What to do if you get bitten by a mosquito. After a mosquito bite

  • 15.06.2019

A mosquito bite is a small nuisance that can lead to big problems. , burning, allergic reactions, infection infectious diseases- the consequences of meeting with an insect can be unpredictable. Means of both official medicine and folk medicine will help to neutralize unpleasant symptoms and protect a person.

Another classic of Russian literature at one time wisely remarked that he would love summer if it were not for mosquitoes with flies along with heat and dust. Indeed, these small insects can spoil any positive emotions that the warm season can give us. Of course, there are such "thick-skinned" people who simply do not notice mosquito bites. But, alas, they are in the vast minority. For most, mosquitoes cause a lot of physical and even moral suffering. According to statistics, almost every first one is forced from time to time to look for an answer to a vital question for them - what to do if a mosquito bites.

Why are mosquito bites dangerous?

Mosquitoes are ubiquitous insects, they live anywhere in the world, and therefore a meeting with them is guaranteed to every inhabitant of the planet. It would seem that one could not pay any attention to these bloodsuckers. But no - they themselves do everything so that a person remembers their visit for a long time:

  • the place of the mosquito bite immediately turns red, swells (see) and begins to itch unpleasantly;
  • in some cases, the consequences of a mosquito bite can spread to the entire body in the form of a number of allergic symptoms - fever, swelling, inflammation, skin rashes;
  • if mosquitoes attacked en masse, then the swelling will be clearly expressed, and the itching will develop into a burning sensation;
  • in especially sensitive people, an insect bite can be very painful and appear as a bruise;
  • infection with infectious diseases (in particular, malaria or fever) is possible - naturally, in this case we are not talking about our own, native, Russian mosquitoes, but about their counterparts from exotic countries.

In general, whatever the reaction of your body to a bite, in any case, nothing pleasant awaits you. And this means that the question: how to get rid of mosquito bites - will always be relevant.

Preventive measures for mosquito bites

Treatment of mosquito bites will require more effort from a person than protection from them. Therefore, in the fight against bloodsucking insects, first of all, you need to worry about preventive measures.

"Don't get bitten" - we will help you to put this motto into practice mechanical means protection, repellents sold in pharmacies and folk ways. The first includes various mosquito nets that you can buy or make yourself - the main thing is that they can serve as a shield between you and insects.

As for repellents, they are presented in pharmacies in various forms:

  • creams - convenient to apply, but unpleasant to use in the heat;
  • lotions - quickly absorbed and therefore ineffective in the long term;
  • sprays - the most popular type of repellent due to ease of use - easy to apply and leaves no residue;
  • emulsions - are considered the most effective because of their concentration, which allows them to act up to 6-8 hours after application, but you need to protect the skin from them.

Attention! Before purchasing this or that remedy, you should consider whether the drug contains ingredients that your body may react with allergic manifestations.

Folk remedies for mosquito bites

If you do not trust the pharmaceutical industry, if contact with chemicals is not desirable for you for health reasons, or if you do not have the opportunity to purchase a pharmacy product, if you need to protect against, then you can turn to home remedies for help. The popular rating of assistants in the fight against mosquitoes is as follows:

  • bouquets of flowers and branches - you can make compositions of elder or daisies, tomato shoots or bird cherry, wormwood or basil. Placed around the perimeter of the room, they will protect it from the penetration of uninvited guests;
  • essential oils- the smells of cloves, geraniums, cedar, eucalyptus will also scare away insects;
  • home remedies to lubricate or spray the skin - a bag of vanillin diluted in warm water or mixed with baby cream, a decoction of crushed wormwood roots, valerian tincture.

Folk remedies protection is good because they can be used by children. While most products sold in pharmacies have an age limit.

How to deal with the effects of mosquito bites

Of course, it's good if mosquito protection is reliable. But there can be no absolute certainty about this. Therefore, you need to arm yourself with knowledge about how to smear mosquito bites, how to treat the bite site in order to relieve the unpleasant symptoms of itching and burning. And again, medicine will come to your aid:

  • alcohol - it will cool the bite site and disinfect it;
  • antihistamine ointments to neutralize inflammation and relieve inflammation on the skin (Fenistil, Prednisolone, Levosin);
  • ointments with the effect of anesthesia, healing and recovery (Bepanten, Psilo-balm, Nezulin);
  • aspirin, which must be crushed into powder and mixed with a drop of water.

The problem is that many of the medications have contraindications for use: they cannot be used by pregnant women and children under three years of age. In this case, you need to turn to folk remedies.

Folk remedies for mosquito bites

Traditional medicine offers many remedies for relieving the symptoms of itching and burning in areas of the skin that have been attacked by bloodsuckers. First of all, they will help children - because they have a very thin skin, and therefore bite marks on it can persist for quite a long time. Here are some options for anointing mosquito bites to alleviate the condition of the victim:

  • kefir, yogurt or sour cream - fermented milk products have a mild soothing effect on the area of ​​irritation;
  • pure aloe juice or lemon juice diluted with water will not only soothe, but also heal the problem area;
  • mint toothpaste - cools, soothes, relieves irritation;
  • an ordinary ice cube - you need to hold it at the bite site for about 10 minutes, but not longer, otherwise you will have to deal with frostbite of the skin afterwards;
  • nettle, dandelion or onion juice, as well as juice from ground parsley, plantain and mint;
  • lavender oil - it will give a pleasant smell and soothe the skin;
  • apple cider vinegar - soothes the skin, neutralizes redness and plays the role of an antiseptic;
  • balm "Asterisk".

Find out how to help your child with. What is the danger of bites.

Do you know what to do if? Read how to properly stretch the sting and help with an allergic reaction to a bite.

How is it different from a bee sting? How to neutralize wasp venom?

In addition, cold compresses based on potassium permanganate, sea salt or baking soda will have a good effect, to which you can add cornmeal. Remember that cold is the main condition in the fight against the effects of bites. If the child is too intense: his temperature rises, his breathing is confused and the inflammation manifests itself too actively, call a doctor.

"Ouch! A mosquito bit me!" If you are a pessimist or have been guilty of past life, then you can immediately prepare for redness, swelling, nasty itching and a good dozen repeated bites in the same place. For most lucky people, a mosquito bite ends up negligible for the proteins contained in the saliva of the insect. This reaction takes place within a few hours. But in some cases, the consequences can be much more serious - it can be a severe allergic reaction, or infection with one or transmission infections, the pathogens of which are carried by mosquitoes. Such diseases include Zika fever, West Nile fever and numerous encephalitis caused by arboviruses.

Help with a mosquito bite

So, what should you do if you become a tasty morsel for mosquitoes? Here are a few key recommendations for this case.

Wash the affected area. Damage to the skin can lead to infection and other complications. Wash the bite site thoroughly with soap and water, such as oatmeal. Oat extract cleanses and gently disinfects the skin, moisturizes it and relieves itching.

Use an anti-itch cream. A calamine-based lotion is suitable, which will quickly and effectively relieve discomfort. A hydrocortisone cream will prevent or eliminate swelling and inflammation.

Apply ice or a cold compress to the bite site. This will reduce swelling and reduce sensitivity and itching.

Take an antihistamine such as Trexil. It is necessary in the event of an allergic reaction to a mosquito bite.

Whatever happens, don't scratch the bite!

For most people, especially for, scratching the itchy bite is the very first and natural reaction. Unfortunately, this only provides momentary relief. Moreover, scratching only provokes inflammation, which is the stronger, the more we scratch. It is almost certain that when scratching, an infection will get under the skin. The most that can be done with severe itching is to slap on the sore spot or press it firmly - this will also temporarily reduce the unpleasant sensation, but will not aggravate the situation.

When should you seek help after a bite?

A mosquito bite usually goes away without a trace in one or two days. But if redness, itching and swelling do not disappear, this means that an infection has got into the wound and professional treatment is necessary.

More serious symptoms that should never be ignored are fever, headache pain in muscles and joints.

About home remedies for mosquito bites

In the household, there are many improvised remedies that help to quickly cure insect bites. Here are some of them.

Tablespoon. Many believe that a spoon pressed against the bite helps relieve itching and inflammation. In our opinion, the spoon should be cold and silver, that is, it should have antiseptic qualities. The myth that you need to apply a warm spoon has no scientific basis.

Onion. The juice of a fresh onion can bring relief, but until tears come out of your eyes from this procedure. Then you will no longer be able to bite. Of course, onion juice should not be rubbed into bites on the face, near the eyes and nose.

Candles for hemorrhoids. Phenylephrine, the active ingredient in rectal suppositories, relieves swelling in the area of ​​hemorrhoids. The same effect is achieved in places stung by mosquitoes.

Lemon or lime juice. It has antibacterial properties, cleanses the skin and relieves severe itching. The citrus aroma serves and prevents new bites. Try not to go out into bright sunlight - citrus juice can cause burns.

Toothpaste. Many argue that toothpaste applied to the affected areas makes the skin less itchy.

Baking soda. Sodium bicarbonate has an alkaline reaction and promotes faster healing mosquito bites, since in places of inflammation there is an acidic environment that promotes the reproduction of pathogens, microbes and fungi.

Table salt. Sodium chloride has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, it draws excess water from the skin and relieves swelling. Add a little water to a teaspoon of salt and rub the resulting paste into the bite.

Apple vinegar. In places of bites, you can make lotions with a cotton swab. If the hands or feet are injured, then you can make a bath of two or three glasses apple cider vinegar diluted with water. Of course, acidic lotions are not made immediately after applying baking soda, since the effect will be reduced to zero.

Basil. Grind the basil leaves in a mortar and apply the gruel on the skin. The camphor contained in the plant will reduce the sensitivity of the skin, give a pleasant coolness and soothe severe itching. , as well as the smell of citrus, mosquitoes do not like.

Alcohol. No, it's not at all what you think. You don't have to make a gin and tonic. Alcohol is required in order to disinfect the bite site. Although... Did you know that mixing gin and tonic was invented by officers of the British colonial troops in India, who were being treated for mosquito-borne malaria? Quinine, a malaria drug, is very bitter in taste, and the British began to mix water, lime juice and gin to drink the powder. The treatment of fever became more pleasant. And returning to the metropolis, the former military did not give up the acquired habit.

Be careful when applying the described home remedies. People react to them in different ways. For example, citrus fruits can cause no less severe allergies in children than mosquito saliva. If possible, in case of allergies, consult your doctor.

How to get rid of mosquito bites once and for all?

Don't want to be bitten by mosquitoes this summer and beyond? Installing a new mosquito trap

For the average resident of Russia, a mosquito bite is a mild and quickly disappearing rash. In most regions of our country, especially in Western Siberia and the Arctic, mosquitoes greatly annoy people during the period of mass flight. There are places where mosquitoes are carriers of infection.

I. Mosquitoes - vectors of human diseases

Diseases associated with mosquito bites are malaria, encephalitis, and some helminthiases. Imported and local forms of diseases are registered in Russia.

According to WHO, up to 200 million people fall ill with malaria each year, and up to 600,000 people die worldwide.

The introduction of the pathogen into the human body occurs after a mosquito punctures a capillary or blood vessel. Diseases transmitted by arthropods are called transmissible.

Infection of people from the bites of blood-sucking insects occurs in the following climatic zones:

    in tropical countries - all year round;

    in temperate regions - seasonally, if

    the average daily air temperature is above 16-20 o C for 35 or more days in a row;

    in any locality, if there are moist biotopes for the development of mosquito larvae and in in large numbers favorite animals live - victims of these insects.

The danger of vector-borne diseases is as follows:

    mosquito bites are usually not noticed by a person;

    the first symptoms of the disease may not appear for a long time;

    the diagnosis of most of these infections is difficult for doctors in prosperous regions;

    treatment has its own characteristics (antibiotics are useless for protozoal, viral and helminthic diseases, they are used only as adjuvants for some transmissible helminthiases).

The causative agents of diseases transmitted by mosquito bites have a different biological nature:

The simplest, nosological form:

    malaria, its types - tropical, three-four-day fever, oval malaria.

Viruses, nosological forms:

    Complications after the disease in the form of deficiency of functions nervous system. Damage to other organs and systems is possible.

    Clinical manifestations of the acute period of the disease in the form of lesions:

    lymph nodes with lymphatic congestion and enlargement separate parts body;

    eye with partial/complete loss of vision;

    subcutaneous tissue - migration of dirofilaria: a person feels movement under the skin;

Severe headaches, fever, allergic rashes are characteristic. In the absence of treatment, a person is doomed to a long-term carriage of helminths.

What can be done to prevent infections transmitted by mosquitoes?

It is necessary to get vaccinated against dangerous tropical infections in advance before the upcoming trip to countries with an unfavorable epidemiological situation. Protective (protective) properties of vaccines are formed for a long time.

Current Listings countries that are disadvantaged in this regard and the addresses of vaccination points in the regions of Russia are updated annually and posted on the official website of Rospotrebnadzor.

For example, as of 2014, there were 35 vaccination points throughout Russia, which had all the conditions for vaccination against yellow fever.

Not all tropical diseases can be avoided by vaccination. Use funds personal protection(repellents, insecticides, curtains, Pavlovsky mosquito nets, fumigators, electronic repellers) when visiting potentially dangerous natural objects.

General Precautions - effective remedy prevention of vector-borne diseases.

Which repellent to choose?

Repellents are used to repel mosquitoes and ticks. These products are intended for application to the skin and clothing. The active ingredients in mosquito repellants belong to one of three types:

    DEET in concentrations from 1 to 50%, the minimum concentration is suitable for children, the maximum for adults in field conditions);

    DMF - dimethyl phtholate, which is used to a limited extent, since it is ineffective against ticks (they impregnate mosquito nets);

    IR3535 at a concentration of 10% is allowed for application to the skin of a child from one year old.

Sometimes essential oils of plants (geranium, juniper) are used as repellents. The effectiveness of such protective agents is much lower than that of special chemical compositions. Repellents based on aromatic oils should be used only in urban areas.

Attention! Possible individual intolerance to repellents, including vegetable ones.

Repellents are produced in the form of:

    aerosol - application to open areas skins and clothes;

    cream, milk, gel - application to the skin;

    electronic devices (do not contain DEET).

Popular brands of repellents:

Raptor, Mosquitail, Gardex, OFF!, Reftamid, DEET, Komaroff, OZZ, Ultraton, ThermaCell - electronic portable devices, BugSTOP - mosquito bracelets for children and adults. The best means effectively protect against bites for 4 to 8 hours.

When choosing a product abroad, to eliminate the risk of purchasing an insecticide under the guise of a repellent, be guided by the name of the active substance - DEET (DETA) or IR3535. Require a certificate and state registration of goods (possible in some countries). Buy repellents in pharmacies.

Which insecticide to choose?

Insecticides kill mosquitoes and other insects. It is forbidden to apply such compositions to the skin. Insecticides can only be used on outer clothing using coarse aerosols or indoor air spraying.


Pyrethroids are the only group of modern insecticides. These are synthetic analogues of natural substances (pyrethrins) formed by the flowers of African chamomile species. They are produced industrially in the form of an oily liquid under the trade names:

    Alpha-allethrin (English d-allethrin, Pynamin, d-allethrin, d-cisallethrin, Bioallethrin, Esbiothrin, Pyresin, Pyrexcel, Pyrocide, trans-allethrin);

    Transfluthrin (English Baygon, Baythrin);

    Prallethrin or Etoc.

Insecticides use low concentrations of the active ingredient. When buying, be sure to pay attention to its percentage. Low concentrations are suitable for children and under normal conditions, high concentrations are suitable for short-term use in harsh conditions - in the jungle, savannah.

Outdated active ingredients of insecticides - FOS (organophosphorus compounds dichlorvos, chlorophos, karbofos, dust, DDT) are prohibited for use!

Insecticides are commercially available in the following forms:

    Liquid (treatment of outerwear, open spaces, premises);

    Plate for electrofumigator (spraying insecticides in the form of ultra-low-volume aerosols in the premises);

    Aerosol (spray in the form of coarse sprays indoors and on outerwear).

Popular trade marks insecticides and repellents are the same. There are brands that produce exclusively insecticides (Fumitoks, Veles).

When choosing an insecticide abroad, as well as when buying a repellent, be guided by the name of the active substance. Ask for a certificate, state registration for the purchased goods. Buy insecticides from local pharmacies.

How to choose a mosquito net or Pavlovsky net?

Some hotels in the tropical zone provide bed curtains to protect the bed from mosquitoes, be sure to use them. Going on an individual tour or a business trip to hot countries, take a portable bed curtain with you.

When choosing, focus on:

    the quality of the material from which the network is made;

    cell size;

    seam strength.

Mosquito net Pavlovsky

This is a simple device for personal use to protect the head, neck and upper body from insect bites. There are products for sale from different manufacturers. The mesh is impregnated with one of the repellents, usually DEET (diethyltoluamide) or DMF (dimethyl phtholate).

Benefits of the Pavlovsky grid- light weight, no need to apply insecticides to clothes and change into a special uniform. Certified nets impregnated with a composition developed by Academician E.N. Pavlovsky, have a deterrent property for up to two months. When visiting places with a high density of the midge population, you need to additionally use a mosquito net - a hat and a mosquito net - a net.

How to make a Pavlovsky mosquito net with your own hands?

On knitting needles made of cotton or linen yarn, you need to knit a mesh cape in the form of a scarf, scarf or collar. Yarn should be chosen hygroscopic (well absorbing moisture). The finished product must be impregnated with one of the repellents (see above) and dried. To be worn by an adult or child over the shoulders. Its validity period is up to 10 days after a single impregnation. If necessary, the mesh can be reprocessed. A certified mesh sold in a retail network has a longer repellent effect - up to 2 months.

How to make a mosquito net - a canopy for a baby stroller?

The material for the canopy can be thick gauze or a special mosquito net, which is sold in the store. Need to define required size, sew an elastic band or braid along the edge, cover the stroller with the resulting canopy and tighten the edges to prevent mosquitoes from getting inside.

With a small number natural enemies feeding on insect larvae, the mosquito population of the Russian middle lane, Western Siberia and the Arctic reaches enormous proportions. Diptera (mosquitoes, midges, midges, horseflies, flies) form a community of blood-sucking insects that have a common name - midges.

Species of local mosquitoes may well be carriers of infections dangerous to humans. However, the development of pathogens in a mosquito and human infection does not occur. In most regions of our country, the amount of summer temperatures sufficient for the development of an infectious agent in a mosquito is not observed. The necessary conditions for the development of infectious agents, see above.

The main limiting factor in the spread of vector-borne infections in a temperate and harsh climate is the short period of active life of the mosquito.

How long does a mosquito live after being bitten?

The bloodsucker is exclusively a female mosquito. Blood is used by her as the main source of energy necessary for the development of fertilized eggs.

The development cycle of a mosquito consists of four stages:

    the egg is in the body of the female;

    larva - in the reservoir, four instars of mosquito larvae were established;

    pupa - in a pond, wet substrate;

The duration of the stage of development of fertilized eggs depends on the ambient temperature. For example, at a temperature of 16 ° C, it is 2-4 days. This period is the life time of a mosquito after a bite. The repeated activity of the female for the purpose of bearing offspring is unlikely (there is no biological expediency). After laying eggs, the individual dies.

In the conditions of Western Siberia, only one generation (generation) of mosquitoes is recorded. In subtropical conditions - 3-4 generations, in hot countries - up to 8-10 generations. in hot and temperate climate the duration of the individual life of a bloodsucker does not differ significantly.

The life expectancy of mosquitoes (males and females) that have not received blood in the summer is from several days to four months.

The lower the ambient temperature, the longer the mosquito's lifespan.

At low temperatures, mosquitoes are most of the time in an inactive state, they do not take part in reproduction. For this reason, infectious agents do not develop in a cool climate. Vector-borne diseases that circulate for a long time in the fauna with the participation of susceptible wild and domestic animals are called natural focal diseases.

Transmission of infections from mosquitoes to humans and animals occurs transovarially. This is a method of spreading the pathogen inside the body, when, when bitten by a sick person (animal), the pathogen is absorbed by the mosquito along with the blood, after which the infection passes into the eggs of the female mosquito, and from there into the larva (chrysalis), and completes development in the adult to:

    a full-fledged pathogen (protozoosis, bacteria, virus).

As a result, the entire next generation of adults becomes carriers of the infection.

The first symptoms appear after a while in the form of itching, burning, inflammation of local areas of the body. Symptoms of a bite of infectious and sterile mosquitoes are practically the same.

Red spots after mosquito bites

The formation of small red blisters at the site of a mosquito bite is a natural response of the body. A blister is a variant of the primary rash in the form of a small swelling on the skin, disappearing without a trace in a short time.

Red spots and rash that appeared on the skin through long time after a bite - a reason to exclude an infectious or invasive disease. Clinical examination, microscopy, allergic and immunological methods are used to determine the cause of the rash.

Clinical observation:

Rash characteristic of vector-borne diseases, accompanied by fever, aching muscles, headaches.

Laboratory methods:

    Blood test for malaria. A drop of blood is applied to a glass slide (thick drop method), the sample is examined under a microscope in order to detect Plasmodium, the causative agent of malaria. Differentiation of the type of malaria is carried out in a thin layer of blood stained by the Giemsa method.

    Exclusion Research. It is carried out using a skin test to determine IgE reagins in the patient's blood. High level reagin indicates helminthic invasion or atopic allergy.

Itching from a mosquito bite

Attention! For this purpose, repellents and insecticides in the form of gels, creams and aerosols should not be used. They won't get rid of the itch.

Mosquito squeaks often cause debilitating nervous itching in people, especially at night. For a comfortable sleep, it is necessary to use fumigators.

The principle of operation of the fumigator is based on heating and spraying the insecticide in a plate or in liquid form. The safety of the drug for humans is guaranteed by a particularly small amount of the substance in environment. The process of thermal sublimation of insecticides occurs in the device from:

    electrical network (stationary version);

    pocket battery (portable device, convenient for use in nature).

Portable fumigators have been developed for individual wear on the body in the form of bracelets or compact devices attached to the belt. Such devices can be used even when moving.

You will need:

    stearin candle, matches;

    metal (tin) container;

    insecticide in liquid form (see above) and ordinary water.

A clean empty tin can is suitable as a container. The insecticide must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:100 and pour a small amount (5-10 ml) into a jar. A jar of insecticide solution must be heated with a burning candle. Complete evaporation of such a volume of insecticide (5-10 ml) is enough to kill mosquitoes that have flown into a tourist tent ( small room). If necessary, repeat the procedure, ventilate the tent, and carry out the treatment at least three hours before going to bed.

Attention! Individual intolerance to insecticides is possible. Install fumigators at a distance of more than one meter from the bed.

Itchy bloodsuckers are mosquitoes.

A mosquito bite is familiar to everyone. In the warm season, almost all people dream of how to get rid of mosquito bites that cause severe itching and local redness. Let's see how to help and reduce itching after a mosquito bite.

Mosquito bite

Despite the squeak emitted by the insect during flight, most often the very moment of the bite goes unnoticed. Only after a few minutes, a mosquito bite manifests itself as follows:

  • itching at the site of injury;
  • swelling at the site of injury;
  • redness at the site of the bite.

Outwardly, the bite looks like a small red blister with the most intense color in the center. There is no poison in mosquito saliva, and it is impossible to get poisoned.

It is because of this that many often wonder why mosquito bites itch. Insect saliva contains anticoagulants that prevent blood clotting and cause a local allergic reaction. A mosquito bite is diagnosed visually.

Possible Complications

Complications of mosquito bites are of 2 types. The first is the manifestation of an allergy to mosquito bites in children. Allergy symptoms are:

  • increased body temperature;
  • headache;
  • severe nausea;
  • general malaise;
  • runny nose;
  • cough;
  • rash;
  • significant swelling in the bite area.

Allergic reaction to a mosquito bite

In order to get rid of such consequences, it is enough to take an antihistamine.

Adults, as a rule, do not require treatment in the absence of an allergy to mosquitoes, and with very severe itching, it is enough just to lubricate the affected area with alcohol. It is only important to remember that no matter how itchy bites are, you can’t comb them, as this will only worsen the situation.

First aid for mosquito bites is necessary for children. Their body is hard to tolerate insect damage and responds to it with a violent reaction. The procedure for a mosquito bite in a child is as follows:

Wash the bite site with baby or laundry soap.
Apply an ice pack or soaked in cold water cloth to relieve swelling from a mosquito bite.
Relieve itching from mosquito bites using a sunburn remedy or a thick paste made from baking soda diluted with a little water.
Be sure to take an allergy pill: Suprastin, Tavegil.
Apply cream or ointment against insect bites to the affected area. The most popular drug is Fenistil gel. Well helps creams Gistan, Cynovit, ointments Prednisolone, Gioksizon.
In case of fever, take antipyretics such as paracetamol. or Nurofen in syrup.

What not to do with a mosquito bite

In order not to leave traces of mosquito bites, you need to know exactly what not to do when providing assistance after a bite.

  • First of all, the bite should not be scratched.
  • It is also harmful to crush the bite or puncture a small vial of fluid, which sometimes, though rarely, appears and looks like the top of a bite.
  • If a mosquito has bitten in the eye, do not use alcohol formulations to cauterize the affected area.

When urgent medical attention is needed

Quincke's edema in a child

It is necessary to go to the hospital after bites with the following phenomena left in the victim from mosquitoes:

  • signs;
  • acute allergic reaction - or;
  • general severe malaise;
  • multiple bites in young children (for children under one year old, they can be a serious danger);
  • risk of disease-carrying mosquitoes;
  • discharge of pus from the wound after a bite.

In all such cases, you should, without delay, consult a doctor and undergo competent treatment. Especially often mosquito bites require medical therapy in children.

Prevention of mosquito bites

The best defense against mosquito bites for children and adults is prevention. Even dangerous mosquitoes cannot overcome simple protective measures.

Effective outdoor mosquito protection:

  • Wearing clothes with tight fitting cuffs.
  • Use of repellents in the form of an ointment, cream, gel or spray.
  • Installation of a mosquito net on a pram and on windows in the house.
  • Refusal to walk in wet places during the hours of maximum activity of insects.
  • Hand hygiene in children. Children's nails should be cut short and kept clean. Mosquito bites in children cause particularly severe itching, which leads to scratching of the affected area and infection.

Long sleeves and repellents are your main defense against mosquito bites and other midges.

Follow-up treatment

To get rid of itching and redness after mosquito bites, you can use a remedy purchased at a pharmacy or prepared at home. Both treatments are effective, and the choice is left only to the victim or the person treating him. Properly administered therapy is high-quality protection bite sites from scratching and the occurrence of scars and scars for this reason after infection.


Medical treatment is especially important in case of local allergy to mosquito bites. Use for this you need an ointment, gel, balm or alcohol preparation with menthol or mint. The most common treatments for mosquito bites are:

  • Fenistil-gel relieves local allergies and cools the skin, as a result of which the bite begins to itch less;
  • Tsindol - dries and relieves inflammation if mosquito bites are already combed;
  • ointment Rescuer - removes discomfort and accelerates healing in case of scratching;
  • balm Vitaon for the skin - the product has numerous medicinal properties, including mosquitoes.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies for mosquitoes have proven to be fast-acting. As a rule, anyone can find the necessary products at home, or make a similar mosquito repellent with their own hands. Folk remedies for mosquitoes can only be used if there is no acute allergy to mosquito bites or to the products listed below.

It is practically impossible for anyone to endure the attacks of winged bloodsuckers, which is why, being in nature, you need to use repellents. In order not to treat the effects of mosquito bites, it is very important to get used to not scratching the sore spot, even if it is very itchy. To relieve this symptom, it is better to use special means after mosquito bites. And if you are planning a trip to places where the climate is high humidity, first collect information about the epidemiological situation in this region and possible preventive vaccinations.

The question of how to treat a mosquito bite can be resolved by examining the presented range of products that will help relieve negative symptoms.

Reasons why mosquito bites itch

In the process of biting, the female mosquito pierces the skin of a person with her proboscis and injects saliva into the wound, which includes an anticoagulant designed to reduce blood clotting. It is this substance that can cause unpleasant symptoms in some people, namely the fact that it is even strong. The most exposed parts of the body are most often affected in hot weather. The feeling that the legs, arms or even the face are itching is unpleasant, causes irritation and nervous tension even in adults.

The intensity of negative manifestations is individual and depends on the reaction of the human body: most simply do not pay attention, but sometimes, severe tissue swelling, redness and inflammation are also accompanied by painful unbearable itching. In such a situation, the question arises: what to do so that mosquito bites do not itch and heal faster?

The healing of wounds and the reduction of discomfort in all people may differ, therefore, the answer to the question of how much the bite itches can only be approximate: from 2 days to 2-3 months if any complications or infection occur.


  • the simplest technique is to smear the wound with saliva;
  • using regular toothpaste, preferably with menthol, will help solve the problem;
  • , mixed in water in a ratio of 3: 1 to gruel, is placed on a place bitten by mosquitoes;
  • ice or any frozen product from the refrigerator;
  • lemon or orange juice, freshly squeezed or prepared;
  • chopped onion, garlic or tomato;
  • ordinary brilliant green or;
  • aloe leaf cut in half good way relieve inflammation in the bitten area;
  • dairy products: kefir, curdled milk, sour cream;
  • apple or table vinegar mixed with water;
  • camphor oil or tea tree;
  • drops of corvalol or valocordin are also suitable for smearing the bitten place.

Plants that help relieve itching and other negative effects:

  • leaves of plantain, dandelion, parsley, mint, basil - they can be ground or chewed and put in the form of a gruel at the bite site;
  • if possible search in the forest useful plants: bird cherry, celandine or elderberry, which will also help relieve itching.

All folk and herbal mixtures are applied to the skin for 20 minutes, then it should be washed with clean water, preferably with soapy water. If the damaged areas itch for a long time, then the procedure should be repeated until the symptoms are completely eliminated.


In case of an allergic reaction to single or multiple bites, it is imperative to take antihistamines: Claritin, Suprastin, Tavegil, Erius, Loratadin, etc. They will not only have an anti-allergenic effect, but also reduce the unpleasant sensations of itching, burning and inflammation.

  • creams Rescuer, Boro-plus, Panthenol,;
  • hormonal ointments containing corticosteroid substances will help to quickly reduce itching, redness and other unpleasant sensations:, Sinaflan, etc.

If mosquitoes have bitten a child

For the treatment of mosquito bites in infants, preference should be given to folk methods relieve itching. It is recommended to wear special mittens made of cotton jersey on the hands of the baby, which will allow him not to scratch himself. This will help protect the skin from scratches and infection. You should also try to distract the baby for interesting procedures so that he stops scratching irritated skin: watching cartoons, exercising, turning on music, etc.

You should know that due to the delicate, susceptible skin in children, mosquito bite marks often turn into red spots and swelling, which may not heal for 2-3 months and even begin to fester, so they must be immediately treated with brilliant green or special lotions, with drying action containing calamine or zinc oxide. Itching and discomfort often cause sleep disturbances, whims and tears in babies.

For the treatment of a bitten place in babies aged 1-11 months. the following medicines can be used:

  • Cosmeceutical creams Rescuer and Boro-plus, containing only natural ingredients, can be used in young children. They contain thermal water and trace elements that help reduce itching, accelerate healing and prevent infection of the wound.
  • Cream Bepanten - recommended for use in infants. The main active ingredient: vitamin B-dexpanthenol, which has a healing and regenerating effect on the skin of infants.
  • Elidel is a strong remedy that is recommended to be used only for severe allergic reactions after bites in adults and children from 3 months.

To treat bites in a child who has reached the age of 1 year, fit:

  1. (pencil-balm, cream, plaster), which contain natural ingredients: castor oil, D-panthenol, mint essential oils, allantoin, citric acid, extracts of chamomile, string and mint. They help to quickly cool the affected area, relieve irritation and itching, stimulate skin cell renewal and wound healing.
  2. Nezulin - a cream-gel intended for the treatment of insect bites, can be used in a child one year old and older. Its active ingredients: extracts of chamomile, licorice, celandine and plantain, essential oils (lavender, mint, basil), D-panthenol. It has an anti-inflammatory and reparative effect on the skin, anti-allergic, cools, relieves itching and irritation, redness.
  3. Psilo-balm - a gel that relieves swelling after insect bites, itching, has a calming and cooling effect. Contraindicated in children under 1 year old.
  4. Fenistil-gel - has antigolinergic and anti-allergic properties due to the content of dimethindene maleate.

If the baby scratched the bitten place strongly, and a wound with blood appeared, then it must be immediately disinfected with hydrogen peroxide or salicylic alcohol. It is necessary to smear combed bites with any wound healing cream or lotion.

When going to the country or to nature, it is better not to wait for mosquitoes to bite and then be treated for itching and other unpleasant consequences, but to use scaring or destroying or that will help protect adults and children from the attacks of "bloodsuckers".