How to open a fabric store and make money. Opening a fabric store

  • 23.09.2019

The times have not yet been forgotten when in every house it was possible to find more than one piece of beautiful fabric, and every fashionista sought to find an experienced seamstress in order to sew unusually nice outfit according to a pattern from Burda. People, at every opportunity, bought beautiful fabrics in textile stores for future suits and dresses. And in the tailoring studio itself there was always a sufficient supply of all kinds of threads and fabrics. And it has never been without customers. And the reason for this was a rather boring and monotonous assortment of women's clothing - a product of clothing production - in Soviet stores.

But everything is changing. And modern cities are literally filled with shops for the most different tastes and wallets, there are plenty of those on the Internet. Their abundance may create the impression that individual tailoring has been completely supplanted.

That's just to say so - it means to prevaricate. Today, it is often necessary to resort to the services of, for example, an express atelier to shorten trousers or replace a zipper.

But what about those on whom things from the store, sewn according to standard patterns, “do not sit”? Or those who, in their desire to look especially, dream of an exclusive model, a special design of clothes?

What is a modern sewing studio?

Usually this is a workshop. small size, offering customers services for the repair and tailoring of clothes to order, and the list of their services can be very extensive.

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And by type they can be divided into:

  • express ateliers, whose specialization is exclusively in the repair and “fitting” of clothes according to the figure;
  • clothes repair studios, mainly providing services for replacing linings, zippers, etc., and they differ from the previous ones only in that they do not rely on the urgency of order fulfillment;
  • atelier for tailoring clothes from the customer's fabric (all services - from taking measurements to creating a finished product);
  • atelier for repair and tailoring.

Often in shops famous brands there is also an atelier where any client can fit a newly purchased item according to the figure. Sometimes the owners tend to open a fabric store at the atelier or, for example, a yarn store.

How in demand are ateliers?

Interesting! The statistics show that people of a fairly wide age category - 18-60 years old - apply to the studio for repairs. As for tailoring, the occasion becomes a special occasion: a wedding, graduation, anniversary, that is, an event where people strive to look unique.

Unusual-looking services are also offered today - tailoring of stage costumes. They are in demand in figure skating and rhythmic gymnastics. Cosplayers order costumes of characters from favorite cartoons, fairy tales, books or anime. The clothes, frankly, are non-standard, but these services are well paid. These young people can become regular customers for such masters.

Franchising atelier

In any case, the sewing business, like needlework, remains a profitable line of business. There are plenty of competitors in this business, so investments will be required, and time, and patience.

Analysis of low-cost franchises for home or small businesses

Someone will prefer to open their own business by buying a franchise of a fabric and accessories store or cutting and sewing goods, someone will attract a franchise needlework, and for many, a franchise atelier may be the best option.

What will be required of you? Review the franchise catalog and all requirements regarding premises and interiors, personnel, customer service standards, experience in this field, and the benefits of different offers.

Important! Franchising is also the use of a well-known name, which imposes certain obligations.

It is very important that the state has not just a seamstress with education, but at the same time quite experienced and with a stock of knowledge, so that it does not happen to refuse a profitable order just because your atelier does not perform such work. Then clients will come back again and again and recommend your studio to their friends and acquaintances.

In Moscow, St. Petersburg and many regions of Russia, there are enterprises engaged in tailoring and repairing clothes, which have grown to create their own branches and a large number of outlets in the city. It is these networks that offer to open a franchise studio, or even a franchise of a needlework store.

And you will not only work if the atelier franchise is within your power and affordability, but also receive guaranteed assistance and support from your franchisor. This includes training employees, improving their skills, making advertisements, even finding customers by connecting to a call center, from where you will receive orders.

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Before you open your atelier, and even more so if you plan to turn it into a design studio, first evaluate the population in your city and the scale of small business, or rather, the competitive environment.

Typically, a franchise pays off in a year. But if the acquisition is especially successful, then three or four months will be enough for the investment to return and you begin to make a profit.

Franchise offers

  • "Impero".

Atelier-shop for men. It will require investments of more than 700 thousand rubles, 25 sq. meters room, 300 thousand lump sum. Pays for itself in 9 months.

  • Markins.

The network of ateliers, quite successful, offers franchises in several formats:

  1. "Start" - micro-studio, no more than 25 sq. meters, specializing in small and large repairs and tailoring. The first installment is 200 thousand, up to 110 thousand is an investment for opening, the turnover is up to 200 thousand rubles per month, it will pay off in 2-4 months.
  2. "Standard" is a full-fledged atelier with a full cycle, specializing in simple and complex tailoring, repair, work not only with fabric, but also with fur, leather, complex cut. The first installment is 500 thousand, up to a million rubles for opening, a turnover of 0.5-1 million, payback up to six months.
  3. "Profi" is a master franchisee with his own sewing workshop, with the possibility of opening small ateliers in unlimited quantities. The lump-sum contribution is 1.5 million rubles, investments for opening are up to 3 million, the monthly turnover is up to 6 million, it will pay off in 7-9 months.

Italian network of shops for tailoring business suits to order, men's and women's. The first installment is 350,000 rubles. Investments in business - up to 725 thousand. Investments pay off in 3-8 months.

Given the regular demand for fabrics of various kinds, there is little doubt that the fabric sales business will be profitable - with the right approach, of course. Moreover, there are no seasonal and geographical restrictions, and people of all ages can act as buyers, including representatives of workshops, ateliers and other specialized enterprises. If you are thinking about how to open a fabric store, then make every effort to fully realize the potential of this business idea.

Marketing research and assortment selection

Before opening a fabric store, be sure to study the market situation:

  1. Track the location of stores that will become your competitors.
  2. Examine their range and draw a conclusion about what is missing.
  3. Check out customer reviews and statistics on range extensions and reductions.

Also pay attention to several key factors, without which you will have little chance of occupying a profitable market niche:

  1. There are too many varieties of fabrics to cover them entirely. Better to focus on a specific segment.
  2. Decorative and expensive fabrics always have a chance to become a unique offer. However, this is a double-edged sword: it is impossible to predict in advance how much an exclusive product will be in demand.
  3. Most buyers pay attention primarily to the color of the fabric, so the color scheme should be as diverse as possible.

Don't focus on retail buyers - various businesses can become your regular customers, especially if you give them a small volume discount.

Possible difficulties with the purchase of goods

Having drawn up a preliminary sales plan and thought about how to open a fabric and accessories store, soberly assess the possibility of purchasing goods. Many types of fabrics cannot be found in Russia, and you have to purchase them abroad - you will need to think in advance about who is best to buy from. To conclude contracts for the constant supply of large quantities, you will probably have to personally meet with a representative of the supplier or send your proxy to negotiate.

Don't count too much on deliveries via the Internet - most of them are based on verbal agreements, and agreements, even if they exist, can lead to lengthy proceedings during which the regular operation of the store will be disrupted. Some suppliers may even suddenly disappear from communication, which also will not affect the work of the store in the best way. A partnership agreement is much better, regardless of whether we are talking about a Russian or foreign company.

There is another option - contacting intermediaries. The plus is obvious: usually this is an already established product transfer channel that you do not need to maintain on your own - just a few worries off your shoulders. There are also disadvantages: firstly, you need to choose from the range already offered, even if it is very large; secondly, mediation is never free. But all of these options are better than purchasing low-quality products, because the lack of proper quality can quickly lead to financial ruin.

Room selection

For a fabric store to be profitable, it must be conveniently located. Passability is the basis of attendance, so it is best to give preference to an area in mall or a pavilion in an indoor shopping complex. The busier the area of ​​the city where you locate the store, the better.

The size of the room depends on your plans and, of course, on financial capabilities. 40 square meters are also suitable as a base area.

meters, but you will not be able to store a lot of goods. So that you can not think about moving and expanding for several months, it is best to stay at the initial area of ​​60–70 square meters. In this case, you will be able to divide the area into a retail space and a warehouse without prejudice to the convenience of staff and customers.

Enterprise organization

For a fabric store, an institution with a basic taxation system or with taxation of the difference between income and expenses is most suitable. You will need:

  • draw up constituent documents and go through registration procedures;
  • obtain a standard package of permits from supervisory and regulatory authorities;
  • provide confirmation of the certification and sanitary safety of the products that you will sell.

Pay attention to sanitation programs, as many types of fabrics are an attractive environment for pests - you are unlikely to clean up the store's reputation if you allow a sanitation threat to emerge.

Goods storage

Fabrics, contrary to popular belief, are no less capricious than food, so you need to make sure that the necessary conditions(they must be listed in the accompanying documentation). To minimize product loss, follow these simple guidelines:

  1. Maintain desired temperature in the place where tissues are stored (for most types of tissues, + 15 ... + 20 degrees Celsius are optimal).
  2. Do not allow moisture and dampness to appear - this can destroy the fabric. Do not store fabrics on the floor.
  3. Arrange fabrics on stands, group them by color, and don't pile them up. This will make the product more attractive and avoid theft.

Show respect for your customers and provide fabrics for sale with information cards or tags indicating the article, country of origin, name and properties of the fabric. Customers will feel that you care about them, and sellers will not be distracted by unnecessary consultations.

Purchase of equipment

Be prepared for the fact that it will not be possible to open a fabric store from scratch, and it's not just about renting a place and hiring staff. You will also need to purchase a set of equipment, otherwise the store will not be able to work properly:

  • racks, stands and cabinets for fabrics;
  • heating equipment to maintain the desired temperature regime;
  • security equipment - anti-theft systems, alarms, surveillance cameras;
  • preferably - a computer for quick database search and reporting.

Without all this equipment, you will not be able to store fabrics, present them to customers, or take care of their safety.


A fabric store is not the most difficult business in terms of recruitment, but carelessness should never be shown. You will need:

  • Chief Accountant;
  • if necessary, the manager;
  • sales assistants - two, three or more, depending on the size of the store;
  • if necessary, a security guard.

The initial staff includes a minimum of employees, but as it expands, it will be necessary to hire new employees. Pay attention to such qualities of sellers as attentiveness, sociability, goodwill, as well as reputation and recommendations. It is possible to hire employees without experience, but be sure to make sure that candidates for positions are well versed in fabrics.

Advertising campaign

In order for your store to make itself known, approach the organization of advertising wisely. Work in several areas:

  1. Distribute flyers, place banners and posters.
  2. Offer promotions and bonuses, especially at the initial stage of store development.
  3. Advertise the store online and through the media.
  4. Include additional products in the assortment: accessories, patterns, tailoring magazines and so on.

The target audience of a fabric store is people engaged in individual tailoring and representatives of enterprises. There are significantly more women among the audience than men, and the initial age of buyers who are ready to make large orders is from 25 years old.

Initial investment and prospects

So, is it profitable to open a fabric store? Definitely yes, but only with a competent approach and thoughtful business planning. Initial investments can, depending on the size of the premises, the selected assortment and technical equipment, range from 400 to 1200 thousand rubles. At the same time, you will need to spend at least 30–40 thousand monthly on renting premises and from 15–20 thousand on the salary of each employee.

The monthly income of even a small store starts from 30 thousand rubles - of course, provided that buyers already know about it and at least fifty people come a day. In this case, you can reach the profit level of half a million per month. But this is in the absence of unpleasant factors: theft, damage, poor marketability. On average, a fabric store pays off in three to four months in a large city, in an average settlement it takes about six months.

Thus, this type of business can be considered quite profitable and at the same time relatively simple. The most difficult moments are connected with the selection, purchase and storage of goods. In order to avoid annoying mistakes and miscalculations, you will either need to independently study everything related to the types of fabrics in demand, or involve an experienced specialist as a consultant in the selection and purchase of products.

Fabrics surround us everywhere, in clothes, furniture, household items and more. The production of any fabric will be an excellent option for earning even for a beginner. Consider the production of fabric as a business: profitability, reviews of successful manufacturers, options for running a business project and advice on various organizational issues in our today's article.

We will analyze the business area

At present, fabric as a material is used in a completely different areas production and business in general. Undoubtedly, the material has many different types, depending on the raw materials used, which allows you to find your niche and work successfully in it.

In Russia, unfortunately, textile production has declined, unable to withstand competition with cheaper foreign synthetics that have flooded the market, but for start-up entrepreneurs, especially Russian-made ones, everything has been created in recent years. more conditions allowing to gain a foothold in the market and receive financial support.

The fabric direction is still incredibly relevant, because materials are required not only by large organizations, but also by private buyers. That is why, if you have minimal knowledge in the manufacture of fabrics, you should do it now, while the competition among domestic companies is not so high.

What types of fabrics are the most popular?

To engage in the creation and sale of fabric goods, it is worth deciding what is currently the most relevant and has a stable demand. It all depends on financial capabilities and estimated production volumes, but you should definitely pay attention to the following options:

  1. Terry and wool are especially popular at the moment, they are sold mainly to manufacturers of clothing, underwear and bed linen.
  2. A small enterprise should be engaged in the manufacture and sale of decorative cotton goods like roller shutters.
  3. Large-scale production is better directed to the creation of specifically furniture fabrics, because companies in this area are constantly in need of large supplies of raw materials.
  4. In large volumes, now they are also trying to produce non-woven materials, because they are much better suited for creating many household items. Here it is worth choosing PVC fabrics, because this material is used not only in everyday life, but also in construction, therefore it is readily purchased by many organizations.

Production site

It does not matter whether you have chosen to specialize in the production of synthetic or natural fabrics, the arrangement of the factory will have to be thought out in accordance with certain conditions. First of all, it is necessary to find a room with an area of ​​​​at least 300 square meters so that it remains possible to equip the workshop, warehouses for raw materials and finished products and staff quarters.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the presence of ventilation and high-quality lighting, a ceiling height of at least 4 meters, a stable electrical network and a good sewerage system. Facilitate the process of transportation of raw materials and goods, the presence of a good transport interchange and convenient access. Finding a site outside the city will help reduce rental costs.

Equipment and materials

Each type of woven product requires its own devices and components. For example, cotton fabrics obviously need cotton, and the production of non-woven materials requires only waste from sewing enterprises. Viscose, flax or chemical fibers are perfect here. In the latter case, the entrepreneur is interested in the following set of equipment:

  • cutting machine;
  • plucking apparatus;
  • carding machine;
  • needle punching machine;
  • apparatus for sewing canvas.

It is worth noting that the above equipment for the production of nonwovens is completely unsuitable for creating ordinary terry fabric. In this case, you will have to purchase:

  1. Weaving machines.
  2. Rapier apparatus.
  3. Malima.
  4. Slicing machine.
  5. Breaker apparatus.
  6. Machine for winding.
  7. Warping machine with tape.

Both sets described above, again, will not work for many other enterprises. A factory that has chosen the production of woolen fabrics will be obliged to purchase, for example, not only a weaving machine, but also a spinning machine. Also in the kit, in addition to the warping and winding machine, there must be a mixing chamber.

By the way, all components should be bought as a whole line, often it is much cheaper than buying equipment separately. In addition, you will also have to buy a dyeing machine and the corresponding dyes. Also, without fail, manufacturers must have a washing machine.

Recruiting staff

A cotton or linen fabric factory will definitely require labor, and it is imperative in this case to recruit people with experience in the field. light industry or knowledge in this area. One shift in a factory requires the following number of personnel:

  • three equipment operators;
  • one technologist-mechanic;
  • one loader to work with raw materials for production and finished goods;
  • one driver with own car;
  • one guard;
  • one cleaner.

The project will also need an accountant if the business has not been registered as an individual entrepreneur. In this case, the owner of the enterprise himself can draw up accounting reports.

We organize a marketing campaign

When promoting your project, it is important to understand which audience is more profitable to work for, and what advertising methods are applicable in this case. You will have to look for cooperation with other firms on thematic forums, also calling organizations on your own. Obviously, woolen or denim fabrics should be offered to clothing manufacturers.

Many start-ups are looking for a permanent supplier themselves, and favorable conditions should interest them. By the way, with the production nonwoven fabric things are a little more complicated, so you have to work exclusively on order.

It is on the basis of the previous paragraph that right decision there will also be the creation of a business card site, where you can not only describe and present your range of cotton, terry and other fabrics, but also provide contacts and terms of cooperation.

At the first stage, the project needs to declare itself by any means and find buyers on its own, and only with the creation of a permanent client base can the campaign be reduced.

We open our own store

As mentioned earlier, the demand for these products comes not only from organizations, but also from ordinary buyers, who are much more comfortable buying cheaper directly from the supplier. That is why a great business idea is to open your own factory-based store. This can be done with the expansion of the project, because the idea will require costs, but there are much more opportunities to implement the product. To do this, you need to go through the following steps:

  1. Registering a store using an individual entrepreneur or LLC. You will immediately have to obtain permits for sale at Rospotrebnadzor, SES and the Fire Service, as well as go through procedures at the Tax, Chamber of Commerce and pension fund. By the way, for the trade in textiles or the sale of artificial fabrics, you still need to obtain quality certificates.
  2. Purchase commercial equipment. You will have to buy racks, a counter, furniture for staff, as well as a cash register, which is registered with the Tax Office.
  3. Finding a platform for sales. A store is not a factory, so you should choose a place for it already in the city, and in a densely populated area, which is convenient to come from all over the city. The standard store area is 50 square meters or more.
  4. Recruitment. Of course, salespeople are not required to have special skills, but it is better if your saleswomen are knowledgeable in the textile field. In a small store, two or three sales assistants are enough.
  5. Assortment arrangement. Undoubtedly, it depends on the direction of your factory, therefore it is better to open such stores for those who work with textile raw materials, because often people buy fabrics for sewing, for example, scarves or T-shirts. An interesting option will open a special department of natural plant tissues like hemp. There is a demand for such things, but there is often very little supply.

We determine the profitability of a business

To understand how profitable a business is, it is necessary to evaluate the costs of opening and maintaining it, as well as profitability. Undoubtedly, in many respects everything depends on the direction of specialization and the region, as well as on your financial capabilities, but for a rough definition, we will analyze how profitable the technology for the production of woolen fabrics with the sale of goods not only to other companies, but also through our own store:

Expense line Amount of expenses, thousand rubles
1 Workshop and shop rental 100
2 Purchase of production equipment 1 500
3 Preparation of the premises and installation of equipment 30
4 Public Utilities 20
5 Registration of all documents 50
6 Salary of all staff 270
7 Purchase of commercial equipment 300
8 Marketing Campaign 50
9 Purchase of raw materials for production 200
10 Fare 40
11 Unexpected expenses 100
Total: 2 620

Project costs will also vary from person to person. The approximate income of such a project is 900 thousand rubles, which, minus the amounts used to maintain the project, will amount to about 300 thousand rubles of net profit. The approximate payback period for the project is one year.

Video: fabric production.

The demand for fabrics is constantly growing. Fashion trends are spurring consumer interest in custom tailoring. Accordingly, opening a fabric store is a very promising type of business that can bring significant profits.

Investment in opening a fabric store and potential income

To open a fabric store, financial resources are needed in the amount of about 1,200,000 rubles. In the future, income from the sale of goods will be used to make additional investments.

The turnover of a fabric store per month is at least 1,800,000 rubles, on the basis that the average small-sized fabric store has a daily income of 60,000 rubles. At the same time, the revenue of the fabric store big size about 120,000 rubles. in a day.

Seasonality for fabric stores does not matter.

Fabric shop space

To open a fabric store, you first need to pick suitable premises. It should be noted that the profitability of a fabric store primarily depends on traffic. Therefore, choose places near shopping malls, markets and in the central part of the city.

The size of the room depends on the size and format of the fabric store you plan to open. If it is a store of specialized, decorative fabrics, then the size of the premises may be within 35 sq.m., and, accordingly, the cost of renting such a premises will be around 40,000 rubles. per month.

If it will be a store with a wide range of fabrics, and an additional department of accessories, then the size of the room should reach at least 65-70 sq.m. In this area, in addition to retail space, you can place several utility rooms for storing fabric.

Accordingly, the cost of renting such an area in the city center will reach 60,000-100,000 rubles. per month.

Market research of fabrics and purchase of goods

Before you make a purchase of fabrics, you need to study the range of similar stores in your city. After analyzing the goods, you will get a clear picture of the missing range. Those fabric stores that offer their customers, along with publicly available materials, unique expensive types of fabrics are in special demand. The variety of colors is also very important.

You should be guided by the fact that in addition to the usual retail buyer, various firms for tailoring uniforms for staff, schools, theaters, furniture factories, designers and milliners will buy goods in your store. Therefore, the more diverse your assortment, the more in demand the fabric store will be.

Basically, such shops carry out the purchase of expensive fabrics abroad, since offers Russian manufacturers can not fully satisfy the needs of the modern buyer.

The main suppliers of fabrics to Russia are such countries as Indonesia, Italy, France, Turkey, China, Japan, Bulgaria.

You can easily get acquainted with the approximate range of goods online by finding the right manufacturer for you in each country.

You should not assume that ordering fabrics via the Internet will solve the problem. It would be best to choose one main supplier, and then personally travel to the desired country for the selection and clearance of goods.

At first, this will help you not to get into a mess and minimize the amount of defective goods during a personal inspection, as well as you will be able to discuss all the nuances of fabric supplies in the future and even discuss a special system of discounts, which, as a rule, is valid for regular buyers.

Only after that you will be able to order fabrics without traveling to another country. Such moves will also be carried out if the supplier notifies you of the arrival of new types of fabrics or in order to personally resolve any issues.

As for smaller purchases, you can make them over the phone, but it is worth remembering that if you have not personally communicated with the supplier, have not seen the goods, and you need to purchase, you should start with small volumes. So in the case of marriage, you will minimize your costs.

To open a fabric store in the purchase of fabrics of different price categories with a good assortment, you will have to invest an average of 500,000-600,000 rubles.

You should also agree on the transfer of products. Basically, the transportation of goods is carried out by aircraft, cargo ships or using the services of road transport. It all depends on which of the presented methods suits you personally.

As a rule, if you order goods remotely, your supplier will transport the goods, and you will pay all costs. Investments in the transfer of goods will amount to about 200,000-250,000 rubles.

In the future, you will have to purchase goods every 3 months.

fabric store ad

Documents required to open a fabric store

One of the main issues in the beginning of your business will be the issue of registration of the necessary documentation. Today, the situation with the execution of permits and sanitary-epidemiological documents is very difficult. In general, you cannot do without obtaining a package of legally defined documents and the help of professionals.

The three main groups include the following mandatory types of documents that you must draw up:

Constituent documentation - you need to get a name, fix the number of founders, type of activity and much more;

Permits from the local administration - in order to have the right to carry out activities, it is worth obtaining a decision from the prefectural authorities of the administration of your city;

Sanitary and epidemiological documents for a fabric store - mainly issued by the control and supervisory authorities of Rospotrebnadzor.

To obtain sanitary and epidemiological documentation, the following documents will be required to open a fabric store:

sanitary and epidemiological conclusion - issued for a certain period by employees of Rospotrebnadzor and establishes the compliance of specific premises of the facility with the current rules and regulations applicable to the designated type of facilities;

permission of the Rospotrebnadzor authorities for placement - this document determines the right to organize the activities of the store;

execution of a production and sanitary control program - it is possible to open a fabric store only if there is such a program designed to monitor the implementation of sanitary rules and norms at the enterprise - it is created by our company's specialists and implemented after coordinating procedures with Rospotrebnadzor;

conclusion of contracts for disinfection, deratization and disinfestation - such documentation for a fabric store implies the execution of sanitary and epidemiological work to exterminate insects, pathogenic microbes and rodents;

regulatory documents for a fabric store;

agreement on systematic disinfection and cleaning of air conditioning and ventilation systems;

The source of information:

Rules for the acceptance of goods and features of the configuration of the fabric store

Reception of goods in the store is carried out by your staff. When placing goods in the store, you must adhere to the following rules:

Fabrics are stored in the utility room on racks at a temperature of 15-20 ° above 0.

It is unacceptable to store fabrics on the floor or in a cheese room.

On the trading floor, fabric samples or "coupons" are placed on special metal stands in accordance with the type and color scheme. This will help you avoid unnecessary theft.

Each coupon must have a tag with full data about the fabric: the name of the fabric, country of origin, article, size and price.

Therefore, when you open a fabric store, keep these rules in mind, and in accordance with this, take care of equipping the utility rooms with shelving, and the trading floor with stands for placing and storing fabrics.

You will also need to provide your fabric store with a computer for accounting, cash registers, and telephone communications.

Additional costs may be associated with the equipment of your store heating system, because this is one of the main aspects when storing fabrics.

Fabric shop staff and security

Now let's talk about hiring. The prosperity of your business directly depends on the speed and quality of service.

Your service staff should be polite, friendly and ideally have an understanding of fabrics, their properties, as well as basic skills in cutting and sewing.

This will help to give the necessary advice to your customers. Since the traffic in fabric stores is usually impressive, the number of people working for you should be such as to ensure quick service during peak customer hours.

Often this is 3-4 people for a small area fabric store, and 5-7 people for a large area fabric store. And these are only consultants, you also have to hire workers for cash registers.

Salaries in fabric stores are generally not standardized and are charged according to the level of sales. But on average wage does not exceed 20,000 rubles.

Since the sale of fabrics is profitable business special care must be taken to protect the store. This can be specially hired security guards, as well as the installation of alarms and surveillance cameras. The cost of organizing store security will cost you about 30,000-40,000 per month.

fabric store ad

Advertising is also of great importance at the beginning of such a business. Feel free to advertise your store in various women's glossy publications. Order flyers and brochures. But hallmark your store must have name packs.

Since women will be your main buyers, it should be borne in mind that for women, often, beautiful packaging is the best advertisement.

Also make sure that your store always has the latest tailoring magazines and the latest fashion trends. This will further encourage your customers to make a purchase.


In spite of large numbers a variety of clothing outlets, the presence of various brands collected from almost all over the world, the presented assortment on the textile market is still not enough for consumers. This is due to the sale of low-quality goods, most often the most famous brands.

Therefore, today most people sew clothes on their own, as well as to order, which makes it possible not to limit own fantasies market standard, embody the most interesting ideas, borrowed from fashion shows. And for this, you just need to turn to good specialist, purchase high quality fabric. Therefore, you can build a good business by selling a quality product.

Novice businessmen should study this direction, the material most in demand in the textile market. Consider how to open a fabric store.

The main activities of the business plan

The textile business is quite in demand today. People who value quality, individuality, are inclined to self-tailoring, to order. They will not purchase finished goods of incomprehensible quality. This is one of the main reasons why you should open your own quality fabric store.

The main sections of the business plan for a textile shop:

  • analysis of the relevant market, formation of a product range;
  • rental of premises;
  • advertisement of the store, the offered goods;
  • search for suppliers, purchase of products;
  • recruitment;
  • calculation of required capital investments;
  • profit planning.

Premises for rent: area, location

First you need to decide on the location of the fabric shop. Most suitable options- this is renting a small department in a shopping center or renting a room in the city center, where there is a fairly large traffic of people. But in such places the highest cost of rent. When limited budget to start your own business, you can use densely populated urban areas.

A textile shop can be opened near apartment buildings - this is also a great solution.

The area of ​​​​a textile store, in comparison with catering, is not of great importance.

  • If the business plan involves the sale of inexpensive yarn, then it is not worth investing in a large store, a room of 40 squares will be enough. The material will have to be purchased in small batches, places under warehouse space will not be.
  • When it comes to a large yarn shop with a wider range of goods, exclusive expensive fabrics, then the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe point can be 100 square meters, so that a warehouse, a room for staff, a spacious trading floor can be made for storing products.
  • If you plan a fabric store with the additional sale of various components, then you need to rent a large area, because the trading floor will have to be divided into two separate zones: for the sale of products, components.

Additional elements of store arrangement

  • Furniture for arranging the workplace of staff, in the rest room.
  • Special racks for storage of fabrics, accessories.
  • Stands in the sales hall, where samples of products and components will be located.
  • Cash register, communications equipment, computer.

Textile market analysis, product range selection

The main thing in the textile business is a wide and high-quality variety of the offered material. But first, before choosing an assortment for your own store, it is recommended to analyze the work of competitors' outlets:

  • proposed material;
  • what product is most in demand;
  • slow-moving products;
  • materials that are not in stock.

To do this, it is recommended to visit as a client as many retail outlets located in different parts of the city as possible, to collect the necessary information as much as possible, which will help to understand which material is more popular today, has a shortage in the market.

Creation of assortment

  • inexpensive fabrics;
  • materials of average cost;
  • expensive exclusive goods that are not in the range of competing stores.

Example: silk from Iran is in good demand on the market. Entrepreneurs rarely buy it because of the high cost.

When choosing a material, you need to consider:

  • fashionable current trends;
  • a wide range of textures, color shades.

Additional suggestions:

  • upholstery materials;
  • for sewing curtains, etc.

Additional materials will make it possible to significantly expand the audience of buyers, since fabrics can be used not only for sewing clothes, but also for sewing various interior elements.

It is also worth including in the range of materials for tailoring:

  • forms for schoolchildren;
  • costumes for theater actors, for various festive events;
  • uniforms for workers manufacturing enterprises, etc.

The question of how to open an accessories and yarn store in a huge metropolis or a small city has significant details that must be considered:

  • in megacities, buyers show great interest in high-quality expensive materials that are distinguished by their own uniqueness;
  • in regional centers, cheap products are more in demand.


Before opening an accessories and yarn store, you need to find suppliers of goods who can work on an ongoing basis and supply the right amount of quality products. You can purchase inexpensive goods from domestic manufacturers, and for an exclusive product you will have to negotiate with foreign suppliers. Therefore, it is necessary to plan work with several partners from other countries at once. The most popular fabric manufacturers from Italy, Turkey.

These partnerships will provide the widest variety of products in the store. It should be understood that cooperation with one partner is a big risk.

How to find a supplier?

Thanks to modern technologies, a yarn supplier can be found sitting at home via the Internet, order the required amount of goods with delivery. But still, it is recommended to make the first purchase yourself on the spot. This will enable:

  • check the quality of the proposed material;
  • discuss personally with the supplier the conditions for further interaction, establish relationships for ongoing cooperation.

The approximate cost of the initial purchase of the necessary materials is 550–600,000 rubles. This money is quite enough to offer customers a wide variety of goods. In the future, it will be possible to replenish your own warehouse once every two to three months.


How to form an accessories and yarn store without recruiting staff? This is only possible if you trade in the store yourself.

The main criteria for selecting employees:

  • The staff must be friendly. The number of sales depends on the communication of the seller with customers, the desire of the client to return again for the material in this particular store.
  • Sellers must have sewing skills, be well versed in fabrics. In this case, they will be able to provide clients with competent advice, various useful tips.

For a small shop, several employees are quite enough, one of which will provide information services, and the second will stand at the cash register. A large wholesale store will need additional staff. This may be a storekeeper and a loader, as it will be necessary to maintain a warehouse for a large number goods.

You can also hire a security guard and a cleaner.


In addition to questions about opening a yarn store, organizing work activities, it is equally important to think about how to form an extensive customer base.

  • The first step is advertising in women's magazines.
  • You can hire a promoter for a couple of days. His task is to distribute business cards, booklets of the store.
  • It is necessary to order a batch of packaging material with the logo of the shop in order to provide the purchased goods in them. Beautiful packaging is able to win the loyalty of women.
  • In the trading floor, it is necessary to create a sufficiently comfortable and cozy atmosphere. There should always be a variety of fashionable women's magazines, for example, on sewing clothes. Women will also appreciate it, and the repeat customer acquisition rate will increase.

Capital investment and profit

Is it profitable to open a yarn store from scratch, will the invested money pay off? It is necessary to analyze the necessary costs and possible profits.

Main expenditure items:

  • About 500,000 rubles. – initial purchase of yarn, accessories, etc.
  • From 40 to 100,000 rubles. room rental. The cost will depend on the location, the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe store.
  • Up to 100,000 rubles - surface repairs.
  • About 200,000 rubles. – purchase of furniture elements, necessary technical equipment.
  • About 60,000 rubles. - the salary of the working staff of 3-4 people.
  • Additional costs for paperwork, electricity, travel for goods, etc.

The average amount required to create a yarn business from scratch will be about 1,500,000 rubles.

Estimated Profit

  • From 15 to 30 000 rubles. - daily revenue of an average store selling fabric, additional components.
  • From 500 to 900,000 rubles. - monthly income.
  • At least 200,000 rubles. - net profit per month, taking into account all expenditure items.
  • The payback of such a shop is approximately one year.

Opening a fabric store today is profitable. Already after a year, you can reach a high and constant monthly income.