Petra, Jordan. The ancient city of petra jordan city of biblical moses

  • 13.10.2019

Not only the wonderful beaches of Aqaba and healing mud Dead Sea famous Jordan. Petra is its main attraction, hundreds of thousands of tourists from all over the Earth come to see it. The architects who built this city, in an incomprehensible way, gouged caves in the rocks, turning dead stone into majestic temples and tombs. But then there were no modern tools, and technologies did not reach even half of the current level. However, people, figuratively speaking, with bare hands managed to create masterpieces that survived the centuries.

Nabateans - the founders of the fairy tale city among the rocks

According to legend, the Nabataeans are the descendants of Shem, the son of the world famous Noah. In the III century BC, they formed the state of Nabatea. The most important caravan routes for the economy of those times passed through its lands. Therefore, the territory of the Nabatean kingdom was a tasty morsel for many neighboring states and was often attacked. But the Nabataeans not only managed to defend their land from the invaders, but also subjugated part of Syria and remained independent during the time of the might of the Roman Empire. The Nabataeans had great hatred for the Jews and not only fought endlessly with them, but even ransomed other captive Jews in order to subject them to severe torture and then kill them. Jordan is now located on the territory of the majestic Nabatea. Petra - the former prosperous capital of the disappeared ancient state. Now it is a unique museum created by nature and human genius.

lost city

The lost cities of fantasy novels seem to be written off from Petra, hidden in the rocks of the city. Who knows, would mankind have known anything about this place, if in 1812 the orientalist from Sweden, Johann Burckhardt, traveling in the Middle East under the name of Ibrahim ibn Abdallah, had not stumbled upon an unusually beautiful gorge, had not walked through it and opened it for mankind ancient city of Petra. Jordan tremblingly protects its shrine, which is included in the list of wonders of the world. Petra - in Greek means "stone, stone." The city got its name because at some point in its history it was associated with ancient Hellas. This is also evidenced by numerous elements in the architecture of buildings, colonnades and porticos, reminiscent of parts of ancient Greek temples, but with their own details not characteristic of the Hellenes. Burkhardt himself did not look for the lost city, but was going to cross the Sahara to the sources of the Niger. This man died on the threshold of his 33rd birthday, having become famous for centuries thanks to his unexpected find.

Geographical position

Hot dry climate, the only small area of ​​the Gulf of Aqaba and the Dead Sea and 90% of the desert plains interspersed with lifeless rocks. That's Jordan. Petra, a unique historical heritage and pride of the country, boast blooming gardens can not. It strikes the imagination with the harsh beauty of the silent rocks, rushing their arrays to the sky for tens of meters. The city is located at an altitude of 660 meters above the Arava valley and communicates with the world through the narrow Siq gorge. Arava is a desert plain where there is almost nothing living. In the old days, travelers who accompanied camel caravans crossed the Arava, languishing from heat and lack of water. Like a life-giving mystical oasis, there was majestic Petra for them, where they could drink plenty of water and relax. The Nabataeans chose one of the most impregnable places for their capital. You can get into the city only through a narrow canyon from the south or from the north. According to legend, it turned out because Moses hit the rocks with his staff. According to another legend, the Nabataeans did not let the Jews through their city, whom Moses led through the desert.

Siq Gorge

Both the passage along the Arava and the advance along the gorge are included in the program of the excursion tour called "Jordan, Petra, sights." For those who do not want to bother their feet, enterprising Arabs rent horses, camels, donkeys and even small carriages. The entrance to the gorge is paid. If you didn’t manage to see everything in one day, you will have to pay again the next day. The price until recently was 20 dinars (approximately 20 euros). However, the money spent is worth the beauty that you will not see anywhere else in the world. The amazing begins with the first steps along the gorge. It is a narrow winding canyon about one kilometer long. Why not equal? The Arabs say because he was crooked. The width of this natural masterpiece varies. In some places, the gorge is so narrow that a horse-drawn carriage can barely pass, and in some places it reaches a width of 3 meters. It is more interesting to walk along it, lagging behind the group and left alone with the rocks, these eternal guardians of the lost city. Their sheer, and in some areas bizarrely overhanging slopes rush up, almost closing overhead. And only the blue stripe of the sky does not allow to cut off the connection with the real world. The color of the slopes changes depending on the time of day. It is especially beautiful at sunrise and sunset. But even during the day, the multi-colored layers of sandstone that form these monoliths look wonderful.

Al Khazneh

At the exit from the gorge, a wonderful creation of the human genius opens up to the eyes. This is a mausoleum-temple carved right into the rocks. Petra in Jordan, especially this great building, can delight anyone. Its height is 39 meters and its width is 25. Outwardly, the facade resembles. However, figures of Amazons, heads Egyptian goddess Isis and mythological Medusa. Also on the facade you can see the figures of eagles, according to the beliefs of the Nabataeans, carrying away the souls of the dead. That is, several architectural styles intertwined during construction. El-Khazne is crowned with an urn, in which, according to legend, the treasures of the pharaohs were put. That is why such a name of the temple arose - "the treasury of the pharaohs." Inside the temple are three small rooms without any decoration. Only bare walls.

Tombs of Petra

Many researchers tend to believe that the pharaohs have nothing to do with Al Khazne, and the building served as the tomb of the rulers of Petra. In front of the temple there is a small round recess with a groove, in which, perhaps, sacrifices were made. Blood trickled down the groove. But this detail does not confirm the theory about the tomb at 100%. There is nothing inside Al-Khazneh that could shed light on what the building served. The Nabataeans took this secret with them. From the great civilization we have left the city of Petra. Jordan considers it its main pearl. Even dilapidated by time, the city is grandiose. From Al-Khazneh, a short street of facades extends, leading to other monumental structures. Some of them were also cut into the rocks, others were built from hewn stone blocks. There are many tombs in the city, but they are all much smaller and more modest than the great Al-Khazneh.

Water supply in the city

The entire Arabian Peninsula is considered an arid region. So is Jordan. Petra is a city where only 150 mm of precipitation fell during the year, which is negligible for the life of 40 thousand inhabitants. However, the Nabateans built a network of canals and reservoirs in the city, in which all the collected water was stored. In addition, the irrigation system of Nabatea made it possible to collect water in the vicinity of the city. The townspeople always had water in abundance. There is an assumption that during rare but heavy downpours, streams more than a meter deep could rush through the Sik Gorge. To prevent such an amount of water from flooding the city, the Nabataeans built something like a dam, diverting the water flow to the side and preventing water from rushing into the gorge.

Other sights of Petra

Not only the unique temple of Al-Khazne is famous for Petra, its beautiful coastline in the Gulf of Aqaba, and the many surviving buildings of the glorious Petra will forever keep the memory of visiting this great place on Earth. One of them is the monastery of Ad-Dair. It is located just above the main city buildings and is also carved into the rock. The facade of the monastery resembles in its appearance the facade of the Al-Khazne temple. It is somewhat larger in size and reaches a height of 45 meters with a 50-meter width. There are many steps leading to it. Perhaps that is why it is not visited as often as Al-Khazneh. In addition to the monastery, in the stone city, the Palace-Tombstone deserves attention, the Temple is a huge arena. It was created in the likeness of Greek theaters and served, according to historians, for cult and religious rites.

Jordan. Peter. Tours, hotels, souvenirs

Jordan is a great place for tourism. In many travel agencies you can order tours of various durations and destinations. Those who choose to visit Petra can stay in the suburb of Wadi Musa, located one and a half kilometers from the stone city. There are no hotels in Petra itself. It is open to the public for only a few hours a day. Wadi Musa has plenty to choose from, hotels are available on different taste and wallet. In addition, in the suburbs, tourists are waiting for numerous restaurants, shops, bars and even a nightclub. In addition to Wadi Musa, you can stay in the central city. From there, Petra is about 3 hours away.

When visiting this historic city, every tourist buys souvenirs as a keepsake. They sell them here literally on every corner. Women's jewelry, ceramics, utensils of Arab craftsmen and small bottles of colored sand are very popular.

A mysterious and unusual rock city, about which the wise men of antiquity found time to write, and which was even mentioned in the Bible. It was here that Moses drew water from the rock, and the local rivulet is still called Wadi Musa, which means “river of Moses” in translation. We are talking about the ancient city of Petra in Jordan. Let's get to know this attraction, which is included in the list of new wonders of the world.

History of the city of Petra in Jordan

Petra is located in a rocky area on the road to the resort of Aqaba from the Dead Sea. In the old days, the path of the "road of incense" ran here. Later, with the formation of the state of Edom, the biblical enemy of Israel, the first settlement appeared here. In the local language, it was called Sela, which means stone. Later, the Greeks translated the "stone" into "Petra", in this form the name of the city has come down to our times.

On the border of the IV-III millennium BC, the Nabatean Arab nomads decided to settle in this area, who in hard to reach place built their capital - the city of Petra. It was really difficult to get into the city, since there was only one entrance through a narrow gorge. Even the famous Roman generals who decided to conquer the Nabataeans had to lift the siege due to constant setbacks. But still, from the 1st century AD, the Nabataeans voluntarily join the Roman Empire, which generally had a positive effect on the development of the city.

Due to the rocky location of the city, the inhabitants of the ancient city of Petra in Jordan had to contrive to build residential and other buildings. These ancient masters could build them right in the rock, while in decoration and architecture they were not inferior to the great Greek and Roman architects. The earthquake that occurred in 363 severely damaged Petra, the inhabitants left this city, and only nomads became its inhabitants.

The laurels of the discovery of the forgotten ancient Nabatean capital belong to Johann Ludwig Burckhardt. Pretending to be a merchant, in 1812 he learns from local Bedouins that the legendary ancient city of Petra exists and is located nearby. Later, accompanied by a guide, he still gets to the Wadi Musa valley and finds the Nabataean ruins of Petra in Jordan.

City of Petra. Short description

The road to the rocky city of Petra starts from a narrow gorge, along which cliffs rise hundreds of meters from both sides. The movement takes place in the dark, the sun cannot get here. Further, it gradually begins to brighten, and niches for statues carved into the rock become noticeable.

Entrance to Petra

At the exit from the tunnel, the sun hits unaccustomed eyes with bright light, and a huge and beautiful building appears before them. The building is called Al-Khazneh or the Pharaoh's Treasury. This temple and mausoleum was probably built here in the 2nd century AD. It is difficult to establish the exact purpose of the building now, and researchers have a lot of guesses about this, so all that remains is to enjoy its beauty and the skill of ancient stonemasons.

Al Khazneh

It remains a mystery how the builders nevertheless carved the building in the temple. As a rule, in such cases it is necessary to construct scaffolding, but there were no trees in the area. It remained only, using the collapses in the rock, to climb up and start work from there. At the same time, it is not known how the workers managed to work at high altitude "on weight", it is also unknown how they estimated the size and scale of the future construction.

Behind this mausoleum, the tunnel expands, and the viewers look at the old city in the rock with many ordinary stone houses, markets, administrative and entertainment establishments. There are also traces of Roman influence - a street adorned with a traditional colonnade runs through the city.

Street of Petra with Colonnade

But even here, in the red-pink rocks, the facades of buildings are visible. For example, Ed-Deir is a huge monastery located on top of a cliff. The walls of this monumental building, 50 meters high and wide, have cutouts of crosses. Probably, in the past, a Christian church was located in the monastery.

Ad Deir

Not far from here you can see another famous building - a three-story Roman palace, called the Palace Tomb. Nearby is another building that stands out against the general background - the Urn tomb.

Palace tomb

Of course, not all rock structures were created for important rituals. Ordinary living quarters and even burial grounds were also built here. On the contrary, among the buildings on the ground, not all were economic. So among them stands out the temple of Qasr el-Bint, dated to the 1st century BC, erected in honor of the Arab goddess Al-Utstsa - the Great Mother Goddess.

Qasr el-Bint

In total, several hundred rock rooms have been preserved in stone Petra. Their facades reflect the entire history of the city's construction - from the most rude to skillfully executed with borrowed antique building traditions.

In any case, the constructions of Petra by the Nabatean masters are distinguished by their originality, but it is worth remembering that before their great construction, the Nabataeans were just nomads. Currently, this place attracts thousands of tourists who want to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of ancient rock architecture and become witnesses of great works of art.

The Jordanian city of Petra is the main attraction
Jordan and is located in the Wadi Musa valley. It is included in the World
UNESCO heritage, and on July 7, 2007 this ancient city was named one of the
"Seven New Wonders of the World". The word "Petra" in translation means "Rock",
because the city is entirely carved out of stone.

Petra - Nabataean rock city, historians find it difficult to name it
age, it ranges from 2 to 4 thousand years. It is assumed that he was
was created back in the era of the Edomites - it was then that a small,
but a well-defended fortress.

However, later these lands became part of the Nabataean kingdom, when
flourished. The state formed by the Nabataeans (group
Semitic tribes), existed from the 3rd century BC until 106
AD on the territory of modern Jordan, Syria, Israel and
Saudi Arabia. Petra became the capital of the kingdom, gradually acquiring
a huge impact. Building a city in such a difficult, hard-to-reach place
succeeded thanks to the engineering knowledge of the Nabataeans and a reasonable system
sewerage and plumbing. Surprisingly, Petra is an artificial
oasis! In this part of the planet, sudden showers often occur and
floods, but the Nabataeans knew how to control them with the help of
use of dams, cisterns and aqueducts. Not only did they not need water,
but also traded it! Another one amazing ability Nabataeans, without
which the city of Petra would not exist is the ability to work with stone.

The Nabataean kingdom fell at the hands of the Romans under the leadership of
Emperor Trajan, and then the Roman Empire itself fell. In this way,
this rock pearl was lost in the deserts until known
traveler Johann Burckhardt did not intend in 1812 to find
lost city. He was fascinated by legends about mysterious rock
buildings that no one has ever seen. As a result of persistent
The Swiss did it anyway.

Royal Tombs, Petra, Jordan

It is assumed that all the premises of Petra were erected within three
periods: under the Idumeans (XVIII-II centuries BC), Nabataeans (II century BC
era - 106 BC) and the Romans (106-395 AD). There is an opinion that
in the XII century A.D. Petra was owned by the knights of the Teutonic Order. However,
monuments erected in this city after the 6th century AD, have already reached us
did not reach. The appearance of Petra, which we see today, is almost identical
ancient capital of the Nabataean kingdom.

At the moment, the territory of Petra has been studied by only 15%. It means,
that the mysteries of the ancient city may soon shock the whole world! What
available in Petra now - this is at least 800 historical objects,
it is simply impossible to get around and consider them all in one day! That's why
tickets here are sold immediately for three days, although in fact, in order to
really get to know all the architectural elements of Petra,
perhaps a month is not enough.

To get here, you need to go down into a deep gorge, and then
walk along it for a long time, between high sheer cliffs, on which at times
there are inscriptions carved in limestone, and even entire niches,
carefully carved for rest for weary travelers. At some point
it may seem that you will have to walk forever along this mountain gorge, but
suddenly it ends abruptly, and the tourist’s eyes open like this
called the "Treasury of the Pharaoh" (in Arabic "El-Khazneh") - one of
famous monuments of secret Petra. Many historians believe that
originally it was the temple of the goddess Isis. Such a structure would be very
difficult to create even today, so it doesn’t fit in my head like people
ancient times, it was possible to carry out such accurate calculations and how in general
it is possible to hollow out a structure of such a height from stone, when around on
hundreds and hundreds of kilometers there is not at least some suitable material
for erection scaffolding! The degree of strength is also amazing.
buildings - after millennia, the facade of the Treasury remained
practically untouched.

Before entering Petra, you can purchase detailed map cities and, at
If you wish, hire a guide. Ancient city extends deep into the rocks
several kilometers, from east to west, the main street with
colonnade on the sides. On its east side is Triumphal Arch on three
span, on the western - a huge temple. One of the most important architectural
part of Petra is an ancient theater designed for 6 thousand spectators,
which is completely carved into the rock. It is known that it was built in
beginning of the 1st century A.D. e., simultaneously with the majestic bulk of the monastery
El Deir is a huge structure with a width of 50 m and more than 45 m in height.
Fans of fantasy cinema will be interested in the fact that
one of the scenes of the movie "Transformers 2" was filmed here.

Petra is an ancient city, the pearl of Jordan. It is located one kilometer from the city of Eilat.

The city of Petra was the capital of the ancient Nabataean state, which arose in the 7th century BC. A significant part of the architectural objects of Petra is carved directly into the red sandstone rocks.

In ancient times, the city was located at the crossroads of important trade routes, which ensured its prosperity. But after the opening of sea trade routes, the city fell into decay. Gradually, the sands hid the amazing architecture of Petra from view. Forgotten for centuries, it was only discovered in the 19th century.

Now the majestic buildings of the ancient capital attract about half a million tourists annually.

Byzantine church

Petra is an impressive Nabataean ancient city in West Jordan. All its magnificent massive facades, carved from red sandstone, and the surrounding harsh landscape, dotted with historical monuments, are a real paradise for travelers. Petra was and is a large religious city. There are many tombs, temples, shrines and altars here.

One of these gems is the Byzantine Church. It was built on Roman ruins around 450 AD. The church was a three-aisled basilica with a total area of ​​about 400 sq. square meters. All the aisles of the temple are paved with amazingly preserved mosaics depicting local and mythical animals. The cruciform font was surrounded by four columns, possibly supporting the dome. Around 600 AD, the church suffered a major fire and was abandoned until it was finally destroyed by earthquakes.

Its excavations began in 1992, archaeologists discovered 152 papyrus scrolls. Byzantine church is unique historical monument ancient civilization and is of great interest to tourists.

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Siq Canyon

The Siq Canyon is located in Jordan, its length is one and a half kilometers, and it ends with the ruins of Al Khazneh. Previously, this gorge served as the main entrance to the ancient city and was used by royal caravans.

At the very beginning of the canyon, you can see the remains of a stone arch. Here stood the massive gates of the Roman legion, allowing you to tightly block the passage and keep the defense with minimal forces.

Karak has been known since ancient times. The castle is a huge labyrinth with gloomy vaults and endless passages. It is located so high that you can see the Dead Sea from its windows.

Karak is located on the so-called "Royal Road" (or "Road of the Kings"), the caravan route between Syria and Egypt. It is not for nothing that bloody wars have been waged over this territory for many centuries.

The castle was built by the Crusaders in 1136. The fortress of Karak became at that time the main center of the crusaders in the area. Later it became a stronghold of the Mamluks and Ayyubids.

The main thing in Karak is numerous tunnels, underground passages, labyrinths, rooms. It is very easy to get lost in them and besides, it is interesting. In some places, it’s just pitch dark, so a flashlight will come in handy.

Tomb with urn

The urn tomb is one of the many unique structures in Petra. This is one of the five so-called Royal Tombs, which served as the burial places for kings and high-ranking persons. It got its name from the urn that crowns the central pediment.

The tomb was built on high mountain and dominates among neighboring facades. To get up here, you have to overcome several flights of stairs. Presumably, this is the tomb of King Malchus II, who died in 70 AD. The imposing façade has stood the test of time. The tomb stands on an open platform, along the northern terrace there are several pairs of columns. The inner chamber is quite impressive, its area is about 400 square meters.

In 477 the tomb was converted into a church, as evidenced by the inscription of the consecration on the back wall of the hall. This impressive building is very popular with tourists. There is a cafe with a wide selection of soft drinks and a cozy hotel located a few kilometers away from here.

Aneisho Tomb

Aneisho Tomb is one of the many attractions in Petra. It was created around 50 AD. The monument is located on a hill, so it immediately attracts attention.

This majestic building is named after the brother of the Nabataean queen Shagilat. It has a beautiful façade double cornice. Its structure intertwines Greek, Egyptian and Nabataean architectural styles. The tomb was a two-tiered room with a total area of ​​about 400 square meters. A room with a massive table and two benches was equipped here, in which sacred holidays were held with honoring the dead.

This place is of great interest to visitors. Near the tomb is a small cafe with a wide selection of soft drinks. The cozy hotel is located a few kilometers away, here you can stay for the duration of the sightseeing tour.

The most popular attractions in Petra with descriptions and photos for every taste. Choose best places to visit the famous places of Petra on our website.

Individual and group

More attractions in Petra

Jordan. Petra is the ancient capital of the Nabataean kingdom, carved right into the rocks more than 2 thousand years ago. Due to its rich history, fascinating, almost mystical beauty and excellent preservation of monuments, at the end of the last century it was included in the List world heritage UNESCO, and in 2007 was elected one of the new Seven Wonders of the World.

Once prosperous and luxurious, after the conquest of the Middle East by Saladin in the 12th century, Petra was abandoned, and the memory of her in the West was erased. The dilapidated city remained a hidden gem until 1812, when the Swiss explorer Broekhardt found himself here. His stories inspired many other travelers, but serious excavations in Petra began only in 1929. Steven Spielberg played an important role in popularizing the city as a world tourism destination with his Indiana Jones and the Last crusade”: the film was shown to Petra on wide screens in 1989.

How to get to Petra

Petra is 3 hours drive from Amman if you drive along the modern "Desert Highway", or 5 hours if you follow the picturesque "Royal Road".

By bus

Jett operates daily Amman - Petra flights from Abdali bus station. Departure - at 6:30, travel time - about 3.5 hours, ticket price - 18 JOD one way. The return bus from Petra leaves at 17:00. Prices on the page are for November 2018.

If you are vacationing in one of Jordan's neighboring countries, you also have a chance to visit Petra. Numerous travel companies organize day trips from Eilat, Taba, Sharm El Sheikh and other resorts in the Sinai Peninsula.

By minibus

A minibus ride from Wadi Rum takes about 1.5 hours and costs 8 JOD. The minibus usually leaves at 8:30, but the schedule is subject to change on any day. Therefore, you need to agree in advance: ask the hotel employee to contact the minibus driver and clarify the time and place of departure.

Shuttle buses from Amman depart from the Wihdat bus station. On the road - about 3 hours, ticket price - 5 JOD. In some cases, the driver may ask you to pay separately for luggage.

By taxi

Taxis are more expensive, but much more comfortable. The trip from Amman to Petra and back will cost approximately 75-85 JOD including waiting for the driver. Travel from Aqaba - 55 JOD one way.

On the way from Petra to Aqaba, you can visit the Wadi Rum desert to enjoy unique landscapes that are not like anywhere else on the planet. And the village of Dana on the top of the mountain resembles a bird's nest.

You should always agree on the cost of the trip in advance, if you wish, you can save a lot: bargain with the driver or find fellow travelers and share all the expenses with them.


The only vehicles allowed in Petra are horses, donkeys, camels and horse-drawn carts. The choice of means of transportation depends on which section of the path you are overcoming. From the entrance to the city, the Siq Gorge can be reached either on foot (in just 15 minutes), or on a horse or a light horse-drawn carriage. The cost of travel depends only on your ability to bargain. Local grooms often claim that the trip is free, but at the end of the journey you will most likely be in for an unpleasant surprise: you will have to pay generous tips to the drovers (up to 20 JOD per person). Do not believe promises and clearly stipulate the price in advance.

Previously, horses were treated so badly here that a veterinary clinic had to be opened near the entrance. Today, wounds are still visible on the bodies of many animals, and horses harnessed to wagons are forced to gallop even in unbearable heat. Therefore, caring tourists often prefer to spare the animals and overcome the first section of the path on foot.

Once at the Treasury, get ready for a decisive onslaught of numerous owners of camels and donkeys, vying with each other offering their services to tourists. Feel free to bargain and in no case pay more than 10 JOD per trip. The optimal price is 3 JOD per person.

Sometimes drovers cut the price by almost half, just by hearing at least a couple of phrases in Arabic.

Camels are perhaps the only animals in Petra that are respected by their owners, which means that they are kept in relatively good condition. The reason for this is their high cost and obstinate character. Camels are less docile than donkeys or horses, but riding them is one of the most memorable local pastimes.

It is better to choose donkeys for moving along the mountain slopes: it is on them that it is most convenient to get to the High Place or the monastery of Ad-Dair. However, conservationists are unlikely to be satisfied with the trip: all the way, Bedouin teenagers drive the unfortunate animals with cruel blows with a long piece of electrical wire. If patience is running out, shout "Bass!" (“Enough”): The hitting is likely to stop.

If you are in good physical shape, take a walk to the monastery. After 15:00, the path leading up is almost completely hidden in the shade, so the ascent at this time is as comfortable as possible.

Weather in Petra

Average monthly temperature, °C day and night





  • June







Petra Hotels

For the maximum safety of the city, the entire tourist infrastructure has been moved to the neighboring town of Wadi Musa, which is just a few minutes walk from Petra. The city has many hotels of different levels, including 4-5 "stars".

The cost of living in guest houses and small three-star hotels is from 15-20 JOD per night. Almost all rooms are equipped modern furniture and a private bathroom, free Wi-Fi is provided.

It is best to go to Petra with an overnight stay: one day may not be enough for an inspection. Due to the constant influx of tourists, it is better to book a hotel in advance.

The most expensive hotel in the city is Movenpick Resort Petra, located just 50 meters from the main entrance to Petra. It offers several on-site restaurants, a fitness center and a rooftop garden, and room rates start at JOD 100 per night. best view the mountains are opened from the windows of the family hotel Rocky Mountain (from 27 JOD per day).

What to bring

One of the most popular souvenirs - decorative bottles filled with colorful sand. You can find these at almost any resort. The difference between the local ones is that they are filled with natural (and not artificially colored) colored sand mined in the canyons of Petra. Inside, a camel is most often depicted against the background of the desert, but skilled artists can make any name out of grains of sand in just a couple of minutes. The cost of such souvenirs is 1-12 JOD depending on the size.

There are a lot of jewelery dealers in Petra: they walk literally everywhere and offer all kinds of rings, bracelets and necklaces. A fair price for most jewelry is 1-5 JOD, even if the seller stubbornly claims that they are made of pure silver.

What to try

There are food vending machines and small shops all over Petra where you can grab a quick bite and buy hot or cold drinks. By the way, it is better to stock up on drinks in advance: in hot summer days a traveler may need up to 4 liters of water. The cost of a 1.5 liter bottle is 1-1.50 JOD.

There are few restaurants on the territory of Petra, mainly they serve dishes of oriental, Mediterranean and international cuisine. The average score in Petra Magic or Silk Road is 18-36 JOD. In the humbler Sun City with outdoor terrace and hookahs are much cheaper: 4-18 JOD per person.

Much more cafes and restaurants - in the nearby village of Wadi Musa. Be sure to try Arabic unleavened bread "hobz", bean paste "fuul" and the famous falafel - deep-fried bean balls.

For the most desperate gourmets - the Bedouin dish "mansaf": a lamb served whole (with a head) with a side dish of rice and nuts.

The best photos of Petra

Guides in Petra

Entertainment and attractions of Petra

Petra is not just a city, but a unique archaeological park with many attractions, so at the entrance you will have to buy a ticket for 55 JOD (for 1 day) or for 60 JOD (for 2 days). An important nuance: tourists arriving in Jordan for just a day must pay almost twice as much for entry, 90 JOD. You can hire a guide at the Tourist Center (from 50 JOD), large hotels offer a portable audio guide for 10 JOD per day. If you wish, you can download it to your mobile, but for this you will need to purchase a Jordanian SIM card.

The cost of the entrance ticket to Petra is 55 JOD.

The Petra Gate is a winding Siq, a sandstone canyon about 2 km long. The picturesque road is decorated with bizarre stone statues and carved rock bas-reliefs. On the sides you can see the remains of terracotta pipes used for water supply since the time of the ancient Romans.

At the exit of the gorge is the majestic palace of El-Khazneh (Treasury, or Treasury), 42 m high. It was carved into a solid rock in the 1st century, an urn was installed on its top, in which, according to legend, countless treasures were once kept. According to one version, they belonged Egyptian pharaoh, on the other - to the robbers who attacked the caravans. One way or another, traces of bullets are still visible on the urn: many wanted to test the theory.

The next stop is the Square of Facades, where one after another there are temples and tombs carved into the rocks. At the end of the street is the Roman amphitheater, which can accommodate about 7 thousand spectators. It was built by the Nabateans and later expanded by the Romans. Performances are held here today, but, of course, much less frequently than in ancient times.

Just a few minutes walk from the amphitheater (up the hill) are the Royal Tombs, impressive in their size. For whom they were intended - has not been clarified so far.

Another famous attraction of Petra is the monastery of Ad-Dair, a Nabataean rock temple built in the 1st century AD. e. To see this monumental building 45 meters high with your own eyes, you will have to overcome more than 800 steps. The hike takes a little over an hour, but it is also possible to ride a donkey (although this is not much faster and more convenient).

The building of Ad-Dair can be seen in the blockbuster Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.

There are more than 800 historical objects in Petra. Among them - high place with altars for sacrifices, Mount Jebel Harun, the Palace of the daughter of the pharaoh and other majestic monuments of nature and architecture.

A special pleasure for tourists is a night visit to Petra. Tours run from 20:30 to 22:00 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. At night, Petra appears before travelers in the light of hundreds of candles, accompanied by traditional Bedouin music.

7 things to do in Petra

  1. Climb 800 steps to Ad-Dair Temple.
  2. Count the bullet holes in the urn on top of Al-Khazneh Palace.
  3. b







    December and January are the coldest and rainiest months. This period is also characterized by a large temperature difference: during the day it is very warm, in the evening and at night it is cold. So, if you are planning a trip during this time, bring warm clothes with you. And be sure to check the weather forecast: if showers are predicted, it is better to postpone the trip, because there is so much precipitation in winter here that rescuers have to evacuate tourists due to floods.

    The best time to visit Petra is in the summer, but even then there are a few things to consider. important nuances. First, stock up on water beforehand to avoid dehydration. Secondly, do not forget a panama hat, which will save you from heat stroke, and vaseline ointment, which will help stop nosebleeds (which can be provoked by the hot and dry air of the valley).