Building a program for CNC machines. Preparation of a control program for a CNC machine

  • 30.07.2018

Detail drawing assignment of processing quality parameters. Technological route for processing the part. Assignment of processing modes. mathematical preparation For this, based on the drawing, the parts will be selected: workpiece CNC system technological equipment Ultimately, after the description of the technological route for processing the assignment of cutting conditions, a control program should be developed.

Studying at our school teaches practical skills, allowing students to creatively develop their ideas. Seminars on mechanical professional subjects are held by modern specialized laboratories. Laboratories and specialized laboratories are one of the essential elements educational process profession teaching. Specialized equipment allows students of our school to practice the theoretical knowledge gained in this subject.

In the Control and Regulation Systems Lab, students learn about the design and operation of basic automation systems using the control of internal combustion engines used in automobiles as an example. The main advantages of the program are: flexibility, the ability to create your own user interfaces, transparent and adapted to the specific needs of a specific machine application. There is also a number ready-made solutions available on the Internet. Thanks to this, it is possible to realize various measuring probes, automatic tool length measurement, automatic tool storage in many variants, etc. plugins that expand the functionality of the program and allow you to cooperate with external motion controllers.

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By discipline: "Program processing on CNC machines"

1. Introduction

2. Detail drawing, assignment of processing quality parameters

This allows the program to run quickly but with full motion. It has the tools to assist at every stage of pre-production. Built-in technology modules provide customization options for specific applications such as laser cutting, plasma cutting, oxygen cutting, water cutting and stamping.

Its manufacturers strive to provide software that is easy to use and allows you to prepare the most complex parts. You can set the tolerance, arc type, number of decimal places, and minimum and maximum arc radius. Positioning: power failure case.

3. Technological preparation control program

3.2 Selecting the CNC system based on the analysis of the shape of the part

3.3 Selection of process equipment

3.3.1 Lathe with CNC model 16K20FZS327

3.5 Tool selection

3.6 Purpose of processing modes

3.7 Setup sketches

4. Mathematical preparation of the control program

It is designed for the woodworking industry, the advertising industry, and is suitable for production at any level. Can be used for cutting, milling, engraving, etc. built for intensive work at high speeds. Applicable materials: all plastics, non-ferrous metals, wood and wood derivatives, artificial marble, resin, etc.

The chassis is made of welded steel frames. This refers to the maximum working depth or maximum material thickness. Movement is provided by step motors. Maybe you can choose servos. Milling unit: professional, brushless, variable speed due to donation. frequency converter. It is certainly equipped for overload. Long term reliability is ensured. equipping the shaft with industrial bearings.

4.1. Coding

4.2. Control program

5. Conclusions

6. References

1. Introduction

One of the important parameters characterizing the level of development of the automotive industry as a whole, is the degree of improvement of machine tools

The modern level of breakdown of the automotive industry imposes the following requirements on the metal-cutting equipment

  • High level automation,
  • ensuring high productivity, accuracy, quality of products.
  • reliability equipment operation,
  • high mobility, currently due to the quick change of production facilities

The first three requirements led to the need to create specialized and special automatic machines, and on their basis AL, workshops, factories. The fourth task, the most typical for object and small-scale production, is solved by creating CNC machines.

The process of controlling a CNC machine is presented as a process of transferring and converting information from a drawing to a finished part.

The main function of a person in this process is to convert the information contained in the drawing of the part into a control program understood by the CNC, which will allow you to control the machine directly in such a way as to obtain a finished part corresponding to the drawing.

In this term paper main stages control program development:

  • technological preparation of the program.
  • mathematical preparation

To do this, based on the drawing, the parts will be selected:

  • billet
  • CNC system
  • technological equipment

Ultimately, after the description of the technological processing route, the assignment of cutting conditions, a control program should be developed.

2. Detail drawing, assignment of processing quality parameters.

Detail made of steel 45 according to GOST 1050-74 with hardness HB 617-689

After fine turning, the part has technological tolerances (depending on diameters): 120…130 mm with the surface roughness parameter R0 =6.3 µm and the depth of the defective surface layer P=30...20 µm.

3. Technological preparation of the control program.

3.1. Sketch of the workpiece, justification of the method of its production

The main thing when choosing a workpiece is to ensure the specified quality of the finished part at its minimum cost.

Methods for obtaining primary blanks are determined by the technological properties of the material, the design properties and dimensions of the part, and the production program.

As the configuration of the workpiece becomes more complicated, overlaps and allowances decrease, the accuracy of dimensions and parameters of the location of surfaces increases, the tooling of the blank shop becomes more complicated and expensive, and the cost of the workpiece increases.

Blanks of a simple configuration are cheaper, because do not require in the manufacture of complex and expensive technological equipment, however, such blanks require laborious post-processing and increased material consumption

But since in this course work the part is produced in small experimental batches of 100 ... 200 pieces / year, then a bar Ø48 mm of simple sectional steel (round profile) of general purpose from steel 45 (GOST 1050-741) σ c = 617...689 MPa.

Simple section profiles (round) for general purposes (GOST 2590-71) are used for the manufacture of smooth and stepped shafts with a small difference in diameters, degrees, glasses with a diameter of not more than 50 mm, bushings with a diameter of not more than 25 mm, levers, wedges, flanges.

Before processing on a CNC machine, the workpiece is processed on a milling and centering machine, where the ends are milled and. if required, then the center holes.

3.2. Choosing a CNC system based on the analysis of the shape of the part

Numerical control (GOST 20523-80) machine - control of the processing of the workpiece on the machine according to the control program, in which the data is specified in digital form.

There are CNC:

  • contour,
  • positional,
  • position-contour (combined),
  • adaptive

With positional control (F2), the movement of the working bodies of the machine occurs at given points, and the trajectory of movement is not specified. Such systems allow processing only rectilinear surfaces.

With contour control (FC), the movement of the working bodies of the machine occurs along a given trajectory and at a given speed to obtain the required processing contour. Such systems provide work on complex contours, including curvilinear ones.

Combined CNC systems work on control points (nodal) and on complex trajectories.

Adaptive CNC machine provides automatic adaptation of the workpiece processing process to changing processing conditions according to certain criteria

The part considered in this course work has a curved surface (fillet), therefore, the first CNC system is not used here. The last three CNC systems can be used

From an economic point of view, it is advisable in this case to use a contour or combined CNC, because. they are less expensive than the others, and at the same time provide the necessary processing accuracy.

3.3. Selection of technological equipment

3.3.1. CNC lathe model 16K20FZS32

To process this model, we select a CNC lathe model 16K20FZS32.

This machine is designed for processing the internal and external surfaces of parts such as bodies of revolution with a stepped or curved profile, including cutting of fastening threads, in one or more passes in a closed semi-automatic cycle.

Specifications machine tool

1. largest diameter workpiece over the caliper, mm

2. The greatest length of processing of the product installed in the centers, mm


3. The greatest length of processing, mm

4. Spindle hole diameter, mm

5. Spindle speed (stepless regulation), min-1


6. Limits of rotational speeds of the spindle, set manually, min.-1

Range I

Range II

Range III

20 …235



7. Feed rate, mm/rev

Longitudinal stroke

Cross travel



8. Speed ​​of fast moves, mm/min (longitudinal)


9. Caliper displacement by 1 pulse, mm

longitudinal stroke

transverse stroke



10. Limits of thread pitches, mm


11. Maximum drilling diameters, mm

for cast iron

for steel

12. Number of positions in the tool head

According to all these characteristics, the machine is suitable for processing this part.

3.3.2 CNC model 2P22

Devices issuing control actions on executive bodies machine in accordance with the control program and information about the state of the controlled object are called numerical control devices. program control CNC.

Machine 16K20FZS32 is equipped with CNC model 2R-22. According to the type of processing of geometric information, the 2R-22 device is a contour device (F3), therefore, it can be used to machine such parts as in this course work.

The device provides simultaneous control with circular and linear interpolation along two coordinate axes.

The CNC includes separate functionally completed blocks:

  • instrument block;
  • symbol information display unit;
  • Remote Control;
  • cassette tape drive.

This CNC 2P-22 device provides for the possibility of entering the program in the interactive mode from the control panel or from the program carrier.

3.4 Technological route for processing the part

Technological route for processing a part in this course work issequence of transitions carried out in the machine 16K20FZS32. V processing route does not include such operations:

  • procurement
  • milling and centering (milling of ends),
  • marking
  • flushing
  • control;

because they are produced on other technological equipment.

Operation 010: Turning

Transition No. 1 drilling of the inner surface T1

Transition #2 rough turning outer surface blanks with the left cutter - Т2

Transition No. 3 external grooving with T4 grooving tool

Transition No. 4 rough turning of the outer surface with the right cutter - T5

Transition No. 5 rough turning of the outer surface of the workpiece with the left tool T2

Transition No. 6 external grooving with a grooving tool – T4

Transition No. 7 fine turning of the outer surface with the left cutter T3

Transition No. 8 fine turning of the outer surface with the right cutter T6

Transition No. 9 threading with a T7 cutter

Transition No. 10 cutting off a used part with a cutter - T8

3.5. Tool selection

To process a part of the required shape, the following cutting tool is required:

Drill (T1)

Through cutter (T2, T3, T5, T6)

For rough and finish turning of the main surfaces, we select a through cutter with a mechanical fastening of a tetrahedral cutting insert (fastening L -shaped lever); =95°. l =5°

Grooving tool (T4)

To cut a groove, we select a grooving cutter with a mechanical fastening of the cutting insert (fastening the insert with a tack)

Thread cutter ( T7)

For threading, select a threaded cutter With mechanical fastening of the cutting insert

Cutting tool (T8)

To cut off a part, select a cut-off tool with a fastening of a single-edged plate

3.6. Assignment of processing modes

Transition No. 1 drilling of the inner surface T1

Drill diameter D = 10 mm

S table \u003d 0.1 mm / rev

Cutting speed V table = 40 mm/min

Rotation frequency

n \u003d 1000 * V table / (π * D sv) \u003d 1000 * 40 / (3.14 * 10) \u003d 1274 rpm

Transition No. 2 rough turning of the outer surface of the workpiece with the left cutter - T2

  1. t = 2 mm
  2. Feed per turn S=0.6mm/rev
  3. V = V tab. * K1*K2*KZ*K4*K5, where

Table V - cutting speed (see table) 157 mm / rev

K1 - coefficient depending on the tool life. 0.92

K5 - coefficient depending on the geometry of the cutter. 0.81

  1. Spindle speed n \u003d 1000 * V (π * D zag.
  2. 0 = Lpx /(S * n ) = 170/(0.6*955.5) = 0.3min
  3. Tool life T2: T 0 =90 min

Transition No. 3 external grooving with T4 grooving tool

  1. Depth of cut t = 4 mm
  2. Feed per turn S=0.16mm/rev
  3. Cutting speed when turning steel with cutters with carbide inserts V = V tab. * K1*K2, where

Table V - 153 mm/rev

K1 - 1.0

K2 - 1.0

V= 94*1.0*1.0=153 m/min

  1. Spindle speed

n \u003d 1000 * V (π * D con.

  1. Basic processing time (machine) T 0 = Lpx /(S * n
  2. Tool life T4: T 0 =60 min

Transition No. 4 rough turning of the outer surface with the right cutter - T5

  1. The depth of cut is selected for rough turning depending on the rigidity of the AIDS system, drive power, type of cutting tool t = 2 mm
  2. Feed per turn S=0.6mm/rev
  3. Cutting speed when turning steel with cutters with carbide inserts V = V tab. * K1*K2*KZ*K4*K5, where

Table V - 157 mm/rev

V= 157*0.92*1.15*1.0*1.0*0.81=135 m/min

  1. Spindle speed n \u003d 1000 * V (π * D zag. ) = 1000*135/(3.14*45) = 955.5 rpm
  2. Basic processing time (machine) T 0 = Lpx /(S * n ) = 170/(0.6*955.5) = 0.3min
  3. Tool life T2: T 0 =90 min

Transition No. 5 rough turning of the outer surface of the workpiece with the left tool T2

  1. The depth of cut is selected for rough turning depending on the rigidity of the AIDS system, drive power, type of cutting tool t = 2 mm
  2. Feed per turn S=0.6mm/rev
  3. Cutting speed when turning steel with cutters with carbide inserts V = V tab. * K1*K2*KZ*K4*K5, where

Table V - 157 mm/rev

K1 - 0.92; K2 - 1.15; short circuit - 1.0; K4 - 1.0; K5 - 0.81

V= 157*0.92*1.15*1.0*1.0*0.81=135 m/min

  1. Spindle speed n \u003d 1000 * V (π * D zag. ) = 1000*135/(3.14*45) = 955.5 rpm
  2. Basic processing time (machine) T 0 = Lpx /(S * n ) = 170/(0.6*955.5) = 0.3min
  3. Tool life T2: T 0 =90 min

Transition #6 External grooving with grooving tool – T4

  1. Depth of cut t = 4 mm
  2. Feed per turn S=0.16mm/rev
  3. Cutting speed when turning steel with cutters with carbide inserts V = V tab. * K1*K2, where

Table V - 153 mm/rev

K1 - 1.0; K2 - 1.0

V= 94*1.0*1.0=153 m/min

  1. Spindle speed

n \u003d 1000 * V (π * D con. ) = 1000*153/(3.14*45) = 1082.8 m/min

  1. Basic processing time (machine) T 0 = Lpx /(S * n ) = 170/(0.16*1082.8) = 0.98min
  2. Tool life T4: T 0 =60 min

Transition No. 7 fine turning of the outer surface with the left tool T3

  1. Depth of cut t = 0.5 mm
  2. Feed per turn S=0.45mm/rev
  3. Cutting speed when turning steel with cutters with carbide inserts V = V tab. * K1*K2*KZ*K4*K5, where

Table V

K1 - coefficient depending on the tool life. 0.95

K2 - coefficient depending on the material being processed. 1.15

KZ - coefficient depending on the state of the treated surface; 1.0

K4 - coefficient depending on the material of the cutter. 1.0

K5 - coefficient depending on the geometry of the cutter. 0.81

  1. Spindle speed n \u003d 1000 * V (π * D zag.
  2. Basic processing time (machine) T 0 = Lpx /(S * n
  3. Tool life T2: T 0 =90 min

Transition No. 8 fine turning of the outer surface with the right cutter T6

  1. Depth of cut t = 0.5 mm
  2. Feed per turn S=0.45mm/rev
  3. Cutting speed when turning steel with cutters with carbide inserts V = V tab. * K1*K2*KZ*K4*K5, where

Table V - cutting speed (see table) 220 mm / rev

K1 - 0.95; K2 - 1.15; short circuit - 1.0; K4 - 1.0; K5 - 0.81

V= 220*0.95*1.15*1.0*1.0*0.81=195 m/min

  1. Spindle speed n \u003d 1000 * V (π * D zag. ) = 1000*195/(3.14*170) = 365.3 rpm
  2. Basic processing time (machine) T 0 = Lpx /(S * n ) = 170/(0.45*365.3) = 1.03min
  3. Tool life T2: T 0 =90 min

Transition No. 9 threading with a T7 cutter

  1. Inner diameter carving X \u003d D - 2 * (F - F / 6- F /8) = 20-2*(1.5-0.25-0.19) = 17.88
  2. Depth of cut per pass P \u003d (X - D) / 2 m \u003d (17.88-20) / 10 \u003d 0.212
  3. The feed is chosen equal to the thread pitch S = 1.5 mm/rev
  4. The cutting speed is calculated by the formula: V = (Cy /(T * t * Sy ))* Kv = 56.52 m/min
  5. Spindle speed n \u003d 1000 * V / (π * D zag. ) = 1000*/(3.14*45) = 400 rpm
  6. Basic processing time (machine) T 0 = Lpx /(S * n ) = 45/(1.5*3400) = 0.009 min
  7. Tool life T1: T 0 =90 min

Transition No. 10 of a piece of a used part with a cutter - T8

t = 4 mm

  1. Feed per turn S =0.09 mm/rev
  2. Cutting speed when turning steel with cutters with carbide inserts V = V tab. * K1*K2*KZ, where

Table V - 55 mm/rev

K1 - 0.8; K2 - 1.15; KZ - 1.0

V= 55*0.8*1.15*1.0=51m/min

  1. Spindle speed n \u003d 1000 * V (π * D zag. ) = 1000*51/(3.14*45) = 361 rpm
  2. Basic processing time (machine) T 0 = Lpx /(S * n ) = 45/(1.5*361) = 0.08 min
  3. Tool life T1: T 0 =90 min

4. Mathematical preparationcontrol program

4.1. Coding

A control program for a CNC machine is a set of elementary commands to the machine's actuators, written in coded form and in the technological sequence of part processing. Moreover, the type of elementary commands depends on the type of CNC system and the code language or programming language adopted for this system. Values ​​of symbols of addresses in ChPU2R-22:

S - speed of the main movement (numerical value of the spindle speed), rpm

F - numerical value feed, mm/rev

T - tool number

N - frame number

P - depth of cut in one pass, cutter width, mm

A - allowance for finishing groove width, mm

Q - fillet

C - chamfer at an angle of 45 °

X - movement along the X axis in absolute values

Z - movement along the axis Z in absolute terms

E - rapid approach / withdrawal of the tool

M - Auxiliary function

M02 - end of program

N17- end of part description for cycles L 08, L 09, L 10

L - standard cycle

To compile this control program, the following cycles are used

L 08 - a cycle of multi-pass machining from a cylindrical billet with automatic separation into passes.

Before programming the cycle, you must set the starting point:

coordinate X0 must be equal to the diameter of the workpiece,

Z-coordinate 0 is equal to the start coordinate of the final contour of the part Next is the description of the contour of the part

L 10- contour finishing cycle

The coordinates of the starting point coincide with the coordinates of the beginning of the final contour X0, Z0.

L 02 - grooving cycle

Before programming a cycle, you must set the starting point

X60 - diameter of the surface where the canadian is cut + 2mm,

Z -44 - coincides with the coordinate of the left edge of the canadian

The cycle contains a movement at the cutting feed to the X62 coordinate, a time delay D 0.04 - the time required for one revolution of the part. Return to origin in coordinate offset rapid traverse Z v positive side to the size of R.

The cycle ends with a bounce along the X axis to the starting point, but along the axis Z the tool remains at the point of the last pass.

L 06- Cycle deep drilling with automatic division into passages.
P – depth of cut – maximum drilling depth in one pass
W -length - drilling depth
The cycle contains a movement at the cutting feed along the coordinate
Z v negative side by the amount P . Rapid return to the starting point, rapid move to a point 3 mm away from the previous drilling point, move at cutting feed by ( P +3) mm etc. until the drilling depth is reached W.

4.2 Operating program

N001 F0.1 S3 1274 T1 (Jump #1)

N002 X0 Z-2 E

N 003 L 06 P 5 0 W17 5

N 004 Z -2 E

N005 F0.6 S3 955 T2 (Jump #2)

N006 X 50 Z0 E

N007 L08 A1.5 P2


N009 X20 C2

N010 Z20

N011 X31 Z32.5 R20 M17

N012 F0.16 S3 1082 T4 (Jump #3)

N013X50 E

N014 Z45 E

N015 L02 D 0.6 X20 A5 P5

N016 F0.6 S3 955 T5 (Jump #4)


N018 L08 A1.5 P2

N019 X 20

N020 X30 Z32.5 R20


N022 F0.6 S3 955 T2 (Jump #5)


N024 L08 A1.5 P2


N026 Z60 X30

N027 W5


N029 Z85

N030 X45 Q7

N031 Z170 M17

N032 F0.16 S3 1082 T4 (Jump #6)

N033 X32 Z60

N034 L02 D 0.6 X20 A5 P5

N035 F0.45 S2 365 T3 (Jump #7)

N036 X45 E


N038 L10 B008

N039 X45 E

N040 Z45 E

N041 L10 B025

N042 F0.45 S2 365 T6 (Jump #8)

N043 Z45 X45 E

N044 L10 B019

N045 F1.5 S3 400 T7 (Jump #9)

N046 X0 Z-3

N047 L1 X17.875 P0.21 A0 C0 W-20 F1.5

N048 F1.5 S2 361 T8 (Jump #10)

N049 X45 Z170 E


N051 M02

5. Conclusions

In this course work, a control program was developed for processing a part on a CNC machine tool 16K20FZS32 equipped with a CNC device 2R-22.

The development of a control program includes two main stages

1. technological preparation of the program;

2. mathematical preparation of the program.

At the first stage, based on the analysis of the drawing of the part, the workpiece and the method of its production, the CNC system (contour), and technological equipment were selected.

For the machine on which the workpiece is processed, a cutting tool was proposed that ensures the production of a part of a given shape, size and quality of surfaces. The calculations of cutting conditions have shown that the selected technological equipment, namely the 16K29FZS32 machine, meets all the basic requirements in terms of its technological characteristics.

Mathematical training included coding and drafting the text of the control program itself. The program used standard cycles L 08, L 10, L 02.


  1. Development of control programs for CNC systems: tutorial/ I.I. Koltunov, A.S. Lobanov. - M.: MSTU "MAMI", 2009. - 81 p.
  2. Computer-aided programming system for CNC devices (EXAPT1): study guide / I.I. Koltunov, A.S. Lobanov. - M.: MSTU "MAMI", 2011. - 38 p.
  3. Programming for CNC devices: tutorial / I.I.Koltunov, A.V.Ankin. - M.: MSTU "MAMI", 2011. - 67 p.



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When compiling a control program for a CNC machine, the technologist must indicate the shape of the workpiece and its overall dimensions (Fig. 5.59

Fig.5.59. Setting the shape of the workpiece for the CNC machine in Adem CAD

The selection of a workpiece that has a closer shape to the workpiece can be made from the database. A drawing of a workpiece processed on a CNC machine is recommended to be designed using three-dimensional modeling. You can display the workpiece in the form of a wireframe or a translucent object, select processing zones limited by the contours of the part and special "forbidden" zones.

The selection of the main processed elements of the part can be performed by manual selection or automatic search. When manually selecting elements, the technologist indicates the processed surfaces in the drawing with the cursor. In this case, you have full control over the creation and display of both simple and the most complex setups for various operations.

Realistic visualization of the processing process can be scaled and panorama changed, can be edited in graphical or text mode, changing the direction of movement and speed, and then view the changes in the processing program on the entire trajectory or only on the selected section.

Drawing up a control program for CNC machines is carried out in an interactive mode in the following sequence: - design a scheme for fixing the workpiece and set the processing zones. There are manual, semi-automatic and automatic methods for setting and editing the processing zone. The system constantly monitors the correctness of the parameters of the processing zone, displaying warnings about user errors. Input interactivity and user-friendly interface make it easy to set the processing zone;

Choose a tool and its installation scheme. Using a special dialog box, the user sets the tool parameters. Data about the tool is entered into the general database of the project with reference to the programs in which they are used. This base can be edited, while the connection with the programs attached to it is tracked. The program provides protection against accidental removal of the tool involved in the processing process;

Calculate cutting modes - feed when inserting a tool, cutting feed rate, spindle speed, etc. The feed rate and cutting speed are selected by the user depending on the material being processed. When assigning cutting conditions, one should take into account the requirements for the quality of processing indicated on the drawing, and the relationship between individual parameters, for example, "the effect of the hardness of the material being machined and the depth of cut on the feed;

Set the levels at which processing will be performed, . - determine the sequence of inputs and outputs of the tool;

Assign parameters specific to each processing method.

To increase the productivity of the technologist, various libraries are created: processed materials, tools, fixtures, fasteners, operations and typical transitions. Libraries may also cover the templates used.

When you select an element from the library, you can see its characteristics and application possibilities. The technologist has the right to enter his own element into the library and set its parameters.

For each structural element of the workpiece (holes, "pockets", ribs, etc.), a certain sequence of machining operations can be compiled.

Operation parameters can be set according to ready-made templates from a previously performed similar operation. Such a template includes standard transitions with selected processing strategies, specified technological parameters and tools.

When automatically searching for elements, the program analyzes what elements the model consists of.

The feed and spindle speed are set according to the material being processed, the tool used and the machine. Exercise new system coordinates allows you to orient the part, taking into account technological bases, simulate the location of the part on the machine, establish links with the axes of the machine.

In the process of determining the trajectory of the tool movement on a CNC machine, the following tasks are solved (Fig. 5.60):

Determine the areas of approach - withdrawal of the tool;

Determine the trajectory of the tool along one of the families of parametric lines of open and closed surfaces, taking into account the orientation of the tool axis;

Set the required number of tool passes, taking into account the specified processing accuracy;

The possibility of collision of the auxiliary tool with the workpiece or its fastening elements is checked.

Rice. 5.60. Visualization of the tool path on a CNC machine

Creating and modifying part programs for machining parts using identical cutting conditions and a similar machining strategy greatly facilitates parameterization. It is especially effective for machining with a large number of jumps, as it reduces the time it takes to enter and change similar parameters. The use of parameterization in the preparation of control programs for CNC machines reduces the time of their creation and preparation.

To speed up the process of compiling a control program and improve the quality of design, standard procedures and processing plans are used. When compiling a control program for CNC machines, modern CAD systems offer advanced tools for optimizing tool trajectories, as well as the simplest functions for automatically calculating the length of the trajectory in general and in individual sections, the time of working and auxiliary moves, the volume of material removed, etc. When assigning cutting modes take into account such parameters as the allowance to be removed and the required processing accuracy.

In most cases, the trajectory of the tool, cutting modes can be set by a technologist who does not know how to program. Then set the tool change time in order to avoid marriage.