What genres of works did Mikhalkov write. The five most famous works of Sergei Mikhalkov

  • 25.09.2019

Mikhalkov's works occupy a prominent place in Soviet and Russian literature. His poems, children's poems, fables, plays, film scripts and, finally, the words to three hymns deservedly brought him all-Union and all-Russian fame and fame.

short biography

Mikhalkov Sergei Vladimirovich was born in 1913 in Moscow into a family descended from an old noble family. His childhood passed in The boy received an excellent education at home. Already in early childhood, he became interested in literature and poetry. V childhood he started writing poetry. He wrote his first poem when he was only nine years old.

After some time, the family moved to the Stavropol Territory. In the late 1920s, he began publishing in local newspapers. Then he moved to Moscow, where he was forced to do physical work for some time. However, he never abandoned his studies in poetry. The young poet became famous throughout the country in 1935, when his poem "Uncle Styopa" was published. This was followed by the release of a collection of poems, which strengthened his fame. During the war years, he worked at the same time wrote the anthem. After the victory, he continued to publish his works, was engaged in active social activities, founded the Wick magazine. played an important role in the development of domestic literature, drama, poetry. The famous poet died in 2009.

Early writings

The first poems of the poet immediately attracted attention. The father noticed his son's talent and somehow showed his poems to the poet A. Bezymensky, who approved the young man's first experiments. One of the author's first works is called "The Road", in which he demonstrated his mastery of rhyme and language.

Mikhalkov's works are distinguished by brevity, conciseness and extraordinary expressiveness, largely due to the fact that the poet wrote in best traditions Russian classical literature. He grew up on Pushkin's poems and Krylov's fables, on the works of Mayakovsky and Yesenin. It is not surprising, therefore, that even his first literary experiments were very successful. Since 1933, his works have been regularly published in leading domestic magazines. One of the most famous works of this period - the poem "Svetlana".


Mikhalkov's works were very popular and loved by readers even before his most famous children's poem was published. The glory of the children's writer was strengthened by the success of a new composition - the poem "Three Citizens", which he wrote during his participation in the competition for the best pioneer song.

After that, the author decided to try himself in a different genre and set about creating his own, probably the most famous work - the poem "Uncle Styopa". The image of a kind, simple-hearted giant, who is ready to help at any time, immediately gained all-Union love.

It took the poet several decades to create the famous tetralogy. After the war, the poem "Uncle Styopa is a policeman" and two others were published. In them, the main character, remaining the same good-natured giant, gradually became more lyrical. Particularly touching, perhaps, is the part "Uncle Styopa and Yegor", in which the poet introduced the image of the protagonist's son.

Other writings

Mikhalkov's works became popular largely due to their optimism, lively and cheerful language, as well as deep worldly wisdom. In the pre-war period, another of his famous poems “What about you?” Was published, which resembles a counting rhyme in form, but nevertheless is imbued with a serious philosophical meaning and sound.

One more characteristic feature Mikhalkov's creativity is that he often created heroes who could not always be a role model. On the contrary, quite often, in the images of his characters, he ridiculed the shortcomings that are inherent in children: laziness, effeminacy, rudeness, boasting. Many of his phrases turned out to be so well-aimed and witty that they turned into a proverb. His rhyme is extremely simple and is remembered literally from the first time (for example, his famous "Song of Friends", which is probably known to every child).

Works of the war years

During the war years, the poet worked as a correspondent, he visited many front lines, received a number of high awards for bravery. His military lyrics, like the works of Tvardovsky, are distinguished by their simplicity and light language, reminiscent of folk songs, which immediately made it popular. Among the works of this period are, for example, the poems "A soldier lies behind the huts ...", "Letter home" and others. It is noteworthy that it is this poet who owns the epitaph on

Fables, plays, scripts

In the mid-1940s, Mikhalkov, on the advice of the writer Tolstoy, decided to try his hand at a new genre - writing fables (he had loved Krylov since childhood). His first works in this genre were big success. In total, he wrote about two hundred fables, which were included in the golden fund of Russian literature. The poet also wrote the script for some famous Soviet films, one of the most significant is the comedy Three Plus Two, based on his play.

A feature of the poet's work is that he was able to express very serious and deep thoughts in the most accessible form, while entertaining and teaching. Such, for example, is his poem "Sasha's porridge."

Mikhalkov's books are still sold in huge numbers in our country.

Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov

to the 100th anniversary of the writer

for younger readers

"Beauty! Beauty!

We are bringing a cat with us.

Chizhik, dog

Petka - bully "

And today we have a cat

I gave birth to kittens yesterday.

The kittens have grown a little

And they don’t want to eat from a saucer!

Each of us, since childhood, these lines are well known. The author, one of the favorite children's poets - Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov, 100th anniversary, which we will celebrate on March 13, 2013.

How did he become a children's writer? Since childhood, he loved the fairy tales of Pushkin A.S., the poems of Lermontov M.Yu., the fables of Krylov I.A. The passion for literature turned out to be so strong that at the age of 8 Sergey began to write his own poems and publish his own literary magazine at home. And since 1933, his poems began to appear in newspapers and magazines.

"There lived a tall citizen,

Nicknamed Kalancha

By the name of Stepanov

And by the name of Stepan

Of the regional giants

The Greatest Giant"

("Uncle Styopa")

"I have a sad look -

My head hurts

I sneeze, I'm hoarse

What's happened? It's the flu!"


But Sergei Mikhalkov not only composed himself, he also translated poems by foreign authors for children.

The most famous work, the words to which were composed by Sergei Mikhalkov, is the anthem of Russia. And also the words of Mikhalkov “Your name is unknown, your feat is immortal” are carved on the granite of the Eternal Flame near the Kremlin wall.

Sergei Mikhalkov during the Great Patriotic War was a war correspondent. He visited all fronts, wrote essays, notes, poems, humorous stories, leaflets, proclamations.

Sergei Vladimirovich throughout his long life wrote for both children and adults. And these were not only poems, but also stories, novellas, fairy tales, plays, fables, scripts for animated and feature films. For many years he was the author and editor-in-chief of the Wick film magazine.

More than one generation of children has grown up on the poems of their beloved poet, and today's children happily repeat:

What happened? What happened?

The alphabet fell off the stove!

We're going, we're going, we're going

To distant lands

good neighbors,

Happy friends.

We are having fun

We sing a song

And the song sings

About the way we live."

List of works by S. V. Mikhalkov

What do you have?/ S. V. Mikhalkov. - M. : Eksmo, 2002. - 48 p. : ill. - (Ladybug).

Storks and frogs: fables / S.V. Mikhalkov. - M .: Det. lit., 1989. - 29 p. : ill. - (We read for ourselves).

Cheerful tourist: poems / S.V. Mikhalkov. - M .: Det. lit. , 1989. - 16 p. : ill. - (My first books).

children/ S. V. Mikhalkov. - M. : Omega, 2005. - 160 p. : ill. - (For the little ones).

Uncle Styopa/ S.V. Mikhalkov. - M. : Oniks, 2008. - 40 p. : col. ill.

Bunny-Clever: a fairy tale in 2 acts / S.V. Mikhalkov. - M .: Det. lit., 1988. - 48 p. : ill.

Favorites/ S. V. Mikhalkov. - M. : Raduga, 1988. - 160 p. : ill.

How did the bear find the pipe?: story. - M .: Det. lit., 1981. - 20 p.

Carousel: poems / S.V. Mikhalkov. - M .: Planeta detstva, 1998. - 8 p. : ill.

Cats and mice: fables / S. V. Mikhalkov. – M.: Sov. Russia, 1983. - 79 p. : ill.

Favorite Pages: poems / S. V. Mikhalkov. - Smolensk: Rusich, 1999. - 250 p. : ill.

We're going, we're going, we're going...: poems / S. V. Mikhalkov. - M. : Samovar, 2003. - 108 p. : ill. - (Children's classics).

Me and a friend: poems, fairy tales, riddles / S. V. Mikhalkov. - M .: Det. lit., 1977. - 287 p. : ill.

Don't sleep! : poems, fairy tales, fables / S. V. Mikhalkov. - M. : AST: Astrel, 2010. - 352 p. : ill. - (Favorite reading).

Feast of Disobedience: poems, story-tale / SV Mikhalkov. - M. : Oniks, 2008. - 160 p. : ill.

The best verses: favorites / S.V. Mikhalkov. - M. : AST, 2010. - 160 p. : tsv.ill.

The Three Little Pigs and Other Tales/ S.V. Mikhalkov. - Rostov-on-Don, : Phoenix, 1999. - 319 p. - (Gold chain).

Great about verses:

Poetry is like painting: one work will captivate you more if you look at it closely, and another if you move further away.

Little cutesy poems irritate the nerves more than the creak of unoiled wheels.

The most valuable thing in life and in poetry is that which has broken.

Marina Tsvetaeva

Of all the arts, poetry is most tempted to replace its own idiosyncratic beauty with stolen glitter.

Humboldt W.

Poems succeed if they are created with spiritual clarity.

The writing of poetry is closer to worship than is commonly believed.

If only you knew from what rubbish Poems grow without shame... Like a dandelion near a fence, Like burdocks and quinoa.

A. A. Akhmatova

Poetry is not in verses alone: ​​it is spilled everywhere, it is around us. Take a look at these trees, at this sky - beauty and life breathe from everywhere, and where there is beauty and life, there is poetry.

I. S. Turgenev

For many people, writing poetry is a growing pain of the mind.

G. Lichtenberg

A beautiful verse is like a bow drawn through the sonorous fibers of our being. Not our own - our thoughts make the poet sing inside us. Telling us about the woman he loves, he delightfully awakens in our souls our love and our sorrow. He is a wizard. Understanding him, we become poets like him.

Where graceful verses flow, there is no place for vainglory.

Murasaki Shikibu

I turn to Russian versification. I think that over time we will turn to blank verse. There are too few rhymes in Russian. One calls the other. The flame inevitably drags the stone behind it. Because of the feeling, art certainly peeps out. Who is not tired of love and blood, difficult and wonderful, faithful and hypocritical, and so on.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

- ... Are your poems good, tell yourself?
- Monstrous! Ivan suddenly said boldly and frankly.
- Do not write anymore! the visitor asked pleadingly.
I promise and I swear! - solemnly said Ivan ...

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. "Master and Margarita"

We all write poetry; poets differ from the rest only in that they write them with words.

John Fowles. "The French Lieutenant's Mistress"

Every poem is a veil stretched out on the points of a few words. These words shine like stars, because of them the poem exists.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

The poets of antiquity, unlike modern ones, rarely wrote more than a dozen poems during their long lives. It is understandable: they were all excellent magicians and did not like to waste themselves on trifles. Therefore, behind every poetic work of those times, a whole Universe is certainly hidden, filled with miracles - often dangerous for someone who inadvertently wakes dormant lines.

Max Fry. "The Talking Dead"

To one of my clumsy hippos-poems, I attached such a heavenly tail: ...

Mayakovsky! Your poems do not warm, do not excite, do not infect!
- My poems are not a stove, not a sea and not a plague!

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

Poems are our inner music, clothed in words, permeated with thin strings of meanings and dreams, and therefore drive away critics. They are but miserable drinkers of poetry. What can a critic say about the depths of your soul? Don't let his vulgar groping hands in there. Let the verses seem to him an absurd lowing, a chaotic jumble of words. For us, this is a song of freedom from tedious reason, a glorious song that sounds on the snow-white slopes of our amazing soul.

Boris Krieger. "A Thousand Lives"

Poems are the thrill of the heart, the excitement of the soul and tears. And tears are nothing but pure poetry that has rejected the word.

Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov- Soviet Russian writer, poet, fabulist, playwright, war correspondent, author of hymn lyrics Soviet Union and anthem Russian Federation, Chairman of the Union of Writers of the RSFSR. Mikhalkov is best known for his works for children.

Born February 28 (March 13), 1913 in Moscow in the family of an employee, "one of the founders of the Soviet industrial poultry farming."
The father instilled in his son a love for Russian literature, introduced him to the poems of Mayakovsky, Bedny, Yesenin, the influence of whose poetry affected the childhood and youthful poetic experiences of young Mikhalkov.
He spent his school years in Pyatigorsk, graduating from high school in 1930.
Mikhalkov's first poem "The Road" was published in the magazine "On the Rise" (Rostov-on-Don) in 1928. In the same year, he was included in the author's asset of the Terek Association of Proletarian Writers (TAPP), and his poems were often published on the pages of the Pyatigorsk newspaper Terek.
In 1930 he moved to Moscow and for three years worked as a laborer at the Moskvoretskaya weaving and finishing factory. He took part in a geological exploration expedition to East Kazakhstan and the Volga. Mikhalkov's poems were increasingly published in the capital's press and broadcast on the radio. Since 1933, it became possible to live only on literary earnings. Mikhalkov belonged to the association of young writers at the Ogonyok magazine.
In 1935-1937 he studied at the Literary Institute. M. Gorky.
In 1935, Mikhalkov published a poem for children "Three Citizens" in the Pioneer magazine. It was followed by other nursery rhymes: "Cheerful Tourist", "Stubborn Foma", "My friend and I", "Uncle Styopa" included in the first book of poems by S. Mikhalkov (1936). Acquaintance, friendly criticism, and then creative friendship with the writers Fadeev, Marshak and Chukovsky finally determined the literary fate of Mikhalkov.
In 1939 he was drafted into the Red Army and participated in the liberation of Western Ukraine, having first tried his hand at the front-line press as a war correspondent, in which he worked throughout the entire period of the Patriotic War.
Continuing to work in the army press, he did not forget his little reader: he wrote for kids and children school age poems: "Falsehood for Children", "Pioneer Parcel", "Map", "Mother" and etc.
One of the oldest masters Russian literature A. Tolstoy gave Mikhalkov the idea to turn to the fable, and the very first fables written by him received Tolstoy's approval. The newspaper Pravda published The Fox and the Beaver. Then came "Hare in the hop", "Two girlfriends", " Maintenance" and many others (Mikhalkov wrote about two hundred fables).
He wrote plays for children's theaters: "Special Assignment" (1945), "Red Tie" (1946), "I want to go home" (1949), "Sombrero" (1957) and others, as well as plays for adults. He is the author of a number of scripts for both feature films and animated films.
In collaboration with the military journalist G.A. Ureklyan (who wrote under the pseudonym G. El-Registan), in 1943 he created the text of the new Anthem of the USSR (2nd edition - 1977, 3rd - 2000, as the Anthem of Russia).
Since 1962, Sergei Mikhalkov has been the organizer and editor-in-chief of the satirical newsreel "Wick".
In 1970-1990 he headed the Writers' Union of the USSR. Mikhalkov was a laureate of the Lenin and four State Prizes.
In 2006, a new book by Sergei Mikhalkov was published from the Anthology of Satire and Humor of Russia in the 21st Century series.
In 2008, the writer was awarded the Order of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called "for his outstanding contribution to the development of Russian literature, many years of creative and social activity."
From his first marriage, Mikhalkov has two sons - Andrei Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky and Nikita Mikhalkov, both famous film directors.
Sergei Mikhalkov died on August 27, 2009, at the age of 97.

extracurricular activity

"The World of Heroes"

Sergei Mikhalkov"

Karpenko Evgenia Viktorovna

MBOU secondary school No. 10, Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region.

March 2016 Designed for elementary school students.

Purpose: - the formation of educational competencies of students (informational, communicative, personal), to acquaint with the work of S. Mikhalkov, to promote the development of speech, to develop the creative abilities of children.


Cognitive: - develop a creative "vision" of the artistic


Develop the ability to work with information;

Developing the ability to observe, highlight the main thing.

Communicative: - to cultivate interest in the book, in the reader's

activities, culture of communication;

Develop the ability to work in groups;

Listen and understand others.

Regulatory: -learn to understand the task and choose solution way,

Learn to make your own choices.

Personal: - to teach to show a desire to learn new things;

Form ideas about the norms of behavior;

Develop the ability to understand and share feelings

love and compassion.

Event progress:

1. Organizational moment.

Teacher: I appeal to you, comrade children:

There is nothing more useful than a book!

Let the books of your friends come into the houses.

Read all your life, get smart!

Books are friends and advisers. Writers share their knowledge, observations, and life experiences with us.

1 student: A good book is my companion, my friend,

Leisure is more interesting with you.

We are having a great time together

And our conversation is on the sly.

2 student: My road is far with you

In any country, in any age.

You're talking to me about the movement of the planets.

There is nothing incomprehensible with you.

3 student: You teach to be truthful and valiant,

Nature, people to understand and love.

I cherish you, I protect you.

I can't live without a good book. (N. Naydenova.)

2. The theme of the event.

Teacher: Today we will go on a journey into the world of the heroes of the works of the wonderful writer Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov. His works are written about children and for children. More than one generation has grown up on his poems and fairy tales - these are your grandparents, mothers and fathers. Now you are reading his poems and fables, but they remain just as interesting and relevant.

1 student: We are friendly with the printed word.

If it weren't for him

Neither old nor new

We wouldn't know anything!

2 student: No, you can't imagine

For such a moment to arise

And you could be left

All characters in children's books.

3 student: A bold book, an honest book,

Let a few pages into it

In the whole world, as you know,

There were no boundaries.

Teacher: So wrote S Mikhalkov in one of his poems.

Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov was born on March 13, 1913 in the city of Moscow, into a very educated family.

Father - Vladimir Alexandrovich Mikhalkov was a scientist, had a legal education. He enthusiastically bred poultry and wrote books about it. Mom - Olga Mikhailovna was a teacher.

The Mikhalkov family was a very reading family. There were a lot of books in their house. In the evenings, the whole family loved to read poems by famous poets. All this atmosphere influenced the life of little Seryozha, and already at the age of 9 he wrote his first poems, which he hid from everyone in his box. For the first time his poems were published when Seryozha was 15 years old.

During his long life, and he lived for 96 years, Sergei Mikhalkov wrote 145 poems, 190 fables, 16 front-line poems. According to his scripts, films, cartoons were shot, performances were staged. S. Mikhalkov is the only person who wrote 3 national anthems of our country and for different eras.

3. Journey to the world of S. Mikhalkov's heroes.

1 student: There are eight in the house, the fraction is one

At the outpost of Ilyich

Lived a tall citizen

Nicknamed "Kalancha".

Teacher: Who doesn't know this address? Uncle Styopa by the name of Stepanov lived and was registered according to him.

2 student: From the gate to the gate

Knew all the people in the area

Where does Stepanov work?

Where he is registered, where he lives.

3 student: Because everyone is faster

No special work

He filmed a kite for the guys

From telegraph wires.

Teacher: Unlike the fairy-tale giants, who were big, scary, evil and bloodthirsty, Uncle Styopa was a very kind and modest giant. It cost him nothing to save pigeons from a burning house.

4 student: Uncle Styopa from the sidewalk

Reaches the attic.

Through fire and smoke

His hand reaches out.

5 student: He opens the window

They fly out of the window

eighteen doves

And behind them is a sparrow.

Teacher: He is a real hero. Rescues a drowning student

Student 1: What happened?

What's the cry?

It's a student drowning!

He fell off a cliff into a river

Help the man!

2 student: In front of the whole people

Uncle Styopa climbs into the water.

Teacher: And Uncle Styopa does all his heroic deeds easily and does not require a reward for this. He simply cannot do otherwise if someone is in trouble and needs help. Stepanov is always ready to rush to the aid of everyone.

3 student: For a noble deed

Everyone thanks him.

Ask for anything! -

They say to Uncle Styopa.

4 student: - I don't need anything -

I saved him for free!

Teacher: Mikhalkov's heroes are girls and boys who are very similar to you. Also funny animals.

Now we are reading the poems of Sergei Mikhalkov, and, for sure, someone recognizes himself or his friends

4. Reading poetry.

Dramatization of the poem "About a girl who ate badly"

(characters: Yulechka, mommy, doctor, author)

Julia doesn't eat well

Nobody listens.

Eat an egg, Yulechka!

I don't want mommy!

Eat a sandwich with sausage! -

Julia covers her mouth.





Yulechkin's dinner is getting cold.

What's wrong with you, Yulechka?

Nothing, mommy!

Take a sip girl

Swallow another bite!

Have pity on us, Yulechka!

I can't, mommy!

Mom and grandmother in tears

Yulia is melting before our eyes!

The pediatrician appeared

Gleb Sergeevich Pugach.

Looks sternly and angrily:

Julia has no appetite?

I only see that she

Certainly not sick!

And I'll tell you, girl:

Everyone eats-

And the beast and the bird

From rabbits to kittens

Everyone in the world wants to eat.

With a crunch, the Horse chews oats.

The yard dog gnaws the bone.

Sparrows peck at grain

Wherever they get it.

Elephant breakfast in the morning

He loves fruits.

Brown Bear licks honey.

Mole is having dinner in a mink.

The monkey eats a banana.

Looking for acorns Boar.

The clever Swift catches the midge.

Swiss cheese loves Mouse ... -

The doctor said goodbye to Yulia

Gleb Sergeevich Pugach.

And Julia said loudly:

Feed me mom!

S. Mikhalkov. "Graft".

For vaccination! First grade!

Have you heard? This is us!..-

I'm not afraid of vaccinations:

If I have to, I will!

Well, think, an injection!

They pricked and went ...

It's only a coward is afraid

Go to the doctor for an injection.

Personally, at the sight of a syringe

I smile and joke.

I'm one of the first to enter

To the medical office.

I have nerves of steel

Or no nerves at all!

If only someone would know

What are football tickets

I would gladly change

For an extra bite!...

For vaccination! First grade!

Have you heard? It's us! ... Why did I stand against the wall?

My knees... are shaking...

S. Mikhalkov. "Sheep".

On a steep mountain road

Black lamb went home

And on the bridge humpbacked

Met a white brother.

And the white lamb said:

"Brother, here's the thing:

You can't go through here together.

You're standing in my way."

The black brother replied: "Me-e,

Are you out of your mind, ram?

Let my feet wither

I won't get out of your way!"

He shook his horns,

Rest your other feet...

How not to twist the horns

And you can't get through both.

The sun is shining from above.

And below the river flows.

In this river early in the morning

Two sheep drowned.

Fable "Brick and ice floe".

Floated down the river a brick on an ice floe

He lay in the middle

And he taught her that she was swimming in the wrong direction,

What needs to be done,

What else is there to hold on to!

In vain do not crack and do not press close to the shore!

And the ice floe was melting, welcoming the spring ...

The moment came - the brick went to the bottom.


The brick reminded me of a man.

What I thought to myself: “Today I am on a horse!”

Taught others, tried to command,

And he himself was not “on a horse” - he ended up on an ice floe!

5. Summary. Today we talked about the work of S Mikhalkov, read his works. Our lesson has come to an end, but the friendship with the books of this amazing writer has not ended. These books help us become better, kinder and richer.

Preparation: 1. Exhibition of books.

2. A contest of readers was held.

3. A drawing competition was held.