken through a fisheye. These lenses are at the MIR station. Come in, check it out.

Here is the same picture in Wikipedia , where it says that the curvature of the Earth is due to the "Fish Eye".

Why use if the earth is round?

Correct, to warp a flat image, such as curvature proof.

Although all the photos, without corrections, tell us otherwise. Earth is flat! From any height!

You : Proof 8. Ballooners claim that with height we see farther, because we see beyond the horizon.

PZ : An absolutely stupid argument from the Sharovers (like all the others, by the way). Why?


Here is an example - a flat lawn near the house. If you put the camera at ground level and move away from it, then you " hide behind the horizon". Is this evidence that a flat field suddenly has a curvature? No. Link to video .

You : I like this explanation. Accurate and with evidence.

Proof 9. And yet, what about the satellites? Communication / satellite TV / GPS? How are they explained on the Flat Earth?

PZ : Communication between continents without wires was long before satellites. The first transatlantic radio contact was successfully made in 1906, from Brant Rock, USA to Mahri, Scotland. Nobody heard about the satellites for the next 50 years, and the continents ALREADY communicated with each other.

Today, 99% of all Internet traffic is carried by submarine ocean cables between continents, and not via satellites.

Satellite dishes on homes are only called "satellite" because they all look at the horizon, NOT the sky, at a 90% angle. You see such antennas every day on houses and roofs, right? Are they looking vertically UP IN THE SKY at the satellite?

Or —————————> TO THE HORIZON?

"These antennas" receive conventional radio signals from conventional transmission towers standing on the ground but not from outer space. Can you see the tilt of the antenna?

What you see with your own eyes on the houses is called " tropospheric» radio communication.

The distance of "tropospheric radio communication" is 300-800 km. The signal bounces off the ionosphere. What modern scientists call the "Ionosphere", I call the "Dome". It's a flat-earth dome that bounces radio waves down to Earth.

And everything that is less than 300-800 km can be covered with additional 300 meter towers, as shown below. The signal "on the dish" comes from the radio towers.

Do you recognize these engineering creations 200-300 m high?

Why do you need TV satellites? Everything works without them.

You: What about GPS and Flat Earth?

PZ: GPS - Global Positioning System. Its only purpose is to convince you that it " GLOBAL “, i.e. = GLOBE, i.e. BALL! And how does it work?

In cities, she works at the expense of mobile towers. And 3 towers are enough to determine your location exactly to the meter. It is called - Triangulation .

Outside the cities, there is an ordinary radio network with powerful towers that cover most of the Earth. It was first used during World War II to navigate ships and aircraft, when no one had heard of satellites. next 20 years... The accuracy of determining the ship at sea is 150 meters with a range of 1,500 km! Name - LORAN and DECCA. Come in, check it out.

Here is the tower LORAN 190 meters high in Canada.

In 2000 they were renamed GPS and shoved into your cell phone with beautiful cards. The system is operated by the US military, and how it actually works you will never know. Just as you won’t find out why the Kursk nuclear-powered ship sank, and how many full-time military of the Russian Federation died in the Donbas and in Syria. The military will always lie.

As you understand, positioning systems worked successfully BEFORE even the idea of ​​... SATELLITE ...

You: Anyone else know about this theory?

PZ : Everybody knows. This is not a secret. For example, NASA in its calculations and models of aircraft flight in the air uses a model of a FLAT and NON-ROTATING Earth.

That is, future pilots are taught on models that have not heard that curvature must be taken into account, or that the surface of the Earth rotates under them. Why? Because it doesn't really exist.

You can download the document . E it is written on the first page in the first paragraph.

Here is another document for FAA (Federal Aviation Administration, USA), where it says that software for the simulation of air flights should be as close to reality as possible, for high-quality training of pilots in the air, training of controllers on the ground. Therefore, everything must be exactly in calculations.

Various situations and behavior of the aircraft in the sky are played here. The Engineering Analysis and Design of the Aircraft Dynamics Model For the FAA Target Generation Facility. You can download.

On page 32 it says in plain text: we we do not take into account the rotation of the Earth, and the flight passes over flat earth«.

Simulation as close to reality as possible, right?

So what is our Reality then, dear pilots?

Official cards?

Here is the official flat earth map for a wide range of users. Created in 1892 year, a paper copy is kept in the library of Boston, USA. What is interesting in it?

3 moment!

Moment 1 : Right at the top of the card is written in large letters


which means " in fact »

Moment 2: Right and Left says: scientifically correct« (scientifically and ) and " practically true« (practically correct). Seriously

Moment 3. The bottom of the map shows how the Sun moves in June and December. Where do they come from June 21 and December 21.

June Solstice.

« The white oval shows the location of the Sun in the Tropic of Cancer, in June, at noon. This causes 24 hours of sunshine in the Polar Regions (Polar Day). After June 21st, the Sun begins to spiral towards the South until it reaches its final point on December 21st.«

December Solstice.

« On December 21, the Sun moves across the Tropic of Capricorn, and as it moves, it illuminates the South Antarctic ice sheet. There is no light below 80º S, only unexplored regions of ice. On December 23, the Sun completes its South move and begins to move back towards the North Pole, ending its season."

In addition, all the most serious organizations in the world such as the UN - the United Nations, ICAO - the International Civil Aviation Organization, IMO - the International Maritime Organization, WMO - the World Meteorological Organization use the Flat Earth map. irony, true?

Organizations that control the globe,
use flat earth map..

question in a million: Can you find Antarctica here?




Did you find Antarctica?

And it is considered the 6th continent of the Earth, actually ...

Google reveals original drawing for Winter Solstice . So, by the way. There's nothing special here.

2. Question 2. What experiment was carried out to reveal Gravity? - Answer . There is nothing to check here, Gravity does not exist, it is a fictional force that exists only on paper.

3. Question 3. How does the water in the oceans curve in an arc? - Answer . No way. The water in the oceans in a horizontal position, from North Pole to Antarctica.

4. Question 4. Is the curvature of the Earth taken into account when building long bridges, rails, shipping channels and pipelines? - Answer . No, it is not taken into account, because there is no curvature. There is only height.

5. Question 5 . Physics of the XXI century. standard model elementary particles of our Universe (in short, how everything works in the world) includes only 3 forces: electromagnetic, weak and strong interaction, does NOT include gravity in its calculations. - Answer . He does the right thing by not turning it on, because gravity does not exist.

6 . Question 6. How did the Vacuum of Space not suck out the Atmosphere? - Answer . Atmosphere protected by the Dome.

7. Question 7. Why doesn't gravity pull clouds? - Answer . Different density of air near the Earth and air at altitude.

9. Question 9. How rivers (water) can flow UP? - Answer . They can't and you know it. Water always flows down.

10. Question 10. Why do airplanes fly so strangely?- Answer .

Regarding the first example, the Bali-Los Angeles flight landed in Alaska. Here flat earth map and a straight line between the two cities.

About routes through Antarctica. Where to fly?

Fly in circles? From Africa to Australia, there's not enough fuel. From South America to Australia, there's not enough fuel. From Africa to South America- there is not enough fuel. Keep in mind that Antarctica goes in a circle for a distance much greater than the equator. And the equator itself is 40,000 km in circumference!

But, like this, flying in a straight line is the most it!

Therefore, no one will pull optical Internet cables from Africa to Australia and South America. It's VERY far away. Red zones are empty.

You : OK then. Governments know that the earth is flat. They have evidence of a flat earth, a map of a flat earth, then what is the benefit of hiding the truth?

PZ : Because there will be a disaster in science.

No Gravity = No Globe = No Rotation = No Big Bang = No millions of galaxies, planets and stars = No aliens = No Evolution = No link between living organisms and humans = Is that enough to keep silent about the shape of the Earth?

Gravity is a Religion for Scientists. Everything that cannot be clearly explained is explained by the mysterious word Gravity. From RELIGIONS DO NOT REFUSE!

Why is the earth round? — gravity .
Why do people not fly away from the rotating Earth? - gravity .
Why doesn't water fly away from the surface of the Earth and collect at the Equator, where is the maximum speed? - gravity .
Why is the moon in the sky? - gravity .

Replace the word " gravity» word « God «, and get the same result. Level explanations ZERO «.

Why is the earth round? — God decided so .
Why do people not fly away from the rotating Earth?God decided so.
Why doesn't water collect at the Equator, where is the maximum speed?God decided so .
Why is the moon in the sky?God decided so.

I will say in secret:

« Gravity is the force that attracts the Absurd«.

Do you know why?

Because after Newton came up with Gravity, science has evolved this way for the last 300 years.

Scientists have realized thattheory of gravity will lead to a singularity (the whole universe will shrink, in the end, to a point) then they invented"Dark Energy". It is, in principle, Anti-Gravity. But, as a result of further calculations of the formulas, they realized that the expansion"Dark Energy" will lead to the rupture of Einstein's "space-time", and then they came up with"Dark Matter" which must balance"Gravitons" of gravity and "Dark Energy".

Before us is a fictitious force, which should explain another imaginary power, and so time after time when formulas don't stick.

But in fact: "Gravitons" do not exist, hence Dark Energy does not exist, hence Dark Matter does not exist. And when you are forced to believe in things that exist only on paper and in dreams, then this is not science, this is -"MAGIC".

Therefore, physics for 2017 rested its forehead against the wall and is waiting for a new Prophet who will explain what and how. Without "gravity" and other "magical entities".

What about us?

And we need other answers to questions as old as the world: “Who are we?”, And “What have they forgotten here?”. Without "magic", "gravity" and "ape-people theories".


1. Divine version of the world. You heard about it, the world in 6 days. According to the Bible.

2. Version - Big Bang with Evolution proposed priest Georges Lemaitre)) and Darwin.

“There was NOTHING, then suddenly nothing happened to this NOTHING and NOTHING exploded! Then all the exploded and scattered NOTHING magically transformed itself into matter and living particles, which still magically learned to copy themselves, multiply ... And then there were dinosaurs ...

How do you like this theory from the Catholics of the Vatican? It is considered official "in science" for 2017. Seriously!

More options?

3. The most obvious is theory, about which we wrote recently. We live in the Matrix (Digital Universe), and it seems that this is a game for our distant descendants, for example, children 2100. People of the Future play the games of the Past. How do we play computer games about Greece, Feudalism and the Middle Ages. And our descendants play us - with 100% immersion in the virtual reality of the Past. As fantastic as it may sound.


PS: You won't be able to drag your flat earth theory into mainstream science. She is absurd.
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People have known for a long time that the Earth is round, and they are finding new and new ways to show that our world is not flat. And yet, even in 2016, there are quite a few people on the planet who firmly believe that the Earth is not round. These are scary people, they tend to believe in conspiracy theories and it's hard to argue with them. But they exist. So does the Flat Earth Society. It becomes ridiculous at the mere thought of their possible arguments. But the history of our species has been interesting and quirky, disproving even well-established truths. You don't have to resort to complex formulas to dispel the flat earth conspiracy theory.

It is enough to look around and check ten times: the Earth is definitely, inevitably, completely and absolutely not 100% flat.

Today, people already know that the Moon is not a piece of cheese and not a playful deity, but the phenomena of our satellite are well explained by modern science. But the ancient Greeks had no idea what it was, and in search of an answer, they made some astute observations that allowed people to determine the shape of our planet.

Aristotle (who made quite a few observations about the spherical nature of the Earth) noticed that during lunar eclipses (when the Earth's orbit places the planet exactly between the Sun and the Moon, producing a shadow) the shadow on the lunar surface is round. This shadow is the Earth, and the shadow cast by it directly indicates the spherical shape of the planet.

Since the Earth rotates (look for information on the Foucault pendulum experiment if in doubt), the oval shadow that is produced during each lunar eclipse, says not only that the Earth is round, but also not flat.

Ships and horizon

If you've recently been to the port or just strolled along the beach, peering into the horizon, you may have noticed a very interesting phenomenon: approaching ships do not just "appear" from the horizon (as they should if the world were flat), but rather come out of the sea. The reason that ships literally "come out of the waves" is that our world is not flat, but round.

Imagine an ant walking on the surface of an orange. If you look at an orange from a close distance, nose to the fruit, you will see how the body of the ant slowly rises above the horizon due to the curvature of the surface of the orange. If you do this experiment with a long road, the effect is different: the ant will slowly "materialize" into your field of vision, depending on how sharp your eyesight is.

constellation change

This observation was first made by Aristotle, who declared the Earth round, observing the change of constellations when crossing the equator.

Returning from a trip to Egypt, Aristotle noticed that "stars are observed in Egypt and Cyprus, which were not seen in the northern regions." This phenomenon can only be explained by the fact that people look at the stars from a round surface. Aristotle went on to say that the sphere of the earth was "small in size, otherwise the effect of such a slight change of terrain would not have manifested itself so soon."

Shadows and sticks

If you stick a stick in the ground, it will cast a shadow. The shadow moves as time passes (based on this principle, the ancient people invented the sundial). If the world were flat, two sticks in different places would produce the same shadow.

But that doesn't happen. Because the earth is round, not flat.

Eratosthenes (276-194 BC) used this principle to calculate the circumference of the earth with good accuracy.

The higher, the farther you can see

Standing on a flat plateau, you look towards the horizon away from you. You strain your eyes, then take out your favorite binoculars and look through them as far as your eyes can see (using binocular lenses).

Then you climb the nearest tree - the higher the better, the main thing is not to drop the binoculars. And again look, straining your eyes, through binoculars beyond the horizon.

The higher you climb, the further you can see. Usually we tend to associate this with obstacles on Earth, when you can’t see the forest behind the trees, and freedom behind the stone jungle. But if you stand on a perfectly clear plateau, with no obstructions between you and the horizon, you will see much more from above than from the ground.

It's all about the curvature of the Earth, of course, and this would not be the case if the Earth were flat.

Airplane flight

If you've ever flown out of a country, especially far away, you must have noticed two interesting facts about airplanes and the Earth:

Planes can fly in a relatively straight line for a very long time and do not fall over the edge of the world. They can also fly around the Earth non-stop.

If you look out the window on a transatlantic flight, you will in most cases see the curvature of the earth on the horizon. The best kind of curvature was on the Concorde, but that plane is long gone. From a new plane, the horizon should be absolutely curved.

Look at other planets!

The earth is different from others, and this is indisputable. After all, we have life, and we haven't found any planets with life yet. However, all planets have similar characteristics, and it would be logical to assume that if all planets behave in a certain way or exhibit certain properties - especially if the planets are separated by distance or formed under different circumstances - then our planet is similar.

In other words, if there are so many planets that formed in different places and under different conditions, but have similar properties, most likely our planet will be one. From our observations, it became clear that the planets are round (and since we knew how they formed, we know why they have such a shape). There is no reason to think that our planet will not be the same.

In 1610, Galileo Galilei observed the rotation of the moons of Jupiter. He described them as small planets revolving around a large planet - a description (and observation) that the church did not like, as it challenged the geocentric model in which everything revolved around the Earth. This observation also showed that the planets (Jupiter, Neptune, and later Venus) are spherical and revolve around the Sun.

A flat planet (ours or any other) would be so incredible to observe that it would overturn virtually everything we know about planet formation and behavior. This will not only change everything we know about planet formation, but also about star formation (because our sun should behave differently to accommodate the flat earth theory), speed and movement of celestial bodies. In short, we don't just suspect that our Earth is round - we know it.

The existence of time zones

It's 12 midnight in Beijing now, no sun. It's 12 noon in New York. The sun is at its zenith, although it is difficult to see it under the clouds. In Adelaide, Australia, one thirty in the morning. The sun will rise very soon.

This could be explained only by the fact that the Earth is round and rotates around its own axis. At a certain moment, when the sun is shining on one part of the Earth, it is dark at the other end, and vice versa. This is where time zones come from.

Another moment. If the sun were a "spotlight" (its light fell directly on a specific area), and the world was flat, we would see the sun even if it did not shine above us. In much the same way, you can see the spotlight on the stage of the theater, while remaining in the shadows yourself. The only way to create two completely separate time zones, one of which will always be in the dark, and the other in the light, is to acquire a spherical world.

Center of gravity

There is interesting fact about our mass: it attracts things. The force of attraction (gravity) between two objects depends on their mass and the distance between them. Simply put, gravity will pull towards the center of mass of objects. To find the center of mass, you need to study the object.

Imagine a sphere. Due to the shape of the sphere, wherever you stand, there will be the same amount of sphere under you. (Imagine an ant walking on a glass ball. From the ant's point of view, the only sign of movement will be the movement of the ant's legs. The shape of the surface will not change at all.) The center of mass of a sphere is at the center of the sphere, meaning gravity pulls everything on the surface towards the center of the sphere (straight down), regardless of the object's location.

Consider a plane. The center of mass of the plane is at the center, so the force of gravity will pull everything on the surface towards the center of the plane. This means that if you are on the edge of the plane, gravity will pull you towards the center, and not down, as we are used to.

And even in Australia, apples fall from top to bottom, not from side to side.

Pictures from space

In the last 60 years of space exploration, we have launched many satellites, probes and people into space. Some of them have returned, some continue to stay in orbit and transmit beautiful images to Earth. And in all the photographs, the Earth (attention) is round.

If your child asks how we know the earth is round, take the trouble to explain.

People have known for a long time that the Earth is round, and they are finding new and new ways to show that our world is not flat. And yet, even in 2016, there are quite a few people on the planet who firmly believe that the Earth is not round. These are scary people, they tend to believe in conspiracy theories and it's hard to argue with them. But they exist. So does the Flat Earth Society. It becomes ridiculous at the mere thought of their possible arguments. But the history of our species has been interesting and quirky, disproving even well-established truths. You don't have to resort to complicated formulas to dispel the flat earth conspiracy theory.

It is enough to look around and check ten times: the Earth is definitely, inevitably, completely and absolutely not 100% flat.


Today, people already know that the Moon is not a piece of cheese and not a playful deity, but the phenomena of our satellite are well explained by modern science. But the ancient Greeks had no idea what it was, and in search of an answer, they made some astute observations that allowed people to determine the shape of our planet.

Aristotle (who made quite a few observations about the spherical nature of the Earth) noticed that during lunar eclipses (when the Earth's orbit places the planet exactly between the Sun and the Moon, producing a shadow) the shadow on the lunar surface is round. This shadow is the Earth, and the shadow cast by it directly indicates the spherical shape of the planet.

Because the Earth rotates (look up the Foucault pendulum experiment if in doubt), the oval shadow that is produced during each lunar eclipse not only tells us that the Earth is round, but also not flat.

Ships and horizon

If you've recently been to the port or just strolled along the beach, peering into the horizon, you may have noticed a very interesting phenomenon: approaching ships do not just "appear" from the horizon (as they should if the world were flat), but rather come out of the sea. The reason that ships literally "come out of the waves" is that our world is not flat, but round.

Imagine an ant walking on the surface of an orange. If you look at an orange from a close distance, nose to the fruit, you will see how the body of the ant slowly rises above the horizon due to the curvature of the surface of the orange. If you do this experiment with a long road, the effect is different: the ant will slowly "materialize" into your field of vision, depending on how sharp your eyesight is.

constellation change

This observation was first made by Aristotle, who declared the Earth round, observing the change of constellations when crossing the equator.

Returning from a trip to Egypt, Aristotle noticed that "stars are observed in Egypt and Cyprus, which were not seen in the northern regions." This phenomenon can only be explained by the fact that people look at the stars from a round surface. Aristotle went on to say that the sphere of the earth was "small in size, otherwise the effect of such a slight change of terrain would not have manifested itself so soon."

Shadows and sticks

If you stick a stick in the ground, it will cast a shadow. The shadow moves as time passes (based on this principle, the ancient people invented the sundial). If the world were flat, two sticks in different places would produce the same shadow.

But that doesn't happen. Because the earth is round, not flat.

Eratosthenes (276-194 BC) used this principle to calculate the circumference of the earth with good accuracy.

The higher, the farther you can see

Standing on a flat plateau, you look towards the horizon away from you. You strain your eyes, then take out your favorite binoculars and look through them as far as your eyes can see (using binocular lenses).

Then you climb the nearest tree - the higher the better, the main thing is not to drop the binoculars. And again look, straining your eyes, through binoculars beyond the horizon.

The higher you climb, the further you can see. Usually we tend to associate this with obstacles on Earth, when you can’t see the forest behind the trees, and freedom behind the stone jungle. But if you stand on a perfectly clear plateau, with no obstructions between you and the horizon, you will see much more from above than from the ground.

It's all about the curvature of the Earth, of course, and this would not be the case if the Earth were flat.

Airplane flight

If you've ever flown out of a country, especially far away, you must have noticed two interesting facts about airplanes and the Earth:

Planes can fly in a relatively straight line for a very long time and do not fall over the edge of the world. They can also fly around the Earth non-stop.

If you look out the window on a transatlantic flight, you will in most cases see the curvature of the earth on the horizon. The best kind of curvature was on the Concorde, but that plane is long gone. From the new Virgin Galactic plane, the horizon should be absolutely curved.

Look at other planets!

The earth is different from others, and this is indisputable. After all, we have life, and we haven't found any planets with life yet. However, all planets have similar characteristics, and it would be logical to assume that if all planets behave in a certain way or exhibit certain properties - especially if the planets are separated by distance or formed under different circumstances - then our planet is similar.

In other words, if there are so many planets that formed in different places and under different conditions, but have similar properties, most likely our planet will be one. From our observations, it became clear that the planets are round (and since we knew how they formed, we know why they have such a shape). There is no reason to think that our planet will not be the same.

In 1610, Galileo Galilei observed the rotation of the moons of Jupiter. He described them as small planets revolving around a large planet - a description (and observation) that the church did not like, as it challenged the geocentric model in which everything revolved around the Earth. This observation also showed that the planets (Jupiter, Neptune, and later Venus) are spherical and revolve around the Sun.

A flat planet (ours or any other) would be so incredible to observe that it would overturn virtually everything we know about planet formation and behavior. This will not only change everything we know about planet formation, but also about star formation (because our sun should behave differently to accommodate the flat earth theory), speed and movement of celestial bodies. In short, we don't just suspect that our Earth is round - we know it.

The existence of time zones

It's 12 midnight in Beijing now, no sun. It's 12 noon in New York. The sun is at its zenith, although it is difficult to see it under the clouds. In Adelaide, Australia, one thirty in the morning. The sun will rise very soon.

This could be explained only by the fact that the Earth is round and rotates around its own axis. At a certain moment, when the sun is shining on one part of the Earth, it is dark at the other end, and vice versa. This is where time zones come from.

Another moment. If the sun were a "spotlight" (its light fell directly on a specific area), and the world was flat, we would see the sun even if it did not shine above us. In much the same way, you can see the spotlight on the stage of the theater, while remaining in the shadows yourself. The only way to create two completely separate time zones, one of which will always be in the dark and the other in the light, is to acquire a spherical world.

Center of gravity

There is an interesting fact about our mass: it attracts things. The force of attraction (gravity) between two objects depends on their mass and the distance between them. Simply put, gravity will pull towards the center of mass of objects. To find the center of mass, you need to study the object.

Imagine a sphere. Due to the shape of the sphere, wherever you stand, there will be the same amount of sphere under you. (Imagine an ant walking on a glass ball. From the ant's point of view, the only sign of movement will be the movement of the ant's legs. The shape of the surface will not change at all.) The center of mass of a sphere is at the center of the sphere, meaning gravity pulls everything on the surface towards the center of the sphere (straight down), regardless of the object's location.

Consider a plane. The center of mass of the plane is at the center, so the force of gravity will pull everything on the surface towards the center of the plane. This means that if you are on the edge of the plane, gravity will pull you towards the center, and not down, as we are used to.

And even in Australia, apples fall from top to bottom, not from side to side.

Pictures from space

In the last 60 years of space exploration, we have launched many satellites, probes and people into space. Some of them have returned, some continue to stay in orbit and transmit beautiful images to Earth. And in all the photographs, the Earth (attention) is round.

If your child asks how we know the earth is round, take the trouble to explain.