Spelling of short verbal adjectives. How to distinguish a verbal adjective from a participle

  • 15.10.2019

Very often in Russian participles turn into adjectives (they are called verbal adjectives).

Moreover, if these are passive participles of the past tense, then it must be borne in mind that when they turn into adjectives, their spelling changes. Choice nn or n often depends on what part of speech the verbal word is: participle or adjective. Conversely, if it is known how much n in a verb ( nn or n), you can determine what part of speech it is.

Signs by which you can determine the part of speech ( verbal adjective or participle):

1) Verbal adjectives are formed only from verbs not perfect look : boiled milk from boiling, burnt cork from burning.

But there is whole line verbal adjective-exceptions: done, cutesy, seen, desired, swaggered, chased, cursed, slow, sacred, unseen, unheard of, unexpected, unexpected, unintentional, counted, wakeful eye.

If the form is formed from a perfective verb, then this is a participle: a solved problem from solve, abandoned things from throwing away. Exceptions: smart, named - with one n.

2) For verbal adjectives no prefixes: fried cutlet, confused answer. If the prefix non- is added to the adjective, then it remains an adjective and is written with one n: slaked lime - quicklime; ironed linen - unironed linen.

Participles can have prefixes: fried meat, tangled traces.

3) For verbal adjectives no dependent words: dried mushrooms, sauerkraut. Participles can have dependent words: dried in the sun mushrooms, pickled for the winter cabbage.

4) Verbal words on -ovanny, -evanny- adjectives, they are always written with two n (pressed, uprooted).

adjectives forged, chewed, are written with one n, since -ov and -ev enter the root, which we are convinced of by analyzing the words by composition.

Consequently, if we are considering a form formed from a verb that does not have a prefix or dependent word, then before deciding whether it is a participle or an adjective, one should determine the kind of verb from which this form is formed.

It is useful to compare the mixed forms:

oil(paints) is an adjective derived from the noun oil with the suffix -yang;

oily(pancake) is a verbal adjective derived from the verb to oil; greasy (apron) - participle formed from the verb to grease.

AT short adjectives is preserved as much n as it was in full, and short passive participles always written with one n.

Exercises for training:

1. Turn adjectives into participles by adding dependent words or prefixes.

soaked apples, salty fish, a wounded bird, a quilted jacket, a confused answer.

2. Turn participles into adjectives.

Sauerkraut in a barrel, a whitewashed ceiling, melted butter, a paved street, an overloaded car, potatoes fried in oil.

3. Form verbal adjectives or participles from these verbs, pick up nouns for them.

Praise, decide, mow, deprive, let go, captivate, sharpen, weave.

4. Turn adjectives into participles, and participles into adjectives:

a sawn log is sawn sugar, a forged sword is chained.

Woven tablecloth, knitted scarf, etched wolf, darned sleeve, untrodden path.

5. Form full and short participles from adjectives, pick up nouns for them: broken line - broken pencil, broken toy.

frozen fish, boiled egg, seeded herbs, confused story, unironed shirt.

6. Explain the spelling H and HH.

a) Path cleared, boots cleaned, boots cleaned today, potatoes not peeled, shoes not cleaned.

b) Painted floors, painted walls, unpainted tables, whitewashed windows, painted shelves.

c) Dinner party, summoned student, uninvited guest guests invited to dinner.

7. Insert H or HH.

1) On the walls hung bunches of dry ... herbs, bundles of wrinkled ... roots and kitchen utensils (K. Paustovsky).

2) The patch ... the cabbies with tin ... numbers rattled in the eyes (K. Paustovsky).

3) Our brigade entered a brooch ... th by inhabitants, ruined ... th and half-burnt ... turkish village (V. Garshin).

4) On large tables without tablecloths they put several wooden ... more beautiful ... and golden ... bowls with liquid millet ... slurry (V. Garshin).

5) At this strange hour of light and fog ... oh autumn ... her night was running late ... the park seemed sad and mysterious ... like an abandoned ... cemetery (A. Kuprin).

6) The walls turned yellow, painted ... with oil ... with paint, captured ... with dirty ... fingers (K. Paustovsky).

7) They were overtaken by a man in a moat ... coat and a straw ... hat (A.N. Tolstoy).

8) On an empty ... th street, a strange figure of fright ... th man appeared (A. N. Tolstoy).

9) The palaces looked at the Neva of the execution ... with empty ... windows (A.N. Tolstoy).

10) He was lying in someone's sheepskin coat, surrounded by a whole crowd of people (A. Kuprin).

11) The army was melting like brooches ... tin soldiers thrown into the oven (A.N. Tolstoy).

12) The walls are whitewashed ... with lime, and painted from below ... with brown oil ... with paint (A. Kuprin).


  • pack-me.ru - "The transition of participles into adjectives."

Additional sources:

  • rosental.virtbox.ru - § 52 "Spelling H and HH in participles and verbal adjectives" in the "Handbook of Spelling and Style", ed. D.E. Rosenthal (1997);
  • traktat.com - "Spelling H and HH in participles and verbal adjectives";
  • hi-edu.ru - "Н and НН in participles and verbal adjectives".

Additional to the site:

Subject: Russian

Grade: 7

Shatskova Tatyana Viktorovna

MOU secondary school No. 43, Volgograd

Interactive Smart Board

Theme "Communion as a part of speech."

The topic of the lesson is “The difference between participles and verbal adjectives.

Spelling of one and two letters n in participles and verbs


Lesson per topic: 18

The lesson on the application of knowledge, skills and abilities is focused on the general education class.

Lesson Objectives: repetition and testing of students' knowledge on this topic;

revealing the depth of understanding of the topic and the degree of strength of everything studied in previous lessons; development of spelling skills and abilities to compare, generalize, concretize.

Speech development: compiling a coherent story on a linguistic topic; work on orthoepic norms.

Repetition: vowels before one and two letters n in passive participles; punctuation marks in participial phrases.

Lesson objectives: to establish the level of students' mastery of theoretical knowledge on this topic, which helps the development of spelling vigilance; to form skills of work with Smart Board.

Lesson structure:

I. Organizational moment.

II. Checking homework.

III. Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

IV. Activation of the material covered.

V. Generalization of theoretical material.

VI. Training exercises to distinguish between participles and verbal adjectives.

VII. Control of acquired knowledge.

VIII. Homework.

IX. Reflection.

During the classes.

I. Organizational moment.

The teacher greets the students and marks those who are absent. Readiness for the lesson is checked.

II. Checking homework.

From these verbs, form and write down the real and passive participles of the past tense. Highlight suffixes in participles and indicate the conditions for choosing the studied spelling.

Skip, ban, pay, pay, grow, wash, and...tee, water, transfer,

to loosen, to ... shoot, fence ... give birth, sk ... sow, sow, involve (?), and ... drown,

understand, raise, start.

There are three students at the blackboard.

The first writes out words with gaps, graphically explaining the inserted orthograms.

The second - writes down the real participles of the past tense, formed from these verbs.

The third - writes down passive participles of the past tense, formed from the same verbs.

The class at this time works orally, answering the questions:

What spellings are found in this exercise?

What suffixes are used to form active and passive participles? (-usch-(-yushch), -ashch-(-yashch), -vsh-, -sh-, -em- (-om-), -im-, -nn-, -enn-(yonn),- t)

From which verb did you form a passive participle? Why?

(From the verb to go non-native).

Then the task that was completed on the board is checked.

Attention to the pronunciation of the following participles . Fig.1 (Appendix 2)


III. Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

The topic of today's lesson is “The difference between participles and verbal adjectives. Spelling of one and two letters n in participles and verbal adjectives. Fig.2(Appendix 2)

Communication of the objectives of the lesson.


IV. Activation of the material covered.

1.Syntactic five minutes. Fig.3 (Appendix 2)

Repetition of punctuation marks in participial turnover; ability to use participles oral speech, draw diagrams.

Task: Rewrite the sentence by inserting a participial in each part

turnover; then write down the sentence, draw up its scheme, graphically explain the punctuation marks.

The forest caught fire, and suffocating smoke began to rise into the sky.

One student, using an electronic pen, writes down his sentence on the interactive whiteboard.

With the help of a pen, he highlights the grammatical basis of the sentence, draws up its scheme. All other students complete the task in the field.

Then comes the verification.


2. Spelling work. Fig.4 (Appendix 2)

Repetition of the spelling "Vowels before one and two n in passive participles." Working with orthoepic norms.

Task: fill in the missing letters with an indication of the spell check method.

Viewed...album, delayed at work, filled to the brim, weighed goods, soiled...with dirt, strewn...with field, sealed...tooth, cut ... material, invented ... a device, listened ... to a course of lectures, heard ... a fairy tale once.

The red letter objects use the multiple clone utility. The student working at the blackboard selects the desired letter and inserts it into the words; draws a conclusion.

Orthoepic work with the word sealed. It turns out lexical meaning words, a phrase is formed with it.

Other students in the field parse words according to composition:

Option 1 - mixed,

Option 2 is thoughtful.

The words are then written on the interactive whiteboard by other students. Using different colors electronic pen, students highlight morphemes in words.


V. Repetition of theoretical knowledge necessary for the formation of skills and abilities on this topic.

Frontal conversation.

Name the signs of an adjective in participle.

What is the difference between real participles and passive participles?

What participles are not formed from perfective verbs?

(Real present participles; present passive participles.)

Which verbs cannot be used to form passive participles?

Tell us about the spelling of н and н in adjectives formed from nouns.

How to distinguish a participle from a verbal adjective? Fig.5

In what cases is one and two letters n written in participles and verbal adjectives? Remember the words - exceptions. Fig.6

Students must answer each of the questions in the form of a story on a linguistic topic. Words - exceptions are written in a notebook, taken in a frame.

As the students answer, the teacher lowers the curtain “Move the curtain - you will see the answer”, which closes the tables on this topic. Fig.5.6 (Appendix 2)

The tables are pre-prepared by the teacher.



VI. The next group of exercises is aimed at identifying by students the degree of assimilation of this topic, the level of formation of spelling skills of one and two letters n in participles and verbal adjectives; ability to recognize these parts of speech.

1. Fig.7 (Appendix 2) Task: distribute the phrases in two columns (n ​​or nn); based on this, determine the part of speech (participle or verbal adjective).

Wound ... th fighter - wounded ... th soldier, sowing ... th grain - sowing ... th flour,

haircut ... th boy - haircut ... hair cut to zero - hair cut ... th head,

distilled ... water, line ... notebook, burnt ... coffee - burned ... letter.

Students in the field perform the exercise, distributing phrases in two columns, inserting the missing letters. The degree of assimilation of the topic is checked, the ability to write one and two n in adjectives and participles, to distinguish between these parts of speech.


Students complete this task in their notebooks. Then comes the peer review. Children share their work and check their notebooks against the correct spelling that appears on the cloned whiteboard slide. Fig.8 (Appendix 2). Further conclusions are drawn.


2. Fill in the missing letters, explain your choice. Fig.9 (Appendix 2)

Find phrases: adj. + noun, adj. + noun, in which the main word is a noun.

Fright ... th horse, slaked ... th lime, not quenched ... th fire, vytka ... th carpet, smoked ... th sausage, weaving ... th tablecloth, asphalt ... th road, cove ...th sword, help...th reputation.

The student working at the interactive whiteboard needs to insert the missing letters, explain his choice; identify parts of speech.

In objects of red color (parts of speech) and in objects - letters Green colour used the multiple clone utility. The student selects the desired part of speech and the letter (n and nn) and enters it into the text. A conclusion is made about the structure of phrases, their type is determined (subordinating phrases). The teacher oversees the work of the class.

Orthoepic work is being carried out with the word asphalted. Its lexical meaning is clarified, a phrase is made with it.


3 . Speech development exercises:

3.1. "Restore the proverb." Fig.10 (Appendix 2)

Task: Complete the sentence and write what they are talking about:

Not well tailored ... (but well sewn).

A shot sparrow ... (you can’t cheat on chaff).

A frightened crow ... (afraid of a bush).

A fault confessed is half redressed).

The technique of hidden text is used, the correct answers are hidden behind the curtain.

Then comes the self-test. "Move the curtain - you will see the answer." The meaning of proverbs is voiced. Pupils tell in what situations these proverbs can be used; Explain underlined spelling and punctuation.

Rice. ten

3.2. Determine the meaning of the metaphor. Fig.11(Appendix 2)

Make a sentence with this phrase (tarnished reputation).

Hidden text technique is used. The students work in the field.


The task is checked orally. The meaning of the metaphor tarnished reputation (damaged reputation) is clarified. Fig.12 (Appendix 2). One of the students lowers the curtain in order to find out the correct answer. The students read their sentences.


4. Gymnastics for the eyes.

Purpose: to relieve visual fatigue.

1. Vertical eye movements up and down.

2. Horizontal right - left.

3. Rotation of the eyes clockwise and counterclockwise.

4. With your eyes, draw the curve shown on the board several times, first in one direction and then in the other direction.

VII. Independent application of knowledge and skills. Fig.13(Appendix 2)

1. Independent work alternatives followed by verification. Recordings are made on the board with markers. Practicing the ability to form adjectives and participles from these verbs.

Why are only participles formed from the verb buy?

(This is a perfective verb).


2. Test on the topic “The difference between participles and verbal adjectives.

One and two letters n in participles and verbal adjectives.

This test makes it possible to analyze the formation of students' knowledge on this topic and work out the spelling skills of н and н in participles and adjectives, the ability to distinguish between these parts of speech. Students must choose the correct answers from the options provided. Then work

submitted for verification. Fig.14(Appendix 2)



3. After the submission of works, a test check is carried out in order to emphasize students' attention to spellings related to this topic. Check "along the chain" with an explanation of your choice.

Screen dimming is used.

Students comment, and the teacher works with the interactive whiteboard, sequentially opening the curtain. Fig.15(Appendix 2)



VIII. Creative homework. Fig.16 (Appendix 2)

Checking in the next lesson.


Exercise 124.

Task: when copying, insert the missing commas and replace the indefinite form of the verb with full or short passive participles. Explain the use of n and nn in suffixes.

Write a sequel to journalistic style, using participles and verbal adjectives, explaining how to behave in public places.

There are quite a few guys who find it possible to run out of the house in a (crumpled) cap ... or hat ... with (ra ... let) dangling ... ears. They always have a strap (to cut off), buttons (not) enough, shoes (not to be cleaned) from the very day they were bought. There are (...) those who think that it is impossible to litter only in rooms, but in buses and trolleybuses, on the streets (without) thinking they throw (crumple) an ice cream wrapper peel from (peel) oranges cores (eat) apples.

Ix. Reflection.

Purpose: to promote the formation and development of the ability to analyze one's own activities

The teacher suggests assessing the degree of achievement of the goal at the beginning of the lesson by each student, analyzing the psychological state at three levels.

Fig.17(Appendix 2)


Children perform a final self-assessment.

Questions are asked that encourage students to analyze their activities in the lesson:

How was this lesson helpful to you?

What knowledge gaps did you help fill?

What would you like to do in the next lesson?

How would you like to work?

Do you consider your participation in the lesson sufficient to achieve your goal?

Children answer questions, thereby summing up the work in the lesson, analyzing their activities in this lesson.

The teacher thanks the students for their work and marks them.

A slide is projected onto the interactive whiteboard. Fig.18 (Appendix 2)


I am trying to create something like a reference summary for those who find it difficult to determine the part of speech and, accordingly, get confused in the spelling of participles and verbal adjectives.

Questions, clarifications and attempts to round off will only be welcome.

Participles differ from adjectives not only in the presence of signs of the verb, but also in their meaning.

Adjectives denote constant signs items, and participles - signs that develop over time.

For example: red (generally red) - blushing, reddened (becoming, becoming red over time); old (generally old) - aging, aging (becoming old over a certain period of time).


Participles can lose the meaning and signs of the verb and turn into adjectives. In this case, the participle denotes an already permanent attribute of the object (loses the category of time), loses the ability to have subordinate (dependent) words with it, control nouns: an out-of-tune piano, a defiant look, an aspiring poet, a brilliant answer.

For example: He also liked Tit Nikonych ... beloved by everyone (communion) and loving by everyone. (I. Goncharov)

When she played my favorite (adjective) pieces on the piano... I enjoyed listening to them. (A. Chekhov).

Passive participles are most easily converted into adjectives: restrained character, high spirits, strained relations, confused look.

Participles are used mainly in styles book speech and are almost never found in everyday conversation.

To distinguish between a participle and an adjective, for starters, just remember one simple thing:

the participle can be replaced by a turnover with the verb from which it is formed.

For example, a built house is a house that is built;


A participle can have a dependent word.

For example: eyes shining (from what?) with joy - communion.

and an adjective can be replaced by another adjective.

For example:

shining (participle) eyes with joy - replace: eyes that shine + there is a dependent word "with joy"

brilliant (adjective) performances - replace: amazing performances, excellent performances, great performances.


Terms are always adjectives (typewriter);

The particle NOT reduces the verb, so the word is already used as an adjective (inappropriate conditions - an adjective);

Communions on - shi often turn into adjectives (the past year is an adjective).

How to distinguish the unloved from the unloved?

Participle - if there is a dependent word + the form is formed from an imperfective verb, i.e. answering the question "what to do?"

For example:

not loved (derived from the verb - “what to do?” - “to love”, inn. view) by a child (< - это зависимое слово) игрушки.

Let's repeat and clarify:

If a a word can be replaced by a verb without changing the essence phrases, and substitute dependent word in the instrumental case, then this is a sacrament

(refined reserves - find reserves, refined (by whom?) Head of reserves);

If I may replace with another adjective, apply degrees of comparison or form an adverb on -O from the word, then it's an adjective

(refined manners - noble manners, extremely refined manners, exquisitely);

In every doubtful case, experiment with synonyms or try to form a verb form, add a dependent word, and over time it will become easier to distinguish.

Letters Н and НН in verbal adjectives and participles

One letter H written in adjectives with suffixes -n-, -en-, formed from imperfective verbs without a prefix:

For example: loaded (one “n”, because the word is formed from the verb “load” without a prefix, the verb is imperfect, because it answers the question “what to do?”) Machine, knitted (one “n”, because it is formed from the verb "knit" without prefix) sweater.

Adjectives here do not have dependent words. If the dependent word is not attached in any way, you have an adjective in front of you.

Two letters HH are written:

a) in participles, as well as verbal adjectives formed from perfective verbs, with and without prefixes:

salted butter, broken things (participles);

absent-minded person (an adjective formed from the verb "to disperse" of the perfect form, answering the question "what to do?"), a desperate step (an adjective formed from the verb "to despair" of the perfect form, answering the question "what to do?")

Exceptions: smart boy, named brother;

b) in participles with a dependent word:

loaded with (what?) bricks, knitted (with what?) crocheted;

And if the assiduous J. explains to me in her own words in the comments why “loaded car” is written with one “n”, and “car loaded with bricks” with two, then she will get a bun.

c) We memorize (read: cramming, so that forever and ever) adjectives-exceptions: unseen, unheard, unexpected, unexpected, desired, sacred, unexpected, chased (step), made (look), cutesy, slow;

d) in adjectives formed from passive participles on -ovanny, -ovanny: rhymed, qualified, uprooted (exceptions: forged, chewed).

They saw "ovanny, yovanny" - they wrote two "n"

3. In short participles, one letter H is written,

in short verbal adjectives, two letters N are written.

To distinguish between a short form participle and a short form adjective in a sentence, you can use the same principles as for distinguishing the full form.

a) if it is possible to replace the short form with a synonym in the short form, you have an adjective in front of you.

Their views are very limited (i.e. narrow, narrow - short adjective);

b) if we see a dependent word, we have a sacrament.

The interests of the Oblomovites were limited to a narrow circle of everyday concerns (limited (by what?) to a narrow circle of concerns - a short communion).

Adjective - independent part speech denoting a sign of an object and answering questions which? which? which? which? whose?

For example: cold; broken.

Participle- a special form of the verb that denotes a sign of an object by action and answers questions which? which? which? what kind?

For example: broken, broken by hands.

Adjectives can be formed from nouns ( cold - cold;

glass - glass) and from verbs ( break - broken).

Adjectives formed from verbs should be distinguished from participles.

incl. p adj.

Compare: The Frenchman spoke broken Russian. - A bundle of firewood was collected from branches I had broken.

The main features of distinguishing verbal adjectives and participles

Verbal adjectives have no prefix (except NOT) or dependent word.

adj. communion communion

Compare: painted (unpainted) floor - painted brush floor - on painted floor.

Verbal adjectives can be formed from non-prefixed imperfective verbs, and participles from non-prefixed perfective verbs.

adj. participle

Compare: worn suit - purchased suit.

wear - unsov.v. buy - sov.v.

Words with the suffixes -ovn-/-evn- without prefixes or dependent words are verbal adjectives.

adj. incl.

Compare: forged chest - a savvy horse.

Some participles can turn into adjectives. To distinguish them, let's define the lexical meaning of these words.

For example: named (brother)- named higher brother. We select synonyms: twinned and the one named above. We see that the lexical meaning of words is different. The participle maintains a connection with the verb.

Examples of verbal adjectives:

- planted father - acting as a father at a wedding;

- smart the kid is smart, quick-witted, grasps on the fly.

Pay attention to the stress in these words.


  1. Razumovskaya M.M., Lvova S.I. and others. Russian language. 7th grade. Textbook. - 13th ed. - M.: Bustard, 2009.
  2. Baranov M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A. and others. Russian language. 7th grade. Textbook. - 34th ed. - M.: Education, 2012.
  3. Russian language. Practice. 7th grade. Ed. S.N. Pimenova - 19th ed. - M.: Bustard, 2012.
  4. Lvova S.I., Lvov V.V. Russian language. 7th grade. In 3 hours - 8th ed. - M.: Mnemosyne, 2012.
  1. How to distinguish participle from adjective? ().
  2. Russian language in diagrams and tables. Spelling participle suffixes ().
  3. Devyatova N.M. Participles and verbal adjectives ().
  4. Didactic materials. Section "Communion" ().
  5. Participle formation ().


Task number 1

Divide the phrases into two columns: a participle or a verbal adjective.

Wound ... th fighter - from the wound ... th soldier, sowing ... th grain - sowing ... th flour, haircut ... th boy - haircut ... hair cut to zero - haircut ... head , distilled ... th water, linen ... th notebook, burnt ... th coffee - burned ... th letter.

Task number 2. Form all verbs from each possible options participles and verbal adjectives according to the model:

adj. adj. incl. incl.

Paint:painted floor - unpainted boards - painted bench - painted

walls - frames are not painted.

Verbs: boil, confuse, weave, dry, stew, bake, frighten, fry.

Task number 3. Say phrases. Justify the place of stress in verbs, participles and verbal adjectives.

Pampering a child is a spoiled child; carbonate water - carbonated water; pleated skirt - pleated skirt; date the manuscript - a dated manuscript; decollete - a decollete dress; dose medicine - dosed medicine; block solution - blocked solution; validate ticket - validated ticket; mask input - masked input; seal a wagon - a sealed wagon; spoil a dog - a spoiled dog; copy documents - copied documents; a fancy-dress ball, to normalize the working day - a normalized day; group sentences - grouped errors; mount equipment - mounted equipment; form a team - a formed team; cartoon image; equip team - equipped team.

Both forms of participles and verbal adjectives can be formed from the same verb. If suffixes of different sound (letter) composition are used to form participles and adjectives, it is not difficult to distinguish them: from the verb burn with a suffix -box- participle is formed burning, and with the help of the suffix -yuch-- adjective combustible. If both participles and adjectives are formed using suffixes that have the same sound (letter) composition (for example, -enn- or -them-) are more difficult to distinguish.

However, there are differences between participles and adjectives in this case.

1. Participles denote a temporary attribute of an object associated with its participation (active or passive) in an action, and adjectives denote a permanent attribute of an object (for example, “arising as a result of an action”, “capable of participating in an action”), cf .:

She was raised with strict rules (=She was raised with strict rules.) - participle;

She was educated (=She was educated).

2. Word in full form with suffix - n-(-nn-), -en-(-enn)- is a verbal adjective if it is formed from the verb NE and has no dependent words, and is a participle if it is formed from the verb NE and / or has dependent words, cf .:

unmowed meadows(adjective),

not mowed oblique meadows(participle, because there is a dependent word),

mown meadows(participle, because CB).

3. Since passive participles of the present tense can only be in transitive verbs of the NSV, words with suffixes - im-, -em- are adjectives if they are formed from the verb CB or intransitive verb:

waterproof boots get wet in the meaning of "pass water" is intransitive),

invincible army(adjective because verb win SW).

Morphological analysis of the sacrament

There are several ways morphological analysis participles, depending on whether the participle is considered a form of the verb or independent part speech.

Parsing the participle as a form of the verb, it is logical to describe all the signs related specifically to the participle as inconstant; thus, in non-permanent signs, the following should be indicated: in the form of participle, present / past tense, active / passive voice, full / short form(for passive), gender, number, case (for complete).

However, in all school textbooks, including those that describe the participle as a special form of the verb (complex 3, previous editions of complex 1), the parsing scheme of the participle is given, corresponding to the understanding of the participle as an independent part of speech. If we consider the participle as an independent part of speech, then the real and passive participles of the present and past tense will be separate words, and not forms of the same word. So, reading, reading, readable and read will be recognized 4 independent words. Based on this logic, the following scheme for parsing the participle is proposed:

1. Communion. initial form- I. p. husband. kind of unit numbers.

2. Morphological features:

a) permanent:


real / passive,

b) inconstant: in the form of a participle

Full / short (only for passive),

Genus (in singular),

Case (for full).

3. Syntactic role in the sentence.

It is this scheme proposed in complex 3; in complex 1, the scheme is similar, minus the sign of recurrence. In complex 2 in category permanent signs for some reason, the full / short form is also assigned.

Let's bring sample parsing participles as a form of the verb and as an independent part of speech.

spinning glass door with brass steamer rails pushed him into a large pink marble vestibule. An information desk was located in a grounded elevator. From there peeped a laughing female face

(I. Ilf and E. Petrov).

Parsing the participle as a form of the verb:

spinning- verb, beginning the form twirl;

fast. signs: non-transitional, return, NSV, II ref. (excl.);

synth. role: definition.

grounded- verb, beginning the form ground;

fast. signs: transitional, non-returning, NE, II ref.;

non-post. signs: in the form of a sacrament, suffer., past. time, full form, male kind, unit numbers, P. p.;

synth. role: definition.

laughing- verb, beginning the form laugh;

fast. signs: non-transition, return, NSV, I ref;

non-post. signs: in the form of a participle, really, present. time, female kind, unit numbers, I. p.;

synth. role: definition.

Parsing the participle as an independent part of speech:

spinning- prich., early. the form revolving;

fast. signs: return, NSV, actual, present time;

synth. role: definition.

grounded- prich., early. the form grounded;

fast. signs: non-returning, SV, passive, past. time;

non-post. signs: in full. uniform, husband. kind, unit number, P. p.;

synth. role: definition.

laughing- prich., early. the form laughing;

fast. signs: return, NSV, valid, present. time;

non-post. signs: in wives. kind, unit number, I. p.;

synth. role: definition.


Like the participle, the participle can be considered as an independent part of speech (complex 2 and the latest editions of complex 1) or as a special form of the verb (complex 3 and previous editions of complex 1). We proceed from the understanding of the participle as a verb form.

gerund is a special form of the verb that has the following features:

1. Indicates an additional action, answers questions doing what? or having done what?

2-3. It has the grammatical features of a verb and an adverb.

The features of the verb include the form ( reading- NSV, having read- SW), transitivity ( while reading a book- transitional, sitting on a chair- intransitive) and recurrence ( washing- irrevocable, washing your face- return). In addition, the gerund participle is characterized by the same control as the rest of the verb forms: reading / reading / reading / reading a book, but book reading.

Adverbial signs of gerunds include immutability (germs do not have morphological features mood, tense, person, gender, number, characteristic of the conjugated forms of the verb, and do not decline, unlike participles); the syntactic function of the gerund is a circumstance; in a sentence, the participle depends on the verb.

Imperfect participles answer the question doing what? and denote an action simultaneous with another action (for example, with the one indicated by the predicate): Standing on a stool, he took out books from the top shelf..

The gerunds NSV are formed from the verbs NSV from the stem of the present tense with the help of a formative suffix -and I).

At the verb to be the gerund is formed with the suffix - teach from the basis of the future tense: bud-learn. The same suffix is ​​used to form stylistically colored variant forms of gerunds in some other verbs: game-i - game-yuchi.

Imperfect participles are not present in all NSV verbs; so, gerunds NSV are not formed:

From verbs to -whose: bake - * baking (oven);

From verbs to -nut: wither - *wilting,;

From some sibilant verbs in the present tense stem: write, write - *writing, lick - *licking(but adverb lying down);

From verbs with the stem of the present tense, consisting only of consonants, and derivatives from them: drink, drink (pj-ut) -*drunk.

At the verb give the gerund is formed from a special stem: Giving (come on).

Perfect participles answer the question having done what? and denote the action that preceded the action of the main verb: Standing on a stool, he took out a book from the top shelf..

The gerunds SV are formed from the verbs SV from the stem of the past tense with the help of suffixes

-in from verbs with stem to vowel: done-in,

-lice from reflexive verbs with a stem to a vowel (or obsolete, stylistically non-neutral gerunds like seeing, glancing etc.): mind-lice,

-shea from verbs with a stem to a consonant: baked-shi.

Some verbs have variant forms of the gerund participle SV: one is formed according to the scheme described above, the other - by adding the suffix - and I) to the basis of the future tense: frown-lice-s - frown-I-s.

Verbs read, gain do not have gerunds formed in the standard way, instead of which gerunds are used read, find, formed from the basis of the simple future tense with the help of the suffix - I.

Two aspect verbs may have two gerunds formed according to the rules for the formation of gerunds NSV and CB, for example:

promise: promise-i- NSV, promise-in- SW,

marry: Zhenya - NSV, marry-in- ST.

The participle must indicate the action of the object (person) that is called the subject, and this object (person) must be the subject of two actions - named in the predicate and in the participle. If these requirements are not met, incorrect sentences like

*Leaving the house gave me a headache(the gerund and the conjugated form of the verb denote the actions of different subjects).

*Lost, the puppy was soon found by the owners(the noun in the subject is the subject of the action, called the gerund, and the object of the action, called the predicate).

The gerund can name an additional action related to the main member one-part sentence, as well as to other members of the sentence, expressed by the infinitive, participle or other participle. The sentence is constructed correctly if the additional and main action have the same subject. For example: When crossing the street, you should look around.