The concept and structure of pedagogical technology. Abstract on the topic: "Pedagogical technique as a form of organization of teacher behavior"

  • 10.10.2019

The effectiveness of the educational process directly depends not only on the teacher's knowledge of the material presented, but also on the ability to present this information. Pedagogical technique is the most important component of the teacher's skill, allowing him to develop and improve in his profession. To understand the whole essence of this concept, it is necessary to consider it in more detail.

What is pedagogical technique

For the first time this term appeared in textbooks on pedagogy and didactics at the beginning of the last century. Since then, many scientists have been and continue to be engaged in his research, who have not come to a consensus on the exact interpretation of this phenomenon. But if we combine all the works of great teachers, we can draw a generalized conclusion.

So, pedagogical technique is a set of tools, techniques and methods that helps the teacher to establish contact with pupils and correctly present information material. It can be expressed in almost everything that the teacher does: in the way he gives a lecture, how he places the necessary semantic accents, how he attracts the attention of the audience, sets it in a working mood.

Pedagogical technique is to some extent a style of teaching. It is based on certain rules moral standards to be followed by the teacher. However, at the same time, this style is individual for each teacher.

Components of pedagogical technique

The first teacher who tried to describe the structure of the concept we are considering was A. S. Makarenko. This man entered the educational literature on didactics as the greatest teacher of his time. Of course, over the years, he had followers, and there were many of them. Now, based on the results of the accumulated experience, the following components of such a concept as pedagogical technology are distinguished:

  • Perceptual abilities, expressed in the development of memory, imagination and observation.
  • manifested in the ability to establish contact with the audience.
  • The appearance of the teacher (grooming, as well as the general style).
  • Ability to use verbal (rich vocabulary, technical literacy) and non-verbal (diction, intonation and semantic accents)
  • Pedagogical technique also includes the ability to control oneself (to control gait, gestures, facial expressions, posture).

Each of these components plays an important role in educational process, however, we will separately focus on only two of them: the appearance of the teacher and his ability to use verbal and

The teacher and his appearance

As they say, a person is always greeted by clothes, but escorted by mind. This proverb is true no matter how you look at it. And she plays her part. After all, a teacher is not just a walking encyclopedia. First of all, this is a person who transfers experience and knowledge to his pupils. And in order for the students to perceive the teacher as an authority, he must look solid, commanding respect.

The first thing that reveals the essence pedagogical technique- it's clothes. It should be comfortable so as not to hinder the movements of the teacher and not interfere with him to perform basic technological operations: move around the classroom, write on the board, etc. In addition, it is advisable for the teacher to choose a wardrobe in a discreet, classical style. Otherwise, students will be distracted by the appearance of the teacher, which will hinder the assimilation of the material.

Other components of the teacher's style should be in harmony with the clothes: hairstyle, makeup, accessories. Perfectly selected details of the image of the teacher will be an excellent example for students, develop their taste, and also cause sympathy and respect for their teacher.

The teacher's control of his speech

Let's return again to our proverb, interpreting that the mind is the second characteristic by which we are judged. And since pedagogical technique is primarily oral skill, it is very important for the teacher to be able to correctly express his thoughts. To do this, the teacher needs:

  • be technically literate in the material that he explains to his pupils;
  • observe the correct pronunciation of the text;
  • present information in the most simple and accessible form;
  • decorate your speech with epithets and metaphors;
  • own rich vocabulary and good diction;
  • correctly place pauses and semantic stresses.

Particular attention should be paid to the last point. Pauses are necessary in order to attract the attention of the listeners and give them time to comprehend what was said. They are made either after an important statement, or before it to create some kind of intrigue. Semantic stresses are made in the text to create an emphasis on certain points. With them, you can begin to improve the pedagogical technique of the teacher. Usually, stresses are manifested by some increase in the volume of the teacher's voice or a change in his tone. For example, a semantic load can be made when reading a term.

The main mistakes in pedagogical technique

Insufficient mastery of teaching skills leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of the learning process. As a rule, this is caused by such errors in the formation of pedagogical technique:

  • monotonous, too fast speech without semantic accents;
  • inability to regulate one's psychological and emotional state (to overcome anger, excitement, etc.);
  • lack of communication skills, which hinders the establishment of contact between the teacher and his students;
  • poor use of gestures and facial expressions.

Methods of pedagogical technique

In order to conduct a lesson in an interesting and productive way, it is not enough for a teacher to be theoretically prepared for it. A variety of information presentation is provided by pedagogical techniques. They are methods that describe how and in what form it is better to present this or that material to students. The well-known teacher Anatoly Gin presented the world with a book describing the methods of pedagogical technology. There are a huge number of them, so we will consider the most basic, so to speak, briefly.

Organizational moments

In order to set students up for the work environment, they need to be slightly encouraged. To do this, at the beginning of the lesson, the following techniques are used:

  • Communicating with the audience in a slightly humorous manner. This will bring the group to the teacher and develop interest in the upcoming topic.
  • Using fantasy characters as an example. It does not matter what it will be - a person or an unusual plant, the main thing is that students want to join the lesson.

Introductory survey

The best way to start a new topic is to smoothly transition from the previous one. All pedagogical techniques and technologies imply that the fragments of the material studied in the lessons must be interconnected. But first, it is advisable to do a little warm-up in the form of:

  • small survey;
  • intellectual competitions.

The survey can be conducted in the form of a game. For example, the teacher reads statements and the students are asked to determine which of them is wrong. Or is it similar to the well-known intellectual games(“What? Where? When?”, “Field of Miracles”).

Assimilation of new material

It is known that in the course of a lecture, students remember only a small part of the information they hear. Therefore, the teacher can apply additional methods for a better understanding of the material presented:

  • independent compilation by each of the students;
  • preparation of a list of questions on the topic of the lecture.

This will develop the ability of students to highlight the main thing among a large amount of information. In addition, in this way the topic covered is better fixed in memory.

Development of acquired knowledge

In this case, student activity is more evident than pedagogical activity. SIW (independent student work) techniques are used in many universities to improve the efficiency of the educational process. Here we are talking about practical application theoretical knowledge. The teacher can offer students any of the following work options:

  • creating a small project;
  • independent research;
  • problem solving;
  • performing exercises to find errors.

From everything that was said in this article, it remains only to draw logical conclusions. Undoubtedly, pedagogical technique is an important and invariable component of the learning process. On its basis, there is a teacher, without whom it is impossible to imagine the effective activity of an educator and mentor.

Back in the 20s of the XX century. the concept of “pedagogical technique” arose, and since then it has been studied by many teachers and psychologists (V.A. Kan-Kalik, Yu.I. Turchaninova, A.A. Krupenin, I.M. Krokhina, N.D. Nikandrov, A. A. Leontiev, L. I. Ruvinsky, A. V. Mudrik, S. S. Kondratiev, etc.).

What is pedagogical technology

Pedagogical technique is included in pedagogical technology as its instrumental side. Those. in any pedagogical process, including those of a technological nature, there is always a pedagogical technique. The educator, influencing the pupils, seeks to convey to them his ideas, thoughts, feelings. And the channels of communication, the transmission of their intentions and, if necessary, orders, requirements for pupils, are the word, speech, expressive gesture, facial expressions.
Pedagogical technique is a set of skills that allows the educator to clearly express himself and successfully influence the pupils, to achieve an effective result. This is the ability to speak correctly and expressively ( common culture speech, its emotional characteristics, expressiveness, intonation, impressiveness, semantic accents); the ability to use facial expressions and pantomime (expressive movements of the face and body) - with a gesture, look, posture to convey to others an assessment, attitude to something; the ability to manage one's mental state - feelings, mood, affects, stress; the ability to see yourself from the outside. Psychologists call this social perception; it is also included in pedagogical technique. This also includes the ability to reincarnate, the ability to play, neurolinguistic programming (NLP).
Depending on the extent to which the educator owns the means and channels of interaction, one can also talk about teaching skills. Good tutoring pedagogical technique- a condition necessary for its effective operation. Noting the role of pedagogical technology in the work of the educator, A.S. Makarenko said that a good teacher knows how to talk to a child, owns facial expressions, can restrain his mood, knows how to “organize, walk, joke, be cheerful, angry”, every movement of the teacher educates. In pedagogical universities, it is imperative to teach both the production of the voice, and the pose, and the possession of one's face. "All these are questions of educational technology."

Her role

What is the role of pedagogical technology in pedagogical technology?
As already mentioned, pedagogical technology includes goal-setting, diagnostics and educational process. In striving to achieve the goal, good results are achieved by the educator who is fluent in various methods of pedagogical technology, uses humor, is sympathetic and at the same time persistent in communicating with students, reveals resourcefulness and the ability to improvise. All these are methods of pedagogical technology that are used in pedagogical technology.





(GKOU SO "Novouralsk school No. 1")

Mutovkina T.A., teacher

Individual pedagogical technique

teacher Mutovkina Tatyana Anatolyevna

Pedagogical technique - this is a complex of knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for a teacher in order to effectively apply in practice those chosen by him for individual pupils and for children's team generally.

The pedagogical technique of the teacher is his individual style of professional activity. Significant impact on individual style activities are provided by: the intellect of the teacher, the general culture, the level of professional training of the teacher, the features of his character and temperament, the moral values ​​inherent in this teacher.

An integral element of pedagogical technology - the ability of the teacher to manage their attention and the attention of students. It is also very important for the teacher to be able to determine his state of mind by the external signs of the student's behavior.

One of the factors contributing to the development of an individual style of activity isinteraction with colleagues . Joint (collective) pedagogical activity contains huge opportunities for activating and enriching the socially and personally significant needs of teachers (in information exchange, situational leadership and protection from incompetent assessments, mutual assistance, emotional comfort, creative self-affirmation).

Creativity to activity is the next component that influences the development of an individual style of activity. Managing the processes of interaction, communication, communication in the "teacher - student" system is a matter of pedagogical art. It does not tolerate a standard and a pattern.The art of the teacher manifests itself in how he builds the composition of the lesson; How does he organize independent work students, including them in solving educational and cognitive tasks; how he finds contacts and the right tone of communication with students in certain situations of school life. In a word, creativity is not some separate aspect of pedagogical work, but its most essential and necessary characteristic.

The most important foundation in the activity of a teacher is the foundation of his work.focus of his activities and professionalism of knowledge. A.S. Makarenko repeatedly emphasized the need for the teacher to master the techniques of organizing his own behavior and influencing the student. He introduced the concept of "pedagogical technique" to designate this phenomenon, which reminds the teacher of the need to care not only about the essence of our activity, but also about the form of manifestation of their intentions, their spiritual potential. After all, "the pupil perceives your soul and your thoughts not because he knows what is going on in your soul, but because he sees you, listens to you."

The concept of "pedagogical technique" consists of two parts.

    The first is related to the ability of the teacher to manage their behavior:

Technique of owning one's body (facial expressions, pantomimics);

Management of emotions, mood (removal of excessive mental stress, creation of creative well-being);

Socio - perceptual abilities (technique for controlling attention, imagination);

Speech technique (breathing, diction, volume, rate of speech).

    The second is related to the ability to influence the individual and the team, and reveals the technological side of the process of education and upbringing:

Contact organization technique;

Suggestion technique, etc. (i.e. didactic, organizational, constructive, communication skills; technological methods of presenting requirements, managing pedagogical communication)

The components of the first and second groups of pedagogical technique are aimed either at organizing the teacher's internal well-being, or at the ability to adequately manifest this well-being externally. Therefore, it is possible to conditionally divide pedagogical technique into external and internal, according to the purpose of its use.

Internal technique - the creation of an inner experience of the personality, the psychological setting of the teacher for future activities through the influence on the mind, will and feelings.

External technique - the embodiment of the inner experience of the teacher in his bodily nature: facial expressions, voice, speech, movements, plasticity. This also includes visual contact - a technique that needs to be consciously developed.

AT primary school the foundation of knowledge and skills is being laid, learning skills are still being formed. For a long time, for younger students, the leading one is play activity. Under these conditions, as a teacher, when reading or telling stories, I often have to use various voice modulations to voice animals or fairy-tale characters. I accompany my statements with gestures and facial expressions to clarify, supplement, emotional accompaniment of speech. I had to look for ways to keep the attention of children.

Gradually, I developed my own, individual, pedagogical technique.

When introduced to the alphabet in 1st grade, most children find it difficult to relate sound to letter. They experience even greater difficulty when reading syllables and words, because. sounds merge. Therefore, the child must first be given correct position articulation apparatus when reading the first letter, and then change the articulation to pronounce the next sound. But this is precisely what the student cannot do. How to help him? By chance, from repeated tests, a reading technique was found with the help of the hands (similar to sign language translation).

Highlighting the sound in the word, we "catch" it (we put our hand to the mouth with the palm up, pronounce the word, and at the desired sound we squeeze the palm into a fist).

Sound "A" - I show fingers gathered in a pinch, and then I open them (imitation of opening the mouth when pronouncing this sound).

The sound "U" - outstretched fingers are gathered together.

The sound "O" - the index and thumb are connected in a ring, the rest are pointing up

Sound "M" - fingers are collected in a pinch.

Sound "P" - fingers located perpendicular to the palm, turn several times to the right and left (trembling of the tongue).

In addition, letters, numbers, rules help to learn short rhymes that are easily remembered by children:

Poor letter Y

Walks with a stick. Alas!

This letter is wide

And it looks like a beetle.

Troika - the third of the icons,

Consists of three hooks.

Half beetle -

It turned out the letter "Ka".

Stop! Attention!

Dangerous company:

ZhI and SHI

Write with I.

A hard consonant - we squeeze a fist (pebble, ice), a soft one - we denote it with a movement that strokes a cat.

My students and I designate the stress in a word by hitting the fist of one hand against the open palm of the other, or we can "call the word from the forest."

When I'm introduced to compound words with two stems, I "add" them. For example, the word "snowfall". She said the word "snow" in one palm (as when isolating a sound from a word), "falls" - in the other. Then I bring the two fists together until they meet, open my palms and pronounce the whole word "snowfall".

This technique also helps in math lessons.

As we "add" complex words with the help of cams, so we "lay out" two-digit numbers in cams. For example, the number 23 is 20 ("put" in one cam) and 3 ("put" in the other cam). Now we can solve the example: 23 - 20 (the cam with the number 20 was removed behind the back), there are 3 left.

"12 pencils are divided into 4 boxes equally. How many pencils are in each box?" First, I really put the pencils into boxes, and the children understand that in order to solve this problem, they need to select the "divide" action. Then I replace this process with a gesture: several times I run the edge of one palm along the open palm of the other hand. Gradually, children begin to understand the essence of the action, and they no longer need gestures.

Many of my students have monotonous, unemotional speech, quiet or loud voice, unformed speech breathing. In order to form the technique of speech in children, the teacher must give them a sample of his speech. To do this, I use physical minutes, joint reading short texts, memorization of poems, dramatizations.

First, I spend physical minutes. Then the children memorize them and conduct them themselves, imitating my intonations, gestures, facial expressions. The same thing happens when reading together, memorizing poems by children, dramatizations. Gradually, children memorize emotional, vocal, gestural patterns and begin to independently compose and apply them in accordance with the situation or the text they read.

An important point In my pedagogical technique, I consider the construction of lessons according to a certain plan. In this case, the children know that if the teacher said, for example, the phrase "Close the ticket office", then you need to complete this task, open the primer and get up for a physical minute. I believe that if students know what awaits them, this removes uncertainty and fear of the unknown and the fear of not being able to cope with something.

This does not mean at all that I conduct all the lessons and classes in a standard and dull way. And it doesn't exclude creativity in my job. At the lessons, I not only just teach children something, give out some topic - I talk with them, consult, play, stage, sing and do many other things depending on the situation.

In conclusion, I want to note that I consider it impossible and wrong to copy pedagogical techniques by one teacher from another. After all, each teacher is a person with his own character, temperament, outlook on life, etc. And it is impossible to copy another person.

Lecture 4. Pedagogical technique, its components.

1. Pedagogical technique.

2. Components of pedagogical technique.

3. Knowledge and skills necessary for mastering pedagogical technique.

Basic concepts: pedagogical technique, mime, pantomime, speech technique, teacher's image.

1. Pedagogical technique is a set of skills that allow the teacher to see, hear and feel their students. An outstanding teacher A.S. Makarenko wrote: “The educator must be able to organize, walk, joke, be cheerful, angry ... behave in such a way that every movement educates him.”

Yu.P. Azarov claimed that, First of all , developed pedagogical technique helps the teacher to express himself deeper and brighter in pedagogical activity, to reveal in interaction with students all the best, professionally significant in his personality. A perfect pedagogical technique frees up the teacher's time and energy for creative work, allows in the process of pedagogical interaction not to be distracted from communicating with children in search of the right word or explanation of unsuccessful intonation.

Mastering pedagogical technique, allowing you to quickly and accurately find the right word, intonation, look, gesture, as well as maintaining calmness and the ability to think clearly, analyze in the most acute and unexpected pedagogical situations, leads to an increase in teacher satisfaction with their professional activities.

Secondly , pedagogical technique has a developing impact on the qualities of the individual. An important feature of pedagogical techniques is that they all have a pronounced individual-personal character, i.e. are formed on the basis of the individual psychophysiological characteristics of the teacher. Individual pedagogical technique significantly depends on the age, gender, temperament, character of the teacher, health status, anatomical and physiological characteristics.

So, work on expressiveness, purity, literacy disciplines thinking. Mastering the methods of self-regulation of mental activity leads to the development of emotional balance as a character trait, etc. In addition, in real pedagogical interaction, all the teacher's skills in the field of pedagogical technology are manifested simultaneously. And self-observation makes it possible to successfully adjust the selection means of expression.

Thirdly , in the process of mastering pedagogical technique, the moral and aesthetic positions of the teacher are most fully revealed, reflecting the level of general and professional culture, the potential of his personality.

All of the above emphasizes that pedagogical technique is the most important tool of the teacher.

2. In concept "pedagogical technique" It is customary to include two groups of components.

The first group of components is associated with the ability of the teacher to control their behavior:

Possession of one's body (facial expressions, pantomimics);

Management of emotions, mood (removal of excessive mental stress, creation of creative well-being);

Socially - perceptual abilities (attention, observation, imagination);

The second group of components of pedagogical technique is associated with the ability to influence the individual and the team, and reveals the technological side of the process of education and training:

Didactic, organizational, constructive, communication skills;

Technological methods of presenting requirements, managing pedagogical communication, etc.

facial expressions- this is the art of expressing one's thoughts, feelings, moods, states with the movement of the muscles of the face. Often, facial expressions and gazes have a stronger effect on students than words. Gestures and facial expressions, increasing the emotional significance of information, contribute to its better assimilation.

Listeners "read" the face of the teacher, guessing his attitude, mood, so it should not only express, but also hide feelings. The most expressive on a person's face are the eyes - the mirror of the soul. The teacher should carefully study the possibilities of his face, the ability to use an expressive look. The teacher's gaze should be turned to the children, creating eye contact.

Pantomime is the movement of the body, arms, legs. It helps to highlight the main thing, draws an image.

The teacher needs to develop a manner to properly stand in front of the students in the classroom. All movements and postures should attract listeners with their elegance and simplicity. The aesthetics of the posture does not tolerate bad habits: shifting from foot to foot, leaning on the back of a chair, turning foreign objects in the hands, scratching the head, etc.

The gesture of the teacher should be organic and restrained, without sharp wide strokes and open corners.

For communication to be active, you must have open posture, do not cross your arms, turn to face the audience, reduce the distance, which creates the effect of trust. It is recommended to move forward and backward through the class, not to the sides. Stepping forward reinforces the meaning of the message, helping to focus the attention of the audience. Stepping back, the speaker, as it were, gives the listeners a rest.

Managing the emotional state involves mastering the ways of self-regulation, which include: fostering goodwill and optimism; control of one's behavior (regulation of muscle tension, tempo of movements, speech, breathing); self-hypnosis, etc.

3. Pedagogical technique is considered as a set of skills that allow the teacher to see, hear and feel their students.

Pedagogical technique includes the ability to manage oneself and interact in the process of solving pedagogical problems. The basis of pedagogical technique is professional knowledge.

The combination of skills and knowledge of the teacher, their relationship contributes to the harmonic unity of the internal content of the teacher's activity and its external expression. The skill of a teacher is in the synthesis of spiritual culture and pedagogically expedient external expressiveness. A.S. Makarenko said: “The pupil perceives your soul and your thoughts not because he knows what is in your soul, but because he sees you, listens to you.”

The foundation for the development of professional skills of a teacher is professional knowledge.

Professional knowledge is addressed, on the one hand, to the discipline he teaches, on the other hand, to students. The content of professional knowledge is knowledge of the subject, its methodology, as well as pedagogy and psychology. An important feature of professional pedagogical knowledge is its complexity and integration. First of all, it is the teacher's ability to synthesize the studied sciences. The core of the synthesis is the solution of pedagogical problems, the analysis of pedagogical situations that necessitate comprehension psychological essence phenomena, the choice of methods based on the laws of personality formation. The solution of each pedagogical task actualizes the entire system of pedagogical knowledge of the teacher, which manifests itself as a whole. In addition to complexity, generalization, the professional knowledge of a teacher is also characterized by such an important feature as an individual style of work.

On the basis of professional knowledge, pedagogical consciousness is formed - the principles and rules that determine the actions and deeds of the teacher.

The following professional knowledge can be distinguished:

Knowledge of your subject;

Knowledge of psychological and pedagogical disciplines;

Knowledge of teaching and learning methods;

Knowledge of the merits and demerits of one's personality and activity.

As a complete system teacher's image characterized by stable links that exist between the elements and unite, reinforce the structure.

The formation of the teacher's image is provided not by a separate component, but by their system, interconnection and interdependence of various elements. Important and appearance teacher, and his inner state.

The image of a teacher is an emotionally colored stereotype of the perception of the image of a teacher in the minds of pupils, colleagues, the social environment, and in the mass consciousness. When forming the teacher's image, real qualities are closely intertwined with those attributed to him by others.

In Uzbekistan, the concept of "image" became the subject of public attention and scientific analysis only at the end of the 20th century.

The concept of a teacher's image is closely related to such a concept as authority. The authority of the teacher is, first of all, a means of educational influence on the student. An authoritative person is, as it were, advanced in success. A person who is recognized as authoritative is also credited with competence in other areas. There is a kind of irradiation of authority. The authority of the teacher is a complex phenomenon that qualitatively characterizes the system of relations with the teacher.

The relationship of students to an authoritative teacher is positively emotionally colored and saturated. And the higher this authority, the more important for the pupils of science, the basics of which are taught by the teacher, the more fair his demands, remarks seem, the more weighty his every word.


  1. What is the essence of pedagogical technology?

  2. What components are included in the concept of "pedagogical technique"?

  3. What is facial expressions and pantomime?

  4. what is the essence of the teacher's image?

  5. What should a teacher look like?

  6. how to gain credibility with students?

Lecture 5-6. Pedagogical communication: styles and functions.

1. Communication as a mechanism for people to interact

2. Functions and structure pedagogical communication

3. The structure of communication.

4. Styles of communication.

Basic concepts: communication, interaction, pedagogical communication, communication styles, communication-distance, communication-intimidation, communication-flirting, communication functions.

1. Without communication, neither an individual nor human society as a whole can exist. Communication for a person is his habitat. Without communication, it is impossible to form a person's personality, his upbringing, intellectual development, adaptation to life. Communication is necessary for people both in the process of joint work, and to maintain interpersonal relationships, recreation, emotional relief, intellectual and artistic creativity.

The ability to communicate is both a natural quality of every person, given by nature, and a difficult art, involving constant improvement.

Communication is a process of interaction between individuals and social groups in which there is an exchange of activities, information, experience, skills and results of activities. Speech culture and communication efficiency / Ed. L. K. Prudkina, E. N. Shiryaeva. - M., 1996. S. 125

In the process of communication:

Social experience is transmitted and assimilated;

There is a change in the structure and essence of interacting subjects;

A diversity of human identities is formed;

There is a socialization of the individual.

Communication exists not only by virtue of social necessity, but also by the personal necessity of individuals for each other. In communication, an individual receives not only rational information, forms ways of mental activity, but also, through imitation and borrowing, empathy and identification, assimilates human emotions, moods, and behaviors.

As a result of communication, necessary organization and the unity of actions of individuals included in the group, rational, emotional and volitional interaction of individuals is carried out, a commonality of feelings, thoughts and views is formed, mutual understanding and coordination of actions that characterize collective activity are achieved.

Since communication is a rather complex and multifaceted process, it is studied by representatives of various sciences - philosophers, sociologists, culturologists, psychologists and linguists. Philosophers study the place of communication in human life and society, the role of communication in human development. Sociologists explore the forms of communication within various social groups and between groups, differences in the types of communication caused by social reasons. Psychologists consider it as a form of human activity and behavior, consider individual psychotypical features of communication, as well as the place of communication in the structure of individual consciousness. Culturologists establish relationships between types of cultures and forms of communication. Linguists explore the linguistic and speech nature of social and interpersonal communication.

2. Everyone who chooses the profession of a teacher takes responsibility for those whom he will "teach" and "educate", at the same time being responsible for himself, his professional training, his right to be a Teacher, Teacher, Educator. Worthy fulfillment of professional pedagogical duty requires a person to accept a number of obligations: objectively assess their own capabilities; own a common culture of intellectual activity (thinking, memory, perception, representation, attention), a culture of behavior, communication; respect, know and understand the student, being the organizer learning activities students, acting as a partner and a person facilitating pedagogical communication.

The essence and features of pedagogical communication are revealed in the works of teachers and psychologists A.A. Bodaleva, A.A. Leontieva, N.V. Kuzmina, V.A. Kan-Kalika, Ya.L. Kolominsky, II.A. Zimney, A.A. Rean and others.

Professional and pedagogical communication, according to D.A. Lobanov, is the interaction of a teacher-educator with his colleagues, students and their parents, with representatives of educational authorities and the public, carried out in the field of his professional activity; it goes beyond the contact "teacher-student" and involves the interaction of the teacher with other subjects of the pedagogical process.

« Pedagogical communication, - notes A.A. Leontiev, professional communication of a teacher with students in the classroom or outside it (in the processes of education and upbringing), which has certain pedagogical functions and is aimed (if it is full and optimal) at creating a favorable psychological climate, as well as another kind of psychological optimization of educational activities and relations between the teacher and students and within the student team.

Pedagogical communication, according to M.V. Bulanova-Toporkova, this is a set of means and methods that ensure the implementation of the goals and objectives of education and training and determine the nature of the interaction between the teacher and students.

Thus, pedagogical communication is a specific company of communication, which has its own characteristics and at the same time obeys the general psychological patterns inherent in communication as a form of human interaction with other people.

In the pedagogical process, communicative, interactive and perceptual functions that carry the main features of human communication.

Communication functions.

Pedagogical communication, according to A.A. Lobanov, performs almost all the main functions of communication that are implemented in Everyday life of a person, and at the same time, the functions of pedagogical communication have only their inherent distinctive features.

Information function consists in the transfer through communication of certain information of everyday, educational, methodological, search, research and other nature. The implementation of this function contributes to the transformation of accumulated life experience, scientific knowledge, provides the process of introducing the individual to the material and spiritual values ​​of society. In the learning process, the teacher appears to the students as one of the main sources educational information in a specific field of science, literature, art or practice. Therefore, communication with the teacher contributes to the transformation of relevant information to students.

educational function pedagogical communication occupies a central place in the activities of the teacher, it involves the introduction of the student to the system of spiritual values, the culture of communication with people.

People knowing each other. The teacher needs to know individual qualities; properties of the physical, intellectual, emotional and moral development of each student, motivation for learning and work; attitude towards people and oneself. But students are also not indifferent to who works with them, what constitutes a teacher as a specialist and a person. It is important for them who communicates with them and how. After all, it is through communication and joint activities that the teacher and students get to know each other.

Organization and maintenance of a particular subject activity: educational, industrial, scientific, cognitive, gaming. Interwoven into a particular type of activity, communication acts as a way of organizing it. Through it, the teacher receives information about the effectiveness of the organization of cognitive practical activities of students. Therefore, communication plays a special role in the pedagogical process: even serving some main activity and, as it were, performing a supporting role, it significantly affects the quality of this activity.

Initiation of the initiator of communication to the values ​​of the partner. This process is self-education, i.e. this is the process of self-formation of the initiator of communication, the process of creating one's own "I" through orientation to the values ​​of another person.

The opening of the child to communication - this function of pedagogical communication is distinguished in their works on pedagogical technology by V. Yu. Pityukov and N.E. Shchurkova. It manifests itself in awakening the child’s desire for communication, removing psychological clamps, relieving him of the fear of the unknown, increasing self-esteem and self-confidence, and also convincing another person, in particular the teacher, of a positive attitude towards him.

The implementation of this function is connected with the ability of the teacher to “serve with children, demonstrate their disposition towards them, convince them of their peaceful intentions and noble thoughts.

Thus, in communication, many different functions are realized, each of which has importance in the professional activity of a teacher.

3. The interaction of the teacher and students has a certain time frame, limited by the duration of the lesson, a particular event. The structure of pedagogical communication is not limited to direct contacts between the teacher and pupils, but also includes other types of communication.

In psychology, communication is seen as a process that performs three main functions - communicative, interactive and perceptual.

In the structure of pedagogical communication, V.A. Kan-Kalik and N.D. Nikandrov distinguish several stages.

1. Prognostic stage - modeling by the teacher of the upcoming communication with the class, with a different audience in the process of preparing for direct activities with children or adults.

2. Initial period of communication - the organization of direct communication with the class, the audience at the time of the beginning of interaction with them.

3. Communication management in the developing pedagogical process.

4. Analysis of the implemented communication system and modeling
communication systems for upcoming activities.

Human relationships, including those in the educational process, which includes upbringing and education, are built primarily on a subject-subject basis, when both parties communicate on an equal footing as individuals and participants in the communication process. If this condition is met, interpersonal contact is established, as a result of which a dialogue arises, i.e. the greatest susceptibility and openness to the influence of one participant in communication on another.

4.N.V. Kuzmina emphasizes that to stay in professional and pedagogical activity for a long time, for life, the future
the teacher will be able to if, by the beginning of an independent pa-bot, he will have developed communication, organizational skills and learn to take a responsible attitude to the matter. Famous psychologist V.A. Kan-Kalik distinguished the following styles of pedagogical communication:

1. Communication based on high professional installations teacher , his attitude to pedagogical activity in general. They say about such people: “Children (students) literally follow him around!” Moreover, in higher education, interest in communication is also stimulated by common professional interests, especially in major departments.

2. Communication based on friendship . It implies a commitment to a common cause. The teacher plays the role of a mentor, a senior friend, a participant in joint educational activities.

3. Communication-distance refers to the most common types of pedagogical communication. In this case, in the relationship, a distance is constantly traced in all areas, in training, with reference to authority and professionalism, in education, with reference to life experience and age.

4. Communication-intimidation - a negative form of communication, inhumane, revealing the pedagogical failure of the teacher who resorts to it.

5. Flirting characteristic of young teachers striving for popularity. Such communication provides only false, cheap authority.

Maintaining a favorable emotional atmosphere is closely related to the teacher's sensitivity to the object of influence, with his ability to respond to the state of the group as a whole and each student individually.


  1. What is the essence of communication? Pedagogical communication?

  2. What are the functions of pedagogical communication?

  3. Describe the main styles of pedagogical communication?

  4. Communicative, interactive and perceptual functions of communication.

Back in the 20s of the XX century. the concept of “pedagogical technique” arose, and since then it has been studied by many teachers and psychologists (V.A. Kan-Kalik, Yu.I. Turchaninova, A.A. Krupenin, I.M. Krokhina, N.D. Nikandrov, A. A. Leontiev, L. I. Ruvinsky, A. V. Mudrik, S. S. Kondratiev, etc.).

What is pedagogical technology

Pedagogical technique is included in pedagogical technology as its instrumental side. Those. in any pedagogical process, including those of a technological nature, there is always a pedagogical technique. The educator, influencing the pupils, seeks to convey to them his ideas, thoughts, feelings. And the channels of communication, the transmission of their intentions and, if necessary, orders, requirements for pupils, are the word, speech, expressive gesture, facial expressions.
Pedagogical technique is a set of skills that allows the educator to clearly express himself and successfully influence the pupils, to achieve an effective result. This is the ability to speak correctly and expressively (the general culture of speech, its emotional characteristics, expressiveness, intonation, impressiveness, semantic accents); the ability to use facial expressions and pantomime (expressive movements of the face and body) - with a gesture, look, posture to convey to others an assessment, attitude to something; the ability to manage one's mental state - feelings, mood, affects, stress; the ability to see yourself from the outside. Psychologists call this social perception; it is also included in pedagogical technique. This also includes the ability to reincarnate, the ability to play, neurolinguistic programming (NLP).
Depending on the extent to which the educator owns the means and channels of interaction, one can also talk about pedagogical skill. A good mastery of the pedagogical technique by the educator is a condition necessary for his effective work. Noting the role of pedagogical technology in the work of the educator, A.S. Makarenko said that a good teacher knows how to talk to a child, owns facial expressions, can restrain his mood, knows how to “organize, walk, joke, be cheerful, angry”, every movement of the teacher educates. In pedagogical universities, it is imperative to teach both the production of the voice, and the pose, and the possession of one's face. "All these are questions of educational technology."

Her role

What is the role of pedagogical technology in pedagogical technology?
As already mentioned, pedagogical technology includes goal-setting, diagnostics, and the educational process. In striving to achieve the goal, good results are achieved by the educator who is fluent in various methods of pedagogical technology, uses humor, is sympathetic and at the same time persistent in communicating with students, reveals resourcefulness and the ability to improvise. All these are methods of pedagogical technology that are used in pedagogical technology.