Your own psychotherapist or what to do when you are in a bad mood. Bad mood - what to do

  • 24.09.2019

Probably everyone faces the problem of bad mood at one time or another in life. Someone quickly comes out of a dull state, while for others a bad mood often comes and stays with them for a long time. If you periodically observe a bad mood in yourself, then you should not panic about this, because. we are all living people, it is impossible to constantly smile and have fun. If despondency has become your frequent guest, then it is already worth considering - what are its reasons? And how to deal with it?

What are the reasons for bad mood?

There can be many reasons for our depressed state: troubles at work, conflicts in the family, and simply bad weather. Sometimes even an unpleasant conversation on public transport can ruin your mood for the whole day.

However, if you regularly experience bouts of blues, then this problem needs to be addressed. After all, you see, a bad mood poisons life not only for you, but also for your loved ones. Who is pleased to admire your dull face all day long. Hence - quarrels, mutual accusations and, as a result, an even greater deterioration in mood. And not only yours, but also the rest of the household. It is necessary to understand the reasons for a bad mood, because, without knowing the origins of this or that phenomenon, it is impossible to eliminate it.

It should be noted that it is difficult for a person himself to identify the prerequisites for apathy: “Neighbors interfere, and the boss is annoying, and problems at home are all bad!”. In such cases, it is necessary to contact a third party - a qualified psychologist. At the consultation, you, together with a specialist, will be able to correctly prioritize and thus find out the origins of your depressed state. Once you know the problem, you can work on resolving it. Necessary conditions Achieving a good result in psychological work is undoubtedly your desire and the high level of professionalism of a psychologist. Where to find a good specialist? Contact the Vlad Svetocha Psychology Center, only qualified psychologists work there - consultants.

Is it possible to cope with a bad mood at home? If despondency and depression often visit you, then you still need to contact a specialist. In case of temporary blues, here are some tips on how to get rid of a bad mood.

Bad mood what to do?

1. get enough sleep

A very common cause of bad mood modern people is lack of sleep. No wonder even in ancient times it was believed that sleep is the best medicine.

2. Eat right

An irregular, unbalanced, unhealthy diet provokes not only digestive problems, but also, as a result, a deterioration in our general well-being - both physical and psychological.

3. Get outdoors more

Regular walks not only saturate our body with oxygen, but also can distract us from bad thoughts.

4. Treat yourself to something

Sweets, fruits, cocktails - whatever you like! But, of course, do not overdo it, because. a couple of extra pounds that appeared later can worsen your mood again.

5. Take water treatments

As you know, water has a beneficial effect on our physical and psychological well-being. It cleanses, relaxes, soothes. Are you in a bad mood? Take a bath with aromatic oils, take a cool shower or go for a swim in the pool.

6. Get more often positive emotions

What gives you pleasure? Shopping? Listening to your favorite music? Taking care of your pet? Watching an old movie? Or idle chatter with a friend on the phone? Surely, you yourself know better than others how to please yourself. Feel free to do it! After all, your good mood- it is also a guarantee of peace, joy in your home.

7. Spend more time with loved ones

Call your parents, hug your loved one, play with your kids, visit friends. In a word, turn to those who are dear to you and who need you. The realization that you are not alone, you have close and dear people will allow you to forget about pressing problems and troubles.

8. Smile more often!

Not only to others, but also to yourself. Of course, when “cats scratch at the soul”, it’s hard to smile. And you try! After all, any troubles are temporary: problems are resolved, damaged relationships are being improved. "Everything passes, and this will pass" - says the well-known wisdom.

In a word, there are many ways to deal with a bad mood. Choose any! A large portion of ice cream will help someone to improve their well-being, but someone cannot do without consulting a specialist. Do not be afraid to ask for help, coping with difficulties alone is very difficult. The main thing is not to sit idly by, not to put up with your dull thoughts, but to fight them! And then joy, optimism and good mood will always be present in your house!

It is not so difficult to understand why cheerfulness suddenly changed to complete apathy. Our life is a little like a flat road, constantly pleasing with excellent weather. Sadly, there will always be someone or something that will spoil our mood.

It could be:

  • communication with an unpleasant person;
  • poor health (both associated with the disease and caused by a sedentary lifestyle);
  • failures at work or in personal life;
  • approaching a birthday, especially at an older age, when the mind involuntarily tries to evaluate the past year;
  • and much more.

In addition, most women experience bouts of ill health before and during their periods; this state also affects the mood not the most in the best way. What can we say about pregnancy, which simply beats all records for bouts of longing and bad forebodings!

What to do if everything is bad

Fighting a bad mood is quite possible, although this task sometimes seems impossible precisely because it hits our main weapon in this battle - creativity and the desire to do something.

There are many ways to improve your mood. Many of them are so simple that most people don't even think about them; others, on the contrary, assume long work self-improvement and correction of their own bad habits.

However, there are several simple rules which are better to adhere to in the fight against apathy:

  1. You don't need to use medication. Tablets are the last resort, which should be resorted to only in exceptional cases. And you can take them only as directed by a doctor, after consultation in a neuropsychiatric clinic. Otherwise, there is a risk of damaging your health; while there is no guarantee that a bad mood will leave you, medicines still do not give.
  2. A glass of expensive wine is a good relaxant; this is right for those cases when you need to relax, come in a great mood. However, you should not fight depression with alcohol: there is a fairly high risk of becoming addicted to the "green snake".
  3. Do not give up. Activity is your main ally. As soon as you sat on the couch and began to feel sorry for yourself, you can consider that you have lost one more round. Do at least something, do not give yourself time for reflection and dull thoughts.

Our mental state is closely related to our physical state. Whatever the real causes of apathy, it is caused by a decrease in the level of " happiness hormones- serotonin, dopamine and endorphins. You can increase their content in different ways.

delicious food

Many foods contain substances that improve our mood and help us feel energized. First of all it is:

  • chocolate;
  • coffee;
  • seaweed;
  • hot and hot peppers;
  • nuts;
  • meat and fish;
  • citrus fruits, especially oranges and tangerines;
  • and, oddly enough, celery. Of course, celery coffee doesn't taste as good as chocolate; but the soup with celery has simply miraculous properties.

However, you can just eat something tasty. Why not delight your taste buds? This will most favorably affect your well-being.


Forget about lying on the couch and feeling sorry for yourself! Move. Make your body work, energize it. It doesn't matter which method you choose: sports, outdoor games, swimming, dancing. All this helps to fight apathy and fills the body with energy. Do not be afraid to get a little tired - a pleasant tension in the muscles will cause psychological relief, and you will quickly feel how the bad mood goes away.

Walking is especially useful in such cases. They not only saturate the blood with oxygen; they also drive away dull thoughts and allow you to feel the pleasure of life.

But there are a few rules:

  • You need to go fast. Leave a leisurely step for a romantic walk. Walk as fast as your health allows you, but never break into a run. As soon as you feel tired, stop and rest a little, and then start moving again.
  • Don't think anything bad. Difficult requirement, yes. But extremely important. Great help in such cases, music and headphones.
  • Don't set yourself a specific goal. Go where your eyes look. Or, if you find it difficult to force yourself to "waste time without meaning", assign a remote address as the endpoint. During the day, it could be a shop or salon on the other side of the city; and at night, you can simply set yourself the task of going around the whole area in a circle!

A curious fact speaks in favor of hiking: a few kilometers walked at a fast pace before menstruation almost completely remove discomfort in the lower abdomen. And, of course, such activity helps to get rid of extra pounds.

In addition, all types of activities that provoke the release of adrenaline into the blood help fight depression. Buy a roller coaster ticket, go skydiving, or just go for a bike ride. And even better - master a new active type of recreation that will energize you.

Onward to change!

It's hard to believe - but psychologists call the monotony of life as the main reason for a bad mood. Vivid impressions make us feel excitement, and it generously saturates the blood " hormones of joy". That is why, in order to cheer up, sometimes it is enough to bring a little novelty into your existence.

It can be a trip to the hairdresser or spa, redecorating, a new manicure and, of course, shopping. Statistics show that going to the store, even if you are not going to buy anything big, drives away apathy and helps you look at the world from a more positive angle. But be careful: any item bought in this condition can later remind you of a bad period in your life. Therefore, be prepared, in which case, without pity, throw all the rubbish bought during the depression into the garbage chute!

However, this advice applies not only to things. Train yourself to part with what has already become obsolete and has no real value for you:

  • phone numbers you don't call;
  • relationships that weigh on you;
  • notebooks, names and birthdays in which you don’t even remember;
  • jokes that you are tired of laughing at;
  • activities that are no longer enjoyable.

All this binds us to the past and prevents us from enjoying life.


It's a paradox - but a bad mood is afraid of laughter. The muscles of our face “remember” emotions, and, folding into a smile, give a command about fun to the brain. Of course, joy will not appear immediately. But this only means that a massive attack on depression must be carried out.

Have a little holiday for yourself. It is not necessary to wait for a round date. You can always find a reason to party: it can be the anniversary of the first date, the victory of the husband’s favorite team in the championship, or even the birthday of a pet. Invite your friends, turn on the music, and soon you will feel like you are starting to have real fun.

How to prevent depression

There are situations when conventional methods are powerless to cheer up. In these cases, psychologists talk about depression - a long-term state of depression, apathy, self-doubt.

It is possible and necessary to fight this disaster. In the most severe cases, of course, you can not do without the help of a specialist. But usually, it is quite possible to cope with their own forces. The main thing is to constantly remember that poor health and failure will not haunt us all the time.

Life goes on, even if it is difficult for us to believe that it is beautiful:

  • Find yourself a hobby that will, at least from time to time, take all your attention without a trace.
  • Don't be afraid to show your personality. We are all geniuses in this or that activity, but we often lock up our “Picasso” or “Mozart”, afraid of being misunderstood. Why should you conform to other people's opinions? Start doing something that you are good at, even if your hobby is strange to others. Origami, playing the trumpet, beading or composing haiku can all help you feel like you belong. And this is the first step to recovery.
  • Give yourself the opportunity to vent bad emotions. Write down all your grievances, failures and disappointments on a large piece of paper, or even better - express it all in front of a mirror. Feel free to complain about fate from time to time!
  • Don't focus on yourself. Find someone who needs your help. If you don't like charity and volunteering, get a cat, aquarium fish or indoor plant. Caring for others will help break the vicious circle.

Almost every day we are faced with situations that cause us stress and negative emotions. And the worst thing is to experience stress within yourself, not giving it an outlet.

If not quickly relieve stress, then it will develop into even more irritability, when almost everything starts to enrage you and even cause diseases such as cancer. It is not for nothing that cancer is considered a disease of offended people.

So here are 9 ways to help you. remove the negative and get rid of stress quickly.

Stress is negative energy. And you can spend it, let off steam, so to speak. Grind a pear or pillow. Dance to your favorite song. Jog - slow but long exercise stress Accelerates the production of endorphins - the hormone of happiness that will cheer you up.

2-Virtual showdown with the offender- if a specific person is the cause of a bad mood and for some reason you cannot express everything directly to his face, try to draw the offender with quick hand movements, and then completely cross him out and tear this sheet of paper into small pieces. You can also stick his photo to a pear and beat it. Or leave darts in it. Or hang his photo and express everything that you think about him.

3-Break something. If you've watched tennis, tennis players often break their rackets after a setback. It helps to calm down and learn how to manage anger. Crumple up a few sheets of paper or newspaper and then tear them into small pieces. Or take a hammer, find a box in the nearest trash can and break it. In general, find something unnecessary and destroy it.

4-Spill out your emotions. Shout, yell, say whatever you think, call names, if necessary - swear. If you don't want to be heard, scream into a pillow or jar.

5-Use water- for starters, you can take a bath and arrange a fight with water. It's a good physical activity. And then take a contrast shower. How colder water the faster you will get rid of anger and negativity. In addition, water has the ability to absorb negative energy with myself.

6-Deep and frequent breathing belly + banana.Get out into the fresh air. While inhaling, imagine that you are inhaling positive energy, while exhaling - what is leaving you negative. Make the exhalation 2 times longer than the inhalation. Actively draw in and inflate the stomach. This breath visualization dispels negative thoughts. Then eat a banana. It increases the production of serotonin, the happy hormone.

7-Paint stressful situation and a plan to solve it. Describe what happened and outline several options for dealing with this situation. Then choose what you can do right now. And start taking action.

8-Laughter therapy. Find a funny video or joke and spend at least 5 minutes on laugh. Laugh from the heart, to tears. This is an excellent shake-up of the body on a physical and emotional level, which will help you quickly get rid of negative thoughts. Alternatively, you can take a photo of the offender and paint on his horns or something else funny.

9-Identify a few simple tasks and come up with a reward for doing them. You can take out the trash, put things in order, go to the grocery store. Make them and reward yourself with a cup of fragrant tea or any other pleasant reward with pleasure.

And the last tip. Don't stress-eat something delicious. Many people just get excess weight. And be sure to let the negativity out. Massage and other types of relaxation only drive stress inside you, where it accumulates and begins to manifest itself more often in your life.

But stress always has a reason. And it is much better to do prevention and remove these causes. Then stress will very rarely appear in your life.

Therefore, I offer you a system - the Rules of Life for all 100, which will help you a lot in this.

Did you feel unhappy, upset, and did it seem to you that the whole world took up arms and fought against you? And how often does this happen? If often, then something urgently needs to be done about it. You need a way to deal with bad moods. This is very necessary, because otherwise it will all turn into chronic depression. So, 10 tips - how to improve your mood and get rid of the blues:

  1. Straighten up. In the literal sense - stand up straight straighten your shoulders and inhale deeply. Imagine how you look from the side, stretch up and exhale. And so 10 times. At the same time, try to discard everything negative and think only that you look good and everything will work out.
  2. If you are walking and problems have crushed you, your legs are tangled, as if they were tied to weights, then just speed up your step. Mentally drop the load off your feet and walk at a quick pace, straightening up. Concentrate on walking, then on the surrounding landscape. This great way get rid of negative thoughts.
  3. A great way to get rid of a bad mood is to change clothes. Here, right away, take and change jeans for a dress. While you choose, and then pick up accessories, your thoughts will be concentrated on this, and everything bad will go into the background, and then completely evaporate.
  4. A few simple physical exercises will distract you from bad thoughts. The tone will increase and the blues will go away almost immediately.
  5. Help others or just say something kind. Reciprocal positive emotions will help you and save you from impending depression.
  6. Sing in the shower. If in the morning you got up on the wrong foot, and your mood is at zero, then run to the shower and sing there at the top of your voice. A charge of positive and mood is guaranteed.
  7. Change hairstyle. If you have been in a bad mood for several days and depression is on the way, then a great way to get rid of it is to change your hairstyle. After all, for a hairstyle, you will need to change clothes, makeup, jewelry, and then ... .. In short, your head will be busy, you will change and past worries will remain with old hair in the trash.
  8. Planning and reminders. Blues, depression - there is a great way to get rid of these misfortunes. You need to start a diary and start planning your own time. Firstly, planning itself is an interesting activity - you need to determine things, set priorities, plan time. Well, then, as soon as the mood starts to go down, you immediately say to yourself - STOP, I have no time to mope, according to the plan, Chihuahua Hua is scheduled for this time. Everyone is running.
  9. Go to an exhibition, but it is better to make a plan to visit several events. These are new impressions, new positive emotions, topics for discussion: “Have You Seen? No, what are you, but there it was……………”
  10. The most cardinal way to get rid of a bad mood is to go somewhere, change the situation. Has depression already set in? Drop everything and leave for at least a couple of days. Everything will do - Milan, London, Paris, Khatsapetovka or Khanty-Mansiysk. The main thing is a radical change of scenery.

Something like that. The main thing to remember is that you can’t mope for a long time - it becomes a habit. No need to feel sorry for yourself for a long time - it bothers others. And most importantly, remember that good mood is good health and vice versa. Good luck to you in the fight against the blues.


5 tips and a funny video - will save you from a bad mood once and for all! We read, we watch and we throw garbage out of our heads.

"Go away old woman, I'm sad" - this catchphrase managed to cover all Soviet Union and become golden.

It is understandable!

When we are in a bad mood, it is easier for us to remember the famous old woman and not waste time on empty explanations.

What for? When everything is clear.

But if everything is clear with sadness, then with that, how to get rid of bad mood clearly not all.

Where does it come from? How to get rid of it? And how not to succumb in the future?

Let's figure it out together!

Reasons for bad mood

From time to time we all have bouts of bad mood.

Life is like a zebra. There's nothing to be done here.

And always the white stripe is replaced by black and vice versa.

Sadness, melancholy or a bad mood are absolutely normal conditions that sometimes overtake us for no reason. And sometimes the cause of a bad mood is so stupid and banal that one can only marvel at its effect on our consciousness.

For example, they stepped on their feet on the bus, pushed on the subway, or splashed with mud on the street.

And that's it, we are already sad and hate the whole world!

And sometimes the reason for a bad mood can be hidden in watching a sad movie or a stray dog ​​seen on the street.

A few months ago I watched an American TV series about Spartacus.

For 4 seasons, I watched the fearless gladiator fight for freedom and was deeply disappointed with the ending.

Just imagine - for 2 whole days I was in sadness, hated the Romans, Rome, Italy and Italians for company.

I didn't even go to an English class because it was taught by an Italian. But after a couple of days, she went away again.

However, in itself, a bad mood does not always go away, and sometimes we have to think and resort to additional methods.

I suggest you take a few simple tips to get rid of bad mood.

I use them myself all the time!

How to get rid of a bad mood - we fight sadness

Council number 1. Smile, smile and smile again!

Silly advice? But no!

Even if you feel bad, you are sad and ready to tear the first person you meet, do not rush to splash out the negative.

Instead, try smiling at a passerby.

Believe me, you will immediately feel better!

For me - the most important weapon in the fight against a bad mood.

Several years ago, 2 days before my trip abroad, my best friend I broke up with my loved one.

Naturally, not only did she not want to go anywhere, but she also did not want to smile when her soul wept bitterly.

However, she overcame herself and began to smile.

She smiled at everyone: passers-by, fellow travelers who traveled in her group, and even hotel staff.

We are not always free to choose with whom and what we have to deal with, but only we decide how to treat it. If you draw hasty conclusions without really understanding anything, or tune in to trouble in advance, then you can pretty much complicate life for yourself, and at the same time for everyone around you.
Kurt Hörtenhuber. OOPS. Think with your heart.

Thanks to her smile, she not only managed to get rid of her bad mood, but also made a bunch of new foreign friends and brought such positive photos that her friends still say that in these photos she simply shines with happiness.

Although in fact, then her soul did not want to glow at all!

Council number 2. Pamper yourself and get rid of bad mood

One of the most actionable advice, how to get rid of bad mood- treat yourself to a loved one (well, or a loved one)!

Go shopping, go to a restaurant, order sushi or go to the movies.

In general, do what you really love!

I like to get rid of a bad mood, lying in a fragrant bath with foam and salt and reading an interesting book.

Hours of such water procedures and there is no trace of a bad mood.

You can find your own way to pamper yourself.

The main thing here is to do exactly what you really love.

Council number 3. Do sports that will relieve you of a bad mood

Even a simple jog in the park or 15 minutes at home on a jump rope can work wonders.

Even if you are lazy, try to overpower yourself and make an extra gesture.

Just the other day, I did not want to run on a treadmill, but when I came and started, I got a taste and even cheered up.

By the way, it is worth remembering that sports not only, but also heals the body.

So 2 in 1.

Council number 4. take care of yourself

This advice is mainly for women, as men are not used to wiping their pants in hairdressers.

In this case, I advise you to change your haircut, hair color, get a manicure, massage or body wrap.

These procedures are relaxing, and new beautiful body cannot but rejoice.

By the way, in fits of sadness, my friend always dyes her hair red, the color of joy and good mood.

Now tell me, how can you be sad if your hair shimmers in the sun, and men turn around after you?

In such cases, it becomes simply ashamed to be sad! 😉

Council number 5. hug the cat

If you don't have a cat, get one!

Animals are able to feel the mood of their owner and help get rid of bad mood.

Well, how can you be sad if your beloved cat pokes his side, purrs and pinches his claws?!

But my cat loves to run around the apartment for toy mice.

You watch how it skids on the laminate, falls on its side when cornering and makes such a roar that there is no trace of a bad mood.

So don't neglect your beloved pet!

And more... be sure to watch this funny video -

I hope the bad mood will wave to you!

P.S. simple and tasteful! 🙂

And remember .. only you have the right to control your mood and you do not need to look for those responsible for the fact that someone does not succeed.

Look for the reason in yourself.

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