Seeing off the retirement of a man scenario at work. Cool scenario of farewell to retirement

  • 20.10.2019

Of course, it is necessary and important to start with the design. It does not matter, a banquet hall, an apartment, everything should have a festive look. It would not be bad to hang photos of the future pensioner on the walls, or make one big collage poster. Also, do not forget about Balloons and ribbons, paper garlands and lights. The second stage of preparing the holiday is musical accompaniment. Here it is necessary not only to take into account the taste of the person retiring, but also the age peculiarity of the guests. Further according to the menu plan, the seating of guests, and now, almost everything is ready.

Host, host, guests.

gifts for competitions, a diploma "With retirement", cards with phrases, a bag, papers with the name of songs, a bag.

The guests are seated, the future pensioner sits at the head of the table.

Good evening ladies and gentlemen,
Glad to see everyone, I'm friends,
The reason for the meeting is excellent,
Retirement has arrived!

(Full name of the hero of the occasion),
Today all the lights are for you
And at this moment, and at this hour,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
Let dreams come true!

To pronounce the first toast to the venerable leadership, because you, like no one else, are familiar with our esteemed (full name of the hero of the occasion).

(Management says)

The evening promises to be interesting tonight, and now, I would like to start by presenting an honorary diploma to the venerable (Full name of the hero of the occasion). I warn you, this is not an easy confirmation of your pension, it is a kind of ticket to a new life, and a solemn reminder of the path traveled. (gives diploma).

The diploma should be comic. For example, it should say the following:
Diploma is awarded (Full name of the hero of the occasion), for excellent mastery of the following vital disciplines:
- Mathematics - excellent (ownership of their finances, in particular stash, thorough);
- Geography - excellent (finds its way home in any condition and under any circumstances);
- Russian language - excellent (can easily agree on everything);
- Music - good (a good game on the nerves of relatives and colleagues).
Based on the above disciplines, we can confidently say that we are ready for the next stage - retirement!

So much work, it's time to rest,
Years passed quickly
But a pension is necessary in life,
And without it, nowhere!

You know (names the year when the hero of the occasion went to first grade) in one of the ordinary schools, there was one bright, smart boy, with very kind eyes and a big heart. He grew, developed, became a person and made his own plans. AT (year of admission to the institute) everything became clear and understandable. There were dreams that had to be quickly realized, ambitions, aspirations, and now, after a long search, that same smart boy came to (Name of the organization). Then it was (year of employment), excitement, fear, mastering a new activity, meeting colleagues and a long-awaited salary. Everything is like everyone else, everything is as always, but one thing distinguished from the others (names the main quality of the hero of the occasion). And here it is, the long-awaited retirement, on which your colleagues are in a hurry to congratulate you.

(Here you can show a small slide show if the institution has a projector)

I would like to know now
How will you congratulate
But, I will complicate the task,
And I will order a rhyme for you!

Competition "Rhyming Polling".
Of all those present, 5-6 participants are selected, who are given one rhyme. The task is to come up with a congratulation. The holding time is 1 minute. Then everyone reads out the results and the best one will receive a prize. The winner will be determined by applause.

Rhyme options:
1) I hasten to congratulate you on your pension,
And wish you well...

2) Here comes the pension,
Happiness, rest brought ...

3) The event is important, you can’t argue here,
You need to retire, my friend, to love ...

4) With your pension, cheers,
The years went by so quickly...

All congratulations are beautiful, special, but it seems to me that it's time to read your congratulations to family members!

Congratulations, this is certainly good, but how about praising our (Name of the hero of the occasion)?

Competition "Praise me, praise me."
5-6 participants are selected. Everyone must say a laudatory adjective, starting with a given letter of the leader. The one who names the most wins. For a repeat - departure.

(The presenter offers to drink to all the positive and mentioned qualities)

Leading (referring to the hero of the occasion):
But tell me, what do you think to do in retirement?

(after answer)

Probably good in retirement
You walk in the garden, rest on the sofa,
Retired, no fuss, easy
Day full of dreams.
There is time for yourself and for the family,
And you don't have to get up early in the morning
If you want, draw, read, write poetry,
Or even a memoir.

Preliminary preparation is required. It is necessary to write on the cards a continuation to the phrase “I will retire”, put them in a bag, and so that the host of the event pulls out one at a time and reads it out.
You will need: cards with phrases, a bag.

Phrase example. I will retire...
1. ... knit socks and scarves;
2. ... read the Murzilka magazine;
3. ... to discuss fashionistas at the entrance;
4. ... ring the doorbell to the neighbors and run away;
5. ... listen to music loudly, setting the rhythm to the neighbors;
6. ... dress fashionably and seduce local old ladies;
7. ... play football with the local kids;
8. ... learn to be a hacker;
9. ... do nothing and just enjoy life.

(Offers a drink to keep it that way, after which a 15-minute dance break is announced)

I announce a musical break! Dear friends, you must admit that there is no holiday without a song, and so, I suggest not easy to sing, but also to get the opportunity to win a small but nice prize.

Competition "Song".
Requires preparation. Pre-fold the papers with the name of the songs in the bag and mix. Several participants are selected. Everyone pulls a piece of paper and gets their song. The task is to "show" the song without words. You can’t make sounds, purr motives, you need to explain with the help of gestures which song you got. When they guess - sing. Time for each participant is not more than a minute. Whoever shows the fastest and guesses whose song will win a prize.
You will need: pieces of paper with the name of the songs, a bag.

Song options:
1. And someone went down the hill;
2. I got drunk drunk;
3. A Christmas tree was born in the forest;
4. My bunny (Kirkorov);
5. A million scarlet roses;
6. A stream flows, a stream runs;
7. Smoke of cigarettes with menthol;
8. I am lying in the sun;
9. Girls are standing, standing on the sidelines;
10. Neither stokers, we are not carpenters.
The list may be different.

And now, I am happy to give the floor to our venerable (full name of the hero of the occasion).

(The host of the event says to everyone who came)

You know what we forgot about, and we forgot about initiation into pensioners. The diploma was presented, congratulations were voiced, but the main thing was only now remembered! But, fortunately, I took care, I prepared everything, it remains to voice it!

(The hero of the occasion reads a comic oath)

I swear that I will rest
Don't forget your friends
And sometimes I'll be with them
Even drink balm!
I swear to wander, walk and sleep
I swear not to look for a job
I swear that I will laugh
And I will enjoy life!
I swear to run every night
Go to meet your friends
I swear I won't be discouraged
I'm ready to retire!

(The oath may be different)

This is all well and good, but since (Full name of the hero of the occasion), no experience how to behave in retirement, we decided to take care of that, and stocked up on tips!

(The word is given to friends who have already retired. Can be performed as ditties)

Congratulating 1:
I retired
Now I don't know
What better thing for me to do
I read books!

Congratulating 2:
I go to the store every day
Three times, that's right
There's news and gossip
And a beer barrel!

Congratulating 1:
Don't be afraid of pensions friend
Here you will like
Here balm will be poured,
Health get better!

Congratulating 2:
I'm retired sometimes
Sometimes I miss
But, as I remember about work,
Release immediately!

(You can do without this part, if not among the invited pensioners)

The host announces a 10-15 minute dance break.

I offer you friends
You remember the past
Tell stories
Liven up the feast!

(Guests share funny stories related to the hero of the occasion)

Not only kind words
Decorate the holiday, wonderful evening,
Friends brought gifts
Honor retirement!

Thank you all for this evening
I want to say on my own
I wish you joy, happiness,
Love your pension.
More rest, success,
Less trouble and fuss
Let the world embrace
Your dreams will come true!

I join the wishes
And from myself I want to say
So that everything is fine with you,
I wish you not to be bored!

Until we meet again, the evening is over,
But let's keep it in mind
A moment so warm and beautiful
What a pity that time will flow ...

You can add more .

A lady from the trade union (or a person who usually organizes various celebrations of the company) runs into the hall:
Guard!!! Robbed!!! Everything is lost!!! Scenario! Jokes and laughter!

Leading! Rather, the whole celebration. I ordered at... (either the actual name of the company that provides services for organizing and conducting holidays in the city, or simply “holiday agency “Holiday, holiday””) holiday program. It was necessary to get them some props and pay for the services. I collected the props, paid for everything, stuck the receipt to the props and went to them. I get off the bus and (shows an almost empty large BMW package in the hole) what came out. No one will work without a receipt. The props were also almost all whistled. There is no time to collect a new one, the banking day is over. Nightmare!

Yes, you have to roll (looks at package), we will use what has been preserved. And we will have to work today for the benefit of joint fun for all of us.

The union goes to the hall and chooses 3 men. She takes out 3 bras and 3 short skirts from the bag. Bras are stuffed in advance with any improvised means, i.e. foam rubber, cotton wool, fabric, etc. are sewn into the cups. - when a bra is put on a man, you should get a stable protruding chest. For ease of putting on skirts, it is better to sew on ties, sew coins, bells or other ringing material on the bottom of the skirt. Attributes are worn over costumes.

union(addressing the newly minted ladies):
The main thing is plasticity and looseness. And I will suggest (addressing the audience in a solemn voice) The folk ensemble of the east performs “Sing, shake your chest, (name of the hero of the occasion) Hurry up to congratulate!

The music for oriental dances is turned on.

Girls! We went softly, smoothly to the left - to the right, to the left - to the right. We pull the thigh stronger, to the left - to the right. The palms were closed, hands up and head also to the left - to the right, again and again. Chest shaking. Shaking the fifth point... (well, keep up the good work).

I really worried. We can handle it ourselves, especially since I sent SOS to all my relatives and friends, they should help. And you (referring to the new dance group) we can even nominate you for the Firebird of the East 2014 contest, outshine everyone!

A doctor in a dressing gown enters the hall (several inscriptions are sewn or written on the gown, it will turn out to be a universal doctor: "surgeon", "eye", "dentist", "injury", "sneaky", "heart-oh", etc.) .

Glancing at the pensioner
I can boldly declare
Anyone will say a cardiogram,
The heart beats flawlessly.
Ultrasound cardiogram echoes after,
There are no health problems.
At least pass all the tests and smears,
You will not find reasons for blues-longing.
But to maintain a cheerful spirit,
In order not to lose the ear for music,
In order not to disturb the metabolism,
And always eat with gusto
In order to continue to improve health,
You should accept gifts from me!

Doctor(takes out a package of herring in a jar, on which is a sticker with the inscription "Neskuchin"):
Sorrow, longing drive away,
Take these pills
One in the morning and one in the afternoon, and a couple in the evening,
Do not forget to drink everything with a glass.

Then he hands over a bottle with the inscription "Drugopriglastin" (pasted on a bottle of cognac):
This medicine is not simple,
Accepted only by the crowd,
Look at the calendar more often
And call your friends on holidays.

Then a package with lemons and the inscription "Veselin":
The movement of life - the words of the sage,
And you start with the face,
And do not write off lemon snacks,
This is advice from the same sages.

Pack of chewing gum (multi-pack bag) labeled "Maskerine":
Always sprinkle them
In soup, compote and mayonnaise,
Let the alcohol test tremble
And merciless caries!

And in prison
Little poem.
Do not be sick, do not grieve,
Follow the prescribed regimen.
And to back up the words,
Pour into glasses!

Raising glasses.

Thank you doctor and neighbor for your participation and good advice!

A man in a camouflage uniform enters the hall, disguised with branches, grass, etc.

Here come the special friends!

The special friend silently selects 2 women and 2 men from the audience. Together with them, it occupies a deployment near a certain place (for example, near a specific table or other piece of furniture, which sometimes does not budge on a holiday).

special friend(gives women a tape measure):
Two meters to the left at an angle of 40 degrees (numbers and direction are determined in advance by experience, depending on the actual position in the hall), men can be given a protractor to determine the angle.

Women measure, they must come to a certain chair where one of the guests is sitting.

An envelope is glued to the bottom of the chair ahead of time with the help of adhesive tape, which is taken out.

The special friend with the men joins the women.

One of the participants(reads text from envelope):
The male section of the path lies due north (or: south, east, west) over ... meters (distance to nearest window sill). men measure required meters, reach the desired window sill.

Special friend:
We rummage under the windowsill.

Players find another envelope (also attached in advance with adhesive tape).

One of the men reads:
Joint passage straight to ... meters.

The players pass and in front of them are two hills covered with a cloth.

The special friend removes the fabric, opening two boxes (from under any equipment) with the inscription "M" on one box and "F" on the other.

special friend(gives command):
Open the boxes according to the guidelines.

Women open the box with the letter "J" and take out a basket of flowers or a basket of sweets, which you can easily make yourself.

Men, respectively, open the box with the letter "M" and take out a gift from the team.

union(referring to Special Friend):
How about when you got it all done? We were all here!

special friend(fixing her clothes)
Unaccustomed to discovering secrets. And do not waste time now on explanations when glasses need to be filled.

Raising glasses.

Several men (at least 4) enter the hall with air helium balloons(At least everyone who enters must have a ball).
One of the newcomers comes up to the Trade Union and says something in his ear and gives a bundle.

Quite right! Dedication to retirees required.

The trade union calls 2 more (women or men, preferably tall) from the hall. They are handed a package received by the Trade Union (on the fabric or a roll of wallpaper it is written: "Welcome to pensioners!"). These two participants stand on chairs and stretch the inscription - a kind of arch is obtained.

Those who enter with balloons tie the latter to a chair. A future pensioner is invited and asked to sit on this chair. Men raise a chair together with a pensioner and must pass 3 times through the archway (the count is kept by the audience).

We present you with a certificate of initiation into pensioners. Indeed it is in all solar system. There was one more touch - a solemn promise. Read and sign.

Inside the certificate is typed something like this:
I, ...., joining the ranks of pensioners, in the face of my colleagues, friends and relatives solemnly promise: to live cheerfully and carefree, get up without an alarm clock, travel by all means of transport, including pedestrians, conquer Everest and reach North Pole, swim across the ocean and fly over the Dnieper, not get sick and not become limp, attend all kinds of cultural events, ski, sled, rollerblade and scooter, live up to 100 years without knowing troubles.

The future pensioner reads out the promise and signs it.

For the new pensioner, cheers!


Ceremonial raising of glasses.

The decoration of the room plays an important role in creating a festive atmosphere. Of course, you want to somehow distinguish yourself, create something unusual, not traditional or not too common. They say that everything new is well forgotten old. Can take advantage of this? And to take into service not so forgotten, but already the past. Those who today go on a well-deserved rest have found the times of the USSR and remember well the five-year plans, potato picking trips, pioneer bonfires, slogans, obligations, and the like.

It is not necessary to maintain the entire scenario in the same style as the pioneers and communists. You can use something when decorating the hall and, for example, make original invitations for the evening.

Naturally, at the farewell to retirement, in addition to the hero of the occasion, there will also be those present who are familiar with the subject of the USSR and perhaps some of them are dear to it. Therefore, it is not recommended to over-exploit the symbolism of that era, there may be an ambiguous attitude to this. It is better to take this topic as a basis. Therefore, the invitation can be issued in red, but do not use the coat of arms, sickle, etc.

Sample invitation text:

"Comrade (surname, initials of the invited guest)!

April 13 at 12:00 you must come to the solemn ceremony of dedication to pensioners comrade (last name, first name of the future pensioner). Venue of the event: for example, the Akatsiya restaurant, table number 4.

On the agenda:

- tasting of alcoholic beverages.
- participation in competitions.
- test of creativity.
- learning dance steps.
- Drawing up a plan for the next five years.

Attendance is required. Welcoming ceremonial clothing, high spirits, good appetite.

Support group for future pensioners.

Everyone knows love Soviet times to wall newspapers, which, by the way, are still actively used today, in particular, they are timed to coincide with common holidays such as the New Year, as well as birthdays and retirements. You can remember childhood, when images of their heads were glued to the bodies of stars or to comic characters. Today, all this can be done with Photoshop. And make a comic board of honor, but where only one main character is a pensioner. On one board, the achievements of the hero of the occasion during his life will be imprinted, you can even start from childhood. For example, take a picture from the Internet where the kids are sitting on pots and use Photoshop to make a pensioner one of the kids and attribute the caption “For easy entry into the team” under this achievement. A picture where a pensioner famously dances or sings at a corporate party - "For a significant contribution to the general fun." The picture where the hero of the occasion is planting trees in his native city - "For a significant contribution to the beautification of the city." A picture where a future pensioner cheats using modern opportunities - “For the shown ingenuity” and other things like that.

A few slogans hung around the hall will not hurt: “Retiree, be ready to rest in retirement!”, “Long live pensioners - the military reserve of free people!”, “Do not drink everything on the farewell to retirement - leave it for a hangover!”, “Everything for a glass!”, “The team (name of the company) solemnly proclaims that the comrade (name of the pensioner) will live in prosperity and honor” and the like.

What else can be taken from the Soviet theme is to prepare badges for each guest, that they are participants in the farewell to the retirement of a comrade such and such (if it is not possible to order such badges, then you can make medals on a cord or a bracelet yourself). This will be another unifying element at the gala event.

How to be with initiation into pensioners? I recommend making a pension certificate from the team, it should be of an impressive size, inside on the first page, as it should be, a photo of a pensioner, the date of issue of the certificate (date of retirement), the name of the authority that issued the certificate (company name). The rest of the sheets are given to fill in the departments of the company, where they, showing their imagination, fill them out - this is all done in advance and secretly from the pensioner. The certificate must be ready for the wires.

Of course, it is difficult to avoid congratulatory speeches from the leadership. To be honest, sometimes they are very tiring, so it is recommended to reduce them as much as possible.

After the obligatory speeches to the music, an orange is passed to the auditorium, which the audience must pass to each other, the one who has it at the end of the music must congratulate the hero of the occasion. But not just from myself. The presenter's assistants cover him from the rest of the audience under a coverlet, where the transformation is taking place. Congratulations will sound from famous personalities. For example, someone who has the honor of congratulating Brezhnev's eyebrows is glued on and he must read the parting word in his manner (the text is given to the person). After the congratulations, the orange and the new transformation are again transmitted. It is not necessary to take politicians, you can also take singers. For example, a mustache and a guitar and the new "Igor Nikolaev" should sing a congratulation. The main thing is that one or two distinguishing features can be recognized famous person, and that he has a recognizable manner of communication that everyone can easily parody.

It is now possible to organize a retirement ordination, following the example of knighting. Of course, you should not force the hero of the occasion to kneel, but it is recommended to seat him on the throne.

Here, according to taste, the leader or leader of the team, with a home-made pension certificate, the description of which is presented above, first touches the right and then the left shoulder of the person who is ordained to pensioners. After which he must utter an oath, which is carefully presented to him.

The oath of the initiated into pensioners:

In the name of fun, joy, freedom and carelessness, I (surname and name of the pensioner) join the Holy Army of the Order of Pensioners and take an oath to abide by its charter.

I vow to devote my skill and time to the cause of the Order, its prosperity and spread of its values ​​throughout the world. I undertake not to disclose to those who are not initiated into the Knights about the dates and place of the secret meetings of the Order, the nuances of the entertainment program and the festive menu.

I undertake to always observe the sacred Commandments of the Holy Host of the Order of Pensioners:

Do not fall under the table after the meeting of the Order;
- do not mislead the soldiers of the Order with a vague declaration of a toast;
- do not interfere with the 33rd desire to accept "on the road";
- do not contradict your associates and agree to barbecue in nature from the first invitation;
- do not recognize the age of the passport;
- do not lose pioneer enthusiasm;
- show by example that the pensioner is a little cheerful, young, full of strength and enthusiasm;
- sweep away all obstacles that can lead the Knights of the Order of Pensioners into confusion and despondency.

I swear to be faithful to the glorious deeds of the Holy Army of the Order of Pensioners!

Now, in honor of the newly-made pensioner, glasses should be raised, which is done while standing.

Years run, you can't keep up with them,
Stop a moment, you're great!
Alas, we can not change the course of events,
But do not be sad in vain,
Life after retirement is just beginning!

The door opens, the heroic horse Gaius Julius Caesar (further according to the scenario Julius) looks in.

I'm sorry, do they accept pensioners here?

Young man, didn't you make a mistake with the door? Rather, their intentions? Or are you, sorry, a representative of the congratulating party? Somehow your face is familiar to me.

I would go to pensioners, let them teach me.

In pensioners?! Maybe I missed something from the latest changes in the legislation. Maybe you can go to retirement immediately from the cradle? If I'm not mistaken, the heroic horse Gaius Julius Caesar?

It's nice to be recognized. I'm a simple guy, you can just call me Julius. Did I get it right or not? The rumor was about admission to pensioners , here or not here?

(Name, patronymic of the hero of the occasion) just initiated into pensioners and accepted into the ranks of the Holy Army of the Order of Pensioners! And yet I don't understand why you care so much?

Yes, I'm tired of everything. Wrapped up. The prince and the bogatyrs cannot even take a step without me. After all, everything is literally on me! That in foreign policy jokes, Julius, run, help out. That in domestic politics miracles in a sieve, again everything falls on my shoulders, and not some kind of camel. Here there are only security officials, in the common people there are enough heroes through the roof. Tired. I want a banal rest, a look of affectionate grandmothers ... I heard about the secret weapon of those initiated into pensioners, do not tell me what it is? I would like to get him, and there I will somehow break through with him into the ranks of the Holy Army of the Order of Pensioners.

Yes, of course. No problem!

The leader leaves.

Julius(stands and continues dreamily):
What a life will begin! Lie on your hammock, swing your leg, drive away the flies. Or under palm trees somewhere in the Maldives.

The Leader comes and carries a shovel.

Here you are.

What's this? Shovel?! Why a shovel?!

A rare pensioner does without it, and those who are members of the Holy Host of the Order of Pensioners do not part with it from May to October (depending on climate zone the gardening season is adjusted, the southerners are lucky, they have it from March to November).

How does a shovel promote relaxation?

O! This thing is unique! With its help, you can diversify life in such a way that you will swing. First you dig in the potatoes, then you spud them, then you wait, you wait, you wait and you dig them up.

What's the catch?

As a result! You have to manage to dig out no less than you dug.

I don't understand your humor. I'm talking about rest.

About rest?

Well, yes! Why are they retiring? To rest!


What is it like?

The presenter is trying to hand the shovel to Yuliya.

No, I don't play those games.

presenter(approaches Julius, hugs him):
Then let's work!



What is it like? Is there some kind of trick again? Will there be a shovel?

No, there won't be a shovel. Competition program! Will you help me?

Contests are good, I agree.

Contest 1

Initial props: 3 lollipops (small candies), three prizes - the main prize (a bottle of cognac), the second prize (a bottle of beer), the third prize (a lollipop - a large candy).

3 men are called to the competition. They are shown the main prize, a bottle of cognac. The essence of the competition is that they must lick a lollipop (it is forbidden to bite off!). The one who licks the candy the fastest wins the main prize. After that, the remaining players are shown the second prize and they continue to lick their sweets, the first one to complete this task receives a bottle of beer. The last player is given a lollipop. After participating in the competition, they proclaim a toast to the hero of the occasion (you can give them an interesting toast to read).

Competition 2

Initial props: you should prepare for this competition. By using computer programs, for example, photoshop, images of beautiful almost naked girls are placed against the background of a store sign, trees, building materials, etc. You just need to make sure that the girls are in the foreground and are close-up. Then these new pictures are printed on a color printer.

3-5 men are called to the competition. The pictures are shown to the audience, if the audience is very far from the "stage", then the presenters carry the pictures so that all the spectators can see them. After that, the pictures are given to the male players for a few minutes, everyone has to look at them. AT total 5 pictures are enough. Then the images are selected, the task is announced. Players must name (in our case) what is written on the sign of the store, how many trees there were, what Construction Materials were. That is, men should talk about the background against which the girls are depicted. 5 minutes are given for answers, the players write down their answers. Then they have to voice their answers about one picture, for example, the text of a store sign. The player who remembers the background most correctly receives a prize. Again after the competition time out for a toast.

Contest 3

Players of both genders can participate in the competition. Enough to call 3-5 people. Presenters name well-known abbreviations, for example, their organizations. Players must come up with their own version. Well, if it is connected with the hero of the occasion, for example, such as congratulations. The most creative player wins the competition. Traditionally, the competition ends with a toast.

It's time to reveal the truth!


I am authorized by the Prince and the security forces to present a gift (name, patronymic of the hero of the occasion).

Presentation of a gift from the team.

- Dear and priceless our (name of the hero of the day)! All those present are ready to congratulate you on such a significant event and access to the rest, which you deserved by painstaking work. We wish you good health, strength, as well as rich leisure! But in addition to our congratulations today, you should familiarize yourself with the rules of this evening.

    So, what are the rules?
  • 1. The charter announces that in 20__ the anniversary of (name of the hero of the day) is not canceled under any pretext.
  • 2. Before the beginning of the anniversary itself, all those present are obliged to raise a toast to the hero of the occasion.
  • 3. You can't be serious in this room.
  • 4. Everything that will be presented to the hero of the day today cannot be returned or exchanged. All other gifts are accepted within a month.
  • After the announcement of the charter, you need to raise a toast, everyone expresses their wishes.

      The host then continues:
      - Today we are presenting an honorary diploma, which says that (date) the hero of the day (name) is awarded this diploma for the fact that for all his 60 years this wonderful person has gone through the school of life and passed the following exams:
    • Russian language - talking with colleagues and wife in anger and resolving disputes - excellent!
    • Geography - the ability to return home in any state - excellent!
    • Mathematics - financial accounting skills in your favor - excellent!
    • Music is a game on the nerves of relatives and colleagues - satisfactorily!
    • Chemistry - the ability to create wine from water - good!
    • Based on all of the above disciplines, the examination committee recognizes the comrade (name of the hero of the day) as ready for further life path and assigns the proud title of "Honorary Young Pensioner".

      Ice cream

      Several couples, not necessarily family ones, are selected from the hall. Ice cream with a spoon is placed a few meters from the participants. The task is this: a woman should scoop ice cream with a spoon, take a spoon by the handle with her mouth and feed her companion. The first pair to eat their portion the fastest wins.

      Everyone can play. One participant begins to move around the hall to the music, catching the rest. It can be with side steps, it can be in the style of the Chunga-Changa dance. When the snake becomes quite long, the leader begins to lead it in a spiral. In the end, you have to unravel the snake.

      The scenario of seeing off the retirement of a man "Hi pension"

      Of course, it is necessary and important to start with the design. It does not matter, a banquet hall, an apartment, everything should have a festive look. It would not be bad to hang photos of the future pensioner on the walls, or make one big collage poster. Also, do not forget about balloons and ribbons, paper garlands and lights. The second stage of preparing the holiday is musical accompaniment. Here it is necessary not only to take into account the taste of the person retiring, but also the age peculiarity of the guests. Further according to the menu plan, the seating of guests, and now, almost everything is ready.

      Host, host, guests.

      gifts for competitions, a diploma "With retirement", cards with phrases, a bag, papers with the name of songs, a bag.

      The guests are seated, the future pensioner sits at the head of the table.

      Good evening ladies and gentlemen,
      Glad to see everyone, I'm friends,
      The reason for the meeting is excellent,
      Retirement has arrived!

      (Full name of the hero of the occasion),
      Today all the lights are for you
      And at this moment, and at this hour,
      I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
      Let dreams come true!

      To pronounce the first toast to the venerable leadership, because you, like no one else, are familiar with our esteemed (full name of the hero of the occasion).

      The evening promises to be interesting tonight, and now, I would like to start by presenting an honorary diploma to the venerable (Full name of the hero of the occasion). I warn you, this is not an easy confirmation of your pension, it is a kind of ticket to a new life, and a solemn reminder of the path traveled. (gives diploma).

      The diploma should be comic. For example, it should say the following:
      Diploma is awarded (Full name of the hero of the occasion), for excellent mastery of the following vital disciplines:
      - Mathematics - excellent (ownership of their finances, in particular stash, thorough);
      - Geography - excellent (finds its way home in any condition and under any circumstances);
      - Russian language - excellent (can easily agree on everything);
      - Music - good (a good game on the nerves of relatives and colleagues).
      Based on the above disciplines, we can confidently say that we are ready for the next stage - retirement!

      So much work, it's time to rest,
      Years passed quickly
      But a pension is necessary in life,
      And without it, nowhere!

      You know (names the year when the hero of the occasion went to first grade) in one of the ordinary schools, there was one bright, smart boy, with very kind eyes and a big heart. He grew, developed, became a person and made his own plans. AT (year of admission to the institute) everything became clear and understandable. There were dreams that had to be quickly realized, ambitions, aspirations, and now, after a long search, that same smart boy came to (Name of the organization). Then it was (year of employment), excitement, fear, mastering a new activity, meeting colleagues and a long-awaited salary. Everything is like everyone else, everything is as always, but one thing distinguished from the others (names the main quality of the hero of the occasion). And here it is, the long-awaited retirement, on which your colleagues are in a hurry to congratulate you.

      (Here you can show a small slide show if the institution has a projector)

      I would like to know now
      How will you congratulate
      But, I will complicate the task,
      And I will order a rhyme for you!

      Competition "Rhyming Polling".
      Of all those present, 5-6 participants are selected, who are given one rhyme. The task is to come up with a congratulation. The holding time is 1 minute. Then everyone reads out the results and the best one will receive a prize. The winner will be determined by applause.

      Rhyme options:
      1) I hasten to congratulate you on your pension,
      And wish you well.

      2) Here comes the pension,
      Happiness, rest brought.

      3) The event is important, you can’t argue here,
      You need to retire, my friend, to love.

      4) With your pension, cheers,
      Years passed so quickly.

      All congratulations are beautiful, special, but it seems to me that it's time to read your congratulations to family members!

      Congratulations, this is certainly good, but how about praising our (Name of the hero of the occasion)?

      Competition "Praise me, praise me."
      5-6 participants are selected. Everyone must say a laudatory adjective, starting with a given letter of the leader. The one who names the most wins. For a repeat - departure.

      (The presenter offers to drink to all the positive and mentioned qualities)

      Leading (referring to the hero of the occasion):
      But tell me, what do you think to do in retirement?

      Probably good in retirement
      You walk in the garden, rest on the sofa,
      Retired, no fuss, easy
      Day full of dreams.
      There is time for yourself and for the family,
      And you don't have to get up early in the morning
      If you want, draw, read, write poetry,
      Or even a memoir.

      Preliminary preparation is required. It is necessary to write on the cards a continuation to the phrase “I will retire”, put them in a bag, and so that the host of the event pulls out one at a time and reads it out.
      You will need: cards with phrases, a bag.

      Phrase example. I will be retired.
      one. . knit socks and scarves;
      2. . read the Murzilka magazine;
      3. . discuss fashionistas at the entrance;
      four. . ring the doorbell to the neighbors and run away;
      5. . listen to music loudly, setting the rhythm to the neighbors;
      6. . dress fashionably and seduce local old ladies;
      7. . play football with local kids;
      eight. . learn to be a hacker;
      9. . do nothing and just enjoy life.

      (Offers a drink to keep it that way, after which a 15-minute dance break is announced)

      I announce a musical break! Dear friends, you must admit that there is no holiday without a song, and so, I propose that it is not easy to sing, but also to get the opportunity to win a small but pleasant prize.

      Competition "Song".
      Requires preparation. Pre-fold the papers with the name of the songs in the bag and mix. Several participants are selected. Everyone pulls a piece of paper and gets their song. The task is to "show" the song without words. You can’t make sounds, purr motives, you need to explain with the help of gestures which song you got. When they guess - sing. Time for each participant is not more than a minute. Whoever shows the fastest and guesses whose song will win a prize.
      You will need: pieces of paper with the name of the songs, a bag.

      Song options:
      1. And someone went down the hill;
      2. I got drunk drunk;
      3. A Christmas tree was born in the forest;
      4. My bunny (Kirkorov);
      5. A million scarlet roses;
      6. A stream flows, a stream runs;
      7. Smoke of cigarettes with menthol;
      8. I am lying in the sun;
      9. Girls are standing, standing on the sidelines;
      10. Neither stokers, we are not carpenters.
      The list may be different.

      And now, I am happy to give the floor to our venerable (full name of the hero of the occasion).

      (The host of the event says words of gratitude to all who came)

      You know what we forgot about, and we forgot about initiation into pensioners. The diploma was presented, congratulations were voiced, but the main thing was only now remembered! But, fortunately, I took care, I prepared everything, it remains to voice it!

      (The hero of the occasion reads a comic oath)

      I swear that I will rest
      Don't forget your friends
      And sometimes I'll be with them
      Even drink balm!
      I swear to wander, walk and sleep
      I swear not to look for a job
      I swear that I will laugh
      And I will enjoy life!
      I swear to run every night
      Go to meet your friends
      I swear I won't be discouraged
      I'm ready to retire!

      (The oath may be different)

      This is all well and good, but since (Full name of the hero of the occasion), no experience how to behave in retirement, we decided to take care of that, and stocked up on tips!

      (The word is given to friends who have already retired. Can be performed as ditties)

      Congratulating 1:
      I retired
      Now I don't know
      What better thing for me to do
      I read books!

      Congratulating 2:
      I go to the store every day
      Three times, that's right
      There's news and gossip
      And a beer barrel!

      Congratulating 1:
      Don't be afraid of pensions friend
      Here you will like
      Here balm will be poured,
      Health get better!

      Congratulating 2:
      I'm retired sometimes
      Sometimes I miss
      But, as I remember about work,
      Release immediately!

      (You can do without this part, if not among the invited pensioners)

      The host announces a 10-15 minute dance break.

      I offer you friends
      You remember the past
      Tell stories
      Liven up the feast!

      (Guests share funny stories related to the hero of the occasion)

      Not only kind words
      Decorate the holiday, wonderful evening,
      Friends brought gifts
      Honor retirement!

      (Gifts are being presented. Here you can and even need to insert a comic, cool congratulation)

      Thank you all for this evening
      I want to say on my own
      I wish you joy, happiness,
      Love your pension.
      More rest, success,
      Less trouble and fuss
      Let the world embrace
      Your dreams will come true!

      I join the wishes
      And from myself I want to say
      So that everything is fine with you,
      I wish you not to be bored!

      Until we meet again, the evening is over,
      But let's keep it in mind
      A moment so warm and beautiful
      What a pity that time will flow.

      If you wish, you can add a few more cool contests to the script.

      Scenario of the anniversary "How we saw you off in retirement"

      Oh, you guests - gentlemen
      Why did you come here?
      Ile lives at home badly -
      But dressed just a miracle.
      And the answer is quite simple
      Our young Vladimir
      Around your friends
      Decided to celebrate the anniversary.

      Dear Vladimir Konstantinovich, let me congratulate you on behalf of all those present on your anniversary and retirement.

      We wish you on your anniversary
      So that you sit for champagne,
      To dance, sing songs
      So that this glorious feast
      Brought health, happiness, peace.
      Be happy and healthy
      Do not remember the years
      Let life be hard sometimes
      But don't you dare let her down.

      Wow, I see you are moving something? Wait, I will introduce you to the Rules of our evening. Our charter says:
      1. That the hero of the day is sitting in front of us.
      2. It is announced that the year 2000 anniversary of Vladimir Konstantinovich is not canceled
      3. Remember: for starters, it didn’t hurt everyone to drink a glass.
      4. It is announced that laughter in this house is not cancelled.
      5. Gifts brought to the hero of the day are accepted around the clock for another month after this evening and are non-refundable.

      I offer the floor for congratulations to colleagues and friends. (friends of the hero of the day speak)

      We congratulate you on a significant event,
      Today is your legal anniversary,
      We wish you great health
      And many sincere friends in life.
      Anniversary is a special day
      Where do you sum up
      What could possibly be wrong
      That which is expensive, surely saved.
      We congratulate you wholeheartedly
      And we want to wish you happiness.
      Let in your home climate
      There will never be misfortune.
      We do not give the birthday
      No headsets, no rings,
      Surely you will receive warmer
      Greetings from friendly hearts.

      And now I want to say a few tender words about our hero of the day, but for this you must help me. I need you to list any 12 adjectives. (the presenter inserts these adjectives in the missing places)

      Vladimir Konstantinovich was born in ... 1940. He grew up very ... a child. For many ... years, he has not changed at all, which indicates the constancy of his ... character. In ... 1950 was accepted into the ranks ... of the pioneer organization named after V.I. Lenin. He received his education and specialty in ... 1963. In the same year, he joined the ranks of our ... friendly team and has not parted with us since then. He made ... a contribution to ... the affairs of the country. Vladimir Konstantinovich has ... appearance and ... efficiency, which earned him the love of the team.

      We wish the hero of the day
      We are health and happiness
      What more could you wish for
      If we drink today
      Health will not weaken
      Tomorrow we can continue again.

      And now, on behalf of the Russian Department of Education, I have been entrusted with presenting a diploma to Vladimir Konstantinovich stating that he is indeed a pensioner.

      This diploma was issued to Vladimir Konstantinovich in that he completed a course on the topic “To know and be able” in his 60 years of life and discovered the following knowledge:

      Literature (Conversation with wife in anger) - 4
      Mathematics (Recalculation wages wives in their favor) - 4
      Geography (Where it won’t go, but everything will come home) - 5
      Music (Game of nerves) - 3 Chemistry (Hot distillation) - 4
      Diligence (On the right side) - 5
      Diligence (On the left side) - 4

      On the basis of the foregoing recognize comrade. ... fit for the passage of a further life path.

      Coursework: “If you want to live, know how to spin” - protected by 5.

      By the decision of the State Examination Commission of ... 2006. assign tov. ... the title of "Free Young Pensioner".

      Leading: But don't get too upset, the birthday boy is greeted by his friends.
      Congratulations from friends.

      They say that at 60 every birthday is happy
      Exchange your years for twenty, twenty-five years.
      No friends, not at all, whoever thinks so is an eccentric.
      At twenty, there are holes everywhere,
      No wife and no apartment
      At sixty you have a garden
      And, of course, three guys.
      At twenty-five only in a pool
      I had to drink vodka.
      At sixty you are all in smoke
      You can drink vodka.
      At twenty-five - an empty pod,
      At twenty-five - pitch hell
      At sixty - a savings book in rubles,
      At sixty, blasphemy is everywhere.
      At twenty at work you plow
      Like a horse or an ox
      At sixty colleagues you will say
      You work, I went.
      No, friends, he is very happy
      That I'm exactly sixty.
      Every year he gets smarter
      Years fly like birds
      He won't regret a hundred
      That he is now sixty.

      Leading: I would like to give advice to the newly minted pensioner.

      Keep the family as strict as possible
      Come, go and get out
      One look from you, one word
      And for them it is the law.
      And in holidays countries
      In the morning - morality you read to them,
      By dinner, read the severity,
      And in the evening sit down for tea.

      So let's lift our spell
      Each taking his own wine,
      And for his friendly family.
      May life be rich in joys.
      And happiness will not leave your doorstep.
      As little as possible, we wish you worries,
      But they still can't be avoided.
      So let there be strength to win.

      So, today these forces are visiting us. Yes, yes, do not be surprised, this is not a fairy tale. So, our guests are internal forces, i.e. Ministry of the Interior. (one of the invitees wears a police uniform. Road signs are drawn up in advance)

      Policeman: On behalf of the traffic police and the Department of Internal Affairs of Yekaterinburg, I present memorable gifts. Since there is constant movement in the apartment, you can forget and get lost, we decided to help with this.

      Signs with a TV, glasses, a fork, a pipe, a bottle with a glass and a light bulb:
      "Don't forget to turn off the TV" - a sign is attached to the TV screen
      "Be careful, wipe your glasses" - the sign is attached to the bathroom
      “Caution, sharp objects” - the sign can be hung in the kitchen and in the room where the needle and thread are located
      "Caution, children may appear here" - a sign is attached to the sofa
      "Caution, do not overdo it" - a sign is attached in the kitchen
      "Caution, gas and electrical appliances" - the sign is attached above gas and electrical appliances
      Be careful in your movements and God forbid you attach or confuse signs incorrectly. All the best.

      May this day be solemn and holy.
      Today it happened - you are sixty!
      But don't be sad, don't think it's the limit
      There are many more things ahead of you.
      From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you
      So that everything that I conceived comes true in fate.
      Go through life as boldly as before,
      To celebrate more than one anniversary.
      We wish you in the future
      Never, never give up
      And health for many years
      We want to wish from the bottom of our hearts.

      We gave you gifts
      But it's no secret to anyone
      What a heartfelt gift better songs no.

      (The lyrics of the song are printed and multiplied in advance. Distribute to guests)

      Song to the melody "At the spinner"

      1. Autumn has flown by
      Vova gathered all the guests,
      Let's sit in a feast, as it were
      Let's talk about the anniversary.

      2. And what is true, it is true,
      Anniversaries are hard
      It must be so measured
      You shake your head.

      3. And after all, yours has been preserved,
      Surprise takes
      If only she would fall in love,
      It's a pity Lyudmila doesn't.

      4. Anniversary what else is needed,
      And works like an ox
      How will he go to dig potatoes,
      No one will get carried away.

      5. Oh, it's true, it's true
      This master, anywhere,
      And besides, we need to say
      That grandchildren are crazy.

      6. We will not praise our wife,
      The lady is not big.
      Let's look at the hero of the day
      Without it, you are nowhere.

      7. Yes, what does she care,
      and lives ready
      In the morning he gets up and shakes himself off
      Eat and leave.

      8. Oh, girlfriend, don't swear
      Oh my friend, don't be sad
      Though ay, these are women,
      Nowhere without men.

      9. Such is our share,
      You don't need to be angry
      We wish the hero of the day
      Live another 100 years in harmony.

      Leading: And now we offer you a lottery.

      Joke lottery

      1. In order to cook borscht well, you need cabbage for seasoning. (cabbage)
      2. Warm without cognac acetylsalicylic acid. (aspirin)
      3. Do not try to get angry at everyone and a nail in the household will come in handy. (nail)

      4. You thought that there was no happiness,
      Oh what a freak you are
      Buy yourself some candy
      On the won penny. (nickle)

      5. When you go for a walk,
      And so that your pants do not sleep,
      You must have with you
      A pin made of steel. (pin)

      6. After a glass of snack
      The matter is very important.
      Here's a sleeve for you
      Napkin ointment. (napkin)

      7. Cofer 2x3. (handkerchief)
      8. Here's a flower for you,
      Please save
      He will help you
      Luovnik (tsu) to lure. (flower)

      9. To throw off ten years ago
      You don't have to think long
      Excellent give advice
      This amazing lipstick. (beet)

      10. We provided you with hooks
      Well, sew your own skirts. (hooks)
      11. Fry, cook, boil,
      Just don't salt too much. (pack of salt)
      12. What to send greetings to friends will come in handy and a cover. (the envelope)
      13. Pour 100, pour 200, you can't do it alone, let's go together. (vodka)

      14. You are the best guest today
      This nail is a gift to you. (nail)
      15. Don't be angry with us my friend
      Here are matches for you korook (matches)
      16. If you don’t wash your heels, cover them with a heel. (successor)
      17. You will accumulate a thousand in time if there is a wallet. (wallet)

      18. Get a badge here
      Instead of a roshka, pin it. (icon)
      19. For a good friend, there is a head of garlic. (garlic)
      20. How to tie a ribbon with a bow
      You will immediately become the first dandy. (thread)
      21. If you want to cry, you need to rub your eyes with an onion. (onion)

      Host: I invite all guests to take part in games and attractions.

      1. "To the touch". 8-10 small items are put into a dark bag and material: scissors, a bottle cap, a fountain pen, a button, a spoon, threads, a thimble, a meat grinder knife, etc. You have to guess by touch what lies there. The fabric should not be too coarse or thin.

      2. "Couples in reverse." Two or three pairs are tied back to back (legs and arms are free). These couples must dance the waltz, tango, lady and run 10 meters back and forth like Siamese twins.

      3. Whose ball is bigger? The competition is simple: participants receive a balloon and, on command, begin to inflate. Whose balloon bursts is out. Whoever has the largest ball wins.

      4. "Spear match". Draw a line on the floor with chalk and, without crossing it, throw an ordinary match like a spear at a distance. The winner can be determined by three throws.

      5. "Dancers". Hold a dance competition with items to the tunes of "Apple", "Cossack", "Kalinka", etc. Have the participants dance: a. with a yalok (ball, ball), b. with chairs and stools, c. with a glass of wine etc.

      Leading: And now I propose to compete with the intellectuals. Solve anagrams and logarithms:

      1. Breathing easy in my shadow
      You often praise me in the summer,
      But rearrange my letters
      And you will cut down a whole forest with me. (linden-saw)
      2. I lie on the ground nailed to iron,
      But rearrange the letters in the pan, I'll climb. (sleeper-noodles)
      3. Along the wire I rush nights and days.
      And from the end they will read me, I am from the tiger's family. (talk cat)
      4. Geography with me
      Children study at school
      Give me the order of the letters
      And you will find me in the cafeteria. (satin salad)
      5. A famous dish when you add "m"
      Fly, buzz, I'll bother everyone. (ear, fly)

      Leading: Dear guests! We had a lot of fun. Our evening is coming to an end. I propose to sing a song for the hero of the day.

      The evening ends with songs and dances.

      Hall decoration posters:
      1. The "Bureau for issuing young pensioners" is open from 8:00 to 20:00 seven days a week, a break from 14:00 to 15:00
      2. Paradise with a young pensioner and a hut.
      3. Retirement is a dove of peace.
      4. Don't make smart faces, you'll retire too.
      5. Husband husband, but without a pension is not needed.

      Scenario of the anniversary of the farewell to the retirement of a woman

    • for the man's birthday
    • for the man's hero of the day - in chorus
    • for a woman's hero of the day - dedication to pensioners of a woman is comic
    • Contests for pensioners will be interesting
      Leading: Dear friends! A moment of attention! Sensation! Children from kindergarten have just arrived at our holiday.

      (The role of “children” can be played by relatives or colleagues of the hero of the day. It is advisable to take men for the role of girls - tie bows, wear sundresses or pantaloons, soft toys in your hands)

      They arrived with a congratulatory program. We ask all guests to warmly and affectionately meet the kids. So, meet!
      (The “children” enter the hall, holding hands, shy, with toys in their hands.)

      Option 1 for a male hero of the day:

      Happy holiday today
      To everyone's surprise.
      Grandfather Vanya Ivanov
      Let's celebrate a birthday.

      And not just a birthday
      And today is the anniversary.
      To hear congratulations -
      Get in a circle soon.

      Happy Anniversary
      And we wish, dear grandfather,
      Good health to you
      And attention for a hundred years.

      We want to wish grandfather
      To be afraid of boredom
      So that physical work
      Hands were busy.

      Here you retire
      So don't get lost -
      Buy rabbits and nutrias
      Deal with them.

      You, grandfather Vanya, do not get sick,
      Forget where the pharmacy is.
      You take a hundred grams on your chest -
      You will live for two centuries.

      How do you get your pension?
      Don't get proud
      Remember the commandment of Christ -
      Share with your neighbor.

      Here all the guests are dear
      Have fun, drink vodka.
      Maybe for congratulations
      Will they give you ice cream?

      For ditties like this
      Do not be stingy, dear grandfather,
      Buy us from the first pension
      One hundred chewing gums and sweets.

      Option 2 for the hero of the day-woman:

      Me and my girlfriends
      We composed and sing.
      Young pensioner
      Here is the advice we give.

      How will you retire
      Look, don't be stupid.
      Buy perfume and cream, -
      Look in the mirror more often.

      You, Lyubasha, do not be sick,
      Don't go to the pharmacy
      Better run more often
      To the disco club.

      How are you going to retire?
      So don't get lost -
      You find yourself a grandfather
      Have fun with him.

      Dress up, dress up
      Don't part with the iron.
      With the first pension, Lyubasha,
      Run straight to us.

      Sit, sing, cry
      Let's burn down fate
      After all, we can not otherwise
      This life was given a fight.

      After all, today we have a holiday -
      birthday, anniversary,
      And now come on, Lyubasha,
      Pour us a glass.

      We sang as best we could
      We danced as best we could
      If everything was possible
      We'd like to retire!

      Option 3 for a male choir:

      We are funny guys.
      Of course, everyone is happy for us.
      Happy birthday grandfather Vanya
      Congratulations kindergarten.

      Grandfather Vanya! You accept
      My congratulations.
      I wish you happiness
      For all future days.

      You worked hard for glory
      You earned honor
      And now retired
      Another life will flow.

      You can buy a Mamba for your entire pension,
      Mars and chocolate.
      To have such a grandfather
      Every granddaughter will be happy.

      Be healthy, be strong, grandfather,
      Dispel all boredom
      To wait from granddaughters
      Little great grandchildren.

      So that they love you
      They wore on their hands
      And from your pension
      They didn't ask for money.

      Days and years will fly by.
      It will be seventy-five years.
      Let's get together again
      Celebrate your anniversary.

      Here's a memory from us -
      We give a blue ball.
      Don't get old and be cheerful
      And hold your tail with a pipe!

      Script of seeing off a woman to retire

      Seeing off retirement is organized in a festively decorated hall. The guests sit at the laid tables, the hostess of the holiday is at the head of the table or in the center, next to her is her husband or the “main man in her life”. Nearby you can install a serving table, on which it will be convenient to put gifts, certificates, awards, postcards.

      Scenario of the evening celebrating the retirement of a woman

      The leader is provided with information about kindergarten, school, college, technical school, institute where the hero of the day studied, a list of enterprises and positions where she worked, in chronological order. Props:

      • A comic diploma for a unique contribution to the "life" of the team (regularly watered the ficus in the office, baked unsurpassed cookies for tea, etc.).
      • Comic "Certificate of Quality" of the hero of the day.
      • "Gold" medals (from foil or a round chocolate bar in a golden wrapper) for winning competitions.
      • Postcards and pens.
      • The drink list includes champagne.

        Leading Each person from the moment of his birth is born many more times:

        • at the age of seven, a schoolboy is born on September 1; then came the days of appearance:
        • Octobrist;
        • pioneer
        • Komsomol member;
        • applicant;
      • student
      • trainee;
      • groom or bride;
        • young mothers and fathers;
        • graduate theorist;
        • young specialist-practitioner;
        • experienced worker;
        • Grandmothers and grandfathers;
        • pensioner.
        • There are always close people next to everyone who help to move to a new stage and, as it were, pass it on to the future period of life. Our “Maria Ivanovna” has compiled a much larger list, which we need to consider and approve today at this glorious meeting. Like every serious meeting, I propose to hold ours according to the rules I read out, not to miss a single stage known to us, to announce all the circumstances loudly, raising filled glasses. To confirm the veracity of the words of the speakers, I propose to approve the commission transferring his faithful colleague, and the commission accepting his beloved wife, mother, grandmother into an already full and unconditional family membership. I propose to appoint “Ivan Ivanovich” as the head of the admissions committee, the faithful companion of the hostess for N___ (years of marriage) years. Since today we are sending Maria Ivanovna to a new life, let us take as a model the beginning of the journey sending a new ship on its first voyage and open our holiday with champagne. I propose to announce the beginning of the meeting with a festive salute of opening champagne and fill the glasses.

          The boss speaks in his own words. Leading To make it easier for the members of our "admission committee" to assess what treasure they are accepting, and for the chairman of the "transferring committee" to prepare for the presentation, let's give the floor to a faithful school friend, let her tell about a cheerful, smart girl who came to school No. _ (number of years) ago .

          School years - a long time, Satchels, pigtails, a fun lesson, Less often - an exam, an assessment, a diary, The years have rushed by - the call is not forgotten.

          A school friend speaks in her own words. Leading Now everyone can see what our Maria Ivanovna looked like in those years. The granddaughter (name), who is surprisingly similar to her, but lives surrounded by modern iPods and iPads, will share her school experience.

          Lessons to do everything is more boring in notebooks, Textbooks are too lazy to carry with you, There is Internet in your smartphone to instantly Find answers on the most difficult day.

          Leading But our Maria Ivanovna was not only busy with homework, she learned to sew (knit, embroider) in a school circle, and today's wonderful dress (suit) is sewn according to her sketches. In addition, she did not miss discos, and she loves to dance.

          Leading The school years passed quickly, but the student years rushed even faster. Choosing a profession was not easy, our hero of the occasion has so many interesting hobbies! Now our hostess will tell you how she chose (name educational institution), and friends from the student bench will confirm and supplement her words (suddenly something has already been forgotten). The word is given to friends. Leading The teachers prepared a wonderful young specialist, which Maria Ivanovna came to (the first workplace). Our hostess does not have the ability and strength, therefore, already after (number of years) she received the first promotion (qualification or position - what entry in the work book). The excursion in those years will be conducted by an old friend and for many years - a colleague (full name). A word - to the first colleagues and friends at work. Leading Work is an important part of Maria Ivanovna's life, but not the only one, her husband (Ivan Ivanovich) will now confirm this. He will tell how he lived in those years with a young wife, a young specialist and a young mother of their first child. Husband speaks in his own words. Leading All the difficulties of youth are remembered with warmth when you see the joyful expression on the faces of friends and colleagues gathered in this hall, and the happy smiles of relatives - husband, children, grandchildren. Therefore, we can move on to the present day and continue the work of our "transmitting and receiving commissions." For announcement complete characteristics of our hostess and presenting her with a certificate of honor, the word is given to the most experienced connoisseur of the hero of the day - the head of Maria Ivanovna with (number of years of joint work) -years of experience, Petr Petrovich. Leader speaks in his own words. Leading A friendly team does not want to lag behind its leader either. To draw up a collective image of our Maria Ivanovna, the floor is given to the representative of the trade union committee. The representative of the trade union committee speaks in his own words.

          Presentation of the certificate to the hero of the occasion

          Leading To confirm all of the above orally, the management of the company (company name) provides an appropriate quality certificate. For the announcement and transfer of the document to the receiving party, the floor is given to a colleague, a representative of the consumer protection bureau (full name). Quality certificate issued to Maria Ivanovna, confirming the possession of:

- Dear and priceless our (name of the hero of the day)! All those present are ready to congratulate you on such a significant event and access to the rest, which you deserved by painstaking work. We wish you good health, strength, as well as rich leisure! But in addition to our congratulations today, you should familiarize yourself with the rules of this evening.

    So, what are the rules?
  • 1. The charter announces that in 20__ the anniversary of (name of the hero of the day) is not canceled under any pretext.
  • 2. Before the beginning of the anniversary itself, all those present are obliged to raise a toast to the hero of the occasion.
  • 3. You can't be serious in this room.
  • 4. Everything that will be presented to the hero of the day today cannot be returned or exchanged. All other gifts are accepted within a month.

After the announcement of the charter, you need to raise a toast, everyone expresses their wishes.

    The host then continues:
    - Today we are presenting an honorary diploma, which says that (date) the hero of the day (name) is awarded this diploma for the fact that for all his 60 years this wonderful person has gone through the school of life and passed the following exams:
  • Russian language - talking with colleagues and wife in anger and resolving disputes - excellent!
  • Geography - the ability to return home in any state - excellent!
  • Mathematics - financial accounting skills in your favor - excellent!
  • Music is a game on the nerves of relatives and colleagues - satisfactorily!
  • Chemistry - the ability to create wine from water - good!
  • Based on all of the above disciplines, the examination committee recognizes the comrade (name of the hero of the day) as ready for a further life path and assigns the proud title of “Honorary Young Pensioner”.

    Ice cream

    Several couples, not necessarily family ones, are selected from the hall. Ice cream with a spoon is placed a few meters from the participants. The task is this: a woman should scoop ice cream with a spoon, take a spoon by the handle with her mouth and feed her companion. The first pair to eat their portion the fastest wins.

    Everyone can play. One participant begins to move around the hall to the music, catching the rest. It can be with side steps, it can be in the style of the Chunga-Changa dance. When the snake becomes quite long, the leader begins to lead it in a spiral. In the end, you have to unravel the snake.

    Seeing a colleague retire. The scenario of seeing off the retirement of a man “Hello pension. Scenario of the evening celebrating the retirement of a woman.

    Everyone knows that women retire at 55. And if so, then for this anniversary everyone wants something special to be fun and memorable for everyone. We offer you our small script for the 55th anniversary of a woman, which will help arrange funny send-offs on retire. The script contains contests and games, beautiful toasts and entertaining blocks. Watch and choose what you like the most.

    Quickly, a dozen colleagues from Charlotte gathered to form a committee to arrange the resignation. When organizing a party, Charlotte only consults for the guest list. The committee decided to send e-mail official invitation to employees in their industry. Everyone must confirm their presence in advance. The people present at the festival are also invited to make voluntary contributions through this celebration. In addition, a cold buffet is provided for guests.

    Retirement wishes poem

    This formula has its advantages. It makes it easier for employees to meet by offering an accessible and recognizable location for everyone, as well as flexible hours that allow employees to freely leave their positions based on their availability. The party must be in a room accessible to employees of the organization. On Thursday evening, the day of the party, the party organizers prepare the room for the occasion and dispose of their equipment. The reception area is large. AT rectangular shape there is a counter to the left of the room, behind which a waitress offers several types of drinks.

    Anniversary meeting.
    When all the guests have gathered, we can begin. Have all the guests stand and make a semicircle. And the hero of the day will be in the center of this semicircle. The host starts:
    - Tell me, when a person is born into the world, what does he do? That's right - he's crying! And today a young pensioner was born in our country, who is ready to burst into tears from such happiness. And so that she doesn't cry, we'll give her a pacifier. Even small children wear a cap that protects their ears and head from the wind. Let's put on a cap for the hero of the day. And finally, it remains to attach a bib so that it does not get dirty while eating. We put on. Look - now we have a full-fledged born pensioner! I propose to take and raise glasses for the new pensioner, who is still so young and who still has his whole life ahead of him!

    Next to the bar, a door gives access to the kitchen, a room dedicated to catering. In the center of the room, several small round tables dot the space. In the upper right corner of the room, the space intended for dancing is recognized by the differentiation of the floor. Apart from the track, there is also a stage on stage where visitors can enjoy the microphone and technological equipment such as a multimedia projector.

    Guests come to the party from 17. From the very beginning they are invited to write a review to Charlotte in the signature album. Then, as you walk through the room, you can see in a visual escape an exhibition of paintings resembling many famous works art, which are arranged in the style of an art gallery. We also link directly to the Charlotte Gallery by displaying its commercial logo. The scale of the event is amazing. One hundred people are present for 5-7 and sixty for the meal. They are all relatively close to Charlotte.

    Main holiday.
    - well, since we have a new pensioner, she needs to take the oath and join the ranks of pensioners. And for this we have already prepared the text of the solemn oath. Now the young pensioner will read it and will be accepted into the ranks of honorary pensioners of Russia:

    Cool scene for farewell to retirement

    There are directors, colleagues from different departments, former employees, clients, friends, as well as members of his immediate family. All chat, exchange, rest and take an aperitif, waiting for the arrival of the future to retire. Charlotte and her husband won't be coming soon. Dressed in elegance, she wears a hot pink set, making it easy to tell the crowd apart. His solid color ensembles are known to his colleagues. The arrangement of her equipment and ornamental orbs suggests the instructions she was to receive from the committee.

    - now our hero of the day becomes an honorary member of the pensioners of Russia. She is awarded a medal and a crown!

    In life, every person was given many vaccinations. And they are all from some kind of disease. What would you like to be vaccinated against? Suggest answers. And the most the best option win a prize!
    Examples might be: a sleep deprivation vaccine; vaccination against bad mood; vaccination for immunity from the boss; and so on. Whoever offers the funniest option wins a prize.

    Like a movie star, he's accompanied by a burst of photos. Meanwhile, guests are served appetizers and raw vegetables. The event organizers, dressed as chefs, grabbed the attention of the crowd with a sigh of pans. They ask the guests of honor - Charlotte and her family - to "sit" around a table reserved in the center of the room. We quickly realize that the theme of the holiday has two parts: an art gallery and Charlotte's love for the kitchen. These are all three former directors or employers, as well as the "current boss." Baked Goodness consists primarily of a multimedia presentation that recounts various episodes of Charlotte's career and life in the form of a parody.

    We all know that every person has rights and obligations in life. What rights do pensioners have? Name them!
    Yes, you said everything correctly. But this is all according to the law, but in life? And in life, pensioners have these rights:

    Therefore, I propose a toast to the rights of pensioners, which must not be violated!

    Guests watch a panorama of personal photographs and resignation videos. It was revealed that Charlotte was an "urban department artist", that she renovated her house and that her house was published in a design she liked to disguise, she left her job to go to Portugal and "come back" and so on. Well-cooked constantly refers to his character, his character traits, his taste for disguise, his qualities that distinguish him at work, etc. the facilitators also emphasize Charlotte's sociability and participation in all events, as can be seen from the scale of what is happening.

    The game.
    Friends! Everyone said today beautiful words to the jubilee. And some even almost swore that they would protect the hero of the day and always be by her side. And tell me - are you all ready for serious deeds for the sake of the hero of the day? Let's see what each of you are ready for. For our birthday girl.

    The game is being played. You need to prepare beautiful cards on which to write poems. You put all the cards in a bag, and the guests take turns taking out one card at a time and read out a verse that says what he is ready for for the eyes of the hero of the day.

    Scenario of a musical fairy tale for farewell to retirement

    The multimedia presentation ends with a song that all the guests sing after they have been given the lyrics. In addition, the same topics are contained in the text as in the presentation. After the retrospective, Charlotte received a standing ovation from the guests. Once on stage, she speaks to the microphone several times, addressing her co-stars while pointing the camera. She is given three gifts, which she unpacks in front of the room, including a small themed gift consisting of fun kitchen supplies. The show ends with applause.

    - we all congratulated the hero of the day. And who hasn't congratulated her yet? Do not know? Who said the president? You are absolutely right - the President has not yet congratulated. And I have now been informed that a retinue from Putin himself is standing at the door. We let them in.

    The president's retinue enters. On the sides are the guards, and in the center is the secretary. They stop near the hero of the day, and the secretary reads out congratulations from the president and hands him the following telegram:

    Others are getting ready to eat. Consisting of a cold buffet, the food served by the caterer takes place in a room connected to the reception area. Charlotte is invited to make a "toast". It is also she who cuts the first part of the cake. A well watered evening ends with his closest colleagues and friends.

    Richard is completing his thirty-second year of service for the institution that uses him. A historian and archivist by training, he worked for twenty-two years in the management of documents in the archives. Like many professionals and employees of the organization, he officially leaves his job at the age of 55, in an environment where pensions are encouraged by favorable schemes and preferential grants. At this point in his life, he hopes to travel with his wife and take care of his home. Before leaving his position, Richard was involved in the transfer of his knowledge: "I spent Last year working to prepare young people and prepare the next generation.”

    But it's not all gifts. We have another package that arrived to us from unknown lands. And we don't even know what's in it. I will ask you to send a parcel to us.

    The parcel is brought in and the presenter opens it. She takes out a package and a note from the package. And he starts reading the note. And send the package to the way it is written in this note.

    In fact, Richard's artificial goods are heavily influenced by the "learning engines" he created to teach the next generation. His colleagues decided to celebrate it "by emphasizing his taste for procedures and a job well done". Thus, they establish a "smooth progression procedure" for retirement, that is, a retirement procedure. According to Richard, almost all employees participated and contributed at lunchtime to the organization of the party. They developed the procedure by sharing anecdotes, ideas, "sort of brainstorming," he explains.

    After the hero of the day, he unpacks the package and shows everyone what is there. And there should be the best and most expensive gift.

    After that, dancing begins and the celebration continues.

    Anniversary Nights.
    We are holiday guests
    We want to perform.
    The era is coming
    bright years-
    Become a pensioner
    Always be ready!
    joyful laughter,
    With the song of friends
    You are celebrating a big anniversary!
    That time has come
    great years,
    Become a pensioner
    Always be ready!
    And you look like nothing
    Drop a couple of years
    Be ready!
    Always ready!

    Moreover, well-made goods mention this collective participation. It was also agreed that all staff involved in the preparation, preservation or exchange of Richard's good and bad touches would have a better understanding of the measures to be taken to ensure good exit retired to the point where he would participate in the proceedings.

    Wishes to a retiring judge

    A reception in honor of Richard has similar characteristics to Charlotte. Scheduled at the end of the day, during an aperitif, it allows employees to easily regroup. Moreover, the evening takes place at the workplace, exactly in the premises of the archive department. That same day, Richard finished filming the office effects. In the afternoon, he was ordered to remain "prisoner" in his office so as not to surprise the final preparations. There were about thirty people on stage. This varied knowledge, found throughout his career, came from his various professional networks.

    You are retiring
    Everyone at the table is talking.
    To see happy dreams there
    Be ready!
    Always ready!

    To live in retirement
    You must be friends with the diet!
    Eat cake with pension
    Are you ready to invite all of us?
    Always ready!

    Retirement day condense to the limit,
    And don't sit idle for hours.
    So that after six there are no cases left, firewood,
    Are you ready for this?
    Always ready!

    His spouse was also present with some members of his family, including his brother. The room is set up for the occasion. The archive room is cleared of all regular worksheets. A cold buffet is set on the table in the background. Most of the guests are standing and chatting. Well cooked starts quickly. The guests are circling Richard and Marie, the main organizer of the event. On the easel there is a plan for the presentation: Richard's Retirement Procedure. A well thought out topic is quickly explained. The retirement process is "a guide to the work of the retirement project".

    Our hero of the day became an example
    You have become a great pensioner!

    Ved.: Today we accept ours. to the Society of Russian Pensioners and take an oath from her:
    I, a young pensioner of Russia, joining the honorary society of pensioners, working and non-working, drinking and not drinking in moderation, sticking my nose everywhere, I solemnly swear:
    To be a worthy member of society, that is. constantly be in a sound mind and a sound body. Do not let yourself be brought down by either the wind, or illness, or hops.
    Anniversary: I swear!
    Ved.: Work tirelessly, without stretching your legs. Confidently walk along any of the roads.
    Anniversary: I swear!
    Vedas.: Be sharp on the tongue, eyes and ears. Do not succumb to sadness, illness, or cold!
    Anniversary: I swear!
    Ved.: Drink only with friends, and then a little. Always find a path to the house.
    Anniversary: I swear!
    Ved.: Dear. !

    In addition, several guests read the various parts of the procedure to be carried out in the context of a retirement project: context, usage structure, some definitions, useful working tools, and various steps and operations. Thanks to this production, a well-prepared caricature of both Richard's career and the work of the archivist. In procedural form, he tells with mockery various delusions and anecdotes of famous people.

    It takes into account the importance that this employee has played over the years in social relations and service activities. In addition to a card signed by the guests, Richard receives a weather vane for his retirement, made by a craftsman from the Quebec area. A colleague also offers him a painting illustrating the lighthouse he painted himself. According to Richard, this image symbolizes the role he played in working with him, offering his help. The celebration lasted no more than three hours from the ceremony and the following: Richard's social scores.

    We accept you in the ranks so that you do not know trouble.
    Do not get sick, do not lose heart, eat more, sleep better.
    Be cheerful and do not swear, never worry.
    Young so that the pensioner manages everything and manages everything.
    To live, when everything is in moderation, to the title of an honorary pensioner.
    And when you are a hundred, we will lay this table again!

    Seeing Colleagues Retirement Scenario

    A lady from the trade union (or a person who usually organizes various celebrations of the company) runs into the hall:
    Guard. Robbed. Everything is lost. Scenario! Jokes and laughter!

    Leading! Rather, the whole celebration. I ordered at... (either the actual name of the company that provides services for organizing and conducting holidays in the city, or simply “holiday agency “Holiday, holiday””) holiday program. It was necessary to get them some props and pay for the services. I collected the props, paid for everything, stuck the receipt to the props and went to them. I get off the bus and (shows an almost empty large BMW package in the hole) what came out. No one will work without a receipt. The props were also almost all whistled. There is no time to collect a new one, the banking day is over. Nightmare!

    Yes, you have to roll (looks at package), we will use what has been preserved. And we will have to work today for the benefit of joint fun for all of us.

    The union goes to the hall and chooses 3 men. She takes out 3 bras and 3 short skirts from the bag. Bras are stuffed in advance with any improvised means, i.e. foam rubber, cotton wool, fabric, etc. are sewn into the cups. - when a bra is put on a man, you should get a stable protruding chest. For ease of putting on skirts, it is better to sew on ties, sew coins, bells or other ringing material on the bottom of the skirt. Attributes are worn over costumes.

    union(addressing the newly minted ladies):
    The main thing is plasticity and looseness. And I will suggest (addressing the audience in a solemn voice) The folk ensemble of the east performs “Sing, shake your chest, (name of the hero of the occasion) Hurry up to congratulate!

    The music for oriental dances is turned on.

    Girls! We went softly, with our hips smoothly to the left - to the right, to the left - to the right. We pull the thigh stronger, to the left - to the right. The palms were closed, hands up and head also to the left - to the right, again and again. Chest shaking. Shaking the fifth point. (well, keep up the good work).

    I really worried. We can handle it ourselves, especially since I sent SOS to all my relatives and friends, they should help. And you (referring to the new dance group) we can even nominate you for the Firebird of the East 2014 contest, outshine everyone!

    A doctor in a dressing gown enters the hall (several inscriptions are sewn or written on the gown, it will turn out to be a universal doctor: "surgeon", "eye", "dentist", "injury", "sneaky", "heart-oh", etc.) .

    Glancing at the pensioner
    I can boldly declare
    Anyone will say a cardiogram,
    The heart beats flawlessly.
    Ultrasound cardiogram echoes after,
    There are no health problems.
    At least pass all the tests and smears,
    You will not find reasons for blues-longing.
    But to maintain a cheerful spirit,
    In order not to lose the ear for music,
    In order not to disturb the metabolism,
    And always eat with gusto
    In order to continue to improve health,
    You should accept gifts from me!

    Doctor(takes out a package of herring in a jar, on which is a sticker with the inscription "Neskuchin"):
    Sorrow, longing drive away,
    Take these pills
    One in the morning and one in the afternoon, and a couple in the evening,
    Do not forget to drink everything with a glass.

    Then he hands over a bottle with the inscription "Drugopriglastin" (pasted on a bottle of cognac):
    This medicine is not simple,
    Accepted only by the crowd,
    Look at the calendar more often
    And call your friends on holidays.

    Then a package with lemons and the inscription "Veselin":
    The movement of life - the words of the sage,
    And you start with the face,
    And do not write off lemon snacks,
    This is advice from the same sages.

    Pack of chewing gum (multi-pack bag) labeled "Maskerine":
    Always sprinkle them
    In soup, compote and mayonnaise,
    Let the alcohol test tremble
    And merciless caries!

    And in prison
    Little poem.
    Do not be sick, do not grieve,
    Follow the prescribed regimen.
    And to back up the words,
    Pour into glasses!

    Thank you doctor and neighbor for your participation and good advice!

    A man in a camouflage uniform enters the hall, disguised with branches, grass, etc.

    Here come the special friends!

    The special friend silently selects 2 women and 2 men from the audience. Together with them, it occupies a deployment near a certain place (for example, near a specific table or other piece of furniture, which sometimes does not budge on a holiday).

    special friend(gives women a tape measure):
    Two meters to the left at an angle of 40 degrees (numbers and direction are determined in advance by experience, depending on the actual position in the hall), men can be given a protractor to determine the angle.

    Women measure, they must come to a certain chair where one of the guests is sitting.

    An envelope is glued to the bottom of the chair ahead of time with the help of adhesive tape, which is taken out.

    The special friend with the men joins the women.

    One of the participants(reads text from envelope):
    The male section of the path lies due north (or: south, east, west) over ... meters (distance to nearest window sill). Men measure the necessary meters, reach the desired window sill.

    Special friend:
    We rummage under the windowsill.

    Players find another envelope (also attached in advance with adhesive tape).

    One of the men reads:
    Joint passage straight to ... meters.

    The players pass and in front of them are two hills covered with a cloth.

    The special friend removes the fabric, opening two boxes (from under any equipment) with the inscription "M" on one box and "F" on the other.

    special friend(gives command):
    Open the boxes according to the guidelines.

    Women open the box with the letter "J" and take out a basket of flowers or a basket of sweets, which you can easily make yourself.

    Men, respectively, open the box with the letter "M" and take out a gift from the team.

    union(referring to Special Friend):
    How about when you got it all done? We were all here!

    special friend(fixing her clothes)
    Unaccustomed to discovering secrets. And do not waste time now on explanations when glasses need to be filled.

    Several men (at least 4) enter the hall with helium balloons (at least each person who enters must have a balloon).
    One of the newcomers comes up to the Trade Union and says something in his ear and gives a bundle.

    Quite right! Dedication to retirees required.

    The trade union calls 2 more (women or men, preferably tall) from the hall. They are handed a package received by the Trade Union (on the fabric or a roll of wallpaper it is written: "Welcome to pensioners!"). These two participants stand on chairs and stretch the inscription - a kind of arch is obtained.

    Those who enter with balloons tie the latter to a chair. A future pensioner is invited and asked to sit on this chair. Men raise a chair together with a pensioner and must pass 3 times through the archway (the count is kept by the audience).

    We present you with a certificate of initiation into pensioners. Indeed it is throughout the solar system. There was one more touch - a solemn promise. Read and sign.

    Inside the certificate is typed something like this:
    I, ...., joining the ranks of pensioners, in the face of my colleagues, friends and relatives, solemnly promise: to live cheerfully and carefree, get up without an alarm clock, travel by all means of transport, including pedestrians, conquer Everest and reach the North Pole, swim across the ocean and fly over Dnipro, not to get sick and not to become limp, attend all kinds of cultural events, go skiing, sledding, rollerblading and scooter, live up to 100 years without knowing troubles.

    The future pensioner reads out the promise and signs it.

    For the new pensioner, cheers!

    The scenario of seeing off the retirement of a man "Hi pension"

    Of course, it is necessary and important to start with the design. It does not matter, a banquet hall, an apartment, everything should have a festive look. It would not be bad to hang photos of the future pensioner on the walls, or make one big collage poster. Also, do not forget about balloons and ribbons, paper garlands and lights. The second stage of preparing the holiday is musical accompaniment. Here it is necessary not only to take into account the taste of the person retiring, but also the age peculiarity of the guests. Further according to the menu plan, the seating of guests, and now, almost everything is ready.

    Host, host, guests.

    gifts for competitions, a diploma "With retirement", cards with phrases, a bag, papers with the name of songs, a bag.

    The guests are seated, the future pensioner sits at the head of the table.

    Good evening ladies and gentlemen,
    Glad to see everyone, I'm friends,
    The reason for the meeting is excellent,
    Retirement has arrived!

    (Full name of the hero of the occasion),
    Today all the lights are for you
    And at this moment, and at this hour,
    I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
    Let dreams come true!

    To pronounce the first toast to the venerable leadership, because you, like no one else, are familiar with our esteemed (full name of the hero of the occasion).

    The evening promises to be interesting tonight, and now, I would like to start by presenting an honorary diploma to the venerable (Full name of the hero of the occasion). I warn you, this is not an easy confirmation of your pension, it is a kind of ticket to a new life, and a solemn reminder of the path traveled. (gives diploma).

    The diploma should be comic. For example, it should say the following:
    Diploma is awarded (Full name of the hero of the occasion), for excellent mastery of the following vital disciplines:
    - Mathematics - excellent (ownership of their finances, in particular stash, thorough);
    - Geography - excellent (finds its way home in any condition and under any circumstances);
    - Russian language - excellent (can easily agree on everything);
    - Music - good (a good game on the nerves of relatives and colleagues).
    Based on the above disciplines, we can confidently say that we are ready for the next stage - retirement!

    So much work, it's time to rest,
    Years passed quickly
    But a pension is necessary in life,
    And without it, nowhere!

    You know (names the year when the hero of the occasion went to first grade) in one of the ordinary schools, there was one bright, smart boy, with very kind eyes and a big heart. He grew, developed, became a person and made his own plans. AT (year of admission to the institute) everything became clear and understandable. There were dreams that had to be quickly realized, ambitions, aspirations, and now, after a long search, that same smart boy came to (Name of the organization). Then it was (year of employment), excitement, fear, mastering a new activity, meeting colleagues and a long-awaited salary. Everything is like everyone else, everything is as always, but one thing distinguished from the others (names the main quality of the hero of the occasion). And here it is, the long-awaited retirement, on which your colleagues are in a hurry to congratulate you.

    (Here you can show a small slide show if the institution has a projector)

    I would like to know now
    How will you congratulate
    But, I will complicate the task,
    And I will order a rhyme for you!

    Competition "Rhyming Polling".
    Of all those present, 5-6 participants are selected, who are given one rhyme. The task is to come up with a congratulation. The holding time is 1 minute. Then everyone reads out the results and the best one will receive a prize. The winner will be determined by applause.

    Rhyme options:
    1) I hasten to congratulate you on your pension,
    And wish you well.

    2) Here comes the pension,
    Happiness, rest brought.

    3) The event is important, you can’t argue here,
    You need to retire, my friend, to love.

    4) With your pension, cheers,
    Years passed so quickly.

    All congratulations are beautiful, special, but it seems to me that it's time to read your congratulations to family members!

    Congratulations, this is certainly good, but how about praising our (Name of the hero of the occasion)?

    Competition "Praise me, praise me."
    5-6 participants are selected. Everyone must say a laudatory adjective, starting with a given letter of the leader. The one who names the most wins. For a repeat - departure.

    (The presenter offers to drink to all the positive and mentioned qualities)

    Leading (referring to the hero of the occasion):
    But tell me, what do you think to do in retirement?

    Probably good in retirement
    You walk in the garden, rest on the sofa,
    Retired, no fuss, easy
    Day full of dreams.
    There is time for yourself and for the family,
    And you don't have to get up early in the morning
    If you want, draw, read, write poetry,
    Or even a memoir.

    Preliminary preparation is required. It is necessary to write on the cards a continuation to the phrase “I will retire”, put them in a bag, and so that the host of the event pulls out one at a time and reads it out.
    You will need: cards with phrases, a bag.

    Phrase example. I will be retired.
    one. . knit socks and scarves;
    2. . read the Murzilka magazine;
    3. . discuss fashionistas at the entrance;
    four. . ring the doorbell to the neighbors and run away;
    5. . listen to music loudly, setting the rhythm to the neighbors;
    6. . dress fashionably and seduce local old ladies;
    7. . play football with local kids;
    eight. . learn to be a hacker;
    9. . do nothing and just enjoy life.

    (Offers a drink to keep it that way, after which a 15-minute dance break is announced)

    I announce a musical break! Dear friends, you must admit that there is no holiday without a song, and so, I propose that it is not easy to sing, but also to get the opportunity to win a small but pleasant prize.

    Competition "Song".
    Requires preparation. Pre-fold the papers with the name of the songs in the bag and mix. Several participants are selected. Everyone pulls a piece of paper and gets their song. The task is to "show" the song without words. You can’t make sounds, purr motives, you need to explain with the help of gestures which song you got. When they guess - sing. Time for each participant is not more than a minute. Whoever shows the fastest and guesses whose song will win a prize.
    You will need: pieces of paper with the name of the songs, a bag.

    Song options:
    1. And someone went down the hill;
    2. I got drunk drunk;
    3. A Christmas tree was born in the forest;
    4. My bunny (Kirkorov);
    5. A million scarlet roses;
    6. A stream flows, a stream runs;
    7. Smoke of cigarettes with menthol;
    8. I am lying in the sun;
    9. Girls are standing, standing on the sidelines;
    10. Neither stokers, we are not carpenters.
    The list may be different.

    And now, I am happy to give the floor to our venerable (full name of the hero of the occasion).

    (The host of the event says words of gratitude to all who came)

    You know what we forgot about, and we forgot about initiation into pensioners. The diploma was presented, congratulations were voiced, but the main thing was only now remembered! But, fortunately, I took care, I prepared everything, it remains to voice it!

    (The hero of the occasion reads a comic oath)

    I swear that I will rest
    Don't forget your friends
    And sometimes I'll be with them
    Even drink balm!
    I swear to wander, walk and sleep
    I swear not to look for a job
    I swear that I will laugh
    And I will enjoy life!
    I swear to run every night
    Go to meet your friends
    I swear I won't be discouraged
    I'm ready to retire!

    (The oath may be different)

    This is all well and good, but since (Full name of the hero of the occasion), no experience how to behave in retirement, we decided to take care of that, and stocked up on tips!

    (The word is given to friends who have already retired. Can be performed as ditties)

    Congratulating 1:
    I retired
    Now I don't know
    What better thing for me to do
    I read books!

    Congratulating 2:
    I go to the store every day
    Three times, that's right
    There's news and gossip
    And a beer barrel!

    Congratulating 1:
    Don't be afraid of pensions friend
    Here you will like
    Here balm will be poured,
    Health get better!

    Congratulating 2:
    I'm retired sometimes
    Sometimes I miss
    But, as I remember about work,
    Release immediately!

    (You can do without this part, if not among the invited pensioners)

    The host announces a 10-15 minute dance break.

    I offer you friends
    You remember the past
    Tell stories
    Liven up the feast!

    (Guests share funny stories related to the hero of the occasion)

    Not only kind words
    Decorate the holiday, wonderful evening,
    Friends brought gifts
    Honor retirement!

    (Gifts are being presented. Here you can and even need to insert a comic, cool congratulation)

    Thank you all for this evening
    I want to say on my own
    I wish you joy, happiness,
    Love your pension.
    More rest, success,
    Less trouble and fuss
    Let the world embrace
    Your dreams will come true!

    I join the wishes
    And from myself I want to say
    So that everything is fine with you,
    I wish you not to be bored!

    Until we meet again, the evening is over,
    But let's keep it in mind
    A moment so warm and beautiful
    What a pity that time will flow.

    If you wish, you can add a few more cool contests to the script.

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