Sergey Mikhalkov the most famous works. The five most famous works of Sergei Mikhalkov

  • 25.09.2019

Four years ago, on August 27, 2009, Russian and Soviet writer Sergei Mikhalkov died. This year, the author of numerous poems for children and fables could celebrate his centenary.

Despite the fact that the poet's work has often been criticized, Mikhalkov's contribution to Russian literature is undeniable. Today, Rossiyskaya Gazeta decided to recall the most significant and famous works of Sergei Mikhalkov. Many have known them since childhood.


The text of the Russian anthem was written by Mikhalkov in 2000. It's no secret that it is based on the anthem of the Soviet Union. In total, Sergei Vladimirovich had a hand in the national anthem three times: the first time in 1943, when the country's leadership decided to abandon the "International"; the second time in 1977, when the new Constitution of the country appeared; and the third time in 2000 already in new Russia.

Uncle Styopa

A poem about Stepanov Stepan, distinguished by his enormous growth, was first published in 1936. The poems "Uncle Styopa" tell about a Soviet man with a positive character. Uncle Styopa became the hero of three more continuation poems: "Uncle Styopa is a policeman", "Uncle Styopa and Yegor" and "Uncle Styopa is a veteran". Poems about Uncle Styopa became so popular that "Uncle Styopa" sweets appeared, and monuments were erected to the character in Moscow and the Kemerovo region.

In the house of eight fraction one
At the outpost of Ilyich
There lived a tall citizen
Nicknamed Kalancha,
By the name of Stepanov
And by the name of Stepan,
Of the regional giants
The most important giant.

There was a tram number ten (One rhyme)

Another famous poem by Mikhalkov tells about the events in the N10 tram, which once walked along the Boulevard Ring of the capital. This satirical story about passengers ends instructively: "Old age must be respected!" The poem was filmed.


Another satire, this time about the fact that elders should not only be respected, but listened to and trusted. Pioneer Foma did not take a word for what he heard, did everything contrary to the advice of others. This went on until the stubborn Thomas had a dream where he was eaten by a crocodile. As well as poems about the tram, this story was filmed.

The boys put on skates.
Passers-by raised their collars.
Thomas says:
"Winter came".
in shorts
Thomas goes for a walk.

What do you have?

A poem about boasting in the evening. The guys tell each other about what they have: we have gas in our apartment, and we have running water, I have a nail in my pocket, someone's cat gave birth to kittens. But the main conclusion, no matter what the guys argued about, is that different mothers are needed, and it doesn’t matter who they work for.

And from our window
Red Square is visible!
And from your window
Just a little street.

Starting to study the work of the writer - pay attention to the works that are at the top of this rating. Feel free to click on the arrows - up and down, if you think that some work should be higher or lower in the list. As a result of common efforts, including based on your ratings, we will get the most adequate rating of Sergei Mikhalkov's books.

    The book "Poems" of the series "Everything for Kindergarten" includes works by S. V. Mikhalkov illustrated by the Tula artist I. Tsygankov. "Forest Academy", "Broken Wing", "Sheep" and many other poems by the famous children's poet will tell the child why it is important to treat not only people, but also animals, and insects, and everything that surrounds him with care and kindness, and color illustrations and interesting stories will easily be remembered. For the preparatory group of kindergarten. Recommended for parents, caregivers and leaders children's reading. ... Further

  • The book "Poems" includes the main poetic works of S. V. Mikhalkov for children "Thirty-six and five", "Song of friends", "Vaccination", "What do you have?" and many others. These funny and instructive stories about younger students will never get old because they are different amazing psychological accuracy, humor and easy, almost childish language. And the modern, detailed illustrations by the artist Nadezhda Bugoslavskaya perfectly complement the poems by S. V. Mikhalkov, endowing them with amusing details. For junior school age. ... Further

  • The book "Poems for inquisitive kids" includes four funny and interesting poems by S.V. Mikhalkova: "Circus", "From the carriage to the rocket", "Let's play - guess!" and "About mimosa". Go to the circus, travel in time, meet the boy Vitya, very similar to mimosa, and much more can be done by reading this book! For the senior group of kindergarten.... Further

  • The book by S. Mikhalkov "Poems about the War" includes poems written by the author during the war, in the rear and in the army. They appeal to readers of all ages and social groups- soldiers and officers, home front workers and those taken prisoner, mothers, wives and children of soldiers ... The hero of the military lyrics of S. Mikhalkov is the people who stood up for the defense of the Motherland, united by a true, natural and powerful sense of patriotism. It is this intonation that makes the book so sincere and heartfelt. The second part of the book is composed of little-known lyrical poems of the poet, created in the period from 1934 to the 2000s. For a wide range of readers.... Further

  • Collection of poems by S. Mikhalkov "What do you have?" with capital letters and words with accents will be a great gift for novice little readers! Children will be able to read the famous works of the classic of children's literature with illustrations by N. Bugoslavskaya, and then will ask you to buy them more books to read. After all, it is so interesting to read! Books from the series "I read myself!" instill a love of reading, enrich lexicon and become the best friends of children for many years! For preschool age. ... Further

  • In the book "What do you have?" included the most famous and popular poems of the wonderful children's poet S. V. Mikhalkov. It is very important to read good poetry to children from an early age. “Trezor”, “Song of friends”, “What do you have?”, “My friend and I”, “Thomas” and other classic poems for children literature are included in the circle of reading children of preschool and primary school age. Illustrations by the famous artist N. Bugoslavskaya. For elementary school age. Publisher's design saved in A4 pdf format.... Further

  • The book with vivid illustrations by Vladimir Suteev introduces children to Sergei Mikhalkov's poem "My Puppy". For preschool age.

  • A cheerful poem by S. Mikhalkov about the adventures of a cheerful, slightly spoiled, but very charming dog named Cheburashka. For adults to read to children. ... Further

  • The book includes poems by the classic of children's literature S. Mikhalkov. Poems about children, about their daily affairs and problems, about different characters... And also about love for our smaller brothers - pets, and just funny poems and songs. Illustrations by artist N. Bugoslavskaya. For children up to 3 years old.... Further

  • Sergey Mikhalkov wrote many, many poems and fairy tales in verse, from which kids learn about how fun life is for runaway dogs, a baker with his best friend a dog, a boy who was afraid of everything ... The book is especially useful if you sit down to read it in the evening, when there will be nothing to do! And you can also look at beautiful, funny, first-drawn pictures for these wonderful poems and fairy tales!... Further

  • The book includes well-known counters by S.V. Mikhalkov: "Fingers", "Kittens", "Cripple Words" and many others. counting faithful helpers any game. Children love them and are happy to remember them. The book contains counting rhymes and poems with drawings by famous children's illustrators V. Chizhikov, O. Ionaitis, I. Glazov and others. For children up to 3 years old.... Further

  • The collection includes poems by Sergei Mikhalkov for children with vivid illustrations and the division of words in the text into syllables.

  • For children of primary school age, a colorfully illustrated collection of poems by S. V. Mikhalkov is offered.

  • “Everything starts from childhood…” – claimed the classic of children's literature S.V. Mikhalkov. All his work confirms this undeniable truth. And it is not surprising that the poet was awarded the highest award for his work. And this award is the sincere love of little readers of different generations. This book, prepared for the 100th anniversary of the wonderful, talented children's poet, is illustrated by the famous artist V.A. Chizhikov, who, having once read a poem by S.V. Mikhalkov about Thomas, fell in love with his poems and became one of the best illustrators of his works.... Further

  • A wonderful, talented poet, a classic of children's literature, Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov earned the love of millions of readers of different generations with his work. His "Song of Friends" was sung by our mothers and fathers and will be sung by our grandchildren. And who has ever seen in the theater “The Bunny-Knower”, when he grows up, he will definitely take his children to the theater ... Our book contains the best works of S. Mikhalkov for children - poems, fairy tales, fables, plays.... Further

  • The favorite writer of all kids, Sergei Mikhalkov, came up with a very fun game, which begins like this: It was in the evening ... There was nothing to do. It turned out that every kid had so many interesting things! He also came up with many, many funny poems and even composed a poem about a kind and courageous man "nicknamed Kalancha". And “I took a pencil and paper” and drew very beautiful pictures to this book the famous artist Fyodor Lemkul.... Further

  • “It’s good in the summer in the forest, in a sunny meadow with a hillock! The sun warmed the earth. The morning dew has dried up on the grass and on the two fly agaric brothers near the old stump, overgrown with thick green moss. Went out to the meadow Red fox. She sat down, listened: grasshoppers crackle in the grass, on all the frets of songbirds are calling to each other, somewhere a cuckoo is cuckooing: “Cuckoo! Ku-ku! Ku-ku!“…” Illustrations by Viktor Aleksandrovich Chizhikov.... Further

  • “Once upon a time there were three little pigs in the world. Three brothers. All of the same height, round, pink, with the same cheerful ponytails. Even their names were similar. The piglets were called Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf and Naf-Naf. All summer they tumbled in the green grass, basked in the sun, basked in puddles. But then autumn came ... ”Illustrations - Chizhikov Viktor Alexandrovich.... Further

  • The book "The Best Poems and Tales" contains the famous works of S. Mikhalkov, which are included in the circle of children's reading. Children will be happy to read about Uncle Styopa, the naughty Trezor puppy, find out what professions are, get acquainted with three pigs and others. the heroes of this classic of children's literature. And then they will answer the questions that are given at the end of the book. This will help children better understand the text of the works, develop speech and prepare for similar tasks at school. The ability to answer questions is an important skill for future medalists. These questions will help parents build a conversation with their children about the book. For preschool age.... Further

  • The book by S. Mikhalkov "The Three Little Pigs" is perfect for the first independent reading. Three pink little pigs and other heroes of fairy tales will teach children to read fluently, because the book contains large letters, words with accents and many color illustrations. Books of the series "We read ourselves without a mother" You can take it with you on the road, for a walk and read with friends! For preschool age.... Further

  • Colorfully illustrated counting rhyme "Kittens" classic of children's literature by Sergei Mikhalkov.

  • The famous fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs" by Sergei Mikhalkov, a classic of children's literature, comes out with new pictures for the first time! The book is illustrated in great detail, allowing little ones to immerse themselves in the life of the little and mischievous Three Little Pigs, befriend them and help them outsmart bad wolf! And then, together with the pigs, sing funny pig songs! For preschool age. For the senior group of kindergarten. Publisher's design saved in A4 pdf format.... Further

  • A book with funny illustrations and funny poems for preschool children.

  • The outstanding artist Yu. D. Korovin argued that the child instinctively reaches for the colored. His beautiful illustrations for children's books confirm this. “Maybe this is not pedagogical,” wrote Korovin, “but for me, the main character in the work is the author. Literary heroes - ... More

  • A collection of funny and instructive fairy tales in verse by the classic of children's literature Sergei Mikhalkov in the drawings of the famous artist V. Suteev. Kids will read about naughty and stubborn guys and animals, and understand how important it is to obey adults and be good boys and girls. For preschool age.... Further

  • The book "Children's Poems" by S. Mikhalkov includes the writer's most read works in primary school: "Thomas", "Thirty-six and Five", "Merry Tourist" and others. The child learns about boys and girls who learn to be friends, behave well, not be afraid of vaccinations and, Of course, obey the elders! Illustrations by graphic artists F. Lemkul, S. Ostrov and S. Korotkova.... Further

  • “This never happened, although it could have happened, but if it actually happened, then ... In a word, a little boy was walking along the main street of a big city, or rather, he didn’t walk, but he was pulled and dragged by the hand, and he resisted, stamped his feet, fell on his knees, sobbed in three streams and yelled not with his own voice ... ”Illustrations - Chizhikov Viktor Alexandrovich.... Further

  • The outstanding artist Yu. D. Korovin argued that the child instinctively reaches for the colored. His beautiful illustrations for children's books confirm this. “Maybe this is not pedagogical,” wrote Korovin, “but for me, the main character in the work is the author. Literary characters - only offshoots of his soul, mind, fantasy. And one cannot but agree with this, too, considering the pictures for "Uncle Styopa" by S. V. Mikhalkov.... Further

  • Imagine: you wake up and see that there are no adults around you ... No mom, no dad, not even grandparents ... Where could they go and what happened to the guys who were left without parents, you will find out when you read this book. ... Further

  • The collection includes the most famous poems, fairy tales and fables of Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov.

  • A collection of poems, riddles, alphabets, counting rhymes by the classic of children's literature Sergei Mikhalkov with drawings by the famous artist V. Chizhikov. For children up to 3 years old. ... Further

  • A collection of beloved poems by the classic of children's literature Sergei Mikhalkov, which you can take with you on the road. The book includes works that are included in the circle of compulsory reading for children - "Uncle Styopa", "What do you have?" and other famous poems. For children up to 3 years old. ... Further

  • The publication includes fairy tales of the famous writer S. V. Mikhalkov. The book was prepared for the 100th anniversary of the author. For elementary school age.

  • The collection includes 2 fairy tales by S.V. Mikhalkov: "Quarrel" and "Stubborn kid". For preschool children. Kindergarten preparatory group.

  • Every child dreams that his parents will take him to the circus as often as possible. It's so fun and interesting to watch the artists performing in the arena. With the book "Circus" by Sergei Mikhalkov, kids will be happy to learn to read from short poems about artists circus. And when they get tired of reading, they will rest during intermissions, as in a real circus, performing interesting tasks, coloring pictures, solving rebuses and puzzles. Each poem is followed by an interesting intermission. But that's not all. When the kids learn everything about the circus life, they will be able to put on a show for their parents and friends! At the end of the book there are special pages with figures of the main circus artists. Children will cut and glue the participants of the circus show and go! - to the arena!... Further

  • In the book "Tales in verse" the classic of children's literature S.V. Mikhalkov included fairy tales about how an old man sold a cow; about Frost and Frost; about the friendship of a kind baker and his faithful dog and a tale about a traffic light. Illustrations by the best artists S. Bordyug and N. Trepenok, M. Fedorov, I. Glazov, A. Khalilova. For the senior group of kindergarten. For kindergarten teachers, children's reading leaders and parents.... Further

  • A colorfully illustrated fairy tale in verse is presented to your attention.

  • “Once upon a time there was an ordinary kid. Like all kids, he was small but stubborn. He wanted to do things his way. One day it occurred to him to go for a walk away from home. - Don't go too far! his mother warned. - The clouds are gathering. Be a thunderstorm. - There will be no thunder! - answered the Kid and galloped along the path to the distant forest ... ”Illustrations - Chizhikov Viktor Alexandrovich.... Further

  • The book “We are going, going, going…” includes the most famous poems by Sergei Mikhalkov. The poet talks to the child about friendship and love, about generosity and stinginess, about courage and cowardice, and on other adult topics. But the conversation in verse is so fascinating that the child does not notice how cheerfully and unobtrusively, the poet explains what choice between good and bad he needs to make. The works of S. Mikhalkov "About mimosa", "A boy was friends with a girl ...", "Thomas" and many others continue to be read by children in each new generation. The poems were illustrated by Nadezhda Bugoslavskaya. For preschool age.... Further

  • The book includes a poem by Sergei Mikhalkov "From the Carriage to the Rocket", illustrated by a wonderful artist Gennady Sokolov. Children will be happy to look at bright pictures and find out what people used to travel in the old days and now. ... Further

  • The colorfully illustrated edition is a collection of the best poems by the children's poet Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov.

  • Reader "100 poems, fairy tales and fables by S. Mikhalkov" is a collection of the main, most famous works of the writer. Fairy tales such as "The Three Little Pigs" and "The Feast of Disobedience", the poems "What do you have?", "My Puppy", "The Song of Friends" and many, many others are included in the mandatory circle of children's reading, and the fables and poems "Thirty-six and five", "Vaccination", "My friend and I", "Thomas", etc. are included in the literature program in elementary school. For primary school age... Further

  • In the book of S.V. Mikhalkov's "Funny Poems" included "Poems of Friends" familiar to everyone since childhood, a cycle of poems "Let's play, guess!" and an old children's song called "Forest Academy". All poems are illustrated by the famous artist V. Chizhikov. These works included in the circle of compulsory children's reading. For elementary school age.... Further

  • S.V. Mikhalkov, a poet of unprecedented height, who created the well-known hero Uncle Styopa, managed, even as an adult, to keep in himself that very boy who notices the unusual in the ordinary, who enjoys life, is in a hurry to learn more and, of course, find friends to have fun spend time! Our book contains just such cheerful and interesting poems about children and animals: “Sweet Tooth”, “Boy and Girl Befriended…”, “Elevator and Pencil”, “Forest Academy”, “From Carriage to Rocket” with drawings by V. Chizhikov, G. Mazurin, L. Tokmakov, F. Lemkul, O. Ionaitis and many other famous illustrators. For preschool age.... Further

  • Sergei Mikhalkov, the famous dad of Uncle Styopa, the Trezor puppy and other famous and beloved heroes, wrote many, many more fairy tales and poems. And for the first time, in one large and colorful book, the best works with new, beautiful and cheerful illustrations are collected. ... Further

  • A poem by Sergei Mikhalkov, a classic of children's literature, with vivid illustrations and the division of words in the text into syllables. For preschool age.

  • We bring to your attention a counting rhyme by Sergei Mikhalkov “Fingers” from the series “Reading by syllables”. Words are broken down into syllables for easy reading, and large, colorful illustrations make learning more fun. ... Further

  • The illustrated book includes Sergei Mikhalkov's patter tale "The Baker and the Dog". For adults to read to children.

  • Sergei Mikhalkov watched and watched the kids and ... wrote fairy tales-fables about animals that are capricious, do not help friends, swear with each other. Well, just like naughty kids. These fairy tales will teach capricious people to behave well, not to commit bad deeds, but to be kind and obedient to the joy of moms and dads!... Further

  • The verses included in this book are known to all. Even if they don’t remember who wrote them, they still often repeat these lines: – And I have a nail in my pocket. And you? - We have a guest today. And you? - And today we have a cat She gave birth to kittens yesterday ... Or others: We we go, we go, we go To distant lands, Good neighbors, Happy friends. These sonorous, full of optimism poems were written by Sergei Mikhalkov. And for more than half a century they have been living: they are passed on from parents to children, they are remembered on the go and by the most miraculously lift everyone's spirits. Don't believe? See for yourself!... Further

  • If your little stubborn kid plays pranks all the time and does not obey you, then he needs to read fairy tales about animals by Sergei Mikhalkov. In them, he will see himself from the outside and stop behaving like a clingy Goatling, a cunning Hare, a stupid Parrot and a lazy Rook. For preschool children. Publisher's design saved in A4 pdf format.... Further

  • “Lyuba loved to sleep. In the evenings, like other children, she did not have to beg and persuaded: at ten o'clock in the evening she was already under the covers. As soon as she laid her head on the pillow, curled up and closed her eyes, she fell asleep. And could sleep how much whatever! They were talking nearby, the radio and TV did not stop, but Lyuba did not wake up. Even the old “Trezvon” alarm clock had to use up its entire factory in order to get through to Lyuba in the morning and wake her up - such was deep dream... "Illustrations - Chizhikov Viktor Alexandrovich.... Further

  • The book “Different Mothers are Needed!..” is a collection of poems by S. Mikhalkov about mothers, grandmothers, parents and children, where everyone will find something important for themselves. So, excessive mother's guardianship can turn the baby into a lazy person, and evil jokes can destroy a strong friendship. These verses teach respect and listen to elders, love parents and cherish friends. For children up to 3 years old.... Further

  • “The idea to turn to the fable was given to me by one of the oldest and most remarkable masters of Russian literature, A. N. Tolstoy. Once he read my new poems for children, he said: “Those poems of yours in which you come from folklore, from folk humor, you succeed best ... Try write fables. Some time later I wrote my first fable. A. N. Tolstoy liked the fable. I wrote a few more. One of them was published by the Pravda newspaper. It was the fable "The Fox and the Beaver". Then came “The Hare in the Hop”, “Two Friends”, “The Far-sighted Magpie” and others…”... Further

  • The most beloved, the best works of the classic of children's literature by Sergei Mikhalkov in the new collection of poems and fairy tales will not leave indifferent either children or adults. In this collection you will get acquainted with Uncle Styopa, three piglets, puppy Trezor. Read a lot funny poems and fairy tales, including a very instructive fairy tale "The Adventures of the Ruble". All illustrations in the collection are made by famous artists - classics of children's illustration - G. Mazurin, S. Ostrov, F. Lemkul, A. Savchenko and others. The collection includes works that are included in the program of kindergarten and extracurricular reading for younger students. For preschool and primary school age.... Further

  • A collection of poems by the classic of children's literature Sergei Mikhalkov with vivid illustrations and the division of words in the text into syllables. For preschool age.

A poet, fabulist, playwright and publicist, S. V. Mikhalkov (born 1913) is also known as a public figure.

The first poem of the poet was published in 1928, in one of the magazines of Rostov-on-Don. His fascination with Krylov's fables, Pushkin's fairy tales, the poems of Lermontov and Nekrasov, as well as the poems of Mayakovsky, Yesenin, Demyan Bedny 1 played a big role in the creative development of the writer.

Since 1933, Mikhalkov has been published in Moscow periodicals. From rather mediocre adult poems, Mikhalkov gradually moved on to poems for children. A. Fadeev supported him in this direction.

S. Mikhalkov, like other Soviet poets, responded vividly to the events of the time, wrote poems about the Chelyuskinites and the Papaninites, about Chkalov's flight over the North Pole, about border guards, about the war in Spain and Abyssinia, and about foreign pioneers. In 1936, the first book of Mikhalkov's poems was published in the series "Library" Ogonyok "". Following her, others began to appear, in which there were more and more children's poems.

The folk beginning in the poems of the 30s (“What about you?”, “My friend and I ...”, “Song of friends”, “Drawing”, “Foma”, etc.) is expressed in their song, aphoristic capacity of phrases , in life-affirming pathos. For example: “Different mothers are needed, / All kinds of mothers are important.” Or:

1 See: MikhalkovST. From and to ... - M., 1997.

The beauty! The beauty! We are taking with us a cat, a Chizhik, a dog, a bully Petka, a Monkey, a parrot - What a company!

Lyrics, humor and satire, mixed up, gave almost all shades of "Mikhalkov's" intonation. The young children's poet adhered to Mayakovsky's line, speaking to the reader in a living and modern language, without a touch of bookishness, about socially significant subjects. Mikhalkov was among those children's poets who actively formed the image of their reader - the "Soviet child", not content with a simple reflection of real life. Many of his poems have become popular songs, which expressed the era with its diktat "we", naive optimism and sincere patriotism. These are the “Merry Link”, “Merry Travelers”, “Who ardently believes in friendship ...”, “Merry Tourist”, “Spring March”, “Song of the Pioneers of the Soviet Union”, “Dear Side”, “Our strength is in law ...”, “The Party is our helmsman”, etc.

S. Mikhalkov's professional recognition began with "Uncle Stepa" (1936) - a small poem brought from a creative trip to a pioneer camp (together with the songs "About Pavlik Morozov", "About the pioneer Mitya Gordienko", "About the pioneer drum"). Rejecting the fairy-tale miracle as an indispensable device in the "old" children's literature, Mikhalkov used the method of objectifying the miracle: Uncle Styopa lives at the indicated address, acts in real Moscow and does things that are impossible only for people of ordinary height. The ancient folklore image of the good giant has been updated with ideas of a concrete social, ideological and educational plan. Already at other times, Mikhalkov will return to his hero in the sequel parts “Uncle Styopa - a policeman” (1954), “Uncle Styopa and Yegor” (1968), “Uncle Styopa - a veteran” (1981). The longevity of Uncle Styopa in children's literature is explained by the fact that the real hero is perceived as a "family member", in the words of A. Prokofiev, the change of his roles echoes the movement of real time.

An unexpected turn in the fate of Mikhalkov happened semi-accidentally. Stalin read a lullaby in Izvestia "Svetlana" dedicated to the girl he liked by the author, and in his own way took part in the fate of the young poet: he entered his name in the list of writers presented for awarding the Order of Lenin. So, in 1939, the poet received his first award, which served him as a safe-conduct at the time of repression. "Svetlana" is a milestone work not only in the sense of everyday biography: following the traditions of Russian classical poetry - Pushkin, Lermontov, Nekrasov, the author combined a deeply personal feeling and an epically large-scale image of the country, thereby making a serious bid for the role of the state poet.

Almost the entire Great Patriotic war Mikhalkov served as a correspondent for the newspaper "Stalin's Falcon", visited almost all fronts, wrote essays, notes, poems, humorous stories, texts for political cartoons, leaflets and proclamations. The poems “Brothers”, “Danila Kuzmich”, etc. were addressed to children. The poem “A True Story for Children” was created in parts, in which a poetic overview of all the years of the war is given (work on the poem covers 1941 - 1953). Many poems about children were addressed to the fighters. One of the notable facts of newspaper periodicals in 1942 is Mikhalkov's review of children's letters that came to the front. After the war, many of Mikhalkov's "adult" works were also suitable for children - the poem "Mother", the poems "Map", "Children's Shoe", "Letter Home", "Where are you from?", "You will win!", "Soldier" . The creative heritage of the war years was included in the collections "Serving the Soviet Union" (1947) and "Frontline Muse" (1976).

In collaboration with Gabriel Arkadyevich Ureklyan, who appeared in print under the pseudonym G. El-Registan, S. Mikhalkov wrote the text of the National Anthem of the USSR (1943). An epitaph of Mikhalkov's two quatrains is inscribed on the monument to Soviet soldiers in Vienna. “Your name is unknown, / Your feat is immortal” - these words, carved on the granite of the Eternal Flame near the Kremlin wall, were also composed by him.

Despite his active participation in the life of the Soviet country, Mikhalkov only joined the ranks of the CPSU in 1950. In his autobiography, he explains this step as the only opportunity for honest people to realize their creative aspirations and "strengthen their vital positions in a society that developed within the framework of a totalitarian, rigid ideological system." “In 1991, I did not leave, but dropped out of the CPSU. And in my old age I prefer to stay out of any party,” he adds 1 .

Mikhalkov's fable work is widely known. The poet began to master the genre of fable on the advice of A. N. Tolstoy. It was in 1944, when Krylov's anniversary was widely celebrated. Mikhalkov sent the first fables "The Hare in the Hop", "The Fox and the Beaver" to Stalin, and soon they appeared in Pravda with drawings by the Kukryniksy. In his poetic and prose fables, the Soviet inhabitant was reflected in his various types: those in power, their hangers-on, mediocrity from science and art, naive simpletons, etc. The most frequent fable conflict is between power limited in its complacency and cowardly "rabble". Mikhalkov's allegories of animals and birds are always directly related to social realities, to direct impressions (“Here you write about animals, about birds and insects, / And you get everything you know ...” - “The Nightingale and the Crow”). Many of his fables, having lost their topicality, retain a supply of caustic laughter and sanity, and reveal new depths of subtext. So, the fable "Brick and Ice Floe" can now be read as an allegory of a bygone era:

MikhalkovST. I was a Soviet writer. - M., 1995.

Sailed along the river Brick on Ice floe,

He lay in the middle

And he taught her that she was swimming in the wrong direction,

What needs to be done,

What needs to be done differently:

In vain do not disturb and do not press close to the shore!

And the floe was melting, welcoming the spring...

The moment came - the brick went to the bottom.

The brick reminded me of a man

What I thought to myself: "I'm on a horse!"

Taught others, tried to command,

And he himself was not on a “horse” - he ended up on an ice floe!

S. Mikhalkov wrote about two hundred fables, of which several dozen have a long life and are included in the circle of children's reading. The ethical idea in such fables prevails over ideology, and the artistic form is distinguished by that measure of verified ™ and freedom that is inherent in Krylov's fables. In the 80s, the poet returned to this genre. In adult periodicals, the fables “The Doctor involuntarily”, “The Dog, the Horse and the Hare”, “Moles and People”, “The Eagle and the Hen”, “Roots”, “The Oak and the Silkworm”, “The Lion at the Customs”, etc. were published.

As a playwright, S. V. Mikhalkov developed in the 30s and 40s. His first play "Tom Canty" (1938) - was a free adaptation of Mark Twain's The Prince and the Pauper. Mikhalkov changed the moral and social accents in the novel: his Prince is not able to learn the lessons of goodness from his trials under the name of Tom Canty, but Tom Canty himself, having received power, became better, smarter, nobler; along with Miles Genton, they renounce proximity to the throne and choose independence. This play and those that followed it formed the foundation of the theatrical repertoire dedicated to the pioneers (Skates, 1938; Special Assignment, 1945; Red Tie, 1946). The conflicts of these plays are inspired by the thickened atmosphere of those years, therefore they are deliberately exacerbated; the moral and ethical idea is dictated by a public imperative. Not devoid of schematism and stencil publicism, they nevertheless played a generally positive role in the development of Soviet children's drama.

fairy tale play "Happy dream" (another name is "Laughter and Tears", 1946) - a tribute to his own childhood: the time when in a village near Moscow the guys staged "Three Oranges" by K. Gots-chi, and Stanislavsky, who was resting nearby, gave advice to them. A funny combination of fabulous “old times” and modern details (the heroes wear watches, talk on the phone), the assertion of the power of joy instead of the power of despondency and fear, the victory of light over darkness, truth over lies - all this is an ideological and artistic construction, only partly reminiscent of Gozzi's fairy tale, was to the taste of the young post-war audience.

Vaudeville "Sombrero" (1957) - a story about "backstage intrigues" in the distribution of roles in a summer cottage children's play about the Three Musketeers. This play precedes the later hilarious comedy The Dream to Continue (1982). Sombrero is the most popular of Mikhalkov's children's plays.

A number of publicistic plays were created by the writer in the 60s and 70s: The Forgotten Dugout (1962), The First Three, or the Year 2001 (1970), Dear Boy (1973), Comrades Children (1980) ). Thematically, they are close to the plays of the 1940s and 1950s, in particular to the ideas and motives of the play I Want to Go Home (1949), about the return of Soviet children from captivity. The great confrontation between socialism and capitalism became the fundamental antithesis of these works. If in the play “I want to go home” this confrontation is expressed straightforwardly, in accordance with orthodox ideological postulates, then later plays reflected a significant complication of the problems of peace and war, the present and future young generation.

prose tale "Feast of Disobedience" (1972) absorbed the best that had been accumulated before: sharp topicality, an entertaining plot with serious moral and social overtones, vivid entertainment of episodes, the elements of the comic - humor, irony, satire.

The play-tale by S. Mikhalkov “The Bunny-Knower” (1951) has firmly entered the repertoire for preschoolers. One of the favorite books of the kids was a fairy tale based on the English original "The Three Little Pigs" (1936). The long success of these works is largely due to a clear ethical idea, free from ideological normativity.

Starting from 1953 and until the end of the 80s, Sergei Mikhalkov wrote many satirical plays for adults, including those based on the works of Saltykov-Shchedrin, Dostoevsky, Shukshin.

S. Mikhalkov always emphasized that he was primarily a children's poet. In his adult lyrics, collected in the only collection "Three Winds" (1985), intonations sound close to the artistically perfect "Svetlana" - restrained, sincere, alien to prettiness or false pathos.

In poems for children, Mikhalkov placed more and more emphasis on poetic journalism (the poems “Conversation with my son”, “I serve the Soviet Union”, “In the Museum of V.I. Lenin”, “In the homeland of V.I. Lenin”, “There is such an America ..." and etc.). If in the children's journalism of the war years the poet resorted to the form of a poetic essay with many specific details (for example, "Fascist package", "Pioneer package"), then later he abandoned such proven techniques that work flawlessly in a children's audience. Without allegories or metaphors, in a common language for an adult and a child, he declared his civic position. For example, in the poem "Be Prepared":

Yes! Dare to call backward That great country That went through the war, Experienced so many disasters, Conquered the virgin lands, And now it has become such, That it almost reached the stars Before the flight to the moon! ..

The images of the country, of the Soviet people are summarized in a poster-style, monumental. The "country-teenager", once glorified by Mayakovsky, in Mikhalkov's poems grew stronger, matured, became the world power of socialism. The motives of young joy, paths, roads, characteristic of his poetry of the 30s, in the 60s and 70s were replaced by motives of historical glory, sovereign pride.

Sergei Mikhalkov is also known as a translator of the classics of children's poetry - the Bulgarian A. Bosev, the Jew L. Kvitko, the Pole Yu. Tuvim. He has translations from Ukrainian, Czech, French. Choosing poets close to himself in spirit, he proceeded from his own impression of the original source, so the translations give the impression of original, Mikhalkov's works.

Mikhalkov is closely connected with the domestic cinema and television. Since 1938 (from the text to the cartoon "It's hot in Africa"), more than thirty cartoons, feature films and television films have been staged according to Mikhalkov's scripts, including "Front-line girlfriends" (co-authored with M. Rozenberg, 1940), "They is the Motherland” (1949), “Committee of 19” and “Residence Permit” (co-authored with A. Shlepyanov, 1972).

Back in the early 1950s, S. Mikhalkov spoke of the enormous new needs of society associated with the advent of television. Since 1962, the satirical newsreel "Wick" began to appear, the idea of ​​which belongs to Mikhalkov; he was its chief editor for many years. The new form of satirical journalism he found was able to quickly influence the bureaucratic apparatus. The younger brother of "Wick" - "Yeralash" (scriptwriter A. Khmelik) has become one of the favorite shows not only for children, but also for adults.

“Russian literature of the 20th century was created in Soviet Russia and, in its best examples, crossed the borders of all countries. This literature was created by Soviet writers,” Mikhalkov emphasizes in the book “I Was a Soviet Writer”.

Boris Vladimirovich Zakhoder

BV Zakhoder (1918 - 2000) is known as a children's poet and translator of foreign literature. His path to children's literature lay through his passion for zoology (he studied at the biological faculties of Moscow and Kazan universities) and through two wars - the Finnish and the Great Patriotic War. After graduating with honors in 1946 from the M. Gorky Literary Institute, in 1947 Zakhoder published his first poem for children - "Sea Battle". In the same year, a collection of his translations was published: “The letter “I”. Merry Poems of Polish Poets. Already from the first publications, it became clear that Zakhoder is a poet with a stormy temperament and a special, playful attitude to the Word; that he does not recognize dull intonations, serious reasoning. "Merry Poems" - this is the only way to call his poetic work.

Zakhoder published for a long time in Murzilka and Pionerskaya Pravda, but did not publish books. Finally, collections of his poems and translations began to appear one after another: “On the Back Desk” (1955), “Martyshkino Tomorrow” (1956), “Nobody and Others” (1958), “Who Looks Like Whom” (1960), “To Comrades Children" (1966), "School for Chicks" (1970), "Reckoning" (1979), "My Imagination" (1980), etc.

“The animals, birds and fish that densely populated the poetic world of Zakhoder are divided into those that are known to absolutely everyone, those who are known only by the readers of Grzimek and Darrell (okapi, coati, Surinamese pipa), and those who can only be found in Zakhoder , in his patrimony, in Imagination, ”critic St. Rassadin. Zakhoder in his cycle of poems "Fuzzy alphabet" (for the first time under the title "About furry and feathered", 1966) takes a walk with children around the zoo; the plot of the cycle is old - it was used by both Mayakovsky and Marshak. His zoo is also the alphabet of human vices: almost every animal, by association, is associated with some kind of human type. For example, a wild boar is “wild and vicious”, a snake is stupid and unkind (“little brain, a lot of poison”), a parrot is stupid ... Only the echidna evokes sympathy from the author:

This little animal is quite harmless, True, her appearance is unenviable. People called the poor thing - "EKHIDNA". People, change your mind! Shame on you?!

The images of animals are created by Zakhoder differently than the images-allegories familiar to everyone in fables: one or another quality is assigned to the animal at the moment of acquaintance with it, while the character of the allegorical character is assigned to it by tradition. The spontaneity of thinking is what distinguishes the poet Zakhoder. Associations, puns, shifters, logic games are born as if on the run and freeze in verses:

Under him, not feeling his feet, A frisky rapunok jumps.

This mysterious jumper ( distant relative either Ershov’s Humpbacked Horse, or a mythological beast) traces his lineage from Pushkin’s line: “And the poor slave died at his feet ...” (“Anchar”). In the speech memory of the child, the poor little "rapunka" dies; and there are also “big rats” (they “sleep quietly and dream”).

The word game is the basis of fairy tale fiction in Zakhoder's work - not only in poetry, but also in prose and in translations. IN "My Imagination" (1978; this is the name of the poetic cycle) inhabited by the mysterious Kavot and Kamut, the Stranger (from "Flies-Tsokotukha" - "I want to marry you"), Mnim, Southern Ktototam. Due to a typo in the words, Kit and Cat switch places. Playing with homonymous words, the poet performs miracles: the evil Spinning Top (from a lullaby) turns into a clockwork toy “top” and is no longer scary; a living hedgehog turns into a brush hedgehog.

Whirlwind rushes under water

Young tadpole.

And behind him - five more,

And behind him - a continuous stream ...

The tempo of the verse and the intensity of the action make one remember Chukovsky, in whom everyone is also running, jumping, solving important issues on the go. More often than others, Chukovsky’s comic zoology from the fairy tales “The Fly-Tsokotukha” and “The Stolen Sun” with their transparent overtones, light allegorism (“A grasshopper, and a grasshopper - / Well, just like a little man ...”) is recalled.

However, unlike Chukovsky, Zakhoder attached great importance to the cognitive side of the work. He acts as an animal poet, telling entertaining stories about animals, entering into dialogues with them. For example, the cycle "Pipa Surinamskaya and Other Outlandish Animals" (1975) is devoted not to fabulous, but to quite real zoology. Morality is present in these works, but its didacticism is dissolved in a joke, a game.

The influence of Mayakovsky (especially his poems for children) is quite noticeable in Zakhoder's poems. This can be traced not only in poetics, close to propaganda verses, but above all in the interest in social life. The hero of Zakhoder, whether a person or an animal, is considered primarily in relation to his social functions and qualities. That is why the epic of human society shines through Zakhoder's zoological epic.

Zakhoder calls folk art the main model for the poet: “A fairy tale is the genotype, the gene pool of literature, it has everything. Folklore is evidence of the unity of the human race. Following the laws of oral folk art, the poet does not immediately write down a new poem, but recalls it many times; each time something changes, the word becomes denser in a line, and the poem is finally molded into a finished form. According to Zakhoder, the form can be very simple - the complexity of the content lies in the depths of the verse. A poem is like a beautiful lattice: its intricacies can be looked at for a long time, but a piece of simple metal is infinitely more complicated than this lattice, and if you start to study it, you will come to the secrets of the micro- and macrocosm. Poems should not be analyzed, disassembled into components, the poet says, they just need to be loved, and therefore understood. The reader will hear the poet more easily if he has his own stock of thoughts, feelings, and also poetry.

B. Zakhoder uses the entire palette of the comic - from gentle humor to irony and satire - mixing them in all possible proportions. His laugh always sounds healthy and cheerful. In addition, speech on behalf of a child imparts the energy of children's optimism to the poetic narrative, and looseness to the imagination.

Of course, among the heroes of Zakhoder, not only animals. There is a cycle of poems about schoolchildren - "On the back desk" (1965). Already by the name one can judge those who arouse the author's sympathy: on the back desk are mischievous people with a kind heart and a lively mind.

The prose tales of B. Zakhoder of the 60-70s (“The Little Mermaid”, “The Gray Star”, “The Hermit and the Rose”, “The Tale of Everything in the World”, “Once Upon a Time Fip”, etc.) entered the cycle under the meaningful name "Fairy Tales for People". Taking as a basis a scientific fact from zoology, the writer brought it under the moral, i.e. human, generalization (for example, the symbiosis of sea anemone and hermit crab is interpreted as a manifestation of a long friendly affection).

Folklore also reveals itself in prose tales. So, "Rusachok" (1966) - a tale about the transformations of the Tadpole into a Frog and the Hare into an adult Hare - built as a typical folk tale with a chain composition and framing.

No less noticeable is the literary, bookish beginning associated with the work of Rudyard Kipling. For example, a fairy tale "Grey Star" (1963) is built in the Kipling style, i.e. with a system of heroes, which includes a small listener of a fairy tale. Hedgehog-son now and then interrupts his father with questions, in a hurry to find out everything as quickly as possible. And Papa the Hedgehog slowly tells a tale about a “kind, good and useful” toad with radiant eyes, a favorite of flowers and the Learned Starling. Only scientific reliability in describing the life of the garden is not enough for the writer - and he switches his main attention to the moral problem. It is important for him to convince the reader that there are no ugly animals - each is beautiful in its own way; that there are no useless ones - there are pests, which are also beautiful in their own way. It is important for a person to know that he is loved, and the animal worries about whether others will consider him "useful" (the little Hedgehog asks an intimate question: "Dad, are we ... useful?"). "The Gray Star" can also be compared with "The Tale of the Toad and the Rose" by V. Garshin.

In the preface to Tales for People, Zakhoder wrote that these tales are told by the animals themselves: “To all people, both adults and children. After all, animals have great respect for people, they believe that they are stronger and smarter than everyone in the world. And they want people to treat them well. To be kinder to them. And they hope that when people get to know them better, they will become kinder to them, it is then that the animals tell about their lives, about their joys and sorrows, about their fun adventures ... "Ecology and morality are combined in Zakhoder's worldview.

Translations (more precisely, retellings) brought Zakhoder, perhaps, the greatest fame. Children for several generations have been reading in his retelling of the fairy tales by A. Milne "Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All" (1960), P. Travers "Mary Poppins" (1968), J. Barry "Peter Pan, or the Boy Who Doesn't Wanted to Grow Up" (1971), L. Carroll's "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" (1972; for this work the translator was awarded the international prize named after X. K. Andersen), the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm "The Daring Little Tailor", "Grandmother Blizzard", " The Bremen Town Musicians" and many other works of children's world literature.

Emphasizing that he is writing a retelling, Zakhoder reserves the right to free circulation with the original. It is interesting for adult readers to compare the text of Zakhoder's "Winnie the Pooh" with a more strict, "scientific" translation by T. Mikhailova and V. Rudnev or Zakhoder's "Alice" with the academic translation of N. Demurova.

Some of his fairy tales and retellings Zakhoder remade into plays for children's theaters. These are Rostik in the Dark Forest (1976), Mary Poppins (co-authored with V. Klimovsky, 1976), Thumbelina's Wings (co-authored with V. Klimovsky, 1978), Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1982 ). B. Zakhoder is the author of the libretto of the opera Lopushok at Lukomorye (1977) and the musical Winnie the Pooh Again. He wrote several plays for the puppet theater: "Very smart toys" (1976), "The Little Mermaid" (1977), "A song about everyone in the world" (1982). According to his scripts, the cartoons “Once Upon a Time Fip”, “Tari the Bird”, “Fantik”, “Topchumba”, etc. were filmed. B. Zakhoder also wrote poems for adult readers.

Yakov Lazarevich Akim

Ya.L. Akim was born in 1923. He is known as a translator, poet and prose writer, writing mainly for children. Ya. Akim began to compose poetry relatively late - after the war, when his daughter was born; one of his best poems, "The First Snow", is dedicated to her. In 1954, the first collection of his poems for children, Always Ready!, was published.

The source of the poet's work are memories of childhood, of his native city of Galich:

I was born on a green street, In a wooden, quiet town, -

he writes in the poem "Street". The image of the Russian province is in many respects similar for him to the image of childhood: after all, childhood is also a kind of “province” in relation to the adult world. Childhood - the small homeland of every person - is the main theme of Akim's poems.

A city, a country, a “garden planet” are alive primarily by children. Agreeing with the French writer A. de Saint-Exupery (the fairy tale "The Little Prince"), Akim displays the motto of an ideal society in the poem "Rain on the Square":

The world should be ruled by Wise children.

He himself, reflected in his lyrical hero, feels and thinks like a child, although with the experience of an adult. At the same time, there is no infantilism in it - neither real nor feigned.

Ya. Akim often refers to the plots and motifs of well-known poems in order to show his skills in a kind of correspondence competition. Here he, for example, competes with Marshak in the image of a ball game. Marshak, to the rhythm of the game, folded the poem “Ball”: “I / You / Palm / Clapped. / You galloped / And loudly / Stomped. Akim in the poem "Little Mike" conveys the rhythm of more complex exercises with the ball; if Marshak created the image of the game itself, then Akim created the image of a playing girl:

Clap your hands - And caught. Circled - And caught. Through the leg - And caught.

Note that V. Berestov also succeeded in the poetic ball game started by Marshak (the poem "Girl with a ball").

There are traces of Chukovsky's "Fedorin's grief" in Akim's poem "Doors", traces of "What do you have?" Mikhalkov - in the poem "Our House". The plots of the school “little comedies”, which A. Barto loved so much, were replenished with such poems by Y. Akim as “There is a student in our class ...”, “Ten by twelve”, “Mitya's holidays”. Mayakovsky's "Tuchkin things" were continued in the poems "Noon" and "Clouds" (the hero observes the metamorphoses of clouds and concludes: "I turned the sky over, / I almost drowned in the sky").

By the roll call with these poets, one can determine the breadth of the author's literary tastes. He appreciates the rare metaphors and rhymes of Mayakovsky and the strict writing of Mikhalkov, the play and fantasy of Marshak and Chukovsky, and the "realism" of Barto. At the same time, Akim's own poetic voice sounds quite distinct and is well distinguishable by the special intimacy of feelings, images and motives. His muse is quiet. As if the poet only cares about what lies in the recesses of memory, what happens in the depths of the soul - where childhood still lasts. Hence the psychologism of his works.

Children's poems are written in the first person. Their hero is a child, as the poet remembers himself as a child. The hero is a little shy, sentimental, he is generous with tenderness and stingy with loud declarations. The family for him is the first area where you can declare your love without hiding (poems “Mom”, “My brother Misha”, “My homeland”). Any external phenomenon exists only as a picture reflected in the soul of the hero. He speaks as if not aloud, but to himself. Each poem sounds like an internal monologue or a quiet conversation with a single friend. Akim is looking for a friend in the reader who knows how to listen and empathize. A friend can be trusted with joy, sadness, and doubt. You can talk about something very personal. For example, about horses - his cherished dream. They embody childhood itself. In the poem "Street" the center of childhood memories is precisely the horses - and the driver, who, perhaps, will let the boy hold the reins. In another poem, "The Bridle", to his sick son, who was raving about a horse, the father brings a bridle - "rawhide, with a notch, / And a smelly belt" - and the son immediately feels better. The hero's favorite toy is a horse on wheels ("My Horse"). The sonorous joy of children is also associated with the image of a horse:

Apples-brooms, I'm having fun, I'm having fun, I'm riding a horse!

Due to the saturation of the poems with psychological content, the plot action of Y. Akim is weakened. It is replaced by a vivid emotion, reinforced by repetition, a play on words and rhymes, an unexpected change in emotional state. So, in the poem “Merry to me”, pure, so understandable in a child, joy is suddenly replaced by obscure anxiety, and the same “apples and brooms”, invented in a moment of fun, convey a different mood:

Broom apples, my horse is tired, my horse is tired

And stop jumping

Apples-brooms, Where is the watering place? Where is the spring water?

Psychologically, it is so understandable why, after a long journey to a friend, the hero suddenly freezes on the threshold of the house: “A friend came out, / And I am silent.” Poem "Friend" it was written after the war - as a letter to Timur Gaidar; it got into print and then was published many times for children.

The subtext, the "second layer" of content, is found in any poem by Akim. The reason for its creation is not the subject, but the strong emotion associated with it, and therefore the description does not become boring, the words fit tightly into the line, the rhymes help each other - and the whole poem comes out truthful and whole.

The apple is ripe, red, sweet, the apple is crisp, with smooth skin. I'll split an apple in half, I'll split an apple with my friend.

Ya. Akim is able to see the phenomenon enlarged, especially if this phenomenon is positive. He singles out what the children pay attention to, and, as it were, “misses”, excludes the uninteresting and ugly from the field of view, therefore, in his poems, an atmosphere of joy most often reigns. However, sadness is a beautiful feeling, and the poet gives it its due.

In one of the conversations with the critic V. Aleksandrov, the poet spoke about his creative principles: “In order for children's poems to sink into the soul, they must also have some second layer. And in order for it to be, an internal reason is needed: grief, love, joy, sadness. And then it sprouts in children... Festiveness, playful rhythm, an interesting plot move have been and remain important components of poetry for little ones. Important, but not self-sufficient. Of paramount importance is the author's personality, its most complete and talented identification.

In a little poem "Clumsy" (1956), the poet found another way of allegorical moralizing for kids. The postman walks around the apartments and looks for the clumsy child to whom the letter is addressed. Children, taken by surprise by the postman, immediately set to work. So, episode by episode, the game develops, and, of course, the kid-listener is anxiously waiting for the turn to answer the postman. “Numeyka” is an example of a work for children in which feedback instantly arises: the kid and the poet play an interesting and useful game.

Akimov's poems are easily recognizable by their sound: the poet loves playful, in the spirit of folk poetry, rhythm interruptions, the last line is stressed, in his poems there are frequent assonances and alliterations.

Over time, Ya. Akim switched to "harsh prose" (Pushkin's expression). The prose tale "Dragonfly and Lemonade" appeared first. It was followed by a fairy tale "Tak-Tak Teacher and His Colorful School" (1968) - and immediately found a wide audience of young readers. According to the author, the second tale was based on memories of his father, who died in 1942: “I loved my father so much that for a long time I could not write a single line about him. This is what happens when you lose someone very close to you. Perhaps for the first time I spoke a little about my father in the story-tale "Teacher So-So ...". Akim gave complete freedom to fantasy and dream here. He “built” an ideal school and appointed a hero with the mind of an adult and the soul of a child as a teacher in it, giving him the name So-Tak (his father’s favorite proverb). The image of the teacher was born of nostalgia for the 60s with their ideal romantic pathos. Also noteworthy is the appearance in the very first chapters of a character beloved by Akim - a horse; there is even something like a rite of passage: the first boy-apprentice "took the reins from the teacher's hands." The ideal school should also be built differently from the usual one. First of all, So-Tak encloses a green lawn with a red ribbon and blows off all the dandelions. This school is being built from multi-colored singing bricks according to the project of children: it will look like a ship and a carousel. They study at school the main science - "to be a man", i.e. understand everyone around you. Every lesson in this school is necessary for life, and the teaching itself is real life.






March 13 - the birthday of the famous poet, writer, fabulist Mikhalkov Sergey Vladimirovich, who gave us all the famous hero Uncle Styopa.

When designing the page, materials from the magazines "PRIMARY SCHOOL" No. 3, 2003, "Why and Why" No. 11-12, 2000, No. 5-6, 2002, Russian Children's Encyclopedia of Riddles.


(March 13, 1913 - August 27, 2009)

We know a lot of verses
We respect Uncle Styopa.
And we are not afraid of vaccinations -
We strive to be healthy
Let's sing a song of friends.
We live great!


The nose is round, patchy,
It is convenient for them to dig in the ground,
Small crochet tail
Instead of shoes - hooves.
Three of them - and to what
The brothers are friendly.
Guess without a clue
Who are the heroes, what kind of fairy tale?

Oink oink oink -
What three brothers
No more fear of the wolf
Because that beast of prey
Will not destroy a brick house

What are the pig brothers' names?


1. [Poems for children dedicated to S.V. Mikhalkov]// Children's literature. - 1998. - No. 3. - S. 96-97.
2. Adonina E.V. A poet from the country of childhood: [a lesson-journey through the works of S.V. Mikhalkov] / E. V. Adonina // Primary School. - 2003. - No. 3. - S. 28-31.
3. Alekseeva I. V. Through the pages of S.V. Mikhalkova: [script of the lesson with elements of theatricalization] / I. V. Alekseeva // Elementary School. - 2003. - No. 3. - S. 53-54.
4. Biryukova L.P. Favorite children's books creator: [script of a library holiday dedicated to S.V. Mikhalkov] / L.P. Biryukova // Primary school. - 2003. - No. 3. - S. 39-44, 46-47.
5. Brazyul G.V. Theatrical performance "What a company!" : [literary games based on the work of S. V. Mikhalkov] / G. V. Brazyul // Pedagogical Council. - 2003. - No. 8. - S. 3-5.
6. Fun day with Sergei Mikhalkov: [literary holiday for 1st grade students] // We read, study, play. - 1998. - No. 8. - S. 123-124.
7. Dyrina S. Crossword "Professions" (based on the works of S.V. Mikhalkov). Crossword "Animals (based on the works of S.V. Mikhalkov) / S. Dyrin // Elementary School. - 2003. - March (No. 9). - P. 4, 13.
8. Zurabova K. It was in the evening: [a matinee based on the poems of S. Mikhalkov] / K. Zurabova // Preschool education. - 2003. - No. 3. - S. 70-74.
9.Kazantseva S. V. Strong, brave uncle Styopa and other characters: [literary matinee about S.V. Mikhalkov and his works] / S.V. Kazantseva // Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2009 . - No. 8.- S. 10-12.
10. Koromyslova S.P. Kind and cheerful Sergey Mikhalkov: [library lesson in grade 3] / S. P. Koromyslova // Primary school. - 2003. - No. 3. - S. 32-34.
11. Crosswords based on the works of S.V. Mikhalkov// Primary School. - 2003. - No. 3. - S. 48-50.
12. Lezhneva O.S. Kind and cheerful talent: [literary event on the work of S.V. Mikhalkov] / O. S. Lezhneva // Leisure at school. - 2002. - No. 4. - S. 9-10.
13. Martemyanova T.G. Education by the art of the word: [material for conversations about the works of S.V. Mikhalkov, quiz] / T. G. Martemyanova // Primary school. - 2003. - No. 3. - S. 22-27.
14. Martynova V.S. We are going, we are going, we are going ...: [scenario of the holiday dedicated to S.V. Mikhalkov] / V. S. Martynova // Primary school. - 2003. - No. 3. - S. 35-36.
15. Nasibova B.A. Best friend of the guys: [script of the holiday dedicated to S.V. Mikhalkov] / B. A. Nasibova // Primary school. - 2003. - No. 3. - S. 37-38.
16. Ovsyannikova I.N. Feast of Disobedience: [methodological development of an extracurricular reading lesson based on the story-tale by S.V. Mikhalkov "The Feast of Disobedience"] / I. N. Ovsyannikova // Primary School. - 2003. - No. 3. - S. 50-51.
17. Samkova N.S. We read a poem by S.V. Mikhalkov "Foma" / N. S. Samkova // Primary school. - 2003. - No. 3. - S. 52.
18.Sokolova O. The life and work of Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov: [methodological development of a lesson dedicated to S.V. Mikhalkov] / O. Sokolova // Primary school. - 2002. - November (No. 47). - Tab. - S. 12-13.
19. Tukhvatulina V.M. Visiting Mikhalkov: [a lesson scenario with the participation of parents and children] / V. M. Tukhvatulina // Elementary School. - 2003. - No. 3. - S. 55-57.
20. Tsarenko L. The Three Little Pigs: [scenario of a theatrical performance based on the fairy tale by S. V. Mikhalkov] / L. Tsarenko // Preschool education. - 1998. - No. 8. - S. 14-17.
21. Tsarenko L. Three little pigs: based on the fairy tale by S. V. Mikhalkov: [performance] / L. Tsarenko // I enter the world of art. - 2002. - No. 2. - S. 75-80.
22. Shipovskaya N."Uncle Styopa - 68, Mikhalkov - 90!" : [questions for games, puzzle, contests] / N. Shipovskaya // Elementary School. - 2003. - March (No. 9). - S. 4, 13.

library poster on the shelf

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"Uncle Styopa" (archive - 695 kb)

"Three piglets"
(archive - 747 kb.)


"Poems by Sergei Mikhalkov": a quiz for younger students. The program counts the number of correct answers and the time spent on the game.
Archive - 2 mb.

"Merry company of Sergei Mikhalkov": PowerPoint-2003 quiz on poems and poem "Uncle Styopa". Archive - 4.1 mb.

"Uncle Styopa's Quiz": quiz PowerPoint-2007 based on the poem "Uncle Styopa". Archive - 2.3 mb.


Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov
Vyacheslav Dulikov

A magician walks through Moscow
Spring sunny morning
Tall and unbowed
Like all wizards, wise.

He goes, and towards him -
Passers-by kind faces ...
Smile, murmuring speech
The capital meets him...

Poet and fabulist
satirist chronicler,
Creator of fairy tales and anthem,
What in the souls sounded inviting ...

Comes from the Rostov House,
Along the lanes to the Arbat,
Looks a little harsh
Rough and angular.

And someone will say quietly: -
Yes, this is Uncle Styopa,
Such famously - not famously,
Europe is so small...

He comes from childhood, like us,
Where do we go from childhood ...
For all dear interlocutor,
After all, he is a magician!

Even if you go halfway around the world,
You'll get around, you'll get around
You won't find a better home
You won't find it, you won't find it!

I have a good house.
New home, solid home,
I'm not afraid of rain and thunder
Rain and thunder, rain and thunder!

Of course, I'm smarter than everyone
Smarter than everyone, smarter than everyone!
I build a house from stones
From stones, from stones!

No animal in the world
Won't break through that door
Through this door, through this door!

We are not afraid of the gray wolf,
Gray wolf, gray wolf!
Where do you go, stupid wolf,
Old wolf, dire wolf?

No animal in the world
Cunning beast, terrible beast,
Won't open this door
This door, this door!

The wolf from the forest never
Never never
Won't come back to us here
To us here, to us here!

1 . Of the regional giants
The most important giant
By last name _______ (?),
And named Stepan.

What was Uncle Styopa's last name?

2. Uncle Styopa was walking from work -
It was visible from a mile away.
Respected Uncle Styopa
For this height.

What nicknames did the children give Uncle Styopa for his tall stature?

3. Famously measured steps
Two big legs...

What size shoes did Uncle Styopa buy for himself?

4. I'll tell you a secret
That I serve in the police
Because this service
I find it very important!

Who served in the police Uncle Styopa?

5. He walks around the area
From yard to yard.
And again he has epaulets on him,
With pistol holster.

In which military rank did Uncle Styopa serve?

6. Strong bold and serious,
He achieved his dream
In the study they gave a star,
In the conquest of heights.
To complete a task
On a rocket ship
Unearthly trials
He passed on Earth.

Who from the Stepanov family became an astronaut?

- I decided to build from stones,
I want my house to be strong.

Yes, it's long - made of stones,
Weave from the branches, so quickly!

And I'm a straw hut
In three hours I will put it to anyone.

Determine who owns these words.


The wolf argued with the fox
At the edge of a pine tree:
"Naf-Naf built the first house,
And then Nuf-Nuf - the second."
But in response, the fox nervously:
"Listen, Gray, you're wrong.
Nif-Nif built the house first,
And the second - just Naf-Naf!".

The eagle owl said: "In a tricky dispute
I don't want flattery
But you definitely
There is one mistake."
Understand the dispute
Help them quickly:
Who built the first house
Who is third and who is second?


Mikhalkov's works occupy a prominent place in Soviet and Russian literature. His poems, children's poems, fables, plays, film scripts and, finally, the words to three hymns deservedly brought him all-Union and all-Russian fame and fame.

short biography

Mikhalkov Sergei Vladimirovich was born in 1913 in Moscow into a family descended from an old noble family. His childhood passed in The boy received an excellent education at home. Already in early childhood, he became interested in literature and poetry. As a child, he began to write poetry. He wrote his first poem when he was only nine years old.

After some time, the family moved to the Stavropol Territory. In the late 1920s, he began publishing in local newspapers. Then he moved to Moscow, where he was forced to do physical work for some time. However, he never abandoned his studies in poetry. The young poet became famous throughout the country in 1935, when his poem "Uncle Styopa" was published. This was followed by the release of a collection of poems, which strengthened his fame. During the war years, he worked at the same time wrote the anthem. After the victory, he continued to publish his works, was engaged in active social activities, founded the Wick magazine. played an important role in the development of domestic literature, drama, poetry. The famous poet died in 2009.

Early writings

The first poems of the poet immediately attracted attention. The father noticed his son's talent and somehow showed his poems to the poet A. Bezymensky, who approved the young man's first experiments. One of the author's first works is called "The Road", in which he demonstrated his mastery of rhyme and language.

Mikhalkov's works are distinguished by brevity, conciseness and unusual expressiveness, largely due to the fact that the poet wrote in the best traditions of Russian art from childhood. classical literature. He grew up on Pushkin's poems and Krylov's fables, on the works of Mayakovsky and Yesenin. It is not surprising, therefore, that even his first literary experiments were very successful. Since 1933, his works have been regularly published in leading domestic magazines. One of the most famous works of this period is the poem "Svetlana".


Mikhalkov's works were very popular and loved by readers even before his most famous children's poem was published. The glory of the children's writer was strengthened by the success of a new composition - the poem "Three Citizens", which he wrote during his participation in the competition for the best pioneer song.

After that, the author decided to try himself in a different genre and set about creating his own, probably most famous work - the poem "Uncle Styopa". The image of a kind, simple-minded giant, who is ready to help at any time, immediately gained all-Union love.

It took the poet several decades to create the famous tetralogy. After the war, the poem "Uncle Styopa is a policeman" and two others were published. In them, the main character, remaining the same good-natured giant, gradually became more lyrical. Particularly touching, perhaps, is the part "Uncle Styopa and Yegor", in which the poet introduced the image of the protagonist's son.

Other writings

Mikhalkov's works became popular largely due to their optimism, lively and cheerful language, as well as deep worldly wisdom. In the pre-war period, another of his famous poems “What about you?” Was published, which resembles a counting rhyme in form, but nevertheless is imbued with a serious philosophical meaning and sound.

One more characteristic feature Mikhalkov's creativity is that he often created heroes who could not always be a role model. On the contrary, quite often, in the images of his characters, he ridiculed the shortcomings that are inherent in children: laziness, effeminacy, rudeness, boasting. Many of his phrases turned out to be so well-aimed and witty that they turned into a proverb. His rhyme is extremely simple and is remembered literally from the first time (for example, his famous "Song of Friends", which is probably known to every child).

Works of the war years

During the war years, the poet worked as a correspondent, he visited many front lines, received a number of high awards for bravery. His military lyrics, like the works of Tvardovsky, are distinguished by their simplicity and light language, reminiscent of folk songs, which immediately made it popular. Among the works of this period are, for example, the poems "A soldier lies behind the huts ...", "Letter home" and others. It is noteworthy that it is this poet who owns the epitaph on

Fables, plays, scripts

In the mid-1940s, Mikhalkov, on the advice of the writer Tolstoy, decided to try his hand at a new genre - writing fables (he had loved Krylov since childhood). His first works in this genre were big success. In total, he wrote about two hundred fables, which were included in the golden fund of Russian literature. The poet also wrote the script for some famous Soviet films, one of the most significant is the comedy Three Plus Two, based on his play.

A feature of the poet's work is that he was able to express very serious and deep thoughts in the most accessible form, while entertaining and teaching. Such, for example, is his poem "Sasha's porridge."

Mikhalkov's books are still sold in huge numbers in our country.