Mars in Leo for a man. Husband and lover - Sun and Mars in a man's horoscope

  • 26.09.2019
The methodology of the St. Petersburg Astrological Academy allows you to analyze the compatibility of partners in great detail, even if exact time their birth is not known.

But before proceeding to the compatibility analysis, you need to determine the sexual planets - yours and your partner (which greatly affect the 1st marriage). Build your horoscope using the VGoroskope service and determine the position of your sexual planets in the zodiac signs. Sexual planets create a sensual and emotional basis for relationships. Knowing this information will help you understand the "love psychology" of your crush and open the way to winning his or her heart.

How to determine your sexual planet?

  • In men born from sunrise to sunset (day birth, the Sun is in houses from 12 to 7) - the sexual planet Venus.
  • In men born from sunset to sunrise (night birth, the Sun is in houses from 6 to 1) - the sexual planet Moon.
  • In women born from sunrise to sunset (day birth, the Sun is in houses from 12 to 7) - the sexual planet Sun.
  • In women born from sunset to sunrise (night birth, the Sun is in houses from 6 to 1) - the sexual planet Mars.

It is believed that the choice of first wife or first husband psychologically affects the position of the sexual planets in the horoscope and their aspecting by other planets.

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Tags: Sexual planets, day and night birth, Venus man and Moon, determine the sex planet, Mars woman and Sun, astrology and sex

The presence of Mars in Scorpio in a person's horoscope speaks of his colossal physical and spiritual endurance. These people have powerful energy, they are charismatic and charming. If a man has Scorpio, then this person is a fighter from birth. About this combination of stars in natal chart you can talk a lot and for a long time. But more about all this.


By nature, these men are distinguished by great willpower and stamina. We can say about them that they are not only stubborn, but even stubborn, in achieving their goals. If something is decided, it is impossible to change your mind.

Even as a child, they love to command. Leaders and generators of ideas from birth, and this is manifested in them literally in everything: in friendship, love relationships.

These men are enterprising, insightful and prudent. It cannot be said that they are cunning, but they do not hold logic. have good intellectual abilities, straightforward and orderly. They make good politicians and businessmen.

Men with Mars in Scorpio are physically hardy and strong. They love to tickle their nerves. They just have a passion for adventure and risk. They perceive their life as a struggle, so racing, extreme sports, etc. often become their favorite pastime.

They do not like to dedicate anyone to their plans and affairs, even the closest people. Such a man makes his decisions for a long time and always alone. All their lives they strive for independence, they try very early to get rid of parental care. Boys often run away from home simply out of curiosity.

In intimate relationships, this is a passionate and impulsive partner who can be very jealous and even aggressive.

He is a good friend, but a very dangerous enemy. He treats his enemies with ruthlessness and cruelty.

In love, Scorpio men with Mars are conquerors. If they like a woman, then he will use all his charm and attractiveness, but will achieve her location. These men know how to look after beautifully. In the conquest of the victim, all means are good, it can be bouquets of flowers, and walks under the moon, and travel on your own yacht. The more inaccessible the object, the more desirable it is for Scorpio. In love, he is often selfish. The last word must always remain with him. He is not distinguished by fidelity and in his youth is not very picky in relationships.

He is always the leader, but never the leader. This also applies love relationship. It is important for him to be a leader, to be stronger, wiser and higher. Therefore, he usually chooses modest and timid girls as companions.

To win the attention of such a man, it is enough for a girl to be mysterious and friendly. If she is modest, gentle and vulnerable, she has every chance to win his attention. In women, purely feminine qualities are important to him. He does not tolerate strong and accomplished women. He is afraid of female courage and self-sufficiency.

A man with Mars in Scorpio is terribly jealous. He is the owner even in friendship. Therefore, his companion must take into account the explosive and tough nature of her Scorpio and try not to provoke him to aggression, because his anger is terrible.

A representative of this sign acquires a family quite late. He fights for his independence and independence so much that sometimes he finds himself completely alone at a fairly mature age or marries very early, and the marriage, in most cases, breaks up. “Burned with milk”, Scorpio then “blows on water” for a long time.

Scorpio with Mars gives a man a stable financial position. Any job is easily given to him, and well-paid. You can safely say about him - "getter". In the family, he will let his wife manage the finances. Do not skimp on purchases and gifts to your loved ones.

He is a good owner who loves his home. He loves decorating his own home. This gives him stability and calmness. He loves physical labor, it will not be difficult for him to drive in a nail and fix a crane. In the household of such a man, there is always order, which household members cannot violate.

If Mars is in Scorpio for a man, you can rely on him in any business. Trust him, and he, with his inherent energy and strength, will overcome any challenge. Such a Scorpio only needs to be praised more often, this gives him support in life and confirmation of his power and might.

Men with Mars in Scorpio are usually very charismatic: they radiate a certain magnetic aura of strength and sexuality. The best example of such a person I know of was Senator and presidential candidate Robert Kennedy, who had both Mars and the Sun in Scorpio and had remarkable powers. energy field and an aura that could be felt even at a considerable distance.

Mars in Scorpio men radiate such powerful energy, these people inevitably cause an equally powerful reaction from others who are imbued with instant sympathy for them or, on the contrary, filled with hatred. Usually assertive, determined and somewhat impatient, at times they can be difficult partners, but in emergency situations requiring quick and decisive action, it is better to have these people on your side.

Angry, he completely withdraws into himself and digests negative emotions inside. After that, in some cases, a powerful explosion occurs, and then the rage that breaks out becomes destructive and irrational. It is difficult to forgive such behavior later. Mars in Scorpio sometimes takes decades to forgive a betrayal or personal offense.

Men with Mars in Scorpio

Mars in Scorpio in men with a positive development of events gives excellent physical strength, will, stamina, patience, authority, insight, discretion. If you were born in this generation, you are perfect fit job in criminal investigation, in surgery, it is easy to work with technology. If this sign is indicated in the horoscope, men make excellent athletes, mechanics, military, police officers.

If you were born under the influence of Mars, most likely you will have outstanding mental abilities, leadership, entrepreneurial qualities, you will have no equal in physical labor. With a negative development of events, Mars can instill aggression in a person, for example, spiritually or on the battlefield, on stage, in the political field, in the sports arena. Mars in Scorpio in men provokes the development of self-confidence, resentment, a tendency to violence, dishonesty, and sometimes extortion.

Mars in Scorpio: In ancient astrology, this sign was considered the second abode of Mars. Here his energies unfold like a violent storm in the ocean, for Scorpio is a Water sign. Such a man is passionate and impulsive, like Mars in Aries, but unlike the latter, he is capable of long-lasting and deep emotions. Relations with him resemble an action-packed novel, here love is mixed with hatred, manic jealousy with a desire for bold sexual experiments. Such a man beckons with his inconsistency. He is both secretive and outspoken to the point of obscenity. He can skillfully manipulate others, which not every woman is capable of, not to mention men. He is attracted to extreme sports, it is vital for him to periodically feel adrenaline in his blood. Touchy and vengeful, although he never attacks without reason.

Such a man, first of all, will show and show his male dignity. If he feels that a woman is “not led” by his sexuality, then he will not waste time in vain. If, however, he “learns” that the woman’s blood “seethed”, then a subtle and exciting game of luring a partner into bed will begin. And all means will be good: it is possible with flowers, it is possible without it, it is possible with a restaurant, it is possible without it, the main thing is the process itself ... The quick “taking possession of the object” and the inability of a woman to keep a delicate psychological game will deliver only a couple of hot moments, and such a friend will embark on a further search for an exciting game. By the way, usually with age, Mars in Scorpio adds other male features to its other virtues: how cool his car, yacht or bicycle is, what kind of friends he has - owners of planes, yachts and horses.

Here Mars gives free rein to his passions and specific character traits, regardless of anyone or anything. The strength and will of Mars in Scorpio is manifested with great activity, its energy simply knows no bounds. Attacks of authoritarianism happen at every turn, and noisy behavior attracts the attention of others. Here the mottos of Mars are manifested - “what I want, I turn back” and “I will die, but I will achieve my own”. Indeed, these people achieve their goal at any cost and by any means.

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Mars in Scorpio gives qualities such as perseverance in achieving the desired, purposefulness, tirelessness and penetrating power. In their desire to achieve the goal, they can go to extremes, sometimes even becoming fanatics of their idea. Self-confidence and determination these people do not hold, but unlike Mars in Aries, Mars in Scorpio is more reasonable and prudent. Their hard work and efficiency are simply amazing, with their tirelessness and enthusiasm they exhaust not only themselves, but also others. And in the ability to overcome any obstacles and obstacles and cope with any difficulties, no one can compare with them. Obstacles do not stop them, but on the contrary, "spur", increase their will and energy many times, which helps them to overcome any competitor, opponent and enemy.

People with Mars in Scorpio are attracted by everything secret and dangerous, it seems that they have no fear at all. They are able to jump from a height, go through fire, climb into the mouth of a tiger, because they want to figure everything out on their own and thoroughly: look into the very depths of things, get to the bottom of the truth. Any theory is tested thoroughly, to the point of nausea. Often they become members of anyone secret groups, societies, underground organizations are engaged in secret activities.

They have good organizational skills, the talent of an administrator, leader, commander. They are good analysts and diplomats, however, mostly in their own favor.

With negative aspects - selfishness, cunning, haste, thoughtlessness, recklessness, recklessness, arrogance, ruthlessness, ruthlessness, excessive aggressiveness.

The unfavorable aspectarium of Mars with other planets and elements of the horoscope brings a lot of anxiety and unrest, a lot of struggle. High probability of injuries, accidents. Possible premature death. With a local determination in the VI, VIII or XII fields of the horoscope, there is a lot of grief and sadness because of women.

Bad aspects simultaneously with Mercury, the Moon and Saturn portend bad inclinations, a harsh, arrogant, vengeful character, the desire to enrich themselves at the expense of other people, as well as many competitors, opponents, enemies. Only prudence, self-discipline and self-control can save here. With good self-control, success is possible.

A bad aspect with Venus is an immoral lifestyle: alcoholism, drug addiction, sybaritism, prostitution, the danger of venereal diseases.

A negative aspect to Uranus is an accident, infectious diseases, especially during epidemics, surgical intervention.

Characteristics of Mars in Scorpio

in - in the monastery.

Activity + Self-preservation = Life instinct

Keyword: irascibility.

Benefits of Mars in Scorpio: the most dynamic will, a strong supply of energy, purposefulness, ambition, critical mind, endurance, diligence, mechanical and manual skill.

Negative qualities of Mars in Scorpio: development of forces to unceremoniousness, wasting of forces, authoritarian attacks, intransigence, thirst for criticism, will to destroy, lust for power, intolerance, quarrelsomeness, selfishness, lack of self-control.

Possible health problems: ailments of the lower body, menstrual irregularities.

Mars in Scorpio in the natal chart

You are strong and disciplined, self-confident, efficient, domineering and aggressive. Rarely do you take action without thinking and checking in advance whether the situation is right for you. You are an idealist, insightful and not subject to extraneous influence. You are a very reliable, loyal person and require the same from others. You absolutely do not know how to adapt and relax. As a strategist and organizer, you act on an all-or-nothing basis, which makes reaching a compromise much more difficult. On the sexual plane, you are strong, aggressive and mysterious, if you use these tendencies incorrectly, increased jealousy may appear.

Mars in the monastery gives Scorpio a powerful active energy in the field of the collective unconscious. The water of Scorpio softens and hides the actions of Mars, inhibits its spontaneity, endows it with the ability to restrain. Before making a decision, Scorpio has time to imagine what he is going to do. The activity of people of this psychotype is aimed at changing the external world (Mars acts outside). Scorpios have a fluid and flexible yet relentless ability to pursue their desires, and it can be difficult for others to recognize what their actions are aimed at.

Mars is capable of both creating and destroying, its impulses are directed to both the best and the worst. The hidden actions of Mars in Water evoke associations of a geyser beating from the ground, the power of splashes of which can be enormous. A fixed cross, holding the energy of the planets in the sign, makes the reactions of Mars more manageable than with a similar status of the planet in Aries. Therefore, Scorpio is able to cope with the rudeness, harshness, peremptory judgments inherent in strong Mars. More developed (the eighth sign of the Zodiac), Mars will direct its activity to an uncompromising struggle with what it considers the imperfection of the surrounding world and its own.

The destructive ability of Mars makes Scorpio a participant in criminal and terrorist structures and organizations fighting them. Scorpio loves and knows how to take risks, often provoking aggression, allowing him to realize his hidden Martian potential.

Mars in the decanates of Scorpio

Unbending will, severity, ruthlessness, ruthlessness, a tendency to violence. Everything is done impartially, coolly and masterfully. This position is found among chemists, naturalists, engravers, doctors, especially surgeons and dentists.

Strong animal instincts, passions, nymphomania, sybaritism.

Increased ambition, rich imagination, lively, vivid imagination. Biggest success is foreshadowed in science, especially related to technology and mechanics.

Historical figures with Mars in Scorpio

Louis Philippe, Cardinal Richelieu, Martin Luther, Jean Racine, Heinrich Heine, Otto von Habsburg, George Washington, Mikhail Kutuzov, Paul Joseph Goebbels, Robert Kennedy, Fyodor Chaliapin, Mahatma Gandhi, Leonid Brezhnev, S. P. Korolev, P. M. Mikoyan, E. V. Khrunov, G. S. Shonin, Yulia Generozova-Bugueva.

Transit of Mars through Scorpio

At the time when Mars passes the sign of Scorpio, the air becomes rarefied. Tension is felt in everything. People begin to behave like birds before a thunderstorm. They have a feeling of anxiety, they begin to rush about or, conversely, hide in anticipation. This expectation is not humility or numbness - at this moment there is an internal redistribution of energy, which is focused at one point in order to “shoot” in the right direction at the right moment. A stop is needed in order to orient and predict the direction of a possible strike. Mars in Scorpio never attacks itself, it only fights back a visible or invisible enemy. At the moment of danger, not only physical and mental forces are mobilized, but also internal reserves are revealed, which is why people with Mars in Scorpio seem to be stranded. When necessary, they can work for days, with little to no sleep. It is possible that someone at this time will have to work hard, as emergencies, disasters, major accidents are common for Mars in Scorpio. Otherwise, what will he apply his accumulated strength to?

These days, the issues related to big business, joint finance, banks, corporations. Mars brings confusion into the more or less established scheme by which entrepreneurs operate. The measured production rhythm is disrupted, something has to be urgently redone, redistributed, changed, hidden, destroyed. Something always happens that requires not only immediate intervention, but also great physical and mental stress. The same can be said about a business that is starting at this time. Its development will not be uniform. From time to time, he will be shaken by crises, from which he will come out with greater or lesser losses.

People who are not burdened by big business also have enough problems. Most often, they have to deal with manifestations of aggression, threats, and even direct attacks. The number of crimes is increasing: robberies, murders and, due to a sharp increase in libido, sexual crimes. Those people in whose Radix there is an indication of the possibility of violence should be on their guard, especially if the transit Mars has a negative aspect that repeats the natal one. Even if the above excesses can be avoided, the blood seething in the veins still haunts people. In search of adrenaline, they can embark on rather risky adventures associated with the risk to their lives. Any kind of experiments, for example, playing with death, can end in failure.

Also at this time, the desire to experience the possibilities of magic increases, which, without appropriate training and knowledge, can also end very sadly.

Negative aspects reinforce Negative influence passing through Scorpio Mars. At this time, an absurd death associated with a fatal combination of circumstances, severe injuries, disasters are possible, the number of criminal offenses is increasing.


  1. Sergei Alekseevich Vronsky - «CLASSICAL ASTROLOGY in 12 volumes»
  2. Marion March, Joan McEvers - « Astrology »
  3. "Training course of the Munich Institute of Parapsychology"
  4. N. Yu. Markina "Interpretation of Astrological Symbolism"

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Mars in Aries

This is an exceptionally aggressive and assertive man in sex. Its motto is "here and now". In their actions and sexual behavior, "Aries" at any age is a teenager. From the earliest years, he seeks and, as a rule, finds the fastest and most complete satisfaction of his desires. With women it is rude and boorish, prone to violence. At worst, he may have sadistic tendencies. Unsatisfied desires push such a person onto a self-destructive path, especially in early youth (suicides, drugs, criminal associations, domestic crimes). Often, unspent energy goes into another direction. The most striking example in this respect is V.I. Lenin.

Mars in Taurus

"Taurus" knows how to control his sexual desires, and his sexual behavior is quite rational. However, "animal nature" and "male instinct" from time to time make themselves felt. The owner of Mars in Taurus is distinguished by exceptional stubbornness in achieving his goal. If he has planned for himself a victim among women, he will pursue her to the "stop". At the same time, no persuasion to wait a little and cool down does not work on him. However, such a man will not go to direct violence.

Mars in Gemini

With the location of Mars in any air sign, in particular, in Gemini, the sexuality of a man is very weak (compared to the signs of other elements). Air is absolutely not a sexual element. The energy of an “airy” person is dissipated into communication, and his sexual actions are chaotic, inconsistent and, as a result, ineffective. A man with Mars in Gemini loves quick, non-committal connections. "Have fun and run away" - his credo. The stimulus for the beginning or development of a sexual life is intellectual curiosity. When it is satisfied, interest in sex may disappear. The owners of this position of Mars are often prone to voyeurism - peeping, peeping.

Mars in Cancer

Men with this position of Mars (especially in their youth) are very shy. They give in to any difficulties in the way of winning the favor of a partner. At the same time, their sexual desires are quite intense, and their fantasies on this subject are rich. The owner of Mars in Cancer in sex yearns for an emotional fusion with a partner. Women are suitable for him, giving a sense of stability, security. Cancer needs not only sex, but also sexual harmony, the basis for which is emotional understanding.

Mars in Leo

This position produces the most passionate and romantic lovers. "Lions" are self-confident, self-aware men. They are able to restrain their desires for the time being without harming their psyche. If the owner of Mars in Aries is ready to make any contact, if only he would bring him momentary satisfaction, the owner of Mars in Leo is able to wait until an interesting woman appears on the horizon. "Leo" seeks to find not a momentary connection, but a full-fledged partnership. Having found it, it will support in all possible ways until it exhausts itself.

Mars in Virgo

This person is usually picky about potential partners, because in sex quality is important for him, not quantity. Usually "Virgos" are knowledgeable in physiological matters. They may be interested in sexology and pay a lot of attention to health. A partner who is suspected of having a disease will not be dated. In dealing with sexual partners, they behave rather coldly until they achieve confidence in this person, in particular, in his cleanliness. Usually they strive to reach the heights in sexual technique.

Mars in Libra

This is the weakest position of Mars in the Zodiac. In many cases, "Libra", even very young, generally deny that they have sexual needs, or prefer to postpone their satisfaction "for later." Their slogan is "not here and not now". Such a man is very diplomatic and always finds words to lead the conversation with a potential partner in a neutral direction and avoid sexual rapprochement.

However, the owners of this position of Mars have another extreme of behavior - the desire to seduce everyone and constantly, just to assert themselves in sexual sphere even without having such big sexual requests. In this case, the number of seduced "victims" comes to the fore. This is the real Don Juan in the classical sense of the term.

Mars in Scorpio

This is very strong position Mars in the Zodiac. The sexual desires of such a man are tough and intense, but he does not advertise them. Scorpio's behavior with women is flexible and diplomatic. With some, he achieves rapprochement with affection, with others - with the help of generous gifts or direct funding, and with others he is ready to go for a rough version of violence. In the latter case, behavior can take on a pathological character, that is, become like mania. Scorpio is likely to have sadistic or masochistic tendencies, and there is also a craving for non-traditional species sexual activities. With this position of Mars, a man often forms a wide variety of mental complexes on sexual topics. For example, “I am overly sexy”, or, conversely, “I am impotent”, “I am ugly”, “I am the most the best man in the world" and other forms of inadequate self-esteem in sexual matters. Among other things, Scorpios are prone to fetishism of all kinds.

Mars in Sagittarius

For Sagittarius, mutual understanding in sexual life with the chosen partner is of paramount importance. The search for a suitable woman comes to the fore for the owner of Mars in Sagittarius, but the physiological aspects of sexuality are secondary for him. His criteria for selecting a partner are very high; for Sagittarius, the ideological and even religious qualities of a potential partner are of great importance. In itself, the behavior in bed with Sagittarius is adequate to the situation, decisive and, on the whole, quite courageous. At worst, somewhat conservative. A striking example is V.V. Putin.

Mars in Capricorn

This is the brightest position of Mars in the zodiac. Men with this position in the horoscope are extremely purposeful in sexual matters. They are clearly aware of all aspects of their desires and know how to satisfy them. They build a whole strategy to win the woman they like, and steadily lead the matter to rapprochement, creating all the conditions for it. The needs of the partner are carefully studied, and if they are not excessive, they are satisfied.

The owners of Mars in Capricorn do not deny the possibility of buying sex for money, but this sex must be of high quality in all respects. A man with Mars in Capricorn looks condescendingly on the "naked sexual activity" of adolescence, as if it were child's play. Even in his youth he is a mature man.