Rules for success. Seven Key Rules for Success

  • 24.09.2019

Both among celebrities and among their acquaintances, one can find some general patterns, principles that guided them. These will be our rules for achieving success, let's look at them.

Rules for success.

Success Rule #1. Everyone can be successful. Absolutely anyone can become successful, regardless of their current position. They become successful both at a young and old age; both the poor and the rich; both men and women; both residents of megacities and rural residents; and employees, and freelancers, and businessmen; etc. Achieving success depends on the purposefulness of a person, and on what he is ready to do for the sake of his goal.

Success Rule #2. Success requires sacrifice. Like the beauty of the famous saying. To become successful, you will have to sacrifice something: at least your free time, your strength. And perhaps - work, career, leisure, even relationships with people who do not support you. Victims are inevitable.

Success Rule #3. Clear criteria for success. If you abstractly want to become successful, you are unlikely to succeed. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly define for yourself, in your understanding, what it is, how it can be stated, how to measure it. And then you will already strive for something more specific, which is always more correct and easier. You will also be able to control your intermediate results, which is also useful.

Success Rule #4. The less people know about your plans, the better. Try to spread as little as possible about your goals and plans. The more people know about this, the more people will appear who want to dissuade you, not support you, the more envious people and even pests will appear. All this will hinder you on your way to success, pull you down. So keep your thoughts secret, and when you become successful, everyone will know about it anyway.

Success Rule #5. Active life position. In the vast majority of cases, success comes from people who are active life position. In simple words- those who are not lazy and do not hesitate for years, but simply take it and do it. People with an active position are not afraid of work, are ready for change, have many hobbies, are always on the move, often make new acquaintances, are not afraid of experiments, etc. If you just lie on the couch and think about wealth and success, you are unlikely to ever come to this.

Success Rule #6. Working with a mentor. Experience of many famous people shows that they were successful largely due to the fact that they had a mentor. Why not take it on board? A mentor can be a person who has already achieved good results in what you are striving for, whom you would like to be equal to. Moreover, it does not have to be live communication with a mentor (although this would be great in general), you can simply follow his experience, advice and recommendations that are publicly available.

Success Rule #7. Comprehensive development. In striving for success, you do not need to get hung up on your main goal and at the same time completely detach yourself from everything else. If you look at successful people, you will notice that they are always comprehensively developed: they know and can do a lot, have versatile hobbies, etc. In pursuit of success, do not forget to pay attention and time to your family and friends, friends, health, hobbies, and recreation. Draw from it all positive emotions that will give you strength to achieve the main goal.

Success Rule #8. Successful environment. Just a huge role in the life of each person is played by his environment. If your environment is dominated by people of the same or more low level, they will always hold you in place or even pull you down. To be successful, you need the right environment. Strive to surround yourself with people who are better than you, whom you want to emulate, whose success you want to emulate, and you will automatically strive to rise to their level.

Success Rule #9. Problems and difficulties are inevitable. Probably not a single person has yet managed to achieve success without a single obstacle on the way to it. Problems will arise in any case and it will not be possible to completely avoid them - you need to understand this and be prepared for this. Moreover, you need to learn not to be afraid of problems, perceive them as a challenge and overcome them. This quality can be called one of the key to success.

Success Rule #10. Honesty and law are above all. Do not seek to achieve success in some deceptive ways. Even if it seems to you that “everyone does it”. After all, you can only see the “tip of the iceberg”, you don’t know how many problems there are in the life of some official who stole money and created the image of a successful person for himself? And what these problems can turn out to be for him ... Therefore, be honest and follow the laws. If you manage to find the right loophole in the law - excellent, but if you break the laws - bad.

Success Rule #11. Risk is a noble cause. Achieving success is always associated with risk to one degree or another. Moreover, the higher this risk, the greater success can be achieved. But this does not mean at all that it is necessary to go for broke, because the opposite outcome is also very likely: to lose everything and be left with nothing. The risk must be reasonable and controlled - only in this way will it lead you to success.

Success Rule #12. The priority is to work for yourself. When working for yourself, there are much more opportunities for success than with the so-called. . Therefore, strive precisely for this, there can be many directions: even a small one, etc.

Success Rule #13. The priority is passive income. Moreover, you need to strive to create assets for yourself - sources of passive income. Because it tends to grow exponentially to infinity, which cannot be said about active earnings. Invest, create capital and make it work for you, while minimizing the investment of your labor and time resources.

Success Rule #14. Diversification of income. But that's not all about income. In addition, income should be diversified as much as possible, that is, the more sources of income a person has, the better. The only source of income, no matter how mega-stable and mega-reliable it may seem, is always a huge risk.

Success Rule #15. Doing what you love. No need to rush into various areas earnings only because “you can make good money there”, if the soul does not lie at all in this. In such a case, you are unlikely to be able to achieve success, but the chances of “burning out” - on the contrary, are very high. Any income must be approached with love, and ways to earn money can be found in any field that is close to you and in which you are well versed.

Success Rule #16. The right attitude towards money. The quantity and quality of sources of income will not lead to anything without. Otherwise, they will not stay with you for a long time, and success in most cases depends very much on the monetary component.

Success Rule #18. From dreams to action. You can dream of success indefinitely, but it will give absolutely nothing. We need to act. Moreover, competently, thoughtfully, in stages, according to the plan. Go forward towards your goal, overcome obstacles, move forward step by step until the goal is reached.

Success Rule #19. Hurry up and make people laugh. I think everyone is familiar with this saying, and so, to achieve success, it should also be applied. In very rare cases, success is quick, much more often it is a long and painstaking path. There is no need to rush, contrary to common sense, so that it does not work out, as in this saying. By the way, quick success is usually short-lived - this is also worth remembering.

Success Rule #20. Never give up! Well, let's finish our rules for achieving success with the famous saying of Winston Churchill: never, never, never give up! This suggests that you should not give up even in case of defeat: get up, analyze your mistakes and go further towards your goal, no one will do it except you.

These are the 20 rules for success. Most of them are not difficult at all. But following this simple rules success can lead to results that you did not even think about. So keep it up and you'll be fine!

I wish you the best in all your endeavors! Until we meet again on the pages of the site!

There are rules for the life of a successful person, and in fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. But there are also pitfalls. Before describing the basic rules of success, you need to know the most important rule - you must always be honest with yourself. Remember, if you lie to yourself, you will never be able to accept right decisions, since the original data will be incorrect. Well, now:

Simple rules for a successful person

1. Leave the past behind.

In our past, there is an unprecedented store of experience, by analyzing which we can avoid many mistakes in the future. But it also has a lot of disappointments that can destroy us. Don't give in to regret to avoid it. Never again think: "What if I then." Think only about the fact that the decisions you made have led you to the very place where you are now standing.

2. Decide what you want.

To start moving somewhere, you must first determine the direction. Until you decide what you want to achieve, you will not be able to get a result, so every time before you start doing something, understand what you want to achieve from this action.

3. Don't be afraid to lose.

We've all been taught for so long that it's embarrassing to lose that we've begun to believe it. Doing nothing because you're afraid of losing is stupid. As long as you don't do anything, you won't lose, but you won't win either. And, besides, how to understand where your limit is without giving 100% at least once? The winner will never understand what he was or was not capable of, the loser always does.

4. Don't believe in easy ways.

You can't be the best at something if you put in only half your effort. Success comes only to those who painstakingly work to achieve results for months on end. Therefore, there has never been and never will be an easy way to achieve anything. If you want to be first at something, you deserve it.

5. Do only what he himself decided to do.

They will say that you are obsessed with something. They will say that you will die like this, that you cannot do this. They are society. Do not listen to them, because 90% of them were never able to achieve what they wanted. And now they, based on their own fears, will tell you what to do? And that part of society that does not want to look bad against your background? For them, your victories will be a reminder that they too could have done something, but never did, so they will discourage you from doing everything that will lead you to greatness. If you decide to do something - do it, and do not listen to those whom you would not like to be equal to.

6. Don't stand still.

If you have stopped on your way to achieving the goal, then you are no longer standing still, you are rolling back. You can't stop here. There are no points in life where one could save the result obtained and not be afraid to lose it if something goes wrong. Always go to the goal and never stop.

7. Don't put off anything for later.

Unresolved cases are a snowball. The longer you accumulate them, the more then you have to make them in a short time. Therefore, you need to try to solve problems as they come. In addition, it is important to learn how to prioritize.

8. Try to eat healthy food.

Healthy nutrition gives a healthy complexion, vitality and energy. In addition, it will help to maintain a figure, and reduce the risk of cancer. Therefore, you should try to eat as healthy as possible.

9. Be aware of the news.

The most valuable resource of the 21st century is information, so people who own it receive greater recognition in society. In addition, those who receive the news more reliably and earlier than others are treated first.

10. Learn foreign languages.

Knowledge of foreign languages, which are mainly used in the world, will help in a wide variety of situations. Whether it's fellowship on business meeting, or understanding documentation written in a foreign language is not important. This knowledge will come in handy sooner or later.

11. Look neat.

They are greeted by clothes, so you should always dress harmoniously, adhering to a certain style. Do not forget that for office workers strict business style (white shirt / blouse, black trousers) is preferable to casual (t-shirt and denim trousers), and vice versa for non-office workers. You also need to take care of a stylish, but at the same time not defiant hairstyle.

12. Go in for sports.

As practice shows, people with an athletic physique are highly preferred by members of the opposite sex, so playing sports is an integral part of the life of any successful person. It is also worth noting that people who exercise regularly are the most strong-willed, because they force themselves to go to workouts, even when they themselves do not want to. In addition, playing sports, as a rule, helps to release thoughts and relieve stress.

13. Prioritize quality over quantity.

There is a good saying: "The miser pays twice." But he pays not from personal qualities, but from the fact that he buys a less quality product. If you buy something for yourself, for your own use, then immediately buy a quality and reliable product.

14. Do not take a word.

Any information that comes into your possession should be verified before being shared with anyone else. People tend to lie to achieve their goals, so never take anyone's word for it.

15. Until they ask, you need to be silent.

If any discussion is unfolding near you, then you should not interfere in it until you are asked. Sometimes, not knowing the right answer and being silent is much better than intervening in someone else's dispute, and being right, being booed for impudence.

16. Not to have bad habits.

Bad habits, yes, and in principle, any addiction will show others that you are a weak person. To prevent this, do not have weaknesses and know the measure in everything.

17. Think before you speak.

The ability to clearly articulate your thought and express it in a nutshell is much more important than the ability to quickly speak terms that no one will understand. In addition, with a clear and concise answer, the interlocutor will not have questions that he can ask if at least some aspect of your answer is incomprehensible to him.

18. Don't hold grudges or plan revenge.

Anger is too heavy baggage to carry around. Do not be angry, because not finding a way out, anger will begin to destroy you from the inside. As for revenge, don't waste your time on it. Spend time trying to become more successful than others, this will be the best revenge.

19. Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty.

There is no shame in a job where you have to get your hands dirty. It is a shame not to work at all, referring to the fact that you deserve more. Only those who are not afraid to work at any job, just to provide for themselves and their families, deserve more.

20. Always get enough sleep.

If you don't get enough sleep, then you don't stay awake. You will have a slow reaction and a disgusting look if you do not sleep even an hour to the norm. If you can't get enough sleep one night, try to sleep at least the next.

21. Be ready to prove yourself.

It is not often that you will be given a chance to show your skills and knowledge in any area. Therefore, you must always be ready to prove yourself, and show what you are worth.

22. Do not believe in luck and justice.

Life is not fair, and this is not an opinion, but a fact. You should not expect that you will be treated fairly, but you yourself should always play by the rules, no matter how difficult it may be. You should not believe in luck either, and if you were lucky once, this does not mean that you will always be lucky.

23. Do not be afraid not to fit into the general framework.

If you're not like everyone else, and you don't think like everyone else, that's not bad. To have an opinion means to think about why the opinion of others is false. In addition, if you think differently than everyone else, you can come up with / invent something that others, with their standard thinking, have not thought of.

24. Don't borrow money for no particular reason.

If need and hunger do not force you to borrow money, then you do not need to do this. To be indebted to someone means to depend on him, so you should not borrow money without a special reason.

25. Do not look for the guilty.

If something doesn’t work out for you, you don’t need to look for someone to blame. Only you decide how and what to do, and therefore only you are to blame. Instead of looking for someone to blame, I look for ways to fix it.

Many want to be rich, successful and famous, but only a few can accept the rules of life of successful people, work as much as they do, go to their goal like them, take responsibility and many other things. In this article, we have collected 15 things that are inherent in successful people. See how many separate you from them.

1. Know foreign languages

Knowledge of foreign languages ​​will help not only to understand many inscriptions on equipment manufactured abroad, but also to understand information on the Internet and to speak freely with foreigners in negotiations. Also, as a rule, knowledge of foreign languages ​​improves the ability to memorize information, and develops mental abilities.

2. Always look neat

They can see off a person and they will be wise, but they are always met by clothes. You should always dress stylishly and fashionably. You should also keep your face and hands clean and manicure regularly. We must not forget about the hairstyle and accessories.

3. Train the body and spirit

Sport will temper not only the body, but also the spirit. A person involved in sports will always be in good shape, will have great working capacity and willpower. One more thing: people of athletic build are considered the most sexually preferred by the opposite sex.

4. Rely on quality, not quantity

There is no need to buy many bad products that can be replaced by one good one. Choosing between the quantity and quality of goods, a successful person will always choose quality. Besides, a miser always pays twice, and a dumb one always pays three times.

5. Don't answer until asked

Often, people who speak in your presence in their reasoning or open debate may not be right in some aspects. But this does not give the right to get into their dispute, and share your opinion about the issue under discussion.

6. Don't let pride control you.

Sooner or later, it will seem to you that you have earned enough, and have already worked hard. And sometimes, it seems to us that taking a risky job is productive. In fact, it's all dictated by your pride. You must not let it control you, otherwise your career and all assets will be in jeopardy.

7. Give up bad habits

Any bad habit will show the people around you your dependence on anything. Addiction is a weakness of character. If you want not to be taken for such a person, get rid of all bad habits, and implement any, even useful addiction, in moderation.

8. Think thrice before you say something

Any successful person should be able to correctly and concisely formulate his thought. This is the most important skill a successful person will ever need as they are often in contact with other people. With the right questions and suggestions, you can minimize communication even with the most slow-witted people.

9. Do not get angry and do not take revenge

Hate is too heavy a feeling to take with you every day. A successful person has no right to hate someone. It's the same with revenge. It is not necessary to think over how a person will pay for his misdeeds. It is enough just to become more successful than him, and it will best solution. Nothing angers people more than someone else's success.

10. Don't be afraid of a non-prestigious job

There is no work that is not prestigious or not worthy of you. It is better to work as a janitor or a waiter, but provide for yourself, than sit on someone else's neck, arguing what you deserve. And when need presses on you, dignity can be neglected for the sake of a piece of bread.

11. Do not forget about healthy sleep

A healthy complexion can only be obtained after healthy sleep, so you can't forget about it. If the first night did not work out, then the second night you need to sleep.

12. Be willing to show off

You will not get chances to prove yourself so often, so do not neglect them. It is necessary at absolutely any moment to have the opportunity to show yourself with better side by showing everything you can. You never know how it will help you in the future.

13. Accept that life is unfair

From birth, each person is not given the same social status, height, weight, skin and hair color. However, natural flaws are no reason not to succeed. It doesn’t matter how you were born, what matters is what you do and what your actions are aimed at.

14. Don't be afraid to be different

If everyone is moving along one road, and you are on another, then it is you who are more likely to find or do something new. Thinking outside the box is not always a bad thing. The main thing is to go in the right direction.

15. Don't borrow money

Money borrowed will not only have to be paid back, but, perhaps, reproaches for such requests will also have to be heard. When you borrow money, it binds you not only to the needs for the return of these funds, but also morally, since such a request is inconvenience to the creditor. Therefore, if possible, you should try never to borrow money from people.

Every person wants to be successful. The main problem is that success is a very loose concept. For some, this means achieving heights in a career, for some it’s enough just to feel happy, someone wants to combine family and work, and for some it’s enough to be a good family man. Therefore, it is very difficult to give an exact definition of success.

Everyone can achieve their heights. It just takes some effort. Correct behavior will help form the rules of a successful person. They are suitable for any purpose. How should a successful person behave? What ways to attract what you want should you pay attention to in the first place? different peoples give a variety of advice on this matter. It is worth considering the most popular of them, as well as compiling a few reminders that will always help you achieve what you want by adhering to a certain behavior.


The first rule, which can only be, is to work a little on your environment. What does it mean? It is required to communicate with people from the circle to which the citizen aspires.

That is, if you want to be rich, you need to be friends and constantly be in the company of wealthy people. A good family man will associate with those who have also achieved success at home.

This is a kind of psychological technique that allows you to achieve success on a subconscious level and tune in to a specific goal. It is worth noting: not in vain successful people do not associate with simpletons. It kind of pulls them down. Therefore, it will have to be reconsidered. No need to cross out old friends. But if they do not correspond to the circle in which the main communication will take place after achieving the goal, it is necessary to minimize communication with such people.

Don't procrastinate

What's next? The rules of a successful person's life are varied. Next tip which is given to people - never put things off until later. That is, always do what was planned today. And even a little more.

There is an expression: "Do today what you can do later, tomorrow you will live in a way that others cannot live." In general, the habit of putting things off and not sticking to a certain plan is not at all a feature of a successful person. Rather, on the contrary. Rules are good first. psychological attitudes that allow you to always move forward and set new ones in front of you.

No excuses

It is worth paying attention to the fact that successful people do not make excuses. Never before anyone. They a priori hold themselves confidently, analyze all their mistakes in order not to make them again in the future.

That is why the rules of life of a successful person in most cases indicate that a citizen must get rid of the habit of making excuses. Do not apologize, namely, look for excuses and express them to others. It will not be easy to do this, but only in this way will it eventually be possible to achieve certain heights.

Some point out that if you justify yourself to people, this indicates a person’s insecurity and even vulnerability. Not the best trait of a successful citizen. If someone respects the culprit of this or that event, loves him, then the justification for the actions will be found by itself. And for those who disrespectfully, with a certain disgust treats a person, it is useless to prove something. A well-known fact that everyone will have to remember.

Work comes first

The rules of a successful person necessarily include such an item as hard work. Do not confuse it with procrastination. This is a completely different nuance.

The thing is that to achieve success in a particular area, you will have to work hard. Moreover, it does not have to be official employment, on which money is earned. It's about work in general. For example, above yourself. Or your desires. It all depends on what goal you want to achieve.

As they say, "Cause time - fun hour." Successful people are constantly busy, they are always working. Hard work will eventually be rewarded. And this should be remembered. If a person does not devote enough time to this feature, one can not hope for success in any area.

Rest is good too

Nevertheless, this does not mean at all that a person should turn into a draft horse and, apart from work (including on himself), see nothing. The rules of the successful people of the world indicate that rest is also required.

Stress, tension and constant work breed accumulation negative emotions, fatigue. Some people may develop depression due to lack of rest. All this, of course, will prevent you from moving towards your goal. Most likely, it will make it impossible to achieve it.

That is why it is important to learn to relax, not to accumulate negativity in yourself. The main thing is that the rest was regular. And if everything that was planned for today has been done in full, then it’s a sin not to relax. Sometimes, having a good rest, a person can do more than usual. By the way, if every day, at the same time, rest and work, then the activity of a person will automatically increase when necessary. And decline during rest periods. This is an excellent guarantee of success.

Don't envy

The basic rules of a successful person indicate that you should not look with envy at the achievements of other people. Envy is bad. It means to attract negativity. It, accordingly, will only worsen the situation of a person. This will have to be remembered.

If someone has achieved high altitudes, most likely, this person showed more perseverance and aspiration. There is room for improvement! Instead of addiction, you should learn to understand what more successful people serve

The price of time

But the basic advice doesn't end there. The rules of rich and successful people say that everyone should value their time. It just can't be stopped or brought back.

It is recommended to plan your day and schedule it by the hour. Next - stick to a certain schedule. And of course, do not be distracted and do not deviate from the plan. Were you able to do everything faster than you wanted? Excellent! You can either overfulfill the norm, or relax.

Some say: "Time is money." If you want to become rich, then so be it. After all, for the time wasted, one could do something that would bear fruit in the future.


But these are not all the rules of a successful person. The point is that psychologists simple people put forward a lot of theories, according to which the behavior in one direction or another will help to reach certain heights.

Much attention is paid not to work, but to self-development. That is self-improvement. Any successful person is someone who constantly develops and does not stand still.

This does not mean at all that you need to constantly study at universities, go to courses or sit at various lectures. Not at all. There is an expression It is this rule that must be followed in order to achieve some success.

In general, man is an imperfect being. So, he always has something to strive for. And this needs to be remembered. Self-development and self-improvement are the features of all successful and rich people. Without them, a person, one might say, becomes stupid and stops in development. It prevents you from getting what you want.

There is no limit to perfection

7 rules of successful people (and even more) have already been given. But it is worth noting one more important point. Successful and wealthy people don't strive to be perfect, they don't do their job flawlessly. Such individuals simply do what is required.

There is no such thing as a perfect job. After all, as already mentioned, man is an imperfect being. This means that he will not be able to perform his work flawlessly. Why? Because you can always say: "I can do better."

If a person thinks that he has done a perfect job, then his expectations may not be met. This is a serious blow to self-esteem and the desire of a citizen to perform certain tasks flawlessly. So you don't have to do your job perfectly. So there will be less disappointments and broken expectations.


Any rules of a successful person necessarily indicate how to relate to their failures. Nobody is safe from them. This is usually quite normal. In any business there are periods of ups and downs. Usually the first attitude is excellent. After all, success is always good.

And how to deal with failures? It is noted that failures are also prospects. They teach a person not to make mistakes in the future. As they say, learn from mistakes. Therefore, failures and failures are also quite good prospects for further development. Successful people see them as life lessons for the future, not as destructive.

Memo for Success

What 10 rules of a successful person help many people achieve what they want? All of the above can be written down in the form of a small memo. She will serve good helper upon reaching a certain goal.

The memo might look like this:

  1. Work, work and work again. hard work is rewarded.
  2. Rest is just as important as hard work.
  3. Envy is the key to failure.
  4. Time is money. There is no need to waste it.
  5. Planning is the key to success.
  6. Calmness perfectly helps to move towards the goal.
  7. You need to learn to forgive. And loved ones.
  8. Learn to say "no" to excuses.
  9. Surround yourself with successful people.
  10. Show persistence and perseverance.

Simple success rules, which will help to make a small breakthrough in your life, to budge. Start moving towards your goals and dreams.

It has been very relevant in the last 5 years. In general, forget what it is, never go near it. TV is evil!

Many people cannot imagine life without TV. There is a TV in every house, and more often there are several of them in every room and in the kitchen. TV can be compared to a kind of family hearth, which gathers the whole family in the evening at its screen, familiar situation?! Forget about TV as a source of information. If you feel sorry for throwing away the once valuable zombie, then treat it simply as an interior item, as a bedside table on which you can put something and nothing more. If you absolutely cannot refuse TV, then watch exclusively educational channels: Discovery, Viasat History or National Geographic. But please forget about coming home after work and relaxing with the remote by clicking on all the channels.

The second rule of success and you have heard about it many times - do not stop, move forward no matter what.

Very simple and very effective, the main thing is to try, the main thing is to try to go forward no matter what. Remember an example from your life when you resisted and did something no matter what. Remember?! And now answer - did you succeed in what you wanted ?! I am sure 99.9 percent of you have achieved the desired result with the motivation " Do not give up no matter what".

Act against everything and everyone, act no matter what! Achieve success, break through the walls with your perseverance and focus!

The third rule of success is to write down the ideas that come to mind.

There is absolutely nothing complicated here, just keep a notebook and a pen with you at all times. Always carry one with you in your clothes, let one lie in the workplace, put one next to the bed, because the most brilliant thoughts come in a dream. Before going to bed or in a dream, a huge number of random interesting thoughts come to mind. Write down the generated ideas immediately, do not try to keep everything in your head, you will forget!

The brightest ideas visit us at the most unexpected moment, the less we expect them, the better these ideas are, and therefore it is especially important to always have a notebook and a pen with you. Do you want to succeed and not miss a single brilliant idea that can make a giant breakthrough in everyday life?! Then write down whatever comes to mind!

It is difficult to keep one idea in mind, the process of developing this idea immediately begins, consideration from different angles, thinking through perspectives. If you do not immediately write down the idea while it is still hot, then there is a chance to lose it in its original form, in the form in which it impressed you, aroused the desire to act.

It is these hot ideas that lead to success. To achieve success in life, it is not enough to have one, two, three or ten ideas. There should be a lot of ideas, a huge number, it should be an endless source. And in order not to miss any of them, you need to write down!

By writing down an idea, you will never have to push and strain to remember one brilliant idea that came to mind yesterday before bed or at breakfast.

Your ideas are invaluable. In your notebook you can always find something interesting and "fresh". The internet or books won't have that effect because those ideas are not yours. Native ideas are more conducive to development and success than imposed ideas.

There are ideas for the implementation of which everything needs to be eaten and you can start implementing them right now, but there are ideas for the implementation of which something is still missing, be it skills, time, money. Such ideas are postponed for "later". It is very important not to forget about them when their time comes and a notebook will help you!

So! Do you want to be successful?! Record everything! Come in handy.

The fourth rule of success is Punctuality.

Punctuality, many know. what it is, but let's give a definition to talk about the same thing. From the Latin "punctum" - point. This is a character trait that implies a systematic adherence to the rules, as well as extreme accuracy.

In almost all languages, punctuality is understood as the ability of a person to fulfill his obligations on time. For example: to come to a meeting at the appointed time, to hand over the work by the deadline.

Some cultures of the world generally do not allow all sorts of delays (Germans and Japanese). In Western culture, being late for 10-15 minutes is considered the norm (including Russia), we do not see this as a terrible disaster, unfortunately we are brought up this way, this is our mentality. And let's compare the standard of living in Japan and Germany with Russia, I don't even need to give any figures, everything is obvious, the Germans and the Japanese are much more successful in business than the Russians.

Punctuality is an essential attribute of a successful person.

Punctuality is not only internal self-discipline, it is also respect for others.

Punctuality is a characteristic of a person's reliability as a friend, as a business partner, as a life partner.

If you want to be appreciated and respected, if you want to have serious business with you, then be punctual, write punctuality into good habits, and you will definitely succeed.

The fifth rule of success - do not make fun of other people's dreams.

Don't laugh at other people's dreams. As a child, each of you dreamed of something, for example: to visit something, to go somewhere, many wanted to go to space, jump with a parachute and many other things that cannot be called everyday things. When you tell a friend: "Let's go skydiving", and he answers you: "Yeah... it's dangerous... my wife won't let me go...". At such a moment, you also have doubts about doing something, making your little dream come true. It will be much worse if they laugh at you when they hear what you want to do.

Units out of a thousand are ready to bite the bullet and do it to spite everyone and prove that it is possible, but there are few such people. There are many more people who themselves laugh at other people's dreams and at the same time are afraid to seem ridiculous in the eyes of others. Do not laugh at the dreams of other people, do not create complexes and obstacles for them on the way to a dream. On the contrary, support the dreams of others, then other people will support you in the realization of your dreams.

If you want to be surrounded by successful people, then do not laugh at their dreams and dream yourself.

The sixth rule of success - Don't go back to the people who betrayed you.

Do not return to those people who betrayed you, she will definitely do it again. "Once a thief, always a thief." Such people do not want to spend their time helping others, they want to invest their strength in you. They want to be in their comfort zone and not get out of it, to help their neighbor. They live for their pleasure and only for themselves. Try to stay away from such people, with them you will never achieve success in life, they will pull you back, slow down your undertakings. But the worst thing in this situation is if they betray you and profit from you.

The reasons for betrayal can also be banal egoism and unwillingness to problems for oneself. If they need help, they ask everyone for it, but they themselves do not respond to help. Hidden resentment may also be the reason, this is characteristic of petty low people.

You should not be biased towards people, always try to find out the true reason that prompted a person to betray, maybe he just got confused or made a mistake.

To succeed, surround yourself with reliable, proven people who will always support and help in difficult situation. Avoid contact with vindictive people.

6 rules for success from Arnold Schwarzenegger: