Devices how to remove dandelion root. How to get rid of dandelions in the garden

  • 03.03.2020

Dandelion is a herbaceous perennial plant, the upper part of which dies off with the onset of cold weather. The root continues to live in order to throw out a new rosette of green leaves with long tubular peduncles in the spring.

Dandelion seeds are carried by the wind. To sprout, they only need to land on any open area earth. And it doesn't matter if anything grows there or not, as long as there is only moist soil, and you can take root.

This plant is unusually tenacious - even the smallest pruning of the root is enough to grow a rosette of leaves. Beveled peduncles with flowers dry up, but have time to seed. Even placed in compost heap, dandelion flowers can produce seeds if they are not buried deep enough.

Is it possible to get rid of this scourge, or will only the total destruction of all greenery in the garden help? Most ways to deal with dandelions on garden plots reduced to weeding and preventive measures to control the spread of this weed.

Weeding can be mechanical, or manual, and chemical - with the help of herbicides. Manual includes the removal of roots during the digging of the soil and the targeted digging of individual specimens throughout the season. Here it is necessary to act very carefully in order to select the whole rhizomes, without breaks and residues. The slightest mistake of a gardener can nullify all his work - cutting the root into pieces will not lead to the death of the plant, but to its reproduction.

The main root of the dandelion is taproot, deep into the soil and, at the same time, quite fragile. Therefore, for digging up long-growing old rhizomes from dense soil, it is better to use long narrow scoops or special devices.

If a dandelion has grown on a path or lawn, which is undesirable to dig up, you can use the usual method to get rid of it. table salt. To do this, the weed is cut as low as possible under the root, and the base is densely covered with this very salt. But, using this method, one must remember that this “treat” is not at all useful for the surrounding plants and soil inhabitants. If you pour it too much, you can get yellow bald spots on the lawn for a long time.

When there are too many dandelions, the area is treated with special chemicals - herbicides to combat them. They are both general and selective action.

The first, such as Tornado, Lontrel or Roundup, destroy all plants in a row. It is only necessary to dilute the preparations and water the weedy area either before planting the main crop, or in the fall - after harvesting. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that drops of the solution do not fall on the leaves. fruit trees and bushes.

The second, these include Sniper, Lintur, Killeks, have a detrimental effect only on certain weeds, for the destruction of which they are intended. But their effect lasts for several days.

Lintur is a systemic substance that penetrates through the leaves and stems of dandelion. The symptoms of his “work” become noticeable after a week or a week and a half, and the weeds die completely in about a month. Its main advantage is that it does not affect the majority cultivated plants and can be used directly on landings. In addition, Lintur is odorless and easily soluble in water. Before treatment with this type of herbicide, the lawn should not be mowed in advance so that the dandelion leaves have time to grow back and be able to take a sufficient amount of the solution.

Sniper, unlike other drugs, is intended for point use. It is applied to dandelion leaves using a special applicator available on the bottle. The herbicide is absorbed by the plant and spreads to all its organs, down to the roots. It completely destroys both aboveground and underground parts of dandelions. The only thing that is not affected by it is the seeds, which retain their germination capacity even after processing.

Opponents of the use of herbicides in their garden can be suggested to use ordinary table vinegar with which unwanted plants are moistened. But here it must be borne in mind that 5% acetic acid will not be enough - a higher concentration is needed.

When starting to fight dandelions, you should, first of all, be aware that it is unlikely that you will be able to completely get rid of them. Both the birds and the wind will sooner or later bring the seeds back to the site. Therefore, the main task will be to prevent dandelions from seeding and gradually reduce their numbers.

A good measure to control the spread of dandelions is to mow them regularly. But at the same time, it must be borne in mind that cut flowers must be immediately removed from the lawn, destroyed or laid deep in the compost heap. If this is not done, the cut dandelions will fade and produce seeds that will scatter throughout the garden just as if the flower stalks had continued to grow in their places.

It is necessary to mow as often as possible - at least twice a week. Otherwise, new buds have time to grow and bloom on already cut weeds. The same thing happens if the cut is too high. The purpose of mowing is not only to destroy flower stalks, but also to weaken the roots of plants, which are gradually depleted from the need to constantly grow new green leaves.

"We fight dandelions on the lawn"

With the onset of the next season, in the month of May, for many summer residents, one of the main problems and urgent work is the fight against dandelions on the lawn. If, when digging the garden, all weeds are removed immediately, since the soil layer turns over and there are no special problems, then on the lawn, the removal of weeds, primarily dandelions, requires careful and gentle work so as not to injure the roots of the grass and not create mounds on a flat lawn .

For this, for more than 25 years we have been using our home-made miracle tool, we call it a bayonet. Its peculiarity is that working part made from a single billet of high-strength alloy steel. A triangular tip 7 cm long in the form of a small flat spatula the size of a matchbox (photo 1) is flattened during hot forging to a thickness of several millimeters with a thickening towards the shank (photo 2). With further forging, the shank profile is bent to a U-shape.

Such a profile with two ribs in the cross section gives the shank special rigidity, and due to the double bend (at the base of the blade and at the handle) it significantly increases the strength of the structure as a whole (photo 3). The pointed part of the shank is fixed in a wooden handle 25 cm long with additional crimping with a solid steel bandage ring (photo 4), which securely fixes the bayonet in the handle.

Our lawn in the garden is sown with shade-tolerant grass "Shadow", which grows in the form of thin elastic stems and, with regular mowing for several years, forms a dense vegetation cover in the form of a pile carpet. Therefore, the appearance of any weeds on such an ideal carpet, especially dandelions, forms a dissonance in the general landscape of the garden and makes the lawn untidy.

Thanks to the ergonomic design of the bayonet, weeds are quickly removed in two movements - a vertical flat puncture to the depth of the bayonet with a retreat of 3-5 cm from the dandelion stem, then tilting the handle with light pressure - and the dandelion root in the form of a rat's tail is removed from the ground with minimal effort (photo 5).

Weeding is usually carried out after rain. In the process of such low-impact weeding, grass roots are aerated, and the simultaneous application of fertilizers (top dressing) improves its subsequent growth. After weeding, the lawn is ready for further mowing with a lawn mower. The mistake of many summer residents who do not bother to regularly remove dandelions and other weeds, but immediately start mowing the lawn, leads to a continuous overgrowth of the soil with dandelion roots and, as a result, to oppression and subsequent degeneration of the grass cover.

Thanks to a particularly strong one-piece forged construction, our bayonet allows you not only to remove the deep roots of dandelions, but also to uproot the small shoots of plums and cherries, as well as currant and gooseberry bushes.

All stamped and welded designs of commercially available cultivators-rippers are of little use for weeding and cannot be compared in terms of reliability with a one-piece forged design, which we have been successfully using for more than 25 years, periodically changing only wooden handles.

Do-it-yourself device for “uprooting” dandelions - photo

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From year to year in spring land decorated with beautiful bright yellow flowers - dandelions. Of these, they like to weave wreaths and add to various flower arrangements. But gardeners are waiting for this time with horror in their eyes, because in fact a dandelion is a weed with a long powerful root (25 cm) that penetrates deep into the soil.

Clean up the lawn personal plot from dandelions is quite difficult due to the fragility of the spine. It is impossible to protect yourself from such a misfortune, since the seeds of a field plant can fly from anywhere (from a neighboring plot, field, roadside).

Dandelion grows quickly and imperceptibly, distorting the patterns on the lawn. Regular mowing will cut only the flower heads, but the stem will still differ from the structure of the lawn grass.

How to get rid of dandelion different ways : dig, burn with acid or apply pesticides. Let's consider each of them.

1. If you wake up in the morning and see up to ten dandelions, without wasting time, take them and go dig them up. Before this, water the ground well around the flower and try to dig out the whole root, because. from the rest of the root, over time, a new plant will grow again.

2. You can get rid of dandelions by burning the plants from the inside. Take vinegar (5%), pour it into the middle of the inflorescence, and after a day, dig out the already “dead” plant. This procedure must be done in dry weather so that acetic acid with moisture does not spread to other plants, this will lead to their death too. Vinegar can be replaced with boiling water. But in this case, you will have to burn the dandelion several times until the entire root dies. Boiling water can also survive any other weed, of course, if these are isolated cases (also a frequent occurrence).

Vinegar or boiling water is also poured over the place where the dandelion was dug up, so to speak, just in case.

3. Of the chemicals against dandelions, Roundup (the “killer” of all green) and Lontrel are used. Act exactly according to the instructions, applying the herbicide with a brush to the middle of the flower. The next day, the beautiful but harmful weeds will burn and need only be dug up. Make sure that chemicals do not get on the skin and other plants. Wear gloves. After processing lawn grass do not mow during the week. After digging up dandelions, do not clean the lawn with a rake for 2 days, since these days the drug still retains its activity and can burn ornamental plants, forming bald spots. Keep pets out of the treated area at the same time. The procedure may need to be repeated.

If a chemical preparation was used in the fight against dandelions and bald lawns nevertheless turned out, then a week after treatment they can be sown with new grass.

The above methods of dealing with dandelion are effective and work very quickly. However, there are others along with them. For example, constantly cut off the points of nutrition (leaves and stems) from dandelions. Over time, the root will die from starvation. Another option is to cover the dandelions with an opaque material; the weed will gradually die from a lack of light.

Dandelion seeds easily master loose lands, so it is undesirable to create new lawns during their flowering period. Do this in a quieter time - July-August.

Disposing of dandelions in a humane way can be beneficial. Uprooted weeds can be added to salads, boiled delicious jam and honey, make wine from dandelions or tincture-rubbing. Take from nature everything that it gives you!

The issue of weed eradication suburban area relevant for all gardeners. To save the crop from the invasion of dandelions, you need to work hard. One flower can multiply so much that it will not be easy to get rid of new plantings later. The seeds of this plant are carried by the wind throughout the region. How to get them out of the lawn and prevent reappearance? We'll talk about this.


Dandelion: description

Dandelion is a perennial herb from the Compositae family. Reaches a height of up to half a meter. It has a branched vertical root. Its outer part is painted brown, the inner one is white. The leaves are oblong, pinnately dissected, devoid of edging.

The peduncle has a cylindrical shape, its walls are juicy, the core is hollow. At the ends is a single round basket. The flowers are brightly colored yellow, collected in inflorescences. The fruits of the plant are pubescent seeds. When the wind blows, they scatter. All parts contain thick juice.

Fact. The flowering period of these weeds falls on April or May. The fruiting of this plant lasts from summer to October, so the process of weed control is quite lengthy. With the onset of cold weather, the top of the plant dies off, but the root remains intact, so in the spring it again throws out a fresh rosette of leaves with long peduncles.

Seeds are carried with lightning speed by the wind, settle on moist soil, after which they take root, and soon the emergence of seedlings can be observed. Dandelion is an amazingly hardy plant. A rosette of leaves grows from one pruning of the root. If placed in a shallow compost heap, they can produce seeds.

Read also:

Types of weeds and methods of dealing with them

Why bright yellow heads are dangerous

At first glance, the dandelion may seem like a completely harmless colorful flower that symbolizes the onset of the long-awaited spring. However, things are a little different. If you do not take action and do not eradicate them, they will take all the valuable substances from other crops. As a result, you have to forget about bountiful harvest or not to find crops on the site at all.

How to get rid of dandelions in the garden

All experienced summer residents know how to fight weeds in the form of dandelions. Beginners in this business may have difficulties, since the root of this plant is too fragile and long, it is quite difficult to remove it entirely in its entirety. Fresh weeds will grow from its remains. You can destroy them in one of three ways:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical;
  • folk remedies.

For faster weed control affordable way, which involves digging them up by the root.

Important! If the removal is carried out mechanically, it is necessary to eliminate the entire root, otherwise the plant will re-grow.

It is not easy to deal with the removal of roots manually, so it will be useful for such work. special device from blades. It is enough to deepen the tool to the place where the dandelion grows and press on the handle. The plant will be fully extracted. Such a tool facilitates the process of pest control.

Read also:

No weeds between flower beds, beds and paths!

Another easy way to remove dandelions is to shear them. It is necessary to deal with it before they are ripe. Thus, it will be possible to reduce the number of plants in the territory. This method will not allow you to get rid of the weed.

You can also deprive the plant of sunlight. It is enough just to cover it with sheets of cardboard or plastic bags. In a few days, he will die.

Application of herbicides

If mechanical methods of dealing with dandelions do not give a positive result, it is advisable to resort to the help of chemicals. We are talking about herbicides, which can be purchased at garden centers. You can also replace them with table vinegar. It contains an acid that acts as a herbicide. For a 100% result, you must use a higher concentration of acid.

If the latter are treated with herbicides, the substance will begin to move more actively to the roots, gradually destroying them. Before spraying, it is necessary to stop mowing lawns, since during the treatment a large part of the leaves should be affected.

Folk methods of dealing with dandelions

To kill dandelions folk method boiling water is required. It is necessary to scald weeds 2-3 times a day. It is necessary to carry out such a procedure until such time as they die.

You can also use gluten cornmeal. In this case, dandelions need to be sprinkled before shoots appear. It is recommended to sprinkle the area for a month and a half. Given that the tool gives results during sprinkling, it follows that the procedure should be repeated several times during the growing season. You can kill weeds with salt. This must be done carefully, salt should not get on plants that grow nearby, otherwise they will also be destroyed.

Gives a good effect hydrochloric acid. You can buy the drug at a hardware store. Processing needs to be protective gloves. For spraying, a kitchen syringe is suitable. After that, the flowers will change from yellow to brown and die.

Methods for preventing the appearance of dandelions in the garden

Weed prevention should be done regularly, as they quickly fill the site and it will not be easy to deal with a large number of them in the future. The best prevention is proper care behind the site and timely detection of pests. If you follow these simple rules, the problem of weeds will bypass you:

  • Lawn grass should be cut regularly. Thus, it will act as an obstacle to the germination of weeds.
  • It is undesirable to have empty areas on the lawn, as they will be an ideal place for the propagation of plants. If they appear, they need to be refilled with grass in the fall.
  • The height of the cut grass should be 7-8 cm. It will protect the soil, and weed seeds will not be able to take root, and the sprouts will begin to experience a lack of sunlight.

Many people think about how to get rid of dandelions in the lawn. Even if you carefully care for your lawn, dandelions and other weeds will still appear there after a while. In this case main problem is the rapid removal of these plants, and in such a way as not to harm the main crops. By the way, you need to remove dandelions even before white fluff appears instead of yellow inflorescences. Otherwise, these seeds will spread throughout the yard, so that the lawn cannot be saved from them. It will be possible to completely remove the weed only if you pull it out along with the root.

There are several mechanical methods removing dandelion or other weed from the lawn. Moreover, all these methods have been tested for decades.

  • Dig out by hand.

You can carefully dig the plant by hand, and the root should also be removed. This option is suitable for those who have enough free time to mess around with a wild flower. In addition, unlike the use of chemicals (in particular, herbicides), this technique is considered to be completely safe.

  • Cut off constantly only foliage.

You can remove dandelion from the lawn in another way. It is required to constantly cut off its stem and leaves. Even you can not grab the spine. Under such conditions, the plant will quickly die, because. it is the leaves and the stem that are the main means for obtaining oxygen. If this source is eliminated, then the plant simply dies due to constant hunger.

  • Mow the entire lawn, but leave a certain height of grass to create shade.

It is recommended to periodically mow the lawn as weeds and other excess vegetation appear on it. Lawn mower blades must be at least 6 cm high. In this case, the grass will be high on the lawn, and this creates excellent conditions so that the dandelion simply does not grow. This is because tall blades of grass will create darkness so that weed sprouts simply cannot break through. As a result, the plant will not receive enough light that it needs, and the flower will die.

  • Cover the dandelion bush with an opaque container.

Another method, similar in effect to this, is to cover the dandelion itself with a container with opaque darkened walls. As a result, he loses the source of light. After a certain time, you can remove this container, and the flower will die from a lack of sunlight.

  • Pour the earth with ordinary water or boiling water.

If you decide to just dig up the plant, so as not to spend too much time and effort on it, it is recommended to simply water it. If the soil is soft, it will be easier to pull out the root. In addition, the plant is afraid of boiling water, so dandelion can be watered for several days. As a result, he himself will die, and you don’t even have to dig out the root, and the nearby grass will not suffer.

  • Use of domestic herbivores.

Another option is pets. For example, rabbits are suitable. They really love the juicy foliage of this plant, so you can just start them on the lawn as soon as the first shoots of weeds appear. But this option is not the best, because. other flowers may also be affected.

Chemical methods of struggle

It is not always possible to remove dandelions from the lawn mechanical methods. Very often, weeds grow so quickly throughout the yard that there is simply no time to pull them out all the time. In addition, weeding only in certain areas will definitely not help anything. If the lawn is completely covered with weeds, it is recommended to use chemical methods.

  • Fire.

You can use fire and just burn the plant. This is a very fast and efficient method.

  • Vinegar essence.

You can remove the hated sprouts using vinegar essence. It is enough to sprinkle this liquid on the plants. It is recommended to spray it not only on the leaves, but also near the roots. In this case, you should try not to get the solution on the main vegetation of the lawn. To make it easier for yourself, you can dig up the ground a little and expose the root, and then sprinkle liquid on it or just pour a little near the root itself.

  • Salt.

Weeds that grow in the yard can be treated with salt, or rather, feed them a little. But such a procedure should be carried out with caution so as not to carry out the rest of the flowers and herbs, because. salt granules will harm them.

Application of herbicide

The best way is to use herbicides. All the procedure will pass easy and fast. However, it must always be remembered that such substances are considered toxic, so that they can harm not only weeds, but also the main plants. In addition, once applying herbicidal preparations will not be enough, so you will have to periodically treat the site.

If the new site is occupied by dandelions, then you can use both general and selective drugs. For example, common funds Roundup, Lontrel and Tornado are considered. Electoral ones include Lintur, Sniper and Killeks.

General preparations will destroy all plants in a row. To use them, simply dilute the product in water. And be sure to read the instructions on the package and strictly follow it. Then, with a solution, you only need to treat the areas where the weeds are divorced. It is best to carry out such processing in spring and autumn. In the spring, this procedure is recommended before the main crops are planted. The area should be treated very carefully, because. one drop of solution is enough for a shrub or tree to die.

The second group of drugs acts selectively. They are intended only for certain types of weeds.

For example, you can use the Lintur tool. It has a systemic effect. The drug enters the leaves, and then through them penetrates through the fibers to the roots. The first symptoms will be noticeable in a week (maximum - after 10 days). The weed will die completely within a month. This drug has the main advantage, which is that its active ingredients do not affect many other crops, so it can be safely used. Do not mow weeds before tilling the area. On the contrary, the leaves should be large. In this case, they will get more active components of the solution, which will speed up the receipt of the desired result.

Another popular tool is the Sniper. It is used to precisely destroy weeds. The substance must be applied directly to the leaves. They absorb the active components of the solution, which in the future will quickly penetrate into the very root, so that the plant will die. By the way, it must be taken into account that the Sniper will be able to completely destroy the entire weed (all its parts), with the exception of only seeds. So it is best to process before a white fluff with seeds appears instead of a yellow inflorescence. In the future, it is recommended to carry out additional processing, because. the seeds retain their viability so that the plants will reappear.

Do not use herbicides on a young lawn. He should be fully grown by now. Otherwise, such processing will greatly harm him. Moreover, this rule applies to drugs of complex action, and drugs with selective effects. In addition, processing can be carried out when there is no rain or wind. After finishing the procedure, be sure to wash your hands.

Fighting dandelions can take a lot of effort. But if you follow the tips described above, then removing weeds, including dandelions, will not be difficult. In addition, it will be possible to completely get rid of this plant only if the root is removed. But it is best to take preventive measures in time.

Be sure to take care of the lawn, and follow all the rules.

You can not leave empty places in the yard, because. It is in these areas that weed sprouts will appear. It is recommended to mow the lawn once a week, and the grass should have a height of 6-8 cm. Then weed sprouts will not be able to develop due to the shadow created. In addition, weeds will not be able to grow if there are enough nutrients and moisture in the soil. If there is a thick layer of turf on the site, this will also prevent the appearance of unwanted vegetation. And it is necessary to create a new lawn only on a site that is completely cleared.