Structure of play activity and stages of play development in preschool age. The main stages of play activity in preschool age

  • 30.09.2019

The concept of "game" and "game activity". Leading signs of gaming activity.

The game is of great importance in the development of civilization. We can say that the civilization "grew" from the game.

The game is a powerful tool in:

1. Socialization of the individual (socialization is the process of mastering and entering a person into society, studying the values ​​of this society).

2. Recovery vitality(recreation).

3. Training and advanced training (business games) Also, the game is a means of correcting physical and mental development and a means of correcting interpersonal relationships. So, the definition of the concept of "game" is as follows.

The game is:

1. Performing some conditional tasks in conditional time and space.

2. Acting, performance.

In the usual sense, a game is a designation of the rules, attributes, etc. necessary to perform some kind of action (this definition is passive). The game requires intellectual and physical efforts for its implementation. These efforts to implement the game are called game activities.


Game activity- these are efforts aimed at implementing the rules and conditions of the game and game tasks.

There are several main signs of gaming activity:

1. Is voluntary;

2. Unproductive

3. Passes by the rules that govern it;

4. Always associated with tension (intellectual, physical).

The greater the tension, the greater the significance of victory and participation (prizes), the greater the buzz from the game, the stronger the effect of a person's self-affirmation in the game. The last position is especially relevant. It is self-affirmation that is the main leading stimulus in the game (especially in games on television). Speaking of tension, it is important to note that it must necessarily be adequate to the audience.

Leading signs of gaming activity.

Game - a collection of concepts, rules and regulations that determine the behavior of the player.

Gaming activities are physical, intellectual and emotional efforts aimed at performing gaming tasks.

This activity has its own characteristics, formal features.

Leading signs of gaming activity

It takes place according to the rules, in some cases there is a dictatorship of the rules.

Voluntary and free, i.e. a person participates in gaming activities of his own free will. Incentives: the desire for self-affirmation the desire to imitate the desire to get a prize. The game is not productive, it does not produce anything. (More precisely, one can say that the product of the game is the enjoyment of its process. The end result is the development of the ability realized in it) Game activity takes place with a certain tension, in it is the basis of pleasure. The higher the voltage, the greater the pleasure. Tension tells us about the participant's status (ex. Olympic Games). Winner status. Emotional high during the period of gaming activity, competitiveness, rivalry, competition.

Game activity takes place in an imaginary situation and is not associated with real actions, but the feelings of the players, participants are real!!! With a methodically competent approach to the organization of the game, gaming activity can have the following impact on a person: strong feelings etc. The game stimulates previously inactive organs and thereby restores the balance of his forces.) Physical development of the individual

Mental development (collective emotion, teamwork skills, psychological compatibility, skills of self-control and self-esteem, the formation of will, determination, the ability of a person to take a hit). Career work. Corrective influence as a means of correction of personality and interpersonal relationships. (The game introduces complex human relationships into the real context. In game activity, there are absolutely real public relations, developing between the players. The game contributes to the development of the team) The game - as a means of socialization of the individual. (The child gets acquainted with the environment, masters the riches of culture, is formed as a person, which allows the child to function as a full member of a children's or adult team)

The child plays because it develops and develops because it plays. A game for a child is an active means of education and self-education. During the game, the child learns, realizes the world around him. The game is a wide scope for the manifestation of one's "I", personal creativity, self-knowledge and self-expression.

For a child, a game is a way to find oneself in a team of associates, in general in society, in the universe; the game solves the problems of interpersonal relationships, compatibility, partnership, friendship, camaraderie. Those. the social experience of the relationship of people is known and acquired.

1. Game - like acting (the invention of someone or something, for the purpose of pleasure)

2. Game - like overcoming obstacles in order to win.

A game is a set of rules, certain relationships between players, their behavior and the use of attributes.

From this position, the concept of "game" is passive (it lies in a box or somewhere else).

Active game - game activity is physical, intellectual or emotional data aimed at performing game tasks.

Play is different from all other activities.

Types of games and their classification.

According to Shmakov, most games have the following main features:

- free developing activity, taken only at will, for the sake of pleasure from the process of activity itself, and not just from its result (procedural pleasure);

- creative, greatly improvised, very active character this activity (“the field of creativity”);

- emotional high activity, rivalry, competitiveness, competition (sensual nature of the game, "emotional stress");

- the presence of direct or indirect rules reflecting the content of the game, the logical and temporal sequence of its development.

K. Gross subdivides : martial (physical and spiritual), love, imitative, social.

A. Gomm singles out dramatic games and games built on "dexterity and luck"; wedding games, games built on courtship and love; games "fortress"; funeral games; agricultural; trade, religious; taboo; natural; guessing games; witchcraft; sacrifice, imitation of sports; imitation of animals; games with witches and child abduction; fishing; wrestling and competition; games with singing and dancing; games of hiding and searching; leapfrog; blind man's buff; forfeits; ball games, etc.

Game activity- this is a special sphere of human activity, in which a person does not pursue any other goals, except for obtaining pleasure, pleasure from the manifestation of physical and spiritual forces.

In pedagogy, it is customary to distinguish between subject, plot, mobile and didactic games. In its turn, story games are divided into role-playing, "director's" and dramatization games ": games with fixed, open rules and games with hidden rules. An example of games of the first type is the majority of didactic and outdoor games, as well as developing ones: intellectual, musical, fun games, attractions.

The second type includes games role-playing, in which, on the basis of life or artistic impressions, they are freely and independently reproduced social relations or material objects. Rules in them exist implicitly. They are in the norms of behavior of reproduced heroes: the doctor does not put a thermometer on himself, the passenger does not fly in the cockpit.

Consider main components of a role-playing game: theme and content - the area of ​​reality displayed in the game. An imaginary situation is an image of the game, its model, resulting from the transfer of real values ​​and relationships from one object to another located in the field of game action. The plot is a sequence of actions played by children, events that reflect the theme and specify the content of the game. Role-playing games subdivided into actual role-playing, dramatization games, director's games. The plot can have theatrical children's holidays, carnivals, construction, design games and games with elements of labor.

director games- games in which the child controls the imaginary situation as a whole, acts simultaneously for all participants: for all the animals in the menagerie, for cars, trams, pedestrians on the street, for soldiers, etc. Directing games can also be group. In such games, the experience of coordinating ideas and plot actions is especially intensively accumulated.

Outdoor games - essential tool physical education of children. They always require from the players active motor actions aimed at achieving a conditional goal. The main features of outdoor games are their competitive, creative, collective nature. They demonstrate the ability to act for the team in a constantly changing environment. Hence the high dynamics of relationships: all the time he strives to create an advantageous position for himself and his teammates in comparison with the “opponent”. They include various team relay races, a championship in folk games, a ball championship and jump ropes.

Complex types of competitions have become widespread: "Sportlandia" (a country of strong, dexterous, resourceful, skillful) was born in Belarus, "Merry Starts" in Volgograd, and "May Relay Race" in Arkhangelsk. Competitions held between classes, schools, health and summer camps gather a lot of spectators. Game tasks addressed to them make these competitions even more popular.

Didactic games- a kind of games with rules, specially created by pedagogy for the purpose of teaching and educating children.

According to the nature of the material used, didactic games are divided into three groups:

P subjective e - mainly didactic toys and materials,

- desktop printing e - games based on the selection of pictures according to the principle of similarity of their addition from parts of the whole (for example, cut pictures). Developing logical thinking, printed board games also carry an important cognitive load: they introduce children to representatives of the animal and plant world, to the purpose of household items, to technology, seasonal natural phenomena, etc.

- word games include most folk games. This includes many exercise games, imaginary travel games, riddle games, guessing games (in which children operate with ideas, independently draw conclusions and conclusions).

Sometimes the didactic game is considered too narrowly - only as a means of the child's intellectual development. However, the game form of education is actively used to implement the tasks of both labor, aesthetic, and emotional and moral education.

Games can be divided into independent typical groups:

1. About the form:

Actually games of all kinds; games-festivities, game holidays; game folklore; theatrical game performances; game trainings and exercises; game questionnaires, questionnaires, tests; pop game improvisations;

Competitions, competitions, confrontations, rivalries, competitions, relay races, starts;

Wedding ceremonies, game customs;

Mystification, practical jokes, surprises; carnivals, masquerades; game auctions, etc.

In the leisure practice of children and adults, the most structurally designed game models have developed and established themselves, such as; like KVN, "Field of Miracles", "What? Where? When? ”, which have a plot space, a pronounced form.

2. By the time of the event.

Such games are called seasonal or natural (winter, spring, summer, autumn), they are distinguished by the amount of time (long, temporary, short-term, minute games).

Winter games: on the snow, on skis, on sleds, on ice.

Competitions are held for accuracy, speed, relay races, for example: “The Capture of the Winter Town”

Summer games: on the playground, on asphalt, on the beach, on the water, in the clearing, in the yard, for example, Stilts, Classics.

3. By venue. These are board (table), indoor, outdoor, yard games. Games in the air, games on the ground (in the forest, in the field, on the water), games at the festival, games on the stage.

4. According to the content (plot, theme, intrigue, task of the game), games with ready-made rules are distinguished as follows: sports, mobile, intellectual, construction and technical, musical (rhythmic, round dance, dance), medical, correctional (psychological exercise games), comic (fun, entertainment), ritual and ritual, etc. According to the content, “free” (free), which reflect: military, wedding, theatrical, artistic; household games in the profession; ethnographic games. There are positive socio-ethical games and asocial ones (games for money and things, mercenary, criminal games, life-threatening, gambling).

Catch-up games (catching) are simple and complicated;

Games with the search for players or objects;

Games with quick finding your place;

Round dance games;

Games with resistance and struggle;

Games with throwing the ball with a bast shoe;

Games with rolling and throwing objects (stones, sticks, bones, chocks, towns);

Games - relay races;

Games - attractions;

Prank games, etc.

5. By composition and number of participants :

By age, gender, composition, number of participants.

In this regard, games of younger children (infants, preschoolers), games of younger, middle and older children are practiced. school age as well as adult games. Objectively, there are games of boys (teenagers, boys, men) and games of girls, girls, women. These games have special traditions, special rules. By the number of participants, single, individual, double, group, team, mass games are distinguished.

6. According to the degree of regulation, management:

Games organized by an adult or an entertainer,

Spontaneous, improvised, impromptu, arising spontaneously at the whim of children (free, free, natural, amateur, independent).

7. P about the presence or absence of accessories necessary for the game(inventory, items, toys, costumes). There are games without objects and with objects (with a ball, rope, tourniquet, hoop, etc.); computer games; games - automatic machines; games - attractions, etc.

When writing and building a game program, the theme, goal and objectives are always taken into account; technology game programs, the specifics of age characteristics are also taken into account, for example, a preschooler, a primary school student, a teenager, etc. In order for the game to be more interesting and exciting, this should be known and taken into account by every screenwriter, teacher or organizer.

Game activities of preschoolers

under FGT conditions.


MK preschool kindergarten 11

Vorokhobina N.G.

Preschool age is an important stage in a child's life.

During this period, the development of figurative forms of cognition of reality, perception, figurative thinking, imagination is carried out; there is a willingness to master a variety of knowledge about the world around.

During this period, the foundations of morality are laid. The child learns basic moral norms, norms of behavior. The child's activity increases different types activities (game, labor, educational). There is an independence of play activity. The main way of pedagogical influence on the child is proper organization all types of children's activities and the use of the most effective forms of their management.

Conventionally, all children's games can be divided into two large groups:

1. role-playing creative games.

2. games with rules.

Role-playing creative games include:

a) games on everyday topics;

b) with a production theme;

c) with socio-political themes;

d) theatrical games;

e) games, fun and entertainment.

Games with game rules include:

1. Didactic games: with objects and toys, verbal.

Didactic games, desktop - printed, musical and didactic.

2. Outdoor games: plot, plotless, with elements of sports games.


1. Every game is a free activity.

2. The game is the life activity of children.

3. Isolation of the game (any game has a place and time).

4. Creation of gaming associations - a circle of players who are not isolated from each other, who have roles to play (including the main one).

5. Every game has rules that children must follow. Even in a creative game, there are rules for interaction.

To implement the development of social gaming experience, it is necessary: ​​1. A gaming teacher, i.e. gaming experience.

2. Use of reserve opportunities and experience of folk pedagogy.

3. Overcoming the trend of using games of the same type in the work.

4. Accounting for the interests and desires of children.

5. Competent management of gaming activities: design; subject-developing environment; diagnostics.

The teacher must be able to play along, create a game situation, support the initiative, rely on feelings, use humor and anticipatory assessment.


When organizing a subject-developing space, it is necessary to take into account the developing nature of the game; features of the team and each child.

At each age - we observe features in the development of the game:

younger age - directing game (game-manipulation with objects).

middle age - role-playing, game-dialogue.

· senior age - games with rules, directing, game - fantasy, plot construction.

All types of games and toys should be present in the group - (plot, didactic, motor, theatrical, etc.); toys for boys and girls; toys for joint and independent games; personal toys of children (from home).


Simulation of game situations, games are revealed.

Used: screens, substitute items; toys that represent appearance or familiar roles; tools and actions of adults are repeated; functional attributes are used (disassemble, twist, plant, open).


Children are restless, require physical activity, so there should be open space.

The game situation is modeled according to the scheme: adult + child.

The number of figurative attributes decreases - more substitutes,

one toy appears in different games; game attributes aimed at interaction (telephones, horns, microphones); dressing up as adults (photographer, captain, etc.); "magic boxes" (junk material - fabrics, bottles, clothespins), insert cubes.


The game situation is modeled by children, signal-support toys are used, everything else is modeled.

Attributes are used to develop the sign function (symbols).

It is proposed to create game rooms, use a music and sports hall for the development of role-playing games.


The necessary elements that provide interesting play activities, the development of cognitive interests and moral qualities of the child are knowledge - action - communication. This is the first condition of the game as an exciting activity - the child has knowledge about the objects around him (their properties, qualities, purpose), about the events and phenomena of the real world.

Acquaintance with the world in a child begins with observations, which are accompanied and guided by explanations from adults, supplemented by stories, reading, looking at pictures.

All this is not perceived by the child immediately. It is required to master the received impressions in practical activity - in the game.

In the game, the child acquires new knowledge; while playing, the child learns in practice to distinguish objects by shape, size, color, to use them correctly depending on their qualities, the game serves as an impetus to expand knowledge - the child thinks about what he saw, he has questions.

Adults should certainly take advantage of this in order to expand and deepen the knowledge of children.

The management of gaming activity should be based on knowledge of the patterns of its development. The main path of development of the game under the influence of education is as follows: life is reflected in the game more and more fully and real, the content of games expands and deepens, thoughts and feelings become more conscious, deep, fantasy becomes richer; the game becomes more purposeful, there is a consistency in the actions of the participants.

The main issue of the method of managing a creative game is its influence on the content, on which its educational and educational value depends.

The process of managing a creative game should be built in such a way that the development of game skills and abilities is organically combined with training and education.

Based on this, three groups of methods can be distinguished:

GROUP 1: methods related to enriching children with knowledge, impressions, ideas about the surrounding life:

Observations, excursions, meeting people different professions, emotionally expressive reading fiction, conversation, conversation-story using illustrations about the work of adults and their relationships in the labor process, a story about events taking place in the country with the display of photographs, paintings, films; dramatizations of literary works, ethical conversations.

GROUP 2: methods contributing to the formation and development of gaming activities:

Direct participation of the educator in the creative game; playing with one child assisting in the implementation of knowledge through suggestions, reminders, advice, selection of game material, conversation-talk about the idea of ​​the game, development of its content, summing up.

To develop the skills and abilities of independent organization of the game, assignments, tasks (pick up toys, make them yourself), conversations, and encouragement are used.

The child's ability to determine the role and bring it to the end is formed through advice, individual tasks, assignments.

An important task is to develop the ability to independently distribute roles.

The educator should: study the characters, inclinations and habits of children well and constantly help children - to get to know each other better.

For example: hold a competition for the best inventing costume elements, for interesting proposals for role-playing actions, for expressiveness of speech, facial expressions, and gestures.

GROUP 3: associated with teaching children how to design from building material and play with buildings, making toys.

This is the joint execution of buildings by children and the educator; examining samples, showing design techniques, using photographs, diagrams, tables, thematic tasks ("build a street", "metro"), selecting materials for playing with buildings.

Teaching children the ability to make toys from paper, from thin cardboard according to a pattern, from natural and waste materials.

The use of methods and techniques of leadership depends on the age characteristics of children, on the level of development of their playing skills and abilities.


1. In order for children to play, the teacher must play with the children throughout preschool childhood, but at each age stage develop the game in a special way so that the children learn a new, newer way of building.

2. When developing playing skills, it is necessary to orient the child both to the implementation of the game action and to explaining its meaning to the partner.

3. Games move from single-dark plots and one-character plots to multi-character plots, and then to multi-dark plots.

4, Games must be both joint and independent.



introducing attributes that do not require special training taking on the role of a hint during the game, introducing a new attribute, directing the game in the right direction, switching attention to a different game situation. Direct techniques are used in all age groups.


younger age:

Preparation for the game (reading and memorizing poetry), didactic games, targeted walks, looking at illustrations, paintings, reading short stories.

average age:

Targeted walks and excursions, reading literary works, constructing from natural materials and paper, working with parents (consultations, information folders).

senior age:

Reading excerpts from newspapers and magazines, looking at pictures and posters, making attributes in labor classes, talking, getting to know the work of adults.


1. Be able to deploy a role-playing dialogue.

2. Change role behavior depending on the role of the partner.

3. Change role depending on the plot.

4. During the game, transfer attention from the toy to interaction with a partner, use games with the phone to develop a role-playing dialogue (K.I. Chukovsky "Telephone").


play every day with 1-2 children for 5-7 minutes, with a subgroup for 10-15 minutes. Enter telephone conversations from the second half of the year.


1. To form the ability to change role behavior in accordance with the different roles of partners, change the playing role and re-designate it for the partner.

2. The use of multi-personal plots to define the role structure (where one role is directly related to the others).

3. There should be more roles, i.e. One child will have to play several roles.

4. During the game, children must perform a variety of role-playing relationships and different types role relations: specific - doctor - patient: management-subordination (captain-sailor); mutual assistance.

METHOD: See individual playing by children in the morning or evening segment of 7-15 minutes. The teacher starts the game and offers the child the main role (you are the driver, I am the passenger) and develops a role-playing dialogue, gives options (you drove through a red light - I am a policeman).

Inclusion of children in the game for a certain period of time

(I am a seller - two buyers; puts one child in the place of the seller).


1. Games - fantasizing and mastering a new way of plotting.

2. "Loosening" the plot, and then jointly inventing a new plot based on fairy tales (replacing heroes).


1. Recall and retell a familiar fairy tale (and now we will invent a similar one in a new way, but not like that).

2. Partial transformation of a fairy tale (replacement of heroes, its tasks, magical means).

3. We give the beginning of a fairy tale, we combine fabulous and realistic elements.

4. Introduction of different contextual roles (Baba Yaga and the seller).

5. writing stories based on realistic events

10-15 minutes with a small subgroup and then role-play.


Problem situation, reminder tips, playing the game by type of joint discussion of the game plan, teach a friend, pair assignments, joint plot construction (word game + plot-role-playing), game combinatorics (based on the old game, come up with a new game) games - improvisations (let's play in another way) inventing games based on a series of pictures (mnemonics) using a game model (attributes are drawn in the center of the picture of the game).


Name of the game

Junior group

middle group

older age

dressing up


Mom, dad, children

Association with a hairdresser, doctor

Household plots, transport



Nurse, patient card

Pharmacy, reception, ambulance, doctors - specialists


Vegetables, fruits, dishes, toys

Departments: bread, dairy, confectionery

Departments: deli, fish, meat, shoes, clothing, furniture, household appliances.


teacher, child





Two halls: male; female

Children's room



Sailor - helmsman

Passenger, cargo, sightseeing, fishing vessel. Boatswain, radio operator.


forest animals

North, south

Tour guide, veterinarian



Telegraph, parcels


2nd half of the year:
dolls, desks, schoolgirls, diaries, briefcases, notebooks


Inspector, cutter, seamstress, fabric samples, ready-made clothes, pattern



Road signs

Police, modes of transport

Other games

Cafe, Astronauts, Library


This is an individual jura in which children feel free. This type of play is typical for children who have limited contact with their peers.

younger age:
- at the heart of the child's experience are the events that he observed. Knowledge gained from books, cartoons is rarely reflected.

The plot with the toy is simple, short chains of actions, each toy is assigned a permanent role. If the child does not have experience with the toy, the game falls apart.

The object seen, the toys suggest a change in the plot,

The illogicality of the game does not need adult corrections.

Fantasy development.

Speech is the main active component (voicing actions, giving an assessment). Middle age is based on personal and indirect experience.

Complex and varied activities.

Main and secondary characters.

The plot is intertwined with the personal experiences of the child.

The educator is faced with the task of teaching how to avoid patterns in the game.

There is a game based on associations, a game based on stories.

Descriptive-narrative, role-playing and evaluative statements appear.


Games with rules are the link between learning and play, and they vividly reflect the connections and relationships of various types of children's play groups.

DIDACTIC GAMESThese are educational games.

Their main purpose is to promote the assimilation and consolidation of knowledge, skills, abilities in children, the development of mental abilities.

Each didactic game has a specific didactic task, game actions and rules.

Didactic games, firstly, are a teaching method, and secondly, they are independent gaming activities.

They are widely used in the classroom, while the content of the game and its rules are subordinated to the educational tasks of the lesson.

The initiative for choosing and conducting the game belongs in this case to the educator (adult). As an independent gaming activity, they are carried out during extracurricular time.

In both cases, the teacher leads the game, but his role is different.

In the classroom, he teaches children how to play, introduces the rules and game actions, and in independent games of children he participates as a partner or arbiter, monitors relationships, and evaluates behavior.

There are three stages in the management of games:

Preparation - conducting - analysis of the results.

The preparation includes:selection of the game, places, determination of the number of participants, selection of the necessary material.

The educator (adult) must first study, comprehend the entire course of the game, its rules, leadership methods and his role.

Conduct: It is necessary to begin the explanation of the game with familiarization with its content, with didactic material (objects, pictures), after which the rules of the game are set out and game actions are described.

The degree of adult participation in the game is determined by the age of the children, their level of training, the complexity of didactic tasks and game rules.

Summarizing:a crucial moment, an adult notes those who followed the rules well, helped their comrades, were active, honest.


younger age:

entertainment (something lies in a beautiful box), the use of a variety of game techniques, toys; a combination in the game of a mental task with active actions and movements of the child himself.

Repetition in different options with gradual complication

the selection of such didactic material so that children can examine it, actively act, play;

Explanation of the rules during the game;

Be sure to introduce the items that will be used, their properties;

When summing up, only positive aspects are noted.

average age:

selection of games in which knowledge about the properties and qualities of objects, their purpose is consolidated and refined;

The teacher continues to actively participate in the game, but more often the role of the leader is entrusted to children;

The rules of the game are explained before it starts, when summarizing the results, attention is focused on successes, even minor ones, word games, games for attention are more often organized.

senior age:

when selecting games, the main attention is paid to the degree of difficulty of the game rules and actions, they must be such that when they are performed, the children show mental and volitional efforts.

Competition motives take a big place:

The educator clearly, emotionally acquaints children with the content of the game, rules, actions, checks how they are understood, plays with children to consolidate knowledge, acts as an arbiter in independent activities. conflict situations, in some games, the teacher is limited to explaining the rules of the game before it starts.

The game rules are becoming more complex and numerous, so an adult, before offering a game to children, must himself master these rules and the sequence of actions well.

It is necessary to finish the game emotionally, in an organized way, so that the children want to return to it (playing forfeits, encouraging winners, reporting a new version of the game)

At the end of the game, it is necessary to evaluate not only the correct solution of game problems, but also their moral deeds, behavior,

think over the process of preparation and conduct: enriching children with relevant knowledge, selecting didactic material or making it together with the children, organizing the environment for the game, clearly defining your role.

in preparatory group: the role of the leader, in most cases, is entrusted to the child.

Outside of classes, children are independent in choosing a game, the teacher acts as an adviser, judge.

In all groups, it is necessary to think over the connection of didactic games with other types of children's activities: creative, labor, with independent artistic activity (theme + planning).


Before you introduce your child to educational games, be sure to play them yourself.

This gives an idea of ​​each game. You will know: which game to start with, how to supplement it, when and which game to introduce.

When playing with a child, do not get ahead of him, it is better to follow him with a slight lag.

Get children interested in the game by using game techniques - the first show can be accompanied by a "secret" or a fairy tale.

Meet each success with joy, praise, but do not overpraise, especially at an older age.

If the child does not want to play, do not force, but create conditions so that he has a desire.

During the game, do not make offensive remarks about the child - they cause irritation, disbelief in one's own strength, unwillingness to think and discourage interest.

The basic rule of educational games: an adult should not perform tasks for a child, prompt him.

You can not turn educational games into ordinary, always available toys. At the end of the game, they need to be removed to an inaccessible (but certain) place where the child can see the game.

You need to start the game with feasible tasks or easier parts of it.

Educational games can be used in the classroom: cognitive, REMP, fine arts; in the morning and evening to work with a subgroup of children and individual work.


It is necessary to take into account the working conditions in each age group: the general level of physical and mental development, the level of development of motor skills: the state of health of each child; time of the year, daily routine, location of the game and the interests of children.

Outdoor games are becoming more complex, varying with the increasing awareness of children of their accumulation of motor experience.

JUNIOR GROUP: elementary in terms of rules and content, plot and plotless outdoor games are organized in which all children perform homogeneous roles or motor tasks with the direct participation of an adult; in games like "hide and seek" the main role is played by an adult (looking for children or hiding from them).

MIDDLE GROUP: it is already possible to play with the simplest competitions, both individual ("Who is faster") and collective. This gives an emotional coloring and teaches one to take responsibility for one's actions in a team.

SENIOR GROUP: games become more complicated in terms of content, rules, number of roles, introduction of new tasks for collective competition.

PREPARATORY GROUP:they play more complex outdoor games, as well as games with collective competition, relay race games, games with elements of sports games.

Depending on the content of the game, the order in which the game tasks are performed, it can be carried out either with all the children at the same time or with a small group. It is almost always possible to vary the ways in which the game is organized.


Familiarization with new game, explanation of its content require preparation. The content of some games must be disclosed in a preliminary conversation (not necessarily on the day of the game), for example, "Monkeys and hunters", "Wolf in the ditch".

Game explanation:

Non-plot game - should be short, precise and intonation-expressive. The teacher explains the sequence of game actions, indicates the location of children and game attributes, using spatial terminology (a reference point for an object in the younger and middle group) and highlights the rules, then you can ask a few questions to check how the children understood the rules.

When conducting games with elements of competition, an adult clarifies the rules, game techniques, and conditions of the competition.

Sometimes you can give the game a sporty shape - choose captains, a judge.

In younger groups, you can explain the actions of children and the rules directly in the process of playing the game.

Story game - the task of an adult is to create a clear picture of the game situation in children, to highlight game images more clearly. To do this, you can use a toy, a story (especially in the younger group).

When repeating familiar games:

younger group - to recall the main roles and location of children.

the middle group - limit themselves to reminding the rules.

older age - to offer to remember the rules, the content of the game themselves, this contributes to the development of consciousness and independence, the actions performed and leads to the ability to play without the direct guidance of an adult.

Distribution of roles:

Sometimes an adult appoints a leader, guided by a specific pedagogical task (encouraging a newcomer, including a timid one in the game), or joins himself in the game as a leader or participant.

Uses counting rhymes or invites children to choose a leader. In the younger groups, the role of the leader is initially performed by the adult himself and does it emotionally, vividly, figuratively. Gradually, an individual role can be entrusted to the child, provided that space and direction of movement are limited.

An adult reports a violation of the rules before the game is played again.

An outdoor game ends with a general walk, gradually reducing the load or a sedentary game.

When evaluating the game, an adult notes its positive aspects, names the children who successfully performed the roles, and condemns the violation of the rules.

In older groups, an adult gradually leads children to the independent organization of outdoor games, monitoring its progress and especially the implementation of the rules.

When children know a lot of games and play them on their own, an adult can offer them creative tasks - come up with game options, changing the plot, rules; write a new game.


In order for the upbringing of children in the game to be successful, it is necessary to create conditions: allocate enough time for games, organize a comfortable, calm environment, and pick up toys.

Games in the morning help create a cheerful cheerful mood for the whole day. Everyone can take their favorite toy, unite with their comrades. Sometimes children come with certain play intentions, continue the game started the day before. Children can return to the game they started after breakfast, between classes. You have to let the game continue. When choosing games, you should take into account the nature of the upcoming classes. Before a physical education class, calm games are desirable, and if the lesson requires a monotonous position, mobile ones.

For games in the group, time is allotted in the afternoon, and on the site - before lunch and in the evening. At this time, story games, construction games, dramatization games, outdoor and didactic games are organized.

In the group, you need to create an environment for conducting various games. Place to play with big building material highlight so that the children can save the building made.

In younger groups, set aside a place for outdoor games with toys: children carry toys, roll them, run after each other.

Each toy must have a specific place. If children want to continue playing after dinner or the next day, they should be allowed to leave the building with all the toys, provided that they are arranged neatly (for example: "ship", "street"). In games on the site, children are also given all kinds of toys, but at the same time they take into account the peculiarities of the season. Before going for a walk, an adult invites the children to think about how they want to play and what they should take with them.


1) directing - the child is not a character, takes the role of an acting character (for example: under the recording of a fairy tale).

2) musical dramatization (may be a combination of theater types).

3) a theatrical game is a high-quality work on the image, it has a clear script, fixed images, roles.

4) improvisation - playing a theme without prior preparation.

Signs of a theatrical game: content (they must clearly know what they will play), the plot, the script, the role of the action and the relationship.


Junior group: develop interest; skills in working with flat and volumetric theater; Enrich the idea through literary works and musical and theatrical activities.

Show creativity in imitation games, learn to play small songs, fairy tales. With the help of toys made by adults (caregivers, parents) and older children in the presence of children.

Develop skills for independent use in games of material for disguise, masks and musical instruments.

Middle group: introduce different types of theatres. Learn puppetry.

Learn the technique of showing various types of theater.

Senior group: To develop independence in the organization of theatrical games. To form artistic and speech performing skills. Learn to be in the role of a presenter, director, decorator. To form skills of joint creativity in the process of preparing for the performance.

Preparatory group:To form the need for creative activity, to develop artistry, the ability to reincarnate. Learn to play out stories, making new changes. Learn to invent fairy tales and beat them.


Junior group

middle group

Senior group

preparatory group

To interest and gradually involve children in theatrical - game activities.

Develop a steady interest in theatrical art.

To develop independence, individual characteristics and abilities of each child in theatrical activities.

To form the need for creative activity, artistry and the ability to reincarnate.

Get to know different types of theater

Deepen your acquaintance with different types of theatres.

Practice puppetry.

To form creative skills in the process of preparing and conducting a performance:

The choice of the plot;

Analysis of roles;

Discussion of actors;

Dialogue exercise;
clarification of possible performers, attributes, scenery.

To teach driving voluminous toys and planar characters.

Learn to drive different characters.

To promote the development of speech and motor abilities in the transfer of the image.

Learn the basics of storytelling.

Promote development

independent creativity in the transfer of the image.

To teach children to be in the role of a presenter, director, decorator.


Riding puppets (behind the screen)

gloves (medium)

bi-ba-bo (medium)

spoons (old)

reed doll (senior, preparatory)

stock (older)

puppet (older)

Outdoor theater:

puppets (senior, preparatory).

human dolls (senior, preparatory).

tablet dolls (senior, preparatory).

dolls with a "living hand" (senior, preparatory).

Table theaters:

with junior group: magnetic, purchased, edging, toys, cone, cylinder.


stand-book (younger group).

flannelograph (younger group).

shadow (senior preschool age).

Other types:

junk material, on cubes - at any age.

Scenery: in all scenes, a universal scenery row is used (hut, forest, yard, sky) ("Hoop No. 4 for 2003").

Puppetry techniques (from the middle group).

is based on sketches - the doll slowly walks, crouches, is silent or speaks, the doll conveys the gait, two people meet, greet, say goodbye, talk.

Rules for working behind the screen:

1. The doll must move along one plane of the imaginary floor without falling down.

2. The index finger that is inserted into the head should be slightly bent so that the head does not tilt back.

4. A pause is the most expressive means of a doll.

5. You can not obscure another doll with a doll, strain your hand, otherwise the doll will shake.

6. Behind the screen you need to be in soft shoes.

7. You can not lean against the screen.

8. The screen should be made of dense fabric and go all the way to the floor.

9. The gait of the doll will be correct if the child walks with it.

The management of children's play will be correct only when it allows preserving all the beauty of its creative character. Without an exciting game, there can be no country of childhood. The more varied and interesting the games of children, the richer and wider the world around them, the brighter and more joyful their life.


Enrichment life experience

Enriching the gaming experience

Activation of communication between the teacher and children

Subject-play space

Formation of children's communication skills with each other

Develop cognitive and speech abilities:

Examination of pictures, generalization of concepts, CHL, speech exercises, didactic games, conversations, musical development: imitation of movements, rhythmoplasty.

Visual activity, physical development.

Articulatory gymnastics, tongue twisters, tongue twisters. The development of the emotional sphere.

Assistance in transferring knowledge to a conditional game plan, playing scenes in various theaters using movements accompanied by text;

Speech +

"masking by role" - the performance of secondary roles.

Direct participation of the teacher in theatrical activities, the use of problematic situations, training, the use of sketches, exercises to develop the expressiveness of speech, movements, participation in improvisations, preparation for the performance.

Types of theaters;
- illustrations;
- didactic games;
- elements of costumes;

Children's fiction;

Audio recordings;
Use of musical works;

Video films, computer technologies.

Communication games, games to correct negative manifestations.

Building a sense of self-confidence.

Instructions to help each other.


younger age

Average age

older age

Onomatopoeia for heroes;

Role Reading;

verbal improvisation;

Dialogues with toys.

Tongue Twisters;

Animation of toys: "magic wand" (dialogue)

The story of tongue twisters at a given pace, tone;

Role reading.


In intonation expressiveness (change of intonation);

In holding the breath during monologue and dialogue;

Conducting dialogues of fairy-tale characters.

Ability to put logical stress.

Use games: "Unusual words", "Spell for a fairy tale", "Cheerful rhythm"; vocal sounding exercises: like a snail, like a machine gun, like a foreigner, like a robot, etc.

Formation of expressiveness of movements

younger age

Average age

older age

preparatory group

Imitation - imitative movements;

Plastic (imagine and show);
- formation of gestures: repulsion, attraction, opening, closing;

Game: "Brook" with a different pace of movement;

Game: "In truth and make-believe."

The state of the hero through a pose, gesture, gait.

Transformation into animals with an increase in the task of movement: on ice, on a mountain, etc.


Physiological characteristics (large - clumsy, small - nimble)

Showing the imaginary actions of the subject;

The combination of movements of the legs, arms, torso.

Etudes for the development of facial expressions, gestures, the transfer of an emotional state.

Finger game training, pantomime elements (penguins are walking, horses are jumping, etc.)

Transfer of mood;

Image of the gait of objects;
- relaxation exercises;
finger training;

Movement training.

- game: "Where were we ..."

Dialogues - pantomimes: a conversation between two foreigners, a quarrel, reconciliation, etc.

Mystery pantomime;
- talking with your hands (explain the way, show the profession, etc.),

Finger pointing (stay where you are, come here)

Show body parts.

Preschool age is considered the classic age of play. During this period, a special type of children's play arises and acquires the most developed form, which in psychology and pedagogy is called plot-role play. A role-playing game is an activity in which children take on labor or social functions adults and in specially created by them game, imaginary conditions reproduce (or model) the life of adults and the relationship between them.

In such a game, all the mental qualities and personality traits of the child are most intensively formed. Game activity affects the formation of the arbitrariness of all mental processes - from elementary to the most complex. So, voluntary behavior, voluntary attention and memory begin to develop in the game. In the conditions of the game, children concentrate better and remember more than on the direct instructions of an adult. A conscious goal - to concentrate, to remember something, to restrain an impulsive movement - is the earliest and most easily distinguished by a child in the game.

The game renders big influence on the mental development of the preschooler. Acting with substitute objects, the child begins to operate in a conceivable, conditional space. The substitute object becomes a support for thinking. Gradually, play actions are reduced, and the child begins to act in the internal, mental plane. Thus, the game contributes to the fact that the child moves to thinking in images and ideas. In addition, in the game, performing different roles, the child takes different points of view and begins to see the object from different angles. This contributes to the development of the most important, mental ability of a person, which allows him to present a different view and a different point of view.

Role play is critical to the development of the imagination. Game actions take place in an imaginary situation; real objects are used as others, imaginary; the child takes on the roles of the missing characters. This practice of acting in a fictional space helps children acquire the ability for creative imagination.

According to the concept of children's play by D.B. Elkonin, role-playing is an expression of the growing connection of the child with society - a special connection characteristic of preschool age. The role-playing game expresses such a desire of the child to participate in the life of adults, which cannot be realized directly, due to the complexity of the tools of labor and their inaccessibility to the child.

Research by D.B. Elkonin showed that the role-playing game does not appear immediately. Only by the middle of preschool age does it reach a developed form. The prerequisites for the emergence of a role-playing game are:

Separation of actions from the subject and their generalization;

The use by the child of unformed (not having a clearly expressed function) objects as substitutes for others;

Separation of their actions from the actions of adults and the emergence of personal actions of the child himself;

Comparison by the child of his actions with the actions of adults and their identification;

Reproduction by a child in his actions of a chain of actions of adults, reflecting segments of their life in the usual sequence.

Many educators and psychologists who have studied the play activity of preschoolers have noted that guidance from educators is of the most significant importance for the emergence and complication of a child's play activity. So N.M. Aksarina, based on her research, came to the conclusion that three conditions are necessary for the emergence of a game:

1) the presence of various impressions of the surrounding reality;

2) the presence of various toys and educational aids;

3) frequent communication of the child with adults.

The determining factor is the direct influence of adults on the child.

Play is social in origin and in nature. Its emergence is connected not with the action of some internal, innate, instinctive forces, but with the quite definite conditions of the child's life in society.

With a more thorough analysis of D.B. Elkonin noted that external conditions, although necessary, are nevertheless insufficient in themselves for the emergence of a role-playing game. This requires a fundamental change in the relationship between the child and adults, which occurs during the period of transition from early childhood to preschool age.

Almost all authors who have described role play, unanimously note that the reality surrounding the child is of decisive importance. Children play with what they perceive around them and what is especially attractive to them.

In order for preschool children to play, they must have vivid, emotionally colored ideas about the surrounding reality. At the same time, the entire reality surrounding the child can be conditionally divided into the world of objects and the world of human activity and relationships. Research N.V. Koroleva showed the special sensitivity of children to the sphere of human activity and relationships.

In a role-playing game, first of all, the plot and content are distinguished.

The plot should be understood as the sphere of reality that children reflect in their games. The plots of the games are extremely diverse. They depend on the era, class affiliation of children, their family life, geographical and production conditions, directly surrounding them. According to D.B. Elkonin, the narrower the sphere of reality that children encounter, the narrower and more monotonous the plots of their games. He proposed to divide all the plots of role-playing games at preschool age into three groups:

1) games with stories on everyday topics;

2) games with production plots;

3) games with socio-political plots.

Younger preschoolers recreate relationships in play in a very small number of plots. As a rule, these are games related to the direct practice of the children themselves. Later, the re-creation of people's relationships becomes the main point in the game. In the game in children of middle preschool age, the actions performed are not repeated endlessly, but replace each other. At the same time, actions are performed not for the sake of the actions themselves, but in order to express a certain attitude towards another person in accordance with the role taken. These relationships can also be played out with a doll that has received a certain role. The instrumental actions performed by a middle-aged preschooler are more curtailed than those of younger preschoolers. In the plot games of middle-aged preschoolers, relationships between people become the main content. A detailed transfer of relations between people in the game teaches the child to obey certain rules. Getting to know through the game social life adults, children are more and more attached to the understanding of the social functions of people and the rules of relations between them.

Some plots of children's games are found in both younger and older preschoolers. The development of plots goes from everyday games to games with industrial plots and, finally, to games with plots of social and political events. Such a sequence, according to the scientist, is associated with the expansion of the horizons of the child and his life experience, with his entry into the ever deeper content of adult life. Educational work with children has a decisive influence on the variety of game plots.

In addition to the plot, D.B. Elkonin proposed to distinguish between the content of the role-playing game. By the content of the game, he understands what is singled out by the child as the main point of adult activity reflected in the game.

So, according to the research of L.S. Slavina, the main content of the game of younger preschoolers is the performance of certain actions with toys, in which the actions of adults with objects are reproduced.

The older children play differently. The use of the result of an action for another participant in the game (or for a doll that replaces him) comes to the fore. Actions are performed by the child no longer for their own sake, but for the realization through them of a certain relationship to another player in accordance with the role assumed. The main content is the relationship between people, the roles of which were assumed by the children. L.S. Slavina notes that the actions of children are extremely reduced and generalized, sometimes acquiring a conditional character; the older the children, the more abbreviated and generalized their actions are.

A change in the content of games can be identified not only by the nature of the actions, but also by how the game begins and what is the main cause of conflicts that arise between children. In younger children, the role is suggested by the object itself, which fell into the hands. If a child has a tube in his hands, then he is a "doctor", if a thermometer, then a "nurse", etc. The main conflicts between children arise because of the possession of the object with which the action should be performed. Therefore, very often two drivers drive at the same time, several doctors examine the patient, several mothers prepare dinner. Hence the frequent change of roles associated with the transition from one subject to another.

In children of middle preschool age, the role is formulated before the start of the game. And here the main quarrels arise because of the roles: who will be who. At the forefront are the relationships of people to each other. The action may be of a generalized nature, and its main content may be transferred to the expression of attitude towards another person (driver to passengers, mother to daughter, counselor to the conductor, etc.).

Finally, for older preschoolers, the main content of the game becomes obedience to the rules arising from the role taken on. Moreover, children of this age are extremely picky about the implementation of the rules by their playmates. And here they mainly argue around whether "it happens or not" and, in addition, the criticism of the actions of the accomplices in the game comes out clearly.

Along with the increase in the variety of plots, the duration of the games is increasing. So, the duration of the game for children of three to four years is only 10-15 minutes, for four-five-year-olds it reaches 40-50 minutes, and for older preschoolers, games can last several hours and even several days.

In the game, there are two types of relationships - game and real. Game relationships reflect relationships in plot and role. Real relationships are the relationships of children as partners, comrades, performing a common task. They can agree on the plot, the distribution of roles, discuss issues and misunderstandings that arise during the game. In play activities, certain forms of communication of children arise. The game requires from the child such qualities as initiative, sociability, the ability to coordinate their actions with the actions of a peer group in order to establish and maintain communication.

Elements of communication appear very early, when children do not yet know how to build a detailed plot game, but play individually - each on his own. Usually, during this period of development of play, the child is focused on his own actions and pays little attention to the actions of another child. However, from time to time, fed up with his own game, the baby begins to look at how another child is playing. Interest in the game of a peer just leads to attempts to establish certain relationships. The first forms of relationships are manifested in the desire of the child to approach another child, to play next to him, in the desire to give up part of the place occupied for his game, in a timid smile, presented to another at the moment when the children meet their eyes. Such easy contacts still do not change the very essence of the game: each child plays by himself, observing the "distance discipline" as much as possible.

At the next stage (at three or four years), the child begins to communicate more intensively with his peers. He is actively looking for a reason for joint activities, for establishing relationships. The duration of communication in this case depends on the extent to which the child has mastered the game use of objects, the ability to create and implement a game plan.

In a period when play consists only in performing the most elementary actions with toys (rolling a car by a rope, pouring sand from a bucket), the interaction of a child with a peer is of a short-term nature. The content of the game does not yet provide grounds for sustainable communication. At this stage, children can exchange toys, help each other; One can; to rush to help another correctly put an overturned car, and the other, correctly understanding his impulse, will kindly accept this service.

With the development of gaming skills and the complication of gaming ideas, children begin to engage in longer communication. In a joint game, children learn the language of communication, mutual understanding and mutual assistance, learn to coordinate their actions with the actions of another.

Combining children in a joint game contributes to further enrichment and complication of the content of games. Every child's experience is limited. He is familiar with the relatively narrow range of activities performed by adults. In the game there is an exchange of experience. Children learn from each other the available knowledge, turn to adults for help. As a result, games become more diverse. The complication of the content of games leads, in turn, not only to an increase in the number of participants in the game, but also to the complication of real relationships, to the need for a clearer coordination of actions.

With the development of the ability to create a detailed plot idea, plan joint activities, the child comes to the need to find a place among the players, establish connections with them, understand the desires of the players and measure their own with them. own desires and opportunities.

The foregoing allows us to conclude that the central point of any game is the reproduction of the activities of adults, their relationships. This entry into human relationships and their mastery is the essence of the game. This is what determines the great influence that play has on the development of the entire personality of a preschool child, on the development of all aspects of his mental life.

At preschool age, that relatively stable inner world is acquired, which gives grounds for the first time to call the child a personality, although not fully developed, but capable of further development and improvement. This is facilitated by play and different kinds productive activities (design, modeling, drawing, etc.), as well as the initial forms of labor and educational activities. Through play, the personality of the child is improved:

1. the motivational-need sphere develops: a hierarchy of motives arises, where social motives become more important for the child than personal ones (there is a subordination of motives);

2. cognitive and emotional egocentrism is overcome: the child, taking the role of any character, hero, etc., takes into account the peculiarities of his behavior, his position. The child needs to coordinate his actions with the actions of the character - a partner in the game. This helps to navigate the relationships between people, contributes to the development of self-awareness and self-esteem in a preschooler;

3. The arbitrariness of behavior develops: a role is played, the child seeks to bring it closer to the standard. Reproducing typical situations of human relationships in accordance with social patterns. This helps the child to comprehend and take into account the norms and rules of behavior;

4. mental actions develop: a plan of ideas is formed, the abilities and creative possibilities of the child develop.

The formation of the preschooler's plot game makes it possible to recreate in an active, visual-effective form an immeasurably wider sphere of reality, which goes far beyond the limits of the child's personal practice. In the game, the preschooler and his partners, with the help of their movements and actions with toys, actively reproduce the work and life of the surrounding adults, the events of their life, the relationship between them, etc. From the point of view of D.B. Elkonin, "the game is social in its content, in its nature, in its origin, that is, it arises from the conditions of the child's life in society." The social conditionality of the role-playing game is carried out in two ways:

1. sociality of motives;

2. social structure.

A preschooler cannot really participate in the production activities of adults, which gives rise to the child's need to recreate the world of adults in a playful way. The child himself wants to drive a car, cook dinner, and it becomes within his power, thanks to play activities. An imaginary situation is created in the game, toys are used that copy real objects, and then objects - substitutes, which, thanks to their functional features, make it possible to replace real objects. After all, the main thing for a child lies in actions with them, in recreating relationships between adults; all this introduces the preschooler to social life, makes it possible to become, as it were, a participant in it.

The social nature of the structure and modes of existence of play activity was first noted by L.S. Vygotsky, who emphasized the indirect role of speech signs in the game, their importance for specific human functions - speech thinking, arbitrary regulation of actions, etc. A preschool child, entering a group of peers, already has a certain stock of rules, patterns of behavior, some moral values ​​that have developed in him, thanks to the influence of adults and parents. A preschooler imitates close adults, adopting their manners, borrows their assessment of people, events, things. And all this is transferred to gaming activities, to communication with peers, forms the personal qualities of the child. The content of the plot of the game, preferred by the child, the features of his speech make it possible to presumably establish the type of communication of a preschooler in the family, intra-family interests and relationships.

Encouraging attitude to play activities on the part of parents is of great positive importance for the development of the child's personality. Condemnation of the game, the desire of parents to immediately switch the child to learning activities, gives rise to an intrapersonal conflict in a preschooler. The child develops a feeling of guilt, which outwardly can manifest itself in reactions of fear, a low level of claims, lethargy, passivity, and contributes to the appearance of a feeling of inferiority. Conflicts between parents or grandparents in the family are reflected in the role-playing game of a preschooler. In the conditions of play and real communication with peers, the child is constantly faced with the need to put into practice the assimilated norms of behavior, to adapt these norms and rules to a variety of specific situations. In the play activity of children, situations constantly arise that require coordination of actions, the manifestation of a benevolent attitude towards partners in the game, the ability to give up personal desires in order to achieve a common goal. In these situations, children do not always find the right ways behavior. Often conflicts arise between them, when everyone defends their rights, regardless of the rights of their peers.

The depth and duration of conflicts among preschoolers largely depend on the patterns of family communication they have learned. In the group of peers, public opinion and mutual assessment of children are gradually formed, which significantly affect the development of the child's personality. Evaluation by a peer group at preschool age is especially important. The child often tries to refrain from actions that cause disapproval of peers, seeks to earn their positive attitude. Each child occupies a certain position in the group, which is expressed in the way his peers treat him. The degree of popularity that a child enjoys depends on many reasons:

His knowledge;

mental development;

Features of behavior;

Ability to establish contact with other people;

His appearance, etc.

Peers unite in the game, taking into account personal relationships and sympathies to a greater extent, however, sometimes in game group an unpopular child falls into roles that no one wants to fulfill.

Instead of an adult, peers become regulators of the role-playing game and games with rules at the senior preschool age. They distribute the roles themselves, monitor the implementation of the rules of the game, fill the plot with the appropriate content, etc. At this age, relationships with peers in some cases become more important for the child than relationships with peers. The preschooler seeks to establish himself in his best qualities in a peer group. The actions and relationships that children play in accordance with the roles they have taken on allow them to get to know certain motives of behavior, actions, feelings of adults, but do not yet ensure their assimilation by children.

The game educates children not only by its plot side, by what is depicted in it. In the process of real relationships unfolding about the game - when discussing the content, the distribution of roles, game material, etc. - children learn to actually take into account the interests of a friend, to sympathize with him, to yield, to contribute to the common cause. As studies by S.N. Karpova and L.G. Lysyuk, attitudes about the game contribute to the development of moral motives of behavior in children, the emergence of an "internal ethical authority". The nature of the real relationships that develop between children in connection with the game depends to a large extent on the behavior of the "leaders", on the ways in which they achieve the fulfillment of their requirements (by settling, negotiating, or resorting to physical measures).

In the studies of L.G. Lysyuk considers the assimilation of the moral norm in preschoolers in various situations:

1) verbally;

2) in real life situations;

3) in a relationship about the game;

4) in plot-role relations.

Relationships with peers about the game and role-playing relationships have a significant impact on the development of the child's personality, contribute to the development of such personal qualities as mutual assistance, responsiveness, etc. Of particular importance for the development of the child's personality, for their assimilation of elementary moral standards have a relationship about the game, since it is here that the learned norms and rules of behavior are formed and actually manifested, which form the basis of the moral development of a preschooler. Form the ability to communicate in a team of peers.

One of the components of an individually differentiated approach is the creation of conditions for the child to master the position of the subject of play activity (O.V. Solntseva): designing the content of play activity, creating a step-by-step pedagogical technology for developing the independence and creativity of the child; designing a subject-game environment.

Thus, the peculiarities of the game activity of preschool children is that the game acquires the most developed form, which in psychology and pedagogy is called plot-role-playing, all the mental qualities and personality traits of the child are most intensively formed, has a great influence on the mental development of the preschooler, contributes to The fact that the child moves to thinking in images and representations is of decisive importance for the development of the imagination. This problem was dealt with by many scientists, among them D.B. Elkonin, N.M. Aksarina, N.V. Koroleva, L.S. Vygotsky and others. Almost all authors who have described role play unanimously note that the reality surrounding the child is of decisive importance for it. Children play with what they perceive around and what is especially attractive to them, the determining factor is the direct influence of adults (parents, educators) on the child.

38. The development of play activities in preschool age.

A game - a form of activity based on conditional modeling of one or another extended activity. In the works of J. Piaget, the game is interpreted in the context of the development of intellectual operations. It is postulated that it goes through three stages: sensorimotor, based on exercises, symbolic, based on the imagination of various roles, and the stage of playing by the rules, which arises with the advent of socialized and objectified symbols - signs.

L. S. Vygotsky proposed a detailed theory of children's play, which postulated the following: play is the fulfillment of desires, but not individual, but generalized; the game is based on the creation of an imaginary situation when the child assumes the role of an adult; in every game there are rules that the child consciously follows; in the game there is an operation with meanings torn off from their carriers, but this operation is carried out in an external form; the game is the leading activity of preschool age.

This theory found its development in the works of Elkonin, in which, on the basis of a large amount of factual material, it was shown that the game not only draws its plots from the living conditions of children, but is also social in its inner content, i.e. arises from the conditions of life of children, primarily in society.

S.L. Rubinstein saw the specifics of children's play primarily in its specific motives associated with the children's direct experiences of the phenomena of the world around them.

In the individual development of the child, play becomes the leading activity at preschool age, it is in connection with its development that the most important changes are made in the child's psyche and preparations are made for the transition to a new stage of development.

Development of gaming activity. At different stages of development, children tend to different games in logical accordance with the general nature of this stage.

At first, in the first year, in the first half of the second year When a child is still developing motor skills and his first achievements are mastering his own body, he has games that are sometimes called functional, because they are only about improving their own motor capabilities.

As the child develops genuine objective action, he creates opportunities for the development of constructive games (construction games). Here, it is no longer movement that becomes play activity, but a purposeful action performed with an object and directed at an object, a meaningful objective action. He develops comprehension of the phenomena surrounding him and semantic, plot games appear; in these games, the objects surrounding the child acquire new meanings for him, imaginary functions, and he himself begins to play some roles.

Plot games are observed in younger preschoolers at the age of 3-3.5 years. But the plots in the games of younger preschoolers are still sketchy and fragmentary. It is still difficult for a child to develop his ideas and even more difficult to follow the ideas of another child. Children have a desire to play together, but they do not understand each other's intentions well, therefore, on the one hand, there is a frequent change in the plot, a change in the internal content of the game, and, on the other hand, the connections between children in the game are not stable, not logical and not motivated. Roles in the game sometimes arise, but do not receive formalization.

At middle preschoolers (4 5 years old) the role and the plot of the game acquire a well-known form, although they still remain unstable. The role begins to acquire a leading, organizing value; the rules of the game begin to be determined by its semantic meaning; but games are not yet stable and often fall apart quickly; some children already show the ability to interest other children in their game and follow someone else's plan.

At senior preschoolers (6 7 years old) there are already long games with a well-established plot, with the implementation of the rules that are included in the role and are determined by the plot of the game. Their choice of plot is less random; games are defined by relatively more stable interests.

The development of story games is associated with the mental development of the child with the ability to imagine something, focus on various aspects of reality, relatively independently, creatively process the material received, understand the logic of human actions in a certain situation. The development of creative play is also associated with the ability to dramatize, to depict the material.

Further, there is increasing interest in collective games. Children clearly agree on who will be who. The game of children by its nature begins to resemble a kind of dramatization, where there is a director (organizer of games) and actors. There is a conscious and targeted preparation of the game. Preparation for the game (making game material, costumes, etc.) occupies a significant place.

This type of game is usually for the senior group of kindergarten.

STRUCTURE: the roles assumed by the players; game actions as a means of realizing these roles; game use of the subject; real relationships between the players.

In the game, the formation of the arbitrary behavior of the child, his socialization takes place. The study of children's play through observation, interpretation, allows you to realize the uniqueness of the way a child communicates with the world around him (for example, play is the basis of the method of treating emotional and behavioral disorders in children - Play Psychotherapy).

The development of role-playing games does not end at preschool age. In the life of children not only of junior, but also of middle school, these games occupy a certain place.

28 11.2016

Hello, friends! I am very glad to meet you. Today's topic, I think, will not leave anyone of you indifferent. We will play first. Do you agree?

So, put on the masks of kids and sheep, 2 kids and 2 sheep. Let's start playing:

“Two gray goats went for a walk by the river.

Two white sheep jumped up to them.

And now we need to know

How many animals came for a walk?

One, two, three, four, we have not forgotten anyone -

Two lambs, two kids, only four animals!”

And now let's talk. Can you tell me how much two plus two is? Your answer is four. Correctly.

Which option did you like best? Play with masks or solve examples?

Now remember, how often does your child pester you with a request to play something with him? And if he does not stick, then what does he do during the day? Does he draw, play alone or watch cartoons?

The game as the main activity is inherent in all children of preschool age. The games of young children, of course, will differ from the games of older preschoolers in structure, form, and content. To know what to play with children of different ages, psychologists distinguish types of play activities for preschoolers.

N. B. Dear Parents! Try to be for your kids not only a mentor, but also the first friend in games. First, you still spend most of your time with him. Secondly, the child needs to play for experience and development.

Thirdly, when playing with a child, you will be sure that his entertainment is not aggressive, does not embody negative events and does not have a traumatic effect on the psyche of the baby.

Play as a necessity

The baby begins to play almost immediately after birth. Already at the age of 1-2 months, the baby tries to reach the rattle, catch his mother's finger or hit a rubber toy. Toddlers actively learn about the world around them through play activities, which are commonly called leading.

Each stage of life and development has its own type of leading activity:

  • gaming- preschool child
  • Educational- pupil and student
  • Labor- after graduating in adolescence

The game changes its content, but always adheres to a single goal - development. We do not understand why the baby takes our requests to sit down and write sticks and hooks so hard and bleakly. And with what enthusiasm she takes up the same sticks, if mom beat the problem in an interesting and fun way.

But do not think that this process is easy for a child. Everything needs to be learned, including the game.

Like any other process of development and cognition, gaming activity needs a basis, a base. For this, an objective environment is created for the development of gaming activities. It is similar to organizing a joint or independent activity through the use of the necessary manuals and materials.

Well, let's look at what types of games there are. Their classification is very extensive, so let's try to move from large parts to their components. Conventionally, they can be divided into four groups:

  1. Role-playing
  2. Movable
  3. Theatrical or staged
  4. Didactic

Now let's look at each of these groups in more detail.

There is a plot, take the roles

Role-playing game speaks for itself. But a child can go to it after mastering its simpler types. First, these are actions with objects aimed at getting to know them, studying their properties. Then comes the period of game-manipulation, when the object acts as a substitute for something from the world of adults, that is, the baby reflects the reality around him.

Preschoolers come to the role-playing game by 5-6 years, although the beginnings of it can be seen already at the age of about 3 years. By the beginning of the 4th year of life, babies have an increase in activity, a craving for knowledge and socialization, for joint activities and creativity.

Toddlers of younger preschool age cannot yet play for a long time, and their plots are unpretentious. But already at such a young age, we can appreciate initiative, imagination, the assimilation of moral norms and rules of conduct.

For convenience, everything role-playing games subdivided into subgroups by subject:

  • Games with natural materials. They are aimed at direct acquaintance with the natural world, the study of the properties and conditions of water, sand, clay. Such a game is able to captivate even the most restless little one, it develops a careful attitude to nature, inquisitiveness, and thinking.
  • Household games. They reflect interpersonal relations in the child's family in the best possible way, events and situations that happened to the child are played in them, and status relations between family members are fixed.

N. B. If you carefully follow the children's games in the "family", you can sometimes notice how the children in the game are trying to realize their desires. For example, in the game "Birthday" you can understand how the baby sees the holiday, what gift he dreams of, whom he wants to invite, etc. This can serve as a hint for us to better understand our own children.

  • "Professional" games. In them, kids display their vision of representatives of different professions. Most often, children play "Hospital", "School", "Shop". More enterprising take on roles that require active action and speech embodiment. They often act as doctors, teachers and salesmen.
  • Games with a patriotic meaning. It is interesting for children to play them, but it is difficult if they have little information. Here, stories at home and in kindergarten about the heroic periods of the country, about the events and heroes of that time will come to the rescue. These can be reflections of a space or military theme.
  • Games-embodiments of plots of literary works, movies, cartoons or stories. Children can play "Just you wait!", "Winnie the Pooh" or "Baywatch"

Salochki - skipping ropes

Movable games They also occupy a very large part of the time of a preschooler. At first, outdoor games are in the nature of chaotic chaotic movements of arms and legs, the baby is massaged and gymnastics until he learns to stand. The "sliders" already have a favorite outdoor game - catch up.

When a child already knows how to walk and move independently, this is where the era of outdoor games begins. Wheelchairs and rocking chairs, cars and balls, sticks and cubes are used. Outdoor games can not only improve health and develop physically, they also contribute to the education of willpower, the development of character, actions according to the rules.

Kids are all very different, so you need to play games with them that are aimed at different areas of development.

After a noisy game of "Cat and Mouse", where the mouse cannot always run away from the cat, you can switch the children's attention to the collective movement. In this case, the poor "mouse" will not have to be alone with the fast and dexterous "cat", and she will be able to get lost in the crowd.

N. B. It happens that a physically poorly developed baby gets upset after the game and refuses to play further. For a child whose developmental features you know well, try to select games with such movements in which he can show himself.

Maybe he can hang on the horizontal bar well and for a long time, then the game “Above the foot from the ground” will fit perfectly. Or he knows how to do somersaults perfectly, then offer him to measure the minutes in bear cubs in the game “Bunny, Bunny, what time is it?”

A feature of outdoor games at any age is their positive effect on the mood and well-being of children. But you should not include live and noisy games in the child's daily routine after dinner. Overexcitation of the nervous system can prevent the baby from falling asleep quickly and having a good night's sleep.

Psychologists even note sleep disturbance in babies with the onset of a period of active physical development up to a year and during the development of walking skills. And the older the child, the more diverse his movements.

Stanislavsky would have liked...

Staging and staging in preschool age take their place of honor in a number of games. Theatrical art has a huge impact on the psyche of kids; when staged, they get used to the image so much that they even begin to worry about their hero.

Preschoolers usually love theatrical performances when they are the main performers,

The main condition for conducting theatrical games, dramatizations on the topic of a literary work, is the work of a director (adult), who needs to organize children so that it is not boring, distribute roles and bring to life.

In addition, the director monitors the relationship of the characters and must be ready to intervene if a conflict is suddenly planned.

Usually, for a dramatization game, they take a work that has an educational character. In the process of playing, children understand the essence and idea of ​​the work easier and deeper, imbued with meaning and morality. And for this, the attitude of the adult himself to the work and how it was originally presented to children, what intonations and artistic techniques it was filled with is of great importance.

Costumes help children get closer to the image of their hero. Even if it is not a whole costume, but only a small attribute, this may be enough for a small actor.

Dramatization games and theatrical performances are held with children of middle and senior preschool age. At 5-6 years old, the child will already be able to work in a team, taking into account the significance and importance of each role in the overall activity.

"Correct" rules

Another one large group games for preschoolers . This is a game in which the child comprehends certain knowledge, skills and consolidates skills. This is a game in which there are clear boundaries for the activities of each participant, there are strict rules, there is a goal and a mandatory end result. I think you guessed that this section deals with didactic games.

These games can be played from an early age. As the baby grows up, the didactic game will be transformed, more complicated, new goals will be added.

The most important criterion for selecting and setting a goal for a didactic game should be the level of development of the child at a given time. An adult leading the process must be at least half a step ahead in order to give the child the opportunity to show effort, ingenuity, creativity and mental abilities to solve the problem.

Didactic games always carry the grain of learning or consolidation. To successfully master new knowledge, a child needs a start, a good start. This will help him in the future.

N. B. Relying on own experience teacher, psychologist and just a mother, every time I am amazed at how much the child changes, his behavior and perception of the words of an adult, one has only to pick up a toy that suddenly turns to the baby.

What we cannot achieve with simple requests is easily achieved at the request of a favorite toy or fairy-tale character. And every time you are convinced that there is no better way to influence a child than a game, and cannot be. That's for sure))

Children are created certain conditions in which they need to make decisions, give in to each other, act together, or, conversely, the result will depend on the actions of each.

With the help of a didactic game, we can initiate children into the secrets of physical phenomena, speaking to them in a simple, accessible language, regulate manifestations of character or correct behavior.

As a rule, they are welcomed by children, they like to see the results of their activities. Moreover, the kid will be able to enjoy the result from the very beginning of the introduction of a didactic game into his regimen.

As you can see, play activity is simply necessary for a child in preschool childhood, for him it is his life, his everyday life. And it is in our power to make these everyday life not just filled with various tasks, but with tasks-games, fun, educational, noisy and bright. After all, we all know that kids like everything bright and memorable.

A playing child is a happy child who lives his childhood, breathing in the aroma of love, entertainment, adventure and new interesting knowledge.

In conclusion, I would like to quote the words of the famous Soviet teacher and writer Vasily Sukhomlinsky. You listen to them and understand what play really means for a child.

“A game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around flows into the spiritual world of a child. The game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity.

There is nothing to add.

We offer only to watch the seminar d.p.s. Smirnova E.O., and you will see for sure how important the game is in the life of every child:

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