Quotes with the word "reality. Great People About Reality Dream Quotes

  • 04.02.2021

"Where I am?" I ask myself. A question that makes no sense. Ask it, don't ask it - the answer is always known in advance. I am in my own life. Around is my only reality.
Haruki Murakami

... According to your faith, be it to you.
Gospel of Matthew

What is reality? Do you think it exists? Answer this question for yourself. How real is the world you live in? How plausible are the principles that you have laid down?
Tonight I was walking down the road. And looked around. Skyscrapers surrounded me. The people living in these houses are each in their own reality. Each in his own cell. And they are all different. Faced with each other, people sometimes try to prove that their reality is the most real. What is right to do the way they are. And each of them is right only in one thing - that the other is wrong. In fact, objective reality does not exist. Everything that is in your head is a description of the surrounding things and phenomena. This is the world in which you live, and only you! This is not reality - just an illusion!
Reality for you is everything you believe in! Moreover, as soon as you start believing in reality, it works. Have you ever thought about it? After all, it's amazing!
Alex Leslie

All of you color reality according to your means of observing it.
Roger Zelazny

In order to realize the reality familiar to another, it is first necessary to free oneself from one's own reality; but it is not at all easy for a person to get rid of the usual picture of the world, this habit must be broken by force.
Carlos Castaneda

Each person lives his reality according to his choice and inner perception.
Anastasia Novykh

Unlike a dream, reality is a material that lacks plasticity.
Yukio Mishima

…reality as it appears to you and most people is just an illusion. Behind what our eyes see, there is another reality, and it must be felt with the heart. There is no other way.
Gregory David Roberts

The only reality is the life of feelings, feelings that are not limited by anything, meaningless, reviving when they seem to have died, reborn when they seem to have faded away, feelings that do not know the purpose and result.
Yukio Mishima

Suppose you walk out of here and start wandering around the palace. One of the guards will most likely notice you, think you're a thief, and fire a crossbow. I mean, in his Reality you will be a thief. Although in reality it is not. But you will be dead just as if it were the pure truth. Faith is a powerful thing.
Terry Pratchett

… the vast majority of people do not believe in reality, but in what they would like to consider reality. Such people, no matter how goggle-eyed, still do not see what is really happening. They are just asking for someone to lead them by the nose.
Haruki Murakami

For him, the whole reality of life lay in external things, but for me there was no other reality than the reality of the spirit - the mind, as I thought at that time, before I had time to realize what a rude mocker and cruel master the intellect can be.
Robertson Davis

Life tries to get through to everyone. Each of us has a choice: to fight with Life for our expectations, it is not known when inspired, or to become a more conscious person who sees reality, and not just our illusions and hallucinations.
Alexander Sviyash

People will kill you over time. They will cut every last bit of fun off you with little, innocent-looking phrases that people use every day, like, “Be realistic! Can you be realistic for a second?" It means: see reality the way I see it, or die.

There are many great romantic moments in life. And they are worth living for. But there is one problem: moments pass. And from around the corner of these moments, a cruel, unshaven asshole is already peeking out, whose name is reality.

How I Met your mother

What is so special about this Bella? Edward is so excited.
- You have to read the first book first, otherwise the plot is lost.
- Oh, I miss Ann Rice. She wrote much more truthfully.
Why don't you sparkle?
- Because I live in the real world, where vampires burn in the sun.

The Vampire Diaries

A lot of stupid things happen in a dream. But the current reality of dreams is slowly catching up.

Objective reality - there is delirium caused by a lack of alcohol in the blood.

Johnny Depp

The real world for those who can't imagine anything better.

The Simpsons

The disadvantage of fairy tales is that they lead to disappointment. In real life, the prince ends up with the wrong princess. (The problem with fairy tales is that they set the girl up for disappointment—princes sometimes leave with another princess.)


What's going on in my head is much more interesting than what's going on outside.


When I wake up, I have to convince myself that my dreams are not real and my reality is not a dream.

Cecilia Ahern. I love your memories

Reality does not fit well with dreams ...

Paulo Coelho. eleven minutes

My plush world turned out to be woven from synthetics.

Maria Sveshnikova. Beemine

Do you know the difference between reality and fantasy? The fact that when dreams come true, everything is not as you imagined.

Dmitry Emets. Methodius Buslaev. Mage of midnight

Illusions attract us because they relieve pain, and as a substitute they bring pleasure. For this, we must accept without complaint when, in conflict with a part of reality, illusions are shattered.

Sigmund Freud

We no longer live in the real world. We live in a world of conventions.

Chuck Palahniuk. Suffocation

Who called?
- The real world, it hasn't disappeared...

One tree's hill

The dream ship sank when it collided with the iceberg of reality.

Dmitry Emets. Tanya Grotter and Aphrodite's curl

Dreams are reality. The main thing is to really want and take a step forward ...

Elchin Safarli. …no memories without you

Dreams are a reflection of reality. Reality is a reflection of dreams.

Sigmund Freud

…people are deeply connected in their lives to what they accept as truth…that’s how they define “reality”…but what does “truth” mean? indefinite concept. which means that their "reality" is perhaps only a mirage...

Naruto hurricane chronicles

A person's life is determined by what he considers true and right. This is what shapes our reality. Just what is truth? Just a concept, and reality can be a mirage. Or maybe people live in a world of their own illusions?

Everyone has dreams, but only a few make them come true. All the rest of us are cowards.

Veronica decides to die

Tom was walking towards her apartment. He was intoxicated with hopes and dreams. And he thought that this time his dreams would coincide with reality...

500 days of Summer

When everything collapses - and it always collapses - the dreamer returns to the world.

Chuck Palahniuk. A diary

True selfless love consists in the readiness to lie, to deceive in order to make another person happy, in order to create for him the reality that he is looking for if he does not like the one in which he lives.

Ayn Rand. Atlas Shrugged

What you believe in becomes your reality forever.

Dennis Lehane. Shutter Island

… the paradox of reading: it takes us away from reality in order to fill reality with meaning.

Daniel Pennack. Like a novel

We humans are more powerful than we think. Whether we like it or not, each of us is forced to live in the reality that he has chosen for himself. The tragedy is that almost no one makes this choice consciously.

Max Fry

I had an accident.
- So. What accident?
- Faced with reality.

Martin Page. Maybe a love story

Thought is real and matter is illusory.

Where Dreams Lead

The real world is not real at all.

Experiments Lane

If reality and fiction are equal, then any reality you don't need can be called an illusion.


Inability to wake up from dreams or inability to dream - which do you think is worse?

Dark Butler

If you want to change your reality, then you must change your thinking.

Robert Kiyosaki

Everything is possible if no one has proven that it does not exist.

Joanne Rowling. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

If you couldn't wake up, how would you know what is a dream and what is reality?

We accept reality as it is presented to us. Elementary.

The Truman Show

My grandfather taught me that the reality that we see is created by our consciousness, that it is a phantom, a complex illusion, a kind of mirage. But a dream is a true reality. We do not know the true nature of things; moreover, we do not understand ourselves. It only seems to us that we know our true self, but in reality this is an illusion. A person is much more complex than he thinks about himself. But the main thing is that it is fragmented, divided. Our dream is a kind of performance in which all the roles are divided between our constituent parts. And only if a person manages to establish genuine connections between the elements of his dream, he recognizes his "I".

Angel de Coetier. All your life you've been waiting

Don't strive too hard for perfection. Otherwise, you will stumble over reality and ruin your ambitions.

If my dream doesn't come true, I don't want to wake up.

Betrayal knows my name

Life is like a chess game. Only blacks are not completely black, and whites are not completely white. It doesn't matter how many pieces you've lost. The game continues until the King is declared checkmate.

Code Geass: Risen Lelouch

It's great when the reality is better than the dream.

Reality is a circle. A loop that will never end.

Chuck Palahniuk. Invisibles

You are awake, Neil, perhaps for the first time in your life.

Recently, I often dream of the sea.
- In fact, the sea is wet and salty, and you definitely won’t like it!
- Not! In my dreams it is completely different! Therefore, I like dreams more than "really."

Oleg Tishchenkov. Cat

Face reality when hate makes you blind.

When you look for a job, be realistic, you are not suitable for super-agents, and there are no vampire killers in the world.

Dreams are when you think that it will be better than it will be.
Nostalgia is when you think that it was better than it was.
Reality is when there is what is.
And happiness is when you don’t think about what is, what was, and what will be.

Everything… Unreal?
- What is reality? And how to define it? The whole set of sensations: visual, tactile, olfactory - these are receptor signals, electrical impulses perceived by the brain.

We make up horror stories to help us deal with reality.

People find reality unsatisfactory and therefore live in a fantasy world, imagining the fulfillment of their desires. A strong personality translates these desires into reality. The weak one lives in this world of hers and her fantasies are embodied in the symptoms of various diseases.

I realized one thing: I can not be judged or disqualified. Only I am my own judge. I cannot refer to the past and repeat that the judges, parents, coach are to blame. We are the only ones responsible for everything. This is all real reality.

Do you know how fairy tales appeared? Nobody wants to believe in reality.


Every morning we face a choice: continue to sleep and have beautiful dreams, or get up and make these dreams come true.

To suspect is worse than to know. Reality has limits, but imagination is limitless.

Love is when you don't want to fall asleep because reality is better than a dream.

Reality is sometimes like a kick in the face..

Time that has become the past loses all reality in the minds of people. It comforts, frightens, and inspires indifference.

Erich Maria Remarque

The difference between fiction and reality is that fiction must make sense.

Enjoy life and music that helps you escape from the cruel reality of the world, even if only for a few minutes.

Ville Valo

The charm of our life depends on our perception of the reality in which we live.

Alexander Manukhin

Neighbors were invented in order to turn the fairy tale of owning real estate into a harsh reality.

Why did wars start? - They began when the magicians of some clan declared someone else's reality villainous. They showed themselves a movie about others, then they pretended that it was news, they worked themselves up and started bombing these others.

Viktor Pelevin's. N.U.F.F.

A love that cannot stand up to reality is not love. But in this case, the inability to love is the privilege of noble hearts.

Albert Camus

You don't exist and neither do I. No future, no time, and we don't exist either. There is only a nine-year-old boy who runs after the train and holds out his hand. And it's up to you to decide whether to raise your hand in response.

Mr. Nobody

I believe that happiness is the harmony between what we want from life and the reality in which we exist. When our expectations and reality match, we are happy. Only they coincide, to put it mildly, not always.

As soon as the dream disappears, it means that reality takes its place.

Anna de Stael

Common sense is not to come to terms with reality, but to change this very reality in accordance with your needs.

The main advantage of reality is that it works, even if you do not believe in it.

There are two ways to become happy: improve reality or lower expectations. One day, at a neighbors' party, Lacy asked her husband what would happen if there were no expectations, because you can't divide by zero. Does this mean that if you meekly accept all the blows of fate, then you will never be happy? Later, when they were returning home, Lewis accused her of trying to make him look like a fool.

Ideals and reality are not the same thing.

Dreams become reality when thoughts turn into actions.

Dmitry Antonov

Someone who has been happy will need very little hope in return. Conversely, an optimist is an optimist because he wants to believe in something better than reality.

If you dream about something alone - it's just a dream; if you dream about it together - it's a reality.

If you feel and behave as if you are in love with the whole world, then everything around you will be in love with you ...

If you understood how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think negatively.

What are you thinking now? Look at what you are thinking about now, this will become your future. Think positive, love, success, luck, abundance and joy. And enjoy it in the future.

Remember, you attract what you believe in.

Feel today who you want to be tomorrow.

Your thoughts are your children. You must make each of them beautiful.Every thought should be a creative force directed towards good. Always remember that the power of thought is very great. Prepare to use it to help the world.

In your life there is only what is important to you. If something is not yet in your life, it is only because it is not important for you.

What we are today is the result of our yesterday's thoughts, and today's thoughts create tomorrow's life. Life is a creation of our mind.
We attract into our lives whatever we think about.
Follow your thoughts.

It is only thoughts that make a person unhappy or happy, not external circumstances. By controlling his thoughts, he controls his happiness.

In your life, what is more in your soul always prevails.

Just as we will not have a pleasant dwelling until we let fresh air and sunlight into our rooms, so our body will not be strong, and our face happy and clear, until our minds are open to good thoughts.

James Allen

How long do you think about good things?
That's how much good you will get.

There are no weak people.
We are all naturally strong.
Our thoughts make us weak.

Act as if failure is impossible and success is guaranteed. Drive away from yourself the thought that you will not achieve your goals, whether material or spiritual. Be bold and do not hold back the game of your imagination. Stop being a prisoner of your past. Be the architect of your future. You will never be the same again.

What you feel is what you radiate.

What you radiate is what you receive.

The voice in your mind is like a wild horse that carries you where it wants to go. Once you tame a horse, you can ride it, and then knowledge becomes a tool to take you where you want to go.

Miguel Ruiz

Your mind is what creates your heaven and your hell. It creates happiness, it creates suffering. Once you realize the power of your own mind, your life will begin to change. Be responsible for what you fill your mind with, that is what your life will be filled with.

As soon as we get rid of negative and harmful thoughts, the whole world will soften towards us and will be ready to help.

We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them.

Jubran Hamil Jubran

No one will heal the diseases of the body better than a cheerful thought; benevolence is an incomparable comforter, dispelling all traces of grief and sorrow.

James Allen

You can emphatically say: “This is a beautiful universe, it brings me only good. The universe is at one with me in everything. The universe supports me no matter what I do. The universe responds to my needs immediately.” Feel that the Universe is friendly to you.

Rhonda Byrne. Secret

Do you know about the Cosmic Law -

Richard Bach


Your relationship with life is always a mirror

how do you feel about life

this is how life will treat you.

And why is it so?

Because you and her are One.

In reality, there are two magicians - nature and our desires.

Limitations exist only in our minds. But if we use our imagination, our possibilities become limitless.

Thoughts are the main source of your good mood. Clear your thoughts - and all adversity will go away.

Everything that happens to you is a change in your internal states. Try to understand that their manifestation depends entirely on how you set yourself up.

Joy and suffering depend on your mind, on your interpretation. They do not come from outside, from others. All happiness and all suffering are created by you, your own mind. lama sopa

When people say: “I am limited, I am suffering, I am unhappy”, they do it without any difficulty. However, no one says: “I am free! I am immortal!”... Whose fault is this? Whatever you say, whatever you think, it will happen. Tomorrow or now your wish will be fulfilled. And if you think, "I am free," then you are free.

You change yourself, the outside world changes with you - there are no other changes.

Everything you need is already inside you. I believe that people create their own heaven and their own hell. It's a personal choice... Karl Logan

Your thoughts always come back to you like a boomerang.

If you are constantly working on something with all your heart and soul, then it will happen, because that is the function of the mind - to make things happen. Nisargadatta Maharaj

Your thoughts become your life.

Wherever you go, you will only find what you brought with you.

It doesn't matter what world you live in, what matters is what world lives in you, because the inner world will become the birth of the outer world.

Paradise is not a place. This state...

What you get from life is what you give to life.

If you believe, - there is; don't believe it, no...What you believe is what you are... Maksim Gorky

What you pay attention to will grow. If you pay attention to the fact that something is missing, then the lack of this will increase even more.

Speak mentally and aloud only those words that should become the seeds of what you sow.

1) Your imagination creates your reality;

2) All your thoughts are things;

H) What you think about grows and condenses;

4) You become what you think about;

5) Your thoughts or assumptions shape your world. Therefore, always keep your mind on what you want and do not think about what is undesirable for you;

6) You can change the world by transforming your thoughts;

7) If you cannot change the situation, you can change its effect on you by changing your attitude or assumption about it. And, in the end, you may be able to change this situation.

It's all about thoughts. Thought is the beginning of everything. And thoughts can be controlled. And therefore the main thing of perfection is to work on thoughts.Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

Everything we are is created by our thoughts.

The whole world inside a person is outside only his reflection.

With each thought, ask only one question: "Will this thought, if I follow it, make me noble or will it make me cruel? Will it make me stone, or will my fragrance be all over the world? Will it give me the strength to make people happy or will it make others miserable?"

The world, like a mirror, reflects your attitude towards it. When you are unhappy with the world, it turns away. When you fight the world, it fights you. When you stop your battle, the world comes forward.

Cultivate in yourself an unshakable faith in your strengths and capabilities. By the power of your thoughts you determine your own destiny. Just as clouds are the main source of rain, controlling one's own thoughts is the source of steady prosperity. You yourself become your own friend or enemy. Swami Sivananda.

I will see - I will believe, - said the man.
"Believe me, you'll see," said the Universe...

The grain is invisible in the ground, and from it grows a huge tree. Thought is just as imperceptible, and the greatest events of human life grow out of thought.

What you carry in your mind is what you see in the world around you, then you attract to yourself.

We ourselves cause failure in our lives. What you fear will happen to you. Think positively, attract happiness.

Everything begins within you, and then everything external responds to you in return ...

Light is in man. And the surrounding world of a person is illuminated by his own, inner Light. The world around us is the way we make it. Man is a kind of lamp. His inner Light, his love and true goodness is the power that illuminates the world around him. And around each of us there is always exactly as much Light as we gave it away. The more you open up, the brighter it becomes around you.

Thoughts are material. Our consciousness is everything. You become what you think.If a person speaks or acts with evil thoughts, he is haunted by pain. If a person speaks or acts with pure intentions, happiness follows him, which, like a shadow, will never leave him. To live right, you need to fill the brain with the “right” thoughts. Right thinking will give you whatever you want; wrong thinking is an evil that will eventually destroy you.

We get out of life what we believe in. You believe that life is beautiful - and it is beautiful. You believe it's terrible - it's terrible. You believe that there is no way out, and you will not find a way out. If you believe that there is a way out, you will definitely see it. You are waiting for trouble - it will definitely come. You are afraid of getting sick - you will get sick. You believe in success - you will create it. You are waiting for happiness - it is already on its way to you! Our faith creates our reality.

You are where your thoughts are.

Make sure your thoughts are where you want to be.

Whatever you direct your attention to becomes more powerful in your life.
Everything that you deprive of your attention fades, collapses and disappears.

This is the tyranny of exhausted thinking. People who think in the same categories every day - mostly negative - are in the thrall of bad mental habits.

Instead of focusing on all the good things and thinking about how to make things even better, they became hostages of their past. Some worry about lost relationships or financial problems. Others suffer, remembering their far from perfect childhood. Still others mournfully think about much more trivial things: about unfriendly notes in the voice of a salesman in a store or an employee at work. Those who think this way let worry destroy them. They themselves block the huge potentialities of their spirit, deprive it of the ability to work miracles and bring into their lives the possibility of fulfilling any desires. These people don't realize thatto control your mind means to control your life.

If you don't understand yourself well, you won't understand anything in this world. Because the world is you. Mikhail Veller

Only that which corresponds to your inner state is attracted to you and emanates from you.

Always expect the best - for you always get exactly what you expect.

Thoughts rule the world

Thought is energy, the power of which has no limits. Our universe was created by the thought of an entity that many call God. The same thought created a man who was given the power of the Creator - Thought.

Your thoughts are much stronger than you think, and every mental image is a real force that can affect your life.

Thought is energy, the power of which has no limits. Dreams always come true if a person believes in the power of his own thought. Thought + Faith = Intention. Intention is born by a thought that gives a command to the subconscious, which, in turn, begins to create the necessary conditions for the realization of thought in the physical world.

The time of the materialization of a thought depends on the speed of the thought that creates the intention. The speed of the intended person's thought depends on the amount of his personal power (Spirit) - the energy of the person's Soul. This energy is collected during a person's life through his chakras, food and air. If a person lives in harmony with the Universe, he speeds up the process of gaining energy. If a person lives inharmoniously, he loses energy.

Your world is just a reflection of yourself.Stop looking for flaws in the reflection.Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

The universe is a projection of our own "I", our likeness, which is no more real than the reflection of our face in a mirror, but - like this reflection - has a certain form, which cannot be changed without changing ourselves. Aleister Crowley

Remember: you attract what you What do you believe and what do you think.


You have a much more powerful ability to create and influence your life than you yourself realize. In fact, at any given moment, you are creating your life with the thoughts that you have chosen for yourself. Your thoughts and beliefs are not just internal perceptions and attitudes, but physical vibrations of energy, as real as the floor under your feet. They are the main life-creating forces that shape your being and determine what will happen in your future. Being only declared, your thoughts are the most important factor in your life, and the only one over which you have complete and comprehensive control. Yet most of us give our thoughts little, if any, attention.

All your complaints, all your problems are happening just because you think about it. They continue to manifest because your thoughts materialize, they become your reality. When you accept everything as it is, accept your identification with the physical form, your life situation can take a quantum leap. We always return to the same question. Who wants to know all this? Who says all this? Who is this storyteller? Who is the king of tragedy? Who is the questioner, who is the doubter? Look at it and it will disappear. Then all these tragedies, stories, fairy tales will disappear. You, as a person, will dissolve. Your sense of individuality, your sense of ego, will dissolve. And then you are happy. Caesar Teruel

The greatness of the world is always in accordance with the greatness of the spirit looking at it.
The good one finds his paradise here on Earth, the evil one already has his hell here.

Heinrich Heine

Lifestyle begins with a way of thinking. Everything else is tools.

What we see depends on how we look

By an effort of will, thought, it turns out, it is possible to influence the process of metabolism in a living organism, the treatment of wounds, and the growth of plants. And this parapsychological phenomenon has a name - telekinesis - "movement carried out at a distance." It can appear as a result of injuries, diseases, stress. But also these abilities can be developed in yourself. For example, it is recommended to try to "conjure" according to a certain scheme - up to the appearance of fatigue - with a glass saucer filled with water, in which a needle floats. It is believed that each such training is a step towards mastering telekinesis. By the way, there is the concept of "second wind", according to which a person at a certain moment seems to be exhausted, loses strength, but then suddenly switches to a reserve source of energy, manifested in parapsychological abilities.

In order for our life to become harmonious and beautiful, our ideas about it must be harmonious and beautiful, because everything that happens to us is rooted in the soul and from there grows outward.

If you are upset about something external, then it is not the thing itself that oppresses you, but your judgment about it. But to eliminate the latter is in your power. If something in your own mood upsets you, then who prevents you from correcting your way of thinking? Marcus Aurelius

Thoughts are the wings of the soul.Christian Nestel Bowie

Time paints the soul in the color of our thoughts. Marcus Aurelius.

Watch your thoughts - they become words.
Watch your words - they become actions.
Watch your actions - they become habits.
Watch your habits - they become character.
Watch your character - it determines your destiny.

Brain cells develop in response to strong desires. Where there is no desire, there is no development. Orison Marden

What you managed to achieve in life, you attracted with your mind. Your efforts were preceded by a thought. The mental plan went ahead of your achievements. Orison Marden

In fact, we are surrounded by an atmosphere emitted by ourselves. Little do we realize to what extent we are psychically poisoned by the radiation of our own careless and impure thoughts. Dion Fortune

Man is a materialized thought; he is what he thinks. To change his nature from a mortal to an immortal state, he must change his way of thinking; he must stop clinging in his thoughts to that which is illusory and subject to disappearance, and to cling to that which is eternal. Paracelsus

The difference between success and failure depends on what you think about most of the time. Dean Francis