Homemade compressor for painting cars. Piston compressors for car painting. Compressor and moments of its use

  • 06.07.2018

Painting a car is a responsible undertaking. The main task of the master is to choose the right compressor for applying the paint layer. It is from this unit that the quality, strength and consistency of the coating depends. If the choice of a compressor for painting a car is made incorrectly, then pressure fluctuations and poor quality of painting are possible.

A compressor is a device that operates on the principle of a pump, but does not supply water, but compressed air or gas under pressure. Its main task is to prepare the air mixture for subsequent use.

There are professional, household and semi-professional models:

  1. household designed for intermittent use with operating pressure up to 8 bar and continuous operation up to 20 min/hour. The volume of the receiver in such devices varies in the range of 6-100 liters.
  2. semi-professional(semi-domestic). Duration of work - no more than 40 min / hour, pressure - up to 16 bar. Supplied with a receiver, volume 50-100l.
  3. Professional(industrial) compressors are used in industries. Differ in a big resource and high efficiency. Receiver volume - 25-900 l. Suitable for long-term intensive work.

In addition, compressors are divided into mobile and stationary:

  • Stationary installed on a special platform;
  • Mobile equipped with wheels and a special handle for transportation.


What kind of compressor to choose for painting a car so that it fully meets the parameters required for work? After all, he will allow you to perform not only high-quality finishing painting of the car, but also a number of other tasks or related procedures:

  • Starting equipment that operates due to compressed air;
  • Application of primer, varnish or paint;
  • Blowing / blowing parts;
  • tire inflation;
  • Removal of any kind of contaminants from mechanical units;
  • Application of anti-corrosion agents in hidden and hard-to-reach car cavities;
  • Work with pneumatic wrenches, polishing or grinding pneumatic tools;
  • Other.


The choice of a compressor for painting a car will be simplified if you pay attention to the following technical characteristics:

  • Weight and dimensions;
  • Receiver volume (l);
  • Productivity (l/min);
  • Compressed air pressure in the receiver (atm);
  • Engine: petrol or electric
  • Power supply (220 V, 380 V or mixed - 220/380 V);
  • Power consumption (kW) of the power plant.


Before choosing a compressor for painting a car, you should first consider one of the most important factors- performance. It is measured by the amount of air compressed per minute (in liters). Note that when working with different spray guns, different volumes of air will be consumed.


In the receivers, the maximum discharge pressure is approximately the same - 8-12 atmospheres. As soon as the air is compressed to 8 atmospheres, the compressor unit will automatically turn off. The threshold for turning on the unit is 6 atm. When this indicator is reached, the missing gas is replenished. The desired value can be set independently, it will be controlled using a pressure gauge. The thermostat will be very useful - option automatic shutdown in case of overload.

Power supply

It is worth remembering that with an increase in pressure of 1.0 bar, the compressor will consume 8% more electricity. After all, while compressed air is supplied to the consumer point, there is a significant pressure drop, both in the filters and in the dryer and pipelines. Accurate determination of the required power will help to reduce energy costs, and accordingly - right choice compressor.


For painting a car, it is better to choose a receiver with a volume of at least 50 liters. Often, the increased volume of the receiver allows you to compensate for the insufficient performance of the device.


In addition to the above, there are several types of compressors for painting cars, which are classified according to various criteria, for example:

  • According to the lubrication system (oil-free and oil);
  • By type of drive (belt, coaxial);
  • By the number of compression stages (one-, two- or multi-stage);
  • By the nature of air compression (membrane, piston).

Oil free

One of the most popular are oil-free piston compressors. They are used for work when the oil content in the paint is not allowed more than 0.01 mg / m 3. Units allow to carry out high-quality painting and to reach an ideal look of the painted surface. To remove excess moisture from the compressed air flow, an adsorption dryer is used, which is characterized by a dew point of not more than -70⁰С. Compressors are very reliable and easy to operate, moreover, they do not require professional maintenance. But the list of their functions and service life is limited.


More interesting will be an oil unit using a lubrication spray system. It is presented in several versions. A common distinguishing feature of such devices is the oil that is poured into the crankcase piston pump. Due to it, a film is formed during operation, which prevents direct metal-to-metal contact. Consequently, the degree of wear of parts and heat generation is reduced, but the high performance of the compressor is maintained. Since some of the lubricant can get into the compressed air, apply various filters and oil separators. The main drawback is that in frosty weather this device starts worse than oil-free, as the oil thickens in the cold.

Oil compressors for painting cars are equipped with a belt or direct drive type.

Direct drive (coaxial)

In this case, the motor shaft and the crank are combined through a coupling, forming a single unit. Their main advantage is compactness and simplicity of design, but such a scheme makes it difficult to remove heat.

Belt driven

They work on a standard belt drive system from a pulley and an electric motor. They are distinguished by reliable air cooling, high performance, reduced noise level and a long service life due to a reduced engine speed. Belt driven compressors, in turn, are divided into one-, two- and multi-stage.


These are the most popular models due to their simplicity and reliability. The principle of their operation is that the electric motor activates the piston through the crankshaft and connecting rod. Under pressure, the outlet and suction valves close or open. This type of compressor for painting cars can be equipped with one or more cylinders arranged in a V- or W-shape. To increase productivity in such units, two-stage compression technology is used.


Compression of air in these models is carried out due to the simultaneous rotation of the rotors, which are located in the housing parallel to each other. In this case, special cells are formed, the volume of which gradually decreases, creating increased pressure. The devices are equipped with monitoring, control and protection systems (ACS), which allows you to quickly and easily configure them to work in the desired mode, depending on the conditions. This will ensure an uninterrupted supply of compressed air for a long period of time. They are distinguished by low energy consumption, minimal vibration and noise levels, high quality of exhaust air, durability and reliability. They are used in large enterprises where continuous operation is required.


Classified as a household tool and intended for occasional use. Distinctive feature– low productivity in steam with high pressure.

Have you made your choice?

The modern market offers a wide range of compressors, both foreign and

Applying paintwork

domestic manufacturers. But when deciding which compressor to choose for painting a car, it is important to remember that you should not save on it. Unit with good performance will pay off very quickly (perhaps after the first painting of the car or its individual elements). After all, often, even the cost of painting a bumper is comparable to the price of an average power compressor.

We offer you to watch a video that will help you make the final choice of a compressor for painting a car:

Painting a car is a responsible undertaking. Regardless of the area and configuration of the body, which is subject to independent application of the paint layer, the choice of a compressor for painting a car is the main task of the master. The quality, consistency and strength of the applied layer depends on the compressor.

Varieties of compressors for painting a car, price

There are such types of devices that apply pressure to the spray unit:

  1. Piston receiver oil a device with a single cylinder, with a capacity of 25 liters, gaining 130 liters in 60 seconds at a pressure of 8 atmospheres, is an excellent option for painting training or local application of a paint layer on individual parts of the body (its cost rarely exceeds $ 100).
  2. Two-cylinder oil receiver-type unit with a capacity of 50 liters, gaining 330 l / min at a pressure of 8 atmospheres. Also a similar device with one cylinder, which pumps pressure with an indicator of 10 atmospheres (200-300 USD - its real price). These units are suitable for work on the "C grade" or painting "overlap".
  3. Receiver oil devices with a capacity of 200 liters with a set speed of 515 l / min, working on pistons (their cost is in the range of $ 1,200). Such a compressor is suitable for painting at a professional level, both cars and trucks.

Depending on the specifics of the work, the planned period of use and the desired quality, it is recommended to choose a compressor for painting a car, the price of which will meet exactly your needs.

Looking for an alternative to parking sensors or a rear view camera? The Fresnel parking lens is a great budget option that will make parking easier.

Read this article before installing xenon lamps. It outlines all sorts of fines for the use of xenon.

It will be useful for all motorists to familiarize themselves with the rules for tinting cars. Here /avtopravo/strafe/kakojj-shtraf-za-tonirovku.html contains information about fines for tinting, as well as methods for avoiding them.

Which compressor to buy for car painting

If you want to know which compressor is better for painting a car, pay attention to the units that work on belt drive. They come with one and two feed levels.

For work in close proximity to residential premises, devices with a two-stage supply are most suitable - they are the most productive and practically do not produce noise during operation.

The best option would be an electric screw unit. It is ready for uneven loads, has high pressure and performance, is economical and easy to operate.

The tandem reciprocating two-stage compressor is the second most popular among professionals.

Do-it-yourself compressor for painting a car

If there is no compressor for painting it, but you really want to paint, then we can offer two options:

  1. A system of a car chamber and a pump


  • It is necessary to cut a hole in the car chamber into which the nipple nipple is glued to attach a manual or electric pump.
  • A nipple is also mounted for feeding into the spray gun (without a nipple).
  • Air flows from the pump into the chamber, the flow of which can be regulated by arbitrary pressing on it.
  • From the chamber, pressurized air enters the spray gun and provokes a stable ejection of the ink jet.

  1. Make your own compressor

For this you will need old compressor from the refrigerator and an iron tank that can withstand the air pressure you need.

The video shows how to make a compressor for painting a car with your own hands:

A paint compressor is a must-have for professional car painting. Functional purpose compressor - supplying compressed air to the spray gun, through which the paintwork material is sprayed onto the surface to be painted.
Quality paint for all types of work

This article provides an overview of compressors for painting - piston and screw units are considered, and recommendations are given that will help you choose the right compressor for pneumatic tools.

Screw compressors

The screw compressor for painting a car operates by rotating two rotors located parallel to each other. In the process of rotation of the rotors, their helical blades form cells filled with air, which, as the position of the screw changes, decrease and compress the air that has entered them, which leads to an increase in the pressure of the air flow at the outlet.

screw electric compressors have a typical layout scheme consisting of:

  1. Filter on the inlet pipe, which purifies the air from dust and small mechanical particles;
  2. A suction valve that prevents the release of compressed air through the inlet pipe when the power drive stops;
  3. Screw block - the basic working unit of the unit, consisting of a rotor pair, equipped with a sensor temperature regime, which stops the operation of the device with increased heating of the air flow at the outlet;
  4. Electric drive, pulley and belt drive - units that ensure the rotation of the rotor pair;
  5. Air cooling system for working mechanisms;
  6. Control elements - pressure switch, pressure gauge;
High-quality painting of your car, both in large and small boxes

The screw paint compressor is manufactured in a metal case coated with a protective paint that is resistant to oil and chemically aggressive substances. Such devices are characterized by high performance - supply pressure up to 15 atmospheres, volume - up to 600 l / min.

Among the advantages of screw units, we highlight:

  1. Low oil consumption, in comparison with piston mechanisms, at the level of 2.5-3 mg / cubic meter. Due to the reduced oil consumption, the screw compressor for painting provides a supply of clean air - painting a car with its use can be carried out without the use of additional cleaning filters;
  2. The minimum level of noise and vibration, compact dimensions - the use of the unit does not require the preliminary arrangement of a reinforced foundation platform;
  3. Economical energy consumption - 30% lower than that of piston mechanisms;
  4. Built-in air barrier, which allows the unit to be used 24/7;
  5. Wear resistance and undemanding operation, the presence of a thermal protection sensor. Choosing a compressor for a car screw type will deprive you of the need for regular replacement of valves, pistons, rings and seals, which accompanies the operation of piston units.

The only drawback of this equipment is its high cost. Russian screw compressors(Bozhetsky plant, Penzakopressormash, Borets OJSC) are sold at a price of 200 thousand rubles. The best compressors for cars, made in Italy (Fini) and Germany (Berg) - costs from 250 thousand.

Piston compressors

Piston compressor - a budget solution, inferior in terms of performance characteristics screw units. This mechanism consists of the following nodes:

  • The cylinder and the piston moving in it;
  • Inlet valve for air intake and exhaust valve;
  • Power drive (electric), crankshaft and connecting rod, which connects the engine to the piston.
Portable painting of your car

When the compressor is running, the piston moves in the cylinder - the compression chamber. When it is raised, the air is rarefied and when the resistance of the spring closing the valve becomes less than the pressure of the flow sucked through the inlet pipe, the cylinder is filled with air.

When the piston moves back, the air is compressed, which leads to an increase in its pressure. Overcoming the resistance of the exhaust spring, compressed air exits through the discharge valve and enters the exhaust pipe.

This principle of operation causes a key drawback of the unit, due to which the choice of a piston-type compressor for painting work is undesirable - the supply of compressed air is not carried out by a uniform flow, but by pulses, in time with the movement of the piston.

This problem is especially typical for single-cylinder devices; it concerns units with two cylinders to a lesser extent. In two-cylinder mechanisms, the pistons work in antiphase - at the moment of forward movement of the first piston, the second one makes a return movement.

To equalize the supply pressure, piston compressors are equipped with a receiver - storage capacity for compressed air. The pressure flow is not supplied immediately to the spray gun, but to the receiver, where the pressure drop is compensated.

Piston units, depending on the method of connecting the drive to the piston, are classified into two types - with direct and belt drive. Direct drive devices are compact in size, but the air belt compressor is more reliable in operation and has greater maintainability.

The choice of a compressor for painting a piston-type car makes sense when limited budget. The cost of such equipment starts from 10 thousand rubles for units of Chinese and Russian production. A high-quality Italian air piston compressor for two cylinders will cost you 20-25 thousand rubles.

How to choose a compressor for different types of work

Initially, we note that all types of units - piston and screw, are of two types - oil-free and requiring oil lubrication:

  • In oil units, rubbing parts (rotor shafts or a cylinder and a piston) are in contact through a layer of lubricant, which leads to a decrease in heating and noise. The amount of injected oil depends on the performance of the compressor, in units with a capacity of 1 kW per minute, about 1 liter is supplied to the working unit. The lubricant is subject to recirculation, it is carried through the filter system, passes through the cooling unit and is re-supplied;
  • In oil-free units, the working elements are covered with a layer polymer materials, due to which a decrease in the force of their friction is achieved. There are also water-filled devices, where the heat-removing function of the oil is performed by water.
Compressor selection must be taken seriously.

The difference between an oil and oil-free compressor in practice is performance. Due to poor cooling (due to the lack of heat removal) and accelerated wear of rubbing surfaces, the productivity of oil-free units, in comparison with oil ones, is significantly lower.

Choosing an oil-free type air compressor makes sense for non-professional painting. This device will be enough for periodic work (2-3 hours a day) when painting parts or individual body elements, however, such units are not used in car services with a constant flow of customers.

When choosing whether to purchase an oil or oil-free compressor, keep in mind that oil units require regular replacement lubricants. Replacement interval - after 100 hours of operation after purchase and every 1000 hours thereafter (at least one replacement per year). You need to pour oil into a piston air compressor synthetic or mineral (we recommend VDL-46 from Texaco and D46 from Shell).

When purchasing, it is rational to select a compressor according to the parameters of the spray gun used for painting. In the instructions for the spray gun, the manufacturer indicates what pressure and supply volume the unit used should have.

If you have not yet purchased a sprayer, follow these recommendations:

  • We choose a compressor for a car for the purpose of periodic use.

For painting, in which the equipment is operated for several hours a day, we recommend using two-cylinder piston-type oil compressors with a nominal air supply of 140-250 l / min, a power of up to 32 kW and a supply pressure of 6-7 atmospheres. The required volume of the receiver is from 20 to 50 liters.

The choice of a compressor for a garage among piston mechanisms is dictated by their low cost and satisfactory productivity. Such equipment will cost you 15-20 thousand rubles, but keep in mind that the performance of the compressor for painting a car should provide a power reserve of 15-20% in relation to the spray gun.

  • Selection of equipment for professional use.

If the compressor is needed for painting cars in intensive use, which is typical for car dealerships with a large number of customers, the choice comes down to oil screw units. Here you need a device with a supply pressure of 10-12 MPa, a capacity of 250-600 l / min and a drive power of 3-5 kW. The volume of the receiver is from 50 liters.

Additionally, you will need an absorption filter to clean the incoming air from oil impurities and a dryer. The estimated cost of a set of equipment is 200-250 thousand rubles.

Compact and very handy compressors

When choosing equipment for purchase, pay attention to the following characteristics of a compressor for painting cars:

  1. The principle of operation is piston or screw (the advantage of screw is the uniformity of the flow, long service life; piston - price);
  2. The principle of lubrication is oil (performance, noiselessness), oil-free (compact dimensions);
  3. Type of connection between the drive and the working unit - direct (small sizes), belt (large sizes - wear resistance, maintainability);
  4. Type of power unit - electric (from the mains 220 or 330V) diesel, combined;
  5. Air supply volume (with a margin of 15% of that required by the spray gun);
  6. The volume of the receiver - from 20 liters;
  7. Supply pressure - minimum level 7-8 MPa.

If there is a problem with the power supply at the job site, you need a compressor for painting a diesel-powered car. This is a self-contained equipment, independent of the source of power supply.

When choosing units on an electric drive, consider what voltage they operate from in the network. During the painting process, voltage drops of more than 20 W are unacceptable, they are fraught with a change in air supply pressure and, as a result, uneven paint application.


First, use a voltmeter to measure the voltage in the mains (3 measurements - in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening) - if the voltage drops below 200 W, you will need to buy a stabilizer along with the compressors.

Purchasing a compressor for your garage is a fairly important step that will solve many problems. For example, it will be possible to safely carry out some processes for the maintenance and repair of a car with your own hands. The most common and sought-after task of a compressor in a garage is pumping up the wheels of a car, but with the purchase of certain pneumatic equipment, you can equip an entire workshop and produce repair work on one's own.

If you choose a compressor for painting a car with your own hands, do not forget about other functions that this tool can perform. It is necessary to obtain more information about what specific tasks the compressor will have, as well as compare the technical characteristics and cost of devices available on the market. Choosing a compressor is not so difficult, you just need to compare the most important criteria its use.

Specifications and the most important tasks of the compressor in the garage

Of course, the more power and maximum pressure of the equipment, the better. But you also need to be aware that a professional device is very expensive to buy, and maintenance will not be the cheapest option. Therefore, you can give preference to the middle option. If you decide to save money and buy a compressor that is too weak, you won’t be able to paint with it normally.

Weak devices with a small chamber volume and low pressure will not allow you to spray normally paints and varnishes on the body without streaks and bumps. They are suitable only for swapping wheels and some other tasks. Today, in the garage, such irreplaceable equipment as a compressor performs a fairly wide range of tasks:

  • work with pneumatic tools - wrenches, special devices for car repair and diagnostics, as well as for tire fitting;
  • blowing and cleaning parts during car maintenance, blowing out contaminants from hoses and pipes;
  • work with an airbrush for applying a primer and paint during car body repair;
  • treatment of the car body with anti-corrosion agents when using a special sprayer;
  • the use of special polishing pneumatic tools, as well as equipment for washing the car.

This is such a considerable range of possibilities for a modern compressor, so it is better to choose an option with good characteristics. Among the types of compressors, it is worth considering piston options. They are oil and oil-free, and according to the design of the engine - direct-drive and belt. It is better to choose an oil belt compressor that is easy to maintain.

The engine in these compressors lasts much longer under normal use. Main technical specifications, which must be considered when buying, will be the discharge pressure, the volume of the air tank and the engine power. These parameters should be brought into full compliance with your requirements. If the volume of the tank is small and the maximum pressure is large, such a compressor will not be able to last long enough.

We choose a brand and look at the design of the compressor when buying

There are dozens of companies that offer compressors for home use. It is worth buying a professional device in the garage only if you decide to provide certain services to other motorists. Otherwise, a simple household compressor, even if it is made by Chinese companies.

But the compressor volume and performance should be high if you are going to do a full or partial car painting. Power less than 2 kW is clearly not suitable, and performance is needed in the region of 450 liters / minute. Sometimes smaller values ​​are sufficient for partial painting, but this may affect the quality of the paint application. Brands to consider include:

  • domestic manufacturers and brands of the CIS countries often offer industrial options for equipment, their offers only include the assembly of household compressors;
  • Chinese companies Forte, WERK, BDW and others - budgetary and sometimes optimal solutions for buying in any conditions;
  • German companies BOGE and Bosch offer a small range of compressors for domestic use, and the cost of equipment is excessively high;
  • The Japanese corporation Makita is one of the best options for compressors when buying high-quality equipment with productive capabilities.

If you close your eyes to the cost, you should choose Makita's Japanese offerings. If cost is one of the most important parameters, then Forte from China should be preferred. In any case, it is very easy to choose among modern compressor offers. It is enough to display the main criteria for your purchase.

We recommend servicing your equipment regularly. The requirements for the operation of the compressor are described in its instructions, and these conditions are best observed. If you have chosen the oil version of the engine, be sure to change the oil after a year of operation or at the intervals specified in the instructions. Also change the air filter, drain the tank regularly, and monitor the correct operation of the pneumatic gauges and tools. For more information about choosing a compressor in the garage, see the following video:

Summing up

Buy good compressor to the garage for painting the car and performing other important tasks can be quite simple. You need to choose the right brand, and then decide on the model line. If your money for the purchase of equipment is not too limited, you should consider purchasing Japanese equipment. Otherwise, Chinese compressors will be quite an adequate purchase.

Do not forget about the quality service of the purchased equipment. If you do not drain the water or release the remaining pressure after the end of work, any compressor will quickly fail. Write about your experience in operating the compressor and tips for purchasing equipment in the comments.

It is important for a beginner painter to master theoretical aspects devices and differences between devices intended for painting cars. You can not buy some of them, but get by with physical labor, primitive actions. Instead of a grinder, you can use a bar with emery, and polishing can be done using trowels.

Although the work will be delayed for a long time, and the quality may deteriorate slightly, nevertheless, with a small budget, you can get by with this. Of the entire arsenal of the painter, the compressor remains indispensable for painting a car. Without it, it is impossible to qualitatively prepare the car, as well as the premises. In addition, this is the main subject that can affect the quality of the applied paintwork.

Compressor in the garage

By definition, a compressor for a garage is painting equipment that supplies a compressed gas-air mixture with the participation of pressure. It works like this: the electricity supplied to the engine sets it in motion, after which air is pumped. From the energy carrier, the force is transferred in a supercharged form.

After that, with its help, the paint mixture broken by compressed air is ejected from the spray gun in the form of tiny particles. The compressor serves as an intermediary between the painter and the paint materials, helping him to achieve the perfect result during the painting events.

A lot will depend on the choice of compressor for painting.

With a compressor in the garage, a painter can do the following:

  • carry out the final stage of preparation of the body or part - apply a primer;
  • painting a car (applying coloring enamel, varnishes);
  • treat surfaces with air (painting, garage);
  • carry out dry cleaning in the cabin;
  • inflate the tires of the wheels;
  • use all kinds of devices for the operation of which a supply of compressed air is required.

Model selection

Models intended for painting work may be different in technical device, receiver volume, power, type of fuel consumed.

There are several types of compressors for painting cars that you can buy, namely:

  • piston;
  • screw.

The device, principle of operation and varieties of a piston compressor can be found in a publication on air compressors. This option is more suitable for beginner painters who prefer to occasionally use this device for its main purpose - for painting.

A screw is considered professional model, which confirms its characteristics:

  • high performance;
  • power;
  • efficiency (reduce air and electricity consumption by 30%).

It is irreplaceable where painting will be done constantly. In addition, the screw unit will not overheat, even if left on all day. Its noise level is significantly lower than that of other devices. When buying a compressor for painting a car, you can ignore the price. After all screw models will pay for themselves much faster, and will last much longer than piston ones.

IMPORTANT! However, the screw design is not suitable for garage use. Here, productivity is low, and therefore there is no point in overpaying for extra liters of compressed air.

What else you need to pay attention to before choosing a car paint compressor?
An air blower is needed every time Painting works. This device will serve for a long time, so you should carefully decide which compressor model you need.

  1. It is better to choose a piston device equipped with an oil-containing crankcase.
  2. The compressor requires a high-quality spray gun with the appropriate characteristics.
  3. You should not waste time on trifles: good devices will cost as much as partial painting of several body elements at the company.
  4. Do not rush to buy the first model you like: you need to visually inspect all the components, check the device for switching on in idle mode.
  5. It is better to use a straight hose, which you can buy with a compressor for painting cars. With him less problems in a small garage, as opposed to coiled hose.
  6. Exhaust filters are required. Thanks to them, neither moisture from the air nor oil from the motor will penetrate into the spray gun. The quality of the painting process will be high.
  7. Imported brands (AURORA, ELAND, ERGUS) are more reliable than domestic ones (ZUBR, Interskol), although they do not differ in price: from 6 to 8 thousand rubles. But quality needs attention.

Right choice

So, when choosing a compressor, which is indispensable for painting a car, you need to look not at the price, but at technical specifications device, its ability to work in existing conditions. Each painter selects the equipment himself, and the consultant and our portal will actively help him with this.

A worthy option for domestic use will be an air generator with a power of about 1500 W, which corresponds to 2HP according to the marking. Its performance should be at least 8 atmospheres (bar), and preferably 10 atmospheres. It is worth considering that the pressure at the outlet will be 2 points lower.