Osho zen tarot layout instant one. Simple tarot spreads

  • 26.09.2019

And this alignment was proposed by the Russian Kabbalist, who writes under the pseudonym Fra: Innominatus. It allows you to find the highest, karmic meaning of the situation: we check whether the Cosmos helps us or interferes with the fulfillment of our plans. Well, of course, we draw conclusions from this. The alignment looks like this: 1 card means the person himself, the person; 2 card - the essence of his problem;

Here are the questions that interest many: Who was I in past life? What lessons do I need to learn from it for life now? What could be mine next incarnation? In order to find out what your previous or subsequent incarnations were (or could have been), the alignment dedicated to the Ingus rune is used. The cards are laid out as if according to the configuration of this rune, hence the name. Cards are laid out from right to left

There is such a runic alignment, and also in several modifications. One of them, specially adapted for working with cards, is given by the American fortuneteller Gregory J. Bookout. It is used to analyze complex, “multi-pass” situations and the prospects for their development. For work, it is more convenient to take a mixed deck, the Major and Minor Arcana together, because the appearance of the Major Arcana in this scenario immediately

As I said, a well-formulated question is half the battle. When they ask you: “Here, they offer me a new position (deal, cooperation, etc.). What can I expect here, what should I do and what not to do?” - You can, of course, use one or another alignment, but the interpretation is likely to be ambiguous. It is easier to turn such a question into an alternative one: 1) what will happen if I

This alignment also helps to find out the causes of conflict or misunderstanding between partners. Usually it is laid out by one person. To do this, seven cards are taken and laid out as follows: Interpretation: 1: Significator describing the situation in which the main motive is located, due to which misunderstandings occur.

The most interesting thing in this layout is the last card, which is opened only at the end: it contains the “secret”. Looking at the drawing of the card, you will understand what elements each card corresponds to. Choose nine cards from the deck, lay out eight of them face up, and leave the ninth closed: The positions have the following meaning: 1 + 2: The cross on the chest of the Priestess reveals the main meaning of the question,

The cross is one of the simplest and most convenient layouts. It not only shows the trends in the possible development of an event, but also gives advice. It can be applied to a variety of situations, as we will see by examining the following examples of using the "Cross" layout. If you are not already too familiar with all 78 cards, then you can use only one Major Arcana (22 cards). Good

The “Choice” layout cannot solve the problem of choice for us, it clarifies the circumstances that are associated with it. That is, this alignment does not give a definite answer: "Yes" or "No." It shows what will happen if we choose one or another path. When you formulate the question, take out seven cards from the deck and arrange them in the following order: Interpretation: 7 : Significator. The question itself. Namely, an indication of the causes

I really liked the layout of the Blind Spot. He won't tell you about the future, he won't give you advice on the current life situation. The alignment will only show who you really are. Perhaps I was bribed by the simplicity and unambiguity of the answer. This layout belongs to the so-called "Johari table" used in psychology. It helps to find out how much our opinion about ourselves

If there is a problem between partners somebody discord, misunderstanding, conflict, then this alignment will help them understand each other, regain harmony. Usually it is laid out on 22 Major Arcana, which makes it convenient for beginners. You need to lay it out together, because each of the partners must draw their own cards (three in total). The cards are laid out as follows: Opening the cards one by one, each

When studying Tarot cards, more than one book was used. Under the articles about the layouts, I will indicate the source / book from where the information was taken. The “Path” layout in question answers the question “how should I behave further?” in all areas - in human relationships, at work, in the sense of old habits and in financial affairs, as well as

Everyone who gets acquainted with Tarot cards cannot get by with only the interpretation of the cards themselves. Of course, he also needs to master the layouts. I won’t go far for now, but I’ll start with my very first layout, which helped me get acquainted with the Tarot cards - “3 cards”. The technique is simple Shuffle the cards as you ask the question. Lay out three cards face down (I

This is a fairly simple and interesting alignment, it helps to quickly determine "are we suitable for each other"? - this is usually asked, but in fact the question should be posed like this: what features of the character of a potential partner should be taken into account in order to make it easier to avoid difficult, conflict situations. The alignment will also help already established relationships, if suddenly something went wrong and a conflict occurred. Helps you find out why

Another version of the Celtic cross is laid out from the Minor Arcana, and then one card from the Elders is reported to it. It is used when there is some kind of situation from which there is no way out, or there are several such exits and you need to choose the best one. Position values: 1) circumstances that we cannot influence, they just need to be taken into account, 2) circumstances that we

The Minor Arcana usually give answers to quite specific, at the same time, small questions (requests). For example, one of these requests asks about time, that is, when the event that is discussed in the dialogue with the Cards will happen. For a more complete answer to the request, you can "deeper" to penetrate the meaning of the layout that has fallen out, you can use the binding of cards to the sectors of the Zodiac, then

The layout that can be carried out on the Major Arcana is called "Gypsy" in the literature. This alignment is quite simple and, in its specifics, is very similar to the layouts used by the gypsies, however, they use a regular deck of cards. You can use both the full Tarot deck, and only the Minor Arcana or only the Majors. The cards are laid out from top to bottom and from left to right. Lay it out like this: 1. Your "I". 2. What

The Celtic Cross layout is the most famous divination technique on Tarot cards since ancient times. It belongs to the category of complex systems and is recommended for people with experience in divination. There are many layouts according to the principle of the Celtic cross, this is just one of its types. It is used when they want to know something about an unknown or distant person, as well as for general reading of a situation. It unfolds


This deck of cards, has the additional name "Comprehensive Zen Game", with Tarot this deck has in common only the presence of 78 cards, divided into four suits and major arcana. The cards were created by artist Ma Deva Padma under the guidance of her spiritual teacher Osho Rajneesh. This Tarot is for those who are interested in the experience of self-knowledge, and, most likely, making layouts on this deck, or, for example, the Osho Zen Tarot "Instant" layout, you will not always find direct answers to everyday questions, but really delving into the interpretations, you look for something more - instructions on how to play life itself.

Osho Zen Tarot layout "Instant". Or one card is enough to see the essence

The most popular layout on Osho Zen Tarot is the “Instant” layout. Its essence is that in response to your question, which does not imply a definite answer - yes or no, you pull out only one card.

Usually we get bogged down in past memories and stories that will never happen again, we very rarely like the present, so we cling with illusory hope to a future that will never come. Osho's wisdom brings us back to the beauty of living in the present moment. Even if it now seems to us ugly and wrong. For example, you are currently experiencing better times and turning to these cards for advice on how to behave in a similar situation, they made the “Instant” alignment on Osho Zen Tarot.

For example, let's say you draw an "Experience" card. The name, perhaps, will say that now we are not in the best condition - you are overly worried about something, boil in your own experiences, but you should look into the interpretation and your sad situation may turn out to be filled with life. You can even see the beauty in this moment. If you have the strength, of course.

Here is an excerpt from the interpretation:

In any deck and in a layout for one card is one of the most difficult to interpret, therefore, additional cards are usually drawn, which allow you to clarify the essence of the problem with which you applied. In Osho Zen Tarot, an “Instant” layout for one card will be quite enough - since from one card you get not so much an interpretation of the situation as meditation or instructions for action on how to be as alive as possible in a given situation.

And here is the advice that this map gives us:

Just look around, look into the eyes of a child, look into the eyes of your lover, your mother, your friend – or just touch a tree... Then for the first time you will know that a tree is not just a shape, not just a certain kind that botanists talk about, it is an unknown God is in your backyard...

In my opinion, this is that rare deck that does not need to memorize the interpretation and interpret it, a silent understanding of the essence of what is written is enough here. And each subsequent time when the same card falls out to you, you will open the booklet again, read the lines of Osho, and in already familiar words, you will see a new, deeper meaning. Although, of course, if you are not guessing for yourself, reading from a booklet, although very beautiful, can discredit your value as a specialist, but let's not talk about sad things.

What else to pay attention to

In my opinion, this is the kind of deck in which the elements of its structure are not so important, the description of the card and the recommendation are already comprehensive. But, nevertheless, you can pay attention to some details.

Specific characters

  • Buddha - perfection, pure consciousness, self-realization, compassion, calmness, transcendence of consciousness, ultimate wisdom;
  • Mantis - playfulness;
  • Without a head, no-mind, beyond thinking.
  • Suits

In addition to the classic correspondences of elements to suits, familiar to most decks, there are some peculiarities. The suit of Fire here means energy and corresponds to the Wands, the suit of water - emotions and correspondence to the Cups. But to the suit of the Clouds, corresponding to the Swords and symbolizing the mind, there is an interesting, traditional for most Eastern teachings, addition: “The nature of the unenlightened mind is like clouds ... it blocks the path to the light and casts a shadow on the environment around us, preventing us from seeing things as they are ".

The suit of the Rainbow corresponds to the pentacles, and here is such an addition: "the simplest earthly actions contain the ability to celebrate the divine ... in reality there is no separation between the highest and the lowest ... in fact, there is a continuous flow of common energy."

Main idea. And also how this deck can be useful to a tarot reader

The main idea of ​​the deck is a return to life in the current moment. This deck can be used, if not for divination to clients, then for yourself, as a reminder that we live here and now. And constantly returning to the current moment is a very important task for any tarologist. One of the suits of the deck is called Clouds, which correspond to the unenlightened mind that casts a shadow on reality.

The beauty of interpreting cards for another lies in not letting clouds into the interpretation - your personal thoughts and conjectures, fears and concerns, for example, the fear of not correctly interpreting the meaning of the card makes the work very difficult and moves away from seeing the true meaning of the card. Osho Zen Tarot will bring you back to where you need to be - in the now. Taking out one card from this deck for yourself every day as advice will be a good reminder of the importance of the current moment, which is life itself.

For example, Zorba Buddha on Osho Zen Tarot in the Instant spread would be the tip of the day. This card is called "Abundance" and advises us, in addition to enjoying worldly pleasures, to enjoy the depths of understanding and meaning available to the sage. This is simple advice, but difficult to implement in its entirety. "You need to be whole, rich in body, rich in science, rich in meditation, rich in mind...only the whole person is holy."

What are the best questions to ask Osho Zen Tarot

implying a detailed answer. And active participation in their own lives. For example, a favorite question: “When will I get married?” it is better to reformulate, in order to remove responsibility from fate for your life and take it into your own hands, for example: “What do I need to do in order to get married?” or “What is the reason I can’t get married?” (well, except for the above - the passive expectation of gifts from heaven).

Spreads for Osho Zen Tarot

On the Osho Tarot, in addition to the "Instant" layout, you can do other layouts, as well as on any Tarot deck. But the semantic fullness of one card is so great that the simplest layouts will be the most suitable. For example, simple three-card spreads are a description of a particular situation or a person’s relationship in the past, present and future. Or recommendations on what to pay attention to to improve any situation in the next three months - also three cards.

By using this deck, you get more than just a prediction, you get access to a game called life. And, therefore, the opportunity to be happier.

Below I outlined the schemes of my favorite and personally tested Tarot card layouts, and for some of them you can watch a short Video with good example Togo what this or that alignment looks like in practice with the interpretation of the meanings of the cards in the layout itself.

To simplify the assimilation and memorization of materials (spreads, lassoes and the way of interpreting their meanings), the layouts of my collection will be published as they naturally become more complex.

I remind you that these and other Tarot layouts can also be viewed in the section

The first 4 layouts will become a kind of "introduction" into the limitless world of the most incredible and interesting Tarot layouts (solitaires), which most likely will not be enough time to list. Our task with you, following from simple to complex, is to learn to feel and understand the meanings of the cards in the layout, their relationship and hear their barely noticeable voice. So let's get started.

Simple tarot spreads.

1. The layout of one card.

This simple alignment can also be called “How to be?”, “+/-”, “yes / no”, “To be or not to be”. Click on the picture to enlarge.

The essence of the alignment is simple and complex at the same time. For example: the querent asks “to do or not to do, to be or not to be, what to do?”.

1 card (significator) is taken out of the deck. If the major lasso falls on the significator, then we look at all the pros and cons regarding the major lasso. If the minor numerical lasso falls out, we put the card down in the field in position 1 (this card means) if the numerical lasso falls again, we put the card down to the second position (this card does not mean) and so on until the major lasso falls out, which should “start” the layout and set its character and take the position of a significator.

The significator card will indicate the essence of the question “yes-no” or “to be not to be”, and the cards below in the positions “means” - “does not mean” will talk about the situation and give a more detailed picture of the alignment.

Cards in positions below the significator in this spread you can spread until they run out or the essence of the request becomes clear.

See below the video analysis of the alignment of one card. An example of the meaning and interpretation of Tarot cards in a layout of just 1 card.

there was a desire to clarify the situation? - click on the button - tarologist services online.

2. Tarot layout for 3 cards.

Tarot for 3 cards is another simple and easy-to-remember Tarot layout in its essence and concept. It is versatile and multifunctional. For example, it can be used as a spread for introspection and as a prognostic spread. Also, this layout can serve as a layout for clarifying the relationship (for love) between two persons. Only 3 cards - they can easily say what is hidden at first glance from the understanding of the questioner.

The layout is simple. 3 cards are laid out in one row in positions 1-2-3 Where on the left is the past (1), in the center is the present (2) or the essence of the issue, on the right (3) is the future. According to the location of the lasso and its essence, one can build interpretations of the meaning of the layout as a whole.

I give below a simple circuit Tarot spread for 3 cards. Remember to click on the image to enlarge the layout.

I think that the 3-card layout is simple in nature and easy to use.memorization. And here is a good example of a prognostic layout of only three cards for events. The querent request is as follows:"Will I go to work in Italy?"As it says and works in practice, this alignment on the Tarot deck of 78 doors will tell my video review.Turn on the video to view the layout.

If you liked this alignment, then below I give 1 more interesting tarot layout for 3 cards, which I dared to draw on 6 different decks. This alignment concerned the "clarification" conflict situation. I have already published it in my note in the rubric and it can be found in the catalog of the rubric under number 7. However, in the context of the collection of layouts, it is appropriate to repeat this video in order to emphasize the versatility practical application this tarot spread. See what came of it in the video below:

You also can independently try to make your own layout of 3 cards and share with me in the comments here or under real videos on my copyright Youtube channel

If you have a desire to try this or another layout for your specific situation, I suggest you order a Tarot consultation by clicking the button below:

3. Tarot layout 2 x 3 cards. Choice of path or Direction of action.

This is a modification of the basic version of the previous layout for 3 cards, which we are with you in paragraph 2 of our collection of Tarot layouts. I would even say that this layout is a kind of symbiosis of the first and second layout, because it contains a significator and 2 rows of cards of 3 each, which indicate options for the development of events.

The scheme of this tarot layout is still simple:

To hear how the real layout speaks in my author's performance on Aleister Crowley's magical Thoth Tarot deck, I recommend including the video that you see below.

As you can see, using various magical tools (in this case, the Tarot of Thoth), you and I can turn 7 Tarot cards into a talking mosaic, after reading which we can make our conscious choice.

To test this or another Tarot layout applicable to your question, you can order the services of a tarot reader online by clicking on the button below:

4. Tarot layout for 3 cards with clarification. "Combined"

At its core, this is a combination of the layouts described in and. Initially, a layout of three cards is laid out, previously considered by us P.2. After that, the incomprehensible positions of the alignment are specified using the method described in Clause 1.

How it might look in practice, see my video below. This video tarot review not only shows an example of a combined tarot spread, but is also a live rare illustrative example of a psychological tarot spread for introspection. This layout option allows you to use the minimum number of cards for maximum concentration and simplify the analysis of the situation according to the principle: than fewer cards(factors) the clearer the situation. Turn on the video to watch:

And here's another one good example combined tarot layout for 3 cards:

The combined tarot spread "closes" a series of simple layouts from 1 to 3 cards. Of course, the layouts I have given above are far from all the schemes and ways to decompose and interpret Tarot cards, but our task is learning tarot from simple to complex, and these first 4 examples did a great job. Now you and I can move on to more complex layouts with more cards, the first of which will be one of the most popular layouts, called the "Celtic Cross".

Clarify similar difficult questions with the help of a tarot reader, you can place an order for tarologist services online by clicking on the button below:

Tarot spreads of medium complexity.

5. The layout of the "Celtic cross".

A relatively simple layout for clarifying almost “any” current situation can be used both in predictive (prognostic) layouts and when working in psychological counseling when using Tarot cards in the work of a psychologist.

The layout of the Celtic cross is relatively simple, although it has 10 cards.

As you may have guessed: the main intrigue lies in the pairs of cards 1-2 and 6-10. It is on these pairs of alignment that you should pay close attention. The remaining cards of the layout serve as a “background” or “decoration”, which help to get a complete picture of the events taking place and to reveal the subtleties and nuances of the issue.

Below is an example of a video that uses a wonderful Deviant Moon deck of cards (the Deviant Moon deck), which can work great as a fortune-telling deck and in psychological practices, for example, to identify psychological trauma or work with the shadow. To view an example of the layout, turn on the video below:

Summary of this alignment: a simple, understandable and accessible Tarot layout, used quite often in everyday practice by tarot readers of all stripes. It is also interesting because it is “simple” with a large (10) number of cards in solitaire.

6. Layout "Bridges" (Station in two).

Another simple and rather popular Tarot layout is when you are asked to guess at a relationship, especially if this relationship has not yet been formalized or when there is a desire to guess at a man or a woman, or rather “fortune-telling about love”. In general - a love alignment.

Most likely, this alignment got its name "Bridges" not so much for the intuitive connecting component of one bank with another, but due to the horizontal and diagonal "levels" of points of view that are possible when interpreting the meaning of the cards in the layout. After all, you can consider both opposite cards of two columns, and lying on a cross, from which there are even more variations, and a seemingly simple alignment can speak for 45 minutes.

Layout scheme

A feature of the layout is the presence of only one significator (sometimes it can be 2), as well as a relatively small number of cards in the layout.

One more feature: in the layout of the Tarot "Bridges" it takes into account 2 points of view at once - the querent and the object of interest of the querent.

This layout is very simple both to understand and to interpret the meaning of the cards in the layout.

And here is a visual video example taken from my practice, which I posted in my own rich collection of Tarot layouts. Turn on the video to watch.

Below you can watch the Tarot layout online - a similar "bridge" but with two significator cards. Turn on the video.

As you can see from the video, using a psychological approach to the Tarot layout, you can offer several quite possible (and in practice realizable) options for getting out of a “difficult” situation at first glance. In this case, just communicate more and revitalize sexual relations with husband. Alternatively, contact a sexologist.

As you can see, a simple alignment of the Tarot Bridges can prompt and answer a variety of questions in our lives.

And here is an example from my personal practice, when I took and slightly modified the “station for two” layout and applied it as a layout not for relationships or love, but for the result of an event. By the way, the forecast came true for both querents! So you can safely put it into practice. We look at the layout and interpretation of the cards in the layout in the video below:

If you have a desire to use the services of a tarot reader and make a deal with my help, click the button below and I will help you tell fortunes online or to your email address ...

Another alignment for the relationship of a man and a woman is a married couple for 40 years, about 20 years of marriage. relationship crisis. A typical example of the alignment of the psychological Tarot, when a man (woman) found himself in a crisis of personal relationships. Usually this crisis is associated with a "mid-life crisis" with all the "following". how it might look will tell us the following tarot layout online:

If you are not tired of watching online Tarot layouts for love and relationships between a man and a woman on the request “What does he think of me, what does he feel for me, how does it look and what is happening?”, Then another 1 example of a real layout for love and relationship will do you good

7. Chariot layout.

In the same way as for divination for love and relationships, there are corresponding card layouts for money, profit and business. There is nothing surprising here, because the Tarot covers all aspects of our life with you and try to understand financial matters with the help of maps is quite real. One of these layouts "for money", or rather for "prospects for the implementation of the business plan" is the "Chariot".

The layout got its name thanks to the scheme of the eponymous major arcan No. 7, which patronizes the “new beginning”, business, implementation. It is the chariot that drives ambitions forward and materializes them in the form of formed intentions.

The layout is somewhat similar to a love “bridge”, but it already has an excellent layout, with the same total number of cards (in both cases, 7 cards).

I give the scheme of the Chariot layout below. Click on the layout to enlarge.

In fact, when performing the Chariot alignment, an interesting “pentacle” or money story always “falls out”, which, at times, takes much longer than 20 minutes of a real Tarot video lesson online on layouts on the blog of a practicing Tarologist. For divination for success, money and business, the golden deck of Nefertari Tarot cards is very well suited. This is what I often use in my practice for such layouts. So let's look:

The chariot gives answers not only to financial requests, but also to the success of the enterprise, plans and intentions. Laying out the "chariot" is relatively simple, so if there is a necessary case, be sure to try to practice this Tarot layout and tell fortunes.

8. Love Triangle Tarot Spread

This layout may somehow resemble the “Station for two” layout, but only with the peculiarity that the station is just “for three”. This layout is performed when some kind of controversial relationship of 3 people arises. As a rule, this alignment is performed on the relationship of a woman - a man - a woman or a man - a woman - a man, however, it can also be successfully decomposed into a business, in the case when it comes to the interests of 3 different parties, for example, business partners or competitors. As in the Celtic Cross layout, 10 cards are used here according to the scheme, which can be seen below.

Scheme of the layout "Love Triangle".

I also suggest watching the video of the Tarot layout "Love Triangle" with a clear example of the interpretation of cards in the layout at the request of my querent.

As you can see from this video, you can optionally add a clarifying alignment to any alignment to clarify the situation. In the video above, a simple "Cross" layout determined the further algorithm and vector of the querent's actions in the "Love Triangle".

Confused in your Love Triangle? — order a consultation of a Tarologist online.

And here is another example of the same layout, but with a different request. Will the husband return? I want to note right away that the result of the alignment itself depends on the very request or “desire” before the alignment itself. Watch the video and analyze the maps.

The attitude of the querent "I don't know" in front of the spread itself - gives a clear picture of the inverted positions of the querent and the "consent of the world" in the form of 3 bowls inside this "love" triangle.

And here is another version of the same triangle, but already very conflicting - “Spell on Blood” is a similar request, but the emphasis of the request sounds a little different. CAN I RETURN THE HUSBAND (with the original intention to return)

We watch the video, we analyze the cards in the layout:

You can continue a series of similar layouts for the relationship of a man and a woman or a “third extra” in various options and combinations. It is important to note that the outcome of the alignment largely depends on the mood of the querent and the clarity of the wording of the request to the cards.

9. The layout of the "Third Parallel".

The "Third Parallel" or "Third Dimension" layout is my author's modification of the layout discussed above on "in P.3 of this section on divination on Tarot cards.

As far as you have noticed, your humble servant does not provide a layout scheme, since it is identical to the scheme in the layout with only one difference, which is important to note: first, 2 options are laid out (and, if necessary, 3 or more options) and a choice is made from them, but the third the line is laid out when a choice is made between the options. This is how the "purity" of the final answer to the request is achieved - what the choice will lead to. It is better if the choice is made from as few options as possible, no more than 3, and preferably 2, - THUS, THE ARRANGEMENT REDUCES TO THE NAME " OR OR and “where the final decision will lead.”

10. Tarot layout "Leonardo"

The Leonardo spread completes the top ten of my collection of spreads for a variety of requests from my clients. This Tarot layout can be chosen when an analysis of the current situation is needed, or when it is necessary to receive advice or a short-term forecast for the future. This layout is taken from Hayo Banzhaf's book "Tarot key concepts". On my own behalf, I want to add that this layout is also great for those cases when “the Querent does not know what he wants” or “cannot clearly formulate his request” for the tarologist.

The layout of this layout is relatively simple, although the layout belongs to the 4th level of complexity according to the 5-point system that H. Banzhaf introduced for his layouts. I would say that this is a “moderate” layout and it is quite “talking” for me.

I won’t draw a diagram of this layout on purpose, but I’ll just post a photo for you, which you can enlarge by clicking on the picture. The photo has all the necessary "decoding" of the position and interpretation of the Tarot cards.

Below I give an example of using the layout in my own practice of a tarot reader, where you can see the restoration of the Tarot layout for one of my clients. A young lady who is on the verge of choosing between studying and finding a partner. "What's happening"? in her case, the real video will tell.

If you want to tell fortunes for the future along with a lot, fortune telling for love or relationships, fill out an application for Tarot online by clicking on the button below.

Lovers layout.

I used this layout from the book of A. Solodilova Tarot in the work of a psychologist, and the scheme for the layout with the meaning of the cards in the layout was also taken from there.

Below is a detailed example of the "Lovers" layout, which I performed at the request of my querent. This is a rather detailed and relatively “complex” alignment, which can show in detail the situation and the prospect of partner relations.

The next schedule is being prepared for publication

Before knocking on desired door, a person knocks on thousands of wrong doors. Osho.

Just watch why you create a problem. The solution to the problem is at the very beginning, when you first create it - don't create it! You don't have any problems - just understand that.

When you think you are deceiving others, you are only deceiving yourself. Osho.

Without you, this universe will lose some poetry, some beauty: there will be a lack of song, there will be a lack of notes, there will be an empty gap. Osho.

Love is patient, everything else is impatient. Passion is impatient; love is patient. Once you understand that patience means love, you understand everything. Osho.

Sin is when you don't enjoy life. Osho.

I don't have any biography. And everything that is considered a biography is absolutely meaningless. When I was born, in what country I was born - it does not matter. Osho.

Learn to laugh more. Laughter is as sacred as prayer. Your laughter will open a thousand and one roses in you. Osho.

Suffering is the result of taking life seriously; bliss is the result of the game. Take life as a game, enjoy it. Osho.

What's wrong with someone laughing for no reason? Why do you need a reason to laugh? A reason is needed to be unhappy; you don't need a reason to be happy. Osho.

Reasons are within ourselves, outside are just excuses... Osho

Everything that is experienced can be stepped over; what is suppressed cannot be overcome. Osho.

In this very moment, you can drop all problems because they are all created by you. Osho.

The only person on earth we have the power to change is ourselves Osho.

Don't run from yourself, you can't be anyone else. Osho.

No one has to follow anyone, everyone has to go into their own soul. Osho.

The most inhuman act that a person can commit is to turn someone into a thing. Osho.

When you are sick, call a doctor. But most importantly, call those who love you, because there is no medicine more important than love. Osho.

Get out of your head and into your heart. Think less and feel more. Do not get attached to thoughts, immerse yourself in sensations... Then your heart will come to life. Osho

To fall is a part of Life, to rise to one's feet is its Living. Being Alive is a Gift, and being Happy is your CHOICE. Osho.

Bliss is the only criterion for life. If you do not feel that life is bliss, then know that you are going in the wrong direction. Osho.

What difference does it make who is stronger, who is smarter, who is more beautiful, who is richer? After all, in the end, it only matters whether you are a happy person or not? Osho.

Don't expect perfection, and don't ask or demand it. Love ordinary people. There is nothing wrong with ordinary people. Ordinary people- are unusual. Every person is so unique. Respect this uniqueness. Osho.

Miracles happen every moment. Nothing else happens. Osho.

Only occasionally, very rarely, do you allow someone to enter you. That is what love is. Osho.

The child comes clean, nothing is written on it; there is no indication of who he should be - all dimensions are open to him. And the first thing to understand is that a child is not a thing, a child is a being. Osho

A woman in love with you can inspire you to such heights that you never even dreamed of. And she asks for nothing in return. She just needs love. And this is her natural right. Osho.

If you don't change right now, you will never change. No need for endless promises. You either change or you don't, but be honest. Osho.

To die for anyone, for anything, is the easiest thing in the world. Living for anything is the hardest thing. Osho.

The greatest fear in the world is fear of the opinions of others. The moment you are not afraid of the crowd, you are no longer a sheep, you become a lion. A great roar resounds in your heart - the roar of freedom. Osho.

Stop thinking about how to get love and start giving. By giving, you receive. There is no other way... Osho

The head is always thinking about how to get more; the heart always feels like giving more. Osho.

If you can't say "No", your "Yes" is worthless too. Osho.

If you can wait forever, you don't have to wait at all. Osho.

If you are calm, the whole world becomes calm for you. It's like a reflection. Everything that you are is fully reflected. Everyone becomes a mirror. Osho.

Inside every old person there is a young person wondering what happened. Osho.

Don't teach others, don't try to change them. It is enough that you change yourself - this will be your message. Osho.

Don't take life as a problem, it's a mystery of amazing beauty. Drink from it, it's pure wine! Be full of it! Osho.

Any borrowed truth is a lie. Until it is experienced by yourself, it is never true. Osho.

People believe in the immortality of the soul, not because they know, but because they are afraid. The more cowardly a person is, the more likely it is that he believes in the immortality of the soul - not because he is religious; he's just a coward. Osho.

Until you can say "no", your "yes" will not make any sense. Osho

If you have lied once, then you will be forced to lie a thousand and one times to cover up the first lie. Osho.

Make life around you beautiful. And let every person feel that meeting with you is a gift. Osho.

This deck was created in memory of Osho, the revered Indian spiritual leader. His view of the scriptures and religions was pure and fresh, and now his teachings are recognized as the cultural heritage of India.

Zen practices the knowledge of life through meditation and is based on the ability to renounce external husks and illusions, and to know oneself. A person can develop the skill of self-contemplation, comprehension of life not from the outside, but on the basis of inner strength. He must learn to release his individuality, to follow a non-standard path without regard to the environment and the desires of the crowd.

His followers carefully put the main thoughts and ideas into the Osho Zen Tarot cards, conveyed the atmosphere of the teaching he created. They will not show you either the past or the future, because Osho taught that you need to live and be happy here and now. They will help you look into your present self, think about your existing emotional state, suggest the direction of spiritual growth.

Before divination, relax, make sure that nothing distracts you. Try to enter a state close to meditation. State your question clearly. And take one card out of the deck. Familiarize yourself with the interpretation, this will be the vision of the situation at the moment.

For the Instant layout, it is customary to use only the Major Arcana cards, because they leave fewer omissions in the answer to your question.

Trust your intuition. The fool discards unnecessary knowledge, his thoughts are pure and innocent, like those of a baby. In your case, rational thinking will be a hindrance.

Allow yourself to exist in harmony with this world, discard all vain things, feel unity with nature, like a woman sitting on a lotus leaf in the silence of the starry sky.

Don't rely on outside advice. Disconnect from external noise, and even from the constant thoughts flashing in your head. Then the inner being will lead you.

Relax and surrender to the creative impulse that attracts you. If you love your job, then you will be able to find a balance between material and spiritual creation.

The rebel calls to take responsibility for your life, to understand yourself. Fight every day against social restrictions so that you yourself can be the master of fate.

Allow your consciousness not to cling to the vanity of being, to dissolve in silence and bliss. After all, at the beginning life path nothing, and it is the end. Don't make a fuss.

Only being self-confident, feeling self-sufficient and happy alone with your nature, will you want to share love, and stop worrying about the feelings of others towards you.

Having discarded the burden of experience, the dust of the vain past that burdens the mind, you can learn to consciously and detachedly manage your life.

It takes great courage to grow towards your dream without knowing what lies ahead. Be brave and you will be able to reach your potential.

Free yourself from the fear of feeling lonely, feel free from society, allow yourself to have your own opinion, even if it goes against the foundations of other people.

Allow the new to break into you and bring change to your life. By rejecting them, you revolve in a vicious circle.

You have been in chaos for a very long time. But dawn is near. Allow yourself to shake off the shackles and release energy for further achievements.

If you are open to the higher, it will fill you. But you will have to give up the burden of the past in order to start living in the present.

Let go of yourself, allow emotions to just be inside you, watch them from the side. Do not hate grief, because without it there would be no joy.

You are a whole created from the unity of opposites of a previously lived dual life. Dive inside yourself and you will see the rod.

Reject your personality imposed by society. Don't be a sheep in a flock of your kind. Reveal your individuality, find your true face.

If there is a storm in your soul, and the earth is about to leave from under your feet, do not try to grab onto the fragments of a crumbling world. Refresh and you will become stronger.

Forget about the noisy world, immerse yourself in inner silence. It is deep, but once you know it, you will know everything.

Use your imagination, because all the events in life only hint at the ancient model of existence, an echo of eternity in the hustle and bustle of days.

You are born innocent, but as you gain knowledge, you become stale and covered with dust. So erase it from the mirror of your soul. Watch like children, rediscover who you have always been.

Everything in the world moves, changes, is illusory. Don't look for reality outside of yourself, search within. Get out of the imposed illusions.

Finish your work, unfinished, they take your time and effort. The universe does not tolerate incompleteness. Only when you finish one will you be open to another, new process.