Osho tarot instant spread. Divination by tarot cards online

  • 26.09.2019

The article will present the most common and convenient layouts on Tarot cards.

Divination by Tarot cards is a creative process. That is why it does not matter which layout to use.

  • In fortune-telling, the main thing is how you are set up. It depends on your susceptibility to images.
  • You need to start fortune telling with one card. This is the easiest way for beginners or a simple situation
  • In any scenario, there is such a thing as an “auxiliary card”. It is removed at the end of the layout when clarification is required.
  • The interpretation of divination should take place at two levels - intuitive (sensual) and rational. As practice shows, it is the intuitive interpretation of fortune-telling that is the most correct
  • Regularly laying out the cards, make personal notes in a notebook, write about your feelings about the cards that have fallen. Over time, you will have favorite layouts that you can customize for yourself.

How to tune in to fortune telling?

  • Fortune telling should become a kind of ritual for you, when your thoughts and feelings are focused only on the issue of interest.
  • Those who have previously practiced meditation will find it easier to focus. Whoever has not done this, we advise you to practice the art of meditation
  • During fortune telling, you should not be distracted by anything. There should be no strangers, annoying sounds or smells
  • Sit in comfortable posture, take the cards in your hands and slowly shuffle the deck
  • While shuffling, turn off the flow of thoughts and try to clear your head of thoughts. Create a vacuum in your head and feel complete relaxation
  • Be in a state of calmness for as long as you like. At a certain point, you will feel that you are ready to start fortune telling.
  • Turn the deck face down and remove the cards with your left hand towards you
  • At this moment, mentally ask a question to the cards, as if asking it to yourself
  • Each card must be drawn carefully and thoughtfully. Focus on every movement and do not get distracted by extraneous thoughts

Tarot card spreads

  • The main way to predict on Tarot cards is all sorts of layouts.
  • The essence of the layouts is one - they give an answer to the question, advice and evaluate various influences on situations
  • There are simple layouts where there are only exact values ​​(for example, a specific answer to a question). And there are those where there are cards that characterize hidden influences. To understand them, you must already have some degree of divination.
  • It is better to start a reptile with simple layouts. They will help you get familiar with the deck and learn how to feel the cards.
  • Sometimes, when shuffling, the card falls face up. You need to pay attention to it, as it is a hint of fate. It may not answer a specific question, but simply give an assessment of your current situation.

3 simple layouts for the current situation, for now

  • Layout "1 card". This is a simple layout that is good for both beginners and those who are interested in a short answer without explanation. It can be used as an answer to a question or a prediction. current day. In this scenario, it’s easy to study the deck and make personal notes. After shuffling the deck of cards, remove them with your left hand towards you. Mentally ask a question and draw a card. After that, carefully examine what is shown on it. Without looking into the interpretation, feel what emotions the image conveys. Try to connect this image with your feelings. Write everything down in a notebook. Only after that, read the meaning of the card and translate it to fit your situation.
  • 3 card spread. Also a simple alignment that will help clarify the situation in time. The cards are laid out on the table in this order: "Past", "Present" and "Future". The first card is what circumstances influenced the situation. Medium - the current state of affairs. The latter is a variant of the development of events in the current state of affairs
  • 5 card layout. This alignment is more complex than the previous two. Additional cards appear in it, which have a more intuitive interpretation. You need to do this alignment after you have already studied the deck and can freely do the analysis. We lay out the cards on the table in this order: “Past”, “Present”, “Hidden influence”, “Advice”, “Possible result”. Hidden Influence is a card that indicates aspects of the issue that you have missed. Perhaps you are too focused on one area of ​​your life, causing others to suffer. "Council" is practical actions, which will be the best in this situation

Simple tarot spreads

Tarot divination methods for love, relationships

  • Sometimes personal relationships do not add up and you want to understand what is worth changing.
  • To do this, try to make the "Help in love" alignment. It will help you understand what in your behavior repels the people around you.

"Help in love" layout

  • In the layout, we will have 5 cards, which should be laid out in the following sequence, as indicated in the diagram
  • 1 - your willingness to build relationships. This card speaks of your personal willingness to give and receive love.
  • 2 - obstacles on the way to love. The map shows what is preventing you from finding love.
  • 3 - advice on what to do to find a life partner
  • 4 - what external factors (people) prevent you from building relationships
  • 5 - result, or general assessment of the situation

Ways to predict the future using Tarot

Fortune-telling for the fulfillment of the desire "Horseshoe"

  • There will be 5 cards in the layout, which are laid out on the table in the shape of a horseshoe, as in the diagram below.
  • 1 - the rational part of the desire, how your mind relates to it
  • 2 - the intuitive part of the desire, what does your inner voice
  • 3 - how will the desire affect future events
  • 4 - factors (people) that stand in the way of the desired
  • 5 - factors (people) that contribute to the fulfillment of desire
Divination "Horseshoe"

Divination for life "Horoscope"

  • This fortune-telling contains all aspects of life, helps to look at them from the side and characterize them. There are 13 cards in total. 12 are specific aspects, and 13th is the final
  • The cards are laid out in the form of an astrological circle, the last card is placed in the center
  • 1 - your "I", life goals and priorities
  • 2 - a card that characterizes the material part of the issue (money, career, property)
  • 3 - people who surround you or everyday affairs. Everything that happens to you every day is part of life.
  • 4 - mentor, teachers or parents. The influence of those who are stronger or wiser than you
  • 5 - children or subordinates. Your influence on people who depend on you
  • 6 - negative aspects of life (illness, "gray everyday life", problems at work or in personal life). Everything that prevents you from living a full life
  • 7 - people who are nearby and matter to you (friends, partners, personal contacts). The card indicates your relationship and its impact on life in general.
  • 8 - secret passions and desires. A card that reveals your secret addictions
  • 9 - indicates spiritual or mental development. What you lack and what you need to strive for
  • 10 - success and your vain desires. What do you want to achieve in life
  • 11 - your place in society, how people around you react, what impression you make
  • 12 - a card that shows the limitations in your life. On what is preventing you from moving forward on the path to happiness
  • 13 - the final map, which summarizes and explains all the previous
Fortune telling "Horoscope"

Fortune telling for all occasions "Celtic Cross"

  • "Celtic Cross" is a universal divination that can clarify any situation.
  • At the heart of this alignment is a personality card. This is the card that characterizes you personally.
  • There are two ways to choose a personal card. The first is to simply choose from the deck the one that you like the most. That. with which you personally associate yourself, your feelings and experiences
  • The second way is astrological. We choose a suit: swords - air signs (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini), wands - fiery (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), cups - water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), pentacles - earth (Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus)
  • Now select a card by gender and age. Boys - Knights, girls - Pages, men - Kings, women - Queens
  • Example: a girl who was born under the sign of Gemini must choose a personal card, the Page of Swords.

The layout of the "Celtic cross"

  • 1 - a card that indicates the essence of the issue. She talks about the place of a person in relation to the question being asked.
  • 2 - "cross". A card that speaks of obstacles or their absence. On situations that need to be kept under control. The first two cards are essential for the whole schedule
  • 3 - indicates the aspects that led to the occurrence of this problem
  • 4 - past. What is left behind, but still has an impact on the present. 3 and 4 cards are connected and make up general characteristics your past affairs
  • 5 - a card that indicates opportunities and prospects. She points to the the best way problem solving
  • 6 is the future. Shows what fate has in store for you in the near future. Cards 5 and 6 are connected
  • 7 - a card that indicates your subconscious attitude to the issue
  • 8 - indicates the people who surround you: family, friends, enemies. All those who have influence on the situation
  • 9 - hopes or fears regarding the issue
  • 10 is the result. The final card, which shows how the case can end in the current scenario
Divination "Celtic Cross"

How to interpret divination?

  • If fortune-telling is complex, then it must be evaluated as a whole. That is, not only specific cards, but also their connections
  • Pay attention to how many upright and inverted cards are in the layout
  • Make an overall assessment of fortune-telling. What images are more? What suits? What are the cards that indicate personalities?
  • Reflect on everything you see on the cards, on their images.
  • Only then read the meaning of the cards. Record meaningful phrases in a notebook and associate them with personal feelings

How to turn any fortune-telling only for good?

  • Many people avoid fortune-telling for the very reason that they are afraid of negative answers. They believe that what is predicted by the cards will be so
  • Remember that cards do not provide specific answers to questions. It's just a tool to help you understand yourself.
  • Even if the answer is no, think about what you can change. After all, the negative answer fell out now, given the current state of affairs. What happens next is up to you
  • Any fortune-telling is beneficial, because it helps to look at the situation from the other side, to evaluate hidden factors

The meaning of the cards in the Tarot deck

  • The Tarot deck has 78 cards divided into the Major and Minor Arcana.
  • You can read the meaning of the cards here.
  • Write down your intuitive feelings from the cards and compare with a generalized interpretation. Over time, you will receive an individual meaning of tarot cards.

Video: Layout "Celtic Cross"

There are a lot of tarot card layouts. This site contains the following tarot spreads - author's layouts of tarot cards, layouts for the development of relationships and love, layouts for mental and physical health, for work, layouts for predicting the future, for self-knowledge. There is also an online layout of the Tarot "One Arcana", this alignment will help in any situation, give advice. But before you proceed with the layouts on the Tarot cards, we strongly recommend that you study At the end of this page you can read an article about the layouts of the Tarot cards - learn how to interpret the layouts, which means the layouts in which there are a lot of Tarot Arcana of a certain suit or Elder Arcana, court cards, etc.

The Transparent Tarot Spreads (The Transparent Tarot by Emily Carding):

  • This layout for relationships and love on transparent Tarot (The Transparent Tarot by Emily Carding) will show the prospect of developing relationships. Transparent Tarot is interesting in that when analyzing the alignment, you can consider it in more detail from different angles, combining the Arcana with each other. This layout on a transparent Tarot with an example of analysis of the alignment.

Tarot card layouts - Forecast for the future:

  • This layout of Tarot cards is suitable for any situation for the future.

  • this spread of tarot cards will give the answer to any question, a very simple layout that can be done with a mixed and full tarot deck.

  • an alignment that will help determine at what stage of development a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200blife is. The layout of the Jester Tarot cards is very simple.

  • this is an astrological tarot spread, the layout is convenient for beginners.

  • this is a tarot card spread to determine best opportunity when you have a choice. The alignment will help to see the prospects for future opportunities.

  • this tarot spread is used to determine the most likely time for an expected event to occur.

  • This tarot card spread shows the past, present and future. The alignment was invented by Nostradamus.

  • this tarot spread will help determine the prospects of undertakings for the future.

  • This is the author's layout of Tarot cards for the coming year. The alignment is built on the symbolism of the Arcana Jester.

  • - This tarot layout gives an answer to any yes / no question. Only one Tarot Arcana is used in the layout. The layout is very simple, easy and suitable for beginners.

  • - This author's layout on Tarot cards for work, is built on the symbolism of the Minor Arcana 3 Denarius. The alignment will tell you whether to accept a new job offer or a new position.

Tarot Card Spreads - Situation Analysis:

  • this layout of Tarot cards is suitable for answering a specific question, and for a general reading of the future, but the layout gives the best result for clarifying the existing situation. Tarot layout "Celtic cross" One of the most popular layouts.

  • this Tarot layout is very interesting, it predicts an event and advises how to behave in this situation. The Tarot layout "The Way" shows a person what opportunities he has to achieve the desired goal.

  • this layout of Tarot cards is used if a person finds himself in a situation where he feels that fate puts "spokes in the wheels" for him. The alignment will help you understand what is wrong in your situation.

  • this alignment can be done to predict the development of any situation, problem, relationship. The alignment reveals the immediate and future prospects of the planned business and gives advice.

  • this layout of Tarot cards is convenient for analyzing a specific life situation.

Tarot Card Spreads - Partnerships and Love:

  • this tarot spread is for the most commonly asked tarot card question, "does he/she love me or not?"

  • This layout of Tarot cards reveals the relationship between people.

  • This author's layout on Tarot cards is built on the symbolism of the Minor Arcana of 10 Cups. The alignment can be done if you decide to tie the knot with your partner, before the wedding, or if your relationship with your partner becomes more serious, for example, you are going to start living together with him.

  • - This author's alignment on Tarot cards is built on the symbolism of the Minor Arcana 2 of Cups. This love tarot spread will help you understand the prospect of a relationship if you have recently met your partner.

  • - This author's alignment on Tarot cards for relationships is built on the symbolism of the Minor Arcana 5 of Cups. The alignment is worth doing if you have a problematic relationship with a partner, and you can’t decide in any way whether you should part with your partner or should you save the relationship.

Tarot card layouts - for self-knowledge:

  • This Tarot spread is an analysis of the physical and spiritual state of health.

  • this alignment on the Tarot cards to identify fears conscious and unconscious.

  • - this tarot spread to identify health problems. This alignment will tell you how to improve the condition of your body.

  • - this author's alignment on Tarot cards is built on the symbolism of the Arcana World. The alignment will help you find your purpose in this life, tell you what abilities and talents you can realize. The alignment will answer the question - do you have a high mission in life.

Tarot card layouts online for free:

  • this layout can be used if you need short and understandable advice in any situation, or you want to know how you should behave at the moment, then the One Arcana Tarot layout is best choice. The One Arcana Tarot spread is especially well suited for assessing a situation, for yes / no answers, for specific advice in a life situation. This Tarot layout will give you the answer online, without SMS, for free and without registration, immediately on the site.

How to interpret layouts on tarot cards.

When making layouts on Tarot cards, remember that in order to get a clear answer to any question, you must be completely relaxed and your thoughts should be occupied only with the situation that interests you, the question that you want to get an answer to. Before the alignment, let go of all thoughts, relax, in no case look forward to the result, do not think which Tarot Arcana should fall out in your layout.

It is best if you write down your question before the layout, take a deck of Tarot cards and shuffle the Arcana on the table, present your situation in detail, remember all the nuances of your case, or simply pronounce your question to yourself or aloud. Then you let go of all your thoughts and draw the Arcana Tarot for the alignment.

When you have made a layout, open one Tarot Arcana each. The first feeling from the Arcana will be the most correct. Then, when all the Arcana of the layout are open, look at the layout in general, are there many Major Arcana Tarot cards, or does a certain suit prevail in the layout, or are there many court cards? If there are many Major Arcana in the layout, then most likely in this situation you can change little, it is karmic and you need to get some specific lesson, which each Major Arcana will tell you about. If there are a lot of inverted Arcana in the layout, then there will be many difficulties in the situation and it will not go the way you want, you will have to make more efforts. If there are a lot of cards of the suit of Swords in the layout, then such a layout can indicate a tense situation, here you will need to make decisions logically, and not rely on intuition, there will probably be quarrels, a cold atmosphere, prickly relationships. If there are many cards of the suit of Wands in the layout, then the situation will develop faster, the relationship will be passionate, you will act decisively. If there are more cards of the Denarius suit in the layout, then the situation will develop more slowly, relations will be more stable, and something related to finances may also take place. If the layout contains many cards of the suit of Cups, then the situation may be related to emotions, emotional problems, romantic relationships, you can behave like a romantic, a dreamer. When there are many court cards in the layout, it means that there will either be many participants in this case, or someone will help or hinder you, depending on the suit and whether the court cards are reversed or straight. Of course, each Tarot Arcana is important in the layout separately, but after the alignment, you should have a general picture of the situation.

Regarding the layouts on the Tarot cards, I would also like to say that you can use ready-made Tarot layouts, or you can come up with your own layouts. Only you must clearly formulate your question and understand what is the most important thing that you would like to know. How to make a small layout plan and identify the main aspects of your question.

You can watch the video layouts on Tarot cards - the layout of the "Cross" cards for the near future and another video about Tarot cards:

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Below I outlined the schemes of my favorite and personally tested Tarot card layouts, and for some of them you can watch a short Video with good example Togo what this or that alignment looks like in practice with the interpretation of the meanings of the cards in the layout itself.

To simplify the assimilation and memorization of materials (spreads, lassoes and the way of interpreting their meanings), the layouts of my collection will be published as they naturally become more complex.

I remind you that these and other Tarot layouts can also be viewed in the section

The first 4 layouts will become a kind of “introduction” into the limitless world of the most incredible and interesting Tarot layouts (solitaires), which most likely will not be enough time to list. Our task with you, following from the simple to the complex, is to learn to feel and understand the meanings of the cards in the layout, their relationship and hear their barely noticeable voice. So let's get started.

Simple tarot spreads.

1. The layout of one card.

This simple alignment can also be called “How to be?”, “+/-”, “yes / no”, “To be or not to be”. Click on the picture to enlarge.

The essence of the alignment is simple and complex at the same time. For example: the querent asks “to do or not to do, to be or not to be, what to do?”.

1 card (significator) is taken out of the deck. If the major lasso falls on the significator, then we look at all the pros and cons regarding the major lasso. If the minor numerical lasso falls out, we put the card down in the field in position 1 (this card means) if the numerical lasso falls again, we put the card down to the second position (this card does not mean) and so on until the major lasso falls out, which should “start” the layout and set its character and take the position of a significator.

The significator card will indicate the essence of the question “yes-no” or “to be not to be”, and the cards below in the positions “means” - “does not mean” will talk about the situation and give a more detailed picture of the alignment.

Cards in positions below the significator in this spread you can spread until they run out or the essence of the request becomes clear.

See below the video analysis of the alignment of one card. An example of the meaning and interpretation of Tarot cards in a layout of just 1 card.

there was a desire to clarify the situation? - click on the button - tarologist services online.

2. Tarot layout for 3 cards.

Tarot for 3 cards is another simple and easy-to-remember Tarot layout in its essence and concept. It is versatile and multifunctional. For example, it can be used as a spread for introspection and as a prognostic spread. Also, this layout can serve as a layout for clarifying the relationship (for love) between two persons. Only 3 cards - they can easily say what is hidden at first glance from the understanding of the questioner.

The layout is simple. 3 cards are laid out in one row in positions 1-2-3 Where on the left is the past (1), in the center is the present (2) or the essence of the issue, on the right (3) is the future. According to the location of the lasso and its essence, one can build interpretations of the meaning of the layout as a whole.

I give below a simple circuit Tarot spread for 3 cards. Remember to click on the image to enlarge the layout.

I think that the 3-card layout is simple in nature and easy to use.memorization. And here is a good example of a prognostic layout of only three cards for events. The querent request is as follows:"Will I go to work in Italy?"As it says and works in practice, this alignment on the Tarot deck of 78 doors will tell my video review.Turn on the video to view the layout.

If you liked this alignment, then below I give 1 more interesting tarot layout for 3 cards, which I dared to draw on 6 different decks. This alignment concerned the "clarification" conflict situation. I have already published it in my notes in the rubric and it can be found in the catalog of the rubric under number 7. However, in the context of the collection of spreads, it is appropriate to repeat this video in order to emphasize the versatility practical application this tarot spread. See what came of it in the video below:

You also can independently try to make your own layout of 3 cards and share with me in the comments here or under real videos on my copyright Youtube channel

If you have a desire to try this or another alignment for your specific situation, I suggest you order a Tarot consultation by clicking the button below:

3. Tarot layout 2 x 3 cards. Choice of path or Direction of action.

This is a modification of the basic version of the previous layout for 3 cards, which we are with you in paragraph 2 of our collection of Tarot layouts. I would even say that this layout is a kind of symbiosis of the first and second layouts, because it contains a significator and 2 rows of cards of 3 each, which indicate options for the development of events.

The scheme of this tarot layout is still simple:

To hear how the real alignment speaks in my author's performance on Aleister Crowley's magical Thoth Tarot deck, I recommend including the video that you see below.

As you can see, using various magical tools (in this case, the Tarot of Thoth), you and I can turn 7 Tarot cards into a talking mosaic, after reading which we can make our conscious choice.

To test this or another Tarot layout applicable to your question, you can order the services of a tarot reader online by clicking on the button below:

4. Tarot layout for 3 cards with clarification. "Combined"

At its core, this is a combination of the layouts described in and. Initially, a layout of three cards is laid out, previously considered by us P.2. After that, the incomprehensible positions of the alignment are specified using the method described in Clause 1.

How it might look in practice, see my video below. This video tarot review not only shows an example of a combined tarot spread, but is also a live rare illustrative example of a psychological tarot spread for introspection. This layout option allows you to use the minimum number of cards for maximum concentration and simplify the analysis of the situation according to the principle: than fewer cards(factors) the clearer the situation. Turn on the video to watch:

And here's another one good example combined tarot layout for 3 cards:

The combined tarot spread "closes" a series of simple layouts from 1 to 3 cards. Of course, the layouts I have given above are far from all the schemes and ways to decompose and interpret Tarot cards, but our task is learning tarot from simple to complex, and these first 4 examples did a great job. Now you and I can move on to more complex layouts with more cards, the first of which will be one of the most popular layouts, called the "Celtic Cross".

You can clarify similar complex issues with the help of a tarot reader by placing an order for tarologist services online by clicking on the button below:

Tarot spreads of medium complexity.

5. The layout of the "Celtic cross".

A relatively simple layout for clarifying almost “any” current situation can be used both in predictive (prognostic) layouts and when working in psychological counseling when using Tarot cards in the work of a psychologist.

The layout of the Celtic cross is relatively simple, although it has 10 cards.

As you may have guessed: the main intrigue lies in the pairs of cards 1-2 and 6-10. It is on these pairs of alignment that you should pay close attention. The remaining cards of the layout serve as a “background” or “decoration”, which help to get a complete picture of the events taking place and to reveal the subtleties and nuances of the issue.

Below is an example of a video that uses a wonderful Deviant Moon deck of cards (the Deviant Moon deck), which can work great as a fortune-telling deck and in psychological practices, for example, to identify psychological trauma or work with the shadow. To view an example of the layout, turn on the video below:

Summary of this alignment: a simple, understandable and accessible Tarot layout, used quite often in everyday practice by tarologists of all stripes. It is also interesting because it is “simple” with a large (10) number of cards in solitaire.

6. Layout "Bridges" (Station in two).

Another simple and rather popular Tarot layout is when you are asked to guess at a relationship, especially if this relationship has not yet been formalized or when there is a desire to guess at a man or a woman, or rather “fortune-telling about love”. In general - a love alignment.

Most likely, this alignment got its name "Bridges" not so much for the intuitive connecting component of one bank with another, but due to the horizontal and diagonal "levels" of points of view that are possible when interpreting the meaning of the cards in the layout. After all, you can consider both opposite cards of two columns, and lying on a cross, from which there are even more variations, and a seemingly simple alignment can speak for 45 minutes.

Layout scheme

A feature of the layout is the presence of only one significator (sometimes it can be 2), as well as a relatively small number of cards in the layout.

One more feature: in the layout of the Tarot "Bridges" it takes into account 2 points of view at once - the querent and the object of interest of the querent.

This layout is very simple both to understand and to interpret the meaning of the cards in the layout.

And here is a visual video example taken from my practice, which I posted in my own rich collection of Tarot layouts. Turn on the video to watch.

Below you can watch the Tarot layout online - a similar "bridge" but with two significator cards. Turn on the video.

As you can see from the video, using a psychological approach to the Tarot layout, you can offer several quite possible (and in practice realizable) options for getting out of a “difficult” situation at first glance. In this case, just communicate more and revitalize sexual relations with husband. Alternatively, contact a sexologist.

As you can see, a simple alignment of the Tarot Bridges can prompt and answer a variety of questions in our lives.

And here is an example from my personal practice, when I took and slightly modified the “station for two” layout and applied it as a layout not for relationships or love, but for the result of an event. By the way, the forecast came true for both querents! So you can safely put it into practice. We look at the layout and interpretation of the cards in the layout in the video below:

If you have a desire to use the services of a tarot reader and make a deal with my help, click the button below and I will help you tell fortunes online or to your email address ...

Another alignment for the relationship of a man and a woman is a married couple for 40 years, about 20 years of marriage. relationship crisis. A typical example of the alignment of the psychological Tarot, when a man (woman) found himself in a crisis of personal relationships. Usually this crisis is associated with a "mid-life crisis" with all the "following". how it might look will tell us the following tarot layout online:

If you are not tired of watching online Tarot layouts for love and relationships between a man and a woman on the request “What does he think of me, what does he feel for me, how does it look and what is happening?”, Then another 1 example of a real layout for love and relationship will do you good

7. Chariot layout.

In the same way as for divination for love and relationships, there are corresponding card layouts for money, profit and business. There is nothing surprising here, because the Tarot covers all aspects of our life with you and try to understand financial matters with the help of maps is quite real. One of these layouts "for money", or rather for "prospects for the implementation of the business plan" is the "Chariot".

The layout got its name thanks to the scheme of the eponymous major arcan No. 7, which patronizes the “new beginning”, business, implementation. It is the chariot that drives ambitions forward and materializes them in the form of formed intentions.

The layout is somewhat similar to a love “bridge”, but it already has an excellent layout, with the same total number of cards (in both cases, 7 cards).

I give the scheme of the Chariot layout below. Click on the layout to enlarge.

In fact, when performing the Chariot alignment, an interesting “pentacle” or money story always “falls out”, which, at times, takes much longer than 20 minutes of a real Tarot video lesson online on layouts on the blog of a practicing Tarologist. For divination for success, money and business, the golden deck of Nefertari Tarot cards is very well suited. This is what I often use in my practice for such layouts. So let's look:

The chariot gives answers not only to financial requests, but also to the success of the enterprise, plans and intentions. Laying out the "chariot" is relatively simple, so if there is a necessary case, be sure to try to practice this Tarot layout and tell fortunes.

8. Love Triangle Tarot Spread

This layout may somehow resemble the “Station for two” layout, but only with the peculiarity that the station is just “for three”. This layout is performed when some kind of controversial relationship of 3 people arises. As a rule, this alignment is performed on the relationship of a woman - a man - a woman or a man - a woman - a man, however, it can also be successfully decomposed into a business, in the case when it comes to the interests of 3 different parties, for example, business partners or competitors. As in the Celtic Cross layout, 10 cards are used here according to the scheme, which can be seen below.

Scheme of the layout "Love Triangle".

I also suggest watching the video of the Tarot layout "Love Triangle" with a clear example of the interpretation of cards in the layout at the request of my querent.

As you can see from this video, you can optionally add a clarifying alignment to any alignment to clarify the situation. In the video above, a simple "Cross" layout determined the further algorithm and vector of the querent's actions in the "Love Triangle".

Confused in your Love Triangle? — order a consultation of a Tarologist online.

And here is another example of the same layout, but with a different request. Will the husband return? I want to note right away that the result of the alignment itself depends on the very request or “desire” before the alignment itself. Watch the video and analyze the maps.

The attitude of the querent "I don't know" in front of the spread itself - gives a clear picture of the inverted positions of the querent and the "consent of the world" in the form of 3 bowls inside this "love" triangle.

And here is another version of the same triangle, but already very conflicting - “Spell on Blood” is a similar request, but the emphasis of the request sounds a little different. CAN I RETURN THE HUSBAND (with the original intention to return)

We watch the video, we analyze the cards in the layout:

You can continue a series of similar layouts for the relationship of a man and a woman or a “third extra” in various options and combinations. It is important to note that the outcome of the alignment largely depends on the mood of the querent and the clarity of the wording of the request to the cards.

9. The layout of the "Third Parallel".

The "Third Parallel" or "Third Dimension" layout is my author's modification of the layout discussed above on "in P.3 of this section on divination on Tarot cards.

As far as you have noticed, your humble servant does not provide a layout scheme, since it is identical to the scheme in the layout with only one difference, which is important to note: first, 2 options are laid out (and, if necessary, 3 or more options) and a choice is made from them, but the third the line is laid out when a choice is made between the options. This is how the "purity" of the final answer to the request is achieved - what the choice will lead to. It is better if the choice is made from as few options as possible, no more than 3, and preferably 2, - THUS, THE ARRANGEMENT REDUCES TO THE NAME " OR OR and “where the final decision will lead.”

10. Tarot layout "Leonardo"

The Leonardo spread completes the top ten of my collection of spreads for a variety of requests from my clients. This Tarot layout can be chosen when an analysis of the current situation is needed, or when it is necessary to receive advice or a short-term forecast for the future. This layout is taken from Hayo Banzhaf's book "Tarot key concepts". On my own behalf, I want to add that this layout is also great for those cases when “the Querent does not know what he wants” or “cannot clearly formulate his request” for the tarologist.

The layout of this layout is relatively simple, although the layout belongs to the 4th level of complexity according to the 5-point system that H. Banzhaf introduced for his layouts. I would say that this is a “moderate” layout and it is quite “talking” for me.

I won’t draw a diagram of this layout on purpose, but I’ll just post a photo for you, which you can enlarge by clicking on the picture. The photo has all the necessary "decoding" of the position and interpretation of the Tarot cards.

Below I give an example of using the layout in my own practice of a tarot reader, where you can see the restoration of the Tarot layout for one of my clients. A young lady who is on the verge of choosing between studying and finding a partner. "What's happening"? in her case, the real video will tell.

If you want to tell fortunes for the future along with a lot, fortune telling for love or relationships, fill out an application for Tarot online by clicking on the button below.

Lovers layout.

I used this layout from the book of A. Solodilova Tarot in the work of a psychologist, and the scheme for the layout with the meaning of the cards in the layout was also taken from there.

Below is a detailed example of the "Lovers" layout, which I performed at the request of my querent. This is a rather detailed and relatively “complex” alignment, which can show in detail the situation and the prospect of partner relations.

The next schedule is being prepared for publication

The teachings of the legendary educator and spiritual teacher Osho are famous today as if great person never left the mortal world. Prediction is a long, complex process that requires concentration of strength and energy, it is not at all accidental that not every magician or sorcerer decides to engage in such a delicate magical work.

To get a true alignment, you need to know how to properly handle the Zen Osho Tarot.

Osho Zen Tarot Cards Can Be Yours indispensable assistant or mislead, because only the skillful handling of mystical cards provides accurate predictions for the near and far future. What is the power of tarot, the meaning of Osho tarot cards Zen tarot decks for you and how to use the magic attribute correctly?

History of the Zen Osho deck of cards

The founder of one of the most popular religious teachings, Osho, even during his lifetime nurtured the idea of ​​​​creating an unusual fortune-telling deck, but the idea remained only a desire, which was skillfully realized by the followers of the spiritual leader.

The inner circle of a man who saw the world in a completely different, wonderful light, were detailed overview and interpretation of Tarot symbols according to Osho's interpretation. Therefore, the subtle soul of the thinker is still alive, it is infinitely kind and strives to help people. Nothing is eternal, the teacher of enlightenment himself says, but deeds are eternal. Osho Zen taro became such an afterword, simple and ingenious, like the author of the magic deck himself.

Divination cards are in great demand among those who are desperately looking for answers about the turning events of the future, but Osho's Zen Zorb tarot divination is an unimaginable substance. A mixture of forces capable of prophesying the future and sources of inner enlightenment. For spiritual practices, such a deck is an indispensable attribute. Not everything that lives inside and outside of a person has an explanation, but everything has a reason. It is on the basis of a simple truth that the Tarot deck, with the interpretation of Osho himself, works at a deeper subconscious level.

The symbols depicted on the same cards indicate the feelings, emotions, hidden motives of any person, both asking the deck a question and someone who has nothing to do with fortune telling. Are you worried about the future? Then, with the help of the immortal teachings of the greatest thinker of all times and peoples, you will see the events of the future, to which the actions and deeds in the present have led. Listen to the advice of the cards, they contain wisdom that was previously inaccessible to you and a blessing for new beginnings.

With the help of Zen Osho Tarot, you can predict the future

The structure of the Zen tarot deck

The Osho Zen Tarot deck analyzes the future from several opposite sides at once. The moral spirit of a person, his physical condition, secret thoughts - nothing is hidden from the cards, symbolizing the past, present and future. The spread you chose to use consists of several cards of different suits.

Each symbol must be considered. Only after studying individual cards will you be able to put together the entire forecast. Little by little. Prophecy on Osho Zen cards is carried out using a standard set of symbols:

  • major arcana (twenty-two cards);
  • an additional card of the Master attached to the arcana;
  • minor arcana (fifty-six).

Unique names have been developed for the Minor Arcana cards that you will not find in any other magical attribute for divination. 56 symbols of the minor arcana are associated with powerful patrons - natural elements. The layout, consisting of unique suits - Water, Air, Rainbow and Fire, covers all human life spheres, allows you to create an accurate, probable forecast of the future.

The main cards of the Osho Zen deck

The senior cards of the Zen deck, created on the basis of the teachings of Osho, represent the stages of gradual spiritual development, and are fundamental in the entire deck. It is these maps that create the direction of the forecast - soften it or worsen even positive symbols. The numbering of the major arcana starts from zero and ends with the number &21&. Additional sign– Master, points to the truths that already exist in your mind, but for some reason you do not use them. A symbol of awakening and exit from stagnation is always a favorable card.

If you see the Master sign in the layout, be sure that great deeds and accomplishments await you. In total, the deck consists of twenty-three major arcana, working on own scheme, regardless of the location of the symbol in the layout or the order in which you draw the cards from the deck. The hierarchical nature of the major arcana dominate, direct the forecast in the right direction, and unlike the minor arcana, the first twenty-three cards are not influenced by neighboring signs.

The absence of major arcana in the deck is a sign of doubt.

There is a high probability that the forecast may not come true. Fortune-telling Osho Zen taro will go without a hitch if you prepare in advance. Learn the basics of the classic tarot, and then look at the structure of the new deck created by Osho himself.

The element of fire in the Osho Zen Tarot deck

The suit of Fire in the Osho deck correlates with the Wands in the traditional Tarot, and symbolizes the inner strength of a person, his wasted energy, and sometimes situations that create a general unfavorable background for advancing your professional or love affairs. The help of the Suit of Fire is especially valuable in cases where you are not able to get out of the circumstances on your own.

Fire is the most sensitive phenomenon in nature, it changes from external factors and lends itself to all sorts of manipulations. Not without reason, the Wands of the Zen Tarot deck analyze the sensual part of human nature. Your subconscious mind, which creates the future in the likeness of the "seeds" you planted in the past, or the intuition, whose prophecy you are saving, appeal to you through mystical cards. Listen to her, make every effort so that your inner voice does not go unnoticed.

Fortune telling on Osho Zen Tarot is an exciting activity

The suits of Water in the divination of the Zen deck

Cups, whose patron is the irresistible element of Water, are represented in the mystical collection of cards by the following symbols:

Cups are responsible for the emotional state, the sensuality of a person, from which you often suffered. Such a variety of fortune-telling attributes have a special role for women, because Cups characterize the feminine. A person who is susceptible to changes in spiritual weather will find many signs of the element of Water in the layout for the past or future.

The azure color of the suit indicates calm, balance of this element. An instant alignment (the easiest way to guess on the Zen tarot using simple card schemes) indicates the most important upcoming events that are of a fateful nature. Do not miss the smile of Fortune, otherwise next time, success will not come so easily and quickly.

Air suits as interpreted by Osho

The element of Air, represented in the deck of Osho's fortune-telling cards in the form of the suit of Clouds, has a powerful, invisible, like the wind itself, energy. The suit of the Swords of the usual ancient Tarot corresponds to the element of Air, because Osho saw the barriers that prevent light from penetrating into the human soul. Your mental attitude, creating reality, will find echoes on the cards of the Swords of the mystical deck.

Fortune telling on tarot cards from Osho indicates the problems living in your head. Osho argued that such a phenomenon as clouds is of a fickle nature and any difficulties that have arisen in your life will go away. The gray suits do not overshadow the alignment, they only give advice on solving the adversity that has arisen.

Osho Zen Tarot meanings of the elements of Clouds predicts the growth of consciousness, the danger of schizophrenia, delayed mental development, upcoming sadness or confrontation. Osho Zen Tarot Instant will help you find balance, get rid of sadness or excessive control from loved ones or relatives.

Rainbow symbols in the Osho Zen deck

The pentacles of the Osho deck are created according to the prototype of the Rainbow. Material goods, without which in the modern world it is difficult not only to live, but to survive, is represented by the suit of Pentacles. The base feelings inherent in a person are displayed on rainbow-colored cards. The energy of all living things creates reality, and all sorts of problems, if you follow the classic interpretation of the Osho deck, annoy you - find weaknesses in your body and soul.

These tarot cards are simple and enjoyable to use. The deck pleases the eye and lends itself to your interpretations without additional effort. The symbols of the deck (tarot prophecy) symbolize:

  1. Ace of the Rainbow. The meaning of this card is calm, leading to understanding. Only a person who knows the difference between the concepts of what is in a buddha and what is a buddha (the zorb is not always what it seems).
  2. Double Rainbow. A sign indicating the internal state between moments. Do not live in the past, do not sigh for the past, the Deuce card advises, enjoy the present.
  3. Four. The map of the Rainbow called "miser" calls out to you, wouldn't it be time to look at the old landmarks from a different angle? Any addiction is harmful, any attachment is the shackles of your free soul. During his lifetime, Osho's teachings prompted people to different thoughts, the main of which was the craving for perfection, loneliness, not killing a person, but freeing him.
  4. Rainbow Six. Map of compromise, reconciliation and finding balance in all areas human life. The fortuneteller creates illusions, which this sign warns against.
  5. Eight. Map of mediocrity and everyday life. Hard work does not always lead to success. The Eight of the Rainbow is a calm card that prompts a person to think about eternal things.
  6. Ten Rainbow. Awareness of the integrity of the world, that's what the symbol testifies to. The interpreter, having seen the Ten card, should devote some time to rest or even idle pastime.
  7. Knight. The passage of time is the most amazing part of human life. Let go of everything that pulls you down, and then something new and beautiful will appear in your life.
  8. King. Decomposing a simple tarot layout is easy, and recognizing the symbols of future abundance is even easier. A card promising an increase in your income makes the whole outlook favorable. The card symbol of this suit indicates a quick (immediately after the end of fortune-telling) end of a crisis or a protracted quarrel.

King - a card that promises an increase in your income

Do not neglect the advice of the mysterious deck created by the teacher, the spiritual enlightener of thousands of people around the world. Osho has come a long way, illuminating every corner of his soul, and the wisdom that he carried is available to you. Do not miss the chance to create favorable conditions for future success and happiness.

The Osho Zorb Tarot deck is served to anyone who approaches the process of divination consciously, with an open mind and a pure heart.

If you can change your own future, why not? Listen to the advice of the zen tarot card that fell out in the layout, and create a new reality that only you need.

Let's talk about how to do instant layout on Zen Tarot Osho. This deck is quite unusual, so fortune-telling on it has its own characteristics. A total of 78 cards with 22 major arcana and 56 minor arcana of four suits. If you are interested in self-knowledge, choose this deck.

The essence of the alignment is not to get a clear answer: "Yes" or "No" to the question that interests you. On the contrary, ask open questions, and the cards will give a very complete prediction that may surprise you.

What are the features of fortune telling on this unusual deck:

  • Maps do not predict the future. They will help you understand yourself and understand what your thoughts, feelings and actions have become a source of problems and situations that need to be resolved.
  • Osho believed that the truth lies "in the moment", and a person builds the future himself. Therefore, the cards will indicate in which direction to move, what to pay attention to in order to develop awareness
  • The cards will tell everything about the state of mind of the fortuneteller, penetrate into the essence of the unconscious, literally “reveal” everything that prevents you from achieving success and moving forward

The Osho deck is a tool for those who seek self-knowledge and believe that thoughts and feelings lead to everything that happens in life.

Spread example

Let's say you drew the "Experience" card when you did an instant spread.

What does it mean:

  • According to the name of the card, the fortuneteller at the current time is not in his best state of mind. He is worried, he is literally covered with emotions, he is unable to get rid of the experiences that prevent him from assessing the situation rationally
  • Arcane tip: abstract from sad thoughts and learn to enjoy the moment, draw happiness in the present
  • You should learn to fill yourself with only positive experiences. Pay attention to the beauty of the world around you, draw energy from the forces of nature. This will help you deal with negative situations in the right way.
  • Stop and think about what brings you happiness. Look into the eyes of your loving child, man, mother, friend. Just touch the earth, water, wood. God is love, find him and get the strength to move on

The alignment on one card is always quite difficult to interpret. Therefore, if the prediction seems ambiguous, take out one more lasso from the deck - it will complement the interpretation and help you better understand it.

Important Points

In order for the prediction and advice of the arcana to be correct, pay attention to some details.

In the description of the meanings of the arcana, you will definitely find some images, symbols, incomprehensible words. How to interpret them:

  • Zorba Buddha in Osho Zen Tarot is a symbol of perfection, self-knowledge, awareness, realization, tranquility, wisdom and, most importantly, compassion
  • The praying mantis is the personification of playfulness. The state in which your “inner child” turns on. It is in this state that a person falls in love, plays, dreams, comes up with ways to realize the most, at first glance, unrealizable goals.
  • Headless is a state beyond the mind. This is the moment when you turn off your brain and start listening to the signals of your own soul.
  • Suits - minor arcana, which are called Clouds, Fire, Water and Rainbow

It is worth understanding a little about the features of the four suits of the Osho Zen Tarot deck:

  1. The suit of Fire - corresponds to the Wands of the traditional deck. A symbol of energy and power that fills a person and gives him the strength to move forward
  2. The suit of Water - corresponds to the Cups of classic decks. Symbol of emotions, feelings, processes occurring in the human unconscious
  3. The suit of the Clouds corresponds to the Swords. We personify the mind, but the mind is not enlightened. This is naked rationalism, reason without a drop of soul. It is necessary, but you also need to be able to listen to the signals of your subconscious
  4. The suit of the Rainbow corresponds to the Pentacles. This is good, divine energy and love, without which it is impossible spiritual development. It is food for growth and success in everything

Watch an entertaining video about another popular Zen spread. Osho Tarot"Spiritual Path"

Why do tarologists use the Osho deck?

Currently, divination on classic tarot decks is more popular. Osho's charts are significantly different.

Their purposes may be as follows:

  • Cards teach a person to live "in the moment", not thinking about the past and not torturing himself with thoughts of the future. This is mindfulness training - when you learn to be happy this second and constantly return to the current moment.
  • The suit of the Clouds is very important - this is an unenlightened mind that prevents you from transforming reality and becoming happy. It is necessary not to allow the “state of the Clouds” into your consciousness so that there are no negative consequences in reality
  • In interpretation, it is equally important to learn to abstract from own thoughts and feelings, fears and fears, to see the true meaning of the cards that appeared in the layout

It is advisable to do an instant alignment every day - this will be an extra reminder of how important the current moment is. From Osho's point of view, he is life itself.

Questions for the layout

An important condition for the layout is to ask those questions that require a detailed answer. Do not ask when this or that event will happen. It is better to find out what needs to be done in order for it to happen with the result you need.

Therefore, the question should be formulated in this way: seek to know the causes, not the timing. And always remember that the responsibility for everything that happens in your life is only on you, none of those around you can be involved in this.

Instant layout can also be done on classic decks. But it is Osho's cards that help to get the most complete picture, to penetrate into the essence of things, objects and phenomena. You will not know the future, but you will understand how to behave in order to build it correctly.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card: