Why is the smeg hood very noisy? Choosing a silent hood for the kitchen

  • 12.06.2019

Air purification problem modern kitchens solved with a special household appliances- extractor hoods for the kitchen. They are distinguished and selected by size, technical parameters and design. But among the basic requirements that apply to this unit, one of the most important is the comfort of use, which means low level noise. What affects this indicator of the operation of equipment and is there absolutely silent kitchen hood?

What will we take?

In a diverse range of hoods, which any household appliance store willingly demonstrates, it is very difficult to navigate, and if we are talking about a practical choice, then you need to know some parameters for sure. For example, the size of your kitchen, the condition of the ventilation ducts in the house. This affects hood selection.

  1. Kitchen air purifiers differ in how they work. Exhaust hoods completely remove the drawn in air, bringing it out of the room. The air duct of such an extract can be directed to the general ventilation shaft of the house or brought out through the wall of the apartment. Recirculation hoods, which are also called filtration hoods, draw air in and purify it using a two-level filtration system. The purified air is then returned to the room.
  2. Hoods are also different in the way they are mounted in the kitchen. Chimney hoods are hotel designs. They are a bit similar in shape to a truncated cone - this is what fireplace hoods once looked like. Therefore, this type of fastening of modern cleaning equipment is also called a fireplace or dome. Dome units are very solid, require a separate place and mounting system. In contrast, suspended hoods are much more compact. They can be built-in or hung from below under kitchen cabinets. These hoods are different according to the principle of operation. But all of them are the best suited for those who are planning a compact and inconspicuous placement of this type. kitchen appliances. Island hoods are designed for large kitchens, which have a free-standing table-island. These air purifiers come in a variety of designs, ranging from large, accentuated, powerful antique-design hoods to stylish modern appliances that can even be built into ceiling tiles.
  3. Hoods can be front and corner. The latter are perfect for installation in a small kitchen, where a stove or surface is installed in a corner area. This type of technique will significantly increase the efficiency of space use, making the "dead zone" of the corner not only effective, but also very convenient.
  4. The size of the hood must match the width hob, at least be proportional to it. Otherwise, the cleaning unit, which will stick out above the stove, like the visor of a ridiculous cap, will not only not decorate the design of the kitchen, but will also create a lot of inconvenience. Most modern appliances are made in the same size range as cookers and surfaces, which makes it easier to choose.

Noisy or not?

The indicator of "noisiness" of the hood depends, first of all, on such characteristics as power. It also affects the performance of the hood.

  • Extraction performance is a parameter that shows how much cubic meters The hood will pass air through its filters in 1 hour of operation. In order to calculate what extraction capacity is needed for your forge, use the common calculation method using a special formula.
  • Multiply the volume of the kitchen that you get by multiplying its length, width and height of the ceilings by 12. That is how many times per hour the air should be updated during the cooking process, according to existing in our country sanitary standards. If you planned to install a branch hood type, then multiply the resulting final value by a factor of 1.3. This is necessary to take into account the length of the duct, the depth of the ventilation shaft and the number of storeys of the house, which also affect the efficiency of your device. If you install a recirculating hood, then the amendment can not be made.
  • For example, your kitchen is 9.5 square meters, the ceiling height is 2.8, and you like the idea of ​​air filtration. Then the estimated capacity of the unit you need will be 319.2 cubic meters of air per hour. If you want a diversion option, then you will need to choose it with a capacity of at least 415 cubic meters / hour.
  • Why do we need all these calculations? The fact is that the performance of the hood directly affects the noise that its motor produces during operation. The more productive the hood, the more powerful the motor it must be equipped with, and the more noise it creates during operation.

The inevitable conclusion suggests itself. Absolutely silent hoods simply do not exist. They all create one sound or another. The trick is how to minimize it.

Noise level of modern hoods

V technical specifications household appliances must indicate the noise level. But each person has his own perception. The sound that one does not even notice, for the other will become painful, like a toothache. So let's try faceless hood noise figures translate into the language of ordinary human perception.

  1. When music, TV and household appliances are turned off in your room, the noise level is still present. We never remain in absolute silence, especially residents of big cities. Arriving in a place remote from the arteries of civilization, the first thing that marks modern man– silence, which can be very unusual. This is because in such places the level of background noise is significantly reduced compared to our city. So, your quiet room is filled with background sound, which is approximately equal to 30 dB.
  2. Two people talking in a loud whisper at a distance of 5 meters produce a noise that is about 35 dB.
  3. A conversation in a normal voice at a distance of 10 meters or the sound of softly turned on music - here you have a noise level of 45 dB. Approximately this figure is modern models kitchen hoods. To be precise, in their data sheets you will find values ​​​​from 40 to 44 dB.
  4. 50 dB is a conversation between two people in a normal, not lowered voice at a distance of 5 meters. For most of us, this value is quite acceptable, and is not perceived as overly distracting. Rather, our brain will attribute it to background noise. But, if you have a heightened hearing, or you work with high nervous overload, then you are better off choosing a hood with a lower noise level, as 50 dB may be too annoying for you.
  5. A sound that exceeds 50 dB is perceived by us as quite loud. Imagine a loud conversation at a distance of 5 meters. This is already 55-60 dB, and it's already annoying.
  6. Depending on the subtlety of perception and state nervous system, the critical level of noise when it starts to cause physical pain is between 110 and 130 dB.

Modern manufacturers are doing everything possible to reduce the noise level of kitchen hoods. They place the motors in soundproof housings, offer a wide range of control modes. Thus, you can choose the power of the hood that you need at the moment. Accordingly, the noise will also decrease. Then full power you will not need the device all the time, and the sound volume will become optimal.

So that, if you want to choose the most silent hood, follow a few simple rules.

  • Do not buy a hood with more power than is required for your room.
  • Choose a model with a noise level from 40 to 44 dB.
  • Buy a hood with a mode control, then, if necessary, you will lower the power of its operation, and, consequently, the volume of the device.
  • Don't neglect maintenance his retraction. For example, clogged filters or air ducts that have not been cleaned for a long time increase the sound background.

Absolutely silent devices do not yet exist. But it is in our power to choose the one that will make your life truly comfortable.

When the hood is noisy, it is uncomfortable to be in the kitchen. Constant background noise is annoying both during cooking and in the minutes of eating.

Most often noisy in the kitchen hood fan. It is possible that something else inside the hood can vibrate and make noise, for example, it is unreliable mounted mount backlight bulbs.

Rumble, rumble, knock, ringing and other loud sounds occur when there is gap between the hood and kitchen set or the wall to which it is attached.

An experienced and qualified technician can find and eliminate the cause of an extraneous hum or excessive fan noise. It is such a master who will come to your house at any time convenient for you if you order a hood repair service at VseRemont24!

If the new kitchen hood is noisy

There are two reasons why a brand new, just installed, hood may make noise:

1. Noise - a feature of the hood model. Very often, inexpensive hoods made of low-quality and cheap materials or improperly assembled at the manufacturing plant make a lot of noise.

What to do in this case? Invite the master of VseRemont24 to disassemble the hood and possibly find ways to reduce vibration and noise during its operation. Otherwise, or if the master cannot do anything, you will only have to come to terms with the feature of the selected hood and get used to the noise during its operation. Of course, you still have a third option - buying a new, better hood.

2. Improper/non-professional installation and fastening of the hood. When you install the hood yourself, without the necessary knowledge and experience, and also if you invite a non-professional to install, there is a high probability of many mistakes. The most common of them: weak fastening of the hood and discrepancy between the diameter of the ventilation duct.

At improper mounting of the housing, vibration and noise occur even when there is a slight gap between the appliance and the wall / headset. When there is gap in ventilation, the hood will not only make noise, but also work incorrectly.

Master VseRemont24 quickly and efficiently reinstall your kitchen hood.

If the hood, which has been working for some time, has become more noisy, the master will first check the reliability of its fastening. Probably the point is in its violation. Repair will consist in more reliable fastening of fasteners.

However, before calling the master VseRemont24 to his faithful “assistant”, check its mode of operation. At maximum speeds, the kitchen hood fan is always noisier than usual! Perhaps the problem will be solved if you reduce the power of the work.

The exact price of repairing a very noisy hood is determined upon the arrival of the master to your home, as it depends on the model of the hood and the complexity of the upcoming repair.

Upon completion of the repair, the VseRemont24 master provides the client with a guarantee for the work performed and conducts a free consultation.

The included exhaust system is always accompanied by noise due to the running fan. And the more intense it rotates, the louder the sound. No hood can operate completely silently. The noise level of such household appliances is determined during the production process and is immediately entered into the technical document. It is impossible to get rid of the sound completely, but it can be reduced. This article describes in detail all the levels of modern noise, there are also tips on how to reduce it.

Hood for kitchen

Why are hoods noisy?

Since its inception, exhaust systems have become simply an indispensable attribute in the kitchen of every woman. However, after purchasing and installing, many users are left at a loss because of the strong sound that it makes. The following factors may influence this:

  1. In hoods with high power, the fan rotates much faster than in less efficient ones. This affects the speed of air passing through the duct, and the faster it is, the louder the noise is created.
  2. It depends on the size of the kitchen. For large rooms, super-productive equipment is used.
  3. In a duct with a small section, the air flow will move faster, while making a loud sound.
  4. Availability a large number bends in space from the hood to the ventilation complicate the path of the air flow. Because of this, its movement speed increases, which leads to a lot of noise.
  5. The presence of one or more transitions is additional source noise (the transition can be anything: between different materials, section shapes or diameter).
  6. The load created on the hood depends on the length of the duct. The more it will be overloaded, the stronger will be the speed.
  7. A corrugated duct creates more noise, but this can be reduced by reducing the number of bends or making them smooth. The plastic channel makes noise much quieter due to smooth walls.
  8. With a hood located above the standard distance, effective elimination dirty air, it will need to work more and at an increased speed. This will result in increased noise.
  9. If the exhaust system is poorly made and there is a gap somewhere, this will cause extraneous sound.
  10. A poorly attached device to the wall and a movable air duct lead to vibration during operation of the hood and additional noise.
In addition to the above factors, during operation of the hood, a loud sound can be generated due to the plastic fan located close to the case. This is due to the fact that hot air rises from the stove, and because of this, the plastic blades are deformed and subsequently cling to the body. However, this problem is extremely rare.

Scheme of the structure of the hood

What kind of noise can an exhaust system create?

In the course of their work, all hoods create extraneous sounds. If there is a rattling or vibrating effect, then this indicates the presence of play in some place, a loose case, air duct, or a problem in another mechanism.

With dirty blades of the exhaust system, you will hear how. Due to the narrow section in the duct, the air passes at a higher speed and creates a rumble. Since the engine is running when the hood is turned on, this process is also accompanied by a characteristic buzz.

Knowing all the sounds, you can hear by ear whether they are associated with a breakdown or not. Repair will be required in the following cases:

  1. When the sound has changed dramatically during operation (extraneous sounds have appeared or the noise has noticeably increased). If the exhaust system has been installed for a long time and is regularly used on different modes, the change in sounds will become noticeable immediately.
  2. When extraneous noise appeared in the case, vibration and rattling. This may be due to the backlash in the moving part.
  3. When the hood is operating normally without any change in sounds, but the air is not removed.

What are the noise level standards?

Any hood model has a technical data sheet in the set, in which the manufacturer indicates the noise level generated. Everyone's hearing is different, and what's normal for one may sound loud to another. Examples of noise from life in decibels:

  1. Rustling leaves in a light wind - 10 dB.
  2. A whispered conversation between two people at a distance of one meter is 20-25 dB.
  3. Tick ​​sound wall clock at night - 30 dB.
  4. A conversation between two people in specially low voices is 35 dB.
  5. Normal and calm speech - 40 dB (this mark must be observed in daytime with closed plastic windows).
  6. The sound created while typing on a typewriter is 45-55 dB (this sound is heard clearly, and for some it can get on the nerves).
  7. A conversation in raised tones between two people at a distance of 5 meters - 60-65 dB.
  8. The switched on vacuum cleaner, a busy street at rush hour, a loud squeal - 70-80 dB (if such noise is left for a long time, psychological discomfort and a buzz in the ears appear).
  9. The sound of a passing motorcycle by car or subway cars - 80-90 dB (such a loud sound can eventually lead to headaches, temporary hearing loss and irritability).

There are also louder noise sources, but anything above 90 dB is dangerous to human hearing. The noise standard of average kitchen hoods is 50-60 dB at the maximum speed turned on. And nothing depends on the width of the device itself. The noise level directly depends on the power of the hood. If its performance does not exceed 500 cubes, then the sound will be approximately 50 dB during operation. In more powerful models (from 600 to 1000 cubic meters per hour), the noise level will be 55-65 dB.

Airflow direction

If in technical passport higher numbers are indicated, then you need to understand that being in the kitchen with the appliance turned on will be completely uncomfortable. However, given that the hood does not work at maximum speed for a long time, no harm will be done to human hearing.

How can exhaust noise be reduced?

To reduce the noise of the exhaust system, first of all, you need to check whether the housing is tightly attached to the wall or a special niche, since even a small gap causes additional noise and vibration.

If there are any, then you can remove them with foam rubber or polyurethane. You also need to make sure that all fasteners are well tightened, and place a thin isolone substrate in the vibrating surface.

The material of the air outlet pipe or ventilation box also plays an important role. If the air duct is made of plastic, then the noise level of the operating hood will be quiet, and if it is made of corrugated metal, then it will be loud. You can reduce noise by applying additional soundproofing. To do this, you need to stick the noise-absorbing material on the duct. After that, the sound during operation of the hood will become much quieter.

Hood with plastic duct

Exhaust hood with corrugated air duct

The main source of sound in a working hood is the engine and fan. If a high noise parameter is indicated in the technical data sheet, then this cannot be changed on your own. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to all the characteristics before buying an exhaust system.

Like any other electrical equipment, the cooker hood makes noise during operation. This is the engine running, the fan is rotating, this is the air passing through the duct into the mine. So even the most “quiet” model will not work without noise at all.

Below we will consider: what level of noise should a hood have, and what to do if it works too loudly. We will talk about "household" models for the kitchen (which are installed in apartments).

Why does the hood make noise: the main factors affecting the noise level

First of all, you need to deal with the reasons: why can the hood make a lot of noise?

The sound level is affected by:

    P performance (power) of the hood. How she is taller - the faster the fan rotates, the faster the air flows through the duct, and the more noise is heard.

    The volume of the kitchen. The larger in size room - the more powerful hood required for the kitchen.

    Air duct diameter. The smaller the cross section, the faster the airflow speed will be, and the louder the sound will be.

    The number of bends (primarily at right angles) on the way from the hood to the ventilation shaft. The more bends, the more difficult it is for the air to “get” from the hood to the shaft, and the higher the speed will have to be used.

    Availability and number of transitions. Any transition (from one material to another, from one section shape to another, from one diameter to another) - additional reason noise amplification.

    Length . The larger it is, the more you will have to load the hood (turn on more speed).

    Air duct material - corrugated or plastic? The corrugated channel makes more noise, although its bends can be made smoother. Plastic - less noise due to the smoothness of the walls.

    If the hood hangs above the standard distance, it will have to run at a higher speed and work longer to effectively remove air. And that means more noise.

    The build quality of the hood itself. If there is play somewhere, then an extraneous sound may appear due to vibration.

    The quality of mounting the device on the wall and the immobility of the air duct. If the case is fixed poorly (not rigidly), then it may vibrate, making an extraneous sound. The same applies to the air duct.

  1. The location of the plastic fan is too close to the case. In this case, due to the hot air rising from the stove, the plastic blades may slightly deform and cling to the body. The problem is rare, but still occurs, it is discussed in the video below.

One of the causes of hood noise and a method for solving it (video)

What could be the noise?

P about the sound it could be:

    Rattle, vibration. clear sign the fact that something is loose somewhere (the case, the air duct, or something in the mechanism is not firmly fixed).

    Fan hum. Possible reason- dirty blades.

    The rumble of air in the duct. The main reason is that the cross section is too narrow, which causes noise due to the high speed of the passing air. Also, sound may appear due to adapters.

    The hum of a running engine.

How to understand what makes noise due to a breakdown?

By ear, you can determine that the hood needs to be repaired. The "symptoms" are:

    Any obvious deviation from the usual "sound" (the appearance of extraneous sounds, a noticeable increase in noise). If you have had the hood for more than a month, and you have managed to remember how it works at different speeds, you will surely hear changes in the sound.

    Vibration, rattling, extraneous noise in the case. The reason may be the play of moving parts.

    When the noise remains the same, but the air extractor removes noticeably worse.

Noise level standards

For general information, here are the indicators (in decibels) for different sources noise:

Noise level, dB

Approximate source


The rustling of leaves in a light wind

Whispers from a distance of 1 meter

The ticking of the wall clock

Permissible maximum for residential premises at night (from 23.00 to 07.00)

muffled speech

calm conversation

The maximum rate for residential premises during the daytime (from 7.00 to 23.00). That is, with closed plastic windows in an apartment, the noise level usually should not rise above this mark.

Typewriter key sound

A distinctly audible sound that can get on your nerves

Loud talking

Creek, busy street, working vacuum cleaner

Prolonged exposure causes psychological discomfort, tinnitus

A vehicle passing by at a fast speed, a motorcycle engine running, a car passing a few meters away

Loud noise, prolonged exposure causes headache, temporary hearing impairment, irritability

We will not consider louder noise sources. Exceeding 80-90 dB is considered dangerous (if a person hears such a sound long time), and the level of 120-140 dB (aircraft taking off) is the pain threshold.

What is the noise level of most hoods?

On average, a kitchen hood makes noise at the level of 50-60 decibels (we are talking about working at maximum speed). The width of the case does not play a role in this case - be it at least 60 cm, at least 90.

Naturally, the less power the model has, the less noise it will create. Devices with a capacity of up to 500 "cubes" sound at about 50 dB. Stronger models (600-1000 m³ / h) - at the level of 55-65 dB. If higher figures are stated in the technical characteristics of the device, be prepared for the fact that it will not be comfortable to be in the kitchen with the hood running.

Since the device usually does not work for long at maximum speed, such noise does not create harm for a person.

Noise level of the Krona Kamilla 500 hood, according to the data sheet 38 dB (video)

How to reduce exhaust noise?

There are 2 options - either do it at the stage of planning and installation of the hood, or reduce the noise from an already installed device. Let's consider both.

How to achieve a minimum noise level if the hood is not yet installed:

    Perform the correct calculation of the power of the hood - so as not to purchase a model that is too powerful.

    Choose the quietest model with the required power level. The best way- built-in (built-in) hood: its body is installed inside the cabinet, which will partially muffle the sound. The locker itself, if necessary, can be soundproofed. The rating can be viewed separately.

    Thoroughly follow all the installation rules: the case must hang rigidly, without the slightest movement in any direction.

    Install the plastic air duct using as few adapters and turns as possible.

    Correctly choose the diameter of the duct depending on the power. The smaller the cross section, the louder the pipe will “sound” due to the strong pressure of the passing air, and vice versa. The more powerful the hood, the larger the diameter of the duct should be. For example, for models with a capacity of under 1000 m³ / h, it is recommended to use air ducts with a cross section of 200 mm or more. Air ducts with a cross section of 100 mm will be “quiet” if the hood performance is in the region of 150-200 m³ / h.

    Correctly select the installation height of the hood. If you hang the case too high, then in order to effectively remove air, the device will have to be turned on to the maximum mode (which means it will work louder).

    Additionally, soundproofing of the air duct can be used.

Usually at the stage of planning and installation, the noise of the hood is often ignored, and this question arises after the device starts to work. Therefore, it is much more relevant to figure out how to reduce the sound of an already installed device.

It is impossible to imagine a modern kitchen without a hood. The help of this device is difficult to overestimate. Air filtration, absorption of fat particles and unpleasant odors, soot control - the hood performs all these functions with ease, thereby providing perfect cleanliness on the kitchen.

To understand where the problem could come from, it would not be superfluous to study the principle of operation and the design of the device. As a rule, it consists of a metal or plastic case, decorated with glass, wood and other materials.

When turned on, the fan starts to run. It can rotate at different speeds. Switching speeds is carried out using special buttons. The fan sucks in air from the space above the stove and directs it to the grease filter. Further, depending on the type of hood, the air can either be discharged outside or returned (already cleaned) back into the room.

Regardless of the model and cost, all hoods consist of such basic structural elements, how:

  • fan motor;
  • air intake grille;
  • exhaust ventilation grille;
  • switches and switches;
  • filters;
  • highlight().

They are also equipped with special sensors that control the operation of the hood and report on the state of its elements, for example, that it is time to change filters.

Modern hoods can be of several types:

  • . Such devices suck in air, filter it and return it back to the room. Their plus is that they do not cool the air in the room, unlike output devices;
  • leading. Hoods of this type have an output in general ventilation at home or outside, so the polluted air from the kitchen is completely removed. Such devices are more expensive than filtering ones and require more complex installation, but their work is considered more efficient;
  • mixed. This type includes most modern hoods. They are able to filter polluted air and remove it from the room.

Why is the hood noisy?

The operation of any fan in the hood is always accompanied by noise. The level of this noise depends on the intensity of the fan speed. As a rule, the noise level of a particular model is determined at the factory during its manufacture and is indicated in the technical data sheet.

If you notice that the device worked much quieter when it was new, and during its operation the noise increased noticeably, then it is necessary, first of all, to check the fastening of its structural elements. Fasteners could loosen over time due to vibration generated during engine operation. Poorly fixed parts of the hood can create additional background noise.

It is also necessary to check the ventilation shaft and air duct. Perhaps they are clogged or some debris (a piece of plaster, a small pebble, etc.) has got into the outlet pipe. This foreign object, vibrating in the air stream, can make noise and tap. You should also check the connections at the inlet and outlet of the duct. The density of these joints could also be broken, and the loose fit of the surfaces contributes to the formation of noise.

If, when checked in the store, the hood worked relatively quietly, and after installation it began to make much more noise, therefore, something was done incorrectly during its installation. The reason may be hiding in strong bends in the duct. In general, you should know that the more obstacles the air encounters in its path, the more noise is generated.

The problem also arises when a powerful hood, for example, with a capacity of 1000 m3 / h, is connected to ventilation pipe with a diameter of 100 mm, not 150 mm, as indicated in the instructions. In this case, not only the noise level during the operation of the hood increases, but also its performance decreases.

Similar problems with the installation of the hood arise when home craftsmen install it themselves, without the necessary experience and knowledge. The likelihood of many errors is also possible when a non-professional is invited to install the hood.

How can I reduce the noise during operation of the hood

To reduce the noise from the hood, it is necessary to check the fastening of the device case to the wall or to the kitchen cabinet, since noise and vibration occur even with the smallest gap between the wall and the equipment.

You can eliminate all existing gaps by sealing empty spaces with polyurethane or foam rubber. It is also necessary to tighten all fasteners, and put a thin isolone substrate into the vibrating surfaces.

When choosing a device, it should be borne in mind that the technical specifications indicate maximum power. So it is advisable to choose equipment with some power reserve. Then it will be possible to operate the hood not at maximum speeds, but at medium ones, which will help to significantly reduce the noise level. Indeed, when the equipment is operated at maximum speed, the noise is always much greater than when it is operated at minimum speed.

The noise level during operation of the hood also depends on the material from which the air outlet pipe or ventilation ducts are made. The quietest air duct is made of plastic, and the most noisy is made of thin corrugated metal.. In this case, noise can be somewhat reduced with the help of additional sound insulation. If the outer part of the duct is pasted over with noise-absorbing material, then the kitchen will become a little quieter, but the noise will not completely disappear.

The main noise is still created not by the duct pipes, but by the hood motor and fan blades. If high level noise is a feature of a particular model (this parameter is usually indicated in the technical data sheet), then nothing can be done about it. Therefore, you should not believe the promises of some unfortunate masters who have one goal - to earn more money from gullible customers.

Manufacturers of kitchen hoods are constantly working on the problem of reducing the noise of their products. New models are already more advanced, so they are able to work much quieter. For example, in stores today you can find devices with a noise figure of 35 dB. It corresponds to the sounds of a soft conversation, so the noise of the operating hood will not be annoying at all.

Rules for reliable operation of the hood

Avoid the need frequent repairs extraction can be done using simple rules operation of this equipment:

  • do not forget to change and clean the filters in time;
  • eliminate any possibility of engine overheating. First of all, you should not leave the stove on without dishes;
  • do not press the control buttons with dirty, greasy hands;
  • Technology must be treated with care.

The hood must be installed at a distance of at least 75 cm from gas stove and at least 65 cm from the electric. At the same time, the air duct should not have a large length and many turns or narrowed places.. It is also recommended to buy . Cheap Chinese equipment, as a rule, is short-lived, very noisy and inefficient, while consuming a lot of electricity.


When repairing an exhaust device with your own hands, the problems that have arisen are solved based on work experience and special knowledge. If there is no knowledge about the principle of operation of the device, then by intervening it can be completely disabled, and then professionals will have to be called for help, whose services will cost more than usual, since they will have to solve a non-standard task. Therefore, before proceeding with the repair of the hood, it is necessary to realistically assess your knowledge and strength.