Installation of road bumps. Installation and repair of idn

  • 02.07.2020


AGREED by Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Latyshev on April 22, 2000; First Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Nasonov on April 17, 2000; Secretary of State First Deputy Chairman of the State Committee Russian Federation on construction and housing and communal services April 18, 2000.


The need to develop these guidelines is due to the increase in the number of traffic accidents (RTA) caused by speeding on roads and streets. The installation of road signs has a weak disciplinary effect on drivers and therefore other, more effective means, which not only set the permissible speed, but also force drivers to comply under the threat of sharp vertical shocks when crossing an artificial unevenness.

Artificial bumps are widespread on the roads of the Russian Federation, but their geometric characteristics vary widely, and the accelerations that occur when driving through artificial bumps sometimes reach very high values, which creates the risk of an accident. Some types of artificial irregularities make it difficult for mechanized snow removal from the carriageway in winter time, others pose a risk of slipping and falling pedestrians in icy conditions.

In preparing these methodological recommendations, domestic and foreign experience in the forced reduction of traffic speeds was summarized, artificial irregularities were classified, their most advantageous sizes were selected, taking into account the permissible speeds of two design vehicles: cars and buses. Shortcomings in the placement of artificial bumps have been identified and suitable places on the roads where they should be applied have been identified. Cases are clearly specified when irregularities should not be arranged. Particular attention is paid to the designation of artificial bumps and early warning of drivers about their presence on the road. The methodological recommendations also contain requirements for the material from which the artificial roughness is created, and for the condition of the surface of the roughness (traction coefficient, maximum pothole size).

The application of methodological recommendations will make it possible to avoid errors in the use of such technical means of organizing traffic and will make it possible to reduce the number of accidents in dangerous places by about 20%.

Artificial unevenness - a local artificial elevation on the carriageway of the street-road network of urban and rural settlements or a highway, created in the form of a strip, the crest of which is located perpendicular to the axis of the road in plan.

The crest of artificial unevenness is a line perpendicular in terms of the axis of the road and connecting the most elevated points of artificial unevenness above the carriageway.

The height of an artificial roughness is the shortest distance from the crest of an artificial roughness on the axis of the road (street) to the level of the carriageway.

Longitudinal profile of an artificial roughness - a section created when an artificial roughness is crossed by a plane located along its crest perpendicular to the carriageway.

Cross profile of an artificial roughness - a section created when an artificial roughness is crossed by a vertical plane located along the axis of the road.

The maximum allowable speed of movement is the speed of movement prescribed by the rules of the road or road signs "Speed ​​limit", "Residential zone".

Inertial overload - the ratio of the acceleration (deceleration) acting on drivers and passengers to the acceleration of free fall.

Safety coefficient - the ratio of the speed of movement when driving through a dangerous section to the speed characteristic of the previous section of the road.


1.1. Artificial irregularities, arranged from asphalt concrete, are divided into two types according to the type of transverse profile:

Wavy artificial irregularities (Fig. 1a).

Trapezoidal artificial irregularities (Fig. 1b)

Fig.1 Cross profiles of artificial irregularities

a) - wavy artificial unevenness

b) - trapezoidal artificial unevenness

1.2. The transverse profile of a wavy artificial unevenness is formed by an arc of a circle of radius R and a chord of length L (Fig. 1, a)

1.3. The transverse profile of a trapezoidal artificial roughness is formed by two inclined lines of length Ln, one line of length Lg parallel to the road surface, and a line that is the base of the artificial roughness (Fig. 1, b).

1.4. The longitudinal profile of the artificial roughness is formed by lines denoting the surface of the carriageway, and lines drawn along the surface of the artificial roughness both at a slope of 1:4-1:6 to the carriageway (Fig. 2 a, c) and parallel to the carriageway (Fig. 2 b-d).

Fig. 2 Longitudinal profiles along the ridges of artificial irregularities

a) - with a two-sided transverse slope of the carriageway and the absence of storm water wells on the upper side of the road on the descent near an artificial unevenness

b) - with a two-sided transverse slope of the carriageway and the presence of storm water wells on the upper side of the road on the descent near an artificial unevenness

c) - with a one-sided transverse slope of the carriageway and the absence of a storm water well on the upper side of the road on the descent near an artificial unevenness

d) - with a one-sided transverse slope of the carriageway and the presence of a storm water well in the lower tray on the upper side of the road on the descent near an artificial unevenness

Type I - with a two-sided transverse slope of the carriageway and the absence of storm water wells on the upper side of the road on the descent near an artificial unevenness (Fig. 2, a).

Type II - with a two-sided transverse slope of the carriageway and the presence of storm water wells on the upper side of the road on the descent near an artificial unevenness (Fig. 2, b);

Type III - with a one-sided transverse slope of the carriageway and the absence of a rainwater well in the lower tray on the upper side of the road on the descent near an artificial unevenness (Fig. 2, c);

Type IV - with a one-sided transverse slope of the carriageway and the presence of a rainwater well in the lower tray on the upper side of the road on the descent near an artificial bump (Fig. 2, d);

1.6. The dimensions of the elements of artificial irregularities are recommended to be taken according to Table 1, depending on the maximum allowable speed of the calculated vehicles, which provides a vertical inertial overload affecting drivers and passengers, not more than 0.7.

Table 1

Dimensions of artificial bumps

#G0 Designated vehicle

Max - minimum permissible speed, km/h

Dimensions of elements of artificial irregularities

wavy profile

trapezoidal profile

Chord length, (L), m

neck height (H), m

The radius of curvature

linear surface (R), m

Height (H), m

horizontal platform (Lr), m

Inclined section (Ln), m

A car

1.7. It is advisable to arrange artificial irregularities from dense fine-grained or sandy asphalt concrete, the properties of which must comply with the requirements of # M12 GOST 9128-84 * # S "Asphalt concrete mixes for road, airfield and asphalt concrete. Specifications".


* On the territory of the Russian Federation, #M12 GOST 9128-97#S is valid. - Note "CODE".

1.8. The coefficient of adhesion of the surface of artificial unevenness must comply with the requirements of clause 3.1.4 #M12GOST R #S "Motor roads and streets. Requirements for the operational state acceptable under the terms of road safety", related to road surfaces.

1.9. It is not recommended to use artificial irregularities that have coating defects on an inclined surface from the side where vehicles run over, with a depth (height) of more than 0.02 m and a maximum spot chord of more than 0.1 m, and on other parts of the artificial unevenness - with a depth (height) of more than 0 .02 m and the maximum chord of the spot is more than 0.2 m.


2.1. Artificial irregularities are recommended to be used on sections of the road network of urban and rural settlements (classification according to #M12SNiP 2.07.01-89#S "Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements") and highways (classification according to #M12SNiP 2.05.02- 85 #S "Roads. Design standards") for the forced reduction of traffic speeds in the cases listed in clause 2.2, when road conditions make it possible to exceed the maximum allowable speeds regulated by road signs, and the safety factors reach the following values:

On city roads and streets where a speed limit has been introduced with the installation of road signs with a maximum speed limit and in residential areas;

In front of children's and youth educational institutions, playgrounds, places of mass recreation, stadiums, railway stations, large shops and retail outlets, metro stations, on transport-pedestrian and pedestrian-transport main streets of regional significance, on roads and streets of local importance, on park roads and driveways;

In front of dangerous sections of roads on which a speed limit of 40 km / h and below has been introduced, established by the road sign "Maximum speed limit".

2.3. It is recommended to build artificial irregularities on sections of city roads, streets and highways with a longitudinal slope of not more than 50+ or ​​a road curvature radius in terms of at least 500 m on highways and 300 m in cities and towns.

2.4. It is impractical to arrange artificial irregularities in the following cases:

At public transport stops or lanes adjacent to them and at the bends of the widening of the carriageway;

On bridges, overpasses, overpasses, as well as in passages under them, in transport tunnels;

On road sections located at a distance of up to 50 m from ground pedestrian crossings;

On main roads and streets in cities and other settlements;

On motorways and highways with more than three lanes;

On roads and streets with an established speed limit of more than 40 km / h;

On roads with tram tracks on the same level as the carriageway, regardless of the number of lanes;

On roads with established route traffic for trolleybuses;

On access roads to hospitals, fire stations, bus and trolleybus depots, ambulance stations, garages and parking areas for emergency vehicles and other facilities for special vehicles.

2.5. It is allowed to combine artificial irregularities of a trapezoidal profile with ground unregulated pedestrian crossings on the streets of local importance in residential areas of cities, ensuring the passage of pedestrians along the central horizontal platform of an artificial irregularity with a width of at least 4 m, subject to limiting the movement of pedestrians along the inclined section of the elevated pedestrian crossing with the help of bushes or fences placed on the widened parts of the sidewalks (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3 Arrangement of an elevated ground pedestrian crossing, combined with an artificial roughness, with a narrowing of the carriageway and the direction of pedestrian movement along the horizontal platform of the artificial roughness

2.6. On roads and streets where the maximum traffic intensity of shuttle buses is 6 buses / hour or more (in two directions) or 3 buses / hour or more (in one direction), the dimensions of the elements of artificial irregularities should be assigned to this design vehicle (table 1 ).

2.7. On roads and streets where the maximum traffic intensity of shuttle buses is less than 6 buses / hour (in two directions) or less than 3 buses / hour (in one direction), the dimensions of the elements of artificial irregularities should be assigned to the design passenger car (table 1).

2.8. The slope of the slope of the tray within the artificial unevenness towards the curb (Fig. 2 a, c), should be taken 1:6 at elevated pedestrian crossings and 1:4 - in other cases.

2.9. It is allowed to arrange water drainage at an artificial unevenness, without reducing its height (Fig. 2 b, d) through the drainage wells constructed at an artificial unevenness on each side of the street (with a longitudinal slope of the tray less than 5+) or from one (upper) side of the street ( with a longitudinal slope of the tray 3+ or more).

2.10. In the presence of roadsides, it is recommended to extend the artificial unevenness to the edge of the subgrade with a foundation made of durable stone materials.

2.11. Artificial bumps should be located on road sections that are well visible to drivers and pedestrians, if possible, as close as possible to the existing lighting masts.

20-30 m before unregulated intersections with a traffic sign "Movement without stopping is prohibited";

50-75 m in front of ground unregulated pedestrian crossings at children's and youth educational institutions, playgrounds, places of mass recreation, stadiums, railway stations, large shops and retail outlets, metro stations;

50-75 m after entering the street leading to the territory marked with the sign "Residential Zone";

For 75-100 m in front of dangerous sections of roads and streets.

2.13. If it is necessary to forcely limit the speed of movement on sections of roads and streets of great length (for objects of mass attraction, shopping centers etc.) it is advisable to arrange several artificial bumps on the roadway, placing them at approximately equal distances from unregulated ground pedestrian crossings and changing the distances between the axes of the bumps within the following limits:


3.1. Sections of roads and streets where artificial irregularities are arranged should be equipped with road signs, road markings and retroreflectors manufactured and installed in accordance with the requirements of # M12 GOST * # S "Road signs. General specifications", #M12GOST #S " Technical means traffic organization. Rules of application", #M12GOST R #S "Technical means of traffic management. Road reflectors. General technical requirements. Application rules" and #M12GOST R #S "Road markings. Types and basic parameters".


* On the territory of the Russian Federation, #M12GOST R #S#M12 #S is valid. - Note "CODE".

3.2. Early warning of drivers about the presence of artificial unevenness should be provided by the installation of a warning road sign "Rough road".

3.3. Drivers should be warned of several successively arranged artificial irregularities by using the "Area of ​​Action" sign installed together with the "Rough Road" road sign.

3.4. In front of artificial bumps, a prohibition road sign should be installed that limits the maximum speed, the value of which is set equal to the maximum allowable design speed (table 1) through this bump.

3.5. After the end of a section of the road with several consecutive bumps or a single bump, if necessary, a road sign "End of the maximum speed limit zone" is installed.

3.6. If the average speed of movement of single cars on the section of the road on which an artificial roughness is supposed to be arranged exceeds by 30 km/h or more the maximum permissible speed for which the dimensions of the artificial roughness are assigned, it is recommended to apply step speed control on the approach to the speed limit zone .

3.7. An artificial unevenness, designed for a maximum speed of 10 km / h, should be painted along its longitudinal axis with one marking strip, consisting of two rows of squares (Fig. 4). On artificial irregularities, designed for a speed of 20-40 km / h, three marking strips should be applied, consisting of two rows of squares (one in the middle and two along the boundaries of artificial irregularities on inclined planes) - Fig. 5.

Fig.4. Marking of artificial unevenness, designed for a speed of 10 km / h

Fig.5. Marking of artificial unevenness, designed for a speed of 20-40 km / h

3.8. When constructing an elevated ground pedestrian crossing, combined with an artificial unevenness, it is advisable to apply one marking strip along the boundaries of the artificial unevenness on inclined planes, consisting of two rows of squares (Fig. 6).

Fig.6. Marking an elevated pedestrian crossing combined with an artificial unevenness

3.9. On roads and streets that do not have stationary lighting, to indicate artificial irregularities, retroreflectors of the KDZ-1 type (#M12GOST R #S "Technical means of organizing traffic. Road reflectors. General technical requirements. Rules of use") installed over the entire width of the carriageway on each side of the road in front of an artificial unevenness at a distance of 50-75 m * parallel to its sole with a step of 50 cm (Fig. 7).


Fig.7. Curbstone marking and placement of reflectors near artificial bumps

on sections of roads where there is no stationary lighting

3.10. On roads and streets in settlements, curbs on each side of the road along the entire length of the transverse profile of artificial unevenness should be marked with #M12GOST R #S "Road markings. Types and main parameters" (Fig. 7).

Annex B*


* The numbering of the application corresponds to the original. -

Note "CODE".

devices of artificial irregularities by technical means of traffic control

The text of the document is verified according to.

Every month the number of so-called speed bumps increases on the roads of our country. They are an artificial elevation of the road, designed for car drivers to slow down on this section of the road. Very often they can be seen near schools, playgrounds and other places where children can run out onto the road. But a lot of speed bumps are also placed where there are dangerous turns or other places with an increased likelihood of an accident. Recently, not a single parking lot of any supermarket can do without speed bumps.

Speed ​​bumps often perform from metal structures rounded shape. In height and steepness, they differ depending on how safe the place is. The more you need to slow down the flow of cars, the higher the police officers are. Often on country roads, artificial bumps are made of asphalt.

If we talk about passing this bump on cars, then many drivers make mistakes. The main mistake is that drivers run over a policeman with a lightly applied brake. This has a very negative effect on the quality of overcoming obstacles, and can also ruin the front suspension of your car! Remember that you should brake only to the obstacle! It is categorically not recommended to slow down on the speed bump! When you see such an obstacle, start slowing down in advance, choosing the speed of passage. Roll up to the policeman. Then, as you feel that the front wheels have begun to run into a hill, then slightly add gas. With this execution of the element, your car will, as it were, swallow this bump. If suddenly you noticed a policeman late, then in no case do not slow down on him! If possible, slow down sharply to it, but it is not necessary to slow down on it, no matter what the speed is. It will not be superfluous even to add a little gas.

Driving speed bump.

3-D speed bump.

Noise bands

Recently, a compromise solution has been used on the roads - noise strips. They do not impede traffic as much as speed bumps, but at the same time they force drivers to slow down. However, not everyone speaks positively about them.

GOST for speed bumps

Since 2008, GOST has been introduced for the installation of speed bumps. Get to know him.

GOST R 52605-2006

Group D28


Technical means of organizing traffic


General technical requirements. Application rules

traffic control devices. Road bumps and road humps.

general technical requirements. application rules

OKS 93.080.30

Introduction date 2008-01-01


The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established federal law dated December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ "On technical regulation", and the rules for the application of national standards of the Russian Federation - GOST R 1.0-2004 "Standardization in the Russian Federation. Basic provisions"

About the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State unitary enterprise"ROSDORNII" (FSUE "ROSDORNII") by order of the Federal Road Agency2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 278 "Road Safety" and the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 418 "Road Facilities"3 APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Order federal agency on technical regulation and metrology of December 11, 2006 N 295-st4 INTRODUCED FOR THE FIRST TIME Information about changes to this standard is published in the annually published information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments - in the monthly published information indexes "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, a corresponding notice will be published in the monthly published information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notification and texts are also placed in information system general use - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to artificial bumps arranged on the carriageway of roads and streets of cities and rural settlements (hereinafter referred to as roads) of the Russian Federation.

The standard establishes general technical requirements for artificial bumps for the forced speed limit of vehicles and the rules for their application.

This standard uses normative references to the following standards:

GOST R 50597-93 Highways and streets. Requirements for the operational state permissible under the terms of ensuring road safety

GOST R 51256-99 Technical means of traffic management. Road marking. Types and basic parameters. General technical requirements

GOST R 52289-2004 Technical means of traffic management. Rules for the use of road signs, markings, traffic lights, road barriers and guides

GOST R 52290-2004 Technical means of traffic management. Road signs. General technical requirements

GOST R 52399-2005 Geometric elements of roads

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards in the information system common use- on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annually published information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding monthly published information indexes published this year. If the reference standard is replaced (modified), then when using this standard, you should be guided by the replaced (modified) standard. If the referenced standard is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

3 Terms and definitions

In this standard, the following terms are used with their respective definitions:

3.1 artificial unevenness; IN: A specially arranged elevation on the carriageway for the forced reduction of the speed of movement, located perpendicular to the axis of the road.

3.2 crest of the ID: A line perpendicular in plan to the axis of the road, connecting the highest points of the ID above the carriageway.

3.3 HI height: The shortest distance from the ridge of the HI on the axis of the road to the level of the carriageway.

3.4 longitudinal profile IN: The section created when crossing the IN with a vertical plane located along its crest, perpendicular to the carriageway.

3.5 transverse profile ID: The section created when crossing the ID with a vertical plane located along the axis of the road.

4 Technical requirements

4.1 General requirements

4.1.1 The ID is arranged on certain sections of the road to ensure a forced reduction in the maximum allowable speed of vehicles to 40 km / h or less.

4.1.2 The design of the IN, depending on the manufacturing technology, is divided into monolithic and collapsible.

4.1.3 The length of the ID must be at least the width of the carriageway. Tolerance- no more than 0.2 m on each side of the road.

4.1.4 Drainage from the carriageway must be provided on the site for the IS device.

4.1.5 To inform drivers, sections of roads with ID must be equipped with technical means of traffic management: road signs and markings.

4.2 Requirements for monolithic structures

4.2.1 Monolithic structures of the IN should be made of asphalt concrete.

Depending on the transverse profile, the IN is divided into two types:

Wavy (see Figure 1a);

Trapezoidal (see Figure 1b).

4.2.2 The type of longitudinal profile of the IN is selected taking into account the presence of storm water wells near it on the upper side of the road on the descent and depending on the direction of the transverse water flow on the carriageway.

There are the following types:

I - with a two-sided transverse slope of the carriageway and the absence of storm water wells on the upper side of the road on the descent near the IN (see Figure 2a);

II - with a two-sided transverse slope of the carriageway and the presence of storm water wells on the upper side of the road on the descent near the IN (see Figure 2b);

III - with a one-sided transverse slope of the carriageway and the absence of a rainwater well in the lower tray on the upper side of the road on the descent near the IN (see Figure 2c);

IV - with a one-sided transverse slope of the carriageway and the presence of a storm water well in the lower tray on the upper side of the road on the descent near the IN (see Figure 2d).

4.2.3 The ID parameters should be taken based on the maximum allowable speed on the road section indicated on the sign, in accordance with Table 1.

Table 1

Dimensions in meters

Wavy Profile Trapezoidal profile
Length Maxi-

small ridge height

Length Maximum comb height
horizontal platform slope
20 3.0 to 0,07 11 to 2.0 to 1.0 to

1.15 incl.

30 4.0 to 0,07 20 to 3.0 to 1.0 to

1.40 incl.

40 From 6.25 to

6.75 incl.

0,07 48 to 3.0 to From 1.75 to

2.25 incl.


On the roads on which the regular movement of trackless route vehicles is carried out, the parameters of the ID should be taken in accordance with Table 2.

table 2

Dimensions in meters

Wavy Profile Trapezoidal profile
The maximum allowable speed indicated on the sign, km/h Length Maxi-

small ridge height

Curved surface radius Length Maximum comb height
horizontal platform slope
20 5.0 to 0,07 31 to 2.0 to 1.5 to 0,07
30 8.0 to 0,07 80 to 3.0 to 2.0 to 0,07
40 12 to

12.5 incl.

0,07 From 180 to 3.0 to 4.0 to 0,07

4.3 Requirements for prefabricated structures

4.3.1 The collapsible design of the IS may consist of a number of the same type of geometrically compatible main and edge elements.

4.3.2 The main and edge elements may consist of one (see Figure 3a)

or two parts (see Figure 3b),

which are geometrically compatible with each other and have holes for fastening to the road surface.

4.3.3 The design must provide for the possibility of mounting and dismounting on the road surface, as well as replacing its individual elements and parts using a special tool.

4.3.4 The dimensions of the IS elements should be taken depending on the required limitation of the maximum allowable speed in accordance with Table 3.

Table 3

Dimensions in meters

The maximum allowable speed indicated on the sign, km/h ID element
Basic Regional
chord length Max Height chord length Max Height
30 From 0.50

up to 0.70 incl.

From 0.05

up to 0.06 incl.

From 0.50

up to 0.70 incl.

From 0.05

up to 0.06 incl.

40 From 0.90

up to 1.10 incl.

From 0.05

up to 0.06 incl.

From 0.90

up to 1.10 incl.

From 0.05

up to 0.06 incl.

4.3.5 Each element of the IS can be made in the form of a single-layer or two-layer structure.

4.3.6 IN must have a surface that provides the friction coefficient in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 50597.

4.3.7 The hardness of the IN, made of elastic material, according to Shore A, measured on the working surface at least at five points, at least 50 mm from the edge, must be from 55 to 80 conventional units.

4.4 To ensure visibility in the dark, retroreflective elements oriented in the direction of movement of vehicles should be applied to the surface of the IS. The area of ​​the retroreflective elements must be at least 15% of the total area of ​​the IN.

4.5 Retroreflective elements are made of polymeric tapes or other materials in accordance with GOST R 51256. The values ​​of the brightness coefficient and the coefficient of retroreflection of such elements must comply with the requirements of GOST R 51256 for category I roads and main streets of continuous traffic. In the event of destruction or peeling of retroreflective elements, as well as a decrease in the course of operation of their lighting characteristics to values ​​below the normative ones, the retroreflective elements must be replaced with new ones.

4.6 It is not allowed to operate the MI with missing individual elements and protruding or open fastener elements.

In the event of a violation of the integrity of the IS due to the loss of one or more elements, the fasteners remaining in the road surface should not cause damage to the tires.

4.7 When dismantling the IN, fasteners must be removed at the same time, the remaining holes on the road surface must be sealed, and warning signs and markings must be eliminated.

4.8 The set of artificial unevenness should include:

Main and edge elements;


Passport products;

Installation instructions.

5 Methods for controlling artificial irregularities

5.1 Technical condition IN control visually.

Control of retroreflective elements - according to GOST R 51256.

5.2 When examining the IN of a collapsible structure, the presence of all elements, their condition and tightness of contact with the road surface are checked.

5.3 When examining the monolithic structure of the IN, check the absence of subsidence, potholes, and other damage. The maximum dimensions of damage to the roadway pavement and the timing of their elimination are set in accordance with GOST R 50597.

5.4 If any defect of the MI is found, the period for its elimination should not exceed three days.

6 Rules for the use of artificial bumps

6.1 IN is arranged on roads with asphalt concrete and cement concrete pavements in areas with artificial lighting.

6.2 ID is arranged on the basis of an analysis of the causes of accidents on specific sections of roads, taking into account the composition and intensity of traffic and road conditions

IN are satisfied with:

In front of children's and youth educational institutions, playgrounds, places of mass recreation, stadiums, railway stations, shops and other objects of mass concentration of pedestrians, on transport-pedestrian and pedestrian-transport main streets of regional significance, on roads and streets of local significance, on park roads and driveways;

In front of dangerous sections of roads on which a speed limit of up to 40 km / h or less has been introduced, established by road sign 3.24 "Maximum speed limit" or 5.3.1 "Maximum speed limit zone";

Before entering the territory marked with sign 5.21 "Residential zone";

Before unregulated intersections with unsecured visibility of vehicles approaching along the crossed road, at a distance of 30 to 50 m to road sign 2.5 "Movement without stopping is prohibited";

From 10 to 15 m before the beginning of road sections that are areas of concentration of traffic accidents;

From 10 to 15 m to ground unregulated pedestrian crossings at children's and youth educational institutions, playgrounds, places of mass recreation, stadiums, railway stations, large shops, metro stations;

Alternating every 50 m from each other in the coverage area of ​​the road sign 1.23 "Children".

6.3 It is not allowed to arrange an ID in the following cases:

On federal roads;

On regional roads with 4 or more lanes (except for sections passing through the territory of cities and towns with more than 1000 inhabitants);

On stopping areas of public transport or adjacent traffic lanes and widenings of the carriageway;

On bridges, overpasses, overpasses, in transport tunnels and driveways under bridges;

At a distance of less than 100 m from railway crossings;

On highways of high-speed traffic in cities and main streets of citywide significance of continuous traffic;

At the entrances to hospitals, ambulance stations, fire stations, bus and trolleybus depots, garages and parking areas for emergency vehicles and other facilities where special vehicles are concentrated;

Above manholes underground communications.

6.4 It is allowed to combine the IN of a monolithic structure of a trapezoidal profile with unregulated ground pedestrian crossings near children's and youth educational institutions, playgrounds on local streets in residential areas of cities, ensuring the passage of pedestrians along the central horizontal platform of the IN with a width of at least 4 m, subject to traffic restrictions pedestrians on an inclined section of a raised pedestrian crossing with the help of fences.

6.5 Reducing the height of a monolithic artificial unevenness to zero to the tray located along the curb stone (see Figures 2a, c) is accepted with a slope of 1:6 at elevated pedestrian crossings and 1:4 - in other cases.

6.6 It is allowed to ensure the drainage of water from a monolithic PS without reducing its height (see Figures 2b, d) in the presence of storm water wells constructed at the PS on each side of the street (with a longitudinal slope of the tray less than 5+) or from one (upper) side of the street ( with a longitudinal slope of the tray 3+ or more).

6.7 IN is arranged on road sections with a provided standard visibility distance of the road surface in accordance with GOST R 52399 as close as possible to the existing masts artificial lighting, and, if necessary, with the installation of new outdoor lighting poles near the IN. The level of illumination of the carriageway in such areas should be at least 10 lux.

6.8 The length of a road section with a forced restriction of the maximum allowable speed should not exceed the values ​​specified in Table 4, and the total number of IDs on such a road section should not exceed five.

Table 4

Maximum allowable speed, km/h Distance between axes IN, m
20 From 35 to 60 incl.
30 From 60 to 80 incl.
40 From 80 to 125 incl.

7 Equipment with technical means for organizing traffic on road sections with artificial irregularities

7.1 Sections of roads on which IS are arranged should be equipped with road signs and road markings in accordance with GOST R 52289, GOST R 52290 and GOST R 51256.

7.2 Road signs 1.17 "Artificial Roughness" and 5.20 "Artificial Roughness" are installed in front of the IN on the near border of it or markings.

7.3 Drivers are warned about several sequentially located artificial bumps by using the plate 8.2.1 "Scope of action" installed together with the warning sign 1.17 "Artificial bumps".

7.4 If the ID dimensions are selected on the road section for the maximum allowable speed, which differs from the speed on the previous road section by 20 km / h or more, a stepped speed limit is applied with sequential installation of signs 3.24 "Maximum speed limit" in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 52289.

7.5 In the case of using different designs of the IS, the marking lines on pavement and applied to the curbstone in accordance with Figure 4 (Figure 4 - An example of marking 1.25 and 2.7 when installing IN).

see Figure 4a - monolithic construction

see figure 4b - collapsible design.

If necessary, the device of a towering ground pedestrian crossing, combined with the IN, the marking line is applied in accordance with Figure 5.

See Figure 5 - An example of marking 1.25 and 2.7 in the case of an elevated pedestrian crossing, combined with ID

Instructions for installation and operation of artificial road bumps (IDN) production
OOO " Technology”, Yaroslavl.

The instruction was drawn up in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 52605-2006 Technical means of traffic management « Artificial road irregularities. IDN produced by LLC " Technology» is a long-term engineering structure designed for use in various climatic conditions, including where mechanical snow removal is provided in winter period and mechanized street cleaning.

Application rules

IDN should be used on sections of streets located in front of children's and youth educational institutions, clinics, hospitals.

IDN device is allowed:

  • on the streets of district and local significance, side and local driveways of highways;
  • in residential areas marked with road signs 5.38-5.39 « Residential zone", " End residential area";
  • in front of the gates of garages, off-street parking areas, exits from the territories of gas stations, on roads and driveways of park areas.

IDN device is not allowed:

  • on sections of roads in the presence of trolleybus traffic on them;
  • on sections of streets with a longitudinal slope of more than 50%, at public transport stops or near them, on bridges, viaducts, flyovers, in transport tunnels and passages under overpasses;

The constructed artificial road roughness should be located perpendicular to the axis of the carriageway, to exclude the possibility of its detour.

IDN should be located at a distance of at least 30 meters in front of unregulated pedestrian crossings and at a distance of 60-1000 meters from each other in the direction of travel.

If it is necessary to forcefully limit the speed of movement on long sections of streets and driveways, it is allowed to arrange several artificial bumps on the carriageway, placing them at approximately equal distances from unregulated ground pedestrian crossings and changing the distance between the axes of the bumps in the range from 60 to 100 meters, depending on the road conditions and maximum speed.

Before artificial road bumps on roads, streets and driveways inside residential areas, sign 3.24 should be used « Restriction maximum speed”, the value of which is taken equal to the maximum allowable speed of passage through this roughness.

After the end of a section of the road with several consecutive bumps or a single bump, road signs should be installed 3.25 " End maximum speed limits.

If the average speed of movement of single cars on the section of the road on which it is supposed to establish an artificial roughness exceeds by 30 km/h or more the maximum permissible speed for which the parameters and dimensions of the artificial roughness are assigned, stepwise speed control should be applied on the approach to the zone speed limits in increments of not more than 20 km / h by installing road signs.

Operating conditions

For long-term and sustainable preservation of the IDN during mechanized cleaning of the road network and mechanical snow removal, the following recommendations must be observed:

  1. When using machines of the KDM type, immediately before the IDN, it is necessary to raise the cleaning knife-scraper and turn off the brush-roller.
  2. When removing snow with the help of graders, it is necessary to raise the grader knife in front of the IDN by at least 0.8 m (for so that the snow blade does not damage the surface of the IDN).
  3. In winter, additional manual cleaning is carried out in the zone of one meter on both sides of the IDN.
  4. If the IDN section is damaged, it is enough to replace only the damaged elements. At the request of the customer and operational services, it is possible to dismantle the IDN for the winter. Repair or replacement of damaged structures is carried out by the balance holder of the road within 3 days.
  • Provide flat surface highways.
  • Lay out the sections of the IDN in a line, tightly connecting them to each other.
  • Use as many sections as necessary to completely cover the roadway, to avoid the possibility of a complete or partial bypass of the IDN. Otherwise, this can lead to a sharp increase in the load on individual sections and, accordingly, their failure. To ensure drainage, 0.2 m is sufficient on each side, provided that the radius of curvature of the road surface complies with GOST.
  • Mark the drilling locations on the road surface.
  • Having shifted the IDN, drill holes for anchor bolts measuring 10 × 120 mm. (diameter holes of the metal washer in the IDN is 11 mm).
  • Install the IDN in place and tighten the bolts.
  • All mounting holes must be used.
  • The recommended fasteners fully comply with the geometric dimensions of the holes and the required penetration depth into the road surface. It is certified and designed for the loads to which the road traffic tester is subjected by vehicles that comply with the established speed limit. Anchor bolt 10×100 is recommended, but the final selection of fasteners is made by the installer, depending on the quality of the roadway. During installation, it is necessary to make sure that the asphalt pavement is of sufficient thickness and that its quality characteristics comply with GOST.
  • Installation and operation of the IDN should be carried out by a specialized organization that has all the necessary licenses and permits for this.

Warranty obligations.

The warranty period of the IDN is 12 months from the date of installation. The guarantee covers the preservation of the integrity of the structure, the preservation of all functional qualities, including light reflection (preservation reflective elements of at least 15% of the total surface area of ​​the IDN, as regulated by GOST).

Warranty for fastening the IDN to the roadway is given by the installation organization, based on the choice of fasteners, the quality of the roadway and the intensity of traffic.

Chief technologist Alekseev E.K.

We have own production and large stocks over 28500 products for roads and parking lots available! We can provide a large volume of delivery of goods or produce the required number of units in a short time.

How you can buy goods from us:

  • Large wholesale (from 500 thousand) prices are indicated in the price list
  • Small wholesale (from 100 thousand) prices are indicated in the price list
  • retailretail prices indicated in the price list and in the product cards


  • We deliver goods throughout Russia, CIS countries and neighboring countries
  • Delivery in Moscow and the Moscow region - 2 times a week
  • Usually the cost of delivery within the Moscow Ring Road is 1100 rubles for goods up to 150 kg.
    for other points, the cost is calculated individually.

We will deliver the goods by a transport company convenient for you:

Artificial road bump, also called a speed bump, is the most popular means of organizing traffic and arranging the roadway today.

IDNs are installed on the road to force a reduction in the speed of vehicles. This measure aims to improve the safety of road users, including drivers and pedestrians. speed bumps are installed on sections of roads near schools, kindergartens, playgrounds, hospitals, shopping centers. Such equipment is indispensable for organizing traffic at potentially dangerous and unregulated intersections.

Advantages of IDN of our production

Wear-resistant and durable rubber

For the manufacture of our speed bumps, high quality rubber is used, which is resistant to increased loads, climatic influences, and road chemicals.

Rugged construction

Parts of the artificial road roughness are fastened together with a tongue-and-groove lock. Such a connection of the elements of the product is strong and reliable, it gives the product the necessary solidity.

Reliable glue

The special adhesive used in the production of our speed bumps firmly adheres the reflective film to the surface of the road bumps.

Reflective elements

Reflective windows on the surface of the product make our PIDs highly visible in low light conditions. Optimum reliability and durability. The area of ​​light reflection of our IDN exceeds the requirements of GOST by 2 times.

High reliability of fastenings

Special metal discs reinforcing the mounting holes in the products provide secure fastening speed bumps to the roadbed. Such metal discs are welded into the body of the IDN during the vulcanization of the product. This prevents speed bumps from being pulled out of the roadway during their operation.

honeycomb structure

The lower part of the product has a protector in the form of hexagons. When hit by a car, the pressure inside is distributed evenly and does not allow the product to deform. Proper drainage is provided. The mass of the IDN-500 from the Tekhnologiya PC is 14 kg, and the IDN-900 is 24 kg.

Speed ​​bumps - buy

PC "Technologiya" is engaged in the production and sale of various road equipment. You can buy speed bumps from us standard sizes or order the manufacture of irregularities with unique dimensions. Our IDNs are manufactured taking into account the requirements of GOST and the wishes of the customer. The logistics department of the Technologiya company ensures prompt and reliable delivery of manufactured products throughout the territory of the Russian Federation, Moscow and the countries of the Near Abroad. You can also buy other equipment designed for organizing traffic in Moscow and other cities.

Artificial road roughness - types:

The speed bump has a collapsible design. Such a collapsible product consists of several parts: two end elements and one (several) middle working elements. The number of middle parts varies depending on the width of the road where the speed bump is installed. An artificial roughness is located on the roadway perpendicular to the traffic line so that the cars do not have the opportunity to go around it. The allowable distance from the edge of the road to the beginning of the DID on each side is set by GOST and is ⩽0.2 m.

In front of such an obstacle, according to the rules, a sign "Maximum speed limit" is installed. In this case, the maximum permissible speed of vehicles on this section of the roadway is indicated.

  • The long service life of IDN from the Tekhnologiya PC is ensured by the use of high-quality materials for their manufacture. Our speed bumps are made of durable, wear-resistant rubber, resistant to increased loads, climatic influences, road chemicals. This material is resistant to external factors and deformation.
  • Details of artificial road roughness are equipped with a thorn-groove lock. These lateral protrusions firmly fasten the parts of the structure, providing them with a reliable and strong connection to each other.
  • Technological openings of products intended for their fastening to the road are reinforced with special metal disks with electroplated. This design provides reliable connection JDN with roadbed and protection of the product from being pulled out of the asphalt.
  • Reinforcement of the IDN body with a metal cord provides its increased strength. This eliminates the possibility of deformation of the road bumps and extends its service life.
  • Reflective elements located on the surface of the product make them highly visible even in conditions of poor visibility. These elements are made of a high-class reflective film and fixed to the IDN with special glue.
  • The reflective film is located in special recesses, which eliminates the possibility of its displacement.
  • The democratic price of rubber speed bumps makes them affordable for consumers.

Installation of IDN (artificial road bumps)

Advantages of IDN installation by our team:

  • Free calculation of the cost of installation individually for your object on the day of contact
  • Possibility of complex arrangement of the IDN installation area, namely:
  • Installation of information signs, as well as the application of signal markings in the installation area of ​​the IDN in accordance with GOST R 52289
  • Installation is carried out by an experienced team
  • Installation of products is carried out in Moscow and the Moscow region

In addition to installing IDN, we carry out a comprehensive installation of products on roads and parking lots: installation, and, and, and you can also order the service of applying signal markings at the facility.

additional information

  1. The installation of "speed bumps" must be accompanied by the installation of warning signs 1.17. and 3.24. in accordance with GOST 10807-78. (See section