Bad mood associated. Bad mood, what to do if you are constantly in a very bad mood

  • 24.09.2019

If there is absolutely no mood, what to do? Every person who is in a gloomy mood has to ask himself this question. The reasons for this condition may be different, but you should not put up with it. It is easy to return the lost ability to enjoy life using the recommendations of psychologists below.

No mood, what to do? Sports will help

Research shows that nothing can put a person in a good mood faster than physical activity. If there is no mood, what to do? Theoretically, you can go to the nearest gym or swimming pool. However, it is even more useful in terms of improving mood to play sports outdoors.

Jogging, cycling or rollerblading, walking at a fast pace - all these activities help to cheer up in a few minutes. If there is absolutely no desire to play sports, you can limit yourself to a five-minute stretch or persuade yourself to do a few squats.

Regular sports are shown to people who constantly have What to do to forget about such a problem forever? It only takes a few minutes a day to exercise. Sloths may prefer meditation, which requires no effort at all.

Happy Products

No mood, what to do? Far from always, a person immersed in gloomy thoughts manages to force himself to exercise. In this case, products that stimulate the production of endorphins will come to the rescue. For example, you can forget about the diet for a while and allow yourself to eat a bar of chocolate, giving preference to dark varieties.

What other products will help someone who is in a bad mood? Bananas are famous for their ability to fight bad moods. This fruit is loaded with amino acids that stimulate the production of serotonin. It is not surprising that bananas are used in the manufacture of drugs for insomnia and depression. It is also worth drinking a cup of green tea, which contains substances that eliminate anxiety and raise tone.

Musical pause

If there is no mood, what to do? The right music is an effective tool in the fight against depression. Each person has pleasant memories that are associated with certain compositions. Also ideal music for people immersed in gloomy thoughts, psychologists consider the classics. For example, you can listen to Beethoven's Overture, Mozart's Rondo or Edvard Grieg's Morning Mood.

It's great if a person fights with a bad mood, not only listening to music, but also dancing to it. Dance steps performed to energetic compositions will help you quickly get rid of longing. Taboo in case of depression is imposed on sad melodies - only cheerful music.


If you are in a very bad mood, what should you do? It is great if a person has the opportunity to discuss their troubles with a psychologist. A specialist will help not only restore the ability to enjoy life, but also solve the problem that led to a deterioration in mood. If you can’t get professional advice, you can always turn to close friends for support.

By the way, it is not at all necessary to talk about the problems that led to a deterioration in mood while communicating with bosom friends. It is much more useful to go with friends to a party, picnic or fishing, visit a nightclub, bar or restaurant. The atmosphere of fun effectively contributes to the disappearance of sad thoughts.

Being depressed, you need to carefully choose a company for yourself. It is advisable during this difficult period to refrain from communicating with incorrigible pessimists who are used to looking at the world through black glasses and noticing only the bad in everything. Getting rid of a negative mood is much easier when surrounded by cheerful and self-confident people who are able to give others a positive charge.


When you find yourself in a low mood, what should you do? Interestingly, in some cases, hard work helps to forget. Professional achievements, even insignificant at first glance, effectively help to forget about depression. Having immersed himself in work with his head, a person will indulge less in sad thoughts, since there simply will not be time for this. Of course, this method should be resorted to only if the source of the negative is not problems associated with professional activities.

Work that distracts from experiences can also be of a physical nature. Why not take on the general cleaning of the apartment, which has been postponed for many months for indefinite term? In some cases, it is enough to rearrange the furniture in one room in order to cheer up.

Self improvement

What to do if you spoil the mood? Psychologists recommend in this case to switch to an activity that is completely unrelated to the source of the problem. Each person has a cherished dream, for the implementation of which there is always not enough time or energy. It is possible that the time has come to fulfill your own and engage in self-development.

For example, people who have long dreamed of learning a foreign language can sign up for courses or find a teacher. It might be worth taking a few vocal or drawing lessons. Main criterion choosing a new hobby - it should bring pleasure and distract from the problems that make life bleak.

Also, trainings and seminars, the main purpose of which is to develop positive thinking, will help to spend time and leave a negative attitude in the past.

A change of scenery

If you're not in the mood, do it. It’s great if a depressed person has the opportunity to take a vacation and forget about work for a while. Traveling to another country, getting to know a new culture, visiting local attractions - there will simply be no time and energy left for gloomy thoughts. It is advisable to choose an unfamiliar place for relaxation, this guarantees an abundance of fresh impressions.

It is not always possible to go on a trip abroad. In this case, you can give preference to a trip to neighboring cities. There are interesting places in almost any locality, why not visit them? Even a change of scenery for just a few days can have a positive impact on your mood. You can visit relatives or friends or check into a hotel and feel like a tourist.


It is not uncommon for people who are depressed to cope with this problem by embarking on adventures that involve some risk. Entertainment should be chosen based on your own preferences. For some, skydiving or paragliding will help to experience strong emotions. Others will prefer to go kayaking. Still others will opt for caving or rock climbing.

In some cases, it is possible to get a charge of vivacity, just by riding the "dangerous" rides. Couch potatoes, on the other hand, can be advised to turn on a really scary horror movie or watch it in a movie theater.

Normalization of lifestyle

How to be a person who notices what to do in this case? If there are no visible reasons for this, it is worth taking a closer look at your lifestyle. It is likely that the root of the problem lies in the banal lack of sleep. People who deny themselves the right to an eight-hour rest for a long time often experience emotional instability.

It is also worth visiting more often fresh air, abandoning the car and public transport in favor of walking. They have a positive effect on blood pressure, blood circulation, and affect the emotional state.

The menu should be as saturated as possible with fruits and vegetables, as well as dairy products. It is advisable to give up fast food at least for a while. Helps with emotional instability aromatherapy. Best Reviews get jasmine, chamomile and rose oils.

Light sedatives

If there is no mood, what to do? No matter how strong the desire to self-medicate and start taking sedatives, you can not do this without the appointment of a specialist. However, the use of medicinal herbs is not forbidden if there is no allergy to the components of the medicinal compositions. Decoctions of lavender and chamomile, of course, will not provide a quick result, but they will not harm.

Bad mood: what to do if things don’t go well in the morning and every little thing annoys?

Moreover, irritation tends to increase with each passing hour, threatening to culminate in an outburst of anger or a nervous breakdown.

Is it possible to fight this condition and are there recipes to help get rid of bad mood?

Why is there a bad mood?

Any person can experience a bad mood (and this is normal).

And it manifests itself differently for everyone: someone cries, someone becomes depressed, someone tears photos to shreds or breaks dishes.

A bad mood has many faces, it poisons life, so you should get rid of it as quickly as possible, you just need to understand the reasons for its occurrence.

So why is there a bad mood? It may be caused by:

  • The presence of severe stress. One-time stressful situations are not as dangerous as constant nervous strain, which is fraught with the development of many ailments and leading to incurable chronic depression.
  • Serious disease poisoning a person's life and significantly worsening the quality of his life.
  • Constant lack of sleep due to the accelerated rhythms of modern life.
  • Difficult financial situation.
  • Serious quarrel with a loved one or work colleagues.
  • Mismatch between the level of claims and reality (unfulfilled dreams).
  • Resentment towards others.
  • Various experiences and increased anxiety.
  • The habit of holding back and accumulating negative emotions inside oneself towards bad people. When the burden of unspoken emotions becomes too great, the human subconscious mind responds with depression.

And this is an incomplete list. possible causes bad mood.

The ability to deal with a bad mood largely depends on the attitude of a person.

Caused, first of all, by the environment in which the formation of his personality took place, the level and quality of education, close circle and a number of other circumstances.

“If the mood is bad, what should I do?” - you ask. Here are a few simple ways fight bad mood

  • In order to analyze the reasons for your bad mood, You can turn to the help of a close friend. Confidential conversation with him will help not only get rid of negative emotions (which in itself will help to alleviate the condition), but will also open your eyes to the true cause of your experiences. And knowing the reason, it is already much easier to cope with a bad mood.
  • The complex of the most ordinary morning exercises is able to drive away the blues and bad mood. Just recharge. Does it surprise you? In vain. The fact is that physical activity stimulates the production of endorphins - substances that can improve the emotional state of a person. As a physical discharge, you can choose a walk, jog or visit the pool. Some people find it helpful punching bag: 40 minutes of active "communication" with her can save not only from a bad mood, but also from extra calories. To tone up, you can do aerobics or go to a dance class.
  • You can eat a few slices of real dark chocolate: This will help you cope with a bad mood, as chocolate promotes the production of opiates that improve emotional mood.
  • You can watch funny movies featuring your favorite actor. If you do not have enough time for this, even a small video found on the Internet can cheer you up. It has been proven that in such cases, stories about the tricks of pets or viewing pictures with witty comments help well.
  • You can engage yourself in intellectual activities: solving various puzzles, crossword puzzles, passing psychological tests playing chess.
  • You can visit the town of attractions. The atmosphere of unbridled fun that accompanies vacationers will infect you too good mood and leave no room for the blues.
  • You can do any creative activity: beading, painting, jewelry making, molding from salt dough, poetry - everything that you like and can distract from heavy thoughts.

How to overcome a bad mood?

What to do when a bad mood brings discomfort into your life, being a source of constant despondency and dissatisfaction with life?

  • If the reason for your bad mood was communication with people who are unpleasant to you, try, if not to avoid communication (if it is someone from your administration or from among colleagues), then at least minimize contact with them.
  • Make sure that in your environment there are people who are a source of positive energy. If for some reason you stopped communicating with them, make every effort to start this communication again. Nothing lifts your mood like contact with the owner good feeling humor.
  • Try to think about things that make you happy: you can think of a time when you were successful and happy. Viewing a photo album with pictures from that period will help you get rid of negative emotions. Do not allow yourself to think about the bad, replace the negative with the positive - and you will feel how the bad mood will begin to leave you.
  • Get pets: that's who will dispel the blues and fill life with positive emotions. The antics of pets will make you smile more than once, communication with them can calm a person (it has been established that stroking soft fur affects the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle), and systematic walks in the fresh air (if you get a dog) will help improve health, and move will also have to.
  • Depending on whether you are a workaholic or like to goof off, you should change your occupation. It will be useful for a workaholic to relax and unwind a little, going out of town or to a resort, and a lover of idle pastime, on the contrary, needs to devote himself to some important occupation.
  • To get rid of a bad mood, a person sometimes needs only a good night's sleep, because chronic sleep deprivation can be the cause of depression .
  • Stop worrying about everything. Often the cause of a bad mood is unreasonable anxiety. If you have some business to do and anxiety is associated with it, do not delay its implementation - and you will get rid of this unpleasant feeling.

What if it's depression?

You are constantly in a bad mood: what to do in this case?

The most important thing is not to dismiss your problems, but to take this condition seriously.

The fact is that it can easily develop into depression, which requires a mandatory referral to a psychotherapist and drug therapy. Therefore, it is better not to bring it to it, but to prevent it at the stage of a constantly bad mood.

When should the alarm be sounded, how not to miss the borderline state? When the mood is very bad can be considered already evidence of developed depression?

A consistently bad mood, observed in a person for two to three weeks, gives the right to claim that he has the first stage of depression, called a mood disorder.

At this stage, the mood is not always stably bad, there are also sudden changes.

It happens that a disgusting morning mood improves significantly in the evening, but it happens exactly the opposite: getting up in the morning in a great mood, a person feels depressed and tired in the evening.

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If you have similar symptoms, do not postpone a visit to a psychotherapist until later: help provided in time will save you from serious and lengthy treatment.

After reflecting on this article, you can figure out what mood is and why it is sometimes bad, how it is classified and what methods you can use to improve your mood.

In our vocabulary, such phrases very often flash: good, high spirits or bad mood. Let's define what a mood is.

There are many definitions for it, but we will choose the most understandable:

Mood is a state of mind, emotional mood, a form of life perception, the general state of our experiences. It often changes depending on our attitude to various situations, life attitudes and temperament - a type of higher nervous activity. Mood has a corresponding effect on human activity.

It can change even for no apparent reason, but still there are certain life situations which most often cause a bad mood.

Waiting for a baby

During pregnancy, a woman can become emotional, easily vulnerable, irritable. She often has tears in her eyes, she is offended by everyone at home, because she is afraid of misunderstanding.

Hormonal changes also play a role in mood swings

The onset of pregnancy changes the hormonal background of a woman, everything in her body changes and she needs to adapt to a new status. Often women have a bad mood at the beginning and end of pregnancy, when toxicosis torments.

How to deal with it?

From the first days, as soon as a woman found out that she was going to become a mother, she needed to change a lot in her life: she needed to work less and give up bad habits and spend more time outdoors. Physical activity is very important to her. healthy sleep. She must avoid stressful situations and be balanced. All these measures will invariably improve her well-being and mood. But from time to time, she may need the help of specialists so that the pregnancy proceeds calmly and the birth is easier.

Why is it always bad at heart?

Yes, it happens to us. Suddenly optimism evaporates somewhere and does not care at all. This is what we call a bad mood. But in medicine there are such concepts as depression and apathy, which are quite difficult to defeat on your own. Here you will have to resort to the help of psychiatrists and psychotherapists. The mood associated with stress or grief is quite manageable with the help of psychotherapy. Endogenous depression and depressive syndrome within the framework of schizophrenia, organic brain damage and bipolar affective disorder are treated with long-term use of psychotropic drugs.

A very wise woman and the great Russian actress Faina Ranevskaya said: “Life is too short to spend it on diets, greedy men and a bad mood”

Therefore, getting up in the morning and feeling that there is complete dissatisfaction in your soul, try to tune in a positive way, change your attitude towards yourself and the current situation. Learn to support and calm yourself on your own, be more tolerant of people and external circumstances. Study yourself: your strengths and weak sides accept yourself the way you are. Remember the words of Faina Georgievna more often, who often had a very hard time in life, but who treated everything philosophically and with humor; and he could cheer up thousands of people.

If you can’t cope with a bad mood with beliefs alone, try to break away from the factors that traumatize your soul and stop dwelling on unresolved problems. Switch your attention to something more pleasant, and break problems into tasks and solve them as they come. Try to relax by taking a contrast shower or bath with decoctions medicinal herbs. Make friends with joyful and happy people, attend entertainment events, watch comedies and read humorous novels.

In the morning the mood is worse than ever

The following factors may contribute to this:

  • when you sleep in an unventilated room, sleep becomes restless, and the morning threatens to start in a bad mood.
  • just before going to bed, you ate and were practically motionless for 7-8 hours. This leads to stagnation in the intestines, where the processes of fermentation and putrefaction occur, which negatively affects the entire body. Dinner should be no later than two hours before bedtime.
  • perhaps you "overdid it" with caffeine, which causes a stressful state in the body (coffee, cocoa, chocolate and black tea). Control their use and move more - physical education perfectly relieves stressful conditions and improves mood.
  • there are any bodily problems: foci of infections, chronic diseases, prolonged pain, hormonal imbalance, pathology nervous system. Visit doctors and follow their recommendations. Depression itself can exacerbate existing diseases and weaken the immune system. Therefore, it is necessary to treat a bad mood with a psychiatrist-psychotherapist in conjunction with the treatment of existing>
  • hypodynamia - lack of active movements in general. Movement is life filled with joy!

Mood worsens before menstruation

Some women experience premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and this is understandable as hormone levels fluctuate. Some people tolerate it easily, while others may have headaches, swelling, soreness of the joints and muscles, heaviness in the lower back, “swelling” of the chest, lethargy, strong heartbeat and “hot flashes”. All this leads to irritability and frequent mood swings.

With PMS, you can learn to control your condition by learning the methods of relaxation and self-regulation of the body. Research also shows that we ourselves exacerbate our condition. These can be smoking, coffee and alcohol abuse, malnutrition and lack of physical activity, lack of skill of correct reaction to stress. You can undergo anti-stress therapy and master the techniques of self-hypnosis and relaxation at the consultations of a psychologist and psychotherapist.

Migraine and tachycardia, dizziness and weakness in PMS can cause magnesium deficiency. And fluid retention in the body, fatigue and sensitivity of the breast - vitamin B6 deficiency. Replace sweets with dried apricots and persimmons, prunes and figs, take magnesium and calcium supplements.

2-3 days before menstruation, if there is a tendency to pronounced premenstrual syndrome, coffee and chocolate should be taboo! Dramatically cut down on animal fats and all unnatural foods in your diet. All this destroys vitamin B6

Go in for dancing and sports - this will increase the production of endorphins in the blood, reduce pain and improve mood.

Depression before childbirth

Each woman may have her own prerequisites, but there are common factors leading to depression:

  1. Fears associated with the upcoming birth.
  2. Hormonal changes in the body.
  3. Feeling of loss of control over your body.
  4. Poor relationship with husband.
  5. Fears due to lack of finances in the family.
  6. Fear of changing the general rhythm of life in the near future.
  7. Fear of harming the child.

Many consider this condition before childbirth to be the norm, but this can develop into postpartum depression, which will negatively affect the condition of the mother herself and her baby. Therefore, you need to try to get her out of this state. To do this, a woman needs the constant support of loved ones, meeting with friends and feasible loading with household chores. You need to tune in to positive thoughts and gather your courage, because childbirth is natural process but also hard work. Be ready for it, and it will reward you with the best gift of fate - a child!

How to successfully deal with a bad mood?

In many situations, we have given you advice, but this is not always effective. It happens that a bad mood develops into a deep depression and then only contacting a psychiatrist or psychotherapist will help you.

You can not resort to self-medication - it can be life-threatening, trust the professionals who know how to help you. Usually in such cases, an antidepressant is used, which can only be selected by a doctor.

In Moscow, you can be examined and receive appropriate assistance at the Transfiguration clinic. Her main areas of activity are psychiatry, psychotherapy and neurology. The clinic itself and its trained staff are conducive to the fastest recovery. The main emphasis here is on a drug-free approach, using psychotherapy and physiotherapy, hirudotherapy, reflexology, massage and manual therapy. This is an absolute plus in the treatment of neurotic depression. The clinic employs highly qualified psychotherapists and psychologists who for many years help patients return to their normal lives, using modern methods diagnosis and effective treatment.

Everyone is subject to mood swings. Some less often, some more often. Everyone is familiar with the situation when everything around is annoying, nothing pleases, the sun seems too bright, children are noisy, friends are intrusive, work is like hard labor. But this does not mean that the person himself is bad. It's just a bad mood.

But even if they say that someone spoiled the mood, this is far from the case. The reason lies within the person himself. He himself is responsible for what happens in his life. People are very fond of plunging into a depressing state and finding those who can sympathize, regret. Only this is not good enough. They can sympathize, regret, help with advice, but there will be no sense from this. Often a person simply justifies his laziness, inertia, lack of desire for something.

Bad mood. What to do in this case?

The very first thing to do is to identify it in its infancy. It is when trouble occurs - this is the first grain that falls on fertile soil depression. In this case, it is very important how to look at this situation, how to evaluate it. Only the person himself can decide how to look at the problem and how to relate to it. If you throw out negativity in response to trouble, it will just fall on fertile ground, but if you try to be calm and laugh at the situation or even at your own mistake, then the grain will not germinate.

Good and bad mood. We listen to ourselves

First of all, you need to look inside yourself and understand what there can cause a threat to your mood. Listen to your feelings and sensations, to your soul. Only the person himself can understand what is wrong there, and find discomfort or doubts inside himself that can change his mood in the future. And in this case, you need to choose what you prefer - despondency or joy.

Sensitivity and observation is not an innate quality for everyone. Those who do not have them need to be developed with the help of special exercises and techniques. There are many personal trainings that specialists conduct in order to teach people to understand themselves and their feelings.


Often the human body warns in advance that not everything is in order. A person wakes up in the morning and already feels that something is wrong. Why bad mood? In this case, you need to try to remember what happened before going to bed. Psychologists and nutritionists agree that a hearty dinner before bedtime is harmful, and often after that a person wakes up irritable in the morning. In this case, food should be taken just two hours before bedtime.

The mood, oddly enough, depends on the ventilation of the room. If you sleep in a stuffy room, then the body does not have enough oxygen, and it cannot recover. Accordingly, a person does not get a good rest and wakes up again in a bad mood. It’s easy to change in the bud - open the window for the night.


Another reason why a bad mood is stress, which can be caused by many factors. For example, if you live in the same apartment with people who are unpleasant to you. Then you just need to move to another place. If stress causes fatigue from work - try to distribute work time in a different way. Perhaps it is irrationally used, and as a result - you do not have time, you worry. Or maybe you should just change your job to a more relaxed one.


This substance causes a stressful state of the body, and its overdose the next day can cause irritation right in the morning. The way to fight, again, is simple - limit the daily intake of caffeine. By the way, it is contained not only in coffee, but also in black tea, but in green - most of all.


If there is little movement, then you need to reconsider your day and diversify it with sports. Due to poor mobility, the cells of your body do not receive the required amount of oxygen, and a bad mood is his cry for help.


If everything that is listed is corrected, but the mood is still bad, then in this case the cause may be bile or kidneys. With poorly functioning kidneys, urine in the body stagnates, poisoning occurs. In this case, you need to take a diuretic and drink more water. If there is stagnation of bile, it is necessary to check the gallbladder and drink cholagogues.


A bad mood not only creates discomfort, it is dangerous, as it can lead to long-term depression. And it, in turn, negatively affects not only human life but also on relationships with colleagues and loved ones. In addition, the negative extends to human performance.

But depression and bad mood are different concepts. Depression has three components: fatigue, autonomic disturbances and a mood disorder, which is precisely caused by bad mood, the duration of which is over two weeks. In a depressed state, a person often cannot notice his mood, since this period is accompanied by longing, despair, anxiety, and indifference.

How to get rid

Are you in a bad mood? What to do in this case? Revisit your thoughts. You just need to follow them, analyze what is happening, whether there is a biased attitude towards the situation or the person. It is advisable to perform this procedure initially, as soon as the mood begins to deteriorate. After such an "inventory" of thoughts, many feel much better.

Action and inaction

Oddly enough, but these two things will help get rid of this condition, even if the mood is very bad. The first option is to mess around, the second is to work.

For the first category, “workaholics” are suitable, who give their all at work, take overtime and even work seven days a week. They can simply allow themselves to lie on the couch, watch a movie, get enough sleep, in general, do whatever they want, but not business and work. At the same time, you need to set a condition for yourself: there should not be any feeling of guilt! Very often, work sucks out of a person a lot of the energy he needs, so the body simply needs to recuperate. You just have to allow yourself to drop everything for a while and do only what you want directly.

The second category, on the contrary, is lazy people. The exact opposite is intended to treat their bad mood. These people just need to do something, overcoming their laziness. This does not mean that it is necessary to work hard. You can find an activity that you like. And if a favorite thing is found, then negative thoughts simply go aside, as a person is focused on the positive. After a while, the bad mood will simply disappear, evaporate.

Intellectual activity

Another effective way raising even a very bad mood is an intellectual activity. And besides this, it is very useful for self-development. You can solve crosswords, scanwords, play backgammon or checkers, pass a lot of psychological tests. And even better - come up with something of your own, what exactly you want to do now.


The mood can be changed almost instantly by being in a place where fun reigns. Amusements help a lot in this - practically the most effective medicine. There are always people, smiles and laughter, and even against the will of a person, the positive energy that this place is filled with is transmitted. It can be said, briefly, that desperate times require the same measures.


If you are constantly in a bad mood, then you don’t want to go anywhere from home. Then the most the best remedy- it `s music. It must be necessarily cheerful, rhythmic, incendiary. In this case, she herself will make you dance, and thoughts will gradually be distracted from problems, and your mood will turn into a good one. Here, at home, you can also advise comedies that are great for raising a bad mood. Not corrected after one film - you can turn on the second.

Communication and sex

Communication is also an important moment for the treatment of bad mood. Loneliness will never help get rid of it, but conversations, contacts - yes. But no communication can replace sex, which acts on a person, instantly correcting a depressed state. Above all, it is one of the most enjoyable ways to improve your mood. During sex, the body is fully activated, and you get not only pleasure, but also benefits.

Loneliness is another reason why you are always in a bad mood. In order to fix this, go to visit, or even better - to a party or club. You can arrange a holiday at home. Then you will be busy preparing and forget about your bad mood completely.


When a woman expects her period soon, she is in a bad mood very often. The fair sex acutely and often painfully feels the approach of menstruation, reacting to this with bouts of irritation and some aggression.

The fact is that the hormone progesterone is to blame for this. During this period in female body its deficiency is observed, as a result of which the level of sugar in the blood decreases and the production of adrenaline increases, which is released with severe fear or nervous tension.

But many experts believe that not only the hormone is to blame for the woman's bad mood during this period. The instability of the emotional state largely depends on the woman herself, her subjectivity. She may feel fine if her period started on time or if she does not take it hard. But the violation of the cycle just can cause irritation. In addition, if menstruation is difficult to bear, then the woman, feeling their approach, is already starting to get nervous, she is overwhelmed by the fear of pain, which, as she already knows, she will experience.

How to fight

First of all, you need to pay attention to nutrition and exclude from the diet at this time those foods that are exciting. For example, caffeine, black tea, chocolate and Coca-Cola. Try to consume as little salt as possible, as it retains water in the body. Sweet will also have to be excluded - it enhances the discomfort.

Alcohol should be completely avoided. But vitamins B, on the contrary, help to alleviate the condition. They are found in fresh herbs, bananas, nuts, liver, cereals and legumes. Remove irritability headache and puffiness. Zucchini, spinach and nuts relieve stress, and pure water prevents the appearance of edema.

And the most important thing is rest. You need to be able to relax, and in this state it is better to postpone things for other days.

The morning sun is annoying, all objects fall out of hand, and those around, as if out of spite, do not do everything the way we would like. All these are signs of a bad mood. Usually in this state they say: "I got up on the wrong foot." But why does our vitality sometimes fall below the baseboard? And how to cope with a bad mood if it suddenly overtook you? Let's find the causes together and figure out ways to get rid of them.

Irritability and bad mood - causes

Lack of mood is an extremely insidious thing. In this state, a person not only does not want to, but also cannot do anything. Any little thing, such as the lack of the right thing in the wardrobe, a sandwich that has fallen on the floor with butter or spilled coffee, can bring to an extreme degree of irritation. What to say about the people around. If the leader comes to work in a bad mood, then, as a rule, the whole team suffers from this. But what if such a boss has a bad mood every day? In this case, conflicts will definitely not be avoided.

To learn how to cope with negativity, it is first of all important to know what mistakes lead to discouragement. There are several reasons why a person is constantly in a bad mood:

  • frequent falling into extremes, characteristic of resolving any conflicts. In other words, it is the inability of a person to compromise and find golden mean in assessing the situation;
  • negative prediction of the future. Those. the tendency to constantly expect only negative developments in the future;
  • negative thinking. It consists in the tendency of a person to perceive information only in a negative way, completely ignoring it. positive sides;
  • excessive demands on yourself. Such people constantly tell themselves that they "can" or "should." Living in such rigid frameworks, they are not held in a positive way and quickly move to negative thoughts;
  • speculation. They consist in trying to guess the thoughts of others and what they meant. Usually such people are sure that they are right and do not check their guesses, being absolutely sure of them.

Frequent bad mood has another important reason. Daily stress and overwork almost inevitably lead to the fact that a person has problems in life, insomnia, poor health, fatigue, and as a result, a bad mood. It is possible to defeat him. The main thing is to notice in time that the negative is increasingly coming to the fore and urgently start getting rid of it.

How to deal with a bad mood?

So, you noticed that irritability began to replace a smile more and more often, people suddenly changed and began to strain with their existence alone, and the world suddenly became black and white, and positive thoughts were replaced by a bad mood. What to do? Set yourself up for positive emotions possible with the help of special exercises. Considering that our mood in life depends on external circumstances and our thoughts, we need to clear our mind of negativity and tune in a positive way. Two methods will help with this:

Repeat these exercises several times a week. A little later, you can use the method of how to get rid of a bad mood by simply closing your eyes and again imagining yourself with the TV remote control.

In addition to using these exercises, it is important to constantly work on yourself in real life. Try to increase your physical activity and spend more time in the sun, meet good friends, do all the things that have been oppressing you for a long time, and sometimes just smile at the world around you for no reason. Your positive attitude will return to you with a vengeance, and you will never again ask yourself why you got into a bad mood in the morning.