Do-it-yourself room renovation. Stages of cosmetic repair

  • 23.06.2020

Every apartment owner wants to carry out cosmetic repairs inexpensively, but with high quality. This can be done realistically if professionals are involved in this process. Most often inexpensive minor repairs premises only involves changing the lining - wallpapering, painting walls and ceilings, installing laminate, etc. To perform these works, budget materials are purchased, which may be slightly inferior in quality and appearance their expensive counterparts. Despite this, the tiled surfaces will look great, and their service life will reach several years or even more.

Cheap repairs at San Sanych

If you want to renovate housing in Moscow, please contact us. The company is engaged in all types of repairs - cosmetic, capital, euro, budgetary and others. In each case, we will choose best method solving the tasks set, taking into account the optimal cost. Our masters are distinguished by high professionalism and extensive experience in this field. The customer can expect that when all necessary operations company employees will adhere to the technology. This reduces the likelihood of defects, which subsequently need to be eliminated, which entails additional material costs.

Name of worksScope of workPrice, rubAmount, rub

What work is done during an inexpensive cosmetic repair?

If you decide to order a redecoration of an apartment, please note that the company can perform the following operations:

  • replacement of wall cladding - painting with water-based paints or wallpapering (most often);
  • puttying and painting the ceiling, sometimes wallpapering;
  • floor installation ceramic tiles, laminate or linoleum - the most budget options;
  • replacement of plumbing fixtures and water pipes;
  • laying electrical wiring and other operations.

How are the repairs going?

Most often, any repair, including cosmetic, begins with the preparation of the foundation. They remove old wallpaper, paint, close up small cracks and eliminate other defects. As a result, you need to get a solid, even base, which is the key to a long service life of the finish. Surface priming is equally important. It helps to prevent the appearance of fungus and improve surface adhesion. It is this base that is used for further cladding in the chosen way.

The usual everyday business: the apartment clearly needs repair, but there is not enough money. How to make an inexpensive apartment renovation with your own hands? It seems to be the simplest, obvious way: surface cosmetic repairs. That is, plywood wallpaper, whitewashing the ceiling, painting, fixing the creaky floor; Possibly window replacement.

However, if you calculate the labor costs and consumption of materials, it turns out that by increasing labor costs by half, and spending money by a quarter, you can give the apartment a completely different look, and for a long time. How much you need to invest specifically depends on the prices in the region, but the general methods by which you can make an apartment cozy and elegant inexpensively are the same.

Saving Money when repairing an apartment with his own hands, he stands, like the Earth in ancient legends, on three whales and a slowly hurrying turtle under them:

  1. We are not afraid of work. Nothing comes from nothing. Either money or labor.
  2. Wherever possible, we do not change the capital, but the old one that has lost its appearance, but renew it.
  3. We attribute the maximum savings to where it will not affect the quality of work and will not be visible.
  4. We spread the costs of labor and money over time: having conceived repairs in the summer or autumn, we spend a year on preparation, and then we pile on and quickly do everything. To lay out 200-300 thousand rubles at once is a problem, but it is quite possible to break them up in parts for a year. In addition, there will be time to measure seven times - cut once.

Where it's hard to save

The only area where you have to invite a specialist is to remake and strengthen the electrical wiring if it is old and weak. Here the only way savings - negotiate with the DEZ electrician. He will do the work in pieces, in his spare time, but the likelihood of hack work will be even less than that of “branded” specialists: after all, he will then serve all this.

It is better not to save on electrics and wiring, however, some points, such as installing sockets, can be done independently.


A good specialized tool makes the job much easier and cheaper. But it's hard to buy. Therefore, it is better to rent a tool as needed. In terms of costs, it will come out a little if you decide in advance on the design and draw up an approximate work plan for yourself.



A sore point with independent cheap repairs is the replacement of plumbing. If it is still “alive”, only filthy, then it can be cleaned and painted. How to do this will be described below. But if there are chips and cracks, then, if you like it or not, you need to change it.

For such a case, here is some information for you: new settlers, especially in houses above the budget category, often start overhaul, and great, brand-new faience and cast-iron plumbing ends up in a landfill. Landfill operators (simply - landfill scavengers) have long turned this circumstance into a profitable business.

They do not make direct contact by office phone with strangers, but it is quite possible to get through to them using word of mouth methods. The rate is from a third to a half of the factory price for a household item. And do not think that they will take you to the dump and show you where it lies. In the back room you will be offered a choice of clean, carefully washed products, which you can sit down on at least immediately.

Construction garbage

The next sore point is the removal of construction waste. The operation is not cheap, and requires paperwork. Exit: basement, barn, cottage or closet and a few bags of used plastic sackcloth, bought for a penny. Construction debris does not sour and does not rot, it can then be poured into a container in a garbage dump in a bucket. There is nothing illegal in this.

Cosmetic repair is one of the most affordable and simple ways in the shortest possible time to ennoble housing, give the surrounding space of the house or apartment new colors and decoration. Financial expenses for holding cosmetic repairs, as a rule, are not great, and the achieved effect of cleanliness, freshness and novelty of the interior can exceed all expectations, give a feeling of joy and comfort. In the article we will tell you how to make cosmetic repairs with your own hands in the apartment.

Cosmetic repairs are done independently with minimal redevelopment of housing, with low costs for repairing walls, floors, plumbing, windows and doors. This type of apartment renovation can be characterized as a partial or complete restoration of the condition of the walls, repair and installation of floors, ceilings without performing a complex replacement of structural elements (reconstruction of floors, replacement of partitions). These works usually include puttying and painting ceilings and walls, with the replacement of wallpaper and skirting boards, painting windows and doors, minor repairs floors, for old parquet, scraping, and multiple varnishing.

Currently, the concept of cosmetic repairs with the advent of many new finishing materials and technology has expanded a bit. For example, today it is quite possible to transform the room on your own within a few days by making decorative plaster on the walls, which does not require careful preparation and laying a laminate in the room.

Another small nuance - in the process of cosmetic repairs, flaws in structural elements apartments or in engineering systems, which will entail unforeseen work and cost overruns. It all depends on the ability to independently evaluate the initial data of the premises before conducting repair work and actual wear of the object.

Let's make a reservation right away that the capital redevelopment of an apartment (demolition and transfer of load-bearing walls, changes in the intended purpose of premises, reconstruction of floors) are not included in the definition of cosmetic repairs, since these activities require the preparation of redevelopment and reconstruction projects and their coordination in the relevant authorities.

Main types of repair:

  • Ceiling painting
  • Repair and painting wooden doors and windows (although it is currently cheaper and more technologically efficient to replace old windows and doors)
  • Linoleum or laminate flooring
  • Leveling and scraping of parquet floors, and their repeated varnishing
  • Laying ceramic tiles on walls or floors
  • Plumbing installation
  • Partial replacement of sockets and switches
  • Replacement of lighting fixtures.

If you have minimal skills, desire and time, you can perform a simple apartment renovation on your own, however, before starting work, you need to draw up a clear procedure for carrying out all the stages for yourself.

Preparatory work

Before starting the repair, it is necessary to free the room from furniture. If it is impossible to take out large-sized furniture, it must be moved to the center of the room, to ensure a free approach to the walls. The remaining furniture must be carefully covered with old rags and plastic wrap.

If replacement is not planned floor covering, it must be protected (except tiles). To do this, you can use hardboard, sheets of packaging cardboard, on top of which the room is carefully covered with plastic wrap in an overlap, and the joints are glued with a film. Remove decorative frames from sockets and switches or paste over with tape. Before working with electrical wiring, it must be de-energized (!)

Dismantling of old coatings

  1. Old coatings are removed from the ceiling. Currently, the most common ceiling coating is water-dispersion paint, which is practically impossible to wash off, unlike traditional whitewash. It is enough to remove the exfoliated sections of the ceiling with a metal spatula, obvious cracks need to be embroidered and puttied.
  2. If you are repairing a ceiling with old whitewash, it must be washed off. warm water to the base. To do this, take a container with warm water, rub a little laundry soap into it and add two tablespoons of soda. With a roller or brush, carefully apply water to the ceiling and wash off the old whitewash. It must be removed completely.
  3. Old wallpaper. If old paper wallpapers are pasted on the walls, they hold tightly, and it is planned to apply a dense coating in their place (non-woven wallpaper or for painting), then you can save the old surface. old vinyl wallpapers hard to remove. You can use a hair dryer or a heat gun. The rest of the coatings are simply thoroughly wetted with warm water or a special wallpaper remover is used.
  4. Old coverings of doors, windows, platbands and skirting boards are thoroughly cleaned sandpaper and a small spatula. Then primed, puttied special composition, sanded and primed again. Oil paint is removed using a building hair dryer or mortar.


  1. Ceiling painting. When choosing materials for painting, it is necessary to focus on the intended purpose of the rooms. If the premises are residential, then it is better to choose acrylic paint. Non-residential rooms (bath, corridor, kitchen, hallway) with high-quality moisture resistant water-based paints. You can pick up color additives in the paint and make different shades in the rooms. The ceiling is primed before painting. The paint is applied to the surface of the ceiling with special rollers, carefully observing the joints and the occurrence of streaks.
  2. Wallpapering. For finishing the ceiling with your own hands, you can use special wallpaper for the ceiling, which is characterized by increased density and light color. The procedure is time-consuming and requires certain skills.
  3. Ceilings are glued. Square or rectangular panels (special polystyrene foam ceiling tiles) are glued onto the ceiling surface. The main thing is to thoroughly clean and prepare the ceiling, and then carefully primed. The plates are fixed to the ceiling with the help of special adhesives.

Wall decoration with wallpaper

Now in stores there is a huge selection of different wallpapers: silk-screen printing, embossed, paintable and photo wallpapers. Almost all wallpapers come with application instructions, special adhesives are sold. The main thing is to observe the specified technology, to prevent temperature drops, humidity and drafts in the room.

Using free time, a little financial resources and a little diligence, you can a short time transform your apartment into a new and cozy space.

Cosmetic repair is a concept that is interpreted by everyone in different ways. I call cosmetic repairs a set of works that does not affect the capital structures in the room, and is also not associated with the replacement of communications (electrical wiring, plumbing and sewerage) in the room. Redecoration does not affect floor screeds, does not imply installation of drywall structures, replacement of doors, installation of drywall arches.

Stages of cosmetic repair

The stages of cosmetic repairs, which I will discuss in this article, include restoring the previous state of the apartment without carrying out work to change the types of finishes. This work includes re-gluing old wallpaper, new painting ceilings, painting window frames, if necessary, painting doors, skirting boards and architraves, as well as replacing simple flooring (linoleum flooring or laying laminate). All the work included in a simple cosmetic repair, if desired, free time and basic skills, it is quite possible to do it yourself. In the article, for example, consider the repair of a room.

Preparation for repair

1. Clear the room of furniture (if possible). Place the remaining furniture in the center of the room and carefully cover with plastic wrap. This will provide free access to the perimeter walls and provide access to the entire ceiling area. 2. If you do not plan to change the flooring, also protect it from building debris and dust, as well as mechanical damage. Be sure to cover parquet, laminate with sheets of hardboard or thick cardboard. Place a thick layer on top polyethylene film overlap 10 cm, glue the joints with tape. protective film it is advisable to secure with tape also around the perimeter of the room. 3. Dismantle the plinth in case of replacement of the flooring or parquet scraping. Use masking tape to protect individual elements that do not require repair. Masking tape is a special sticky paper tape that can be easily removed after completion of work. 4. Remove the front panels from the sockets and switches, and cover the sockets and switches themselves with paper masking tape. Do not forget to first disconnect all electrical circuits from the voltage.

cosmetic repair stages: Dismantling works

Dismantling of old coatings for cosmetic repairs

Old coverings of walls, a ceiling, a floor are removed.

Ceiling preparation for cosmetic repairs

Start by removing existing coatings. There are ceiling coatings with water-dispersion paint, in houses old building lime whitewash. Rarely there are ceilings painted with enamels (oil or alkyd).

Ceiling wash and rustication

Water-dispersion paint and enamel cannot be washed off with water (they do not dissolve in water). Therefore, remove the peeling areas of the coating with a steel spatula, open the cracks with the angle of the spatula. Roughen the enamel with coarse sandpaper to roughen and increase adhesion with new applied layers of finish.

Rinse off limescale to the ground. The bottom layer of putty does not need to be removed. The technology of this process is not complicated, but laborious and dirty. Using a roller, wet the ceiling with water, then scrape off the whitewash with a spatula. After cleaning the entire ceiling, rinse the ceiling with a warm water solution with a sponge.

Preparing walls for cosmetic repairs

The technology for removing old wallpaper does not differ from the technology for removing lime whitewash. Peel off peeled fragments of wallpaper “dry”, soak the remaining firmly glued areas with warm water and remove with a spatula. If there are many layers of wallpaper, be patient and remove layer by layer to the primary base.

Cleaning paint before cosmetic repairs

Remove old paint, platbands, window frames and doors only in case of severe peeling. The process is laborious but necessary.

Choose from two methods for removing oil (alkyd) enamel: chemical and thermal. At chemical way the paint is softened with special chemical compounds, they are called "washes", and the paint is removed with a hard spatula or scrapers. Ready-made washes are sold in hardware stores. With the thermal method, the softening of the old is carried out with a jet of hot air from a special building hair dryer, do not confuse it with a hair dryer. The paint softens in small areas and is also removed with a scraper or spatula.

Preparation of surfaces for finishing for high-quality cosmetic repairs

After removing the old ceiling and wall coverings, it is necessary to eliminate the defects of the walls and ceiling. Widen (expand) the cracks. Loosely adhering and muffled-sounding "mumbling" areas of plaster must be completely removed. Surfaces prepared in this way must be treated with a primer. Primers provide uniform drying of applied materials and their better adhesion to the surface.

Filling cracks with gypsum mortar

Plastering is part of a facelift.

After the primer has dried, close up deep potholes and places with chipped plaster on a gypsum base such as "Rotband", "Prospectors", TIGI Knauf. Perform this operation with a rectangular stainless steel trowel. For large plastering areas, use building rule desired length.

stages of cosmetic repair: Plaster work

Stages of cosmetic repairs - obligatory putty

Prime the plastered areas and level the surfaces, for example, “Vetonit KR” (up to 1 mm) or “Vetonit LR +” (up to 3 mm) (Weber). This operation eliminates small surface irregularities and fills small cracks.

Remember, a large thickness of the putty layer is ensured by applying several layers, with each subsequent layer being applied after the previous layer has completely dried.

I recommend gluing serious cracks in the ceiling with strips of plaster fiberglass with a cell size of 2 × 2 mm. The technology for gluing the tape is as follows: a layer of putty is applied to the ceiling area, the fiberglass mesh is pressed into the putty with a spatula and rubbed. Remove excess putty squeezed out through the mesh cells with a spatula and return to a container for further use.

Wall putty

Ceiling putty

Is it necessary to completely putty the walls and ceiling during cosmetic repairs, or can you limit yourself to leveling individual sections.

My answer is very clear. Putty the ceiling completely at least 1 time. Walls when sticking dark and heavy wallpaper can be limited to partial puttying, with light and thin wallpaper - puttying at least 1 time, when painting walls - the topic is not cosmetic repairs.

Ways to prevent the formation of cracks again, after the completion of cosmetic repairs

The probability of a crack appearing on ceilings with rust (rust-connection of floor slabs), as my practice shows, is very high. For your peace of mind, I recommend using the "cobweb". Gossamer is a fiberglass ceiling wallpaper. The web is sold in rolls, has a thickness of up to 2.0 mm. The considerable thickness and loose structure of the cobweb does not allow the resulting cracks to appear on the ceiling.

The technology of gluing the "cobweb" is the same as gluing wallpaper in a joint.

For very uneven surfaces and wooden floors I recommend that before gluing the cobweb, the entire surface of the ceiling is covered with a paint grid with cells of 2 × 2 mm. The mesh is puttied, sanded, primed with diluted wallpaper glue and pasted over with a cobweb, like wallpaper. This multilayer "pie" will provide maximum protection against further cracking of the ceiling.

Preliminary result. After the work listed above, you will receive:

  • Wall and ceiling defects plastered.
  • Cracks glued with paint (plaster) mesh or all surfaces (it depends rather on your desire).
  • The surfaces are puttied in 1-2-3 layers (the amount depends, also on the expected result). They came out smooth and white. It's time to paint the ceiling!

Cosmetic repairs are not possible without painting the ceiling

Finish painting the ceiling with a new polyamide paint roller with medium pile. I do not recommend using foam rubber and velor rollers. Foam rubber is twisted, velor does not stain. When painting, use a special tray (ditch) to wring out excess paint.

stages of cosmetic repair: Painting the ceiling

Prime the prepared ceiling with water-dispersion paint diluted with water. This is done in order to reveal almost imperceptible defects on the putty. After puttying and sanding (“zero” sandpaper) of defective areas, paint the ceiling with undiluted paint.

Determine the paint consumption in advance. This is important when painting the ceiling with colored paints. The amount of pre-tinted paint should be enough for 3 stains. Do not re-tint the paint. When using a web, paint consumption increases by 25%.

Wallpapering the final stage of cosmetic repairs

After painting the ceiling in 2-3 layers, proceed to wallpapering. If you decide to glue the ceiling plinth.

1. Primer walls before wallpapering

Prime the entire surface of the walls before wallpapering. wallpaper glue, diluted as indicated on the package with glue: preparation of glue for priming the surface.

2. Marking before wallpapering

Using long building level or a plumb line, draw a vertical line to guide the first canvas. Wallpaper is traditionally glued from the window, but with modern butt-gluing, this does not matter. Can be glued from the door.

3. Preparing wallpaper before sticking

The wallpaper is cut into canvases with an allowance (5-7 cm) in length. When cutting canvases, consider the frequency of repeating the pattern (rapport). Be careful when choosing adjacent canvases in height to match the pattern. If the wallpaper is "no selection" then you are a little lucky.

4. Wallpapering

Wallpaper is pasted in two ways.

Sticking paper and vinyl wallpapers

Cover the wallpaper with glue ( paint roller or maklovitsa), naturally from the end side. Fold the canvas in half (glue inside, edges in the middle). Keep in this state for the time indicated on the adhesive package (usually 3-7 minutes). Don't hold onto the canvases. It's better to underdo than to overdo. Take special care and attention when using thin paper wallpaper. If they get too wet, they will simply spread in the hands.

The canvases impregnated with glue are superimposed on the wall at a pre-marked vertical level. Smooth out wrinkles and bubbles with a pressure roller or a stiff brush. I do not recommend using a rag, because. some types of paper wallpaper may wash out the paint.

Sticking non-woven wallpaper

Wall papering

When sticking non-woven wallpaper, glue is applied to the wall. The wallpaper itself can be cut into canvases according to the size and selected pattern. Apply glue to the wall with a roller and glue the canvases end-to-end, following the alignment of the pattern of adjacent canvases.

5. Undercut wallpaper

Since the pieces were cut with an allowance in length, after gluing the canvases under the ceiling and at the plinth, cut off the excess wallpaper with a construction knife along a metal ruler or with a special wallpaper cut that resembles a spatula. Watch the sharpness of the canvas. A blunt canvas tears and pulls the paper of the canvases along with it.

6. Pasting wallpaper border

Stick the upper part of the canvases up to the planned border. Beat off the horizontal level marks of the border along the entire perimeter of the room. The “end” of the line should meet the “beginning”. With a sharp knife and a metal ruler, cut the canvas along the perimeter. Butt to the cut edge, glue the border. At the same time, do not glue the bottom of the border. Glue the lower canvases, leading them under the border. Glue the bottom of the border, after cutting off the excess from the canvas.

You can glue the border without such a "bother" - in the "overlay". Use special glue for gluing borders.

We glue the wallpaper border

Clean up the room. Don't open windows! Avoid drafts until the wallpaper is completely dry! Wallpaper pasted!

10. Floor repair during cosmetic repairs

These are all stages of cosmetic repairs. That's all!

Photo gallery "Renovation of the kitchen before and after the repair"