How to open a safe with a mechanical lock. How to open the safe if you forgot your password

  • 12.06.2019

If you forget the safe combination, a locksmith can be expensive, while a brute force attempt to open it can ruin both the safe and the tools. Breaking the combination will require a lot of patience and effort, but in the end you will get no costs, an undamaged safe and a feeling of deep inner satisfaction.


Part 1

The principle of operation of the code lock

    Examine the combination dial knob. The combination lock of the safe is controlled by turning this knob. The numbers are marked on the circumference of the limb handle, starting from zero. Correct input of a combination of numbers - practically the only way open the safe (application mechanical tools and brute force is not even considered, due to the extreme complexity).

    Kernel. The rod is attached to the handle of the limbus, it is a small simple cylinder. When you turn the handle, the rod also turns.

    • The core and other parts of the lock are not visible even when the safe door is open.
  1. The drive disk of the mechanism. The drive disk is located at the other end of the rod, the rotation of the dial knob also leads to the rotation of the drive disk.

    • The drive disc hub is used to engage the mechanism's code discs.
  2. code disks. The discs of the mechanism are put on the rod, but not attached to it. They are driven by a drive disk.

    • Each combination number corresponds to a separate disk (the number of disks varies from two to six). For example, if a safe uses a combination of three numbers (25-7-14), the lock uses three code discs.
    • Knowing the number of discs is important for opening the safe, but there are ways to find out without knowing the combination (read below).
    • Cutouts on the code discs are made to transmit rotation from the drive disc.
  3. Mentally imagine the gander of the mechanism. This is a small metal rod that puts pressure on the disks, but does not prevent them from rotating. The gander is connected to the deadbolt (or crossbar) of the lock, while the gander remains in place - the safe is closed.

    Grooves of code disks. Each disc has a large groove. When all the disks are lined up in the same position, a code groove is formed, into which the gander of the mechanism falls, opening the bolt of the lock.

    If you know the number of numbers in the combination, you can skip the next part.

Part 2

Finding out the number of numbers in a combination

    Make several full turns of the handle clockwise. This will reset the lock to the beginning of the combination input.

    Attach the phonendoscope next to the dial handle. Believe it or not, this cinematic autopsy method is used by professional locksmiths. The phonendoscope significantly amplifies the sound from the membrane.

    • The mechanism that requires listening is located directly behind the limbo knob, but, obviously, it is impossible to listen to it during rotation. Look nearby for the most convenient and loudest point for the application of the stethoscope tip.
    • Metal doors sound louder than others and are therefore better for beginners.
  1. Turn the knob counterclockwise until you hear two consecutive clicks. Rotate the knob slowly and be prepared to write down or memorize the positions of the knob.

    Reset the lock and repeat the steps. Turn the knob a few full turns clockwise, then slowly turn it counterclockwise, listening for a click.

    • Clicks can be faint and barely audible over other sounds, so repeat the process until you know the exact contact area (between two successive clicks).
  2. Turn the knob counterclockwise exactly opposite the contact area. Once you're sure you've found the exact contact area, turn the knob exactly 180 degrees counterclockwise.

    • This is the "code disc parking area". From this position, you can count the number of code disks of the mechanism by rotating the dial knob.
  3. Turn the knob clockwise and listen to the sound as you pass the "parking zone". Slowly turn the knob, paying special attention to the "parking zone".

    • "Parking zone" is the reverse position of the "contact zone" dial knob. Remember to listen for the sound of the mechanism when the handle enters this position.
    • The first time you pass this zone, you should hear a click as the drive disk engages the first disk.
    • You will only hear subsequent clicks if you have additional code discs.
    • If you hear a lot of clicks, or clicks in other places, you may have misunderstood "parking zone". Try again from the beginning of this part, be sure to reset the lock mechanism well (do a few more full turns).
    • If the problem persists, the safe may be equipped with additional anti-burglary mechanisms. In this case, you will most likely need the services of professionals.
  4. Write down the number of clicks. If passing the "parking zone" produces no more clicks, write down or remember the final number of clicks. This will be the number of code discs.

    • Each combination number corresponds to one disc, so you already know how many numbers to enter.

Part 3

Finding out the code numbers
  1. Plot two graphs in a rectangular coordinate system. Breaking a safe requires writing down a huge amount of information. Plotting is one of the most convenient and easy ways to calculate the required data.

    Label each graph. The x-axes must correspond to numbers from 0 to the last value on the dial knob. Mark the axis so that you can clearly and unambiguously set aside three points in a row. On the y-axis, you need to mark about five numbers, but for now you can leave it empty.

    • The abscissa axis of one graph can be called the "start", and the y-axis can be called the "contact point on the left".
    • The abscissa axis of the second graph can be called "start", and the y-axis can be called "point of contact on the right".
  2. Reset the lock, set the knob to zero. Make a few full turns of the knob clockwise, then set it to zero.

    Slowly turn the knob counterclockwise and listen. It's necessary to find contact zone, where the drive disk is connected to the code disks (see the first part).

    When you hear two clicks in a row, note the position of the handle with each click. Make sure you know the exact number of each click. As a rule, these two numbers are not far from each other.

    Plot these points on the graph. On the first graph, plot a point with coordinates x=0 and y=the number on which you heard the first click.

    • On the second graph, plot a point with coordinates x=0 and y=the number where you heard the second click.
    • Now you can mark the ordinate axes. You will need space for five numbers on each side of the dot you just plotted.
  3. Continue recording the values ​​of two clicks in a row. Start rotating counterclockwise from the third number, note down the clicks. They should sound close to the previous values.

    • When you plot these values ​​on the chart, reset the lock and set the dial three more spaces to the left.
  4. Continue recording values ​​and plotting points on the graphs until you have a plot of contact points for every third dial value. When you reach zero, you can complete the test.

  5. Find the points of convergence of the two graphs. For some x values, the difference between the y values ​​(points of contact) will be smaller.

    • The easiest way to find such points is by putting one graph on top of another, just find the places where the two graphs are closest.
    • Each such point corresponds to a combination number.
    • The number of numbers in the combination should already be known to you, either as the owner of the safe, or from the previous part of the instructions.
    • If the number of close points does not correspond to the number of numbers in the combination, build both graphs and find the places where they consistently narrow.

There are many legends about opening safes and door locks. For example, they talk about the bear cubs of the past, capable of unlocking a lock of any complexity with a hairpin in a matter of minutes. In fact, a lock, say, of the thirties, a modern pro will also instantly break open with a pair of pins. And with the proper equipment, he will also open an ultra-modern safe with an electronic code.

An element of a door opened by thieves with the help of a so-called spear knife is an exhibit from the collection of our consultants (above). Manufacturers steel doors sometimes they "cheat": the door seems reliable, but in fact the first layer of metal is thin.

Let's debunk a few myths right away. There are no and cannot be people with a criminal past among autopsy masters, since crystal honesty is one of the most important requirements for the profession. Companies that specialize in opening and installing locks and safes most often do not hire new employees at all, making do with a team formed from the very beginning. A beginner is almost impossible to check thoroughly, and trust in this case is very important. In the profession most often come from related specialties. For example, the team of Zamok 911, our consultants, was formed while working in the rescue service. They often had to open the doors there - and the rescuers, starting their own business, expanded the scope of their skills.

An element of the door opened by thieves with the help of the so-called spear knife is an exhibit from the collection of our consultants. Manufacturers of steel doors sometimes "cheat": the door seems reliable, but in fact the first layer of metal is thin.

Second important point: any door, any safe is designed to delay the burglar, not stop him. Because there are no means against a professional and cannot be. Unbreakable safes do not exist in principle. The only question is how long the break-in will take, whether it will be carried out with or without damage to the lock. Naturally, the craftsmen always strive for a “clean”, without damage, autopsy.

What is a safe?

In Russia, the concepts of “safe” and “fireproof cabinet” (which, in general, can be called a fireproof safe) are often confused. Moreover, the products of many foreign firms, originally representing cabinets, we sell under the guise of safes. A person thinks that he is buying something suitable for storing his papers and valuables, but in fact the cabinet opens with two paper clips in half a minute. The bottom line is that there are no requirements for fireproof cabinets regarding the complexity of opening. It's just furniture, even if it's steel and fireproof.

But the arrangement of safes and their locks is regulated next normative documents. Depending on the document (Russian GOST R50862-2005, German VDMA 24992, etc.), safes are divided into a number of classes according to resistance to burglary. For example, European standards divide safes into five classes (and several subclasses), Russian ones into ten classes. All elements of the safe must correspond to the highest, fifth class - both the walls and the door, and, most importantly, the locks. If you put locks that do not correspond to the type on a safe made according to the fifth grade (or install them incorrectly, which also often happens), it immediately loses its resistance to breaking. In addition, you always need to look at what standard the safe is checked for. And then he may be “eighth grade” in malice resistance, but no one knows what this figure corresponds to in reality.

Safe locks can be divided into four types: key, mechanical code, electronic code and exotic (biometric, magnetic, etc.). Oleg Shalashov, an employee of the Zamok 911 company, says: “In general, there are no regularities in terms of complexity. There are very complex keys, there are codes that can be opened in a few minutes. However, the average opening time is more or less known. It takes a professional about 15 minutes for a key lock, and about two hours for a code lock without any equipment, only with the help of hands. With equipment, of course, faster. By the way, a lot depends on the location of the safe. If you can get close to it from any side, this greatly simplifies the process. And once the masters had to work with a safe installed ... behind the toilet. Despite the simplicity of the design, I had to work hard.

In Europe and the USA there is whole line opening equipment companies such as Wendt, Intralock, Steelman or Lockmasters. In fact, this is an eternal race in a vicious circle: some companies make safes, others make tools for opening them, then the first make even more secure safes, and the second make even more serious tools, etc. There is no such equipment on the free market. It is sold only to companies or craftsmen licensed for the relevant work - so to speak, Licensed, Bonded and Certified Security Professionals. Professionals receive appropriate training in Europe or the USA and must have a special certificate confirming their skills.

Key locks are opened with hand tool. The tool can be very different, up to kits-constructors, from which the key can be simply assembled. Assembly takes about fifteen minutes, opening - less than a minute. You can find out which key is needed in various ways. For example, using an ultraviolet lamp. The workpiece is inserted into the lock, the master tries to turn it a couple of times, then looks under ultraviolet light, where there are traces of the lock elements, and at these points changes the workpiece. Attempt after attempt - and after a while a suitable key is obtained. In the photo in the suitcase in the center is a set for forming a key.

"Clean" opening

The opening of any lock is based on its errors, "loopholes", deliberately or accidentally left by the manufacturers. A hundred years ago, errors in the manufacture of locks could reach a millimeter or more, and various designs there were hundreds. Today, there are several basic types, but the quality of workmanship leaves the craftsmen with a much smaller field for activity. True, two identical castles, in fact, do not exist. Each has its own "face", its backlashes and errors.

A combination lock with the proper equipment is somewhat easier to open than a key lock. For example, the mentioned company Intralock (and others too) makes special automatic pick-ups. Such a gadget is installed on the lock and in a maximum of 36 hours determines the code of the safe using the selection method. More advanced modern models equipped with an "intellectual system": at the same time, it "listens" to what is happening inside the castle and analyzes the sounds, cutting off deliberately inappropriate combinations. It takes about 20 minutes to select the code.

Still life: varieties of instrument

When manually opening a combination lock (we are talking, of course, about a mechanical one), you need to use your hearing, since it is impossible to sort through more than a million combinations without equipment. For this, stethoscopes are used, which multiply the clicks and noises inside the castle. Of course, a non-professional will not be able to separate the “necessary” sounds from the “unnecessary” ones, and even with a stethoscope he is unlikely to be able to do anything sensible.

However, modern expensive combination locks are not amenable to electronic selection. The lock is connected to the drive mechanism of opening through a system of gears and can be located at any point of the door. mechanical movement inside such a lock occurs only when the code is fully and correctly typed. In the process of dialing, the lock is “silent”, and it is impossible to pick up the code by ear. Then you have to use rough methods, but more on that later.

Tool for balance cylinder locks

An electronic combination lock is not that much more complicated than a mechanical one. But you can't take it by choice. In almost all modern safes, if the lock is entered incorrectly, the lock is blocked, say, for five minutes. With the second - by ten, and then - on the rise. This does not mean that such a safe is more reliable than a mechanical one, everyone is equal against a drill. It only means that it is more difficult to crack it “purely”.

"Rough" opening

Let's debunk yet another myth. Many believe that after drilling and rough breaking, the safe is no good, only to be thrown away. It's a delusion. Drilling is one, maximum three tiny holes. After opening, the company's employees press cone-shaped plugs into them and brew them. Re-drilling at this point is much more difficult - that is, the safe becomes more reliable. The castle, however, most likely will have to be changed. But high-quality craftsmen also provide such a service.

Car instrument

So, in which case do you have to drill? First, if the lock is broken. Secondly, if it is so complicated that the selection can take several tens of hours, and it needs to be opened urgently. Thirdly, if the lock is electronic or biometric and in case of incorrect selection it will be blocked.

They drill safes in strictly defined places. If the model is typical, known, special templates are used. The central part of such a template is attached to the place of the round dialer; one of the holes on the template (which one is indicated in the special tables) coincides with the drilling point. Naturally, they drill in the weakest point of the castle - in order to unlock it. After drilling, the lock is either already open, or it is not difficult to do this through the resulting hole.

If the safe is non-standard, complex, then first a technological hole is drilled through which a borescope (more often called an endoscope) is passed - a thin tube with a flashlight and a camera at the end. Having studied the interior of the safe with the help of a camera, the drilling point is calculated - and then according to the standard scenario.

Opening electronics, from left to right: Intralock ITL 2000 mechanical combination lock picker, Steelman Engine EAR II industrial stethoscope, Dynatec MIGS borescope.

But not everything is so simple. Manufacturers of safes are actively fighting drilling techniques. Most often, so-called blockers are used. For example, in the most convenient place for drilling, a thin cable can be tight. If it is damaged, the blocker is activated, fixing the lock with the help of an additional tongue. Sometimes throughout inner surface tempered glass is installed on the door: wherever you drill, it will somehow burst when it comes into contact with the drill, and the blocker will work again. Moreover, there is even a “blocker in a blocker” type device! For example, the master drilled unsuccessfully, touched the blocker drive, it worked. The master began to drill a second hole to unlock the lock, and touched the drive of the second lock, which blocked access to the first. All this in the end does not save the safe from opening, but significantly slows down the process.

You can drill not the door, but the wall. This is where the defense methods come into play. The wall of the safe (unlike a fireproof cabinet) is a "sandwich" of several layers of metal of different densities. Maybe not only metal - there are corundum layers in aluminum cases, and reinforced concrete. An ordinary drill will not take such a wall. Special drills are used, and they have to be changed in the process, because each is designed for a different type of material. Vertical walls are also used to guide the drill. They are attached to the safe with magnets, withstand forces up to 700 kg for separation. In the photo - a machine of this type, only a drill is inserted into it, so to speak, "for beauty": you cannot drill a safe like that.

From the box to the plane

Masters have their own tricks and their guardian angels. In the company "Castle 911" we were told several curious cases. For example, one of the masters, leaving for a task, found a rusty key on the street and automatically picked it up (there is such a habit among experts working with locks). And in the client's apartment, a safe with a key lock of just this type was found. The master cleaned the key in a minute - and with a creak, but surprisingly, he approached the safe! "This is how legends are born!" — Laughing employees of the company. Often, customers use characteristic numbers as codes - phone numbers, birthdays, and still they get lost and forgotten! Masters carefully collect and analyze information coming from the customer. Sometimes, knowing the date of birth of the client, you can pick up a code in a minute, starting from it as a base.

Safes are just one of the specializations of master openers. They call to open cars, doors, and once even an airplane had to be opened.

Drilling template revolver type. It is installed in place of the dialer and rotated at a nominal angle, drilling is performed through the hole indicated in the attached table of models.

Apartment doors also have their own characteristics. They cannot be made in the style of safe or storage rooms according to fire safety requirements. Therefore, door manufacturers come up with tricky methods to protect themselves: for example, keyholes are located in places that are inconvenient for hacking - very low or even in the door jamb. It is not difficult to open such a lock with a key, but to crack it - you need to sweat. Often you have to open old boxes, locks on antique furniture and even ordinary travel suitcases, the codes from which happy vacationers simply forget.

Sometimes masters have to work with ATMs (collectors, as it turned out, often forget constantly changing codes). This is a special type of activity, since it is imperative to maintain the performance of a complex and expensive device. No more than a dozen firms and craftsmen throughout Russia have the right to such work; sometimes specialists are called from another city. By the way, service technicians never keep a "thieves' tool" in their arsenal: crowbars, cranks, "openers", wringers, even if the latter are effective. This is the law.

In general, the work of specialists is full. When, finally, opening locks becomes a licensed activity, and it will be possible to import the appropriate equipment from Europe into Russia without any problems, it will become much easier for everyone. Both to us and closed doors and those who open them.

Even the best safes will show you what's in them. No hack. We work for you at any time of the day or even night - we open safes with a guarantee, call us!

Our advantages

  1. We legally and confidentially provide services for the accurate opening of any safes.
  2. We offer all types of full service for servicing ATMs, as well as terminals. We open modern safes of 1-4 security classes.
  3. We solve complex problems with combination locks. We carry out diagnostics, replacement and repair of mechanisms of safes.
  4. We guarantee that there will be no damage to the safe. It won't even leave traces of our work.
  5. Consultation of our professionals. The specialist will inspect the safe, open it and tell you how best to proceed: repair or replace the mechanism.

How to do the work yourself

Despite the fact that opening safes with a four-digit combination lock requires the involvement of experienced professionals, using the following tips, you can try to do it yourself. To do this, you need to know the four digits of the factory code indicated in the documentation:

  • Step 1. Gently turn the dial clockwise until it stops at the first digit of the code. Repeat the procedure four times, ending at the original number.
  • Step 2 Next, scroll the disk counterclockwise to the second digit of the code. Do the same operation three times, bringing the limb to the value of the second digit in the last scroll.
  • Step 3 Rotate the dial to the right until the third code digit, doing the procedure twice with the final stop at this digit.
  • Step 4 Turn the dial once to the left counterclockwise until the fourth digit of the code.

As a result, the discs of the combination lock should unlock the latch, which is opened with a key.

Note! It is useless to listen to clicks, as the heroes of films about "bear cubs" do, since the disk combination locks of modern safes are equipped with special sound-absorbing gaskets.

If you can’t open the safe yourself, call our professional masters! The masters of our company will quickly arrive at the address you specified and open the safe. The cost of our services is from 1490 rubles.

Video instruction: how to open the safe (with the participation of our masters)

We want to introduce you to a video in which professionals show their skills in opening safes without damage. They will open your safe no less professionally!

Professional opening of safe locks is:

  • Quick arrival of the master on your call.
  • Careful study of a specific locking system to select the optimal opening method.
  • Accurate opening of the safe with any combination lock.
  • Guaranteed confidentiality of any information obtained in the course of work.

Not everyone should be trusted to emergency open a safe without a key.

  • An unskillful craftsman will finally break your lock, which will require the extraction of stored valuables by welding or brute mechanical breaking.
  • The lack of special tools will not allow you to save the functionality of the locking system.
  • An unverified specialist is able to become a participant in a subsequent unauthorized entry.
  • Without a well-functioning dispatch service, you can wait for the master for several hours.

Opening code safes of all classes is our specialization, which is successfully developing in conditions of high demand for qualified services. Offered by our company round-the-clock autopsy and

Now consider the combination lock from the safe open type. It has become much more popular. There is a safe with such a lock in almost every office in the city.

In terms of design and security properties, an open limb lock is simpler than a closed one, despite the fact that outwardly they are very similar. But the principle of operation and the set of code they have are fundamentally different.

The main task of the limb lock is to limit the course of the bolt. If the code lock is dialed, nothing will prevent you from opening the safe door by pressing the handle or turning the key. If the code is not dialed, the bolt will not move - it will rest against the code discs. An open-type limb lock has no deadbolt. The code disks themselves, that is, the code elements of the lock, will act as locking elements here.

The principle of operation of an open-type coded limb lock is as follows.

The dial knob and the code discs have the same axis of rotation. The first drive is the master. It is rigidly fixed on the axle with a cotter pin. The other three (sometimes two) are slaves, they can only spin from the master disk. In this case, the leading disk directly interacts only with the second, the second disk transmits the torque to the third, and the third - to the fourth. Always and only in this way, the “connection” of disks during rotation in one direction occurs in such a sequence and gradually. The discs are in contact with each other through the protrusions. The moment of contact of one disk with another can be heard by a characteristic metallic click.

Each code disk of an open limb lock has a code slot.

With a correctly typed code, the code slots on all four discs line up in a single code slot. Now nothing will interfere with the entry of the deadbolt of the safe door and it will freely “fall through” into the common groove when the key or handle is turned.

So, you most likely have a four digit code (maybe even you just learned them, and I'm standing there trying to teach you how to use), but you have no idea how to dial it on your safe. Follow the instructions below and you will be fine.

Operating instructions for a coded mechanical lock (open limb).

The index ring of an open-type limb lock has only one mark (usually red). It is located in the high point index ring.
The dialing of the code digit occurs by setting the number just opposite this working mark when the dial knob is turned.

In order to dial the code, you must:

1) Turn the dial knob clockwise three times skipping first code number past the mark on the index ring. Let's expose first code digit just opposite the index ring mark on the fourth match.

2) Turn the dial counterclockwise. Let's expose second code digit exactly opposite the index ring mark on the third match.

3) Rotate the dial knob clockwise. Let's expose third code digit exactly opposite the index ring mark on the second match.

4) When rotating the limb knob counterclockwise, we stop when fourth the digit of your code will stand exactly opposite the index ring mark.

The code has been dialed. Turn the key and/or the handle of the safe in the direction of opening and open the door.

ATTENTION!!! When typing the code "return" and "finishing" unacceptable. If, when typing the code, you made a mistake in the number, “jumping” the right one, the code set starts again from the first point.

The code seems to be entered correctly, but the door does not open in any way, the key does not turn? This could be because the combination lock on your safe is broken, or maybe you're just trying to dial the wrong code. In any case, you need the services of a qualified specialist who is carried out

Professionally open the safe with high quality and with a guarantee - this is our credo! Our specialists have been opening complex safes and locks for more than 10 years!

Documents of especially high importance and value, just like any of us prefers to keep money in safe place, often which are various kinds of safes. Thanks to those used in their manufacture, modern caches can easily resist not only thieves and burglars, but also withstand the pressure of water and fire in emergency situations. And yet, any system is capable of failing, and the safe is no exception. Even if your security system inspires greater reliability, in some cases problems may arise, most often in the form of damaged locks or loss of a password to open it.

At first, the mechanical number lock does not open. Beware, there may be a mechanical defect here, which in the worst case causes the vault to be opened. If possible, leave the door open and have the lock checked by a specialist as soon as possible and, if necessary, clean or replace it! If the problem occurred after changing the combination, the reason may also be that it was not set exactly.

What should be considered when changing the combination? Pre-open the door, if necessary, close the latches with the door open. Do not close the vault until you have tested the new combination more than once. Otherwise, systematically and dormantly in accordance with the instructions for use. It is best to mark the new combination on a piece of paper that you later destroy or securely apply.

Of course, you can try to open the lock yourself - just use a grinder or use another metalwork tool. However, think about buying a new safe in advance, because the old one is unlikely to be able to effectively perform its function in the future. Given that modern safes, regardless of the type of lock, are expensive, the only right decision will seek professional help. Moreover, opening services are a widespread practice, and they are much cheaper than new safes.

Neither oil nor graphite! The cause may be wear, a damaged key, or dirt. In any case, this should be taken apart as soon as possible by a specialist and checked before further damage occurs or the lock cannot be opened. My vault door is hard to open and close, why?

wear on door hinges is the most common reason. Hinges should be lubricated regularly to prevent premature use. big weight doors. Some designs can be adjusted with a screw or replaced to compensate for wear. If the bolt is already heavily worn, welding or replacement of the element may be used. Ensure uniform door clearance and sanding marks on door and frame. If the door is not exactly in position, the locking bolts can also get stuck.

Why is it profitable to order a safe opening service?

Emergency opening of safes by professionals has many advantages. Considering that the solution to the problem of opening a safe is mainly necessary for reputable companies, professional specialists make it possible to effectively use the main valuable resource - the customer's time. Using modern highly efficient equipment for opening, the master will open any lock or safe as quickly as possible, regardless of whether it is necessary to unlock a mechanical, coded or electronic safe. At the same time, opening works require the absolute integrity of the safe doors, which avoids the need for their subsequent repair or replacement.

Open security safes without damage? With a few exceptions, this can almost be ruled out. The desire to open the vault without damage is too great. The attacker will have to, for example, what type of locks are used to carry the right tool. In addition, the burglar, regardless of whether the safe is damaged after opening, will try to destroy the container as soon as possible by force or take it with him in order to get to the contents.

The most likely possibility of non-violent opening is the creation of a key. This can be prevented if one considers that no one, even briefly, owns the key. Never leave a key unattended or visible! Make sure they are not followed when entering combinations! If you change combinations regularly, worn buttons can infer which combination is being used.

Our specialists will provide highly qualified services for any of you, aimed at returning you access to valuables as quickly as possible. Our craftsmen specialize in:

  • opening safe locks;
  • repair and restoration of locks of any complexity;
  • diagnostics of locks, recoding and opening of various safes;
  • making a key for the lock, changing the password and unlocking the security system in safes;

In order to provide the listed services in good quality and in a timely manner, it is necessary to have broad knowledge about the design of the system in safes, as well as to have specialized equipment suitable for any safe. Only by contacting our representatives for help, you will be able to fully satisfy your expectations of an ideal service.

If you think the lock is blocked, have it checked by an expert. Tools left in locks cannot be summoned by a key. Using forensic methods, you can also check the use of a recycled key. Expert opinions can be prepared.

There are several possibilities. Call, usually when you are in storage. Usually the problem can be solved over the phone. Don't close the door any more if it opens again by accident and close the lock as soon as possible! My key is no longer locked! Usually the cause is a broken beard. Do not try to turn with force! Check the beard for possible fractures or wear. Use an additional key. If this is not available, you can repair the broken bar bar and create a new key.

After completing its work, the wizard will allow you to personally verify the operation of the new system and the absence of any damage. In the future, you will be able to easily use the existing safe protection system for a long time without having to call specialists again. This saves not only your time, but also money, which means it becomes a double advantage!

Usually, with some skill and the right tools, a broken one can be removed from a castle. A new key can be made using spare parts or an existing spare key. The prerequisite is, of course, that the castle was not damaged by violence or left in the castle. An exchange is usually not required.

Terry Wyn-Yates shows how secure this safe is: he breaks it in less than 5 seconds. Terry is a locksmith and offers professional locksmith and security services. All you need is a powerful magnet. Inside this digital safe is an electromagnet that blocks the door. If you insert the pin, the battery is energized and the installed coil unlocks the handle mechanism. However, this electromagnet can also be moved manually with another magnet and the lock can be unlocked.

Opening safes without damage in Moscow by emergency service

Urgent opening of the safe - this is the service our specialists have been providing for a long time, continuously improving their skills and speeding up the process. The service has at its disposal only the latest, highly efficient equipment that has all the necessary certificates and has passed all the necessary tests. Especially with ultra-sensitive systems of the electronic type, one should be especially careful and serious, and not every master is able to cope with such a task with high quality. Representatives of our service easily cope with locks, regardless of their structural complexity, so you can be sure of the perfect quality of the task.

When you can't do without opening

You just need to figure out where the coil is. Thus, according to Terry, every electronic safe can be opened. As far as it is possible, unfortunately, unfortunately not. He cracks the safe in less than five seconds. Again and again it may happen that a specialist is needed. If the key or combination of numbers is lost, opening the vault becomes indispensable. In many cases, it is possible to open with a special tool, in which no damage occurs at all.

If a drill is used, it is done only in the right places and with the necessary care. Holes can be easily sealed and, once repaired, usually provide better drilling protection than before. Opening the vault without leaving permanent damage can't be done - we already are!

Our primary task is to open the safe for you in such a way as to fully preserve or restore its functionality. The master will arrive on any day convenient for you and at exactly the specified time in order to return the safe to work as soon as possible without compromising the safety of the device.

Please contact us if you have any problem! The lock has broken, there is no access to stored documents and valuables, or you just forgot the code from the electronic lock - in any situation, our specialist will come to the rescue, providing an individual approach to your security system. We will arrive exactly at the specified time, acting both in Moscow and within the entire Moscow region. Call - the price of services will pleasantly please you!

We open all safes from all manufacturers. Also entry vaults, pipe magazines, data storage gates, fireproof safes, fire safes, weapon detectors for short weapons. As varied and versatile as safes, locks and clasps - so far we have always found a solution to serve our customers satisfactorily and satisfactorily.

Professional assistance in opening safes

We are not an anonymous call center, you always speak directly to a key service person. We will advise you personally. You can contact us from Monday to Sunday around the clock, even on public holidays. Send 2 photos to several key services. If you guarantee a good guaranteed fixed price, best of all. He opens the door without damage. It's good that you have electricity, unfortunately you have to drill and then exchange.

Departure of the master is carried out in Moscow and the Moscow region, around the clock, seven days a week.

The 6-minute video clearly demonstrates three ways to open a digital safe without a code or key. Moreover, the first two of them do not require any special tools.

What is considered the price and result. Then he has no idea. If it's a simple digital code safe, you can pry up the keypad with a screwdriver. Just pull it out of the keyboard and keep it together. Reply Rating Thank you for rating. But these are not ordinary cables, but these transparent, flat, made of plastic film or so, which are also used on displays. The point of the vault is that it cannot be opened without permission. If there was still a trick to open it, what would the vault bring then?

The only chance is to establish contact with the manufacturing company, perhaps. You can only get an electric safe with a drilling hole. However, you need to know exactly where to place the drill. As a layman, you'll probably make some drilling holes to make the vault look like Swiss cheese and still not open.

Standard opening procedure: dial the code combination, confirm, open the safe. We close. We check the operation of the lock - if you enter the wrong code, the lock gives an error, the safe does not open. Everything seems to be in order - the lock works.

Method number 1. We turn the knob all the way clockwise, and without releasing it, we slam the top of the safe with our hand - open! Let's try again - just like that, for fun 🙂 We close, check - the safe is closed. We turn the handle to the end, clap the safe with the palm of our hand - it's done!

If it is electrical storage, call a professional key service. There are many key vault opening services but unfortunately they often destroy them irreversibly with an angle grinder as they don't have any basic knowledge or expensive tools.

Besides noise, dirt and time, you can easily treat lung cancer. There are many old safes that are installed as fire protection with asbestos. Previously, the danger of asbestos was not known. In addition, there are safes that emit mustard gas when the hole is placed in the wrong place. This gives a great reaction and a huge explosion. So it's better not to reveal yourself. In principle, it should be said that a professional harmless opening is significantly cheaper than a forced opening, since removal, reacquisition, transportation and tying are no longer needed.

Standard procedure for resetting the code: press the button on the inside of the door to reset the code, enter a new code of 3-8 digits and confirm. Checking new code: enter the combination, confirm - the safe opens, the lock works.

Method #2. We put a metal bar through the hole for the anchor bolts on the back wall of the safe, feel for it and press the button to reset the code. Ready! Now we just type any code that we like, confirm - it has become a new working code, the safe opens!

The furious opening is irreversible. So it's better to call a professional or me. With a wider range, discovery is also possible at your location. It's also a vault feel - not so easy to hack. Each vault can be opened. In the event of an error during opening, this emergency lock additionally blocks the locking mechanism. And this is a nightmare for every professional. A clean hole is nearly impossible. And this means - with a further opening - dirt, noise, a huge waste of time - and as a result, at least three times more expensive.

The lock of this safe supports the so-called emergency opening function, i.e. can be opened without a code - using a special "master key". We remove the plastic plug of the keyhole, open the safe with the master key - the lock works.

Method number 3. We open the lock with a 7-pin tubular pick, which is freely available and costs about $100. It is also easy to close the lock with the help of it.

Therefore, please leave storage to professionals only. Not every key service can do this. They can do almost everything. In almost any case, a safe can be opened with a clean, targeted opening. Drill holes must be covered in a safe manner and used as a safe.

In the ideal situation you still do not live, then it can work best on the spot. Just give me a call, good advice is free and without obligation. Perhaps the manufacturer or key service company is aware of this. Do not do this at all, you may get into your eyes due to emergency locks, etc.

Let's see how it all works and looks from the inside. Remove the protective cover from inside doors. The magnetic solenoid, acting as a latch, is lifted up by a spring in the closed position. After entering the correct code combination, the solenoid begins to work like a magnet - it pulls the locking pin down, thereby unlocking the crossbars. After a few seconds, the electronics turn off the power to the solenoid and the locking pin returns to its place, again blocking the bolts.

Without prejudice - almost always, whether it is economical can only be decided on a case-by-case basis. There are quite a few people for discoveries free from damage. It is worth writing more than one, preferably by mail with a photo. In most cases, the commercial value of the 60s to this day is mass production with comparable basic structures and standard locks. Well, holding is not every hobby broker exposed. First you have to determine who the manufacturer of the storage is, perhaps what level of security, what kind of lock system is installed, and then describe the real professional.

Are you wondering why the body punch method works? In fact, everything is very simple - the fact is that a very weak spring is used in the design of the lock. If you hit the safe from above hard, the locking pin moves down for a moment, releasing the bolts. That's the whole method.

It would be hilarious - if it weren't so sad. The fact is that such safes are very often used as pistol safes - cheap and cheerful. I wrote about the consequences of such a choice last month in a review - what can happen when a child is left alone with such a “safe”. Do you already have a safe with a combination electronic lock made in China? Give him a fist test now! Unsubscribe about the results in the comments.

So: first make smart, then assign. It's kind of pure nonsense and lightness: Asbestos always comes up again and again. It is associated with noise and dirt. It is better to destroy outside the apartment. Then call in a really professional way. Take 2 photos and send them to a serious couple. In any case, if you only have a digital lock with an open number, this is stepper motor, with which you get the right combination. If someone wants to push him out of the dwelling, then he has no idea.

If he wants to drill, then send him to the desert. With the small returns that some savings products sometimes offer, some savers may be wondering what to do with their money. Among the alternatives, we have the traditional and ancient money-saving option under the mattress. However, if we prefer a more secure option, bank safe rental is one of the lesser known services.