How to care for the laminate so that everyone is satisfied - the features of dry and wet cleaning. Floor cleaners

  • 12.06.2019

Laminate appeared in the middle of the last century, but over time it is only gaining popularity among the population. After all, the method of its production is being improved, new types and ornaments appear, quality and durability are improving. And despite the fact that, having a beautiful appearance, the laminate is quite inexpensive compared to other floor coverings, if desired, it will save on installation, because it is very easy to install.

Good laminate normal conditions retains its appearance at least 20 years old. In order for it to serve its time properly, you need not only to purchase quality material and lay it correctly, but you should also know how to care for the laminate at home.

Laminate floor cleaning

Cleaning the laminate does not require special efforts. It is recommended to sweep or vacuum the floor followed by a damp wipe. Fighting stains is just as easy: a small amount of vinegar or saline is added to the water. But you need to be very careful with water, because the laminate cannot stand it. One has only to spill water on the floor and get into the seams between the laminate panels, as there is a risk of floor swelling. In places where water gets in, the edges of the panels begin to protrude and cling to legs and objects. The result is chipped and combed edges and corners of the panels. As a result, the floor loses its integrity and appearance. Even dismantling the laminate at the site of swelling with further drying of wet places may not return it to its previous appearance.

Moreover, from moisture, the laminate can creak when walking, and the locks loosen and no longer perform their functions properly.

To avoid such catastrophic consequences, it is enough to wash the laminate with a slightly damp sponge and care for the laminate as described in this article.

Today, moisture-resistant laminate models are already on sale, in which the panels have wax-coated locks that repel moisture. This method has proven so effective against water that it is even used in kitchens and bathrooms. But the cost will immediately be noticeably different from the usual laminate.

Stain removal

In any room there are always places with the greatest traffic and load on the floor. There, the coating is always subject to dirt, scratches and even stains, so you should always be able to remove the stain soon after it appears. Consider how to properly care for the laminate in case of stains:

Scratches often appear on the laminate after heels or moving furniture. Perhaps the scratch will not be noticeable right away, but it will soon appear. Now let's figure out how to care for a laminate using the example of removing scratches from its surface.

Scratches can always be eliminated using a special paste, pencil or grout in the color of the laminate.

But you can also use such an improvised tool as an eraser, which simply erases the scratched place. Naturally, a deep scratch cannot be removed with an eraser, but soda in a pasty state is quite possible. It is enough to apply it to the damaged area and wait a bit until the soda corrodes the material. After the treated area should be cleaned with a damp cloth.

Plaque removal

Cleaning the laminate also has its consequences in the form of the formation of a wax coating that makes up the laminated coating. How to care for the laminate in the apartment after cleaning it, you should know, if only because without proper care, the floor will lose its luster and appearance. This problem is solved by wiping the floor with water in the proportion of 4 liters per 1 glass of vinegar.

With use, the top layer of the laminate is erased and the original luster is lost. You can return it by holding wet cleaning different ways:

  1. 1 glass of vinegar is added to 5 liters of water.
  2. A glass of lemon juice or a tablespoon citric acid diluted in half a bucket of water.
  3. Half a bucket of water is diluted with half a glass of lemon juice, half a glass of vinegar and a teaspoon of dishwashing detergent.
  4. With the help of special tools.

Laminate creak

The squeak of a laminate flooring appears due to moisture ingress or irregularities in the base on which the laminate is laid. The reason for this may be an initially uneven surface during laying or the loss of its qualities by the substrate. In any case, to eliminate the squeak, this place should be disassembled and only then it will be possible to determine how to care for the laminate floor to prevent squeaking in the future. It may be necessary to dry the laminate or level the base under it. Or carefully replace the substrate.

Laminate care instructions

Laminate flooring requires careful handling and following a few simple rules:

  • Carrying out dry and wet cleaning once a week will make it easy to clean the floor from small dirt without the use of aggressive substances.
  • You should learn how to choose the right cleaning products, as well as special ones. Otherwise, there may be undesirable consequences that will not improve, but aggravate the condition of the damaged areas.
  • It is necessary to take care of the top protective layer of the laminate, not scratching it with shoes, furniture legs or metal and abrasive tools when cleaning. It is the top acrylic layer that laminate flooring owes its shiny appearance and easy cleaning.
  • Scratches that have appeared must be eliminated immediately, preventing further damage to the laminate.
  • If front door laminate is laid, then this area must be covered with a rug, linoleum or other material that will protect the top coating.

When cleaning or working with laminate flooring, it is important to remember the following:

  1. Do not use a lot of water, as you can irreparably damage the laminate.
  2. The surface of the laminate is prone to scratches, so you should never use alkaline, acidic or metallic cleaners.
  3. If there is a need to use aggressive substances, you need to try their action on an inconspicuous area. Leave aggressive substances on the laminate long time prohibited.
  4. Laminate should only dry naturally.

In conclusion, it should be noted that only a careful attitude to the floor, the timely elimination of all its defects and care for the condition of the laminated coating will help ensure the original appearance of the laminate for many years. It is not difficult to do this, since it is not difficult to care for the laminate.

Laminate is a modern floor covering, which is a high-strength fiberboard plate treated with a decorative film and a protective layer of melamine or acrylic paint. This type of coating is multifunctional and has good wear resistance, therefore it is widely used in rooms for any purpose. To prolong the life of the material and save it presentable appearance he needs to be properly cared for.

Laminate classes

The wear resistance class of a laminate is a universal indicator of the service life of a coating with varying degrees of load exerted on it.

According to European standards, all products are divided into two groups of operation:

  1. 1. Commercial (grades 31-34) - for use in public institutions. Possesses high durability and the increased degree of protection. When used for its intended purpose, it lasts from 3 to 5 years, at home this period increases to 10-30 years.
  2. 2. Household (grades 21-23) - spreads in private houses, i.e. rooms with little traffic. Serves an average of 2 to 5 years. The design is lightweight, thin, medium strength, but the price is several times lower.

The method of caring for it directly depends on the class of wear resistance of the coating. So, commercial laminate of 33 and 34 classes is allowed to be washed every 2-3 days. For copies of 31 and 32 classes, no more than one wet cleaning per week is allowed. Materials up to class 31 should not be exposed to moisture at all.

Cleaning features

Since representatives of the household operation group are sensitive to moisture, it is necessary to care for the laminate in the apartment as follows:

  1. 1. Minimize water use. Use a vacuum cleaner, broom or soft brush to clean the surface.
  2. 2. Carry out dry cleaning regularly - once every 2-3 days.
  3. 3. If liquid gets on the floor, immediately wipe the surface with a soft dry cloth, making movements from the joints to the center and thereby narrowing the affected area.

When working with a commercial group coating, the use of a damp cloth is acceptable. Before cleaning, it should be carefully squeezed out so that excess moisture does not spread over the floor and does not lead to a violation of the integrity of the joints, delamination or swelling. Rubbing is carried out by longitudinal movements, without pressure. It is recommended to use warm (but not hot) water. The average temperatures cope well with dirt and at the same time do not damage the protective coating of the floor tiles. Fluid should be changed as often as possible. This will help avoid divorce.

At the end of cleaning, the laminate is wiped dry with a highly absorbent cloth.

Tough stain removal

In case of formation of complex stains, it is necessary to start cleaning the surface immediately.

To begin with, the chosen method must be tested on small plot laminate. Ideally, after the purchase, you should keep a small sample of the board for yourself in order to experiment with different cleaning products on it in the future. If it is not possible to find a piece of the slab, you need to test them somewhere in the corner of the room, where accidental damage will be invisible to the prying eye.

Note! After fixing the problem, it is recommended to treat the affected area of ​​​​the floor with a restoring paste.

Floor cleaners

In today's market household chemicals There are special care products for laminate flooring:

  • Loba;
  • laminated clear;
  • Emsal Floor Care.

Also suitable for more simple options with a neutral pH, such as "Mr. Proper" or "Glorix". You must carefully read the instructions.

As a rule, flooring manufacturers indicate the brands and names of gels or sprays suitable for the care of their products. These recommendations should be heeded, because an improperly selected product will very soon destroy the structure of the floor board and render it unusable.

Under no circumstances should parquet care products be used on laminate flooring. They contain beeswax in their composition, which adversely affects the structure of the protective coating. For the same reason, abrasives and glycerin-containing compounds should be abandoned.

The floor covering, which is commonly called laminate, is a panel obtained from boards based on MDF or chipboard and several layers of paper, which are impregnated with melamine resins and pressed under high pressure and at high temperature. This is a modern coating, which is designed to meet the requirements of modern consumers. Manufacturers took care of the wear resistance of the material, for which they used a melamine finish or acrylic paint– lamination (hence the name). Caring for laminate is quite simple, but you should remember some rules for using the material.

Laminate will last longer if you follow simple rules for caring for it.

Laminate floor care and durability classes

Material wear resistance classes are designed to allow consumers to choose products according to their needs and financial capabilities. In order for a laminate to be assigned a wear resistance class, a coating must pass about 18 tests. There is a commercial laminate on sale - a material of increased wear resistance, which is intended for flooring in institutions and organizations (wear resistance class 32). If you buy it for your home, the coating will serve you for at least 30 years (while the manufacturer's declared service life of this coating in commercial establishments is 3-5 years). There are waterproof and non-waterproof laminates, ordinary laminates and high-strength laminates.

Cleaning should be damp, but not wet, excess moisture can cause serious damage to the coating

Regardless of the wear resistance class, laminate care is essential. Do not forget that this is primarily a wood material, and excess moisture can adversely affect its properties and service life.

How to wash laminate

Floors are recommended to be vacuumed with a soft mop. If you feel that more serious cleaning is needed (for example, you need to remove sticky or greasy spots from the floor), use a damp mop. It should be exactly wet, but in no case wet, from which water can flow. The movements of the mop should be longitudinal relative to the laminate panels. The floor must be washed warm water and at the end of cleaning it is better to wipe it with a dry cloth. Change the water frequently to keep it clean. Laminate polishes or waxes are not required.

During wet cleaning, the joints between the plates are the first to suffer, moisture must be carefully removed from them.

Try not to let water remain on the floor, as it can seep through the joints and cause deformation of the laminate boards. Therefore, the care of the laminate is only wet, but not wet cleaning. Take special care when cleaning in places where there are water taps or flowerpots. If liquid gets on the laminate, it must be wiped off immediately.

Laminate care products

Laminate Cleaner Spray makes cleaning more efficient

Avoid abrasives for cleaning, do not use soap-based solutions and cheap soap concentrates to wash laminate floors. Soap gradually corrodes the protective top layer, and it is very difficult to completely wash off the soap from the laminate. Acidic and alkaline cleaners and bleaches will also corrode the top layer, so do not use them for mopping. Generally, the laminate manufacturer recommends detergents a certain brand. Be sure to purchase them, especially if the product has a warranty period. It is better to use only simple warm water than products that are not suitable for laminate flooring: the floor will lose its shine and dirt will begin to stick to it.

In general, dirt is the main enemy of laminate flooring. Therefore, do not walk on it in street shoes and do not allow members of your family to do so. Due to sand particles or small stones that are brought on shoes, clearly visible scratches appear on the floor after a while. If scratches still appear, you can get rid of them with a special mastic.

For proper care for flooring it is better to use tools and devices specially designed for this

On sale there are a number of products designed to care for the laminate. As a rule, it is a spray or gel. Not only do they clean the laminate floor, but they can also remove complex spots(e.g. Loba, Laminatclear laminate products). If you do not have these products, you can use the usual neutral pH floor cleaner (usually the packaging indicates that this product is suitable for all types of floors) - Mr. Muscle or Mr. Propper. They will help remove juice, wine, fat, chocolate. If there are traces of a pencil or felt-tip pen, lipstick or shoe polish, varnish, ink or cigarettes on the laminate floor, you can’t cope with the usual means. You need a thinner, acetone or nail polish remover, methanol or the aforementioned Loba or Laminatclear laminate products.

If chewing gum gets on the laminate or wax from a candle drips, wait until it hardens completely and carefully clean it with a wooden or plastic scraper, and then apply a restorative paste. To speed up the hardening process, you can put an ice cube on top.

How to extend the life of laminate flooring

Vacuum the laminate every other day if the level of soiling is low, and more often if necessary.

It is not recommended to walk on laminate flooring in high-heeled shoes, and it is better to stick special felt pads on modular furniture. In places that are actively exploited, it is better to put rugs. It can be a place for games in a children's room, an area at the front door in the hallway, a place near the sofa or bed.

Try not to drop heavy objects on the laminate. If you spill something on the floor, wipe it up quickly, otherwise you may ruin the coating.

Upper layer Laminate repels dust, so you can vacuum once every two days. If you clean floors and use detergents, be sure to wipe down the laminate after cleaning with a dry cloth. Do not use mastic or wax - they will not penetrate the material, but will remain on the surface in the form of stains or stains.

Is one of the tiles damaged? It can be replaced, and it is not necessary to go to the building materials store. You can take the stove in an inconspicuous place (under the sofa, for example) and swap with the damaged one. Of course, only someone who knows how to lay a laminate with their own hands can do this.

If you decide to put flowerpots on the laminated floor, use special stands and trays for flowerpots.

Metal brushes or washcloths, aggressive alkaline cleaners are not suitable for cleaning laminate flooring. Use only soft brushes and cloths.

The matte finish is the hardest to clean. Manufacturers of such coatings recommend wiping the surface daily with a soft brush or cloth.

Laminate is one of the most popular flooring materials, it is often used in summer cottages and country houses because of its many benefits. Therefore, it is advisable to consider the question of how to properly care for the laminate, what needs to be done so that its original appearance is preserved longer.

Caring for laminate flooring is easy but essential

Among positive qualities laminate is always indicated for its excellent wear resistance, strength, good tolerance to moisture, and, finally, the safety of this material in an environmental aspect is also important. For each room in the house, whether it be a kitchen, a bedroom or a hallway, it is possible to choose the appropriate class of laminate that is best suited for the operating conditions.

Among the advantages of the laminate is the ease of maintenance, which, however, must be correct. If the recommendations for caring for the laminate are violated, there is a risk of seeing the floor worn out ahead of time, making various squeaky sounds, and quite unpleasant to the ear. To avoid such problems, you just need to follow a fairly simple rules laminate care, which in short will be as follows:

easy cleaning every day;

cleansing of contaminants right methods;

use of detergents approved for laminate.

The laminate consists of several layers, the top of them is a thin film made of acrylic resin, there is also a melamine coating. The task of this most important laminate layer in terms of functions is to protect the floor panel from the penetration of moisture and dirt particles, protect it from physical damage and impact. ultraviolet rays. This film also does not stick to dust, so you can usually limit yourself to vacuuming once a day and wet cleaning a couple of times a week.

In view of all these important functions of the laminate top layer, it is strategic to keep it intact with the right care measures.

To maintain an attractive appearance, special varnishes are used, designed specifically for laminate flooring, which, in addition to aesthetic qualities, will also increase its protective properties.

Of course, it is necessary to wash the laminate so as not to accidentally damage its surface. When doing this for the first time, select an unobtrusive area of ​​the floor and try the detergent, if the result is normal, you can expand the cleaning area to the rest of the area.

For cleaning, you will need special detergents designed specifically for laminate. The substances included in their composition will not damage the laminate and will be able to remove marks from a felt-tip pen, glue, shoe polish and other hard-to-remove substances. If the stain does not want to be washed off, you can use acetone as a solvent. It is also important to carry out wet cleaning, wipe the laminate floor dry to prevent streaks that will greatly spoil the look of the floor, especially if the coating has a glossy sheen. The easiest way to do this is with a modern mop, the mechanism of which usually provides for a high-quality squeezing of a rag. We wash the floor, starting from the area under the window and moving towards the door of the room so that you do not have to walk on the freshly washed area.

1. apply the product to the contaminated area;

2. wait a few minutes for the composition to work;

3. Using a damp cloth, wipe the floor, removing all dirt particles.

  • Traces of liquor, wine and most alcoholic beverages are easily removed with warm soapy water.
  • Neutral PH products are usually effective at removing stains from wine, grease, chocolate, fruit and vegetable juices.
  • To remove traces from the creative activity of children (traces from a felt-tip pen, pencils), as well as shoe polish, lipstick, ink, you can use a solvent, acetone, methyl alcohol.
  • Particles of chewing gum, wax are removed only after hardening with a scraper, then the area of ​​​​the laminate is treated with a restoring paste.

Dealing with scratches and dirt on laminate flooring

Polishing and rubbing the laminate is not required, it is not parquet. It is strongly not recommended to resort to metal washcloths, cleaning products that contain acids or alkalis, and also does not like laminate and cleaning abrasive materials. All of these items and substances can harm the laminate.

Naturally, those areas of the laminate floor, which account for the greatest mechanical load, wear out faster than others. If there are children or animals in the house, scratches often occur on the laminate.

To bring the laminate to its original form, you will have to apply a repair compound. suitable color, which will effectively remove a scratch, even the deepest and most noticeable ones.

There is also a problem with the creaking of the laminate floor, which occurs due to non-compliance with the rules when laying. Incorrect laying can lead to swelling of certain sections of the floor and deformation of the boards. In all these cases, it is best to replace the damaged area of ​​the floor with a new one, which is usually not very difficult, since modern laminate almost always has a locking connection, which greatly facilitates the repair process.

There is an opinion that the laminate is quite a capricious coating. In fact, this is not entirely true, laminate flooring is a great alternative to parquet or board. It has sufficiently high performance characteristics, the material is warm and easy to maintain. It does not require additional painting or varnishing. In order for the floor to last for many years, you need to know how to care for the laminate.

Minimum water, maximum precision

In order for the laminate to serve for many years, from the very beginning of its operation it is necessary to properly care for it. Most coatings are afraid of moisture, which has a detrimental effect on the quality of interlocks, leads to swelling of the panels and deterioration of general operational properties. Recently, a waterproof laminate has appeared, which has a special coating that effectively repels water and protects the floor from damage.

Note! When choosing a laminate with a waterproof coating, it is very important that the protection is also present on the interlocks.

In addition to eliminating excess moisture, there are a few more rules to preserve the appearance of the coating:

As you can see, the care of the laminate is quite simple, the main thing is to avoid excess moisture, mechanical damage and use suitable maintenance products.

Care products

The main care of the laminate is to remove dust and dirt. An ordinary vacuum cleaner with a gentle brush is perfect for this. Wet cleaning is desirable to carry out no more than 3 times a week. A soft cloth, a mop with a pile or a foam nozzle is suitable for it. They are soaked in water and squeezed thoroughly. For cleaning, you can use special products for the care of the laminate, or you can wash it with plain clean water.

Note! Wipe the floor in the direction of the slats.

The use of powders, aggressive alkaline agents is unacceptable. When cleaning with concentrated soap solutions, white coating. Remove it simply with a glass cleaner containing alcohol. You can just use an alcohol solution. Soak a cloth in it, wring it out and wipe the coating. Now there is a large selection of products, especially for laminate.

How to remove stains on the coating:

  • Wine, beer, juices should be wiped immediately with a soft cloth.
  • Marker, nail polish, paints can be removed with acetone solution. It is important to apply only on the stain itself and not go beyond it, so as not to dissolve protective film coatings.
  • Various stains can be removed by special means, for this they are applied according to the instructions. You can try washing with a concentrate for washing the coating.

When removing stains, it is important not to use sharp or hard objects. If the stain is not removed and greatly spoils the appearance of the coating, then only a partial replacement of the laminate will help.

Elimination of defects

The most common defects on the laminate are chips, scratches and bumps.

Chips on the laminate are formed when heavy or sharp objects fall, if possible, then the damaged lamellas are changed. If replacement is not possible, then cover with pastes and cover with a composition for laminate. In specialized stores you can buy tools for repairing laminate.

For repair use:

  • Putties. Most often they come in a set with a spatula and several dyes.
  • Soldering kits. In addition to a special soldering iron, the kit includes wax plates for filling chips. Repair is carried out according to the instructions, which must be present in the kit.
  • Wax briquettes or pencils. Allows you to quickly repair a scratch, a choice of colors is available in stores. The only negative is that they wear out quickly. Therefore, for the durability of the repair, the filled recess must be covered with a fixative or varnish.

Regardless of which repair agent is used, the damage is thoroughly cleaned of dirt, degreased and only then filled. Lacquering is done only after complete drying. For greater strength, you can cover 2-3 times.

When the coating swells from moisture cosmetic repairs can not be dispensed with, and floor sections will need to be replaced. Also, local repair of the site will be required if irregularities appear, if there are gaps at the joints, or if the laminate protrudes above the surface.


You will learn tips for caring for laminate flooring by watching the following videos: