Why is the ex-girlfriend dreaming? The main interpretations of different dream books - what is the ex-girlfriend dreaming of.

  • 15.10.2019

It so happens that the relationship is long over, but the past makes itself felt. Dreams in which people see their former partners portend both bad and good. What are they talking about?

Dream Interpretation Family

Seeing an ex-girlfriend in a dream is a fear of building a new relationship.

To see her in the distance - there will be a meeting after a long separation from good friends or relatives.

The former beloved is with a new chosen one and marries him - the next relationship will be serious and will lead to marriage.

Secret meetings with past love - there is a girl in love with this guy. He does not know about her feelings, although he often communicates with her.

A dream about the death or funeral of one that he loved in the past - life will change a lot. Scenarios in this case can be the happiest, and not very happy.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

In this dream book ex girlfriend is seen as a passing fad that will happen in the very near future. It's about physical intimacy, not feelings. Perhaps it will be someone from the recent past.

Being in a dream in bed with an ex-lover - to pleasant surprises and gifts.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

A fight with a girl that a guy once loved - to improve the financial situation. This implies a significant lottery win or prize.

A past love dreamed of by a married man is an indicator that the man was remembered not so long ago. The more pleasant the dream, the worse they spoke of it.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

The ex-girlfriend could have challenged this interpretation of dreams. However, all of them are connected with the difficult psychological state of the guy after breaking up.

Kissing her in a dream and at the same time noticing someone else's face is a sign of a choice problem, an inability to fully understand own feelings. The situation is such that the past has not yet been released, but we want changes.

Dream Interpretation Modern

To understand the interpretation of a dream about an ex-girlfriend, it is important to pay attention to feelings.

Pleasant ones are a sign that the past is no more.

Unpleasant - experiences still do not give rest, and there are still obstacles to creating new relationships.

Dream Interpretation Russian

What does it mean if you dream of an ex? In a dream, she taunts a guy - there is a serious struggle with her complexes.

The guy laughs in a dream with the one he loved - there will be discord in a new relationship. Possibly poor health. Friends or relatives will experience life difficulties.

Crying ex - jealousy of her new chosen one, disapproval.

Seeing a crying sob is a good change in many areas of life. Success will depend on your own diligence.

Dream Interpretation of Felomen

I dreamed of a previous passion - there is a desire to return to it. For those who are used to achieving their goals, you can try to resume communication.

Dream Interpretation of Juno

The former who suddenly came in a dream helps to sort out doubts.

Pleasant communication with her - all points at the end of the relationship are placed. You can tune into a new romantic relationship.

Fight with her - to something unforeseen.

Pregnant ex-passion - the intentions of the next chosen one will be serious.

Seeing your boyfriend's ex-girlfriend is important to refresh the romance of a relationship. Complexes can interfere with enjoying communication with your loved one.

Sometimes the relationships left in the past do not want to let us go. And they remind of themselves through dreams. It doesn't bring joy, but our dreams are our mirror, and they show us what we are experiencing without even having a clue about it. It is not easy to interpret dreams, but you still want to know what they are trying to tell us.

We have already written about, and even reported on what will happen if. Today we’ll talk about what events the ex-girlfriend dreams about.

Why is the ex-girlfriend dreaming?

You try to forget her, but your ex-girlfriend still lives in your heart. Perhaps you tried to erase your relationship from memory, tried to drown out the pain of separation with new acquaintances. But if an ex-girlfriend returns to your dreams again and again, this may indicate that you continue to hope for the resumption of your relationship. And, most likely, you didn’t really try to forget her, and the new relationship was just a “surrogate” of the old ones. You should solve the dilemma - either get your ex-girlfriend back, or completely erase her from your life and find yourself a new lover. In any case, all "dots over" i "should be put once and for all.

Maybe it's better to return everything?

Sometimes dreams about an ex-girlfriend indicate that you want everything back. Think, and think well before you take the first step. Perhaps your attachment to a fading relationship will only prolong the agony. Is it worth it?

But in the event that you cannot imagine your future life without your girlfriend, whom you broke up with, put up with it. And don't be afraid to lose your pride, that's not the case. Why be proud and unhappy, it is better to give up a small principle and live a happy life.

She doesn't let go...

Sometimes an ex-girlfriend dreams not because you subconsciously think about her. It’s you that doesn’t get out of her head, maybe she, too, that is, you. She often remembers you, talks about you, although these conversations make her sad. Maybe your ex-girlfriend still loves you. And you? Maybe since you let her into your dreams, and your feelings continue to smolder quietly and wait only for a light sigh to flare up with renewed vigor? Maybe love does not want to leave your life and is trying to return? Think about it.

There are also problems...

Some dream books interpret dreams about an ex-girlfriend as rejection of new relationships, emotional dissatisfaction in communicating with a new lover. Such dreams can also come from a feeling of insecurity in your new lover.

Sometimes such dreams also indicate sexual dissatisfaction. Perhaps this was the reason for the breakdown of your relationship, and it is better to solve the problem quickly in order to give yourself a chance to start a new life.

Why is my boyfriend's ex-girlfriend dreaming?

For a girl, seeing her boyfriend's ex-lover in a dream is just a nightmare. Such a dream is rarely perceived indifferently, especially if it is repeated with enviable regularity. Such dreams mean your anxiety and insecurity both in yourself and in your partner. You're nagging at the thought that your boyfriend, whom you love and who loves (seemingly) you, might go to his ex. But do not get hung up on such dreams. Perhaps your boyfriend is just a little secretive, or perhaps he does not want to be frank with you about former relationship(and this, by the way, is very correct). And you yourself, on a subconscious level, conjecture non-existent events. Take it easy. Your dreams reflect only your insecurity, and do not predict an imminent breakup. And do not get your beloved with persistent questions and excessive control. With rash actions, it is much easier to dig a hole for a relationship, and an illusory rival will remain nothing more than an illusion that does not have the ability to influence something.

Why did the ex-girlfriend dream (interpretation of AstroMeridian's dream book)

Former girls are a connection with a bygone time, a past that does not let go. Sleep creates a framework, restrictions for the development of personality. A negative perception of the image of an ex-girlfriend is a longing for a past love. The desire to return the relationship pushes to rash acts, causes pain and suffering. You can turn completed relationships in your favor if you learn from them experience and accept the idea that the relationship has ended.

See ex girlfriend with the other - a challenge for the consciousness of a sleeping person. If dreams leave pleasant emotions, then the dreamer "stepped over" and took a step towards the future. Why the ex-girlfriend dreams of a man, the situation of the dream and the actions of the sleeping person will tell.

  • What is the dream of your ex-girlfriend - do not let go of the past.
  • Seeing an ex-girlfriend with a new boyfriend - the other half will put you in front of a difficult choice.
  • Marrying an ex-girlfriend is a change in your personal life.
  • To re-start a relationship with an ex-girlfriend, according to the dream book, new feelings.
  • The former dreamed with a new girl - expect a new relationship that will not keep you waiting.

What did the Former Girls dream about (Psychiatric dream book)

  • The ex-girlfriend of the guy dreamed - changes are waiting for him.
  • Sex with an ex-girlfriend - you cling to the past, it's time to let it go. There may be problems with the current lover, the search for a new relationship.
  • A dream fight with an ex, a symbolic display of a connection.
  • Seeing an ex-girlfriend in a dream wedding dress- wait for a new love.
  • If the former dreams constantly - meet in reality and find an agreement, reconciliation with each other as acquaintances.

What is the dream of an ex-girlfriend (Romantic dream book)

  • I dreamed of an ex-girlfriend with a child - the separation was beneficial.
  • The former pregnant woman dreamed - a new relationship with a girl will be happier than previous relationships.
  • Seeing that you and your ex-girlfriend died together is a renewal of the romance.
  • Kiss an ex-girlfriend and get slapped for it - a new life partner needs more attention.
  • Secret meetings with a former beloved girl in your house are dreaming when an interesting friend appears in the circle of acquaintances who is in love with the dreamer and is afraid to open up about it.

Why is the ex-girlfriend dreaming (dream book of psychologist G. Miller)

  • Seeing your husband's ex-girlfriend in a dream is a change in your personal life.
  • I dreamed of breaking up with my ex-girlfriend - good luck and success in business.
  • dreamed ex-boyfriend with a new girl - you are ready to start a new life.
  • Constantly seeing an ex-girlfriend in dreams - unresolved cases remained in the past.

Ex-girlfriend - why dream in a dream (Dream Interpretation of the XXI century)

In the case when they saw an ex-girlfriend in a dream, the dream book suggests paying attention to the emotional side of sleep. That is, remember the feelings and sensations that you experienced when you saw your former passion. This will be the key to the puzzle. If you experienced pleasant sensations and positive emotions- you let go of your former love and are ready for a new, full-fledged relationship with a girl.

Interpretation of Former girls from the dictionary-dream book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

  • Quarreling with an ex-girlfriend - you still do not understand the reason for the breakup. Such an outcome of the relationship will leave a negative imprint on the beginning of new romantic relationships. In this case, the dream book speaks of the fear of new close relationships, and it will not go away until you understand the true reason for the breakup.
  • Why does the ex-girlfriend dream about kissing - the problem of choice, which will be extremely difficult to make. Try to understand yourself, feelings, desires and goals.

The meaning of a dream about an ex-girlfriend (Russian folk dream book)

  • Seeing a crying ex in a dream - you do not accept the choice of a partner.
  • The ex-girlfriend of her husband dreamed - overcoming troubles will disappear.
  • Seeing a laughing ex-girlfriend in a dream - a break in relations caused an inferiority complex.
  • I dreamed of breaking up with my ex-girlfriend - close friends or relatives have problems.

How to understand the dream in which you saw the former (interpretation by Nancy Wagayman)

  • Why dream of a quarrel with an ex-girlfriend - a betrayal of a person you trust. Take a closer look at the environment, do not trust secrets.
  • Why does the ex-girlfriend of a guy dream about if you get married - serious changes in life, both professional and personal. A big turn in life.

This dream has several different meanings. Usually a guy begins to remember his passion and dream about her, hoping in the depths of his soul that his girlfriend will return.

It is for this reason that the former girl may dream of him for some time after parting - this is how the subconscious comes to terms with the loss. However, there are several interpretations of what a guy's ex-girlfriend dreams of most often.

You need to interpret such dreams depending on your attitude to what happened, an honest awareness of desires, including the desire to return everything even after she said her word, as well as the prescription of your separation.

Here is what such a dream could mean. Pay attention to the main emotion of the dream and what scared or surprised you.

Light nostalgia

It is always difficult to part with a loved one, especially not on your own initiative. The subconscious does not want to let go of emotions when everything is fine, it wants to return. Therefore, if you dreamed of an ex-girlfriend in scenes from the past, when nothing changes in a dream, then this most often means nostalgia and a desire to return her.

Or realize what happened in the past, so as not to repeat your own mistakes. At the same time, pictures of the past do not come when you sort things out or try to return it. different ways, and some time later.

The dream interpretation of the ex-girlfriend, if she is the same as she was before, is interpreted as a sign that you have not yet come to terms with the loss. Most likely, attachment and the hope that she will come to her senses and return to you again prevent the final parting. At least that's what the scenes from the past say. Therefore, you dream that you are together again, kissing, or she worries about losing you, begins not to sleep and is jealous.

The dream interpretation writes why such plots may be dreamed of: you want everything to continue again until you are ready to let go of the situation. And until you recover from the loss, such dreams will continue indefinitely.

Dreams with changes

If you constantly dream of an ex-girlfriend different or with one plot, then such a dream means that the relationship is not completely over. Dreaming about places where you were happy usually means nostalgia and old memories, and seeing an ex-girlfriend in tears in a dream or not the same as in life is always a change. Or to the fact that the final parting is yet to come.

A dream in which she changed her hair color, repainted, changed her behavior and clothes - to the news. Although in some cases this means that her attitude towards you will change.

The change depends on your attitude towards her new image. If he is unpleasant and she had to become like you don’t like, why is this a dream?

The dream interpretation writes that such a dream means unpleasant news, quarrels or a final parting with her. It is possible that soon you will learn about the true reason for what happened very soon.

What is your ex-girlfriend dreaming about with another guy? In some situations, such a dream simply means your own curiosity about this. Quite often, such a dream turns out to be prophetic.

So, if your ex-girlfriend is dreaming of a friend or just an acquaintance, a man, then soon you will actually meet her with him.

And why can you have dreams in which the passion asks you for forgiveness, cries or is jealous? This is good sign, although it does not always mean that she will return to you. Most likely, you will soon have a new hobby or you will not accept your former lover.

If, after a long time after breaking up, you kiss, hug or have sex with her, then this may mean unexpected meeting with her. It is possible that you will be able to reconcile with her and remain friends, although in rare cases the dream book writes that the ex-girlfriend dreams that you will soon fall in love with another person.

Without a doubt, a dream in which I happened to see a former lover cannot leave you indifferent. After seeing a dream, you always want to know why your ex-girlfriend is seen in a dream?

A huge role in the correct interpretation is played by the emotions experienced after the vision. In the event that in a dream former lovers were happy and cheerful, this means that the past is forgotten and released and it is time for a new relationship.

But when an unpleasant aftertaste remains after sleep and heavy thoughts and memories appear, then there is some connection between the guy and the girl that still keeps close, it can also mean a lot of unspoken phrases during a relationship.

Why does an ex-girlfriend dream: general interpretations of sleep

The pregnancy of a former lover suggests that the future or present relationship will be more productive than the past, while most of the initiative will come from a new companion.

The marriage of an ex-girlfriend in a dream suggests the fact that past feelings are completely forgotten, and the young man does not experience a feeling of affection that previously interferes with building new relationships.

There are times when the current girlfriend of a young man in a dream comes to his former beloved, as a rule, an interpretation such a dream boils down to the fact that a real girl lacks self-confidence, she is jealous of her lover's past and often compares herself with an ex-lady.

If the ex-girlfriend comes to the guy in dreams every day, then most likely the moments experienced and the feelings that flared up earlier are not forgotten and there is a possibility that the young man wants to return everything back, by the way, most likely the former lover is also not averse to such a development of events.

It is traditionally believed that an ex-girlfriend dreams when the memories are still fresh in the memory, and letting them go is not as easy as it seems, and the memories of this person do not have to be positive. It can also be said that if a dream of this nature is often dreamed, then most likely the thoughts of the former lover do not leave the former companion.

Dream Interpretations

Sigmund Freud's dream book says that the seen former passion portends a short and unproductive relationship in the near future. And it is possible that an old friend will become a new chosen one for this period.

According to Tsvetkov's dream book, there are three options for the development of events in a dream:

1. A dream in which it was possible to peacefully conduct a dialogue with a former lady;

2. There was a scandal;

3. There was a serious conflict that escalated into a fight.

What does the ex-girlfriend dream about according to Miller’s dream book: a fight in a dream with an ex-girlfriend means closeness and a possible resumption of past relationships. If in a dream an ex-girlfriend kisses a guy and says tender words, then this indicates the existence of previous feelings. But if a girl is neutral towards a young man, then this means that everything is forgotten.

Wangi's dream book explains the constantly filming ex-girlfriend with not cooled feelings for her. But if you had to see a wedding with a former companion, then this indicates future changes.

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