How to start your culinary discovery. Clients and options for development

  • 23.09.2019
  • Production plan
  • Store monthly costs
  • What OKVED must be indicated for cooking
        • Similar business ideas:

Sample Business Plan for Opening a Cooking Store with Your Own Kitchen (Food to Order)

How much money do you need to open a grocery store

According to preliminary calculations, it will be necessary to invest about 1,958,800 rubles to open a business:

  • Purchase of equipment (kitchen, trade) - 1,400,000 rubles.
  • Acquisition of a host inventory, utensils, overalls - 100,000 rubles.
  • Deposit for renting the premises - 88 800 rubles.
  • Repair of the premises - 120,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of products and creation of an assortment of goods - 70,000 rubles.
  • Advertising budget (advertising sign, advertising in the media, promotion on the Internet) - 80,000 rubles.
  • Business registration and other expenses - 100,000 rubles.

Step by step plan to open a grocery store

The opening of cooking will be accompanied by a clear implementation of the plan, which includes the following sequential actions:

  1. Search for sources of project financing
  2. Room search
  3. Registration of a business and conclusion of a lease agreement
  4. Holding cosmetic repairs, coordination with regulatory authorities
  5. Acquisition of commercial and kitchen equipment and households. inventory
  6. Personnel search
  7. Purchase of products and ingredients
  8. Advertising company development
  9. Opening an institution

Cooking shop product range

Our cooking will earn in three main areas: Trade directly in the store (realization to retail customers). Delivery of ready-made meals to order (in offices, at home, etc.). The demand for prepared food is growing year by year, especially in large cities, so we will allocate additional funds to the development of delivery. The development of such a service will be facilitated by the favorable location of our point (there are many offices and elite areas of new buildings nearby) Fulfillment of large orders for cooking for festive receptions, banquets and other events. In this direction, we will work with the banquet halls of the city, which do not have their own kitchen. The main culinary assortment will include:

  • Baking (pies, pizza, belyashi)
  • Salads
  • Pickles
  • Snacks
  • Hot dishes
  • Side dishes and pastas
  • desserts
  • Cakes and cookies
  • Drinks (tea, coffee, juices)
  • Banquet dishes
  • Alcohol, excluding hard drinks

How much can you earn by opening a grocery store

The average sales receipt of our institution, according to preliminary calculations, will be 200 rubles. The average number of visitors in the retail department will be 70 people, another 20 people. will purchase culinary products to order. Potential daily revenue is 18,000 rubles, monthly (22 working days) - 396,000 rubles. It is also worth considering the profit from large orders for banquets. In total, we plan to serve up to three such orders per month, for a total amount of 100,000 rubles.

Download the culinary business plan from our partners, with a guarantee of quality.

Production plan

Since our cookery will have its own kitchen, this will require the fulfillment of the relevant requirements for the premises by Rospotrebnadzor. We have selected a room containing two entrances, with proper ventilation and all necessary communications, including water supply, heating, electricity (sufficient power) and sewerage. The property is not bordered by any industrial production and transferred to the appropriate type of permitted use. Only cosmetic repairs are required. The leased area is 74 sq. m., rent - 44 400 rubles. per month.

What equipment you need to choose for a culinary store

Be sure to purchase all the necessary kitchen equipment: a cutting table, a refrigerator, a convection oven, a pizza oven, a frying surface, a stove, a coffee maker, a microwave oven, dishes and inventory. About 1.4 million rubles will be spent for these purposes. Also, a hall for receiving visitors (trading hall) will be equipped accordingly. A trade showcase, racks, and a seller's stand will be installed here. There will also be several high tables for a quick bite to eat. Ingredients and products for cooking will be purchased from local suppliers and farms. Part of the products is planned to be purchased at the wholesale bases of our city, as well as from bakery organizations.

Store monthly costs

  • Supply manager with personal car -20 000 rub. per month
  • Senior cook - 25,000 rubles per month
  • Assistant cook - 18 000 rubles. per month
  • Administrator (manager) - 25,000 rubles. per month.

It is planned to arrange an accountant and a cleaner under an outsourcing agreement. The total wage fund per month will be 120,000 rubles. 40,000 rubles will be deducted to the PFR and the FSS (off-budget funds). monthly.

What taxation system to choose for a culinary store

As an organizational and legal form, it is planned to register an LLC - a limited liability company consisting of two founders. Taxation system - USN, 15% of profits. A cash register must be installed.

Marketing and promotion of cooking

The main advantage of our cooking is that it will work in a fairly advantageous place. There are many large office buildings nearby, where hundreds of enterprises of various profiles operate. Office workers one of the main clients (always busy people). It is also worth noting the presence in the immediate vicinity (200 m.) educational institution. Special promotional marketing techniques will only apply to food delivery. To do this, according to the business plan, we plan to use the media, the Internet and banner advertising. To attract retail buyers, it will be enough to place a bright advertising sign above the entrance and distribute leaflets to nearby office buildings.

Financial plan (best result)

Let's move on to the calculation of the main economic indicators of the business. Monthly cooking expenses

  • Room rental - 44 400 rubles.
  • Products and ingredients - 150,000 rubles.
  • Wage- 120 000 rubles
  • Insurance deductions - 40,000 rubles.
  • Utility payments - 18,000 rubles.
  • Advertising - 10 000 rubles.
  • Fuel and lubricants and other expenses - 15,000 rubles.

Total - 397 400 rubles. Revenue per month: 496,000 rubles. Profit before tax: 496,000 - 397,400 = 98,600 rubles. STS, 15% of the profit: 14,790 rubles. Net profit: 98,600 - 14,790 = 83,810 rubles. per month. The profitability of the business is 21%. With such indicators, investments in the business pay off in 24 months of culinary work.

This is a complete finished project which you will not find in the public domain. The content of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of the project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

What OKVED must be indicated for cooking

Any business entity, regardless of the organizational and legal form (individual entrepreneur, legal entity), when submitting documents for registration in the required documents, must indicate the code of the activity that it will be engaged in. To open cooking, we indicate 56 as the main code, which, according to OKVED, corresponds to activities that are related to the provision of drinks and various food products. Further, depending on the specific direction, additional codes are indicated.

What documents are needed to open

To open a culinary, you need to register. If initially set up big business, then we register a legal entity in the form of a limited liability company. When opening a small cookery, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneurship. For an LLC, the following documents are submitted:

  • application for registration and Articles of Association of the company;
  • decision of the meeting of shareholders and information about the director, chief accountant;
  • legal address and receipt of payment of the state fee;
  • register with state authorities and obtain appropriate permits;
  • open a current account in any bank.

For individual entrepreneur For individual entrepreneurs, a simplified registration procedure is provided. It is enough to apply and a document confirming the payment of the state duty, a photocopy of the passport and obtaining permits, to register and receive a bank account.

Do I need permission to open

This area of ​​activity is associated with obtaining a number of permits:

  • in order to carry out culinary activities, we obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor. To obtain it, you will need to collect a certain package of documents, which includes not only an assortment list, but also requires education;
  • having received permission from the named state body, we go for permissions to the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire inspection.

In addition to the above permits, it is necessary to conclude contracts for:

  • removal of waste and other garbage;
  • carrying out works on disinfection of premises;
  • documents on the passage of all employees of the object of medical examination;
  • in cases of delivery of ready meals, semi-finished products, you will need to obtain a sanitary passport for the vehicle;
  • to pass certification and receive the relevant documents on the quality of prepared dishes.

How to open cooking - step by step business plan: financial section, Top 3 competitive advantages, calculation of costs for opening and developing a business.

Capital investment: 300,000 rubles.
Business payback: from 12 months.

Not only an experienced entrepreneur, but also a housewife can think about organizing a business in the manufacture of dishes.

In the first case, the potential for the development of this niche and high demand can attract.

And for the fair sex, as a rule, this is an opportunity to fulfill themselves and just do business for the soul.

In any case, you need to make culinary business plan.

Only serious planning will allow you to create a company that will work stably and prosper.

The platform for development really exists impressive.

A large percentage of people do not have the desire or time to cook.

This is especially true for workaholics, although the need for delicious food is inherent in everyone.

However, favorable conditions alone are not enough to achieve success.

Let's figure out what else you need to open a culinary business.

Target audience analysis for a culinary business plan

The target audience of cooking is very extensive.

However, in a business plan, it is important to specify this data.

After all, an advertising campaign, placement, format depends on the portrait of an average client.

For establishments that sell ready meals, the main target audience will be people who spend a lot of time at work.

They will visit the outlet after a hard day's work.

As a rule, this is the period from Monday to Friday after 17.00.

Men will visit the culinary shop at any time.

But for cooking, which prepares dishes for catering, the target audience will be different.

These are various companies that order business lunches in the office and at lunchtime.

And the people who organize the holidays.

Possible culinary opening formats

There are several options How to start a food business.

They differ not only in format, but also in the size of investments, payback periods and other indicators.

Cooking Formats:

    Separate outlet.

    This format is almost never found.

    It is difficult to predict the development potential in this case.

    In order for the culinary point to pay off on its own, it is necessary to choose the location for the point very competently and successfully.

    Culinary department in a supermarket.

    Opening a department for the sale of ready-made meals in a supermarket entails several bonuses: it allows you to sell goods with “suitable” expiration dates, expand the assortment, and attract additional customers.


    This is what is called catering for events and meetings.

    This is a good option for aspiring entrepreneurs who are just "testing the waters".

    But also catering can become a scaling option for a regular establishment.

It cannot be said that one format of organizing a business is better than another. Each of them has its own characteristics.

The entrepreneur chooses the option that is more convenient and potentially profitable for him.

Competitive advantages in the culinary business plan

The niche of the culinary business is also risky because the level of competition is quite high.

And it is not easy to single out significant competitive advantages.

Let's try to identify three factors that can make customers contact you.

naturalnessEcological and natural products are always in fashion. But in recent years, the prefix "eco" allows you to increase demand at times. Using this trend is very simple, because the products are already home cooking. Emphasize this in promotional booklets or food packaging (if you are preparing takeaway food).
Working hoursNot all representatives of the target audience work until 6-7 pm. If you can delay the outlet closing time until 10-11 pm, increase your coverage. Accordingly, you will get an advantage.
RangeSurveys show that customers prefer to have a wider range of dishes to choose from. When it is not possible to cook on your own, the same types of food become boring. Try to experiment with the range. You can also hold themed weeks and prepare dishes from certain countries.

What should a food advertisement look like?

Cooking is a very specific business in terms of advertising.

That is why to open an institution "solo", in separate room, quite risky.

Culinary promotion methods:

    Point decoration.

    Use the space as additional advertising space.

    Be sure to order a bright sign, banners can be placed on the outer walls.

    If crowded places are away, install some signs (pillar, graffiti on the asphalt).

    Booklets and flyers.

    Since culinary customers usually become on a territorial basis, a good result is the distribution of flyers.

    They can be decomposed into mailboxes nearby houses.

    Or hire promoters to distribute in crowded places nearby.

    Ready-made meals that have a short shelf life are often discounted in the evening.

    This attracts customers and allows you to sell products that would otherwise have to be written off.

Where to open a cookery?

If you are not interested in business ideas for the first time, you know that a well-chosen location is half the battle.

For cooking, this is of particular importance.

After all, ready-made food is not the product for which customers will be ready to get to a specific place.

Unless, of course, your cooking is focused on catering.

So, places near:

  • business centers;
  • educational institutions;
  • markets;
  • stations;
  • in shopping malls and supermarkets.

It is important not to forget that the SES, as well as the fire inspectorate, will have their own requirements for the premises.

If you rent a place in a shopping center or a supermarket, the decision of these issues is shifted to the administration.

Staff selection to discover cooking

Culinary salespeople may not have extensive experience, although that would certainly be a major bonus.

But for a chef, this is a must.

As well as the availability of health books for each culinary employee.

Don't skimp on employee training.

These investments in the future will bring the institution an increase in profits.

In addition, the presence of bonuses for the team will reduce staff turnover.

If you intend to expand your production further, you may also need a baker.

This point is also worth noting in the culinary business plan.

Cooking opening calendar plan

The culinary business plan also includes a calendar plan.

It shows in what terms it is necessary to open an institution.

Event1 month2 months3 months
Registration and paperwork
Conclusion of a lease agreement
Purchase and installation of equipment
Personnel search
Launch of an advertising campaign
Creating a food stock
Getting Started Cooking

Financial section of the culinary business plan

The cost of implementing the idea of ​​​​opening a cookery rests on several factors: format, location, size, and others.

Below are indicative cost items that you can focus on.

How much money does it take to open a cookery?

Regular investment in cooking

Profitability and payback of cooking

“A business aimed at satisfying someone's needs usually turns out to be successful; a business aimed at making a profit is rarely successful.”
Nicholas Butler

The payback period of cooking, as well as the cost of opening, depends on many factors.

Home cooking for delivery to offices can be 100% cost-effective.

A more serious organization is to pay off in 12-18 months.

Experts advise not to count on the fact that the invested funds will be able to pay off quickly.

Indeed, in this business, it is difficult and long to achieve profit stability.

Good planning can increase your chances of success.

The good news is that the ready-to-eat food niche itself is growing steadily.

It is believed that in the short term the market will grow by an impressive 30%!

Therefore, businessmen with ambitions have something to work on.

For entrepreneurs who want to open their own cooking, I recommend watching the following video:

  1. You can reduce business expenses in many ways, but in no case should you save on the quality of products!

    Word of mouth is best method promotion, however rather insidious.

    A satisfied customer may be slow to leave a good review.

    And the one who came across stale or tasteless food is almost guaranteed to ruin your reputation.

    Or even worse, your client could end up in a hospital bed, which is a very serious matter.

  2. A good move is to open a small cafe when cooking.

    It is enough to install several tables, a microwave and buy disposable tableware.

    People will be able to have a quick bite "without leaving the cash register."

    It's powerful competitive advantage and in front of ordinary shops, and more expensive cafes in this regard.

  3. Besides, how to open cookery, it is worth thinking about the further development of the business.

    For a large city, it would be more appropriate to open several small outlets in different areas.

    This will allow you to reach a wider audience.

    In small towns, such a step is not advisable, it is better to develop one point.

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Previously, people could afford such a luxury as cooking homemade food. Each had a large kitchen equipped with the necessary appliances, where one could engage in the "production" of culinary masterpieces. But everything has changed in the age of speed and information technology. There is practically no time left for oneself, let alone for cooking. Many houses do not even have a kitchen. In view of its uselessness. And if there is a kitchen, this does not mean at all that it is actively used. people (especially in big cities) are actively switching to the consumption of ready-made meals, semi-finished products that are easy to heat up in the microwave or to food in cafes and restaurants (but not everyone can afford this luxury).

As a result, a situation arises when thousands of people almost completely stop consuming tasty, healthy and so beloved food from childhood. Hamburgers, hot dogs, pizza, pies replace and supplant mashed potatoes, cabbage rolls, meatballs, various salads, etc. But after all, even the most inveterate "fast fooders" at one time or another necessarily have a desire to eat normal homemade food.

It would seem that a way out of this situation is possible from two sides. You can somehow organize time for cooking and prepare food in your own kitchen. The second option is to earn more and eat in good cafes or even restaurants. But this method for the majority will remain an unattainable dream.

How to help these people?

It will help in resolving this issue. This is such a kind of ready-made food store, where all the food, as a rule, is prepared right on the spot. In front of buyers. Or in the next room, where the kitchen is equipped.

Nowadays, in large cities, grocery stores have become so popular that they are able to compete with ordinary grocery stores. People like the opportunity to buy ready-made home-cooked meals. They can save their own time and eat tasty, fresh and healthy food at the same time.

Good demand for this category of goods makes the business idea of ​​​​opening a culinary business a great opportunity for both a beginner and an experienced businessman.

Opening culinary - looking for a room?

Naturally, you should start by finding a suitable room. Rather, the most important factor is not the room itself, but its location. It all depends on targeting a particular audience of customers. There are two ideal options. The first is business districts, where there are many offices of various companies. The second is sleeping areas. Close to large residential complexes. It is advisable to choose the most elite high-rise buildings. It is their tenants who always have a lack of time, which you can compensate for by offering fresh ready-made meals.

Also good option may be opening a culinary store next to a large supermarket or hypermarket. But there is one common problem here. Very often, the owners of such retail chains themselves organize culinary departments inside their stores. And, I must say, the food there is often very even nothing. It is probably not worth opening a ready-made food store next to such trading establishments.

As for the room itself, it is desirable that it consists of at least two rooms. In one you equip the kitchen. The second will have a trading floor where your employees will serve customers. If the trading floor is large enough, then here you can organize a small "dining room". As a rule, in such places they usually put high tables for express eating while standing. Students (and not only) will be very grateful to you.

Opening culinary - registration and permissions

The first step is to register a culinary shop with the tax authorities. With this, no one will have problems.

Difficulties can only be in agreeing and receiving all required permits. After all, you are going to be engaged in the "production" of food products. And here you will have to try hard so that you are given all the papers necessary for carrying out activities. It will most likely be possible to get all this, but it will cost either money, or time, or good connections. In general, as always.

Opening culinary - assortment formation

Naturally, the most important factor in the success of any store selling ready meals is the right assortment. Your task is to create a list of dishes that your customers are ready to buy daily, in large quantities.

Of course, it will not be possible to immediately foresee all the wishes of customers. This will help only observations and experiments. But, nevertheless, there is a certain list of ready-made dishes that are always in demand.

Firstly, these are various potato dishes. Well, what can I say, we love potatoes. In the assortment of your cooking should be fried, boiled, baked potatoes. As well as various dishes based on these products.

Secondly, there are all kinds meat dishes. Chops, cutlets, schnitzels, cabbage rolls, stuffed peppers, empanadas, etc.

Thirdly, fish dishes. Fish cakes, fish baked with vegetables, fried, steamed, etc.

Fourth, salads. Start with the usual oliviers, crab salad etc. They are always in fashion. And gradually add something more exotic to them.

And, of course, you should have enough sweet and pastry dishes - pies, buns, cookies, cakes, cakes, etc.

Opening cooking - something that was not included in the previous paragraphs

Here we will talk about some rather important points that we have not yet covered. Let's start with the packaging. Ready-made meals your customers must somehow convey to their apartment or office. Therefore, you need to solve the critical issue of packaging.

Fortunately, today this does not present any problems. You can always buy the required number of bags or plastic boxes of various sizes. Moreover, you can order custom-designed packaging, including the name and logo of your cookery.

Since food is sold by weight in culinary stores, you will have to purchase several units of weights. We need high-quality electronic devices that can accurately weigh up to a gram.

As for the staff, it all depends on the volume. But you, in any case, will need a chef, assistant chefs and cashiers serving customers. In addition, an administrator is needed who will solve organizational issues and work with dissatisfied customers.

A few words in conclusion

When you open cooking, you should keep in mind the two most common mistakes that even experienced players make in this business. First, do not save on products. Your dishes should be based on quality and fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, etc. Believe me, now is not the time when customers are ready to eat low-quality products in order to save money. And most importantly - any of your savings, sooner or later, will be noticed. And then the client will definitely leave you. This cannot be allowed.

Your goal is completely different. You must ensure that your customers recommend your food store to their friends, relatives and acquaintances. By achieving this, your business will grow, and profits will constantly increase.

And second important point- Keep food fresh. If the expiration date has expired, you should not try to re-glue the stickers and sell a low-quality product to the client. The least that can happen is the loss of a client. The maximum is serious poisoning. And then the court and a large fine you can not avoid. It is better to throw away the expired salad, but keep an impeccable reputation. After all, loyal customers are the most important component this business. And they cannot be neglected. We wish you successful business!

Despite the fact that time does not wait, and everyone is running and running, the love of food and the desire to eat delicious food does not leave the minds of even the busiest businessmen on the planet. Unfortunately, there is not enough time for cooking, so I need an emergency culinary help! And you will become one when you open your own cooking.

Documents for opening a culinary

To open a culinary business (if you are planning to expand the activity in a rented premises, and not at home), you first need to register as a legal entity as an LLC or individual entrepreneur. In the next article, you will learn.

Then you just need to go through the pain:

  • Request permission to conduct culinary activities in Rospotrebnadzor by submitting the necessary documents on the range of products, on the availability of appropriate equipment.
  • Upon receipt of permission, you need to bypass the SES and the fire inspection.
  • Draw up a contract for the removal of organic waste.
  • Draw up a contract for disinfection work.
  • Collect documents for all employees on medical examination.
  • If you plan to transport cooked meals or semi-finished products, you must have a health certificate for vehicles.
  • Mandatory quality certificate of manufactured products.

As a rule, it is used to calculate taxes, and all the necessary questions on documentation are entrusted to legal organizations by concluding an agreement with them for the provision of services for a fee.

Cooking: selection of a place and organization of activities

Cooking is a business that requires a careful choice of location, and not only in terms of "passing place", but also in terms of the suitability of the premises for the implementation of the culinary business. The premises will be checked by services that have the right to prevent it from opening at all, so a special approach is needed here:

  • Needless to say, you need to choose the room initially with the equipment you need for cooking. Finding and “booking” such a space can be very difficult, so the option of a former store with a back room may also be suitable. Remember, in all other cases, installing all the components for an excellent test pass will cost a large amount, so it's better to take a more or less suitable place.
  • It is desirable that the room be divided into two zones: a shop area and a dining area: if you have one room, you can divide it with drywall arches, and if the room is small, then just set up a few tables for guests to try your delights. This is optional, but desirable, especially if you want to grow upwards in the future.
  • The location of cooking may not be separate, it can be "placed" in the supermarket, in a separate area - here constant inflow visitors you will be automatically provided.

If this is still a stand-alone store - a great location for it:

  • Market (consumer coverage here is very high from market workers to buyers);
  • Sleeping areas mostly “crammed” with elite high-rise buildings - if you establish yourself as a manufacturer of excellent and high-quality food, then you will not end up with regular customers;
  • Near station towns are extremely good, since this territory most often houses not only the station itself (with its employees and regular visitors), but also buildings in which a lot of workers work railway- some pluses for the culinary business!

Before “taking” a space, even if it seems extremely profitable to you, check out the nearest competitors, especially if there was also a culinary place in this room. Contrary to all exhortations, do not be afraid of the nearby supermarket, for you, on the contrary, this is an additional flow of people. Even if there is already a culinary department there, you can give your brainchild such style and comfort that you would like to go to your place, and not have a snack, standing at the tables in the supermarket.

Cooking room equipment

Equipment, after renting, is a serious expense item, but also a one-time item, so it’s better to prepare everything you need in advance and figure out what you need at first:

  • Refrigerated showcases for finished and raw products, semi-finished products and refrigeration equipment (refrigerators and freezers).
  • Stoves, ovens and microwave (preferably two). You can save on all equipment if you buy used ones, and you can buy the simplest microwave ovens only for heating food, without additional “gadgets”.
  • Small equipment such as mixers and combines, vegetable cutters and grills - you can also take used ones, and look at the degree of need and priority.
  • , scales, tables and chairs - what is necessary for a full-fledged cooking and your guests.

Moreover, if you are going to open a culinary shop, then a lot of the listed equipment may not be needed, depending on your specialization: semi-finished or ready-made meals will be in priority.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Due to the ever-accelerating pace of life, we have less and less time to perform normal household chores, including even essential ones like cooking. And this is where cookery comes to the rescue. This format of a store or a special department at a store, canteen or cafe, involving the sale of semi-finished products and ready meals, appeared in Soviet times, but still does not lose its relevance.

If we consider cooking as a business, then its main advantage is its diverse scale. Cooking can be either an independent institution serving a certain area, or part of a large production or a supermarket. Of course, one cannot do without investments completely, but in the first and second cases, their size will differ significantly. It is most profitable to open a cookery if you are already selling certain food products - meat, fish, bread, etc. confectionery, salads, etc. This format will help to significantly expand the range, attract more customers, increase business profitability and your profit.

Modern culinary establishments, despite the preserved (albeit not so common) name, are still noticeably different from Soviet establishments. Over the past twenty years, various metamorphoses have taken place with him. If in Soviet times culinary shops sold catering dishes “stylized” as home cooking (and in fact borrowed from canteen menus), then from the mid-90s they were replaced by various salads and snacks. Cookery began to open large stores - super- and hypermarkets, trying to minimize their costs. Culinaries are usually positioned in the low and mid-price segment, and the products they offer are considered “budget substitutes” for homemade food. However, the spread in prices can be quite significant.

Of course, the culinary department at the supermarket is the most profitable option, since in this case there are no costs for renting premises and organizing sales. finished products. With a relatively small investment, this way you can kill several birds with one stone - get rid of products with an expiring shelf life, attract additional customers (with the advent of the culinary department, their flow can increase by 30%) and increase the turnover of the entire store. Usually this direction brings from 2 to 6% of the company's total revenue, depending on the location and traffic of the store, but an additional factor works here: a person who purposefully enters the culinary department will buy something else from the general assortment in 90% of cases.

The range of such a department can be several hundred items. Own workshop allows you to put production on stream. By the way, many supermarkets sell not only their own products, but also products from other manufacturers, and there is no competition. Thus, large department stores can become an additional channel for selling your products, although getting into their shelves will not be easy and not cheap. You will have to pay the so-called entry bonus - the amount that is paid by the manufacturer or supplier of the distribution network for including their product in the retailer's assortment. The size of the "entry ticket" can range from several tens of thousands of rubles to several hundred. Such expenses are beyond the power of novice entrepreneurs.

Cooking: organizational moments

Ready-made ideas for your business

First you need to decide on the legal form. You can choose between two options - sole proprietorship or LLC. There is no consensus on which form is preferred. But for newcomers to the business who do not plan to work on a large scale and engage in, among other things, wholesale sales, the best option is IP. The fundamental difference between these two options is that in the event of debt obligations, all the personal property of the entrepreneur - IP can be called upon to fulfill them. The LLC owner is solely responsible authorized capital legal entity, which is 10 thousand rubles (50% of them can be the funds of the project initiator, and the second half - the funds of the attracted investor). In addition, when registering an LLC, it is necessary to have a legal address, which can also be the home address of the founder. In any case, you should not acquire an existing LLC, otherwise there is a great risk of taking it with the debts of the former owner. If you do not have experience in registration of IP or LLC, you can seek help from an intermediary firm. However, the procedure for opening an IP does not require much time and money. As a form of taxation, it is recommended to choose a simplified system (STS).

When registering, you will need to select the OKVED codes suitable for your activity. If you open cooking at a restaurant or cafe, then the main code in this case will be 55.30 Activities of restaurants and cafes. For the sale of products of own production, registration of special "trade" OKVED is not required. But if you plan to sell related and other purchased products, then select the codes corresponding to the product groups from the classifier section " Retail” (first two digits 52). It would also be useful to indicate the following codes (if in the future you plan to supply your products to other outlets): 55.52 Supply of catering products. It is also worth including the codes: 15.89.1 Manufacture of ready-to-eat food products and preparations for their preparation, not included in other groups, 15.81 Manufacture of bread and flour confectionery products of non-durable storage.

In accordance with the Federal Law “On the sanitary well-being of the population”, as well as the current Sanitary Rules and Norms, to open a cookery, regardless of its type and format, it is necessary to obtain the following sanitary and epidemiological documents:

    a plan-program for organizing and conducting production control, which is being developed to comply with sanitary standards and implement mandatory sanitary and epidemiological measures in the production and sale of culinary products;

    contracts for regular preventive measures for deratization, disinfestation and disinfection;

    sanitary and epidemiological conclusions, which are mandatory issued by Rospotrebnadzor and are designed to confirm the compliance of the enterprise with existing state sanitary rules, standards, and regulations;

    full list manufactured and (or) sold products (range), which, as a rule, is issued as an annex to the sanitary and epidemiological conclusion;

    contracts for the export and disposal of fluorescent lamps, the export of solid waste, organic waste;

    contract for disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems;

    in the case of transportation of products from a culinary enterprise - sanitary passports for vehicles;

    quality certificates of manufactured products for compliance with current state standards;

    agreement on dry cleaning and laundry services for laundry special. team forms.

Depending on the region and the specifics of the enterprise, other documentation may be required to open a cookery. So, for example, if you are going to make salads that are familiar to everyone according to a well-known recipe, then first you will need to cook it in six options, then take it for examination, then get it " Specifications”, then enter a barcode on this salad. And so on for each item from the range. The receipt of each document and the conclusion of all contracts is carried out according to certain procedures. You can do it yourself if you have the time and experience. And you can ask for help from one of the many intermediary firms. Their services will cost about 3 thousand rubles per document.

Cooking room

Former canteens are best suited for organizing culinary workshops. If you are lucky enough to rent or even own such an area, you can significantly save on initial costs. Such premises were originally intended and used for work with food products Therefore, they comply with basic sanitary standards and fire safety requirements. However, if the dining room was located in this place for a long time, then repairs are still indispensable. Requirements for sanitary standards have only become tougher over the past few years. For example, if earlier in the workshop where they work with food products, it was enough to have clean floors and painted walls, now the regulatory authorities check even water supply, central sewerage, a bathroom, etc. for safety and serviceability. Far from all catering establishments comply with these requirements, but they cannot be ignored. Be prepared for constant checks, which are carried out at least once a month.

Ready-made ideas for your business

If you decide to open just a workshop for the production of ready meals and semi-finished products, then there are no special requirements for its location. It may even be located on the outskirts of the city, although logistics costs may be higher. However, if you plan to open your own store, on the territory of which there will be both production and a department for the sale of finished products, then the requirements become more stringent. Moreover, they will concern not only the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour point (at least 60 square meters), but also its location. In any case, it will be the first floor of a separate building. Optimal location for the discovery of cooking - the city center close to large business centers. Although a residential area is also suitable. The main requirement is a busy street (good traffic, first line) and preferably proximity to shopping and entertainment centers. It is not worth opening a cookery in the courtyards of high-rise buildings - you will not be able to attract the required number of buyers. Repairs, most likely, will have to be done on their own, but high ceilings and a high-quality hood are an additional plus for the option under consideration. The rent depends on the city, area and other additional factors. On average in Russia, the lease of premises with an area of ​​60 sq. meters will cost 40-50 thousand rubles a month. Often the owners of premises that were previously used for the same purposes as yours are also ready to provide the necessary equipment for an additional fee. For the first time, it may be preferable and more profitable than buying necessary equipment from scratch.

When planning the premises, take into account the latest fashion for the so-called "open" culinary workshops, when the production is located behind glass next to the trading floor, and customers can watch how the workshop workers prepare food. This allows you to increase confidence in the quality of the finished product, because your visitors can see for themselves that your workshop meets all requirements. But technically, this is far from always feasible, because if you are going to be engaged in the manufacture and sale of ready-made dishes from meat and vegetables, you will need several workshops at once - a workshop for cutting meat, storing and processing vegetables, a kitchen, etc.

Whether to expose the inner workings of the kitchen to the public is up to you. But if you plan, in addition to standard dishes, to also bake special bread and pita bread, then you can install the used tandoor or tone right in the sales area on the other side of the counter. Tandoor is a brazier, a special type of barbecue for cooking among the peoples of Asia. Cooking pita bread in such an oven is a fascinating sight in itself. Few people can resist and not buy deliciously smelling and still hot bread, cooked right in front of his eyes.

As for the interior, there are no special requirements for it. The main thing is that your store has a cozy, almost homely atmosphere. Arrange racks and showcases in such a way that visitors can easily get acquainted with the entire range. To purchase commercial equipment it will take from 100 thousand rubles (you can save on this expense item if you make some of the racks with your own hands).

Kitchen equipment

Ready-made ideas for your business

A significant cost item for opening a culinary arts is the purchase of the necessary equipment for the production of finished products. In order to save money, it can be rented, purchased in a used condition or bought on a lease basis from large companies. All this will reduce the cost of opening a cookery. Equipment from the standard list will cost at least 100 thousand dollars. This includes tables, ovens, ovens, microwave, combi steamer, coffee machine, mixers, grills, cutters, vegetable cutters, tools, dishes, sinks, etc., depending on the range of products. You can't do without a cash register.

Please note: your production and its entire process must fully comply with the above-mentioned sanitary standards. For example, transportation of culinary, confectionery and semi-finished products should be carried out in metal marked trays with tight-fitting lids, in which certificates are enclosed indicating the date and hour of manufacture and the expiration date. Transportation, storage and sale of raw and ready-to-eat products must be carried out separately. To meet this requirement, it is necessary to purchase a sufficient amount of refrigeration equipment. If there are three or more workplaces, refrigerators and freezers are installed.

In addition, special sanitary rules have been approved for culinary shops, which provide for requirements for the arrangement, equipment and maintenance of stores. The release of products is carried out using inventory (forks, spatulas, etc.), so you will need a sufficient number of cutting boards. Storage and sale of products is carried out in accordance with the established terms and conditions of storage. Cleaning of premises, washing of inventory should be carried out taking into account the general sanitary requirements for public catering establishments.

Culinary assortment

Even at the planning stage, decide on the choice of dishes that you will offer to your customers. And this, in turn, depends on the location of the store and workshop. For example, ready-made meals (mainly salads) and grills will go well next to office buildings, and meat and fish semi-finished products, marinades, sauces, etc. will go well in sleeping areas. But pastries will be in demand always and everywhere. They buy it for lunch at the office, and on the way home for evening tea.

Important note: all dishes that you produce must be fresh and of high quality. Any negative feedback will cause great damage to your reputation, and may have even more unpleasant consequences. Shelf life is key to cooking of any size. On-line production, preservatives are indispensable in the composition of dishes, since they still need to be transported to stores and put on display. They will also not be bought immediately, so such dishes should be stored for up to ten days. Customers, on the other hand, prefer products with a short shelf life, so a small cookery that is not designed for flow will always have regular customers.

Turn your main disadvantage (low production volume) into an advantage. Offer high-quality and tasty dishes, as close as possible to home cooking. You can add dishes from national cuisine different peoples. Before compiling a menu, take a walk around the area where your establishment is located and analyze the possible target audience. The peak of sales during the day directly depends on the location of the cookery. For example, in relation to office areas, an influx of customers should be expected at lunchtime. If your establishment is located in a residential area (the so-called “dormitory area”), then the largest sales will occur in the evening. This directly affects the opening hours of your store. The workshop usually works until 18-19 hours, and the store can close either at 19-20 hours or at 22-23 in order to have time to sell as many products as possible.

Cooking staff

To work in cooking, sellers are required (one or two per shift, depending on the size of the store) and a cook. If you are going to be engaged in the production of not only ready meals and semi-finished products, but also baking, you will also need a baker. The main requirements for all employees are work experience, as well as the availability of existing health books. The salaries of workers in the grocery store, as a rule, are not very high. On average in Russia, it is about 15 thousand rubles for sellers and about 20 thousand rubles for cooks. You can keep employees by offering them training (this is especially true, of course, for cooks), as well as an additional bonus - free food. Of course, such incentives only work for young graduates of culinary colleges, so be prepared for staff turnover. If you can't offer chefs a high enough salary, after training and gaining experience, they will most likely leave for other catering establishments, and you will have to look for workers again.

Business specifics

Experts say that you should not count on a quick payback period for a business such as cooking. All expenses for paperwork, debugging of production, payment of entrance bonuses and advertising are compensated for several years, subject to the main condition - stable sales of products. At the same time, despite all the negative forecasts of skeptics who predict a short existence for culinary arts, the business of manufacturing and selling ready-made food will only grow every year, experts are sure. Over the past few years Russian market cooking, according to various estimates, grows by an average of 30%. In the future, this growth will continue, market participants believe, because the number of people who do not want to cook will also increase. According to statistics, the main clients of culinary arts are working women or unmarried men leading a healthy lifestyle. At the same time, the prices for ready-made and semi-finished products are quite commensurate, therefore, until now, preparing dishes on your own turns out to be not much cheaper in the end than buying something tasty in cooking. All this creates the basis for further development business.

An additional line of work is catering services. This is the name of the public catering industry associated with the provision of services at remote points, including all enterprises and services that provide contract services for catering for employees of companies and individuals in the premises and on-site service, as well as serving events for various purposes and retailing ready-made culinary products. That is, in everyday life, catering means cooking and delivery to the client.