How to preserve roses for a long time. How to keep cut roses in a vase fresh for the longest time

  • 13.06.2019

My husband always gives me my favorite flowers for my birthday – roses. I simply adore them, and it always becomes sad when the bouquet quickly fades. Tell me how to care for roses in a vase with water to prolong their life as long as possible? The only thing I know from my mother is that you need to put aspirin in the water.

The gorgeous beauty of roses has only one drawback - they quickly fade, especially after cutting. However, through trial and error, connoisseurs of these wonderful flowers have invented several tricks that will help maintain the freshness of the bouquet for two weeks, or even more.

What are these tricky tips and how to care for roses in a vase of water? There is nothing particularly complicated about this, and everything you need is always at hand in the kitchen or in your home medicine cabinet. So, to prevent roses from wilting very quickly, you need to properly prepare:

  • flowers to be moved into a vase;
  • vase;
  • water.

In addition, the place where the vase will stand is also important, but first things first.

How to prepare flowers?

Most of us are in a hurry to immediately put the bouquet in a vase, thinking that in this way we will save the roses from withering. There is some truth in this, but it is worth considering that the roses for the bouquet were cut quite a long time ago and had already been without water for some time before they got into the house. Therefore, it is important to restore the water balance by “soldering” the flowers.

To do this, they should be placed in a deep bucket or placed in a bath of water for three hours, completely immersing the stems and leaves, but leaving the buds themselves on top.

At the same time, while the shoots are under water, you need to cut them at an angle and slightly split the tip of the stem, which will allow you to get rid of air jams and will improve water absorption by roses. The procedure must be carried out under water, otherwise air will again enter the capillaries.

An oblique cut is necessary so that the stem does not stick its blunt end into the bottom of the vase, blocking the access of liquid.

When the roses get drunk, take them out of the water and tear them all off lower leaves, which can come into contact with water directly in the vase.

Which vase is better to use?

For the bouquet, you should choose a vase whose height will correspond to the height of the flowers, based on the fact that the stems must be immersed in water at least 2/3 of their length.

As for the material from which the vase is made, in practice it has been observed that bouquets in ceramic dishes last longer. The water in them does not deteriorate so quickly, since the walls of the vase do not allow light to pass through.

How to prepare water?

Depending on the season, water for the bouquet should be taken warm in winter, and cool in summer. It can even be ordinary tap water, but there are several nuances:

  • so that roses have the opportunity to receive nutrition from it, add a little sugar to the water (no more than 20 g per liter of liquid);
  • to disinfect and prevent the development of bacteria - put an aspirin tablet and pour in a little vinegar (1 tbsp).

Every day or at least every other day, the water must be changed, also updating the cuttings on the shoots.

In order for the bouquet to last a long time, and all the preparation not to be in vain, it is necessary to place the vase outside the area of ​​​​drafts and direct rays of the sun. You should also avoid the proximity of flowers to fruits - the ethylene they release contributes to the rapid withering of flowers.

Rose is a plant of unsurpassed beauty, deservedly considered the queen of flowers. Having received or bought a bouquet of roses as a gift, you want it to decorate your home for as long as possible. How to extend the life of roses in a vase with water? What can you do to keep cut roses in a vase fresh and fragrant for a long time?

So, in order for roses to last longer in a vase and delight others with their beauty, you need to adhere to certain simple rules for flowers at home.

As soon as you get home, do not rush to immediately put flowers in a vase with water. Roses will need a little time to adapt to the new living conditions. Leave the bouquet for 30–60 minutes on a flat horizontal surface.

To preserve cut roses longer, first carefully inspect the flowers in the bouquet. Fresh roses usually last longer in a vase. The freshness of a flower can be determined by the leaves adjacent to the buds: densely spaced leaves indicate that the plant was recently cut.

To make roses last longer in the room, you need to work with them a little. First, immerse them in a basin or bucket of water so that the buds are on the surface. After giving the plant a chance to “drink” well, renew the cut of each stem using a sharp knife or gardening scissors. Trim roses in water (about 1.5–2 cm) - this way you prevent air from entering the flower stems.

The cut should be oblique and split at the end. The next step is to cut off all the thorns and leaves that are covered with water in the vase. This procedure must be completed. Otherwise, the leaves begin to rot and bacteria enter the water, negatively affecting the condition and lifespan of the flower arrangement.

Water quality

  • distilled;
  • melt or rain;
  • settled or boiled.

Also don't forget about temperature conditions water used: for winter period Room temperature is fine, but in summer the water can be made a little cooler.

In order for roses to last a long time, it is necessary to update the water daily. Don't forget to renew the cut on the stem every time. You need to shorten the rose by approximately 1–1.5 cm.

Effective Supplements

What to add to water for roses? This question is often asked in stores with a large selection of flowers, but florists are not always willing to share their knowledge and experience.

When answering the question of how to keep roses in a vase longer, most gardeners recommend using effective additives. These can be either special preparations sold in flower shops and stores, or many different home remedies:

  • sugar;
  • lemon acid;
  • table vinegar;
  • aspirin;
  • alum.

Ammonia/medicinal alcohol, vodka, silver spoon, Coca-Cola and Sprite drinks popular among young people - all this can also be used to extend the life of bouquets. If you definitely see that chemicals were previously used to revive the plant, then feel free to add a few drops of any bleach to the vase.


What do you need or how can you do it to make roses last longer in your house? The next stage is choosing a place for the bouquet. A properly selected and organized place is a guarantee of the long life of your home rose garden. Store plants in a room with moderate humidity and average air temperature. There should be good air circulation in the room, but you should not place the vase near an open window or in a draft.

Avoid direct sunlight, as ultraviolet radiation negatively affects the condition of plants. The best option may be a window sill darkened with curtains. To preserve your roses longer, place them overnight in a bathtub filled with cold water. The buds must remain on the surface, because water that gets into them can trigger the beginning of the process of rotting of the flower.

How to keep freshly cut plants indoors longer? To do this, you need to choose the right vase. According to the recommendations of florists, the vase should not be transparent, but with darkened walls that do not allow sunlight to pass through.

Saving withered roses

So, we have already discussed how to keep roses in a vase for the longest time. However, what to do if the flowers begin to show the first signs of wilting? Have you noticed that the buds have tilted their heads, the leaves have begun to fall off or turn yellow? Your home rose garden needs emergency help. To better preserve the plants and bring them back to life, place them in a bath of cold water (at least 12-14 hours). In this case, each bud should be wrapped in cellophane film. This way you imitate a kind of home greenhouse.

If the above method does not help, you will have to apply drastic resuscitation measures. What can you do to make roses last longer if you notice the flowers beginning to wilt? Pour boiling water into a bowl and place the bouquet there. Leave the plants until the water cools completely. After this, renew the cut of the stems, remove the fading foliage, pour new water and place the flower arrangement in its original place.

How to care for roses in a vase? How to make roses last longer and pleasantly please the eye with their grace and subtle aroma? Now you can cope with this task on your own and the bouquet given or purchased will be a pleasant decoration for your home for 2-4 weeks.

Video “How to preserve roses in a vase”

From this video you will learn how to preserve flowers in a vase for a long time.

How long do cut roses last in your home? Three days? A week? In my house, fresh flowers last in a vase for 3-4 weeks, depending on their variety and freshness. Want to know how to keep roses in a vase for as long as possible? I'll tell you now.

First of all, you should prepare water for flowers. It must be clean and settled. If the liquid in your tap is far from ideal, you can use boiled, filtered, melted or distilled water.

As for temperature, this indicator depends on the season. In the warm season, cold or cool water is suitable, but in winter it is better to store flowers at room temperature. By the way, the vase must be clean. The presence of traces of past bouquets in it will lead to the fact that your beauties will wither in a couple of days.

It will be very good if you feed your roses with nutrients. To do this, add 30 g of sugar and 1 tablespoon of vinegar per 1 liter of water to the vase. In such a solution, plants will feel comfortable until microbes appear in it, which eventually appear in any liquid.

And here a recipe will come to our aid, successfully tested by many housewives who want to preserve fresh flowers for as long as possible. Just put a tablet of acetylsalicylic acid, or aspirin in common parlance, into the water, at the rate of half a tablet per 1 liter of water. This medicine will serve as an excellent disinfectant, which means you will be able to keep the flowers in their original condition for a long time. If there is no aspirin in the house, you can use borax, alum or citric acid, dissolving a pinch of one of these products in a liter of liquid. You can also disinfect water at home by adding a spoonful of ordinary vodka or jewel made of solid silver.

In the arsenal of florists there is also a more powerful means for extending flower life. If you are sure that the roses were grown or preserved using chemicals(for example, they were brought from abroad), you can safely add a little bleach to wash clothes instead of aspirin. And when purchasing from a large store, sellers will probably offer a product that allows you to keep flowers in a vase for the longest time. If you don't want to bother with folk ways, you can purchase it, dilute it according to the instructions and enjoy the freshness of your roses for several weeks.

Preparing flowers

When talking about how to keep roses in a vase for as long as possible, it is worth mentioning their pre-treatment. If you just put the bouquet in the water and forget, it won't last even a week. Therefore, roses should be carefully prepared for storing at home.

First of all, make sure that your bouquet is ready to sit in a vase for more than a few days. Only flowers bought fresh can be stored for a long time. To check this, look for the small green leaves under the flower heads. If they fit tightly to the buds, then the roses are fresh enough. But it’s definitely not worth buying specimens with wilting and drooping leaves.

Once you are sure that the roses are fresh, you can begin preparing them. If the bouquet was purchased in the cold season, do not immediately bring it into the apartment. Let the flowers sit for a while in the veranda or cool hallway, and only then begin to adapt them to room temperature. After the flowers get used to your microclimate, you can very carefully remove the wrapping from them so as not to damage the plants.

Before placing the bouquet in a vase, you need to soak it in water at room temperature. You can put the roses in the bath, but it is better to put them in a deep bucket, since if moisture gets on the flowers they will begin to rot.

After 2-3 hours, the flowers will be sufficiently saturated with water, and the optimal time will come for processing them. Without removing the roses from the bucket, directly under water, cut their stems at an acute angle and split the ends a little. This will allow the plants to absorb water better, which means they will stay fresh longer. Under no circumstances should you cut the stem directly, because the cut will rest against the bottom of the vase, and practically no water will flow into it, and this is a direct path to withering.

Then remove the thorns and leaves from the stems, which will be submerged in water. The fact is that these are the parts that begin to rot first. By removing them, you can be sure that the flowers will now last much longer. It is optimal to clear the stem of leaves by 2/3 of its length and select a vase of exactly this height for the bouquet.

By the way: if you buy a bouquet as a gift in advance and want the flowers to be guaranteed not to wilt the day before the celebration, cut the stems at an angle, keep them in water at room temperature for a couple of hours, and then hide them in the refrigerator. The next day you will be surprised at how fresh the roses will look. The fact is that storage at room temperature speeds up the metabolism in flowers, and they wither much faster.


  • Store roses in a cool place, away from sunlight.
  • It is best to keep flowers not in glass vases, but in ceramic ones, as they protect the stems from sunlight.
  • Avoid drafts in the storage area.
  • Do not place a vase of roses next to other flowers or fruits - this will speed up their withering.
  • Place roses away from exhaust fumes and smoking areas: these flowers do not tolerate such odors.
  • Do not place the bouquet near the radiator or stove.

Daily care

And now I’ll tell you the secret of how to preserve cut roses living in an apartment for as long as possible. First of all, it is necessary to change their water every 2 days (or better yet, every day!), again adding sugar, vinegar and aspirin or other antibacterial agents. In this case, the stems and the vase itself must be thoroughly washed under running water, and the cuts must be renewed regularly.

After each such procedure, it is correct to spray the flower itself with a spray bottle, but moisture should not get into the middle of the bud. Water for spraying must be settled or distilled. This procedure is best carried out in the evening, after which the bouquet should be wrapped in a plastic bag or paper. After spending the night in such a “bath,” the flowers will certainly delight you with a fresh look in the morning.

But what should you do if you see that the roses have begun to wither, and you really want them to last as long as possible? Place the bouquet in the bath, cover the top with film and let it soak in the water. The flowers should remain on the surface. If freshness has not returned to the plants, you can add a drop of ammonia to the water.

By following these simple tips, you will probably be able to extend the life of your cut flowers by at least 3 weeks, or even a whole month. By the way, I noticed long ago: if a bouquet is presented with soul and good intentions, it will last a very long time even without any tricks on your part.

Your brownie.

Keeping roses in a bouquet fresh for a long time.

The bloom of roses is beautiful and extraordinary. You don’t want a bouquet of roses to quickly wither. Now you will learn secrets that will help you keep your roses beautiful longer.

What varieties and types of roses last the longest?

To grow cut roses, you can plant any variety of roses. But it is advisable not to use climbing and branching varieties for this. Since this option does not look very beautiful in a bouquet.

Excellent for growing as a cut hybrid tea varieties. And there are several reasons for this:

  • Long stems from 70 to 160 cm, which in addition to being tall are also erect.
  • Large flowers in diameter - 10-15 cm

To enjoy beautiful flowering for as long as possible, it is important to consider:

  • Peduncle length – at least 30 cm
  • The duration that a flower retains during flowering (after all, there are varieties with flowering for no more than 2-3 days)
  • Continuity of flowering (so that you can get a harvest of beautiful buds at least twice a season)

In a bouquet they will look beautiful and last a long time:

  • Yellow "Sphinx" and burgundy "Prestige"
  • White with a soft light green tint “Avalanche” with “Peach Avalanche”, whose petals have a soft apricot tone

Monochromatic bouquets also look impressive:

  • Bouquet of powder-colored roses “Sweetness”
  • Marsala bouquet “Red desire”
  • Carrot color of roses "Cherry brandy"
  • Delicate white with pink petals inside “Mimi Eden”

Red desire

Mimi Eden

Also take into account the smell of roses, because not all varieties have it. Consider important nuances and create wonderful bouquets.

How to prune roses correctly so that they last longer in water?

So, we offer you a secret that you can enjoy for a long time. beautiful roses in a vase:

  • Tear off the leaves on the pagons to the level that you immerse in water. That is, everything that is in the water should be without leaves. This way the leaves will not decompose and destroy the rose.
  • Cut the stem diagonally holding a rose underwater. This way you will not let air into the cut and ensure a long life for the plant. You can lightly cut the cuts into several pieces to help the plant absorb liquid better.
  • The stems at the bottom must be trimmed. Since those stems that were not trimmed in time will stand at the bottom of the vessel and will not be able to absorb liquid. These roses will dry out quickly.

  • In winter, place the bouquet in water that is equal to room temperature, and in summer the water should be slightly cool.
  • In order to observe beautiful flowering longer, add sugar or vinegar to the water.
  • So that the flowers are not spoiled by rot, ideal option to add there will be aspirin, vodka or alum.
  • If you use chemicals to grow flowers, you can add a few drops of bleach to the water in the vase.
  • Do not place bouquets on the window. For a bouquet, a cool and dark place is desirable.
  • Every day you need to change the water and rinse the stems under running water. Spray the flowers with a spray bottle, but make sure that the liquid does not get inside the bud.

If you still wilted the bouquet, then resuscitate it can be done as follows:

  • Should update slices on each stem and place the flowers in water for 12 hours. Make sure that water does not get inside the bud. This needs to be done daily. An excellent option would be to leave the bouquet in water overnight.
  • Roses with updated cuts, place flowers into hot water. Yes, yes, you read it correctly, in the heat of the moment. So, as the liquid cools, you will see how the flower heads rise and come to life.

What water should you put roses in to make them last longer?

An important aspect that will help roses please the eye longer is the correct choice of water. It's actually not as simple as it seems. Not all roses will last long in any water.

  • A lot of roses reach the market by plane from different warm countries. A large proportion of flowers arrive from Africa. Therefore, it is important to immediately apply resuscitation measures for flowers. First of all, you need to leave them to soak for several hours.
  • Do not pour ice-cold water, but cool or room temperature, depending on the time of year.
  • Do not leave roses in water for more than a few hours. Because due to prolonged exposure to water, the process of rotting may begin.
  • It is not advisable to put roses in chlorinated water, since flowers have an extremely negative attitude towards such water. If there is no other option, then try to let the water settle before placing the bouquet in the vase.
  • Chlorine, of course, is an antibacterial component, so its presence in settled water has a positive effect in the fight against plant bacteria.
  • If the water is still without chlorine, then to obtain a disinfecting effect you need to throw aspirin into the vase at the rate of ½ tablet per 1 liter of water.
  • Sugar promotes longer lasting beauty and freshness of flowers. It should be added at the rate of 2 tsp per 1 liter of liquid.
  • Change the water every morning and do not forget to add the above components. At night, place the flowers in a bath of water, while protecting the buds from liquid.

Components that need to be added to water to preserve roses

Many centuries ago, avid flower growers added various available means to the water and kept flowers fresh for a long time. Modern flower growers use more innovative substances, but still previously proven means do not make the effect worse.

A great solution would be to delay the wilting process of roses using the following components (use per 1 liter of water):

  • Charcoal (a pinch of powder).
  • Ammonia or camphor alcohol (a few drops).
  • Sugar (2 tsp).
  • Aspirin (1 tablet)
  • Bleach (a few drops). Good to use for artificially bred plants.
  • Vinegar (1 tsp).
  • Alum (a pinch of powder).

But there is no need to use several additive options. This will only make things worse - contacting components can speed up the process of plants withering.

How to properly add aspirin to water to make roses last longer in it?

Aspirin is used as a drug that can weaken the decay process. It should be used in the amount of a tablet per 1 liter of water. When changing water daily, it is necessary to rinse the stems and make new cuts at a height of 1-2 cm from the previous one.

How to properly add vodka to water so that roses last longer and do not wilt?

Vodka is used for maintaining the freshness of flowers. To rejoice beautiful bouquet as long as possible, you just need to add a glass of vodka to a vase of water at room temperature.

Why and how to add sugar to a vase of roses?

Not only roses, but also other plants love sugar. To the bouquet lasted longer and remained fresh add a few spoons of granulated sugar to the vase. Consider how many liters of liquid fit into your vase. Since a couple of spoons of sugar need to be put in 1 liter of water.

At what temperature of water and air do roses last longer in a vase?

During hot weather, roses should be kept in cool, but not icy, water. In winter and cold autumn, the water should be at room temperature. No need to hold the roses to your will warm battery and in a stuffy room. The room temperature should be 19-22°C.

Why do roses in a vase quickly wither and wither?

Now we will look at the most common reasons that can lead to wilting of roses. Protect your flowers from these inconveniences and enjoy the fresh scent of roses:

  • Incorrect pruning or complete lack of pruning. Roses must be trimmed before being placed in a vase. And this should be done only in water for 1/3 of the length. Make the cut obliquely and split it from below into several parts.
  • Rotting. To eliminate the process of plant rotting, which will naturally affect the freshness of the flower, remove leaves and thorns to the level at which the rose is in the water. Change the water regularly.
  • Incorrect temperature. Ice water will cause roses to wilt quickly.

  • Unacceptable water composition. Unsettled, overly chlorinated water will definitely affect the freshness of the flowers. Therefore, water that sits in the room for a while is ideal for a bouquet.
  • Incorrectly selected vase. The vessel for the bouquet should be high. The stem should be 2/3 immersed in water.

  • Lack of nutrients. Remember that roses must be fed with sugar, aspirin and other ingredients mentioned above.
  • A stuffy room and bright light are extremely contraindicated for the queen of flowers. Therefore, place the vase with the bouquet in a relatively cool room with little light. Also protect roses from drafts.
  • Neighborhood. Roses cannot tolerate ethylene gas, which is produced by fruits. Therefore, do not keep flowers and fruit bowls nearby. Also, do not place roses in a vase with other flowers. After all, not even all varieties of roses are compatible, not to mention different categories of flowers.
  • Color. It is important to remember that roses that have dark petals last longer than their light comrades - be they yellow, white or powder-colored roses.

How long can roses last in water or in a vase?

If you properly care for the queen of flowers, she can please the eye for up to two weeks. The main thing is to add the previously mentioned components, leave the roses in water overnight and spray them frequently. Then a rose in gratitude will delight you day after day.

Bouquet of fresh roses Many people associate it with the image of a beautiful woman. This is luxury and grandeur, tenderness and beauty, gathered together. But, unfortunately, cut flowers fade very quickly. How to extend the life of roses and how to care for them? Read about this in our article.

A little history

The rose has been known to man since ancient times. She aroused sincere admiration among the ancient Greeks and Romans. Numerous legends, poems and songs were written about her in the Middle Ages. The monks grew various varieties of roses in their gardens. For many centuries, this flower has symbolized beauty, which is why it is compared to the image of women who were admired.

Gardeners selected specimens for gifts best views and puzzled over how to extend the life of roses after they were cut from the bush.

How to cut a rose correctly?

It depends on how long the roses will last in the vase. To do this, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • First, you need to inspect the flowers growing on the site and select stems whose buds will soon bloom and acquire a color that matches the given variety.
  • If you are attracted to densely double roses for cutting, you should look carefully and choose stems on which loose buds grow. They will bloom when they are placed in a vase with water, but tight ones will not, they will droop, and there will be no beauty from such a flower.
  • It is recommended to cut three stems from each bush, no more.
  • When cutting, the stems should not be deformed, otherwise the vessels that conduct moisture may be damaged.

  • For cutting, use pruning shears or a sharply sharpened garden knife.
  • It is better to cut roses early in the morning or late in the evening. At this time, plants contain a lot of moisture and nutrients necessary for nutrition.
  • It is good to cut roses in cloudy weather, but not in rainy weather, when a lot of moisture gets on the petals. This will quickly deteriorate them.

Preparing a cut rose

How you prepare a rose before placing it in a vase of water determines its lifespan. To extend it you need to do the following:

  • First, the packaging is removed from the flower or bouquet.
  • The stems are then placed in water for a couple of hours. You can use a bathtub or a large enamel bucket. This is necessary for the plant to absorb moisture. Water should not get on the flowers, otherwise they will rot.
  • The next step is trimming the stems. This is done with a disinfected knife without removing the stem from the water. This will prevent air from getting inside. The cutting angle must be sharp.

  • The part of the stem that will be immersed in water in the future must be cleared of thorns and leaves. This will prevent them from rotting.

How to prepare water for cut roses?

The quality of water largely determines how long flowers will last in a vase. It is important that cut roses last longer in the form in which they were placed in the vase. Therefore, the composition of water and its temperature play an important role. Numerous observations show that high-quality water extends the life of flowers for a month or more. Roses retain their beauty and even grow a little. Unopened loose buds open. Adult flowers will delight you with their beauty for a long time.

But to achieve this, you need to ensure proper care for cut roses. You should start with water. It is better if it is distilled. If this is not possible, you should use well or filtered water. Tap water is not good. First you need to let it sit for several days, then boil it and cool to room temperature.

The purity, freshness and transparency of the water must be impeccable, without any sediment after settling. The vase also needs to be prepared. It is carefully processed detergents and rinses well with running tap water. If this is not done, the water for roses will quickly become unusable and the flowers will wither.


Cut roses do not like sudden temperature changes. Therefore, the presented bouquet should not be brought directly from the street into a warm room. Flowers should be gradually accustomed to the new microclimate. They can be placed in the coolest room in the house at first. Only after some time necessary for the flower to adapt indoors can you begin to process the cut.

How to store cut roses at home? To do this, do not place flowers near heaters or fans. They should not be exposed to direct sunlight. They should not be placed on the TV lid or radiator grille. All these sources produce heat, and the flowers have to give up moisture, causing them to dry out.

In order to preserve cut flowers for a longer time, the optimal temperature is eighteen to nineteen degrees Celsius. At night, the flowers will be more comfortable in a cool place; they need to be moved there. Water temperature is affected by seasonality. In summer you can use cool, but not cold water. In winter, roses feel much more comfortable in water at room temperature.

What to add to water?

Cut flowers need feeding. What to add to water for cut roses? Good food is sugar with vinegar. They are added at the rate of one tablespoon per liter of water. Flowers live in water with these additives until bacteria appear, which multiply very quickly. As a result, the water becomes unusable and the flowers die. The proliferation of harmful microorganisms is a characteristic process for liquids.

The following remedies will help stop it:

  • Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid): half a tablet for one liter of water.
  • Citric acid - use similar to aspirin.
  • Alum - a small crystal is thrown directly into a vase of water. This is an antimicrobial agent of natural origin.
  • If there is nothing, you can add a few tablespoons of vodka to the water.

When buying roses, you should inquire about the growing conditions. If flowers are exposed to chemicals, for rapid growth, you can add a few drops of bleach to the water with roses, which will replace aspirin. The bouquet will remain unfading for a long time.

How to revive a quickly withered rose?

The plant withers due to lack of moisture, which evaporates as soon as the flower is cut. This process is reversible, of course, for a short time. However, the flower will not wither so quickly. How to extend the life of roses in a vase? To do this, you need to put the flower in the solution. It is easy to prepare it yourself: dissolve a teaspoon of saltpeter in a liter of water.

Everyday care

A cut flower needs daily care, which consists of the following:

  • First you need to select a container. For a bouquet of three to five roses would be better suited oblong vase with a narrow neck. For stability, the base must be heavy. A wide vase is more suitable for a lush bouquet.
  • How to extend the life of roses in a vase? Flowers are best preserved if they are placed in opaque vases. In this case, microbes will not multiply as intensively.
  • So much water should be poured into the vase so that the stems are immersed in it by only a third of their length.

  • Every day you need to change the water in the vase and add a little nutrients and disinfectants every time.
  • How to extend the life of roses? To do this, changing the water, thoroughly wash the vase, rinse the stems and renew the cuts.
  • Regular spraying is mandatory. Just be careful not to let water get on the flower petals or inside the buds.

What don't roses like?

Cut roses do not like close proximity to other types of flowers. Although some people like different types of bouquets. Roses prefer solitude. While roses that have just been cut from a bush can be revived, weakened flowers cannot. If they have wilted, they can no longer be given their former freshness. You can only improve their appearance a little. How to extend the life of roses? To do this, place the flowers on newspaper and spray their stems well. Then the flower or the entire bouquet is completely wrapped and placed in cool water for three hours. This procedure is carried out at night every day.