Causes of social conflicts in society. Social conflict - causes and ways to solve them

  • 12.10.2019

History says that human civilization has always been accompanied by enmity. Some types of social conflicts affected a particular people, city, country or even continent. Smaller were the disagreements between people, but each species was a folk problem. So, already ancient people aspired to live in a world where such concepts as social conflict, their types and causes, would be unknown. The people did everything to realize the dreams of a society without conflicts.

As a result of painstaking and laborious work, a state began to be created, which was supposed to extinguish different kinds social conflicts. To this end, a large number of regulatory laws have been issued. Years passed, and scientists continued to come up with models of an ideal society without conflicts. Of course, all these discoveries were only a theory, because all attempts were doomed to failure, and sometimes became the causes of even greater aggression.

Social conflict as part of the doctrine

Disagreements between people, as part of social relations, were highlighted by Adam Smith. In his opinion, it was the social conflict that was the reason why the population began to be divided into social classes. But there was also a positive side. After all, thanks to the conflicts that arose, the population could discover a lot of new things and find ways to help get out of the situation that had arisen.

German sociologists were sure that conflicts are characteristic of all peoples and nationalities. After all, in every society there are individuals who want to elevate themselves and their interests above their social environment. Therefore, there is a division of the level of human interest in a particular issue, as well as class inequality.

But American sociologists in their works mentioned that without conflicts, social life would be monotonous, devoid of interpersonal interaction. At the same time, only the members of the society themselves are able to kindle enmity, control it, and put it out in the same way.

Conflict and the modern world

Today is not a single day human life virtually no conflict of interest. Such skirmishes can affect absolutely any sphere of life. As a result, various types and forms of social conflict arise.

So, social conflict is the last stage of the clash of different views on one situation. Social conflict, the types of which we will consider next, can become a large-scale problem. So, because of not sharing interests or the opinions of others, family and even national contradictions appear. As a result, the type of conflict may change, depending on the scale of the action.

If you try to decipher the concept and types of social conflicts, you can clearly see that the meaning of this term is much broader than it seems initially. There are many interpretations of one term, because each nationality understands it in its own way. But it is based on the same meaning, namely the clash of interests, opinions and even goals of people. For a better perception, we can assume that any kind of social conflicts - this is another form of human relations in society.

Functions of social conflict

As you can see, the concept of social conflict and its components were defined long before modern times. It was then that the conflict was endowed with certain functions, thanks to which its significance for social society is clearly visible.

So there are several important functions:

  1. Signal.
  2. Informational.
  3. Differentiating.
  4. Dynamic.

The meaning of the first is immediately indicated by its name. Therefore, it is understandable that due to the nature of the conflict, it is possible to determine what state the society is in and what it wants. Sociologists are sure that if people start a conflict, then there are certain reasons and unresolved problems. Therefore, it is regarded as a kind of signal that it is urgent to act and do something.

Informational - has a meaning similar to the previous function. Information about the conflict is of great importance on the way to determining the causes of the occurrence. By processing such data, the government studies the essence of all events taking place in society.

Thanks to the third function, society acquires a certain structure. Thus, when a conflict arises that affects the public interest, even those who would previously prefer not to intervene take part in it. The population is divided into certain social groups.

The fourth function was discovered during the worship of the teachings of Marxism. It is believed that it is she who plays the role of the engine in all social processes.

Reasons why conflicts arise

The reasons are quite obvious and understandable, even if we consider only the definition of social conflicts. Everything is hidden precisely in different views on actions. Indeed, often some try to impose their ideas by all means, even if they cause damage to others. This happens when there are several options for using one item.

The types of social conflicts vary, depending on many factors, such as scale, theme, nature, and more. So, even family disagreements have the character of a social conflict. After all, when a husband and wife share a TV, trying to watch different channels, a dispute arises on the basis of a clash of interests. To solve such a problem, two TVs are needed, then there might not have been a conflict.

According to sociologists, conflicts in society cannot be avoided, because proving one's point of view is a natural desire of a person, which means that nothing can change this. They also concluded that social conflict, the types of which are not dangerous, can even be beneficial for society. After all, this is how people learn not to perceive others as enemies, become closer and begin to respect each other's interests.

Components of the conflict

Any conflict includes two mandatory components:

  • the reason for the disagreement is called the object;
  • people whose interests clashed in a dispute - they are also subjects.

There are no restrictions on the number of participants in the dispute;

The reason for the conflict may appear in the literature as an incident.

By the way, the conflict that has arisen does not always have an open form. It also happens that the clash of different ideas has become the cause of resentment, which is part of what is happening. This is how various types of socio-psychological conflicts arise, which have a latent form and can be called "frozen" conflicts.

Types of social conflicts

Knowing what a conflict is, what are its causes and components, we can distinguish the main types of social conflicts. They are defined by:

1. Duration and nature of development:

  • temporary;
  • long;
  • randomly generated;
  • specially organized.

2. Capture scale:

  • global - concerning the whole world;
  • local - affecting separate part peace;
  • regional - between neighboring countries;
  • group - between certain groups;
  • personal - family conflict, dispute with neighbors or friends.

3. The goals of the conflict and methods of resolution:

  • violent street fight, obscene scandal;
  • wrestling by the rules, cultural conversation.

4. Number of participants:

  • personal (occur in mentally ill people);
  • interpersonal (clash of interests different people e.g. brother and sister)
  • intergroup (contradiction in the interests of different social associations);
  • people of the same level;
  • people of different social levels, positions;
  • those and others.

There are many different classifications and divisions that are considered arbitrary. Thus, the first 3 types of social conflicts can be considered key.

Solving problems that cause social conflict

Reconciliation of hostile parties is the main task of the state legislature. It is clear that it is impossible to avoid all conflicts, but it is necessary to try to avoid at least the most serious ones: global, local and regional. Given the types of conflicts, social relations between the warring parties can be established in several ways.

Ways to resolve conflict situations:

1. An attempt to get away from the scandal - one of the participants can isolate themselves from the conflict, transferring it to a "frozen" state.

2. Conversation - it is necessary to discuss the problem that has arisen and jointly find its solution.

3. Involve a third party.

4. Postpone the dispute for a while. Most often this is done when the facts run out. The adversary yields to interests temporarily in order to collect more evidence of his innocence. Most likely, the conflict will resume.

5. Resolution of conflicts that have arisen through the courts, in accordance with the legal framework.

To reconcile the parties to the conflict, it is necessary to find out the cause, purpose and interest of the parties. Also important is the mutual desire of the parties to come to a peaceful resolution of the situation. Then you can look for ways to overcome the conflict.

Stages of conflict

Like any other process, the conflict has certain stages of development. The first stage is considered to be the time immediately before the conflict. It is at this moment that the collision of subjects occurs. Disputes arise because of different opinions about one subject or situation, but at this stage it is possible to prevent the incitement of an immediate conflict.

If one of the parties does not yield to the opponent, then the second stage will follow, which has the character of a debate. Here, each side is furiously trying to prove its case. Due to the great tension, the situation escalates and after a certain time passes into the stage of direct conflict.

Examples of social conflicts in world history

The main three types of social conflicts can be demonstrated by the examples of long-standing events that left their mark on the life of the population then and influenced modern life.

Thus, one of the most striking and well-known examples of global social conflict are the First and Second World Wars. Almost all existing countries took part in this conflict, in history these events remained the largest military-political clashes of interests. Because the war was fought on three continents and four oceans. Only in this conflict was the most terrible nuclear weapon used.

This is the strongest, and most importantly known example of global social conflicts. After all, peoples that were previously considered fraternal fought against each other. There are no more such terrible examples in world history.

Much more information is available directly about inter-regional and group conflicts. So, during the transition of power to the kings, the living conditions of the population also changed. Every year more and more public discontent grew, protests and political tensions appeared. Many moments did not suit the people, without clarifying which it was impossible to strangle the popular uprising. The more in tsarist Russia the authorities tried to crush the interests of the population, the more conflict situations on the part of disgruntled residents of the country intensified.

Over time, more and more people became convinced of the infringement of their interests, so the social conflict gained momentum and changed the opinions of others. The more people became disillusioned with the authorities, the closer the mass conflict approached. It was with such actions that most of the civil wars against the political interests of the country's leadership began.

Already during the reign of the kings, there were prerequisites for the beginning of social conflicts on the basis of dissatisfaction with political work. It is these situations that confirm the existence of problems that were caused by dissatisfaction with the existing standards of life. And it was the social conflict that was the reason to move on, to develop and improve politics, laws and government abilities.

Summing up

Social conflicts are an integral part modern society. The disagreements that arose even under the tsarist government are a necessary part of our current life, because, perhaps, it is thanks to those events that we have the opportunity, maybe not enough, but still it is better to live. It was only thanks to our ancestors that society moved from slavery to democracy.

Today, it is better to take personal and group types of social conflicts as a basis, examples of which are very often encountered in our lives. We face contradictions in family life, looking at simple everyday issues from different points of view, we defend our opinion, and all these events seem to be simple, ordinary things. That is why social conflict is so multifaceted. Therefore, everything that concerns him needs to be studied more and more.

Of course, everyone keeps saying that conflict is bad, that you can’t compete and live by your own rules. But, on the other hand, disagreements are not so bad, especially if they are resolved at the initial stages. After all, it is precisely because of the emergence of conflicts that society develops, moves forward and seeks to change. existing orders. Even if the result leads to material and moral losses.

  • Yamalov Ural Buranbaevich, master
  • Bashkir State Agrarian University

The article discusses the features of the course of the conflict. The outcome of a conflict situation will largely depend not only and not so much on the causes, factors and models of the course of the conflict, the degree of its development, but on the attitude of the participants themselves to the conflict situation.

  • Algorithms for effective conflict management

Social conflict is the highest stage in the development of contradictions in relations between people, social groups, social institutions, which is characterized by the strengthening of opposing tendencies, the clash of various interests.

The world is arranged in such a way that conflicts arise in almost all spheres of human activity, which are most often based on emotions and personal hostility, and they are associated with aggression, threat, hostility. The conflict is determined by the fact that the conscious behavior of one of the parties: an individual, a group or an organization, conflicts with the interests of the other party. Conflict management is one of the most important functions of a leader (on average, they spend about 20% of their working time). To manage them, it is necessary to know the types of conflicts, the causes of their occurrence, the features of the course, as well as the consequences to which they can lead.

Social conflicts in the life of society are inevitable, since social development is carried out in the conditions of confrontation of various interests, attitudes, and aspirations. However, in a developed society, there are mechanisms for the prevention and peaceful resolution of conflicts within the framework of normalized relations.

Individuals and social groups participating in the conflict are called the subjects of the conflict. The issue that needs to be resolved, or the good, because of which there is a collision, is called the subject of the conflict. The cause of the conflict is the objective social circumstances that predetermine its occurrence. The reason for the conflict is a specific incident or social action that provokes a transition to open confrontation.

The difference between a conflict and peaceful confrontation, competition and rivalry for the possession of certain benefits lies in the sharpness of the conflict, which can take the form of open aggression and violent actions.

At the heart of any social conflict is an acute contradiction.

A contradiction is a fundamental incompatibility of important interests and aspirations (political, economic, ethnic, cultural) of individuals and social groups. Dissatisfaction with the current situation and readiness to change it is expressed in the growth of social tension. A conflict arises when one of the parties begins to openly pursue its aspirations to the detriment of the other, which causes an aggressive response.

The contradiction does not always go into the stage of an open conflict, it can be resolved peacefully or persist in society as an implicit opposition of ideas, interests, trends.

Based on various criteria, types of conflicts are distinguished:

  • by duration: short-term and protracted conflicts;
  • by coverage of participants: global, interethnic, national, local conflicts;
  • by areas public life: economic, political, labor, socio-cultural, national-ethnic, family-domestic, ideological, spiritual-moral, legal-legal conflicts;
  • in the sphere of contradictions: interpersonal, intragroup, intergroup conflicts, as well as conflicts of the group with the external environment;
  • by the nature of development: deliberate, spontaneous;
  • by means used: violent (military, armed) and non-violent conflicts;
  • on social consequences: successful, unsuccessful, constructive, destructive conflicts.

Social conflict goes through several stages in its development:

  1. pre-conflict situation - awareness by the parties of the existing contradiction and increasing social tension;
  2. the conflict itself - open actions aimed at realizing the aspirations and satisfying the needs that caused the confrontation;
  3. conflict resolution - the end of the confrontation, the elimination of the causes of the conflict or the reconciliation of the parties on the basis of a compromise;
  4. after the conflict stage - the final elimination of contradictions, the transition to peaceful interaction.

Usually, a social conflict is preceded by a pre-conflict stage, during which contradictions between subjects accumulate and gradually become aggravated.

Before the start of the conflict, the parties are aware of the existence of tension due to the dissatisfaction of some important needs, they are looking for ways to resolve the contradiction that has arisen, and they choose ways to influence the enemy.

Most often, social conflict arises due to differences in the level of material well-being, access to power, cultural goods, education, information, as well as differences in religious, worldview, moral attitudes and standards of behavior.

The severity of the pre-conflict situation and the way out of it are determined not only by the significance of the contradiction, but also by the socio-psychological traits of the participants in the conflict: the characteristics of temperament, intelligence, level common culture, communication skills.

The reason for the start of the conflict is an incident - an event or social action aimed at changing the behavior of the opposing side and entailing a transition to open confrontation (verbal debate, economic sanctions, changes in legislation, etc.).

The next stage in the development of the conflict is its escalation, i.e. growth, increase in the scale, number of participants, publicity.

The directly conflict stage of social confrontation is characterized by a set of certain actions that the participants take in order to realize their interests and suppress the enemy.

All participants in a large-scale conflict play a certain role in it, although not all of them are necessarily in a state of confrontation with each other.

Witnesses to the conflict observe the events from the outside, without taking an active part in them.

Mediators are people who try to prevent, stop or resolve a conflict, look for ways to reconcile conflicting interests, and participate in organizing negotiations. Instigators are people who provoke the beginning and further development conflict.

Accomplices may not take a direct part in an open clash of opposing subjects, but by their actions contribute to its development, supporting one of the parties.

The resolution of a social conflict is the overcoming of the main contradiction in the interests of the parties, its elimination at the level of the causes of the conflict. The solution to the conflict can be achieved by the conflicting parties themselves without the help of any third parties, or by connecting to the decision of any third party (intermediary). Thus, the conflict resolution model is a set of certain methods for overcoming it. This is far from a randomly chosen method, but directly dependent on the testimony of the diagnostics of a particular conflict.

The models that are used in conflict resolution are formed on the basis of the cultural and legal attitudes in relation to the conflict that exist in society, encouraging or prohibiting one or another way of resolving the conflict. The model for resolving any conflict is based on the use of various methods - violent (repression, demonstration of force, different forms coercion) or peaceful (negotiations, agreements, compromises).

There are four principal ways (models) by which the conflicting parties can resolve their contradictions and get out of the state of conflict:

  1. Power (one-sided dominance).
  2. Compromise.
  3. integral model.
  4. Separation of the parties. A certain combination of these four methods is also possible (symbiotic model).

one sided domination(power model) - a method that involves the satisfaction of the interests of one of the conflicting parties at the expense of the interests of the other. Forceful methods of resolving the conflict, in fact, lead to the destruction or complete suppression of the interests of one of the parties to the conflict. In this case, various means of coercion are used, from psychological to physical. Often this is a way of shifting blame and responsibility to more weak side. Thus, the true cause of the conflict is replaced and the dominant will of a stronger subject is unilaterally imposed.

Separation of the parties to the conflict. In this case, the conflict is resolved by terminating the interaction, breaking off relations between the conflicting parties, isolating them from each other (for example, divorce of spouses, separation of neighbors, transfer of workers to different areas of production). Separation of the conflicting parties can be done by their retreat, when they both leave the "battlefield". This is how, for example, a skirmish between bus passengers ends when one of them leaves at their stop or a quarrel between neighbors in a communal apartment, which stops after they are relocated.

Model of compromise- a way of reconciling conflicting interests, which consists in mutual concessions in the positions of the conflicting parties. It is important to know that the compromise model for resolving conflicts is based on concessions to conflicts precisely in their interests. Thus, the concept of compromise is used in different senses: in the ordinary sense, these are various concessions to each other, and in the conflict of logic, this is the mutual renunciation of the parties to the conflict from any part of their claims, the mutual sacrifice of interests, for the sake of reaching agreement.

The main advantage of the peaceful resolution of the conflict through compromise is the introduction of the conflict into a constructive framework and the establishment of a process of communication between the parties, finding certain points of agreement (compromise). Nevertheless, a compromise, according to the well-known Western conflict logger K. Lasswell, is “a patchwork quilt that the conflicting parties pull over themselves.” Compromise, as a model for resolving a conflict, is certainly preferable and more civilized than force or disunity, but it is not universal and has its limits of applicability. Do not think that on its basis you can easily resolve any conflict.

Integral model (integral strategy)- provides for the possibility of satisfying the interests of all conflicters, subject to the revision (revision) of their previously formed positions, the goals that they intended to achieve in the conflict. It is called integral not because it combines the qualities and advantages of previous models, but because it is able to integrate the interests of conflicters. When using it, no one sacrifices their interests. Each conflicter seeks to satisfy his interests, and therefore feels like a winner. To achieve such a desirable outcome, the conflictors must abandon their position, reconsider their goals that they set in this conflict.

As a rule, the integral model is achieved as a result of negotiations between the conflicting parties, ending with the adoption of an agreed decision. In order for the conflict to be truly resolved, it is important that the conflicting parties agree among themselves, so that they themselves find the most convenient way out of the conflict situation. In practice, conflicting parties usually enter into some sort of negotiation before resorting to violence or breaking up. Integral model of conflict resolution - important discovery XX century in the field of public institutions. One of the many paradoxes of modern Russian society is that the most effective and rational way to resolve conflicts is used much less frequently than it should be. In Russia, most of our fellow citizens do not know that there is a similar model for resolving conflicts, and if they do, they do not like to use it. This is explained by a complex of reasons, among which we note the peculiarities of the mentality of Russians, expressed in an increased commitment to forceful decisions, with the peculiarities of education - we are always taught that the goal is above all and the Russians' misconceptions about adherence to principles. Many identify adherence to principles with stubbornness on their own, with a refusal to revise their position in a conflict, regardless of what this position is caused by. At the same time, it is overlooked that the interests of people and their groups are always more important than the goals that they set for themselves in order to achieve these interests. You need to be flexible in setting and changing your short-term goals, constantly looking after your long-term vital interests. Unfortunately, many do the opposite. Refusing to revise their positions, not taking into account the new conditions that have made them unreasonable, they continue to defend them, which complicates the achievement of fundamental interests.

There are also symbioses of conflict resolution methods - models that combine in a certain sequence - force, compromise, disengagement and integral models of conflict resolution.

In conclusion, it should be noted that it is difficult to foresee all the variety of conflict situations that life creates for us. Therefore, in resolving conflicts, much should be decided on the spot, based on the specific situation, as well as the individual psychological characteristics of the participants in the conflict.


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Conflict is a dispute, a clash between two people or social groups for the possession of something that is equally highly valued by both parties.

The participants in the conflict are calledsubjects of the conflict :

witnesses - these are people watching the conflict from the sidelines;

instigators - these are those who push other participants to the conflict;

collaborators - these are people who contribute to the development of the conflict with advice, technical assistance or in other ways;

intermediaries - These are people who, by their actions, are trying to prevent, stop or resolve conflict.

Not all parties to a conflict are necessarily in direct confrontation with each other.

The issue or benefit that sparks the conflict, - it subject of conflict . The cause and reason for the conflict are different from its subject.

Cause of conflict - objective circumstances that predetermine the emergence of conflict. The cause of the conflict is related to the needs of the conflicting parties.

Reason for conflict - a minor incident contributes to conflict, but the conflict itself may not develop. The reason is both accidental and specially created.

For a correct and comprehensive understanding of the conflict, it is necessary to distinguish between it and the contradiction. Contradiction is a fundamental incompatibility, disagreement of some important political, economic, ethnic interests.

The contradiction necessarily underlies any conflict and manifests itself in social tension - a feeling of dissatisfaction with the state of affairs and readiness to change it. But a contradiction may remain a contradiction without reaching an open clash, i.e., a conflict. Thus, the contradiction expresses the hidden and static moment of the phenomenon, and the conflict is open and dynamic.

social conflict - this is the highest stage in the development of contradictions in the system of relations between people, social groups, social institutions, society as a whole, which is characterized by the strengthening of opposing tendencies, the interests of social communities and individuals.

In the history of sociology, there are various concepts that reveal the essence of social conflicts.

At the present stage of development of sociological science, two main paradigms are distinguished from the point of view of the role of conflict in society. Scientists define the following functions of social conflicts.

Conflicts are generated by various reasons: external and internal, universal and individual, material and ideal, objective and subjective etc. The cause of the conflict is related to needs conflicting parties. The following causes of social conflicts can be identified:

- social heterogeneity of society, the presence of opposite orientations;

- differences in income levels, power, culture, social prestige, access to education, information;

- religious differences;

- human behavior, its socio-psychological traits (temperament, intellect, general culture, etc.).

Social conflict goes through three main stages:

1. Pre-conflict - conflict situation. The parties are aware of the existing emotional tension, strive to overcome it, understand the causes of the conflict, evaluate their capabilities; choice of method of influencing the enemy.

2. Direct conflict - distrust and lack of respect for the enemy; consent is not possible. The presence of an incident (or occasion), i.e., social actions aimed at changing the behavior of rivals. Their overt and covert actions.

3. Conflict resolution - end of the incident, elimination of the causes of the conflict.

Types of social conflicts

By duration - long-term; short-term; one-time; protracted; repetitive.

By volume - global; national; local; regional; group; personal.

By origin - objective; subjective; false.

According to the means used - violent; nonviolent.

In form - internal; external.

Influence on the course of development of society - progressive; regressive.

According to the nature of development deliberate; spontaneous.

In areas of public life economic (industrial); political; ethnic; family and household.

By type of relationship intra- and intersystem (individual-psychological) levels; intra- and intergroup (socio-psychological) levels; intranational and international (social) levels.

Specialists highlight the following ways solutions to social conflicts:

compromise (lat. compromise) - solution of the problem through mutual concessions of the parties;

negotiation – peaceful conversation of both sides to solve the problem;

mediation - the use of a third party in the solution of the problem in absentia;

arbitration (fr. arbitrage - arbitration court) - appeal to a specially empowered authority for help in solving the problem;

use of force, power, law - unilateral use of power or force by the side that considers itself stronger.

Possible ways out of conflicts are as follows:

Restoration- the return of society to the pre-conflict state: to the former forms of social life, social institutions that continue to exist in the new situation.

non-intervention (waiting) - the hope that "everything will work out by itself." This is the path of delaying and delaying reforms, marking time. In an open society, if the confrontation does not threaten with a general collapse, this path, under certain conditions, can be fruitful.

Update- an active way out of the conflict by discarding, abandoning the old, developing the new.

Every social conflict is concrete, it takes place in certain social conditions. Therefore, the way out of it should correspond to the current specific situation.

The overall strategy for getting out of social conflict should be to combine these three paths. Renewal is necessary, this is the key to resolving any conflict, but it is impossible to renew everything due to the inertia of human consciousness. A natural process of rollback (reaction) to some old values ​​and forms should be envisaged.

Modern conflictology has formulated the conditions under which successful resolution of social conflicts is possible:

- timely and accurate diagnosis of the causes of the conflict, i.e. identification of existing contradictions, interests, goals.

- mutual interest in overcoming contradictions based on the recognition of the interests of the opposite side. This can be achieved on the basis of a goal that is meaningful to both parties.

– joint search for ways to overcome the conflict. Here it is possible to use a whole arsenal of means and methods: direct dialogue between the parties, negotiations through an intermediary, negotiations with the participation of a third party, etc.

During negotiations, priority should be given to discussing substantive issues.

The conflicting parties should strive to relieve psychological and social tension.

Participants in a conflict must show mutual respect for each other.

All conflicting parties must be willing to compromise.

Thus, conflict is the most important side of the interaction of people in society, a kind of cell of social life. This is a form of relationship between the subjects of emotional action, the motivation of which is due to opposing values ​​and norms, interests and needs.

Job Sample

B2. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, are associated with the concept of "social conflict". Compromise; negotiation; arbitration; rehabilitation; witnesses.

Find and indicate a term that is not related to the concept of "social conflict".

Answer: Rehabilitation.

Social conflict - this is a confrontation between individuals or groups pursuing socially significant goals (distribution of values, resources, power, etc.). It occurs when one party seeks to implement its interests and goals to the detriment of the interests of others.

Social conflicts can have both positive and negative impacts on the development of society. On the one hand, they are a source of socio-political changes, preventing the stagnation of social systems, stimulating the modification of social relations, structures and institutions. In this sense, conflicts act as a form of regulation of the conflicting interests of various groups of society, and contribute to the relaxation of tension in their relations. On the other hand, social conflicts carry the threat of destabilizing society and can lead to catastrophic consequences - revolutions, wars, anarchy.

Social conflicts are caused by a variety of reasons. These are economic and social inequality, lack of vital goods (material, spiritual, prestigious, etc.), unequal position in relation to power, mismatch of interests and goals of various social groups, ideological and political differences, confessional contradictions, incompatibility of individual and social values etc.

In modern conditions, each sphere of social life generates its own specific conflicts. Here one can single out political, socio-economic and national-ethnic conflicts.

  • 1. Political conflicts - these are conflicts over the distribution of power, dominance, influence, authority. They arise from differences of interests, rivalry and struggle in the process of acquiring, redistributing and exercising political and state power. Political conflicts are associated with consciously formed goals to win leading positions in the institutions and structures of political power. The main political conflicts are:
    • - conflicts between branches of government (legislative, executive, judicial);
    • - conflicts within parliament;
    • - conflicts between political parties and movements; - conflicts between various parts of the administrative apparatus, etc.

V modern history In Russia, one of the manifestations of the political conflict was a long-term confrontation between the executive and legislative branches, which led to the dramatic events of October 1993. The elections of the Federal Assembly and the adoption of the new Constitution of Russia became a partial resolution of this conflict. However, the causes of the conflict were not completely eliminated, and it moved to a new stage of its development, taking the form of confrontation between the President and the Federal Assembly. And only now there has been a constructive interaction between the executive and legislative branches.

2. Socio-economic conflicts - these are conflicts over the means of life support, the level wages, the use of professional and intellectual potential, the level of prices for goods and services, access to the distribution of material and spiritual wealth.

Socio-economic conflicts arise on the basis of dissatisfaction, first of all, with the economic situation, which is considered either as a deterioration compared to the usual level of consumption (real conflict of needs), or as a worse situation compared to other social groups (conflict of interest). In the second case, conflict may arise even with some improvement in living conditions, if it is perceived as insufficient or inadequate.

In modern Russian society, many socio-economic conflicts develop along the lines of "labor collectives - state administration." Along with demands for higher wages, higher living standards, elimination of wage arrears and the payment of pensions, the demands of collectives to defend their rights to the property of enterprises are more often put forward. Such demands are addressed primarily to public authorities, which are the main subjects of the redistribution of property.

Mass conflicts in the economic sphere are often associated with the fact that the country still lacks a clearly developed legal framework for resolving labor disputes. Conciliation commissions, their arbitrations do not fully realize their functions, and administrative bodies in a number of cases do not fulfill the agreements reached. All this sets the task of creating a more effective legislative system for regulating labor conflicts.

3. National-ethnic conflicts - these are conflicts that arise in the course of the struggle for the rights and interests of ethnic and national groups. Most often, these conflicts are related to status or territorial claims. In modern Russia, the dominant factor in conflicts was the idea of ​​the sovereignty of territories, a people or an ethnic group. Until the adoption in 1993 of a new Constitution Russian Federation almost all regions struggled to raise their status: the autonomous regions sought to become republics, the republics declared their sovereignty and independence. In extreme cases, the question was raised about secession from Russia and obtaining full state independence (the most striking example is the conflict in Chechnya).

Rather widespread in our country are territorial conflicts that arise between closely residing ethnic groups (Ossetian-Ingush, Dagestan-Chechen conflicts). It should be noted that such conflicts are deliberately provoked by various forces of a nationalist, separatist, fanatical-religious nature.

Thus, conflicts that arise in the political and socio-economic spheres, in the field of interethnic relations, represent the greatest danger to society. In today's Russia, which is going through a difficult transition period, conflicts have become a daily reality. It is important to learn how to manage them, to seek the consent of the conflicting parties.

Modern conflictology has formulated the conditions under which a successful resolution of social conflicts is possible. One of the important conditions is a timely and accurate diagnosis of the causes of the conflict, i.e. identification of existing contradictions, interests, goals. Another, no less important condition is the mutual interest in overcoming contradictions on the basis of recognizing the interests of the opposite side. This can be achieved on the basis of a goal that is meaningful to both parties. The third indispensable condition is the joint search for ways to overcome the conflict. Here it is possible to use a whole arsenal of means and methods: direct dialogue between the parties, negotiations through an intermediary, negotiations with the participation of a third party, etc.

Conflictology has also developed a number of recommendations, following which accelerates the process of conflict resolution: I) during negotiations, priority should be given to discussion of substantive issues; 2) the parties must strive to relieve psychological and social tension; 3) the parties must demonstrate mutual respect for each other; 4) all participants must show a tendency to compromise.

An external sign of conflict resolution may be the end of the incident. The elimination of the incident is a necessary but not sufficient condition for resolving the conflict. Often, having stopped active conflict interaction, people continue to experience a tense state, look for its cause. And then the conflict that was extinguished flares up again. Complete resolution of social conflict is possible only when the conflict situation changes. This change may take various forms, but the most radical change is the one that eliminates the causes of the conflict. It is also possible to resolve a social conflict by changing the requirements of one of the parties: the opponent makes concessions and changes the goals of his behavior in the conflict.

The final, post-conflict stage is of great importance. At this stage, contradictions at the level of interests and goals should be finally eliminated, and measures should be taken to remove socio-psychological tension and stop any struggle.

In modern Russia, it is important to make social conflicts (primarily shadow, implicit, latent ones) public, as open as possible. This will make it possible to put them under control and respond in a timely manner to the processes taking place during the confrontation of the parties. And here the mass media, public opinion and other institutions of civil society can play an important role.

In sociology, modernization mainly refers to the transition from a traditional society to a continuously changing modern industrial society. According to the famous American sociologist N. Smelser, modernization is a complex set of economic, social, cultural, and political changes taking place in society in connection with the process of industrialization and the development of scientific and technological achievements.

Modernization theory has been developed mainly in relation to developing countries. Nevertheless, it largely explains the process of reforming any society, its transformation along the lines of the advanced countries of the world. Modernization covers almost all aspects of society - the economy, social relations, spiritual life, the political sphere.

In the field of economics modernization involves the use scientific knowledge and modern technologies; deepening professional specialization; formation of markets for goods, capital, labor; development of entrepreneurship and market relations; increasing the independence of the economy from politics; separation of production and workplace from the family economy; increasing the productivity of rural labor, developing farming, etc. Structural changes in the economy are accompanied by increased social mobility, mass migration from rural areas to big cities, the transformation of traditional social structures, an increase in the material standard of living of the population, etc.

In the socio-political sphere the main manifestations of modernization are the formation of a rule of law state, the democratization of the political system, party pluralism, the growth of social activity of the population and its participation in political life, the formation of civil society institutions, the increase in the political culture of citizens, the development of mass media and communications.

In the spiritual and cultural sphere modernization presupposes the spread of the values ​​of individualism, the progress of science and education, the rationalization of consciousness, the formation of moral prerequisites for new forms of economic activity, secularization and the growing diversity of spiritual life. The essence of changes in this area is conveyed by the concept of "modernity" as a complex characteristic of the culture of modern Western society.

The culture of "modernity" means adherence to rationalism and scientism, an orientation towards the growth of material production and technical progress, an attitude towards nature as an object of application of one's strength and knowledge. It is also the idea of ​​equality of opportunity and personal freedom, individualism, an attitude to achieve success, a person's readiness for constant change and the desire to initiate such changes.

Depending on the nature and time of implementation, two types of modernization are distinguished: primary (organic) and secondary (inorganic). Primary modernization refers to the period of the industrial revolution, which began in Great Britain in the 60s. XVIII century .. and a few decades later covered the United States, France, Germany and other Western countries. This modernization took place in a natural way, on the basis of its own socio-economic, political and socio-cultural prerequisites, and met the internal needs community development. It flowed organically from the entire previous evolution of society and its historical readiness for comprehensive, profound changes.

Secondary modernization, associated mainly with the developing countries of Asia, Africa, Latin America, is not an organic result of the natural course of the evolution of society. It is largely dictated from outside: the desire to enter the world community, to adapt to the new geopolitical reality, to respond to the "challenge" from other countries. This is a kind of "catching up development" method, when the authorities carry out reforms in order to overcome the country's historical backwardness.

Such modernization, as a rule, is carried out by attracting foreign investment, borrowing advanced technology, purchasing foreign equipment, inviting foreign specialists, studying abroad, etc. Corresponding changes are taking place in the political and social spheres: the system of government is changing dramatically, new structures and institutions of power are being created, the country's constitution is being rebuilt according to Western models, a new legislative system is being formulated, and the relationship between the state and society is being revised. An important socio-psychological factor in this case is the so-called demonstration effect, the desire to imitate the style and way of life of the richest, most developed countries.

Secondary modernization, as it were, is artificially introduced "from above", it is inorganic for the socio-economic and spiritual system of society, it violates its unity and historical continuity of development. Therefore, the majority of the population is often not ready for it and does not provide the necessary social support. All this determines the complex and sometimes contradictory nature of modernization processes in certain countries.

However, in a number of cases, secondary modernization can be successful, when countries, as a result of its implementation, begin to develop on their own basis. This is what happened in Japan, which took only two decades to catch up with and by some measures even surpass the US, from where it originally borrowed advanced technology.

As for Russia, modernization has not yet brought the expected results. The country has not established an effective mechanism of a market economy, there is no civilized free enterprise, a high standard of living and social protection of the population is not provided, there is no support for small businesses, and a large middle class has not formed, which determines the stability and well-being of society. At the same time, the high scientific and intellectual potential of Russian society nourishes a certain hope for favorable prospects for the development of modernizing processes in our country.

It should be noted that modernization theorists are currently revising their conceptual attitudes in many respects. This is due to a new look at the role of traditional institutions and cultures, the identification of their ability to organically be included in the processes of modernization, ensuring the integrity and spiritual unity society. Thus, the opposition between traditional and industrial societies is no longer seen as a rigid antithesis, but as a dynamic ratio due to the dynamism of the traditional beginning, its ability to change and adapt to modern conditions.

Social conflict is a necessary condition for the development of society, the result of the incompatibility of the views of individuals. The conflict allows you to expose and solve the various problems of society, or reduce it to anarchy.

The heterogeneity of society, differences in position and well-being inevitably lead to the emergence and aggravation of social conflicts. Let us consider the basic concepts, essence and causes of social conflicts in more detail.

What it is

Social conflict is the result of the development of social contradictions, expressed in the confrontation of various social groups.

Such confrontation can arise in any social group. It can be called one of necessary conditions development of society. After all, this process consists of conflicts and their overcoming.

The main source of social conflict is the very structure of society. The more complex it is, the more fragmented society is. There are new groups, social strata that have their own value systems, goals and methods for achieving them. All this leads to new conflicts.

At the same time, the complex structure of society offers numerous ways to resolve these conflicts, mechanisms for finding consensus. The main task of society is to minimize the possible negative consequences of social conflict and resolve the accumulated problems.

The life cycle of social conflict includes four stages:

  1. pre-conflict situation. Its sign is the growth of tension in relations between the subjects.
  2. Conflict.
  3. Attempts to resolve the conflict.
  4. The end of the confrontation and the post-conflict stage.

Essence and theory

The problem of social conflicts dates back many millennia. However, before Adam Smith, the whole problem was that some should rule, others should obey, and the state should manage.

Adam Smith was the first to point out the nature of conflict as a social problem. In his opinion, the social conflict is based on the class and economic struggle.

Since then, many theories have emerged to explain the essence of the contradictions:

  1. According to adherents of socio-biological theory, the conflict nature of a person is explained by the aggression inherent in all animals.
  2. Proponents of socio-psychological theory associate the emergence of social conflicts with overpopulation and other environmental factors. However, this theory does not explain at what point explicit conflict occurs.
  3. According to functionalists, social conflict is a dysfunction in relation to society. In an ideal system, there should be no contradictions.

Causes of social conflict

At the heart of every conflict there are many obvious and hidden reasons. The main social prerequisites for contradictions are social inequality (there are always rich and poor, bosses and subordinates) and cultural heterogeneity (existence in society of different value orientations, behavioral systems, etc.).

There are many reasons why social conflicts arise. Consider the main ones:

  1. ideological reasons. There is a certain system of ideas and values ​​that determines dominance and subordination. Participants may have different views on this system.
  2. Various value orientations. Each participant in the conflict, whether an individual or a social group, has its own set of value orientations. Each set is strictly individual, and often opposite to the same set of another participant. The ultimate goal - the satisfaction of their own needs - is the same for many participants. As a result, there is an interaction of opposing interests (everyone wants to satisfy their own needs) and a conflict arises.
  3. Social and economic reasons. Associated with the distribution of wealth and power, if one of the participants seems to have been cheated. This is one of the most common causes of social conflict.
  4. Other reasons: the difference in tasks, the introduction of innovations, rivalry between groups and leaders.


The conflict is a multidimensional process with a developed structure. Each specific conflict situation has its own objective and subjective components.

They can be considered in more detail, starting with the objective ones:

  1. Subjects of the conflict. Every social conflict is, first of all, the inability to reach mutual understanding between specific people. This is true for interstate conflict as well as for family conflict. In each case, the main actors are people acting, depending on the situation, as individuals or legal entities.
  2. Thing. This is the contradiction that lies at the heart of a particular conflict, because of which there is a clash of interests of the participants.
  3. An object. This is a certain value that all subjects strive to receive. The form can be any: material (money or other resource), spiritual (any idea), social (power). In each case, it is not easy to single out the object of conflict. It is not always found in its pure form, it is often a mixture of at least two forms.
  4. Micro environment and macro environment. These are the conditions under which the parties have to act. The microenvironment is the immediate environment of the participants. The macroenvironment is belonging to certain social groups.

In each separate conflict there are also subjective components. This is the tactics and strategy of behavior of each side, the perception of a certain situation, etc.

Types and classification

Various sociological schools put forward their own classifications of conflicts. The most common typology is:

  1. For reasons of occurrence. The reasons can be both objective and subjective.
  2. According to the peculiarities of social differences. Such conflicts differ in the time of action and the nature of disagreements, the sphere of manifestation, etc.
  3. The impact of conflict on others. Forms of conflicts differ in duration (short-term, medium-term, long-term), severity, scale.
  4. According to the characteristics of specific participants. The conflict can be collective, inter-ethnic, etc.
  5. Based on openness there are hidden and open social conflicts. Hidden conflicts do not entail external aggression in relation to the opponent and are held using indirect methods of influence. In open conflicts, there are obvious clashes - quarrels, disputes.
  6. The most well-known division of conflicts into horizontal and vertical. This division occurs based on the position of the opponents. Vertical conflict happens between the boss and subordinates, horizontal - between people who are on the same level. First of all, these are labor disputes.
  7. Based on the composition of the participants, share interpersonal types of conflicts, group, organizational, political, etc. In interpersonal conflicts, confrontation takes place between people who do not belong to any social community. In group - between separate social groups. Political conflicts can arise both within society (domestic political) and at the international level (foreign political).

It is worth considering that any attempt to classify conflicts is rather conditional. In practice, one can meet, for example, a vertical closed interpersonal conflict with a unique set of properties.

Role and functions

In public life, social conflict plays a twofold role. On the one hand, thanks to the conflict, society develops, certain agreements and agreements are reached. On the other hand, the consequences of an open conflict for society are unpredictable.

The conflict has many private functions. Through the adaptive function, individuals adapt to new circumstances. Thanks to the innovative feature, the awareness of the participants about the pros and cons of each other is increased.

In general, the functions of social conflict can be divided into two large groups:

  1. constructive. They include positive functions: defusing tension, carrying out social changes, etc.
  2. destructive. This includes functions of a negative nature: the destabilization of relations that have developed in a certain social environment, the destruction of a social community.


The consequences of conflict can be viewed from two opposing points of view:

  1. Functionalist.
  2. Sociological.

Functionalists view conflict as a negative phenomenon that destabilizes society. They highlight the following possible consequences:

  1. destabilization of society. The emergence of chaotic processes with unpredictable results. Control mechanisms stop working.
  2. Distracting the participants in the conflict from other problems, focusing on certain interests and defeating the enemy.
  3. Impossibility of further cooperation with the opponent.
  4. The removal of participants in the conflict from society, dissatisfaction, etc.

Adherents of the sociological point of view, for example, Dahrendorf, believe that, under certain conditions, positive results can be achieved. Positive consequences include:

  1. Resolving a problem in an optimal way that all stakeholders can accept. This will bring people together and strengthen their mutual understanding. If each participant feels that he is involved in solving the problem, he will participate in the implementation of this solution.
  2. Renovation of existing and creation of new mechanisms and institutions. New social groups are formed, a certain balance of interests is observed. This provides relative stability.
  3. Additional incentives for participants. Managed conflict between people leads to the development of new ideas and solutions. Without participating in conflicts, a person ceases to develop.

Resolution paths

To analyze the ways of resolving social conflicts, you need to understand how the participants in the conflict behave. The strategy for resolving social conflict depends on their characteristics.

  • Evasion– the participant has no desire to conflict, actively work to achieve their own goals. Such a participant may himself withdraw from the conflict.
  • fixture. Participants are ready to cooperate, meet the other side halfway and at the same time work on their own interests.
  • Confrontation. The interests of other parties are not taken into account, each participant seeks only to achieve his own goals and impose his opinion on others.
  • Cooperation. Each participant works on the implementation of their interests. However, he is ready to work on finding a solution to the conflict in a team with other participants.
  • Compromise. This style is based on concessions. Each participant is limited to the partial achievement of their goals and is inferior to the others in some way. This style is preferable to the rest, because. allows partially satisfying the desires of all interested parties.

The result of the conflict can be a complete or partial solution. The first option means the complete elimination of the causes of the conflict. In the second case, only part of the problems is solved, the rest may appear later.

Examples in society from history

A classic example of social conflict is the student strike in France in 1968. The reasons are the discrepancy between the values ​​of the students of the sixties and the old French general de Gaulle.

Another reason is the "Fouche reform", which consisted in the accelerated training of specialists without eliminating shortcomings in the educational system. The students were followed by mass strikes of workers, employees and engineers.

Ultimately, the president achieved a partial resolution of the conflict, using the population's fear of another revolution. But a year later he resigned.

Video: Social conflict and ways to solve it