How yucca reproduces. Yucca garden planting in autumn and outdoor care

  • 13.06.2019

Yucca garden planting and care

Yucca garden - quite a fascinating plant. From a rosette of very hard leaves, a long stem grows, flowers grow on it. The flowers are white and adorn the shoots in large numbers. The plant is valued primarily for magnificent inflorescences. Under the name garden yucca hides, first of all, filamentous yucca, which decorates our garden best of all.

Place to land

We buy yucca in the form of a small seedling. When choosing a landing site, we are primarily guided by the following factors: the place must be sunny, only then can we expect abundant flowering, in shady places, yucca may not bloom at all. It is good when the plant is protected from gusts of wind, which, due to its size, can break the inflorescence. Soil is also important.. It cannot grow in the ground on which there is water and is very damp. The soil must be permeable, acidic. The soil does not have to be fertile, it can grow even in fairly poor soil.

It should not be forgotten that because of the rather long and deep roots, garden yucca is very difficult to completely dig out of the garden. Therefore, the landing site must be carefully researched in advance and chosen carefully.

Care, watering and fertilizer

When growing garden yucca, you need to remember a few care procedures. They have the goal, first of all, to improve the decorative qualities of the plant. First, in the period of late summer, after flowering is completed, we remove all the shrunken parts of the plant. They can stay on the plant for a long time, which does not look very attractive.

It is necessary to water regularly all summer, quite plentifully.. It should be remembered that the substrate must be penetrating and not retain water, as excess moisture adversely affects the plant.

In the spring, it is recommended to add water to which plants do not a large number of liquid fertilizers. This will strengthen the yucca after the winter period and prepare it for the flowering period. In the summer, we systematically fertilize, because due to a large number inflorescences, the plant may be weakened.


Yucca is a hardy plant, even evergreen, however, the roots should be protected from freezing. To do this, we can cover it with branches. Thanks to this, we will be sure that we will live to see next year. The leaves of the garden yucca retain their green color, therefore, they are also a decoration of the garden, even after the snow falls.


Young copies can be obtained most the easy way using division over large plants . This procedure is carried out in the spring. We dig and separate young seedlings from the mother plant. The resulting wounds, on the main and on young plants, are treated with antifungal drugs, this is where diseases can develop. We plant the resulting seedlings directly into the ground and cut the leaves so that they quickly take root and take root.

Another, more difficult way to breed yucca gardenis is to use seeds. Seeds appear in the form of oblong capsules after the plant has faded.

Diseases and pests

Due to the fact that yuccas are not very susceptible to attack by pests and even diseases, recommended for growing beginners and inexperienced gardeners. They should not cause much trouble if they provide them with minimum requirements.


Yucca garden is a plant that looks quite attractive as a stand-alone plant. However, this does not mean that only in this form can its aesthetic qualities be fully used. Planted in groups, creating a kind with hundreds of yucca flowers. They look good next to low perennials and herbs. Can be an interesting element of any rocky garden(rockaria). First of all, garden yucca should grow in the sun, only then there will be confidence that it will delight with abundant flowering.

Yucca garden- quite an exciting plant, at the same time not demanding. Providing the necessary minimum and a lot of sun, we can easily plant in the garden, and in the summer, from June to August, we can show off to our friends unusual specimens that we managed to bring to magnificent flowering.

"House garden garden"

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Yucca is beautiful and unpretentious plant. Despite the fact that its homeland is warm African countries, yucca has taken root well in Russia, but here in open ground it can be grown only in the southern regions. Yucca garden looks decorative even during flowering, when many large white bells bloom on a long peduncle, and without flowers, only due to evergreen long and pointed leaves.

The unpretentiousness of the yucca is also manifested in the fact that in the garden it is capable of long time grow in one place and does not need frequent transplants. When is the best time to transplant garden yucca?

Plant transplantation in open ground can be carried out no more than 1 time in 20 years, while indoor yucca is transplanted once a year or every 3-4 years, depending on age.

As for the time of the year that is convenient for transplanting a plant, it is natural that it is better to do this during the period when it does not bloom - in spring and autumn. That is, in late August - early September.

The roots of the garden yucca grow both in depth and in width, the plant, located in one place for more than 15 years, managed to take large space below the surface of the earth. Therefore, when it is transplanted, they begin to dig a large circle around the roots, and gently shake off the ground, trying not to damage the small roots. To extract the roots safe and sound, you will have to dig 70-80 cm deep.

When the yucca is removed from the ground, the offspring are separated from the roots, if this was not desired before, and they are transplanted separately. But before planting, the roots are soaked in water for an hour - after that, the plants can be planted in a new place.

The size of the hole for planting a garden yucca is made depending on the size of the root system, the hole should be slightly larger in diameter and deeper.

When the hole is ready, a layer of drainage is arranged at the bottom, for this purpose you can use a broken clay brick, and then pour the top fertile layer of earth, a little humus and sand, pour some water.

Then the yucca is placed in the hole, the roots are straightened and sprinkled with earth and watered. When the soil sags after watering, it will be necessary to add a little more earth so that after rain the water does not drain under the yucca, its roots do not need excess moisture.

After autumn planting or transplants of yucca growing in open ground are insulated - the leaves are collected in a bundle, tied with a cloth, wrapped with agrofiber. The roots are sprinkled with leaves, sawdust, dry grass, after the first snowfalls they can additionally be sprinkled with snow.

In areas with a cold climate, it is better to transplant garden yucca in spring, in April-May, in the warm season, the plant take root better in a new place without much stress. After transplanting to a new place, the plant can not be fertilized for several months, this will not be necessary.

Exotic plants have always attracted attention. Certain styles of site design or memories of the southern lands - heat-loving representatives of the flora appear everywhere here. The use of these sissies on outdoors very limited and most often they are used as tub crops, which are transferred to the room with the onset of cold weather. But among the southern exotics there are species that can endure frosts, for example, garden yucca, which endures the winters of the middle zone with light shelter.

Yucca are several types of perennial evergreens native to Mexico and the Caribbean. Long, tapering leaves form a cap in the form of a hemisphere, and under favorable conditions in the middle of summer, flower stalks appear, strewn with large white flowers. The flowers last for several weeks and have an amazing aroma.

In regions with cold winter able to grow outdoors:

  • Yucca garden or filamentous;
  • Yucca is nice.

Yucca filamentous (Yucca filamentosa L.) has leathery leaves, split at the edges into thin fibers-threads (hence the name), and its trunk is almost invisible. The peduncle can reach two meters in height, and the number of flowers sometimes exceeds 200. The height of the entire plant in adulthood is 1–1.2 m.

Yucca garden (filamentous)
Yucca garden in winter
Yucca garden (flowers)

The standard color of the leaves of filamentous yucca is dark green, but there are variegated varieties: with a yellowish border on the leaves or vice versa, with a yellow center of the leaf and a pink-greenish border.

Glorious yucca (Yucca gloriosa), unlike the above-mentioned relative, has a noticeable trunk. Its dark green long, up to 70 cm, leaves form a rosette or bunches, and the inflorescence is looser than that of filamentous yucca. The flowers of this southerner are shaped like lily of the valley flowers.

Yucca glorious
Yucca glorious (flowers)
Yucca glorious in winter
Yucca glorious (variegated form)

Yucca glorious also has variegated forms.

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planting yucca

The best time for planting yucca is May, when the soil has already warmed up, but the plant has enough time to prepare for the upcoming winter.

Yucca is a plant of desert zones and is not accustomed to excess moisture, therefore it is undesirable to plant this beauty in lowlands and wetlands. For the same reason, plants of the genus Yucca do not grow well on heavy loams.

The landing site should be well lit by the sun in summer (otherwise it simply will not bloom), but at the same time be protected from cold winds in winter.

Before planting, a planting pit is prepared, several times larger than the root system of the plant (this is especially important if the soil on the site is not at all suitable for cultivating yucca, it needs light sandy soil). A layer of drainage must be laid out at the bottom of the pit. A suitable soil mix can be obtained by mixing garden soil with sand in equal proportions.

When transplanting yucca from a container, it is important not to damage the root system - this can be dangerous for the plant. Also, you can not deepen the root collar.

southern belle care

Despite the exotic appearance, plants of the genus Yucca are quite unpretentious.

  • Additional watering is needed for the southern beauty only in dry summers, otherwise it manages well with rainwater. The plant itself tells when it lacks moisture - it lowers the leaves to the ground.
  • A couple of times during the season, yucca needs to be fed with mineral fertilizers with a high content of potassium and phosphorus, and a few years after planting, you can fertilize the soil with rotted organic matter.
  • If the yucca is used as a tub plant and grows in a pot, then the frequency of feeding and watering is increased.
  • It is necessary to remove non-overwintered leaves from the plant, and after the flowers wither, flower stalks.

Caring for such a flower as yucca in the garden in winter time easy. It is only important to properly cover the plant: build a wooden or plastic container around the bush and cover it with spruce branches or cover it with dry foliage. You can also tie the leaves of the plant and cover it nonwoven fabric but not polyethylene.

Shelter is removed in April.


The most common way to propagate yucca is by stem or root offspring, which often appear on mature plants. They are separated from the parent specimen and planted in light soil, and after the development of the root system, they are planted in a permanent place.

It is difficult to implement the seed propagation path, because only fresh seeds have good germination. From already existing flowering specimens, it is possible to obtain seeds only by resorting to artificial pollination - in their homeland, a southerner is pollinated by a certain type of moth.

Pests and diseases

Yucca garden is rarely affected by diseases, but can suffer from pests. So, they can settle in a southerner spider mite, with which prevention plays a significant role, and scale insects. And garden slugs can also spoil the beauty's appearance.

spider mite
garden slugs

Excessive watering on the plant may develop stem or root rot. In this case, the stem softens and it is almost impossible to save the bush.

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Yucca in landscape design

Yucca is decorative throughout the warm season, so it is actively used in landscape design. Both single and group plantings of this plant, as well as combinations with other drought-resistant species, look advantageous.

Flower yucca (lat. Yucca) belongs to the genus of evergreen tree-like plants of the Agave family, although not so long ago it was included in the Liliaceae subfamily. Sometimes the plant is called "yucca palm", although it has nothing to do with palm trees. In floriculture, trees such as yucca and dracaena are called false palm trees. Yucca is native to the dry regions of Mexico and Central America. All 30 plant species are divided into two groups: stemless and tree-like. In nature, a tree-like yucca plant can grow up to 12 meters in height, domestic yucca grows no higher than 2 m. This is a beautiful, unpretentious tree in care, which can serve as a worthy decoration for a large room or office. Yucca flowers are sometimes called the "denim tree" because the first denim was made from their fibers.

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Planting and caring for yucca (in a nutshell)

  • Bloom: ornamental deciduous plant, does not bloom at home.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight (near the south window). Daylight hours should be at least 16 hours, so in winter you will need additional artificial lighting.
  • Temperature: in summer - usual for residential premises, in winter - not lower than 10 ˚C.
  • Watering: abundant, after the soil has dried to a depth of 5-7 cm.
  • Air humidity: any, but dry air is easier to carry.
  • Top dressing: from April to August, once every 2-3 weeks, yucca leaves are sprayed from the underside with a very weak (two times weaker than recommended by manufacturers) solution of complex mineral fertilizer.
  • rest period: from October to February.
  • Transfer: in the spring, once every 2-4 years.
  • Reproduction: seeds, apical cuttings, parts of the trunk.
  • Pests: scale insects, spider mites, aphids, thrips.
  • Diseases: stem and root rot, bacteriosis, gray and brown spotting, bacterial burn.

Read more about growing yucca below.

Yucca flower - growing features

Yucca palm care will not require you to make big sacrifices. The only prerequisite for yucca in home floriculture is good lighting. The birthplace of the yucca plant is desert and semi-desert areas where it grows under the hot sun, so it is best to place it in close proximity to the south window, but if the west or east window is well lit, you can put the yucca near them.

Second distinctive feature plants is that yucca does not bloom at home, although in nature it blooms with large white bell-shaped flowers collected in panicles. If you arrange it for the winter in a warmed loggia, you may well have a chance to see the yucca bloom: flower buds are laid only during a long stay in the cold.

If you are impatient, buy a mature plant right away, as yucca grows very slowly. However, keep in mind that yucca is popular, so it will cost you a lot.

The light day of the yucca should last at least 16 hours, which means that in winter it will be necessary to create artificial lighting for it.

In all other respects, caring for a yucca plant is simple, you can even forget about it for a while, and it will not get sick from this.

Exotic plants have attracted gardeners throughout time. One of the brightest representatives of the class evergreens is a yucca. This plant, which belongs to the agave family, is native to the humid subtropics of North America. This requires the owner to create similar conditions: the climate must be dry and hot. However, not everyone has the necessary knowledge about the rules for caring for this plant at home, reproduction features, etc.


This plant may have single or branched trunk. Also, yucca differs from other plants in that the leaves cover not only the branches, but also the trunk. They are slightly elongated and form a pointed shape at the end. Throughout its life, yucca blooms very rarely. Its flowers are quite large and have a white tint. For many, they are associated with bells because of their original shape. Many gardeners choose this plant not to enjoy their flowering, but to enjoy the unusual appearance. After all, yucca strongly resembles a miniature palm tree.

If you are going to grow yucca in pots, it is recommended to install them on a window located on the south side. In this case, it is undesirable that direct sunlight falls on the flower. In the absence of a bright place, yucca can be placed in partial shade where she will also feel good. However, do not count on the formation of a lush green crown.

With the onset of summer, it is recommended to take the flower to the balcony or it can be transported to the country house, where it should find a place on the street. Here the yucca will receive the maximum amount of light. Plant care is simple, but first it does not hurt to get acquainted with the features of planting this plant.

I would like to repeat once again that yucca is a photophilous plant. Therefore, in the room where it is grown, it is necessary to maintain a fairly high temperature. This flower reacts with active growth if the temperature in summer is within + 20+25 degrees Celsius. With the onset of winter, the plant is recommended to be moved to a dark place where the temperature should be maintained within + 10-12 degrees. It is important to take care that at this time of the year there are no sudden changes in temperature, even though the plant will be at rest at this time. If the air temperature in the room drops below critical levels, the plant will not be ready for this and will die.

Watering and spraying

Watering is one of the important activities that determines how strong and healthy the plants will turn out. Yucca is not very demanding on moisture, so frequent watering can harm it. Be sure to take care that on the surface of the soil the water didn't stay stagnant for a long time. She also does not feel better if she remains without moisture for a long time. AT winter period watered much less frequently. Usually, watering once a week is sufficient to meet water needs.

Useful in the summer is spraying plants, which must be carried out very carefully. When moistening the leaves, care must be taken to ensure that they are protected from sunlight. Otherwise, it will cause burns. It is also important to avoid getting water into the rosettes of leaves and between the trunks of adjacent plants during the operation. In winter, the leaves are sprayed more often than in summer, since at this time the level of humidity in the room decreases. This measure is effective if the procedure is carried out in winter at least once a day.

When growing any plants at home, caring for them involves fertilizing. And yucca is no exception. It is best to schedule fertilization for the warm season when the plants enter the stage of active growth. Fertilizers will not do any good if they are applied to the soil too often. Usually it is enough to carry out this operation every two to three weeks. You can improve the quality of the soil by introducing manure, humus or peat into it. The best effect can be achieved if, in the process of caring for plants, use special fertilizers for agave.


There are several ways in which you can propagate yucca at home.

  1. Pieces of the trunk 15 cm long;
  2. Cut and rooted tops;
  3. child sockets.

As a substrate where the planting material will take root, you can use sand or mixture based on sand and peat. When the material is ready, the plant must be planted in a pot, after filling it with a soil substrate, which must necessarily contain pieces of charcoal. Also, drainage must be provided in the container, which can be used as pieces of rubble or broken shards. The latter are best suited because of their lower weight. Also, many gardeners grow yucca from seeds.

Reproduction of yucca by top cuttings

When the gardener has the first adult yucca bush, it can be used for propagation at home. It must be borne in mind that it must be a flower with a height of at least 30 cm. One of the possible methods of propagation of the yucca palm is using a cutting taken from the top.

  • for harvesting, the branch must be cut with a sharp knife or blade. Don't make too many planting material- the plant will feel worse if it has few green leaves;
  • after harvesting the cuttings, the cut points must be lubricated with crushed coal. After waiting a little, you can later see how new branches will begin to grow from the healed wound. As a result, such a manipulation allows you to get a spectacular branched yucca;
  • after harvesting the cuttings, it is necessary to give them time to dry. This usually takes about two hours. Then they need to be placed in wet sand. Until the time comes for transplanting the plants to a permanent place, they must be kept moist. To do this, the top can be placed in a glass of water, after adding activated charcoal to it. Even before rooting, individual leaves may die. This point needs to be tracked and removed. When the root system develops well enough, you can transplant the plant into a pot.

Reproduction by a piece of the trunk

The operational method of breeding yuca is use of stem pieces. This method is more suitable for those gardeners who have repeatedly propagated this flower. First you need to very carefully cut off part of the trunk and place it in wet sand. This must be done in such a way that the planting material is located horizontally. By keeping the sand moist, you will soon be able to notice how roots and buds begin to form on the handle. As a result, this method will allow you to get several new yucca seedlings.

Reproduction at home by offspring

The offspring that this flower can often produce can also act as good planting material. First you need find the right container filled with wet sand. Then it is necessary to carefully separate the offspring and place it in the soil substrate, fixing it vertically. After some time, a small tree will grow out of it, which subsequently needs to be very carefully looked after. Therefore, you will have to prepare a pot filled with oily garden soil for transplanting.

Plant pruning

The benefit of pruning is that it allows you to form a lush and branched crown of the plant. To do this, you will have to remove part of the top of the bush - by about 10 cm. The cut point must be treated with crushed coal or garden pitch. Such an operation can only be carried out in relation to those palm trees that have been able to take root well and have reached a height of 60 cm.

In order for a flower to grow well after transplantation, it needs not only proper care, but also a high-quality soil mixture. To do this, you need garden soil, to which you need to add sand in the amount of 1/3 of the volume of the prepared mixture. To the bottom of the pot lay broken shards, and a piece of permeable geotextile is placed on top. After that, the container is filled with earth, but only up to half the volume. Having completed the basic preparations, they proceed directly to transplanting palm trees.

Plant diseases

Yuka is no different from other garden crops, so she needs to provide appropriate care. Deterioration in the condition of the palm can be observed as a result of damage fungal or bacterial infections. This can be determined by the appearance of dark spots on the leaves. Subsequently, in the absence of measures, this can lead to softening of the tissues and their decay. In some cases, this process may also affect part of the trunk.

In this state, care will involve removing the affected areas with a sharp knife. The same must be done for damaged leaves. Unaffected parts of the yucca bush should be treated with a systemic fungicide. During this period, it is necessary to reduce the frequency of watering. The same diseases can also affect plants grown in room conditions. In this case, you need to take care of them in a similar way.

Yucca is resistant to many insect pests. However, it poses a great danger spider mite which she can contract in hot weather. To combat it, it is recommended to use a weak solution of tobacco tincture, which needs to be sprayed on the trunk and leaves.


Although yucca rarely pleases with its flowering, however, many gardeners are interested in unusual decorative look. Therefore, many who had the opportunity to enjoy the view of this plant often set out to plant it on their site. This is quite simple to do if you follow the agricultural practices of growing yucca.

Home care is just as important. Particular attention must be paid soil mixture preparation, since before the moment of transplanting the yucca to a new place, optimal conditions for its growth should be created. Also, success in this business largely depends on the right planting material. It is best to use cuttings, which in most cases take root well and grow into a strong, healthy plant.