Forged gate with the monogram of the letters about the city of Forging

  • 14.05.2019

Glossary of terms - what the customer needs to know about forging.

Communication with any specialist significantly expands not only the horizons, but often vocabulary customer. Turning to the workshop for forged elements for your own country house, you will definitely come across some concepts that are new to you. In order not to confuse the craftsmen with the wording of their questions and to easily understand what they are talking about, we have compiled a small dictionary of basic blacksmithing terms.

Brothers Johann and Georg Schmidberger in their forge in Moln, Austria. Lisi Niesner/Reuters

General concepts

Metals and alloys used in artistic forging - iron, steel, copper, bronze, brass, tin, aluminum.

Malleability - a property of metals that allows them to succumb to the effects of forging and other types of metal processing. The main indicators of malleability are resistance to deformation and ductility.

Corrosion resistance - the ability of a metal to resist the effects of an aggressive environment.

Rigidity of forged structures - property of forged parts metal structures do not change the geometric dimensions under external influence.

Elements: forged and cast

Often, in order to reduce the cost of the product, it is proposed to “assemble” the structure from ready-made elements. Or in the description of a project made according to your picture, names are mentioned that are unfamiliar to you by ear. Most often these are classic decorative elements of forged products.

This may upset someone, but forged elements are usually made in China. Wholesale suppliers bring for blacksmiths under the order of a batch of elements to choose from in extensive catalogs.

acanthus leaf classic decorative element depicting a leaf of a southern plant. Balusters figured columns connected from above by railings. V blacksmithing are used in the manufacture of railings for stairs, balconies, terraces. flowerpot decoration stylized as a vase or basket. Volute swirl element. Wider - in architecture, a spiral motif, often with an eye inside. Monogram initial letters of proper names, interconnected in an openwork pattern. Garland a motif of interlacing flowers, leaves and fruits, sometimes intertwined with a ribbon. Cartouche an element in the form of a scroll or shield with twisted edges. Bracket (forged) an artistically designed piece or structure that is attached to a wall and serves as a support for something. A medallion is an oval or round frame for an image, as well as the drawing itself, a relief ornament enclosed in such a frame. Finishing decorative completion of the upper part of the column, rack (balls, peaks, cones, etc.). Tip a classic element of artistic forging, the final part of a forged product, characterized by a drawn finish (often a delicate curl with decreasing thickness). palmette motif in the form of a stylized multi-lobed palm leaf. Power socket a motif that looks like a round stylized image of a flower with identical petals. Solomon's spiral (basket, cone) a decorative element formed from thin rods, spirally twisted and forming a hollow openwork "cocoon". Flowers One of the most popular motifs in artistic forging. Most often they are made in parts, after which they are assembled into an artistic pattern by welding, riveting or soldering.

It will not be superfluous to know that

Rapport is a repeating element of the ornament. A module is an artistic and decorative element (or fragment) taken as the basis for constructing the same repeating pattern. A link (section) is a part of a metal fence or fence bounded by two posts or posts.

Forged Finishing

bluing heat treatment a metal product with preliminary application of special chemicals to its surface: acids and oils. As a result, the metal is covered with a blue-black oxide film. Etching is the process of obtaining a design, pattern, or inscription on a metal object using caustic chemicals. Inlay decoration of metal forged products with other non-ferrous metals or precious stones. notch decorative processing metal, which consists in applying "dashes" to the surface. It is used to make a thin curly pattern, for example, the image of veins on the leaves of plants. Patina oxide-carbonate film, which has color shade(silver, bronze, green). The patina is formed under the influence environment while protecting the metal from damage. It has a decorative value, especially in the production of antique forged items. Corrugation is one of the ways of decorative finishing of forged products using blacksmith tools(rough engraving). Scan decorative trim metal products twisted wire patterns.
Palace of solemn registration of births, St. Petersburg



A collar is an element that connects several bars or other forged elements. Today it is used only in manual hot forging. Bindra wire, with the help of which temporarily (before welding or soldering) connect the elements of a forged product. A rivet is an iron rod having a cylindrical shape with a head at one end; used to connect forged elements and parts.


riveting one of the oldest ways connections forged metal when individual parts are connected with rivets. Soldering process introduction between metal parts solder (molten material) that has a melting point lower than the parts being fused, resulting in a strong bond. Welding is a method of joining metal products by their joint deformation after heating of the welding spots. Previously, a forge was used for this, today gas and electric welding are more often used.

Forged product processing

Hardening rapid cooling of steel heated to a very high temperature; gives the product hardness and other necessary qualities. Cleanup mechanical removal from a forged product, scale, weld sagging, welding spatter and other metal defects. Sandblasting matting surface treatment with a jet of sand supplied under pressure, which allows you to level the surface and make it rougher (to improve the adhesion of paints and varnishes). Anti-corrosion treatment The coating of metal surfaces with a thin layer of another metal, alloy, or non-metallic material to form an anti-corrosion coating to protect against corrosion. Primer application of a preliminary coating on a forged product to improve adhesion (sticking) of the main protective or decorative coating. Painting application of a protective or decorative (often these functions are combined) coating on the product. Electroplating metal film applied to the surface of metal products by electroplating to give them hardness, wear resistance, anti-corrosion, anti-friction, decorative properties (zinc plating, anodizing, chromium plating, nickel plating, oxidation). The method was not widely used due to its high cost.
Louvre, France, 17th century

rolling material

That from which the blacksmith will make the product.

A semi-finished metal bar, a blank for the production of parts using plastic deformation or cutting. Depending on the purpose, the bars have a cross section of a round, rectangular, hexagonal, less often trapezoidal, oval or segmental shape.

  • Square - a rod of square section with a diameter of 8 to 25 mm.
  • Kruglyak - a rod of round section.
* It is possible to obtain a change in the cross section of a standard square rod from 20?20 to a strip of 30?5 and further to a strip of 20?10 only by forging. A blank round timber with a diameter of 50 mm, used for turned parts. The strip is a rod of rectangular section, half in relation to the square. Profile is a measured piece of a product obtained by rolling, pressing, forming (flexible) between rolls. Profile section - a cut along a line perpendicular to the long side of the segment; varies in width. Forging is an intermediate billet or product obtained by forging or die forging. Depending on their characteristics, forgings are subdivided according to their cross section - square, rectangular, polygonal and round, as well as according to the manufacturing method - stamped and forged.


Forging is one of the main types of metal pressure treatment using heat. According to the technology, hot (processing of hot metal), cold (deformation of cold metal blanks), mixed (use of forged, finished cast and welded elements) are distinguished. Forging in dies is a method of processing iron, in which the required shape is obtained by pressing the prepared materials into a special metal mold. Casting is the process of obtaining shaped castings by filling prepared molds with molten metal. Cast elements (balls, spikes, etc.) are often used in parallel with forging elements and are integral parts of fences, gates, railings. Stamping is a type of metal forming by pressure, in which the shaping of a forging from a heated billet is carried out using a special tool - a stamp. Die blank for the production of standard repeating elements required in in large numbers(for example, the same type of curls for the fence). Torsion (twisting) is a method of processing metal rods to give decorative look. Rods with a thickness of not more than two centimeters, previously annealed and cooled in air, using simple technologies cold rollable.
Fencing of the mansion of Z.G. Morozova on Spiridonovka, Moscow

Metal processing techniques

Rolling - the transformation of wire into a narrow strip by rolling in special rolls, is one of the classic methods of artistic forging. Drawing metal forming by pressure, in which the workpieces of a round or shaped profile are pulled through a hole whose cross section is smaller than that of the workpiece. Knockout is the bending of a part on a mold by hammer blows with preheating. Cutting out (cutting out) the production of parts of a given shape from sheet metal using cutting tools by cutting. Punching - cutting out with a sharp tool (chisel, blacksmith's ax, etc.) parts of a certain shape or part of a workpiece. Bending is a change in the shape and geometry of metal, produced without preheating. Under the influence of a force, the workpiece is bent and deformed, its outer layers are stretched, and the inner layers are compressed. Cutting is the process of working metal with a special blacksmith's ax, chisel or undercut. One of the techniques of artistic forging, the result of which is cutting off a part of the metal along the outer contour of the workpiece. Straightening alignment (straightening) of rolled products, wire, extended forgings, stampings, castings, machined parts to eliminate distortions and other defects. Chasing artistic processing metal, making a drawing, inscription, image, which consists in knocking out a certain relief on a plate.

Design choice

To order forged letters, decide on the type of construction.

Pattern selection

It is necessary to choose the external execution of forged letters or a pattern. look ready-made options shown in the photographs on this page. If you didn’t manage to choose something suitable, then we can offer the services of a designer to develop an individual project and sketch.

Materials and painting

Select material options for production and finishing.

For the choice of materials and colors of letters, please contact our manager.

Cost calculation

After carrying out all the necessary measurements, the manager will calculate the cost and production time. After all approvals, we sign a manufacturing contract.


After receiving an advance payment under the contract, we begin to make letters from forging according to the sketch and terms of reference. Manufactured using the melting or pressure method and manual labor blacksmith craftsmen. Next comes painting and drying.


As soon as the painting is done and the product is ready, it is planned to deliver to the site or coordinate pickup. We produce quality and professional installation and installation. It is necessary to inform us about the installation in advance, at the stage of agreeing on the terms of reference.

To call a measurer, you need to call us on the phone 8-925-514-74-58 . Calling a measurer within 50 km from the Moscow Ring Road free.

To calculate the cost of the product according to the sketch, please send it to us by mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. with the indication of the sizes and your wishes.

How to buy products?

1. Open the required section on the site and select products according to standard sizes.

2. When you click on the size, the calculator is activated, where you can calculate the required product and completeness.

3. If you need a calculation according to your sizes - enter your sizes

4. After calculations in the calculator, put the product in the basket.

5. Place an order by entering information about yourself and the delivery address.

6. Receive an invoice and an offer contract for the manufacture of goods.

7. Delivery to the object of the goods is carried out by the transport of our logistics network.

8. Installation of products at the facility by prior arrangement.

For individuals and organizations 1

Attention at a great distance we do not make measurements! All measurements are the responsibility of the customer or contractor. It is required to take into account the clearances for counterparts, hinges, etc. The sizes are given executive on the edges of a cloth.

1. Decide on the model of gates, fences, railings, etc.

2. Decide on the size. If you are satisfied with the standard sizes, choose them. If additional accessories are required, also determine what exactly is required. If you need to manufacture according to your size, recalculate in the calculator.

3. Make a calculation in the calculator for each product. To calculate, you need to click on the required size or select according to your size. In the calculator, select the required components. If you cannot decide what you need, read the instructions on the website or call the office for advice.

4. After the calculations, put the goods in the basket and fill in your data to place an order.

For individuals and organizations 2

5. After the formation of the order, we create an invoice and an agreement for you in electronic form.

6. Payment can be within the framework of the invoice from 60% of the initial payment or immediately 100%. Second payment upon completion. Attention! The goods will be sent to the customer subject to 100% payment on the invoice.

7. The goods are brought to your site transport companies from our logistics network. It is required to accept the goods and carry out unloading by the customer. Driver alone. Delivery according to the schedule of the transport company.

8. If the installation is ordered, the team leaves on the day of the preliminary agreement. The amount for installation on the site is preliminary. Not included in invoice payment. Calculation for the installation separately, at the installation site with the foreman. The minimum cost of a brigade departure for installation is 6000 rubles.

General terms and conditions

1. We work at low prices. The minimum order amount is 12000r. The order amount to receive the red price is from 100,000 rubles. Delivery time 2-3 weeks, depending on the workload of production.

2. Delivery of goods to your site throughout Russia. The amount of delivery depends on the volume of the order and the distance from the production.

3. Installation of products. The amount is calculated depending on the volume of the order, the complexity of installation and the distance from the Moscow Ring Road. Installation of products by our company is carried out only in Moscow and the Moscow region.

4. Before ordering, you must determine the size of the products. Please calculate before ordering required dimensions and gaps or get advice in the office on your size of the opening.

5. Departure of the manager-measurer for the conclusion of the contract is possible. Departure is paid depending on the distance from the office. We do not go to the budget gates.

For construction organizations

We work with construction organizations, contracts and private teams.

If you need advice on installation or sizing, call us, we will advise.

The site contains instructions for assembling various products, as well as for alteration standard sizes gates and fences under your opening.

See instructions on the next page.


It's been many years since letter forging became more simplified art. It is difficult to find a Blacksmith who will understand and capture your idea. Budget Forging is a company that prides itself on its expertise in this area. You have not yet decided on the future look of your forged product, then our designers will help you develop a sketch to letter forging were unique and original. Ordering from us letter forging, You are dealing with real masters, and rest assured - we will prove it to you.

In the process of creating a product, our specialists letter forging they use specific anti-corrosion coatings and varnishes, methods of so-called chromium and nickel plating, which help protect metal structures from the influence of adverse natural factors and give them a stunning resemblance to noble metals.

If you need to manufacture forged products or letter forging, then you can safely contact us for help at any stage from the beginning of design to the selection of performers.
When creating forged products, the thinnest handmade, creating great beauty and perfection, while not losing the combination of reliability and durability of such products. After all, high-quality work can stand for decades. We perform forged work and letter forging any complexity. Find out details about each photo in the catalog, clarify the cost of the product and get information on how to buy letter forging you can contact our manager by phone, or send a message to email. We know that you will call us today.

Information on forging letters

Joint purchases for your convenience

This concept consists of several components:

1. You pre-order selected products by phone. or in the office

2. We form the total volume up to the amount of the red price from the rest of the customers for this service;

3. Upon completion of the formation of the general order, the manager contacts you;

4. You make an advance payment of 50% of the amount of your products;

5. After the production time has passed, we begin to form the delivery time and convenient time;

6. We bring the goods to you at the facility (it is required that people be present at the place for unloading);

7. You accept the goods, sign the acceptance certificate and pay the balance under the contract;

8. When an installation is ordered, a team of installers leaves by prior arrangement;

9. Pay for the installation with the team, after accepting the work;

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