Why dream of trying on a jacket. Why does a new jacket appear, on a hanger, to measure

  • 21.09.2019

If you dreamed of a jacket, remember what color it was and what material was used to make it. Also consider your actions in the dream.

If you remember these details, you will see a picture of your present and future.


A white jacket in a dream - according to the dream book, this is a sign that you need to calm down, relax. If you have a lot of work, ask someone to help you.

Otherwise, you are threatened with fatigue, irritability and a biased assessment of the situation. And if you arrange a rest for yourself, you will soon find peace of mind.

According to the dream book, a red jacket means passions boiling inside you. Experts recommend expressing emotions in a timely manner, not harboring evil towards people and saying what you think. Secretiveness and reticence can destabilize relationships with loved ones.

  • Blue - to joyful events.
  • Green - to pleasant communication.
  • Yellow - to a good mood.

Calmness and regularity in business - this is what the jacket dreams of beige colour. No one will interfere with you, and you will be able to achieve what you have dreamed of for so long.

If a close person offer your help, try to politely refuse. Now the period has come when the work will be done better if you do it yourself.


A leather jacket in a dream is a confirmation of your self-confidence. You have a stable mental state, you are completely satisfied with your actions and the results achieved. If you continue to behave in the same way, then real success awaits you soon.

A denim jacket seen in a dream in a dream book symbolizes your easy attitude to life. With your optimism, you can infect even the most "inveterate" pessimist. People around you admire your ability to accept difficulties with a smile and quickly solve problems.

A down jacket is dreamed of when you lack warmth in communication with the opposite sex. Perhaps you should hint to your partner that your relationship requires passion and new experiences. Having frankly talked with your loved one, you will notice that life is getting better.

Other meanings

According to the dream book, a new jacket is dreamed of when you are on the verge of interesting events. Perhaps you will do profitable proposition from a business partner, to which you simply must agree.

An old, shabby jacket appears in a dream in front of a temporary financial difficulty. Dont be upset. Savings and a reasonable approach to shopping will help fix it.

  • Jacket without pockets - to unplanned expenses.
  • Seeing her on a mannequin is an interesting acquaintance.
  • The jacket is small for you - you are capable of more.

If in a dream you buy a jacket, then in reality you will get the right, high-quality thing. And putting it on yourself - according to the dream book, means successfully completing the work you have begun.

Wash a jacket in a dream - clear your thoughts of negativity. And to receive it as a gift means to earn the respect of a superior person.

Determining what the jacket is dreaming of is quite simple. One has only to remember all the nuances of sleep and transfer their meaning to your real life. As experts write, such dreams are often vivid and very well remembered. Author: Vera Fractional

Seeing a jacket in a dream means that in reality you will suffer because of your stubbornness. Borrowing a jacket from someone portends that other people's mistakes will cause your failures.

Wearing in a dream or seeing someone wearing a chic jacket trimmed with expensive fur - such a dream portends exceptional luck in fulfilling your desires.

To have someone else's jacket on in a dream portends difficult situation in which you will have to turn to friends for help. An old, ragged jacket is a nuisance.

If in a dream a brand new genuine leather jacket was stolen from you, it means that in reality your business will not work out and you will have to start all over again.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Buy and Sell

Buying in a dream is always better than selling. But to see in a dream that you are giving money or a wallet for something means losses and losses, especially in personal life. Buying something in a dream is a small profit.

Seeing goods in the bazaar is a warning to be careful because of the danger of deception. Buy them - to gossip. Seeing a lot of purchases in a dream is a sign that you will soon receive a significant amount of money that you will spend on the necessary things.

Buying cheap in a dream is a sign of an imminent love victory or an unsuccessful deal that you will enter into because of greed. Selling a lot and successfully in a dream is a sign of success in business and prosperity. Sometimes such a dream portends new opportunities. Unsuccessful sales in a dream are a sign of failure in business in reality. See interpretation: seller, gifts.

If you dream that your friend's things are being sold, then soon you will have to go through a lot because someone will betray this person. Selling in a dream often means betrayal.

A conversation with a seller in a dream often portends a trial, a quarrel, a division. To manage trade in a dream is a harbinger of dishonest profits. Underground trade in a dream means that you are not pretending to be who you really are, or that other people do not think of you the way you would like. See interpretation: smuggling.

Cashing in on something in a dream is a sign of deceit or betrayal. Shopping in a dream is a harbinger that fate will favor you if you bought essentials.

Making some valuable acquisition in a dream portends a change for you. More precisely, about the meaning of sleep, look at the names of what you bought. Planning big (expensive) purchases in a dream means that soon you will have to pay dearly for your mistakes.

If you dream that someone is talking to you about acquiring (purchasing) expensive (large) things, then soon someone will make an important decision that concerns you, and will not hesitate to inform you of his decision.

Interpretation of dreams from

A jacket, like, in fact, any other outerwear, reflects in a dream the inner world of a person and his protection from the external environment. Sometimes hints at hiding some secret. Popular dream books will give a more detailed description.

According to the dream book from A to Z

Did you happen to see a jacket in a dream? In reality, you will suffer due to excessive stubbornness. Did you dream that you borrowed a jacket? The reason for the failure will be someone else's mistake. Why dream of a very expensive jacket with a fur trim? The dream interpretation predicts the fulfillment of a dream and exceptional luck.

If in a dream you had to wear an unfamiliar or someone else's jacket, then you will find yourself in a difficult situation and will be forced to resort to someone else's help. old, worn, torn clothes hints at trouble. Had a dream that a brand new jacket was stolen? The business that was planned will not work out and you will have to start over.

According to the dream book of the XXI century

Why dream that you had a chance to buy or just see a jacket? Be prepared to take part in the division of some property. Did you dream that you put on a jacket, but it turned out to be small or short in a dream? You will be accused of violating some rules, decency. To take off a jacket literally means to be freed from burdensome duties or debts.

According to Miller's dream book

Dreamed of a jacket? The dream interpretation recommends being less stubborn, otherwise you will get into trouble. If you were given a jacket in a dream, then get ready to suffer because of someone else's stupidity. Seeing a new product is good. This is an omen of incredible luck and luck.

Why dream if you realize that you are wearing someone else's jacket? In a difficult situation, friends will help. But torn clothes signify a difficult period and loss. Worst of all, if in a dream they managed to lose their own jacket. Excessive gullibility and a frivolous attitude to money will bring you to the edge and force you to look for new sources of income.

According to the female dream book

Why is the jacket dreaming? In reality, be stubborn and regret it. Someone else's jacket in a dream symbolizes the mistakes of others that will affect you. The same story predicts difficult situation, to get out of which familiar people will help.

Seeing a torn jacket in a dream is the worst. The dream book prophesies a particularly difficult life stage. It's even worse if you happen to lose your jacket. Lack of money and shortsightedness will lead to an almost hopeless situation.

What is the dream of a jacket for men, women, children

I dreamed of a cozy warm jacket male type? In reality, you lack attention and warmth in relationships with loved ones. It is also a sign of security.

For a woman to see a man's jacket in a dream means that she needs a protector. A women's jacket for a man is a sign of a lack of softness, a men's one is good luck in business. Why dream of a children's jacket. To all dreamers, without exception, she guarantees family squabbles.

What does a leather jacket mean at night

A leather jacket symbolizes protection from the outside world, and also reflects the callousness of character. If the indicated image appears regularly in a dream, then it is time to abandon personal egoism.

Dreamed of a leather jacket? An unpleasant event is coming that you will not be able to forget for a long time. Seeing a leather jacket on another character means that it is he who will bring you trouble.

Sometimes the interpretation of sleep is more positive. So a leather jacket in a dream symbolizes incredible luck when playing for money, and also promises success in love. Why dream of a torn leather jacket? Fantastic luck will deprive you of caution and you will lose everything.

I dreamed of a jacket in blood, paint, dirty

Why dream if the jacket is stained with paint? This is a hint: temper your fantasies and desires. If in a dream there was blood on the jacket, then a loved one will set it up. A dirty jacket warns of a loss of reputation, deceit. If you are splashed with mud, then be afraid of slander and gossip.

Did you dream that you had a chance to wash a dirty jacket? Do not talk about your plans, otherwise you will be at a disadvantage. If the clothes were so dirty that in a dream you had to take them to a dry cleaner, then you will get a lot of money, which you can use to pay off your debt.

Why does a new jacket appear, on a hanger, to measure

A brand new jacket promises good luck, recognition, career success. It is good to measure several models at once. This is a sign of a happy family life. But trying on someone else's clothes is bad. You are too curious and often stick your nose where it doesn’t belong, therefore you risk making a lot of problems. Moreover, someone else's jacket in a dream warns that you can take on other people's sins and illnesses. Dreamed of a jacket on a hanger? There will be a lot of work and hassle.

What does the jacket symbolize on itself, on the other

Did you dream of a strong, but already unfashionable jacket on yourself? in a dream it is a symbol of stability and confidence, but do not neglect innovative ideas. Why dream if you refused to wear an unfashionable jacket? Serious changes are coming, during which you will leave your usual society, do other things, make new acquaintances. Seeing an expensive jacket on another character means that you are spending money thoughtlessly. If the dreaming character is wearing a leather jacket, then the known relationship will be dry and cool.

Jacket in a dream - examples of interpretations

In general, the interpretation of dreams about clothes is fraught with one nuance. Be sure to take a closer look at how natural it looks. If a suspicious glow breaks through the jacket, then get ready for serious life tests. In addition, there is a possibility that you met in a dream with an otherworldly entity that took the form of an ordinary jacket.

  • fashionable jacket - entertainment, interesting meetings
  • old-fashioned - change the environment, work, image
  • uncomfortable - dissatisfaction with the status quo
  • large in size - you want more than you can
  • sports - be active, energetic
  • working - fulfill duties, obligations
  • military - necessity, determination
  • unusual - conflicts, risk
  • leather - safety, protection, good luck in the game, love
  • from suede - charm, luxury, love
  • silk - deception, illusion, dreaminess
  • from drape - an unpleasant story, defeat
  • rubber - danger
  • from fabric - comfortable position, temporary measures, unstable position
  • winter for a woman - a rich groom
  • for a man - monetary loss
  • new - respect, prospects, income, dream fulfillment
  • old - humiliation, poverty
  • full of holes, with patches - confusing circumstances
  • someone else's - financial difficulties, help from friends, relatives
  • on a hanger - stubbornness, an unresolved problem
  • black jacket - reward, nobility
  • blue - fulfillment of desires
  • brown - severe trials
  • bright red - longevity, happiness, passion
  • dark red - cruelty, hypocrisy, danger
  • raspberry - change of plans
  • green - prosperity, prosperity
  • yellow - new business, acquaintances
  • white - bad changes
  • pink - carelessness, fun, illusory
  • multi-colored - abrupt changes, interweaving of bad and good
  • motley - uncertainty, recklessness
  • take off your jacket - an irrevocable debt
  • splatter with mud - a bad opinion, loss of reputation
  • walk indoors - keep a secret
  • buy - respect, fame, like-minded people
  • sell - disadvantageous position
  • sew - changes, including in the image, the right way
  • to alter - good luck, amazing luck
  • try on - injustice, tears
  • give vilification - flattery, praise from strangers
  • wear someone else's - lack of warmth, have someone else's opinion, suppression of will
  • lose in a public place - a fateful change for the worse

If in a dream a jacket was stolen or worse, robbers took it off in a dark alley, then very close people will dissolve gossip, and obstacles will appear in business due to the fault of others.

Seeing a jacket in a dream means that in reality you will suffer because of your stubbornness. Borrowing a jacket from someone portends that other people's mistakes will cause your failures.

Wearing in a dream or seeing someone wearing a chic jacket trimmed with expensive fur - such a dream portends exceptional luck in fulfilling your desires.

To have someone else's jacket on in a dream portends a difficult situation in which you will have to turn to friends for help. An old, ragged jacket is a nuisance.

If in a dream a brand new genuine leather jacket was stolen from you, it means that in reality your business will not work out and you will have to start all over again.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Dress Up

If in a dream someone bothers you to get dressed: pulls off your hat, jacket, hides your things - someone will interfere with your studies.

If you are in a hurry somewhere (for example, to the station) and do not have time to get dressed, in reality you will experience irritation due to something.

If you dress in a dream somehow, in untidy clothes, an unexpected guest will come to you.

And you won’t know what to grab onto: either to seat the guest, greet, drink tea, or hastily put yourself in order! Get dressed, please, and neatly at home.

Interpretation of dreams from

Modern men and women cannot do without such a comfortable, versatile piece of clothing as a jacket. It allows you to warm up, create a stylish image, express individuality. And if so, then the dream books, depending on the details of night vision and style, the quality of the garment, explain quite differently: what the jacket is dreaming of.

In addition, in a dream, you can buy a jacket, receive it as a gift, repair it, and even look for it. Given all this, you can get very curious and useful predictions.

Miller focuses on: does the dreamer like the dreaming jacket? If it is new, fashionable, then the dream book promises him honors and different kind privilege. But the old, fairly worn, alas, does not give him hope for public recognition.

I dreamed that you were looking for your windbreaker or leather jacket? In this case, in reality, you experience fear, seek to avoid danger, protect yourself. Did you manage to find her? Then, upon awakening, you will certainly find a way out of their difficult situation and calm down.

The appearance of a new thing

Loff in his dream book explains: what is the dream of a brand new jacket. On the one hand, this is the desire of the sleeping person to change something in his life, on the other hand, it is a sign that everything will turn out extremely well for him. Somehow the problems will be resolved, a series of adversities will be left behind.

By acquiring in a dream a solid, comfortable item of upper wardrobe, a person gains confidence, increases self-esteem in reality. Waking up, he gradually becomes more determined, calmer, believes in his own success. If in night dreams the purchase was planned for a special occasion, for example, for a trip, a date, then the sleeper really wants people to listen to his opinion, he seeks to find like-minded people, associates.

In a dream, you went to the store and bought the clothes you liked for no reason, for every day? This is a good sign - you are completely satisfied with your life and nothing prevents you from having fun with friends, respecting people who love you. And you definitely do not suffer from the attention deficit of the opposite sex. Everything is fine!

Parting with a thing

Get ready for the fact that obstacles will suddenly arise on your way, obstacles and things will go with a creak, that's what the loss of a jacket dreamed of. The dream interpretation also warns of problems in personal life.

Being a generous person in a dream, did you give someone your thing? Oddly enough, but your kindness in reality will remain invaluable. The dream interpretation predicts: a series of worries, fatigue, apathy and resentment towards others.

Why dream that the jacket was stolen? French dream book reassures: do not worry about the loss, in reality, Fortune, on the contrary, will be unusually favorable to you!

Fitting at the mirror

But if you are trying on clothes that have not yet been bought in your night dreams, then be careful, be careful, the dream book recommends. He also explains that in the near future you run the risk of being under the influence of others, which will prevent you from objectively assessing the current situation and controlling it.

In the dream book of the Italian Meneghetti it is said that trying on a new thing is a reflection of a person’s desire in reality to resemble a certain character, adopting his mannerisms, behavioral style, speech, even national characteristics.

An erotic dream book authored by Danilova interprets very interestingly: why dream of trying on new jackets. The compiler is sure that it does not make sense to please others, to prove to them your true, good, disinterested intentions, they will still accuse you of all sins. Therefore, keep your nose up, do not pay attention to critics and lovers of gossip.

Did you dream that you were trying on new clothes and you clearly liked this process? According to the Yellow Emperor, this vision only confirms that you are extremely curious in reality. The desire to delve into the essence of things that do not even concern you is sometimes very annoying for people, keep this in mind.

In ancient times, wise priestesses compiled a special collection of dream interpretations for the Egyptian pharaohs, called Kenherkhepeshef. According to the option proposed by this dream book, when you wake up, taking off your jacket, you will find an original, diplomatic way to resolve a dispute that has not subsided for a long time.

someone else's clothes

Why did you dream that you were trying on another person's jacket? If he is familiar to you, then when you wake up, think: are you copying the habits and mannerisms of this character? This is a thankless task, besides, the Wanderer's dream book warns with someone else's clothes in phantasmagoria you "put on" other people's problems and illnesses.

Noticing in a midnight slumber, a jacket perfectly sitting on a man, think carefully in the morning before agreeing to perform additional duties. This vision suggests that having put a lot of worries on your shoulders, you will put an end to your personal life.

Compiler of the Ancient English dream book so he explained: why does a woman dream of a jacket, tunic, jacket of her beloved. It turns out that this vision warns her of an outbreak of jealousy from her partner.

But in Hasse's dream book there is an interpretation option for someone who noticed a children's jacket in dreams. This item guarantees the dreamer an excellent position that will help him restore peace between quarreling household members. A married lady who dreamed that she herself sewed such clothes for a baby can hope that she will soon give her husband an heir.

Product color

The color of the dreamed clothes plays a huge role in the accuracy of the prediction. Blue products portend trials in reality, but the sleeper will pass them with honor, gain valuable experience. In addition, unexpected help will come to him from the outside, and he will be convinced that he underestimated some people.

Dreamed of a blue jacket? Then feel free to rely on your intuition, it will not let you down, it will tell you: who is your ally.

Turquoise windbreaker - a warning that you should be careful, vigilant. It is necessary to control all affairs, otherwise you can be robbed, ruined.

Have you dreamed of having a sponsor, a wise mentor, a person who shares your views and believes in you? Such a wish will come true if a green park is dreamed of.

Jacket dream interpretation yellow color immediately makes you think of a ringing, golden coin. So it will be - in reality, you will get a good profit. And the desire to celebrate this success in the company of friends, colleagues, like-minded people is quite natural.

Why dream of a black jacket? To separation from loved ones, relatives. Do not be discouraged, you will soon see them again - the meeting will be joyful.

The vision of white clothes is ambiguously interpreted. If you yourself were dressed in a dream, for example, in a snow-white down jacket, then a certain life stage is ending in reality. If in a dream women and children were dressed in clothes of this color, then pleasant surprises and holidays are expected.

Seasonal wardrobe

Warm down jackets, "Alaska" in dreams portend the opportunity in reality to emphasize your exquisite taste and boast of prosperity. However, do not forget that your achievements in some people can cause jealousy, irritation. Hence the intrigues of envious people, who will get even more angry if in a dream you flaunted in the summer in an outfit decorated with fur.

A leather jacket in a dream is a symbol of the complete safety of the sleeper. He can not worry about anything in reality, and boldly follow the goal.

Have you noticed that the jacket in a dream is clearly a bit short? Then the dream book warns: you can be accused of bad manners, indelicateness, as well as money-grubbing and greed. If this was a vision of a woman, then she had a rival who, alas, will achieve her goal.

Worn out clothes

Old jacket, according to Eastern dream book, - a sign of partner's infidelity. If he has not yet committed adultery, then one step away from him.

Torn clothes in a dream are a very disturbing signal. In reality, stay away from strangers, do not be frank with them. However, do not blurt out too much even in the presence of friends and girlfriends. Frivolous statements can reflect badly on your reputation.

The predictor Zhou-gong gives a very original interpretation of what the frock coat with shiny lapels and collar dreamed of. The Chinese are sure that this is a sign that the dreamer will have a generous, influential patron.

And finally, about a dirty jacket that obviously needs to be washed and you decided to wash it. This dream is an omen of good changes, concerning, first of all, an increase in income.

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