Why dream of fresh cabbage for a woman dream book. Dream Interpretation Cabbage, why dream of cabbage, cabbage in a dream

  • 17.10.2019

Dream interpretation cabbage

Paying attention to the clues of the subconscious during night dreams, the dreamer will be able to unravel the mysteries of the future, learn about upcoming events, and prepare for the surprises that fate has in store for him. Since the common people call cabbage foreign currency, then white cabbage leaves in dreams are associated with improving the financial situation, making a profit, remuneration, inheritance and other financial benefits.

But, a person can dream of this vegetable in a completely different way. Some dream of barrels of salted or sauerkraut, others happen to watch dishes with foreign kohlrabi, and some were lucky enough to taste homemade stew pies in a dream. The dream book will tell about the interpretation of what cabbage is dreaming of in all its images.

To dream of a huge cabbage on the table - to petty squabbles at home, misunderstanding between spouses, disagreements, conflicts based on jealousy.

All sorts of improvements, from a salary increase to the fulfillment of a dream, a long-awaited meeting with distant relatives, childhood friends, is predicted by a vision where, according to the plot, a sleeping person ate a dish of shredded cabbage with appetite.

I dreamed of an unripe vegetable

Popular interpretations

As the dream book assures, cabbage is not an ambiguous omen. She promises trouble if a rotten head of cabbage dreams. At the same time, according to the interpreter of Medea, rotten leaves in a dream will indicate to the dreamer the reasons for past failures, so that after traveling through the kingdom of Morpheus, it will be possible to quickly complete the work begun, fix problems with colleagues, and improve relations with loved ones.

An unripe vegetable is often dreamed of by people who are not ready for drastic changes, therefore, after receiving such signs of the subconscious, it is better to wait a while with the final choice, to think over all the options again.

Tight head dreamed the day before important event, will indicate a favorable outcome of the meeting, acquaintance, signing of contracts, while the stalk, on the contrary, will tell about the loss of authority not only in the face of relatives, but also bosses and colleagues.

What famous dream books will tell

It will turn out to find out what fresh or soaked cabbage is dreaming of by looking at the pages of famous dream books.

As the esoteric interpreter assures, the process of harvesting in a dream indicates that the time has come to reap the fruits, and whether the result of the “harvest” in reality will be positive or negative, depends on the nature of the actions committed earlier.

Modern meanings

Dreaming of a bed with broccoli

Why dream of kaputa modern dream book? Boredom, melancholy overcome the dreamer when he dreams boiled cabbage. Another night vision with a similar plot hints that there is a person next to the person who feeds on his energy, sucks out emotions of joy, and amuses himself with his failures.

According to the dream book, a ripe vegetable will place hope in the soul of a sleeping person, as dreams will tell that after a series of failures a white streak will come.

Dreams about cabbage for women

The interpreter gives a separate meaning for the beautiful half of humanity.

  • cabbage heads married woman may dream before a quarrel with a spouse. The truth about betrayal, deceit will also be revealed.
  • Eating young leaves in a dream for a girl portends the conception of a child.
  • Shredding a vegetable in dreams - experiencing a feeling of envy for a rival.

If you happen to buy cabbage in the market, then the young lady will face a difficult choice in reality, perhaps there will be a need, at the will of her parents, to marry an unloved, but promising man.

Men's dreams

Dreaming of a chopped vegetable

Seeing cabbage for a man is a sign that soon after the vision he will meet a childhood friend, a feeling of love will flare up between the woman and the dreamer.

An unfavorable atmosphere reigns at home, the wife constantly pesters her husband when he has obsessive dreams about cutting cabbage heads.

Shredded sheets in a dream predict the appearance of the necessary connections, an influential person who will show the right path to achieve the goals pursued.

Predictions of folk dream books

Analyzing the symbolism for several centuries, folk interpreters will tell you why cabbage is dreaming.

  • Worries await the person who salted the vegetable in his dreams, the summer interpreter assures.
  • By autumn dream book, an unexpectedly large amount of money will come into the dreamer's hands after "cabbage" dreams.
  • The spring interpreter says: the one who dreamed of a head of cabbage growing on the site would be in an unpleasant situation.
  • The Ukrainian dream book predicts the death of a familiar person after seeing cabbage dreams.
  • Huge sadness awaits the dreamer according to the old Russian interpreter when rotten cabbage leaves dream.

According to the Lunar Interpreter, a processed vegetable will tell about the gossip that reigns around your person.

Dreamed of a variety of pickles

Dream image and actions

Do not rush when choosing a value. You need to pay attention to all the smallest details. The subtle world of the unknown, represented by night visions, will help you find answers to questions that concern the sleeping person. When a complete picture of dreams is restored in memory, the dreamer will receive a correct prediction.

When it happened, according to the plot, to finely chop cabbage leaves, then many tears will have to be shed in reality.

Pickled cucumber, tomato or cabbage are often dreamed of by people who are callous in nature, unable to sympathize with others.

In order not to lose friends, such a person will have to reconsider some views on life, change priorities, and reassess moral values.

Cabbage variety

Why dream fresh cabbage or kelp, unusual for the townsfolk?

A vision with Brussels sprouts signals the impending danger over the life of a sleeping person, and kohlrabi will tell about the turmoil and confusion in his personal life.

Leaves or heads

As the dream book explains, cabbage forks are a symbol of openness, trust, naivety. night dreams with similar characteristic warn that there are ill-wishers nearby who are ready at any moment to take advantage of your kindness.

The one who, according to the script, sorted out the whole cabbage, will catch a cold in reality, and the dreamer folk method treatment with cabbage leaves with honey indicates that, having gathered the will into a fist, it will be possible to overcome all adversities and obstacles.

The more sheets dreamed up, the more careful you should be with your colleagues, because among those close to you there is a person who is ready to go over their heads in order to take the position of a dreamer.

Growing up in dreams

What will visions tell about when a whole field of cabbage is dreaming?

Dreaming of seedlings near the house

  • I saw seedlings near the house - you have to receive good news.
  • Household vanity, minor household chores are foreshadowed by a vision of a field of cabbage.
  • Tightly planted heads in a dream are a waste of money.
  • Cabbage in the garden needs watering? Pay attention to the affairs of loved ones, someone needs your help.
  • It may turn out to be a symbol of the emergence of obstacles, cabbage that has unexpectedly grown in the garden.

I dreamed of harvesting - it is worth thinking about the future investment of capital, the missing heads of cabbage in dreams indicate expenses that will not pay off.

Salted or stewed

Thanks to hard work, perseverance, the dreamer will get what he wants, - this is how the interpreter of the vision considers, where according to the plot it became necessary to salt the cabbage.

Seeing pickles is a sign that fortune is on your side, do not be afraid of the opportunities provided.

A dish of stewed cabbage is an unfavorable symbol, indicating future misunderstandings, a crisis in relations, stagnation in business.

Sauerkraut will tell about jealousy, and seaweed will indicate the positive energy exuded by a person, vigor, fortitude, sobriety of mind.

What dreamed dish

The meaning of appetizing dreams:

Dreamed of pies stuffed with healthy vegetables

  • Eating cabbage in dreams is a sign that your finest hour has come, all undertakings will be crowned with success, expect victories in the working field.
  • It’s worth cheering up after visions of chopping cabbage.
  • To take a break from the routine, go on vacation to a man who ate pies stuffed with cabbage.
  • Have you ever baked pies? The financial situation will improve, the future will be calm and stable.

Cabbage salad in a dream predicts happy, carefree days.

Acquisition or theft

They carry certain symbolism and actions performed by the dreamer.

  • Boredom in reality overcomes the one who, according to the plot, planted cabbage.
  • Stealing cabbage symbolizes the need to maintain sound thinking, not to succumb to provocations.
  • Taking on the role of a seller according to the scenario of dreams, in reality it will be possible to increase the fortune of the parents.
  • The sleeping person will get involved in the conflict, who on the eve of dreams had to buy pickles from cabbage, cucumbers.

If you dream of a large supply of cabbage that begins to rot, then in reality you will have to break off burdensome relationships, start building life anew.

Additional values

To dream of unripe cabbage leaves on a platter - to stressful situations. Most likely, a person is not ready to accept the surrounding reality, lives in illusions, and the harsh truth of life will upset him, cause depression.

Cabbage is amazing healthy vegetable: it is not only a natural storehouse of vitamins, but also an excellent protection against diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and an unsurpassed remedy for cleaning the body of toxins.

Cabbage has excellent taste and has about 20 various kinds, each of which is useful in its own way for a person. Why dream of cabbage? What does the appearance of this unique vegetable in your dream mean?

Why dream of cabbage in the dream book of Miller, Tsvetkov, Miss Hasse

In Miller's dream book, cabbage dreams have a pronounced negative interpretation. A dreamed vegetable means complete confusion in both business and personal matters. If the cabbage is green, one should expect betrayal by a husband or wife, betrayal of a partner. Do you collect cabbage in a dream? You are facing serious trials, the reason for which is your own extravagance and extreme short-sightedness when using money.

Tsvetkov's dream interpretation interprets cooking cabbage in a dream as a signal for unpleasant gossip about you, and eating this vegetable means receiving pleasant gifts in the near future.

Miss Hasse explains the appearance of cabbage in your dreams in two ways: the vegetable itself or the process of planting it in the ground leads to well-being and prosperity, but slicing cabbage portends melancholy. The use of this vegetable for food does portend a difficult, full of deprivation fate.

What does it mean to dream of cabbage according to Aesop's dream book

Such a dream may mean frequent thoughts about procreation in reality. Watering cabbage beds in a dream is interpreted as your excessive indulgence and connivance towards your own children. This can lead to the fact that the children are completely used to the impunity of their misdeeds and pranks, and generally stop taking your opinion seriously.

If in a dream you cut a ripe cabbage head, get ready for the fact that all your power and authority will soon be needed to convince the child to follow the right course of life. Cooking cabbage dishes in a dream can mean a series of sorrows that your child will bring to you. However, the child himself will suffer severely from his own actions and wrong decisions, so he will need your comfort and support.

Dreaming that you are cutting a stalk from a head of cabbage? Will have to deal with negative tendencies or bad habits your child - while there is still time for this. In the event that in a dream you dropped a head of cabbage, keep in mind that the child has become very distant from you, closed in on himself, and you need to give him maximum time and attention in order to establish relationships, restore spiritual intimacy, and help your child open up psychologically. plan. Make it so that he gets help from you, and not looking for it from strangers.

Why dream of cabbage according to Medea's dream book, English dream book

According to Medea's dream book, cabbage and its eating are interpreted as a symbol of poverty and vegetation, a waste of time and effort searching for the non-existent. A cabbage head may dream of difficulties, and a vegetable growing in the garden portends an unexpected visit from guests or receiving news.

The English dream book explains the cabbage dream as early manifestations of jealousy from your marriage partner. If you cut this vegetable in a dream - you yourself will suffer from jealousy in the near future, someone else is doing this - they are trying to shake your trust in your loved one from the outside. Eating cabbage can portend severe trials, illnesses of loved ones, troubles in financial matters.

Cabbage according to Fedorovskaya's dream book

Seeing cabbage in a dream, be prepared for an early meeting in reality with your soulmate. Cook this juicy vegetable? Soon you will have a romantic date with your loved one. If someone else cooks cabbage in a dream, it means that in the near future you will receive an invitation to a meeting from a person of the opposite sex, to whom you are absolutely indifferent.

Picking cabbage in the field dreams of vain troubles and empty talk, and planting it portends a measured, predictable life, very poor in events. If in a dream you eat cabbage - expect an expensive gift, someone else does it - one of your friends will get a valuable gift.

Cauliflower portends trouble, but if in a dream you saw how it grows, you will be rewarded for all previously passed tests. Cooking this vegetable promises grief, and if you watch the process from the side, one of your relatives will upset you.

Purchasing or picking cauliflower can mean serious problems that will follow your rash decisions. Eat it in your sleep? Trouble at work is possible. And if another person does this, your friend or acquaintance will become their cause.

Why dream of fresh, sauerkraut, salted cabbage

The interpretation of sleep, in which sauerkraut appears, to some extent depends on your life circumstances. It can mean the jealousy of a partner, or simply a lack of your attention to him. The purchase of sauerkraut portends an early reception of guests. A single man sees sauerkraut for a strong love, a married man - to participate in wedding celebration, a woman - for the imminent birth of a child.

This dream can have both positive and negative meanings. Fresh, appetizing cabbage is a sign of well-being, while spoiled cabbage symbolizes family quarrels and illnesses. If you cook such a dish yourself, you can cause problems with loved ones. A deterioration in health is possible - significant if the cabbage is rotten, or slight if it is fresh and tasty.

When a person who has seen such a dream is unwell, his condition will soon improve. To treat someone with such cabbage in a dream - to a quarrel, to sell it - to success in business and pleasant changes.

Fresh cabbage also has a dual meaning - it can be both a harbinger of material wealth and significant problems. Cut cabbage - to deprivation, to see spoiled by pests - to gossip.

Salted cabbage is dreamed of by those to whom fate will be very favorable in the near future, especially financially.

Why dream of cutting, buying, collecting, chopping cabbage

Cut cabbage in a dream, chop it? Beware of quarrels with relatives. If you dream of buying cabbage - expect interesting phenomena and new events, the arrival of guests. It will be a great joy for you and your loved ones, and will provide pleasant memories for a long time. Harvesting a vegetable portends a welcome visit for you.

Why dream of a head of cabbage, big cabbage, a lot of cabbage

A head of cabbage is an unfavorable dream for a young woman - health problems may arise. An unripe, green vegetable is interpreted as the likelihood of strong jealousy and adultery.

An unusually large cabbage can mean a lot of trouble and problems that need to be addressed, as well as the fact that in reality you should moderate your expenses. Did you dream about a lot of cabbage? This means an early seal and sadness that has arisen in connection with difficult memories of past relationships.

Why else dream of cabbage

The interpretation of dreams about cabbage also depends on its type and condition:

  • cauliflower dreams of new opportunities and chances, the onset of a white streak in life, portends a happy future, for a girl - a successful marriage;
  • white-headed - to chagrin, but also to profit;
  • Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi - someone is secretly in love with you, and is waiting for reciprocal attention from you;
  • seaweed - to the recovery of someone close from a long and serious illness, do not spare money for medicines;
  • rotten cabbage - to debts that you cannot pay on time;
  • cabbage in the garden - to great prospects, but it can also indicate a poor state of your health, a breakdown;
  • a whole vegetable - to success in work;
  • cabbage in a salad - quick enrichment;
  • cabbage pie - a pleasant stay, unexpected meetings, good news;
  • a lot of pies with cabbage - to prosperity in the family;
  • stew - quarrels, estrangement from loved ones, a mess in business;
  • unripe cabbage - to a strong passion, betrayal of a partner;
  • watering cabbage - you should take your work more responsibly;
  • eating vegetables - for gifts;
  • cabbage in the form of seedlings - to receive excellent news from afar.

No matter how much cabbage and in what meaning you dream, remember that the masters of your destiny are, first of all, yourself, and it depends only on you whether unfavorable dreams come true, or whether they never come true, and whether favorable dreams come true .

A dream in which cabbage was dreamed is always a clue to certain actions of the dreamer in reality. Therefore, it is very important to know what cabbage is dreaming of.

It is very important to know what you need to pay attention to when deciphering dreams with cabbage. This will allow you to more accurately interpret the dream, which means it will help you avoid waking negativity.

Dreaming of a big head of cabbage

According to the interpretation of Miller's dream book, if you see a large and beautiful head of cabbage from the side, then this portends wealth and prosperity in the real world. Such a dream lets you know that in the near future you will not encounter difficulties on the way to your goal, and all troubles will bypass you.

Tight head of cabbage

For a young woman who has recently married, a tight head of cabbage portends an early pregnancy and the birth of healthy children. That is, hence the belief that children are in cabbage.

Seaweed - interpretation of sleep

The appearance of seaweed in a dream is also interpreted in Miller's dream book. Such a dream indicates that your ailing relative will soon recover. Only it is very important to carry out treatment by methods of traditional medicine and not spare money for medicines.

Types of cabbage, how to interpret them

In addition, below listed species cabbage in a dream can be interpreted as follows:
    Cauliflower symbolizes the end of the black life streak; Salted or sauerkraut predicts that luck during this period is favorable to you; Stewed cabbage portends numerous obstacles to the goal; Unripe heads of cabbage warn of the need to tell the truth to loved ones.

What is the dream of cabbage salad

If you dreamed of cabbage salad, but at the same time you don’t eat it in a dream, then soon you will make a profit or simply find money. Maybe the receipt of money will be small, but at the same time it will turn out to be a joyful event for you.

Growing cabbage - dream book

There are many variations of actions in night dreams with cabbage, and each has its own interpretation in dream books. If you grow this vegetable in the garden, then in accordance with the interpretation of Miller's dream book, this promises a joyful and long-awaited meeting in reality.

Buy cabbage in a dream

Pleasant surprise in real life also portends cabbage bought in a dream in the market or in a store. Such a dream can also be a harbinger of good news that will come to you from afar.

watering cabbage

When you dreamed that you were watering cabbage in the garden, this indicates that you are too protective of your children. In order for your children to develop harmoniously, they need to be given more freedom.

pick cabbage

The plot of the dream, in which you collect cabbage and cut it directly from the garden, indicates your extravagance. You need to learn how to spend money wisely, otherwise you will not get out of debt.

shredding cabbage

If you dream that you are chopping cabbage, then this is not a good sign that promises you grief, tears and longing in real life. Moreover, you yourself, and not other people, will be to blame for the current situation around you. Therefore, it is important not to drive yourself to despair, but to try to take a more optimistic look at the reality around you.

Eat cabbage - the meaning of a dream

by the most frequently asked question, it is considered why one dreams of eating cabbage in a dream. Such a dream can promise ailment in reality, which, however, can be easily dealt with at the initial stage. But if timely treatment is not carried out against the background of a deterioration in well-being, then serious illnesses can develop.

boil cabbage leaves

If you cook cabbage leaves in night dreams, then you will find yourself in reality in the center of gossip and intrigue, which you are likely to provoke yourself. To avoid this in real life, one should not participate in empty talk and chatter. During this period, any of your carelessly spoken word can turn against you. And, as you know, evil gossip and slander can make life unbearable and lead to nervous breakdowns and depression.

What is the dream of a cabbage stalk

A warning is a dream, in the plot of which a stump is cut out of cabbage. Perhaps in real life you will have to re-educate your husband or children who do not know how to behave in society.

cooking cabbage dishes

It is important to know why you dream of cooking cabbage dishes in a dream, because such a plot is not very a good sign. Such a dream indicates that in real life you have debts that greatly interfere with your life. Therefore, it is very important to deal with them as soon as possible and learn how to cope with financial difficulties on your own in the future.

cutting cabbage

When you cut cabbage in a dream, for example, for a salad, this means that in the near future you will experience a feeling of jealousy. It is a debilitating feeling and very often baseless. Therefore, it is very important to see the situation from an objective point of view and assess it adequately. Strive not to let jealousy into your soul, but to clarify all questions in a sincere conversation with a partner. Interpretations various dream books dreams with cabbage can sometimes seem strange. Try to perceive them objectively in relation to a certain life situation.

When we sleep, we often receive various tips and warnings about impending troubles. Dreams about cabbage are considered just such iconic visions that you should listen to. You can understand what this vegetable is dreaming of by analyzing the details and nuances of the dream.

Dreams about cabbage: interpretations of famous dream books

Miller has cabbage in a dream a bad sign portending unrest in life:

  • green cabbage can mean adultery and betrayal of a lover;
  • those who removed the cabbage crop from the garden should think about their expenses, as senseless purchases can lead to financial problems.

According to Hasse's dream book, one who eats cabbage in a dream can be preparing to receive a pleasant gift. Did you cook this vegetable in a dream? Become the object of gossip and gossip.

Aesop's dream book interprets cabbage dreams as a sign of problems with children:

  1. If a person cuts off a head of cabbage, then, most likely, his offspring has gone astray from the right course of life. You will have to make a lot of efforts to direct the child on the true path.
  2. The one who waters the cabbage beds is the one who is too soft and indulgent towards his children. Impunity and connivance will lead to the fact that the parent will lose authority and respect in their eyes.
  3. If you dream about how cabbage falls, you need to take a closer look at your child. Most likely, he is too far away from you and is going to look for a solution to his problems on the side.

According to Miller, cabbage means a mess in life.

It is interesting to interpret dreams about cabbage Longo:

  • its cultivation means the arrival of welcome guests;
  • can be expected random big profit someone who dreams of kale salad;
  • eating this vegetable portends the recovery of one of the close relatives.

Vanga claims that planting cabbage in the ground in a dream is a good sign. Soon a bright streak will begin in life. If the dreamer chopped the vegetable, sad events await him.

Freud believes: a cabbage bed, on which a few heads of cabbage grow, means that all the intended goals will be achieved, and soon things will go uphill. If there was a lot of cabbage, the dreamer is too often distracted by trifles, which is why he cannot achieve the tasks set.

Who dreamed of a vegetable: a woman or a man

  1. If a girl dreams of a large head of cabbage, she should expect big changes on the personal front.
  2. Dreaming of a pregnant woman good harvest cabbage - fortunately. Childbirth will be quick and easy.
  3. If a married lady sees how she walks around the bazaar and chooses a better head of cabbage, then soon she will have great news about pregnancy.
  4. The cauliflower that the girl dreamed of portends a wedding. But you should not get married if the vegetable in the dream was green. This image symbolizes the inconstancy of the partner.

Why does a man dream of cabbage? A dream about cabbage, dreamed by a representative of the stronger sex, promises trouble at work. The dreamer should better take a closer look at his colleagues, among them there are those who envy his success and wish him harm.

shredded cabbage in male dream portends tears and grief. Pickle a vegetable in a dream - to the fulfillment of old, perhaps already forgotten desires.

What cabbage did you dream about: fresh or rotten

Fresh cabbage in a dream can be both a good sign and a warning of impending troubles:

  • a person who has watched a vegetable grow rapidly and gain strength can prepare for long-awaited good news;
  • Maybe, distant relatives decide to make an unexpected but pleasant visit;
  • the image can be a warning about the betrayal of a loved one.

Rotten and spoiled cabbage in a dream is not a bad sign. On the contrary, a person will soon find out the reason for his failures.

If the cabbage leaves were covered with mold, then the dreamer should expect a major family quarrel and a lack of understanding with loved ones.

It is important to remember other details appearance and state of cabbage:

  1. Dreamed of cabbage beds or weeding seedlings? Find out if loved ones need help.
  2. Stand in a dream in the middle of a cabbage field - soon empty chores and fuss will appear in life. Moreover, if the plants are planted so close to each other that the earth is not visible, then most likely the dreamer will have to deal with gossip in his address.
  3. The one who should reconsider his attitude towards others will see many heads of ripe cabbage.
  4. If the vegetables were immature, then the person needs to think about how to start telling the truth, so as not to lose the rather shaky trust of others.
  5. A vegetable eaten by insects will be dreamed of by someone who will soon become the object of gossip and conversation behind his back.
  6. Separate cabbage leaves in a dream mean a depressive mood and health problems.

Rotten heads in a dream can mean both good and bad news.

Variety: white, colored, broccoli

  1. A person who saw a cauliflower in a dream will soon find out some secret or secret information.
  2. If a marriageable girl or a young guy dreams Chinese cabbage This means that they are not ready for a serious relationship, and it is too early for them to think about marriage.
  3. Kohlrabi in a dream says that it is necessary to take a closer look at your lover: although outwardly this is weakly manifested, most likely he experiences strong feelings.
  4. Brussels sprouts encourage the dreamer to gather his thoughts, be more careful and spend money carefully so that in the future you will not regret anything.
  5. Seaweed is considered a symbol of health. Therefore, visions of her portend the speedy recovery of the dreamer himself or his close relative.
  6. Broccoli in a dream, on the contrary, signals some health problems.

Everyone knows the old belief about babies found in white cabbage. But not everyone knows that initially they spoke like that only about illegitimate children. A baby born out of wedlock was called “kapustnik”. Therefore, white cabbage in a dream can mean the wrong choice of a lover.

The variety of dreamed cabbage has importance when interpreting

Pickled or salted

  1. An old and dirty container with sauerkraut usually dreams of waste and loss. If the dish was in a beautiful and clean dish, the vision promises a successful acquisition of something you need.
  2. Salted cabbage, which has a non-marketable appearance in a dream, means minor troubles that can turn into big problems. A beautiful and appetizing vegetable dish means that changes for the better will soon come in life.

Sauerkraut in a clean dish dreams of a successful purchase

What do the dreamer's actions mean: buy, chop, plant

If you dreamed about a vegetable in the garden, it is important to remember what you did with it:

  1. A person who harvested a cabbage crop should think about his spending, because he risks being left with nothing if he does not start saving.
  2. Retribution for misconduct awaits the one who cut a large head of cabbage.
  3. Planting seedlings dreams of changes in the composition of the family. Perhaps the appearance of a son-in-law or daughter-in-law. If the process in a dream was associated with negativity or aggression, in reality a new family member will bring trouble and grief.

A dream in which you look at cabbage from the side portends vain chores, fuss and futile efforts.

Profit and an improvement in the financial situation awaits the one who dreamed of putting vegetables in a box, refrigerator, bag or basket.

Cooking cabbage dishes in a dream is a disappointment

You need to reduce your requirements for others if in a dream you bought cabbage on the market, choosing the largest and heaviest head of cabbage. The vision in which you sold this vegetable means receiving material gain.

Cooking dishes from cabbage leaves means trouble:

  • cut or chop - a warning about a serious quarrel and family showdown;
  • a person who saw in a dream how he salted or fermented cabbage needs to start saving money;
  • if you cooked some dishes from this vegetable, you need to prepare for the fact that one of the family members will bring grief and disappointment.

Eating cabbage portends good things. Probably, one of the distant relatives will come to visit with good news or expensive gifts.

The one who stole this vegetable in a dream will face many small failures in reality that will accumulate like a snowball. He can soon crush the dreamer with his weight. To avoid this, you have to spend time on everyday tasks. A vision where an attempt to steal cabbage failed warns that it is time to be patient, as an adventurous deal awaits you, which will probably end in luck.

Cabbage dishes: pie, pie, salad

Ready-made dishes from this vegetable, as a rule, do not mean anything bad:

  • dreams in which a large cabbage pie appears are a good omen, meaning a break from the routine. If the dreamer buys such pastries for himself, a surprise awaits him in the form of a pleasant meeting. Cabbage pie as a gift is a dream of good news;
  • a person who was treated to ruddy pies in a dream may suffer from petty intrigues;
  • a vision in which coleslaw was present is considered a positive sign, portending the receipt financial profit. If there were other vegetables in the salad, a large acquisition awaits a person.

Pies with cabbage dream of petty intrigues of ill-wishers

Cabbage - familiar to everyone garden culture. Therefore, dreams in which this vegetable is present are not uncommon. Correctly interpreted dreams in which this image appeared will help prepare for any twists of fate and meet them fully armed.

Since the world of human dreams is fraught with many mysteries and secrets, it is easy to get lost in it. Fortunately, there is a dream book that will always give the correct interpretation of this or that image. Today I would like to talk about what cabbage is dreaming of, as it is a very bright and memorable image in dreams.

A dream in which a person sees how beautiful fresh cabbage grows, portends him wealth and prosperity.

A dream in which a person sees how beautiful fresh cabbage grows, portends him wealth and prosperity.

  1. If a person dreamed of green cabbage that he wanted to eat, then in the near future he will increase his material condition several times.
  2. To see how this vegetable grows in the garden is a disease. The larger he became, the more difficult it will be for the dreamer to recover from the disease.
  3. Heads of cabbage often dream of losses, quarrels and betrayal. A particularly bad interpretation is the dream in which the heads of cabbage were thrown into the trash. One head of cabbage in a dream means swearing or chores.
  4. Cauliflower, which the dreamer eats with pleasure in his daydreams, portends him problems at work. Probably, a person will receive a reprimand from his superiors for a lack of initiative or a flaw.
  5. Salted cabbage in night visions symbolizes deceit. But if a person had to salt this vegetable in his visions, in reality he will take care of his family members. In the coming days, the dreamer will look at one of his friends with different eyes, because one of them will go to betrayal.
  6. Cutting or chopping a vegetable in a dream - to unexpected news or events. Chopped cabbage symbolizes a series of important life events.
  7. Dreams about cabbage often dream of gossip and bad rumors. However, this is only the case if it was rotten, spoiled or ugly. In other cases, "cabbage" dreams do not promise a person any disasters, but just the opposite.
  8. Break off cabbage leaves in a dream, make a salad out of them - to the desire to change the situation.
  9. Crushing it - to longing and sadness. Most likely, the dreamer recently experienced a breakup with someone he loves very much, and therefore he cannot return to normal life.
  10. Boiled cabbage in night visions symbolizes boredom.
  11. Collect this vegetable in the garden or see how someone does it - to welcome guests. Soon the person whom all members of his family love will appear in the dreamer's house.

Cook any dishes from cabbage, for example, cabbage rolls - for debts. The dreamer will borrow a large amount of money from someone.

Cabbage in a dream book (video)

Seeing cabbage in heads in a dream: meaning

  • A dream in which someone cuts or shreds a cabbage head is bad sign. The dreamer clearly has an ill-wisher who wants to ruin his relationship with his loved one. The dream interpretation recommends ignoring the opinions of other people that relate to relationships in his family.
  • Longing, sadness and tears - this is what awaits a person who sees cabbage in a head of cabbage in a daydream. However, blaming circumstances or other people for this is pointless, because the person himself will be the culprit of his troubles.

Cutting heads of cabbage in the garden means wasting money in vain. The dream interpretation warns of the need for a more responsible attitude to material resources.

Why dream of white or cauliflower?

  1. See in a dream white cabbage It means to have nice people in the house. Perhaps his distant relatives will visit the dreamer from afar. Also, this image promises the fulfillment of desires.
  2. Cauliflower is not the most pleasant image in dreams. After his appearance in dreams, one should be wary of problems at work, deterioration of relations with friends, relatives and friends.

Cauliflower is not the most pleasant image in dreams

A dream in which cabbage of some other kind was present, for example, Brussels sprouts or kohlrabi, suggests that the dreamer has a secret admirer. Perhaps now the moment has come when he will reveal all his cards and confess his feelings.

Buy cabbage in a dream

Buying something in dreams is a very good sign. When a person acquires food in his night visions, a lot of happiness awaits him in reality. Soon some joyful event will happen in his life, and perhaps more than one.

However, a dream in which a person bought dirty or spoiled cabbage portends anxiety and disappointment.

Psychologist Miller gives the following interpretation of the image of this vegetable in night dreams:

  • The dreamer will encounter turmoil in life, and in their various manifestations.
  • Failures will accompany him everywhere, both at work and at home.
  • Relationships in the family will be bad. A person will always sort things out with his parents, children and with his soulmate.
  • Waste, bankruptcy and lack of money await the person who saw in a dream how someone cut cabbage from the garden. Well, if they ate it later, the situation will turn out very badly. Perhaps in order to earn a livelihood, the dreamer will have to go into debt.

Also, such dreams can mean the infidelity of a spouse.

What is the dream of cabbage (video)

To avoid possible difficulties in the future, the dreamer should heed the advice that the dream book gives him. If he does everything right, then fate will certainly reward him and reward him according to his deserts!

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