What does a young man mean in a dream. Dream Interpretation: what is the Man dreaming of

  • 17.10.2019

A girl who saw a beautiful young man in a dream probably wants to know what a handsome guy is dreaming of, what it means. In such a dream, appearance plays an important role. So, a young man who appeared in a dream promises quick changes.

And if the guy is handsome, then such changes will undoubtedly be pleasant. Probably, soon the girl will be lucky enough to find a fairly strong relationship, which will begin with a romantic meeting or acquaintance.

But it is also possible that you will meet a good friend, from whom you can always expect help in any situation (and this can also come in handy in life). One way or another, the beautiful appearance and appearance of good health of a young man is a sign that pleasant changes and news are to be expected.

What if a handsome guy is dreaming?

What can a dream mean in which a beautiful young man appeared to a girl? For example, if it was a stranger, and meeting him was pleasant, then this may mean that in real life the lady is missing male attention and she dreams of meeting her other half.

If a girl in real life has a young man, and she dreams of him, then, probably, on the day preceding such a dream, something bright and significant happened that remained in memory and subconsciousness (for example, a quarrel or something else) .

If a girl dreams of parting with a guy, then perhaps she is thinking about it. If you dreamed of hugs and passionate kisses with the faithful, then it is likely that this is very lacking in the life of a lady.

You should not attach great importance to all dreams, especially if some bright events took place during the day. Often dreams are the embodiment of human experiences experienced during the day. This is how the subconscious works.

If we study the interpretation of a dream in which a handsome young man appeared, then such a dream can be regarded differently depending on the situation. So, for example, a handsome guy in a dream can mean that in life some third-party person will soon interfere in love affairs, who can ruin everything (this is the case if in reality the girl is building a relationship with someone).

If the young lady is lonely, then a handsome young man who appeared to her in a dream can promise that someone experienced and wise can help her arrange her personal life and find happiness. In addition, if in real life a not lonely lady sees a handsome guy, then perhaps she will experience difficulties in relations with her other half because of someone (male).

What portends?

If a girl dreamed of a handsome guy, then it is worth remembering exactly what actions were performed in a dream. For example, if a young lady with a young man (stranger) kissed or hugged, then this may portend not very good events.

In particular, it is probably worth preparing for the fact that the lady’s reputation may suffer due to some careless actions and rash decisions provoked by fleeting insanity. So it’s worth thinking about your behavior and making some adjustments to it, otherwise embarrassment and shame will be very difficult to avoid. You should be more circumspect, cool-headed, and also learn to better understand people and recognize deception. Then the honor will not be offended.

When interpreting, age is also important, as well as the clothes of a man. For example, a handsome young man can promise joy and pleasure to a girl, and an experienced aged man can mean that this person will be respected in real life. If the guy is naked, then this can promise condemnation. A young man in rags is a sign of failure in the near future.

In conclusion, it remains to add that you should not take the word of the interpretation of dreams. But sometimes dreams can warn of some events and news, so finding out more about what you dreamed about may not be superfluous at all.

Miller asks the dreamer what he looked like. If we assume that this was an athletic, handsome man, distinguished by aristocratic manners, then the dream is simply magnificent. Such a symbol promises you complete satisfaction with life. It is also possible that you will receive a fortune.

But there is another interpretation that the same dream book offers. An ugly, unsociable and gloomy man dreamed of you clearly not for good. This is a red light, a warning that you are moving in the wrong direction in life and will be disappointed and even shocked by the many problems that have piled on you.

This dream book also clarifies that a handsome man in a dream can promise fame to the dreamer, which she will surely like. But if he is not only ugly, but also frightened you, then a certain person whom you considered a friend will give you some trouble. You will worry in real life, according to Miller's dream book.

The following dream book gives a number of additions. An old man in a dream - to longevity in reality, a young man warns of disturbing events, and a fat one promises you many pleasant minutes. This is information from Hasse's dream book, and the next source of the author Tsvetkov is unambiguous and believes that such a dream promises pleasure to those who see it.

Perhaps you do not just see a person, but make contact? What speaks to a man in a dream, why would it? In such events, a woman foreshadows a new acquaintance. You will meet an attractive man. Only later it turns out that he is a natural gigolo.

Many sources claim that kissing a man in a dream means separation in reality, and in some cases, betrayal. For example, if a man kisses a man, isn't Judas' kiss visible?

But we are already waiting Modern dream book. Did the man dream? Apparently you have to experience true pleasure. Moreover, if in a dream you have to meet a man, then in reality you will be drawn into some kind of piquant story. And if a woman dreams that she is a man, such a dream warns that in real life you will also be drawn into a story, but ambiguous. The consequences of such an event may affect you for a long time.

This dream book also says, the man of your dreams in a dream, with whom you have a nice conversation, unfortunately, warns that there will be tears and suffering. And for nothing. But imagine that in a dream a man of short stature behaves defiantly and even provokes another person who is clearly stronger than him into a fight. This means that in real life you avoid solving the main problems, exchanging for trifles. The same dream may indicate a new pleasant acquaintance that will change your life and make you happier.

Let's now open the Esoteric dream book. A young man dreams as a harbinger of new affairs, setting himself new tasks. If he is in old age, then such a dream portends you good changes in life. Glory, honors strive for you. Try not to scare away your luck! You may also dream of an aggressive man. Then the interpretation depends on the degree of expression of this quality. The more aggressive he is, the better for you and the more successful you will become.

But if he is kind and affectionate in a dream, then the opposite is true. This means that the fame that has come to you can later harm you. If in a dream a man takes care of you, calls you with him, then you get a reminder of some business. The actions of the dream object in this case are a hint for you. For example, caresses on his part in a dream can report different kind obstacles.

A man in bed in a dream reports that some business should change the approach and apply creativity. And if at the same time he is well known to you, then the business that you are busy with at this time is vital to you. Give him more attention. Perhaps this is the project of a lifetime?

Every girl had to see a man in a dream, because when you think about a man, he comes to you in dreams. The interpretation of such dreams is interesting and ambiguous, much depends on the details of the dream and even what place this person occupies in your real life. Astrologers are constantly working on finding new meanings for this dream.

Interpretation according to different dream books of the world

If you had such a dream, an extensive dream book will slightly open the curtain on the mystery of sleep.

    Kissing a man in a dream is the personification of dreams of a real soulmate. If you remember facial features - take a closer look at a similar person in reality, the subconscious mind hints to you about this.

    Sleeping with your loved one - everything is fine in your relationship and this will continue. In the reverse situation - you pay little attention.

Seeing a loved one with whom you broke up next to another woman - perhaps your breakup occurred because he preferred a rival. To see the former in sadness - he regrets what happened, even if he himself was the initiator of the break in relations.

Each dream book interprets such a dream in its own way. Sometimes the meanings intersect, and sometimes they are the opposite - it all depends on the specific situation in the dream.

    The American dream book positions a man as forte character, the practical part of the psyche.

    Oriental says that if handsome man dreamed of a girl, she is waiting for satisfaction, joy. If he is ugly, unpleasant, disappointment awaits. The hero of your dream looks mysterious, dressed in a hat and cloak - you do not want to share your views, feelings with anyone, but this cannot be avoided.

    Italian positions a man as a positive in life, a strong support.

    Lunar dream book - to see a man without clothes (naked) - fear, shame, problems with women's health.

Most astrologers agree that to see in a dream a guy and a man aged - good sign On this day, everything will work out for you. But there are also negative interpretations, they are offered by the dream book of 1918: a man in a shirt / shirt, seemingly poor or unhappy, indicates entering into an unhappy marriage. If he has a white beard, expect health problems.

An upset, dissatisfied man dreams of bad mood, experiences, situations when everything falls out of hand, and bald - to wealth. For a woman to see intimacy with a man in a dream - the loss of material wealth, part of the state, to find a dead body on the street - soon you will find good sources of profit.

Even the color of the hair and the appearance of the person who came to you in a dream matters: a brunette - to an interesting acquaintance; blond - to a frivolous, frivolous relationship. If his appearance scared you, expect problems and quarrels with your soulmate. A stranger warns you of an adventure.

A male actor - to the loss of loved ones, a serious quarrel with friends, and a prisoner behind bars - the implementation of long-standing plans. A gynecologist or an obstetrician is a harbinger of the disease.

Go on a date, kiss in a dream and rejoice - cry in reality, worry for the most part over trifles. Old man - small difficulties that will make you nervous; young - comfort in the house.

Family dream book

A husband who came in a dream can tell a lot about the real state of things.

    Your husband is cheerful and contented - there is prosperity and good relationships in the house;

    A violent quarrel with her husband - difficulties that will ultimately end happily;

    To see a husband unpleasant, ugly - dissatisfaction with one's position;

  • The woman saw herself in the guise of a man - she will cope with everything and can completely rely on herself.

Miller's dream book

According to this dream book, a man is interpreted in different ways. Dexterous - in the future you will own a fortune; ugly - they will torment you, bring you to tears; beautiful - you will become popular, in demand and will attract attention at least in your circle.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

If you had such a dream, an extensive dream book will open the curtain of secrecy.

    Many attractive men - fun, unforgettable pastime.

    Seeing a company of strangers for a woman - a career will take off; for a man - success in business.

    A company of older men - you will be praised, in the eyes of others you are a respected person.

    Kissing with a man is the personification of dreams of a real soulmate. If you remember facial features - take a closer look at a similar person in reality, the subconscious mind hints to you about this.

    If you hug with a friend at your home, this promises you a pleasant homely atmosphere.

    Hugging a relative (brother, uncle) - wait for the guests, father - to the sad news.

    Sleeping with your beloved man - everything is fine in your relationship and this will continue. In the reverse situation - you pay little attention.

    You were invited on a date - this may be a prophetic dream.

    In a dream, seek solace in someone else's arms - you are dissatisfied with your current relationship, everything is going wrong in them.

    For a man to see his girlfriend / wife with another - possible appearance serious contender.

    A girl in a dream was frightened by a representative of a strong position - she will have to worry about someone.

    To have an affair with a married man - your husband does not suit you. For an unmarried young lady, it is unsuccessful to get married.

Seeing the beloved man with whom you broke up next to another woman - perhaps your breakup occurred because he preferred a rival. To see the former in sadness - he regrets what happened, even if he himself was the initiator of the break in relations.

French dream book

For a girl to see such dreams - well-being, luck, contentment female destiny. For a man - stumbling blocks in business negotiations quarrels with partners, colleagues. Dressed in white - joy, a good sign, in black - sadness and sadness. Short stature - you overcome difficulties, fat man - things are going up. Hunchbacked - bad dream, be prepared to be scammed.

If you look in general, a man in dream books is a good sign, often symbolizing a long life, joy, fulfillment of desires. Through a dream, a man can talk about future marriage, creating a family, successful management business.


Were you close to the man you saw in your dream?

What age was the man in your dream?

Why is an elderly man dreaming ▼

The dream interpretation considers an elderly man as a harbinger of future honor,. It is possible that you will be capable of committing either a significant act for which you will receive.

Seeing an adult man in a dream ▼

I dreamed of an adult man - for a young man, the dream acts as a symbol of her, and also indicates her true attitude towards him. The emotional characteristic will depend on the appearance of the man.

Dreamed of a young man ▼

Why is a young man dreaming? There will be many tempting opportunities and prospects before you. Feel free to step forward own desires, you will succeed.

Dreaming of an old man▼

Seeing an old man in a dream - to vain fuss, excitement. Your experiences will be groundless, in fact, everything is not as scary as your imagination tells you to be.

Was the man in your dream somehow crippled?

Dreaming of a dead man▼

A dead man is interpreted by Felomena's dream book as an absence from loved ones. There is a high probability of being at an extremely disadvantageous position when no one really can help you.

Seeing a man without arms in a dream ▼

Who dreamed of a man?

A married woman dreams of another man▼

I dreamed of another man - for married woman this is a warning sign. Serious differences of opinion and misunderstanding will soon begin with her current partner. While it seems that everything is fine, but in fact this process has already begun.

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I dreamed of a Man, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

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    the perfect man walked around me, and then went into another building and I clearly saw how he closed the door behind him. I followed him - in that room I stood on the floor travel bag as I understood — it's mine. I took the bag and left the room - it turned out to be the airport building ....
    call to my mobile phone- a male voice unfamiliar to me asks me: how do I feel about the author's statement ...

    • marina, perhaps your dream about an ideal man is just a game of your subconscious, at least judging by the dream you described.

      • Hello. I dreamed a week ago of a wooden house that looked like a dacha, and there I was with my grandmother. At night, a man came to us and started banging on the door. Grandmother did not notice him, but I heard, but got scared and went to bed.
        And today I dreamed that in the same house I was with two friends, we had lights on in all the rooms, and at night the same silhouette of a man came and knocked on the door, then went looking in the windows, and knocked again. This time everyone heard it, my friends and I took a metal object each (I don’t remember exactly which ones) and waited for it. I don’t remember further ... In two dreams, the house was the same, and the silhouette of a man too. Why can this be a dream?

    • First dream at night: my ex-husband and I are in the village, his mother and sister are with us, we collect red bell pepper All is well, peacefully. At this point, the dream ends - the alarm clock rang.
      Second dream in the morning: a man, married, handsome, supposedly my husband former colleague, but it’s definitely not him, we walk together in an embrace, we feel good and have fun, his wife comes behind, but she doesn’t swear, she doesn’t get angry, then we go into either a cafe or a restaurant, sit down at a table, order something , there are some other girls and his wife, I don’t see her, but I know for sure that she is here and for some reason does not resist anything.
      About me: I am 44 years old, divorced, I have been dating a young man for 7 years (now he is 26 years old)

      • Maria, perhaps a dream in which you see men and the one you like is gay, suggests that in reality you should expect an unusual relationship.

        Hello! I had a vivid, memorable dream from Sunday to Monday. In this dream, I open the door and in front of me stands a tall man of good appearance and, oddly enough, with a large trash can full of garbage. I have been divorced for 2 years, calmed down and recently began to think about a new relationship. How can this dream be interpreted?

        • Irina, a dream may warn you that you should not make hasty decisions in your personal life.

          Hello! today in a dream we drove a truck with 3 unfamiliar men for a long time, but I saw only one in person. Then I said goodbye to him. private houses, but the path was dirty from the rain that had just ended. I also called him Yuri, we didn’t talk about anything else

          • Galina, perhaps such a dream suggests that in reality you may have some kind of new acquaintance that will bring a lot of positive emotions.

            I’m asking for help again; don’t refuse!!! I’m trying to put life in my own rut, it seems to me that it doesn’t depend on me. For half a year, at all !!! I’m dreaming of an ordinary man with glasses, but for some reason I don’t like him, then I understand , he wants something. he goes to the front quickly and pulls me up a little behind him, but I'm behind. thanks for the help!

            • Lenochka, perhaps your dream is telling you that you are missing a man in your life.

              My ex-young man is constantly dreaming (we were together for 3 years, but we broke up a year ago).
              In a dream, we are constantly together, then we walk, then we eat somewhere, then recently we generally made love and looked very happy. The dreams are so realistic that it seems that this person never left my life, although in real days I live in a completely different way and do not often think about him. Why such an induction? Thanks in advance for your reply.

              • Anna, such dreams most likely indicate that psychologically you really need this man.

                • Maria, what a man did to you in a dream may indicate your jealousy.

                  Hello! Please help me decipher the dreams. To dream that I run away from strangers and my father saves me, who, in fact, has been alive for five years. In the first case, I ran away from my wedding (I really didn’t want to marry the groom who was in the registry office), locked myself in the house. Everyone knocked, forced to leave. Only my father supported me. He was at home and said that if I didn't want to, I shouldn't open the door. Then he took a huge rat out of the house and threw it out into the street, where my "fiance" is. I also threw out the rat. The second time my father's boss fell in love with me, with serious intentions. I was in a panic and my father forbade him to approach me. I have never been married in my life. And until I'm going

                  • Gulzia, the dream most likely indicates that you need a man, but your father remains the ideal for you.

                    I very often dream that I am a guy in a dream (and of a pleasant appearance), but I behave as usual, only somewhere in the middle of a dream I notice that a man, looking in the mirror, either when they address me, or at some subconscious level, that this means?

                    • Masha, the fact that you dream that you are a man most likely indicates that you underestimate yourself, in fact you are much stronger.

                      Good day! A certain man is dreaming all the time. He is always there, like a shadow, always silent, only eyes. Either he is my neighbor, or next to me in transport. Everywhere and always near. I know him. But I just know.
                      Thank you.

                      • Anna 30, the fact that you see this man in a dream probably indicates that he personifies your ideal.

                        Hello!!! I dreamed of mine ex-boyfriend.I haven’t met him for quite a long time. During my sleep, I was very scared when I saw him. I woke up in a cold sweat. What can all this mean?

                        • Tamara, the fact that this man frightened you probably indicates that there are still unexplained problems between you.

                          Hello! I had a very disturbing dream, I can’t understand what it means.
                          Many men of Caucasian nationality, not very pleasant appearance. About 8-10 people are sitting opposite me, on the other side of the river, on a cliff, but very close. With serious faces. In the same clothes. They look at me, and I'm on this shore, with friends. And suddenly one of them removes something from his head and it turns out that this is my husband. Laughs and says - you didn’t recognize me ...
                          What can this mean?
                          Thank you.

                          • Anna, the fact that you saw such a dream most likely indicates that you will learn something out of the ordinary about your husband.

                            please help me understand my dream
                            i had a dream how I met a man of a rather old age in a trolleybus and then we go to the store with the same man and then we start choosing clothes for him_and I really like doing it_although I don’t know him

                            • Giving, the fact that you dreamed of such a man most likely indicates that in relationships with men you are prone to manipulation.

                              Good day!
                              Today I had a rather interesting dream.
                              I’m going somewhere to relax with a group of friends and girlfriends, the day is cloudy and the road is not very good, with bumps, we stop in some village, my friends all go to the same house, and my daughter and I go to a completely different one, where the owner is - that's a man. This man is familiar to me (in a dream). We stay overnight in this house, in the same bed, there is mutual desire and expectation, but nothing happens. In the morning, someone very persistently begins to knock on all the windows, I look, and this former friend my husband. The man (the owner of the house) comes out to find out what's wrong, and this former friend turns into evil, and they fight. The man wins. I leave the house inspired and leave.

                              • Natalya, the fact that you saw such a man in your dream most likely indicates that you are now looking for a person who would take control of your life.

                                Good morning! I woke up from a feeling of hopelessness, loss and resentment that I experienced from the events that occurred in my dream ...
                                Big hotel not in my city. I and some other naked men, as well as a person who is very dear to me, are in the room. Everyone laughs. I see that my beloved is leaving the room, and he is gone for a long time. I follow him. He is not in the hallway.
                                I see a girl (she is my rival, but she does not know that I love this person with reciprocity), she is going to leave. Saying goodbye to someone. Then I saw my beloved. I ask:
                                - Are you in your car?
                                - Yes.
                                — Who are you going with?
                                I understand that with her, my rival. He looks away from me and walks down the stairs. I am confused, horrified, trying to catch up with him, I understand that it does not work out, and I shout all sorts of nasty things after him.
                                I run out into the street - there are low fences in front of me, then bushes - I run, I jump over everything, from where only my strength comes from - I try among the cars standing around the hotel to find his car, to see how he leaves with her and warn her or tell her about our relationship. But I didn't find anyone! And woke up.

                                • Tanya, the fact that there were such events in your dream probably indicates that you will be jealous of this man.

                                  • You are right - once in real life I saw him go to this girl's house! I waited in the cold, shuddering and crying, near this house for 2 hours, texting him asking him to call back as soon as he could. I saw how he, leaving her, began to call me, but instead of answering, I went up and gave him a good slap and ran away so that he would not see my tears! At that moment, I thought my life was over! He started calling me non-stop! And imagine - EVERYTHING HAPPENED TO DENY!! Before that, I completely believed him.
                                    1.5 years have passed since that terrible moment - I still love him - the girl for him is already (although she is and is trying to see him) and is not in sight, but I have a scar on my heart ...
                                    That's why I became jealous of him. To all.

                                • Hello. Today I had a dream in which I walk for a very long time through the corridor labyrinths, similar to those in hospitals, such as hospitals, the walls are lined with white tiles, I either go up the stairs or go down, and finally I reach some kind of office where the doctor does not conduct appointments, it looks more like a treatment room, and then I leave this treatment room and see a man, he came to me, in a dream I I really waited for him, I don’t see his face, he’s tall, and says that he’s back, in real life I’m just waiting for one person, he should arrive soon, and in a dream I know that it’s him, but for some reason in a dream his name is Victor, although in reality he is Artem. Then he hugs me and carries me home in his arms. my heart is very happy.

                                  Lately I've been dreaming about the same thing over and over. Me and my beloved (from real life) are going somewhere with our friends and there I start an intrigue or meet another man, each time someone new! And I'm good with them! I feel how my heart beats faster, how my body shudders from the touches and hugs of a strange man, and that the most amazing thing in every dream is that my true beloved is always there, I always see his image, but he does nothing. And in a dream, I understand that we meet with him and, as it were, cheat on him every time!
                                  Please prompt! very worried about this issue!

                                  • Maria, the fact that a new man appears in your life according to the plot of a dream most likely promises you disappointment in your young man, or you will lose interest in him.

                                    I had a dream from Thu to Fri. I have a relationship with a man (a stranger), he is very strong, courageous, I feel it ... he hugged me. the next scene, I am lying on the bed, drinking tea with candy, he comes in, sits down to me, affectionately says something ... What would that mean? I have a relationship with a man in my life now.

                                    • Elena, the fact that there was such a man in your dream most likely indicates that you will soon have a new admirer.

                                      From Thu. on Fri. I had a dream.
                                      That I met a man on the beach. At the same time, he seemed to be already sitting in our company among my relatives. He is handsome but not handsome, 10 years older than me. He began to look after me, then the next. picture. We go to his big country house. And they say "Marry me, you are my man, I know that. I will do anything for you that you want"
                                      to the answer to get married, I say that I agree, but I hint that you need to wait.
                                      what could be such a dream?

                                      • Karo, such a man in your dream, most likely portends for you the search for a new lover who will be crowned with success.

                                      • I have been dreaming very often for several months, almost every dream is a man. Sometimes I kiss him, sometimes I hug him, sometimes I just talk, etc. I work with this man and for several months I had an affair with him, then it ended, we remained friends. I don’t think about it and don’t try to return it, but for some reason I’m dreaming.

                                        I’ve been dreaming for the 5th time in a row that in a dream I’m a man and have sex with a girl. Moreover, I touch her, caress, show how pleasant I am. And 2 days ago I dreamed that I was generally depriving a girl of innocence. I don’t attach much importance these dreams, but my young man is very annoying.

                                        Good afternoon. Lately I've been dreaming about a man. I can't see his face but I'm very good with him. We do not have intimacy - every time I wake up at the moment that I am lying on my side, a man hugs me from behind, I see his hands lying on my chest. I feel good and calm with him. Help me understand this dream.

                                        Good afternoon, I dreamed that I was pregnant and I feel and see the fetal movements in my stomach (that is, how tubercles protruding on my stomach periodically appear), still next to me ex-husband and a real husband (with whom we don’t live together at the moment), and in a dream I’m trying to make a choice with whom I should live with and who will be the father of the child ... help me decipher the dream, please ...

                                        Today, falling asleep in my bed, I dreamed about how a male was lying with me, started hugging with his head on his shoulder, I saw only a hand (under the covers)
                                        help me recognize the dream, I will be grateful
                                        mb it was a husband but he is buried ...

                                        I dreamed of a man with whom I was close. He was wearing new jacket which seemed to me too big shiny trousers and not at all the topic of the shoes, I also thought I should buy new ones for a while, we walked together, but then I tried to break away from him, I saw a neighbor and I didn’t want her to see us together, but he catches up with me and waits while I went into a shaky wooden toilet see through pee wondering what that could mean

                                        • Such a dream, in which there was a similar toilet, most likely indicates that something personal can be revealed to strangers.

                                          I dreamed that I came to Kindergarten her son to pay. The son was not in the garden. I was sent to the accounting department, there were several men sitting there, I seem to know them, I pay not for the first time. One young, very handsome, strong brunette, said he would help me with the payment documents. His gaze was very pleasant, almost loving, he came up behind me and put his arm around my waist, saying something near my ear. I liked it very much. While he sorted out the documents, I sat and played with the lovely one-year-old older child one of the employees. Then the brunette saw me off, while saying something affectionate and not taking his eyes off me in love. Some kind of spark ran through, as if I didn’t even want to leave him.
                                          Please help me understand what this could mean. Thank you.

                                          • A familiar man is constantly dreaming (we work together). I don't think about him, I'm married, he's married, he has a child. There is absolutely nothing to connect us. But I dream almost every day, it is already becoming some kind of suggestion. Tell me, please, what is it for? Thanks!

                                            I dreamed of a handsome man, but in reality I never met such a man. If he loves me. He says that I am his only one and that he has been looking for me for a long time. He takes me to another city, where I find out that he is very rich. We are fine with him. But for real, there is a problem with the guy, it seems to me that he stopped loving me, but I love him, he was going to leave for another city and take me with him. Why did I dream like this good dream??? Is it somehow related to reality? I have a very good residue after it.

                                            • Most likely, the image of this man is a reflection of the collective image perfect man for your imagination.

                                              • I dreamed that I was having sex with a guy I barely knew, in front of my ex beloved and ex he says how I could, although he himself did this, but only in reality, but in the end, when I am standing in an embrace with a barely familiar one, the former says that I am his anyway and he takes me away!

                                            • Hello. I dreamed that they gave me some kind of injection and it made my head dizzy and I could not move, but a very handsome tall man helped me. He was always there, helped me and cared, came running at the first call and in a dream we were a couple and there was a feeling that we had been dating for a long time.

                                              hello! I had a good dream. The boy came to me, but in reality he was going to come and wrote on an Internet that he would come, then he wouldn’t come. he arrived! tall, handsome. we decided to start a relationship, but nowhere, how could we have a place. in the same room there are children, a room was found for us and as if everything should happen, but someone comes in and we never did what both wanted. moreover, when he came, he himself said that he wanted this very much. in the end, I stayed at home talking with my neighbor Zoya Pavlovna in the bathroom, in the bath the water is clean and there are few algae. there is not much algae, I saw a frog and something else, the clean water even glows and drips everywhere, from the top. on the Internet, very warm relations. help me find out how everything really is. thanks for your help!

                                              • What you saw similar dream, is probably the result of your fantasies and assumptions about the possible development of events.

                                                Hello, please explain. A lot of times a boy from school dreamed in the form of a girl. Painted, with long hair. But in a dream everyone takes him seriously as a boy, as if only for me alone he is a girl.
                                                Why is that?

                                                hello. please help me interpret the dream. dreamed that a beloved man went into one of the rooms in long corridor. around some kind of fuss, someone's wedding or birthday. I’m waiting for him, but he doesn’t come out, I’m confused to write SMS - it doesn’t work ....

                                                I dreamed that I was dancing with a handsome man, feeling crazy passion for him, I understand that this is mutual, and then I dance with a three-headed dragon and passion doesn’t go away with us ?????????? How to explain this ?????

                                                i dreamed that I got into the war in the old days, there I met our soldier, a very handsome man, a brunette, he took my hand, cut his wrist and cut my finger, leaned 2 wounds together, and said: "That's if they kill me, but all the same, I will live, only in your time ... "then they took him away ... Please tell me, what could this be for?

                                                Good afternoon, I had a dream from which it was very unpleasant in my soul, at the beginning I dreamed that we were all in the class (10 years have passed since graduation) at school, we were sitting at our desks, only the tables were made together and we were walking, having fun drinking, besides us, there were some others in the class - then people, then the night we are all together, only now it’s not a school, but some kind of hostel-hotel, male classmates go somewhere all night and I follow them, then I go down alone and there is a queue of men, and the last one pushes me to the floor and grabs my ass, it hurts so well, and it’s clear why, I push off and run away, run to a man who in a dream has strength and power, he hugs me and says what the hell are you running at night.
                                                what was it all about?????

                                                • Your dream, in which the man behaved so loosely, probably reflects your experiences of your school years, events of the distant past.

                                                  I had a dream where I live with a man 10 years older than me in a completely unfamiliar apartment. and I was married to him but had no children. the apartment was spacious, there was little furniture, one might even say empty. In real life, I saw this man only a few times.

                                                  I see in a dream a passionate bed scene with a guy, then it turns out that this is my tenant (in reality I rent an apartment). We arrange another meeting with him, so that his wife and my husband are at work. And then I dream that I'm catching big rat, already in my apartment, but I didn’t catch it ???

                                                  It is worth meeting (or just thinking, talking) a man who is well known, or vice versa, unfamiliar, on the same night you have an erotic dream with his participation (not necessarily sex, maybe just flirting). What does it mean? What do these men think of me too?

                                                  The male
                                                  In a dream, I woke up early in the morning, because as if in reality I came to a man. He stood at the entrance to the bright room, it was impossible to see him. He was very tall and wide, so immense, he grumbled but kindly .. he said to me: “children? you want a family?..you all go with it. how you bored me"

                                                  Good day!
                                                  Please help me interpret the dream.
                                                  from Tue. on Wed. i had a dream in which a man that I really like (we don’t have a relationship, but we communicate) was in a store with my best friend, but he stood with his back to me all the time, he knew that I was nearby, but did not turn around. And then I go to my car to take a bag and for some reason I go out without shoes, and I stand with my feet in the mud left from the puddle. I really want to go back to the store, but I can't. I watch from a distance as they leave the store, get into his car and drive away ...
                                                  What would that mean?

                                                  • Most likely, a dream in which there was such a man, as well as dirt was also present, indicates that you may find yourself in an awkward situation.

                                                    Hello. i dreamed that on the street, some kind of unseen blond man, with shoulder-length hair, about 50 years old, grabbed my hand and took me into some kind of huge building, with large steps, we climbed them, entered some room where male businessmen , THERE WERE A LOT OF THEM, it was very crowded in the room, I tried to escape, and he said, be silent and don’t move, grabbed me by the waist and continued to show everyone, and then when we left the room, the men came out of that room and said what well, you found yourself a beauty young ... .. well, when we left the place, it was dark outside, it was drizzling ... I don’t remember further. tell me what it means. I have been dreaming about an adult man for the second time

                                                    • Your dream, in which you were surrounded by such people, most likely indicates that you may be under pressure from an influential society.

                                                      Good day!!!
                                                      I had a dream in which a tall handsome man was courting me, trying to persuade me to marry him. And I refuse him, because. already married, then he invites me to visit him, I still agree, he tells everyone that I am his future wife, and after we come to his house, he says that he will wait for the day when I I myself will decide to marry him and escort me home. I remember that I weep bitterly from resentment and I have a needle in my hands. And it's such a sunny sunny day...
                                                      What is it for?

                                                      • The appearance of such a man in your dream most likely warns you that you may be tempted to start a fleeting romance.

                                                        Hello. From Tuesday to Wednesday, I had a dream that I was walking down the street and I was going to catch a private trader to get home, a car stopped, and a man was driving a very pleasant appearance, and a car something like a BMW or Mercedes. I got into it. And he offered to go with him to a party at his house. I agreed. I went to see him. I saw an incredibly luxurious apartment. And he also looked after me in a dream and he was very pleasant and handsome to me. When I woke up, I realized that he was my ideal man. What could this mean?

                                                        • Probably, the presence of such a man in your dream promises you the appearance of a new worthy admirer.

                                                          Please help me interpret the dream. I dreamed of a large hall, a lot of people, some event ended - everyone disperses. I put on a raincoat, turn around to the exit and see a young man there (who is currently asking for forgiveness and wants to resume the relationship after breaking up). He noticed me, and I pretended not to see him. I got dressed, I went to the exit - and there he was no longer there. I go out into the street, he stands nearby and looks at me. I pass by - I thought he would call me. But he doesn't say anything. I turned around and he was not there. Then I dream of a beautiful room with green walls, there are beautiful cabinets with glass doors. Inside are antiques. I open one closet and admire them. Then I go to another room. My phone is ringing. I pick up the phone - the same young man. He apologizes for not being able to talk. He says he has some problems. I blame him for not always being like this. He starts to tell the details, and I understand that he really has serious problems. I'm starting to worry, my voice is trembling. I ask questions and he hangs up for no reason. What could mean this dream? Thanks a lot in advance.

                                                          • Probably, your dream with such content suggests that you are trying in every possible way to avoid communicating with him.

                                                            Dream on the 25th. I run barefoot down the street, it’s nice to run sneakers under my arm, men ask if they press? I answer no, I want to, and I run on. I look at my right hand covered in a dried layer of mud and a quarter of an apple in my hand. I see a car pulling up to a stop ahead. The track turns into a canal and beautiful naked men come out of the water to the bus stop.

                                                            Good morning. Today 03/27/2011 had a dream a strange dream. I stand in front of an unfamiliar handsome man, undress, he likes what he sees, admires, begins to undress himself, I see him naked. Suddenly, the thought comes to mind that now there will be sex, and that it seems impossible for me, because I will betray my man. An unfamiliar man, seeing my panic, gives me time to calm down and goes to the shower, I close the shower door and run away. (In real life, I broke up with a man a couple of days ago, he was the first, we broke up with scandal and insults, I’m not going to be faithful ).

                                                            • Your dream, in which there were such events, most likely reflects your reaction to disappointment in a relationship that has recently collapsed.

                                                              hello tonight i dreamed of a man. so kind, affectionate, as if he wants to help me in everything, and I clung to his cheek like that, and breathed his smell into myself, I was pleased, and then he offered me to marry him. and I woke up. what would that mean? tell!

                                                              Good afternoon. I dreamed that Elvis Presley wanted to stab me with a sharp knife, oddly enough, he chased me for a long time, and nevertheless caught up, grabbed and began to drag him somewhere, but I decided to deceive him and in order to gain time I decided to offer him to sleep with him, like that I would remember him in the next world, and at that time I myself was thinking how to escape him, but in the end it was so good for us that he could no longer do this, and he thought, so he needed to kill me. but he didn’t want this and looked unhappy., and japanese that I love him very much. To dream of such a thing, you can’t even imagine. Thanks in advance for your reply.

                                                              • Your dream, in which there were such events, probably indicates that you may encounter the actions of a slow enemy.

                                                                Hello. I dreamed of sitting in a car, talking, there was a young man who was very nice to me, but he was sitting with his current girlfriend, he didn’t pay any attention to me (although they used to communicate well in real life), I felt upset, but nothing couldn't do it. What does this dream mean? Thanks in advance.

                                                                I dreamed of a domineering, grey-haired man. Secured and businesslike. In a gray shirt and a big belly. I even knew his middle name Eduardovich.
                                                                So, I went to his company for work. And then the delirium began. In a dream, I realized that this man fell in love with me and takes care of me.
                                                                There was such peace and anxiety at the same time. He offered me a job at his place. And all sorts of care. And I also realized that there is something more between us. I didn’t see intimacy) But I felt that I was.

                                                                • A dream in which there was such a man most likely indicates that a promising acquaintance awaits you.

                                                                  Tell. I have a friend, a young man, not yet married. We have been friends for many years, we have a warm relationship, sympathy, but we live in different countries, so nothing more can be ... I have a dream that I see him sitting in my apartment and he reads the newspaper right hand he has a wedding ring.
                                                                  After a couple of months, I dream that I am holding a newborn girl in my arms and I understand that this is his child and his girls. there is a daughter, now he will understand what children are and when we get together with him I will not be against his daughter ...
                                                                  In reality, I have a son, I’m lonely. But this friend the very next day made a marriage proposal to that girl, but 4 months have already passed and there was no wedding ... How to understand if he will be with your girl, will they get married Are they? Or are changes coming? I often dream that we are together with him, and I am restrainedly glad of this ... Thanks for the answer.

                                                                  • Your dream most likely indicates that soon you will be able to meet a person who can understand your problems.

                                                                    Hello, please help me deal with a dream that I have every week from Thursday to Friday and is very disturbing to me ...
                                                                    My beloved person (we live together, we are going to get married) turns out to be married to another girl ... I'm jealous, we start talking, he says that he loves her and won't leave her, and I'm always left alone ... with tears in my eyes ... every time he offers to stay me as his mistress or leave ... (in reality everything is mutual and he himself categorically does not welcome betrayal, and most importantly, every time he dreams, but different girls and different situations, but the meaning is the same and very sad).
                                                                    Thanks in advance!!!

                                                                    • Such a dream of yours, in which you learn about what has been described, most likely indicates that your boyfriend has an affair on the side.

                                                                      I dreamed that an unfamiliar man, handsome and young, even kisses me aggressively with force, but I like it. It’s like he’s jealous of me. He kisses me so that I don’t have enough air from passion, I feel pleasure. I’m so calm with him.

                                                                      A strange dream ... I dream that I look at myself in the mirror and see my teeth, but they are not like mine, they are rare and large. I take a closer look - where is my front tooth? I feel with my tongue - that there is a tooth, it's just a gum swollen and covered the tooth. And then I look - and in the mirror there is a man (and it seems like I look at myself?) And I see what is in his mouth - the front teeth are not visible, they are covered by swollen gums ... That is, all the teeth are in place, but the gums are enlarged ... I am a man ... Why?

                                                                      • The dream in which you had such teeth most likely reflects your emotional weakness and fatigue.

                                                                        hello, happy holiday !!! from Friday to Saturday, before Easter, I had a very pleasant dream ... as if everything was real. I ended up in an unfamiliar house, the owner, a rich young man, shows interest in me, and I answer him the same ... the acquaintance with whom, it turns out, I came here, looks at me accusingly, with deep resentment, she works for him as a cook, there a lot of servants ... I feel very good with him, I got what I never had enough, it felt like I was at home ...

                                                                        • Your dream, in which there were such events, most likely indicates that a new passion for a man awaits you.

                                                                          Hello, please help me figure out my dream! Happy coming, dear Alina! I dreamed of a man who sympathizes with me and who I really like ... he was in a black suit, all sad, sad and hugged with my father ... and dad smiled, was I’m glad for him ... it was a family holiday and he somehow ended up there sideways ... then everyone left to be photographed and he went somewhere ...

                                                                          • The dream that you described most likely indicates that that man can enter your life in the role of a closer person.

                                                                            Hello! I dreamed of a very handsome, stately man, he was wearing a very expensive burgundy shirt. I just admired them! Like this is the man of my dreams! My attention was drawn to the very beautiful, expensive cufflinks on his shirt. There was no action, I just looked at him and the cufflinks and admired ...

                                                                            hello! I dreamed of mine former lover I was a boy, about 10 years old, I talked to him. I sorted things out, then I took his hand and ran down the stairs with him. The stairs were small. Then he was already like that in reality and we sit on the bed and talk.

                                                                            good day! I'm in a room, a young dark-haired man with a beard is trying to have sexual contact, but I don't seem to mind, but I'm afraid of something. another man enters, with blond hair, and protects me, then I see that he is naked and his penis, and the one who climbed on me is also naked and also dangles from him .......

                                                                            what does this mean?

                                                                            From Saturday to Sunday, I had a dream that my employees and I went out for a walk, for some reason I changed into a tracksuit. We walked, talked, then at the bus stop I saw my former classmate with friends, we said hello, started talking. Suddenly his friends and my girlfriends disappeared, we were left alone. We walked together, talked, reached the university and he took me in his arms, for me it was a surprise, but I was delighted, hugged him. Then I found myself alone, got lost at the university, started looking for a way out, suddenly I saw that in one of the rooms there was a coffin, a priest. I asked who died, I was told that the Japanese (works at our university). Then I woke up. Tell me, please, what does it all mean? Thanks!

                                                                            • The dream in which there was such a man most likely indicates that you will have a new romantic hobby.

                                                                              Hello, please tell me what it means to see your boyfriend dead in a dream, even more likely to find out that he died, as if I didn’t see it, while I was very upset and cried. The dream was from Monday to Tuesday.
                                                                              Thanks in advance for your reply!!!

                                                                              I dreamed that a very caring, gentle, handsome guy was looking after me, he came with his parents to woo me and then my real gentleman announced, both gave gifts. I suffer that I can’t choose anyone, I’m crying and I can’t decide. insanely interesting.

                                                                              Good morning!
                                                                              I had a dream from Friday to Saturday. I really want to know what it meant.
                                                                              I remember him well, usually I can’t remember dreams. I dreamed that we were in a friend’s apartment and two guys appeared there, one: who I really like, the second, by assumption, is me. At first, the one who likes me hugged me, and then the one who likes me had a desire that he never let go and a feeling of inspiration, then I said something and he said something like “you are too fast” and then they disappeared. Then came another dream.

                                                                              • A dream of such content, most likely, indicates that you will have to make a difficult decision.

                                                                                Hello, please tell me, this is the second time in a row that I have been dreaming of my ex-boyfriend, we broke up with him six months ago, I left him, but I still like him. walked towards each other and then sat down somewhere and he hugged me)
                                                                                the second dream was such that I went for a walk with a friend and we met him with his friends, he invited us to his place, but at first I didn’t agree because I was wearing some kind of stupid sundress and didn’t make up, I tell my friend went to a cosmetics store, I’ll put on makeup with testers and all of us let's stand there choose what to put on makeup and then he came I immediately wanted to put on makeup and my friend went to put on makeup, I sat down and then he came up to me sat down and hugged me))
                                                                                Please tell me why such dreams ???

                                                                                • Such dreams most likely indicate that at this stage there is still a possibility that you will have to see this person.

                                                                                  • Is it easy to see each other or maybe there will be some kind of relationship ???

                                                                                • It seems that mom opens the door, and her old friend enters our apartment (now they hardly communicate) and this friend gives her a pack of juice (like in honor of the past birthday), but the juice is open, apparently they have already drunk from it ... I was surprised, but I was surprised didn’t give in. And it seems that this friend brought a man with her. But it’s like he didn’t bring these flowers to my mother, like he didn’t know that my mother had D.R. the other day, and he lays all this down - I can directly see this bouquet and his things. And he asks my mother to look after him mother, like she is old, and he is transferred to work in Moscow and this is important for him. I think so - well, why not earn extra money, in a dream I understand an uncle with a large income, even very much. And I think - you should not refuse, maybe Will my connections be useful? I don’t say anything to my mother, I don’t interfere, I see her embarrassment from meeting him. I liked the man, he was personable.

                                                                                  • The juice in which there were such events most likely indicates that not sincere people can come to this house.

                                                                                    Hello! Please help me understand your dream today. I dreamed of a man, a handsome brunette. In real life, I know who he is, but we do not know each other and we do not communicate with him. He is also a friend of my former boss. In my dream, he drove me to work in a beautiful black car. In a dream, before getting out of the car, I thanked him that, at the direction of my boss, he gave me a lift. And he answered me that it was not at all at the direction of the boss, but just like that, he would get acquainted. And we got to know him.
                                                                                    I dreamed of this man 2 more times, it was a long time ago, about 2 years ago. Then I also wondered why I dream about him, because I don’t think about him at all, and we don’t know him either.

                                                                                    • The fact that this person was in your dream most likely indicates that in the future you can get close to him.

                                                                                      Your help is very much needed. I rarely remember dreams. And here from beginning to end, in detail, as if live, from Thursday to Friday. I am in a jeep of a man (whom I love in my life, but the relationship did not work out from the very beginning). My sister calls me and says why I stole a car from him, that he is looking for it, and if he finds out that you stole it, I don’t know what will happen. I start to get angry, I want to break the jeep, I put pressure on the gas, in the hope that it will crumble, realizing that I am wrong. I come home and a call from a friend of my beloved. I apologize, I say that I am ashamed of my act, but in response I hear the voice of my beloved and hang up. I know that he will come for his jeep. From desperation, I get drunk through strength and drink on the couch. Then I hear his voice, he tells my parents that he came to woo me. He enters the room, picks me up in his arms and carries me over his shoulder. Then there is a sudden change in the picture. I dance at the disco, he looks at me aside, then we dance with him in a slow pair, although the music is fast. Then I sharply see them with a friend masquerading as homeless people, in earflaps, sweatshirts and felt boots. Valenki in manure. I follow him and see that his hair is white and long, tied in a ponytail. The entire neck is covered with long hair, but a cm area around the neck is shaved. Another picture change. I am already riding in that jeep with my beloved along a wide highway, morning, sun, green and so fresh. We go to him in another city (he really lives in another city). We catch up with the truck and I see that this is my father's car, my father is driving and I happily announce that my father was released under an amnesty (he is in prison in real life). Father refreshed, younger and smiling at the wheel. I waved to him and my beloved and I drove on. I woke up. (in reality, relations with a loved one in collapse, he asked me to forget him). What is the dream about? Does he say that I will still be with my beloved?

                                                                                      • The dream that you talked about most likely indicates that you should not take the initiative in this relationship, as this can only harm them.

                                                                                        Please tell me why I had such a dream, my ex-boyfriend whom I left, but I still like him, I had a dream for the third time the first two dreams, he hugged me all two dreams in a row, and for the third dream he suggested that I meet what does it mean ???

                                                                                        hello again, today I already wrote to you about my dream, but I asked about the role of the tsunami. Now I am interested in the role of young people in this dream. During the tsunami, I met a guy who is very sympathetic to me at the moment, and in real life I would meet him at the first opportunity, but in a dream we exchanged eyes with him and I decided to leave without even speaking. And the situation was knee-deep, everyone was looking for loved ones to say goodbye, spend the last minutes together, confess something. Then I met my best friend and didn’t want to leave him, I waited a long time for him to say something, he confessed his love and even I agreed with him (although in life I wouldn’t have thought) after that, together with him, having found my family , everything is quiet.
                                                                                        Do you think it's a misunderstanding of my feelings?
                                                                                        I hope you'll give me a hand.

                                                                                        • Most likely, insurmountable obstacles will be associated with the development of relations between you and this young man.

                                                                                          i dreamed that I was on the 6th floor, I was looking from the balcony and I saw a man dressed in everything light. He walked and looked at me and did not remove his gaze. The man himself was strongly built, with blond hair and not ugly

                                                                                          Recently, I regularly dream that there is a man next to me. He is older than me, beautifully caring. It looks different in every dream. But I do remember that he has light eyes and dark blond hair. I am drawn to him in my dreams. (before my last serious relationship, I also regularly dreamed of a man, a brunette, and in fact my young man was a brunette.) Maybe there will be a relationship again soon?

                                                                                          • It is possible that it is your dreams that signal the beginning of a new relationship.

                                                                                            I dreamed of a very handsome man. He approached me in the park to meet me. He said that he saw me at a meeting in the district council and offered to give me a ride, as we were on our way home. I remember that I really liked him. Medium height, brunette, beautiful features, polite, pleasant smile. He was dressed in a suit and coat. We got into the car, but didn't drive anywhere. I don't remember, I woke up. But, I remember the features of the face very clearly, as if I had seen him in my life. What could such a dream mean?

                                                                                            • A dream in which there was such a man most likely indicates that you may experience a lack of romance in life.

                                                                                              Hello! Today I dreamed of a drunken man who molested me! It was a person I didn't know. I went into the entrance of my house and, going up the stairs to my floor, I heard steps from behind. I really wanted to have time to go through the door, but he overtook me! I go to the door and he makes me turn to him, firmly takes his hands and begins to weave all sorts of nonsense! I was so embarrassed and confused ... And I talked to him on you! And then somehow seized the moment and was able to close the door. And then I thought that finally he was outside the door and would not do anything to me! Thanks in advance for your interpretation!

                                                                                              • The fact that you had such a fan in your dream most likely indicates that you may be afraid to communicate with unfamiliar men.

                                                                                                Hello!!! Please tell me, I constantly dream of my ex-young man as if he is standing in front of me and is silent, and such a dream is repeated regularly. I have been married for a long time, and he is married. Why can this be a dream????????

                                                                                                I’m already on pins and needles ... I have already dreamed a lot of times from Friday to Saturday of one young man whom I am in love with. In dreams, he treats me well, looks at me pleasantly, invited me to visit ... The most important thing is that I already I resigned myself to the fact that we will not be together and I don’t think about him, but I dream about him ... I’m already getting scared why all this and on this particular day.
                                                                                                If you can, please tell me what all this is for) Thank you very much ...

                                                                                                • A dream in which there was such a man most likely indicates that your subconscious mind is still attached to this person.

                                                                                                  Hello! help decipher the dream.
                                                                                                  six years ago I broke up with a guy and never saw him again, whom I loved very much, on his initiative, I am married, have a child
                                                                                                  and in recent months I began to see him in a dream, in a dream he treats me well, shows that he loves me, after sleep there is a feeling that we are together ... ..

                                                                                                  I dreamed that I was hugging an adult, pleasant man .. he was dressed in a white T-shirt .. I was very comfortable with him ... but we were somewhere high, on the roof of skyscrapers chtol ... it was sun, sunset .. he had medium-length hair combed back ... from he felt protection and comfort. Please help decipher the dream)

                                                                                                  Nights you) dream interested ... and used to dream Men and Husband, but ... This Man has already been a couple of times. And here again, on Saturday. Me and my two friends were standing near my entrance ... cars drove up, one man came out and invited one of them and they left, the other ... the same story. I stand, no , there was no confusion ... just waiting ... strange, languid and most importantly some kind of confidence in what was happening and then HE appeared, without exaggeration - HE !!! Stately, handsome as a man, in a perfect black suit, a burning brunette with magnificent hair ... came up, took it by the arm and led ... what kind of resistance is there!) And here, oddly enough, I do this ... I lower my face into his hands - such bliss ... and then, clinging shoulder to shoulder, we walked, absolutely happy, tried different foods, like at a buffet table, I was surprised by the dish offered to me with seafood, still alive ... I don’t remember further, but there was an absolute state of HAPPINESS, a simple human ... Damn, I didn’t want to wake up)) Thank you)

                                                                                                  The dream most likely indicates that there is a subconscious attraction between you.

                                                                                                  I dreamed about my first man (whom I once loved very much, but he didn’t reciprocate), as if he came to visit me and my husband with his girlfriend and tried to pester me in every possible way, I kind of really wanted this too, but I understood , that I have a husband, and I can’t do this ... I didn’t remember this man for a very long time, but right here such a dream from Thursday to Friday, and as it turned out he had a birthday tomorrow ... and plus everything I found out that it turns out He got married 3 months ago...

                                                                                                  • The fact that in a dream there was such an image of a man most likely indicates that you may have a certain attraction to strangers.

                                                                                                    Dreaming from time to time. My boss, I don’t feel any sympathy for him, he has a purely business relationship with me, but something completely different happens in dreams: either he says that he made inquiries about me, then he tries to seduce me. When I wake up, I myself am in shock, in reality there is no such thing. Why's that?

                                                                                                    Hello. I dreamed of a young man whom I like, but with whom we just have a “working” relationship - we work together with him, and I know that he loves another girl (whom he does not meet) - so I don’t even think about him and I don't dream. In a dream, we have such a warm relationship with him, he takes care of me so much, we feel good together - in a dream we are two lovers, always and everywhere together, he hugs me, holds my hand and treats me so reverently and me I feel mutual happiness so well with him. One of the episodes is as if we are at work together, I cooked cutlets and treat everyone and worry if my colleagues will like them, and he consoles me, says that everything turned out fine for you, hugged me from behind, snuggled up to the cheek ... Tell me, please, what can such a dream mean?

                                                                                                    • A dream of such a plan, most likely, suggests that you can find a way to translate these relationships into an important personal plane for you.

                                                                                                      Hello =) help me solve my dream. I saw today that I am a man, I was looking for a treasure with other people, there were chases, persecutions, for some reason everything happened in the water, and everything was black and white, like in old films .. we did not find the treasure, because I woke up .. = (I only remember that I flew away by helicopter to look for treasure ..

                                                                                                      Hello. For several years in a row, I often dream of the same man, I don’t remember his face, but I know that he is very tall, broad-shouldered and strong (one might even say powerful). Dreams of different themes, we either dance, or watch the sunset, or run away from some kind of pursuers, but in all our dreams we never talk, and I know that soon we will part, that we will never be together, an inexpressible feeling of love and pain, as if the heart is breaking. I am waiting for these dreams and I am afraid, because after them there is some kind of emptiness in my soul. Why do I even dream about this for so long?

                                                                                                      • Your dream, which you told about, most likely indicates that you may not be satisfied with the arrangement of your personal life.

                                                                                                        Hello. I dreamed that a man of 45-50 years old followed me. bald patches, not gray, in a raincoat. I ran away from him, hid, but he found me. When I started kissing with nm, sugar appeared on my lips.

                                                                                                        Good day,
                                                                                                        the other day I dreamed of a man (guy) who is very good. I like it for a long time. I don’t know if he is free, but at one time, when he had a girlfriend, I stopped having hope and found another (now I broke up with him). There is no way to see what I like now, because I changed jobs. So in a dream he was at first - tall, handsome, as if approaching love scenes, very good. an interesting plot (still without scenes and kisses), and then suddenly I wake up (my family woke up by accident), and I fall asleep to go right away and I already see another guy with a bare torso, and I understand that this is a different guy and I don’t like him , and he went somewhere. I am shocked and tell him to leave. What is it for?

                                                                                                        • Most likely, this is your dream, indicating that you may not be satisfied with your personal life start a new search for the ideal.

                                                                                                          Tell me why the same man can dream, and dream several times a week and more often lately.
                                                                                                          Both are not free, we have different life in different cities, but we communicate. In dreams, he either hugs me, or holds my hand, or calls and declares his love ... But in life we ​​don’t raise the topic of love at all. Especially since he got married last week ...
                                                                                                          I don’t know how it is now, but I know before that he was not indifferent to me.
                                                                                                          In dreams at the beginning, he often appears with a woman, then she is on the side, then to the side, then behind him. But then at the end of the dream - we are left alone, without her, either he gets up and leaves with me, or she simply disappears.
                                                                                                          The other day (before the wedding), he dreamed that he was sitting with me, snuggling, joking, holding my hand, hugging ... and the woman suddenly disappears, and we are left alone and ... we find ourselves in bed, the morning sun is shining on us, and so we feel good ... And so I understand with my mind that I’m going down, I don’t see, but I know that I need to go down from 5 to 1 floor, and it seems like I’ve gone through 4 floors already. And now I’m standing in front of a wide staircase, I need to go down, but I see that the steps sloping, and apparently slippery ... There are handrails, but I have 2 empty three-liter cans in my hands, one in each hand, in general, I can’t hold on. I unclench my hands, I release them. And people are standing on the narrow stairs, among them - either a guy or a man, I don’t see a face - it’s blurry, but I clearly see how he stretches out his hand - I see his open five and I grab his hand, and then he hugs me. to go as far as 4 floors and nothing, but now it has become so scary .... So I stand in his arms ...

                                                                                                          • The fact that there were such events in your dream most likely indicates that you can lose a lot of time and energy developing your life in the wrong direction.

                                                                                                            I had a dream on the 15th lunar day ... I changed my hairstyle ... to a short haircut and dark hair .. a handsome man began to look after me ... I liked him very much ... but then they diagnose me that I have a tumor .. and sick kidneys ... then mi we’re going to the sea with him .. I plunged in clothes ... the water was clean .. I remember that he looked at me in wet clothes ... admired .... I had a dream about something like that ....

                                                                                                            There is one guy in my life, we have known him since kindergarten, then in the same class, then friendship, sympathy, and then he went to live abroad. Many years have passed. We maintain friendly relations (although perhaps there are more serious feelings between us ). I am married, but at the moment I am separated from my husband. He got married a month ago.
                                                                                                            Sleep - I met him, of course, joy, we are talking about something, as always I am warm and comfortable next to him. Only he and I remember exactly that we walked, walked and talked and we walked quickly. I really don’t remember what we talked about, but that's what I remember, he told me: "And we'll get married!" (referring to us), I already so calmly (and disappointedly) tell him: “No, of course, what kind of ideas are these ...” and we continue to go on together.
                                                                                                            Then I see his wife, in a dream I realize that we don’t know each other personally, but she’s so friendly to me with conversations ... I see that Friend is standing with his back to us, like he’s shy, embarrassed or something ... and we are talking with her. He says mostly it is for me, I listen.
                                                                                                            Talking about him, she either complains to me about him, or simply expresses her dissatisfaction, or surprise at him ... I understand that she wants to get a reaction from me - either advice, or influence on him, or my defense. talking with her, I feel uncomfortable, tense for me ...
                                                                                                            And it’s even somehow embarrassing ... maybe I’ll write stupidity, but there was a feeling that we were “on the same wavelength”, that there was a relationship between us and they were hidden from her. He turned his back, and I had to talk to her and understand it...
                                                                                                            I listened to her and said: “I can say one thing, he is very touchy. Very. I don’t know how it is now, I don’t know him.
                                                                                                            I got the impression that I let her know that he needs an approach, and I know this approach, because I know him more, longer, and earlier ... That is, the fact that for her the problem (surprise, indignation) in relations with him is for I have no problem at all...

                                                                                                            • Most likely, such a dream of yours, most likely, indicates that soon relations with this young man can reach a qualitatively new level.

                                                                                                              • It's strange ... But in life he doesn't see me at all now, we don't even communicate on the Internet ... Well, we'll see. Thank you!

                                                                                                            • The events of the first half of the dream proceeded calmly and positively, but suddenly one of my friends “not close to me” brought the corpse of a man from somewhere, placing it on a table that stood right in the middle of the road and began to draw my attention to him in every possible way. After he touched the hand of the corpse to me, I felt dizzy and I began to spit on the asphalt with blood, dark purple in color (this went on for a long time until I left there). After that, I ran away, saving my life and the life of the child from a man from a dream, who at first was very nice to me (she ran away because she refused to marry him in a dream, frightened that he had beaten my childhood friend in front of my eyes). Before waking up, I managed to escape to a safe area for me by overcoming the barrier.

                                                                                                              Hello, for 2 days now I have been having such a dream, I go shopping with my sister, my sister went to the store, I didn’t go in, stood at the entrance, and suddenly such a handsome guy of 20-24 years old walks past and enters a neighboring store and at that time in a dream my heart beats so fast and as if in a dream I fell in love with him. My sister comes and says let's go to a nearby store, we approach this store and this guy comes out from there my heart beats again and I'm worried for some reason we go to the store my sister disappears in this store for some reason I behave not so normally and I look at things I touch it and throw it on the floor and again this guy enters the store and it turns out that he works there, that’s what she said, she saw yesterday and today she saw the continuation that I’m going home and I’m delusional and I get to the street where that store’s heart beats again I enter the store again here I’m behaving normally there is another girl was served me took a lot of dresses and went to the fitting room, but the place to try on took all the clothes and with tailgate I went out of the store and ran away, then I immediately woke up, but fell asleep again and again saw this guy that I was looking at something in the store again, he sends some girl to me and the girl says these hair clips as a gift from our store, I took it and threw it out later this guy came up and said something, but this time I finally woke up !!!

                                                                                                              Such a dream of yours probably indicates that you can be very jealous of this acquaintance on a subconscious level.

When a dream occurs, it is directly related to the dreamer's morning mood. Night scenes can be the most controversial, for example, some women are interested in the main question in the morning: "If I dreamed that I was a man, what is it for?"

What if I dream of a man?

"I am a man" is a nocturnal image that can be dreamed up only in a fantastic dream, but this does not mean at all that the plot is empty, meaningless. This is also a prediction for the future, which would definitely interest the old Freud. It was Sigmund Freud who paid special attention to night dreams, considering them to be a kind of clues from the other world, from his own subconscious. He was also keenly interested in the erotic sphere of each person, therefore, if a woman sees herself as a man in a dream, then the problem is clearly related to her sexuality.

If such an unexpected image has been dreamed up, this means that the representative of the weaker sex is experiencing sexual dissatisfaction, while such a state has been haunting her for more than one month. Perhaps it's all about the sexual partner, who is particularly passive and incapable of erotic experiments. So a woman has to feel like a man in these difficult relationships, which, obviously, does not suit her.

In addition, Freud's dream book openly states that when such a night symbol appears, it can be concluded that the male principle prevails in a sleeping woman, and behavior in society is characterized by a tough and even despotic position. If you do not change your behavior and attitude towards others, you can remain in splendid isolation and experience emotional and physical dissatisfaction for life.

Also, Freud does not rule out that it's time to change your sexual partner, otherwise sexual dissatisfaction will negatively affect physical health, emotional balance.

If the dreamer dreams of men or women, sexual or personal relationships, flirting or romance on the side, then Freud's dream book provides the most truthful explanation for such nightly adventures, since at one time the scientist devoted a lot of time and effort to studying human nature, the soul.

Other astrologers also have their own explanation for why a sleeping woman in a dream suddenly transforms into a man. For example, Vanga's dream book associates this night image with a state of health that will soon worsen noticeably. Even if a woman, after waking up, does not feel the prerequisites for the disease, she should still be examined and pay attention to prevention.

Dream Interpretation Hasse, on the contrary, is sure that after a woman appears in a dream in the form of a man, her desires will soon come true. It is possible that the period of loneliness is coming to its logical conclusion, and the second half will share gray everyday life and happy holidays. Changes at work are also possible, and moving up the trade union ladder will become the biggest success in recent times. So the sign is definitely prosperous, and it is very important to believe and hope for the best.

The dream book of the esoteric Tsvetkov advises to be somewhat wary, because seeing yourself in the form of a man is an alarming sign, reminiscent of the wrong state of affairs. Perhaps the woman has chosen the wrong position in society, has become a leader involuntarily, or is burdened by her fate. If you do not reconsider your attitude to life after waking up in the morning, then the feeling of inner dissatisfaction will continue to remind of itself.

Wanda's dream book reports that the appearance of his male image in a dream may be associated with difficulties and obstacles on life path. To achieve your goal, you will have to make every effort, use the most unexpected methods.

What portends?

If a sleeping woman sees herself in the image of her best friend in a dream, then this suggests that friendships definitely have a romantic connotation. It is possible that he experiences romantic feelings, wants to open up and counts on reciprocity.

If a woman sees herself in a male likeness, many dream books interpret this image as the most unfavorable. Most likely, in the near future she will have to find herself in a not the most convenient situation, to be the object of universal ridicule and censure.

When such an image in a night dream behaves aggressively, this indicates increased emotionality against the background of impending troubles. It is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid them, but it certainly does not hurt to prepare mentally.

If a sleeping woman reincarnates as an unfamiliar man, then this indicates that she will soon be involved in an adventure. It's time to increase vigilance, otherwise the once impeccable reputation will be completely ruined.

When a woman admires her masculine image in a dream, this means that in life she was very disappointed in men, she strives for loneliness and solitude, she is in no hurry to bind herself by marriage and give offspring. The dream is not bad, but such female independence is frightening and should lead to disturbing thoughts about the upcoming status of "old maid".

Before drawing any conclusions about a night dream with your participation, the first step is to restore the plot from memory, remember your emotions and mood, and only after that turn to the help of a time-tested dream book. The received answer should also not be taken too seriously and tragically, especially since not only the plot matters, but also the day of the week, the phase of the moon.

A night dream in which a woman suddenly turns into a man is considered normal and quite understandable, and such an unexpected image is promising, whole. Of course, there is also a negative interpretation of this symbol for the future, but you always need to tune in to the best, believe only in the best and most promising.