The death of a familiar person is a dream. Dream Interpretation - Giving a Mirror to a Dead Person

  • 22.09.2019

Despite the fact that in real life the death of a person is usually perceived as something tragic, from the standpoint of many religions of peoples, the end of life is understood as a new round in the development and reincarnation of the human soul. Therefore, to see the death of a person in a dream is not at all an imminent death of a person. This vision indicates auspicious time to set goals and reassess values. Careful work with the dream book and consistent recall of the details of what you saw in a dream will help you determine what such a dream means.

Death of friends, relatives and loved ones

To see with your own eyes the death of a familiar person in a dream, according to the dream book, portends the liberation of a sleeping person from memories and events from the past. The death of familiar people in a dream, often dreams in case of loss of "contact" or " common language" with them.

The death of a loved one indicates liberation from remorse that eats away the dreamer from the inside. The feeling of guilt, which has settled deep, does not allow to fully express itself and interferes with personal development. Also, this vision can be caused by the dreamer's anxiety for the life and health of people dear to him.

The death of loved ones, no matter how terrible it may be in a dream, does not at all mean the untimely death of relatives, but only indicates the good health of those who dreamed, and that the sleeper needs to find the strength in himself to understand, forgive and get close to them. The death of the mother indicates actions in the future, for which the dreamer will be ashamed, and also suggests the possibility of establishing contact and understanding with the parent, who is in great need of communication with her child.

Knowing what the death of a living person is dreaming of, you can avoid many troubles and dangers that lie in wait on the way. The death of a father in a dream, if he is alive in reality, portends insidious intrigues and conspiracies against the dreamer. People who have their own business should take a closer look at their partners, as there is a possibility that they are planning some kind of financial scam.

With a strained relationship with a sister or brother, it is not difficult to guess what their death is dreaming of. The dream interpretation advises to reconcile with relatives, since they are in great need of care, support and understanding of the dreamer.

Those people who dreamed of the death of a loved one should pay attention to the speech and behavior of their lover. Perhaps right now the chosen one lacks attention and care. For a woman, the death of her husband in a dream that is awake long time sick, the dream book promises a speedy recovery of the betrothed. For a man, the death of his wife indicates a subconscious fear of public condemnation. Do not reveal your fears and concerns to others.

For those who are wondering what the death of an already deceased person is dreaming of, it is worth taking a closer look at the details of the image they saw. To the widow, the death of her husband in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a subconscious feeling of guilt before the chosen one, which haunts and oppresses the dreamer. Also, this picture predicts the need to remove mourning for her husband and begin to arrange her personal life.

If in a dream, the dreamer had a chance to save a person from death, then, according to the dream book, in real life a situation will arise, on the decision of which many human destinies will depend. If the person whom the ability to save is familiar, then most likely this person needs to be helped and supported in reality.

To save a long-dead person from death is interpreted by the dream book as a warning to be deceived. It may be worth looking around and carefully analyzing the situation that has arisen in real life, most likely they want to use the dreamer's gullibility and kindness for selfish purposes.

The death of other people

Death stranger in a dream, is deciphered by the dream book as the relationship of the dreamer with himself and concerns exclusively the personality of the sleeping person. In order to correctly interpret what the death of a stranger is dreaming of, you should pay attention to your own emotions and feelings awakened in a dream.

If a dying person evokes sympathy and compassion, then, according to the dream book, parting with old stereotypes and concepts will be quite painful for the dreamer. The person's consciousness is in a transitional state, on the way to improvement and renewal.

Seeing the death of a stranger and at the same time experiencing gloating or even hatred is interpreted by the dream book as an easy release from an unnecessary burden of memories, life experience and feelings of guilt.

Most dream books interpret quite ambiguously what the death of another person is dreaming of. On the one hand, the vision portends the elimination of obstacles and obstacles to achieving one's own goals and ambitions, reconciliation with oneself, a reassessment of values, a change in priorities. On the other hand, it indicates future changes in life, the quality of which directly depends on the actions of a sleeping person. The dream interpretation advises to make every effort and show oneself “in all its glory” at work, since it is likely that all efforts will be appreciated by the authorities.

To see in a dream the death of a person on whom the sleeping person indirectly depends predicts the opportunity to get rid of the burdensome influence of annoying people.

The death of the boss himself in a dream predicts a positive change in the relationship with the leadership. The time has come when all initiatives will be perceived positively and ensure a quick ascent up the career ladder.

The death of a colleague is interpreted by the dream book ambiguously. Firstly, such a picture shows an improvement in the atmosphere of understanding and harmony in the team, and secondly, it indicates the absence of any obstacles on the way to the implementation of the goals and ambitious plans.

Reporting the death of a person

In the case when the news of the death of a person was dreamed, it is possible to interpret what this dream is dreaming of only with a careful analysis of one's vision for the presence of one's own feelings and emotions in a dream and the personality of the deceased. Feeling relieved after receiving a message is interpreted by the dream book as a favorable completion of all the work begun.

If the dreamer experienced confusion or fear in a dream, then in reality he will have to sweat a lot in order to deal with the obstacles and circumstances that have arisen. Also, such a picture speaks of the unwillingness of the sleeping person to take responsibility and be responsible for his actions to others.

For a girl, hearing in a dream the news of the death of her young man symbolizes a new stage in relations with her chosen one. It is quite possible that soon the beloved will offer the young lady his hand and heart, which will be a complete surprise for the dreamer.

If the young lady in a dream was told about the death of her ex boyfriend, then, according to the dream book, all the threads that connected the young lady with the ex-boyfriend will be broken, and a new, exciting and exciting life will begin. Perhaps, soon, a woman will meet a worthy man who can make her happy and surround her with love and attention.

Seeing in a dream how they report the death of a person who is distant relative the dreamer is deciphered by the dream book as an opportunity to receive an unexpected inheritance from a person whom no one has ever mentioned as a relative.

The ability to avoid provocations and cunning intrigues is what dreams of learning about a person’s death. The dream interpretation interprets such an image as good news from afar, using it correctly, you can secure a stable financial situation for yourself. If the person who died is a blood relative, then you should carefully consider the advice of your parents.

In most cases, a dream is a message about the death of a person, means a subconscious fear of the sleeping person for life or health. dear to my heart of people.

comments 35


    I saw a lot of people in a dream and my mother among them, many of us were tormented by some people like the soldiers didn’t touch me and put me outside the wall, but I made my way inside and began to look for my mother, but I didn’t find it then ran to the place where people were buried there in one grave all in a row they dumped corpses, I asked you didn’t see my mother, she is Kazakh, they only showed a few homemade slippers with plush animals on them, but I didn’t remember what shoes she was wearing, but I was very scared for my mother and woke up with this feeling myself, I don’t live with my husband to why this dream is already the second dream with the news of painful death mom, but I didn’t see her body in a dream

  • I dreamed very weird dream. I was at my school, but there were no lessons. And then someone told me that two girls died from a strong electric shock. One of them I hate, I hate very much. And before her death, in my dream, I talked very rudely with her, did nasty things, said something like “You don’t order me”, “I do what I want”, etc. And the second girl is my ex-best friend, but she hasn’t communicated with me since September and has become best friend that girl. I experienced such joy, but also sadness with confusion at the same time (the last two feelings for ex girlfriend). What would that mean?

  • What does this mean? They told me in a dream that the funeral of a girl would take place one of these days, she less than a year, I wasn’t at the funeral, no one showed me her photo, but her images were before my eyes, as if I saw her, a little girl, 9 months old, she has gray eyes and blond blonde hair and little curls, or rather wavy hair she has . I cried so much when they told me that she had died, I woke up with such a sediment in my soul ... the whole dream was focused on how the girl looks, namely her eyes and hair, and on the fact that I was crying. So what does this mean?

  • In a dream, they told me that my teacher would die and they said the date, I don’t remember it anymore. I decided not to tell him something about it, and when this date came, he really died, when I found out, he began to cry very hard. Although I don’t understand at all what kind of teacher and what he has to do with me, and why I cried because of him. What does this mean?

  • I am only 11 years old. But from the moment I was born, I began to see dreams that are repeated and in all dreams I see what I will see in the future. For example, since childhood, I have had a dream with a girl whom I saw only last year, and in many dreams I see either my own death, or someone else.

  • In a dream, I saw the second half of life from the perspective of a cartoon character. This dream began with the Second World War, where the children of the character died, I will say my children. Farther usual life, different events, relationships. But my character, when he was driving home, noticed a large cloud with a house in the sky and subconsciously decided to go there. His late father was in this house and told me that I was hit by a car and died. I didn’t see the moment of death in a dream, because. showed my character's family. Dad said that I would always be on this cloud and I would only remember my life. Then I woke up (a dream within a dream) and began to cry for a long time, then I told my mother completely from and to the dream and really woke up. What would that mean?

  • Christina:

    I dreamed that my friend and I, with some company of people, sat on a summer attraction (and a very strange one, unknown to me) and everyone died except us, and I woke up. Please tell me what this means? I was very frightened.

  • I dreamed that my girlfriend crashed on a plane. Then on the day when candles were lit for all the dead, it turned out that the plane survived, and she survived. I remember her unsurprised look, and a scratch on her cheek. And I was very scared in my dream. What would that mean.

  • I had a nightmare from Sunday to Monday. I'm 14 everything happens in Samara (but I live in the city nearby). It was as if I was at the bus station and wanted to go to the toilet (there was no natural need, I just wanted to be there). When I walked, I saw bloody inscriptions and poems about death (I don’t remember exactly which ones), I didn’t pay attention. But in vain, I went further, I went into the toilet there a bunch of people, all in tears, point to the booth, where it is usually locked, a guy comes up and opens the booth. I didn’t see what THERE was, I immediately turned away, I was very scared, the dream was long, but I don’t remember everything. I woke up in tears, besides, I have claustrophobia and I am terribly afraid of being alone and wildly afraid of mirrors (especially at night, or when alone), all my life I had similar dreams about death and murder. Help, I have something with the psyche?!?

  • Ekaterina:

    I dreamed that I was standing on a rock and there were a lot of people I didn’t know, I stuck an ax in one shoulder, he got it, there was no blood, we simultaneously push each other and fly in different directions into the sea, clear emerald water, I’m flying with eyes closed, I fall into the water, and honor that my father, supposedly his spirit, pulls me by the legs to land. When I came to life, I saw how the ghost of the man I pushed, in fact, I am an orphan of my father, I don’t remember, what is it for?

  • After the death of my mother, a few days later I had a dream that a woman in a gray cleaning suit, with a bucket and a mop, was ringing the doorbell, I didn’t open it). She takes out her bunch of keys and opens it herself, I ask her at the door who are you? She answered: that I am your death and now I will live with you. I started to push it out and someone woke me up, now I don’t remember if I pushed it out or not, and what does it mean?

  • Hello, I sometimes dream of images of close people, all shining. I wake up and a few days later this man dies. It was with one grandmother, two years later with another. And recently, my husband’s mother dreamed, but not like usual, she was radiant, but the feeling was not for loss, and three days later she called and said that she had cancer, but operable. She underwent surgery and is now healthy. Why am I dreaming about this? This is sad, I feel bad after such dreams, what should I do about it? I don’t talk about dreams to those who dream about me, I’m already afraid that someone will dream again.

  • I dreamed that we were walking with a young man, there was some kind of base nearby, we all couldn’t get on the bus, and got into a car with some girl, Her mother was driving, we drove to a large building and got out together, along ideas, infection with a virus began, from which everyone became zombies, and there was a shelter, there was something like a repair, and all the healthy people were doing it, and suddenly everyone began to get infected and become zombies before our eyes. I was running around the building, hiding, I had already lost the young man and didn’t know what was happening to him, and suddenly I seemed to see a picture not from my own face, a boy was sitting in a closet from the movie “Shelter” (maybe someone watched, he seemed to be a killer there and he has a very scary bag on his face), and this boy was talking to someone, sort of like himself, and like he infected everyone, and the zombies tried to kill him, then I started to see from myself again, ran somewhere and found a man , asked him for coffee, and while we were standing in the warehouse where it was most safe, we found ourselves at a dead end and zombies climbed on us too. Then there was only one picture, it was someone's toes, but right up close and it was clear that the body was rotting, and cadaveric spots. I woke up with an unpleasant aftertaste, before that I dreamed that I was infected and I was running away from zombies, but only without the boy from the "shelter". I haven’t watched the movie “Shelter” for a long time, and horror films with zombies, too, in principle, I don’t like films with zombies. Maybe someone knows what and how?


    I dreamed of such a situation. There is an interrogation room around me, but I act as an observer. Someone else is standing with me, but this person does not particularly show himself. In the interrogation room, a rather grown man sits at a table with his hands on his knees. Behind him, in casual clothes, is a woman I know in real life. As long as everything is calm. Suddenly the door opens, and my friend enters the room with a quick step (it is not clear for what reason, but he looked older than his age) in a military uniform (the uniform is definitely not of the CIS countries, but I have never seen such a uniform in others). The interrogation begins. I can't hear their conversation, but I can see that the situation is heating up. I'm getting uncomfortable. My friend is pissed off by the man's behavior, so he starts yelling and hitting the table. The woman is standing still. The friend turns his back to the table and heads for the exit, but then a man suddenly jumps up and shoots him in the back. I feel bad, as if something native was torn from my heart. Then a woman runs up to me, whom I take to be the mother of my friend, although she is not. Angrily yells at me: "It's all because of you!" I fall to my knees and start sobbing. I woke up in tears and a cold sweat.

  • I had a long, unpleasant dream where everything around was deserted and alien. I am in some building where there are people who work there. I lose my passport bag, I have a panic, I run around looking for it. There I meet a man who wants to take me away from there and save me. But this man himself climbs over the window and jumps down. Breaking down before my eyes. I see a lot of blood around him and his head is like a mess, broken. I scream, I cry, I stroke his head, my hands feel sticky moisture. The man says he loves me, but I see that he is dying. I feel very sorry for him, I cry. I woke up in tears and could not calm down for a long time, as if my future chosen one had died. Can anyone explain this dream?

The human mind during sleep gives rise to many symbols, the meaning of which is often the opposite of the effect they produce. For example, the answer to the question of why a person who is alive is dreaming does not at all promise someone an early death.

Why dream of the death of a living person?

Having seen a dream in which there is the death of a loved one who is still alive, you should not be upset and wait for difficult events. Even in the old days, it was noted that the one seen in such a dream usually lives safely and long. But to the dreamer himself, such a vision can promise both good and bad.

When the death of a living father was dreamed, a person can expect the dangers associated with business. The dreamer should be especially careful in business, because. his colleagues or associates most likely conceived a financial scam or other deception. Death in a mother's dream means that some shameful memories oppress a person. The death in a dream of a sister or marriage reminds that this relative needs support and care.

The loss of a spouse in a dream means fear of society and its condemnation. If in reality the husband or wife is sick, such a dream promises a speedy recovery. The dream of the death of a lover or beloved may portend a possible betrayal or separation, as well as the onset of a new stage in a relationship and an early wedding.

To the one who saves a person from death in a dream, the interpreters of dreams promise the emergence of reality difficult situation in which it will be necessary to take on serious responsibility. If the saved person is familiar, there is a high probability that this particular person will be at the center of events.

The death in a dream of a boss or another person on whom the dreamer depends means that positive changes await him at work. Most likely, the one who sees the dream is waiting for an increase, they will listen to him more, but you should not relax - positive changes will not happen on their own, you need to work hard. The death of a colleague in a dream can mean both the removal of obstacles on the career ladder and the improvement of the atmosphere in the team.

Dream books explain the death of a stranger in a dream depending on the sensations that this vision caused. If the one who saw the dream sympathizes with the deceased, it means that big, but not very pleasant changes will occur in his life, for example, a break in a long relationship. Yet similar dream warns that one should not rely too much on routine - a transitional period will come very soon, leading to renewal and improvement.

Negative emotions for a person dying in a dream mean that the dreamer seeks to get rid of the burden of guilt, unpleasant memories, obsolete relationships. Horror at the sight of death is experienced by those who are waiting for trials and obstacles on the way to the intended goal. Relief from the death of a stranger means that all the affairs of the dreamer will end successfully.

How do psychologists explain a dream about the death of a person who is alive?

The dream of the death of any close or dear person is a signal of the loss of emotional and psychological connection with him. To get rid of the painful, re-establishing contact, it is recommended to pay more attention native person, listen to him, help.

In some cases, the death of a living person is dreamed of due to the dreamer's mental problems. A person who has a dream needs to analyze his life and determine the events that suppress, cause bad memories. Freed from the painful past, reassessing the events of the present, a person usually stops seeing dreams in which death is present.

Any dream about death in the morning causes only one desire - to forget the nightmarish vision and never remember it again. Everything that is connected with the transition to another world causes persistent fear and anxiety in people. However, many are not aware of own feelings and think that the death of acquaintances or strangers doesn't touch them at all. But our subconscious is much wiser...

The universe is wiser

And the Universe itself, so to speak, has also accumulated the wisdom of more than one century and therefore sends sleeping people a dream associated with leaving for another world. No, it does not do this to frighten the dreamer (or the dreamer). Rather, it wants to tell something like a night dream. Waking up, a person most often begins to look for an answer to the question: “Why dream of the death of people I know,” leafing through various dream books. And this dreamer is right, since it does not always turn out that a dream with such an alarming and terrible plot really promises sorrows and sorrows. Sometimes such night events have a perfectly acceptable explanation. To find out more precisely what twists and turns of your fate you need to prepare for, we read various collections of interpretations of dreams and decipher exactly what the death of people we know is dreaming of.

Denise Lynn

Based on the explanation of this collection of interpretations of night illusions, death in itself is not bad dream. This is just a sign of the transition from the old to the new.

I dreamed that a friend of a dreamer or dreamer had died - in real life you will move to a more mature level of friendship. You will trust more and help more. You can even say that to some extent become related to the one who was seen dead in a dream.

Have you seen in a nightmare the death of a girl you know well from day life? In reality, you yourself are afraid of your own mortality. Thoughts of these worlds have overwhelmed you too much. To stop worrying about what you can't change, just live. Do not think about what will happen, it is possible (and most likely) not very, very soon. Fear prevents the dreamer or dreamer who saw in a dream how a friend or girlfriend died from living and functioning normally.

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Have you witnessed someone's death in a dream, but in reality this person lives perfectly and rejoices in this fact? The dream hints that this person has a happy and long life ahead. In the near future, he will be able to take advantage of favorable odds.

Watching the death of a girl in a night story, especially an unfamiliar one, means getting a sign that in real life someone will benefit from the work of the owner of the dream.

Interpretation according to the Noble dream book

Did one of your friends drown in a dream? A dream of this kind portends a happy and sudden change.

But if you see death from a heart attack in a dream, you will experience a joyful event in real life.

Why dream of the death of a person who is alive and, moreover, feels great? The dream promises your friend for many years happy life. But if this person died in your night vision from taking poison, in reality he will soon have to go through gossip and suspicions against himself.

British Assumptions

If a living person died in a dream from being crushed in a crowd, it means that in real life, false colleagues or neighbors will bring trouble to this person.

A distant relative in a night dream departed to another world, but then suddenly resurrected - a dream promises a breakdown for the sleeper. The dreamer needs a pause to restore his own energy and optimism.

Family collection of dream interpretation

Surviving the death of someone close in a night dream is like receiving a warning that in real life this person may be in serious trouble. Be careful. Perhaps only you will be able to help out your friend.

If the person is really dead and you started dreaming, then everyone starts to forget about him. There is another reason for dreaming about the death of familiar people who really left this world: a person wants to warn the dreamer or dreamer about something by appearing to him in a night story. Listen to his words: from distant times, a belief has come to us that the dead in their dreams speak only the truth.

French dream book

Do you want to know why the death of a person who is alive at the moment is dreaming? It turns out that the French believe that this vision promises grief for the dreamer or dreamer.

Did you witness someone's funeral in a nighttime illusion? If this person really died at that moment, the dream suggests the loss of a loved one by you. If the one who was buried in your night vision is alive, but sick, you may be ill.

If in your night scenario you yourself died, then most likely you are destined for a long life.

Women's dream book (eastern)

You are being deceived, and you remain in the dark: this is what the death of people you know who actually lives in your environment is dreaming of.

A deceased acquaintance is carried to your house in a nightmare? In real life, there is a high probability that you will suffer from this person, and very much. He holds a grudge against you.

The patient sees that she has departed to another world, but has risen again - to an early successful recovery from the disease.

An acquaintance in the night story died, but in real life is he imprisoned? The dream hints that this person is about to be released from prison.

Interpretation by Gustav Miller

If dreamed close person and he died in your vision - in reality the dreamer needs to be patient and spiritual forces. Difficult times are approaching, in every sense of the word.

Why dream of the death of familiar people who have long departed to another world, and at the same time saying something in a dream? If this person was a close friend during his lifetime, the vision portends something bad.

If a woman dreamed that a living acquaintance suddenly died, then in real life a lady should more soberly assess the situation that has developed on the love front. All that is now happening around her can lead to even more deplorable events.

Talking to the mother of the deceased in the night story is a warning and a hint. Pay attention to your own actions and tendencies. Be attentive to your health.

Talking in a dream with a brother who has died is also a good sign: you can help someone out. Someone really needs your help.

According to Tsvetkov

(with a scythe on his shoulder) - changes in the life of a dreamer or dreamer.

The acquaintance went into another dimension in a night illusion - in reality, the sleeper will have to find out interesting news. It is not certain that they will be true. Maybe it's just gossip.

Many familiar people died in the night story - in real life, perhaps an epidemic of disease or another terrible disaster is approaching.

Did you save a certain person in a dream from a mortal danger threatening him? There will be a moment in your life when a decision needs to be made. From whether it is true, wealth or poverty will come into your life.

We received the sad news about the death of a close relative in the night story - in reality they are waiting for you Good times.

Interpretation according to Wang

Does a friend die in a dream? Very soon, you will have to face a choice: to make or not an unfair deal. The offer will be backed by a decent amount of money, but it will harm a huge number of innocent people.

Few people want to see their beloved dead in a night dream, and for good reason: in real life, the dreamer (dreamer) will have to go through a period of loneliness.

A dead friend is telling you something in a dream - a dream promises bad news.

To die in a dream to the dreamer or dreamer himself - future events will change your life in a very incredible way.

The death of old friends was dreamed - memory makes room for more pleasant meetings with new acquaintances.

A familiar lady died - in reality a person will have to experience the happy fulfillment of a conceived desire.

To learn about the death of a person whom in reality they have not seen for many years - a dream promises the completion of an old life stage. That which is too burdensome for the sleeper will cease. Life takes a new turn. Happiness and joyful events await you.

Did the deceased friend in the night story look pleased and joyful? A similar circumstance of illusion hints to the sleeper that the dreamer has made many mistakes in his life. It's time to grow up and take responsibility for your own well-being in your own hands - such a dream says.

Why dream of the death of a person who is alive? You wake up in shock, trying to forget the dream. But the pictures of sleep again rise before my eyes. How do dream books interpret this event, are there any reasons for worry? Let's take a closer look.

Oddly enough, mediums and clairvoyants interpret death in a dream with positive side. They consider this fact a warning not of misfortune, but of global changes in the life of the “dead”. If you compare such a dream with the death tarot card, you can see parallels. The lasso "Death" does not mean the physical death of a person. This lasso can warn about:

  • imminent changes in the life of a fortuneteller;
  • the dying of obsolete principles;
  • rebirth of the human personality.

You should not panic: baptism in Christianity also symbolizes death. The death of life in sin and the birth of a new man who has dedicated himself to the service of the Lord Christ.

Various interpretations of sleep

a) Death of acquaintances and friends

If in a dream the dreamer's friend dies, this promises a temporary separation. Do not worry about the life of a friend: he will temporarily retire from your circle of friends, no more.

If you see death of a friend, it is better to stop communicating with him for a while. The subconscious mind warns of a dangerous period in communicating with this person: either he wants to draw you into a scam, or you will quarrel. It's just better for you to leave.

If you saw the death of a man, with whom we have not met for a long time - this promises a quick joyful meeting. Moreover, the meeting will bring not just joy - it will become fateful.

Save a person from death in a dream- expect to make a responsible decision in life. Probably, this person will be the center of future events.

Chief's death at work signifies a good change career growth, up to promotion (if you expect it). The death of a colleague means the elimination of a competitor in the business, as well as an improvement in the microclimate in the working environment.

b) Death of relatives

Each person has many relatives - these are family members, cousins ​​/ second cousins ​​\u200b\u200band brothers, as well as distant relatives. How do interpreters explain this event in a dream?

  1. Death of spouse in a dream promises a long prosperous life in harmony, prosperity and harmony. You can interpret it this way: you will be together until death, you will not part. If at this time the spouse is sick, then expect a speedy recovery.
  2. Interpreters give a different meaning death of civil husband/wife: you will inevitably part. The death of a lover may portend an imminent wedding.
  3. Death of a living father portends failure in business or at work. Be careful when signing contracts and deals.
  4. Death of siblings warns that they need support and care from you.
  5. Mother's death opens in the subconscious mind depressing actions, shame and anxiety about this.
  6. Death of a distant relative in a dream warns of the bad attitude of this person to the dreamer: he seemed to have died for communication. Nothing good can be expected from this person.

c) The death of strangers

The interpretation of sleep depends on the sensations that the dreamer experiences during the dream. For example, pity for the deceased in a dream warns of not entirely pleasant changes in life: a break in relations, conflicts.

Negative feelings towards the deceased reveal in the dreamer's subconscious the burden of unforgiven guilt, the desire to get rid of oppressive memories or get rid of something unpleasant in life.

If you are horrified at the death of a stranger, you are waiting for numerous tests on life path, various obstacles to achieving the goal.

Peace of mind at the death of a stranger(feeling of peace, security) warns of a successful solution to life issues, even if not everything is going smoothly now.

Presence on funeral procession promises unexpected good news that will bring good to the dreamer. But the funeral of unknown people, on the contrary, promise minor troubles in life.

Interpretation of death by psychologists

How do psychologists view situations like this in a dream? Scientific researchers are unanimous: the death of a friend or relative is explained by the loss of an emotional connection with this person. The subconscious is signaling: do not move away from communication, do not lock yourself in the cycle of your own affairs and worries. Just give a fraction of your time to a close and dear person so that he does not die in your dream in the future.

Also, visions of death can symbolize an attempt by the subconscious to cope with the painful memories of the past that have become obsolete. A person must reconsider his attitude to life in general, change radically. Leave fears and experiences in the past, become free from the oppression of the obsolete.

The death of a person in a dream is not a bad sign. Such a vision does not predict waking death or other misfortune. A vision where the sleeper happened to watch someone's death from the side portends a number of positive changes in life. Death symbolizes the beginning of new things that will delight the dreamer. In order to accurately determine in which area changes will occur, one should take into account the additional details that appeared in night vision.

Why dream of the death of relatives

If you dream of the death of a person who is a distant relative, this portends a quick meeting with him in reality. Watching the death of someone who is sick in reality is a dream for his speedy recovery.

A dream in which the sleeping woman watched the death of her husband's relatives portends the resolution of a serious conflict in personal life. If a fire was dreamed up, as a result of which blood relatives died, this is for the holiday, a family feast in the circle of relatives and friends. The vision also predicts a heated discussion of the event, which will bring many minor troubles.

To see how a husband passes away in a dream sister, - means that the dreamer will soon receive unexpected news from a relative in reality. If the death of the mother-in-law was dreamed, then soon serious conflicts in the sleeping family will be settled.

Why does a girl dream - interpretation of dream books

Father's death

The dream in which the death of the father was dreamed is a symbol of unpleasant intrigues behind the back of a person from close relatives. If the death was due to an accident, in reality the sleeping person will have the opportunity to show himself on the good side in front of the employer.

Seeing how a father dies from an illness is to the well-being of relatives in real life. A dream in which the death of a deceased father was dreamed of represents deliverance from feelings of guilt and nervous anxiety.

The dream, where the father became a victim of murder, speaks of the dreamer's deep feelings for his loved one . According to Vanga's interpretation, such a vision predicts his father to overcome difficulties in work, get rid of ill-wishers and competitors.

Why dream ex-husband- interpretations in dream books

What is the dream of a dying mother

Watching the death of a mother in a dream - to success in her life in reality. If a woman is in a difficult life situation, the dream promises a person who will soon help her.

If such a dream is dreamed of by a person who currently has conflicts with relatives, then the dream portends an improvement in relations with loved ones.

A vision in which a man dreamed of the death of an elderly mother means positive changes in her life. If a mother in a dream became a victim of an accident, in the near future she will be offered a profitable business.

Unmarried women dream of watching the funeral of the deceased mother in a dream for wedding chores. If the dreamer in a dream heard the news that his mother had died, in reality he will witness events that will turn in his favor in the future.

Watching someone's death from the sidelines

The dream, where the death of a stranger was dreamed, personifies the desire of the sleeping person to change his worldview in better side. If, according to the plot of night vision, the sleeper witnessed a brutal murder, in reality he feels remorse because of his behavior.

If the dreamer remembered appearance of a deceased person, this can additionally predict some events:

  • If a dark-haired stranger is seen - the repentance of ill-wishers, they will soon ask for forgiveness from the sleeper for their deeds.
  • A dying man with blond hair foreshadows the dreamer's acquaintance with a good man who will help him in difficult times.
  • A dead woman with red hair portends a good reputation for a woman. For a man, a dream suggests that all the intrigues in the workplace will turn in his favor.

The dream, where the sleeper tried to save a stranger from death, personifies altruism. The dreamer feels the desire to help people who really need it. To hear in a night vision how someone called for help before dying - in reality a serious choice will have to be made in the proposed case.

Miller's interpretation

According to Miller's dream book, a vision where a familiar man who is alive in reality died means that the sleeping person unconsciously imitates some people.

If in a night vision someone was destined to die at the hands of a dreamer, in reality this portends an easy profit from a business that seemed unsuccessful.

If you dreamed about the death of a close friend - the personification of a strong relationship with him. Vision portends pleasant conversations, a good pastime. A dream, where many corpses appeared, in reality predicts popularity, admiration from strangers.

Seeing in a dream how someone committed suicide means that other people's problems will affect the sleeping person and he will have to forcibly solve them. Watching a drowned man in a dream - to disappointment in ideals

A dream where someone asks a sleeping person to commit a murder portends a new love to people who are not mutually in love, which will forever relieve mental suffering. For women, such a dream speaks of the tears of a rival. For men, the vision promises quick changes, thanks to which he will be able to achieve his goal.