A person who loves order in everything is called. What does the word "perfectionism" mean?

  • 29.09.2019

It often happens that we have known a person for a long time, but we don’t know what he really is. To find out more about a particular person, you don’t need to harass a person with your questions, follow him, and even more so arrange interrogations a la the Middle Ages, no, what are you ... There are harmless ways that will help you learn a lot more about a person.

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Photo gallery: Ways to help you learn a lot more about a person

We all know that the eyes are the mirror of the soul, so the first and most simple method is the definition of character by eye color.
Blue, blue or gray eyes indicate that a person is not afraid of the resistance of others, in public he shows himself as a self-confident person. In general, such people are ambitious and determined. They are romantics, they fantasize a lot, they are vulnerable and sensitive, they remember grievances for a long time, and they almost do not know how to forgive.
Lucky are those whom Mother Nature has awarded with brown eyes. These people simply sparkle with charm, and, of course, others like them. Brown-eyed people are very active, and by nature they are leaders, so do not be offended if such a person commands you. Owners of brown eyes are temperamental, passionate, impulsive, but at the same time they are also aggressive. Grudges pass quickly. Very witty and almost always the soul of the campaign.
Almost the same as brown-eyed people tend to be in the spotlight and have time everywhere for the owners of green eyes. Such people are enterprising, stable, they look at everything soberly - a kind of rationalists to the marrow of their bones. They love order in everything, they are assertive, principled and purposeful. Such people are ideal organizers and workers, because the work they have started will always be completed.

But to see the true face of a person, the eyes alone are not enough. A powerful way to learn more about a person is to find out what their favorite color is.
So people who prefer White color, are very sensitive, romantic and tender, they are open to others, but gray lovers, on the contrary, like to close in on themselves, not letting anyone into their personal territory. They like order in everything and do not like the difficulties of life.
Those who are fans of blue color very emotional, love to show their feelings. They are calm, reasonable and most importantly - very faithful.
Supporters of the green color, one way or another, depend on the opinions of others, they need recognition. They love when they are given signs of attention, and in everything they need aesthetics. Calm.
But admirers of red color are just a fountain of emotions! They are active, businesslike and passionate, they want everything at once, and the most amazing thing is that they achieve all their goals.
Very interesting personalities are fans of yellow. They are open and simply irreplaceable in companies. A person who loves yellow can be called a "generator of ideas", be sure - with such a person you will not be bored.
Enigmatic and mystical supporters purple. A person who prefers this color is a fusion of opposites - an impulsive conqueror and gentle selflessness. Such a person uncontrollably strives for freedom and independence, but at the same time loves peace and quiet, often on his own wave, hovers in the clouds. He is endowed with some kind of magic, magic, he always tries to know the world full of mysteries. Very sensitive, good developed intuition.
Those who love black are rationalists. They know what they want, they are balanced. They often have strong personalities.

Among the ways that will help you learn a lot more about a person, there is also a preference for any kind of drink. If a person loves beer, this indicates that the person is an egoist who is more interested in carnal pleasures. They are boastful, but this is not a sentence - with a delicate impact, such people can change.
If a person cannot imagine his life without coffee, then next to you an indecisive person, distrustful, is looking for a logical explanation in everything and if he does not find it, then he becomes suspicious of everything.
It can be said about people who love red wine that they will always be able to stand up for themselves, and they will finish what they started. These are reliable people, and you can always count on their support.
Mineral water lovers are born loners, they do not like noisy companies, and in general, it is not so easy to get the trust of such a person.
Those who prefer various lemonades are fickle people, their views change depending on the situation, and they also dream of living carelessly, which, in principle, they succeed.
But lovers of natural juices do not look for easy ways, they like order in everything, so that everything is "sorted out". These people clearly have a lot to learn.
Whiskey and cognac lovers are naive aesthetics, but such people are easy to find mutual language. They are businesslike and at work are irreplaceable employees.

The next part of the article will be of interest to men.
How, without talking to a woman, to understand what she is like? Very easy - on lipstick.
Dark pink color is "worn" on their lips by ladies striving for harmony, and they want to see next to them perfect man.
A girl with a red tint of lips wants to attract attention to herself, and in general she is used to being in the center of events, to know everything and about everyone. Very temperamental and self-confident.
Having painted her lips with golden brown lipstick, a woman wants to say "Look how cute and wonderful I am." At their core, such ladies are optimists.
Well, if a woman chose a transparent shine, then this can only mean that she is self-confident and does not need to demonstrate her merits. Usually with such women it is much easier to find a common language than, say, with the owners of red lips.

And now about the style of clothing. Style is the self-expression of a person, so it most accurately reflects the inner world of a person.
Adherents classical style- these are people who have achieved what they want in life, they are confident in their actions and do not like to flaunt themselves. They do what they like and do not need public recognition.
Sports style is preferred by liberated people, they are always sociable. It is easy to get along with them.
Military style is preferred by courageous and strong women who seek to get rid of elegance and femininity. This is a kind of protest to everyone and everything. Such people often remain alone.
Temptress and temptress in a mini or skirt with a very open slit, stockings and a huge stiletto - good example vamp girls. Not always such women are self-confident, just hiding behind beautiful body and beautiful forms, they are trying to assert themselves at least in something, and in this case in

Everything is on the shelves, joint to joint, minute by minute - what is the name of the person who does everything perfectly? How to describe a person who loves the maximum order in everything and does not tolerate any flaws? What is the complexity of this phenomenon and why such behavior can interfere with life.

A person who does everything to the maximum is called a perfectionist. Moreover, people with this trait try to do everything perfectly, regardless of their real capabilities. Sometimes, causing negativity in life.

Perfectionism is a trait

It is rather a lifestyle that sometimes "goes sideways" for the perfectionist himself. The thing is that the main and most important description of this phenomenon is to do the job as clearly and efficiently as possible. Whether simple cleaning and decluttering a closet with things or sticking wallpaper in your apartment. So what's the problem? Okay, good quality?

Sometimes, perfectionists take on a job that they can not afford. Trying to fulfill it 100%, they “hang” over the problem for hours, not having the psychological opportunity to delegate it to another person. Wasting time, they try to figure out the niche and complete the task as efficiently as possible. Although, a person who does not have such a “sickness” would simply do the job as best he can.

Another characteristic minus of perfectionism is frequent disappointment in oneself. As with everything around, this type of people also treats themselves with excessive demands. In addition to external components, perfectionist people very meticulously "dig" in their inner world, trying to bring it to perfection.

perfectionist in relationships

Of course, both in relationships and in family life, a person who is used to doing everything to the maximum will try to build everything as "beautifully" as possible. Of course, regarding their perception of beauty.

The partner of a perfectionist is usually a person who is not endowed with such a character trait. On the contrary, subconsciously perfectionists are looking for a couple that they will “finish to perfection”.

Despite the obvious disadvantages, a lifestyle when you do everything to the maximum is more of an advantage than a disadvantage. In a world where everyone is chasing only money, spitting on quality, a perfectionist is a real find.

Perfectionism has long been the scourge of modernity. In pursuit of a non-existent ideal, a person risks losing not only time and effort, but also individuality. In this article, we will try to figure out what a perfectionist is.

Literally, "perfectionism" is translated as "perfection, impeccability." A person with this quality has inflated demands and expectations in relation to himself and others.

What is perfectionism in psychology

Modern psychologists characterize perfectionism as a daily practice of presenting increased demands on oneself, higher than objective circumstances require.

"All or nothing!" is the motto of a perfectionist.

Perfectionism has many facets and manifestations. It harms not only the person himself, but also those around him who deal with him. Scientists have put forward a theory according to which perfectionism has 4 vectors.

1. Self-directed perfectionism.

A person lives in constant anxiety that he cannot reach the heights that he has invented for himself. Pathological striving for perfection - distinguishing feature such people. The more a person lags behind a fictional ideal, the more his anxiety and self-doubt increase. To the listed signs, one can add a passion for soul-searching, unwillingness to forgive oneself for mistakes and mistakes.

2.Perfectionism directed at other people.

Since a person with such a personality structure has high expectations for himself, they are also projected onto other people. Most often, the “victims” of a perfectionist are family members. He tightly controls that they meet his expectations. If this does not happen, the person falls into anger, criticizes and blames loved ones.

3.Perfectionism, which is addressed to the world.

A person has an idea in his head that everything in the reality surrounding him should happen measuredly, clearly, according to plan and at the appointed time. If the world is “different”, the perfectionist becomes discouraged. The anxiety that overcomes him is explained by the peculiarities of thinking. He does not want to understand that life is dynamic, it is difficult to control it. In psychology, there is a concept - rigidity of thinking. It means the inability to accept changing circumstances.

4.Perfectionism directed at society.

It is based on the desire of a person to be accepted and appreciated by other people. In this case main motivation compliance with patterns and standards becomes: “I, like everyone else, can be successful, make good money, drive an expensive car.” At the same time, a person does not know his true desires.

Perfectionism is not always fatal to a person. If adequate aspirations and ambitions are the driving force leading to success, we are talking about healthy perfectionism. Neurotic occurs when the activity is based on the fear of defeat and the inability to lose. If the result of the activity is not the same as previously thought, it is equated to zero.

Psychologist video answer:


Perfectionism is a "disease" of people with low self-esteem. It is very important for them to be noticed, to receive approval, a positive assessment, to bring everything to the ideal. Scientists have found that perfectionism is based on two mechanisms:

  • fear of failure;
  • desire to be praised by others.

A person who performs a certain job really expects that his superiors will notice his efforts. Therefore, when fulfilling an order, he gets stuck on trifles, begins to correct something, correct it. It is noteworthy that there is no perfect work for a perfectionist. As a result, a huge supply of mental energy is spent, productivity drops, and there is no job satisfaction. Any criticism addressed to you is perceived as a personal insult. The potential for rejection is the perfectionist's source of fear.

A person who craves praise actually wants to be noticed. The thought of being mediocre is unbearable for a perfectionist. Man lives in own world in which he is a genius. Therefore, any misunderstanding on the part of others is perceived extremely painfully. A perfectionist attributes his failures to the imperfection of the world, instead of looking at himself from the outside and adequately assessing his potential. If a person receives praise and attention, he calms down for a while and says to himself: “Well! I was right! Everyone thinks the same as me."

Perfectionism is a quality acquired in childhood. Parents often compared the child with other children, and the result was not in his favor. That is, love was conditional. As a result, the kid has a conviction: for parents to love, you need to be successful, collect achievements, then they will praise and appreciate. An adult with the qualities of a perfectionist does not feel his worth without merit and success. These ideas are projected into the world. High demands from parents and others important people, leave an imprint on the formation of personality.

What does it mean to be a perfectionist

Such a phenomenon has always existed, however, it was only studied in detail in the 70s of the last century. Many scientists considered this feature a manifestation of a nervous breakdown. Here is what David Burns gave to such personalities:

«Перфекционисты – это люди, чьи cтaндapты выхoдят дaлeкo зa пpeдeлы дocягaeмoгo или paзyмнoгo, люди, кoтopыe изo вceх cил yпopнo и нeycтaннo coвepшaют ycилия paди нeвoзмoжных цeлeй, oпpeдeляют coбcтвeннyю цeннocть иcключитeльнo кaтeгopиями пpoдyктивнocти и ycпeхa».

A person does not want to accept himself in a real form, therefore, he replaces ideas about himself with ideal images.

A hallmark of perfectionism is that it does not apply to all areas of life, but to some specific one. For example, Steve Jobs was completely absorbed in work, did not pay attention to his appearance, could spend the night in the company's office. A well-known fact: if he noticed some kind of defect, he could correct it for days, while the corporation suffered losses. Such totality and immersion in activity cannot but affect the family life of a perfectionist. The famous conductor Yuri Bashmet was so absorbed in his work that his wife had to make an appointment with him to see him.

Perfectionism is a quality that has no gender or age. It determines the type of human response to the circumstances. However, men and women have some behavioral peculiarities.

Perfectionism in women

In women, this personality trait is manifested in the following signs:

  1. A woman spends a lot of money on cosmetics, in the worst cases on a plastic surgeon, while she believes that this result could be better. Constant dissatisfaction with appearance is reinforced by the assessment of significant people.
  2. The female director is overly demanding. She forces you to redo the work, because it seems to her that it can be done even better.
  3. The perfectionist lady believes that you can get everything you want if you make an effort. The worst thing for her is when plans fall apart due to circumstances beyond anyone's control.
  4. A perfectionist mother constantly criticizes her child. No matter how successful he is, she always says that there is no limit to perfection. Such women do not know how to praise their children.

Perfectionism in men

The male sex suffers from perfectionism no less than the female. Features of the behavior of a male idealist:

  1. He suffers from procrastination (stagnation) in business, because he is very afraid of failure. This fear is so great that it paralyzes activity. In such cases, preparation for a responsible event or transaction is delayed for a long time.
  2. “If you want to do something well, do it yourself” is the slogan of a perfectionist man. He does not know how to distribute functions, he thinks through everything to the smallest detail, because he believes that only self-training hello to success.
  3. AT advanced cases a perfectionist man becomes an eternal critic, a pedant and a whiner, harassing employees and households.

Perfectionist child

This baby can be seen from afar. He is very anxious, the slightest setbacks lead to outbursts of aggression. The other extreme - the child begins to engage in self-digging, closes in on himself. He starts any activity only if he is sure of his victory. The child is very sensitive to criticism, looking for the approval of adults.

Is this good or bad?

Perfectionism can be a virtue only in one case: a person learns to overcome himself. This quality is typical for most successful people. It was this psychological personality trait that brought them to the Olympus of fame.

The other side of perfectionism is the inability to accept yourself and others as they are. A person becomes a hostage to his own delusions. His self-esteem falls and rises depending on the achievements and praise of others.

The idealist does not develop relationships with people, because his ideas about the world are very different from reality. If someone ceases to "hold out" to a perfectionist, he is disappointed, devalues ​​and leaves instead of reconsidering his attitude towards people.

How to overcome perfectionism

It is possible and necessary to fight perfectionism. First, to improve the quality of one's own life. Secondly, to stop living in constant tension. There are several rules that a person who has embarked on the path of “healing” from perfectionism must learn.

  1. You need to work on improving your self-esteem. You can get a notebook and write down in it, your small and big victories. For a person who constantly criticizes and devalues ​​himself, this is a very difficult exercise.
  2. Understand your true desires and needs. Of the many goals, you need to choose the most significant. Don't try to be first everywhere.
  3. Stop comparing yourself to others and look for flaws in yourself. Instead, you need to nurture your own uniqueness. You can kill half your life that there is no such intelligence as Marie Curie. Perhaps she couldn't draw, write, or cook. delicious borscht. Many people envy other people's talents, thereby destroying their own achievements.
  4. A person cannot and should not be perfect. The essence of life is to enjoy it, no matter the circumstances. There are many pleasant little things that can bring positive emotions. It's just worth noticing them.
  5. A person has the right to be himself, regardless of the ideas of others. Its value is not in the number of achievements, but in the uniqueness and individuality.

People often confuse the terms "perfectionism" and "maximalism". The latter is distinguished by the fact that a person strives for heights, but in the circumstances offered. He thinks rationally, chooses the most acceptable options for achieving success. A perfectionist dreams of achieving an ideal that does not exist.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Our everyday life includes more and more new words, the meaning of which is not always. Often they come to us from other languages, such as "", "", and others.

The words "perfectionist" and "perfectionism" are no exception either. They come from the English word "perfect", which in translation means ideal, perfect, absolute, impeccable. Actually, on this it will be possible to complete this publication, because it becomes clear that A perfectionist is a person who strives for perfection, and perfectionism is a trait inherent in him.

But still, this topic requires a more detailed discussion, and therefore I will torment you with my tediousness in a couple more paragraphs.

Is perfectionism a gift or a curse?

As I mentioned, perfectionism is a trait that some people have. You must have met them. Many of them can be recognized by the perfectly cleaned and ironed clothes, by the perfect hairstyle, by the absolute order in their workplace or at home. And most importantly - all this "perfect" is constantly maintained at the proper level.

I was always most worried about the question - how much time do they spend on this ?! And if this energy is put into peaceful purposes... This is not particularly clear to me, because I always lead the division into the main and the secondary (as in that song about the tube of pasta). To the secondary, I just attribute those external signs of a perfectionist, which I described in the previous paragraph.

But the impeccable appearance of a person and the objects around him described above is only one of the manifestations of perfectionism. In this case, the vector of idealization efforts is directed at itself. A person wants to be perfect or to appear so to others.

But often the vector of impeccability is directed to that matter which he is doing. This is where I am ready to understand and accept a lot, because I myself partially possess such features. In this case, perfectionists become very useful to society. It is from such people that Steve Jobs and others like them grow up, who drive progress or simply make our world simpler, more interesting and more perfect.

Another thing is what it costs them. After all, often the desire to be perfect develops into a disease. Perfectionism in any way forces you to set very high goals for yourself, which are not always easy to achieve. This means that it is not so easy to get satisfaction from the work performed, ideal appearance etc.

If this trait is manifested to a strong degree, then often such a person experiences depression due to the fact that his desires diverge from his capabilities (or reality). He fails to achieve the perfection he is obsessed with. He ceases to receive satisfaction from life. Everything else becomes unimportant. Trouble.

Like any medicine Perfectionism in high doses is dangerous to health- it turns into poison, poisoning a person's life. In itself, the pursuit of the ideal is wonderful, but do not get too hung up on this. There is a limit to what you can do and you always have to try between striving for perfection and too much. at great expense which it may require.

In general, there are several degrees of perfectionism:

  1. Light - when emotional outbursts during the “breaking of the template” are short-lived and then they are perceived with irony by a person when “looking back”. Well, it didn't work out. So what. Get it next time. Strive for the ideal in itself is not bad - the main thing is not to get hung up on the inevitable mistakes and possible failures.
  2. Average - everything is more serious here. Such a person can no longer look at his failures with humor. He can work very hard to achieve a goal or maintain proper order. It is difficult for him to relax even for a second. It is often also called excellent student syndrome. This is no longer good, but you can live with it, because, although with difficulty, a person copes with the height of the barriers set by himself.
  3. Clinical - here an appeal to a psychiatrist is already necessary, otherwise it will be impossible to get out of the depressive state caused by obsession to achieve the ideal. The requirements for oneself or others (the very barriers that need to be overcome) are unrealistically high, there are many of them and their number can grow. Trouble.

A perfectionist is a person who is needed by society

Why is it difficult for a perfectionist to live? Not everything and not everything depends on him. You can even dig the earth with a horn, but nothing will change.

The fact is that perfectionism (the desire to see the perfect result) may appear in different directions. and not just to himself. Typically, such people address their requirements to the following objects/subjects:

  1. To the person himself (to himself - the classic version) - make demands on oneself and try to match them. The higher and more unreasonable the requirements, the more difficult it is to fulfill them and get satisfaction from this. But it is precisely from these people that great scientists, fruitful writers, good performers and other people useful to society are obtained.
  2. people around - make demands on others(brain out). The desire that they also share his exaggerated demands for order, perseverance, etc. It will be good to equal yourself, although this will make you howl, but if such a perfectionist tries to make everyone ideal without paying attention to himself, then, perhaps, only an absolute boss will come out of him, who will not eat and sleep, but so far from his subordinates they are alive and will not come off. It turns out that society needs such people (like, for example, Steve Jobs mentioned above).
  3. To their place in society - an attempt to find in the best way conform to the wishes of others. Often this kind of perfectionism is inherent in women when, in order to please their loved ones, they marry someone whom relatives consider ideal for her (and in many other ways they realize not their own ideals and other people's aspirations for perfection). Sometimes perfectionists of this type hide their flaws in order to look perfect in front of others.
  4. To the outside world - well, here, in general, few people have a chance of success. No one has been able to remake the world for themselves, although many have tried. They are, in a way, utopians.

In general, many types of perfectionists hard to live because their threshold of happiness (satisfaction with life) is very high. It is not always possible to achieve it. And all around are people who rejoice in the sun, heat, rain, snow and other insignificant little things. Yes, just glad that they live.

By the way, many of them do not understand how others can afford to live according to their own (and not according to their) rules, be complete gouging and at the same time sincerely enjoy life. Perfectionists are often pissed off, puzzled, and depressed. These are fanatics who do not understand how it is possible to live differently.

To get away from this, they need to learn to perceive and accept criticism, which is important, because it often happens “like a wall of peas” (does not want to perceive, hear, delve into, believe in their imperfection). The strictest judge is himself. He opposes all kinds of compromises like “it will do,” and this is bad for a person, although it can be good for society.

Perfectionists need to try to understand that we are all imperfect, we can all make mistakes, and this is good, because it would be boring to live in a society of ideal people(robots).

If you do not start correcting behavior in time, then they are threatened with apathy and depression, and sometimes even more serious disorders.

No matter how difficult it is for perfectionists, the world rests on them. After all, perfectionism is a vice of many geniuses and just people who have managed to achieve something. Sometimes they simply don’t have enough strength to do everything in the best way, but this is their path and they have to follow it.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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Few people know the meaning of the word “perfectionism”, but probably everyone has met perfectionists in their lives. They can be anyone: colleagues, friends, bosses, relatives. So what is a perfectionist? Does he need to be reeducated?

What is a "perfectionist": definition

Perfectionist is a purely psychological term.

What is a perfectionist? This is a person who strives always, everywhere and in everything to achieve the best results.

Perfectionism is more of a personality trait. Why is it so interesting to psychologists? Because sometimes this feature turns into a pathology, and a person begins to reject any results of his own and other people's work just because they are not perfect enough. He does not accept himself, does not accept other people as they are. In a word, sometimes perfectionism gives rise to a lot of problems and can bring a person to a neurosis.

Perfectionist: the meaning of the word

Let's look at the features of this type of personality. What is a perfectionist? Everyone knows English word perfect - "perfect". A perfectionist strives for perfection in completely different areas of life: he can carefully keep order or his appearance, he can demand high professional performance from himself or other people, etc. Sometimes the desire to do everything as best as possible is also called the “excellent student syndrome”.

But the word "perfectionist" needs to be considered more broadly. It should not be interpreted as if the desire for a good result is considered a mental deviation, unacceptable and unnecessary. And even more so, such people cannot be considered abnormal. Up to a certain point, perfectionism is beneficial, unless this character trait is exaggerated.

Perfectionism and features of its manifestation

What is a perfectionist? How does he manifest himself?

Perfectionism can be directed:

  • to oneself (attempts to adjust oneself to a self-invented ideal, harsh self-criticism);
  • to others (the need for people around them to meet high requirements);
  • to the world (the need for everything in the world to function perfectly).

Social perfectionism stands apart - attempts by a person to conform to the ideals of society.

In what specific ways is a perfectionist different from others?

  1. Strives to bring any business to an ideal denominator.
  2. Shows scrupulousness, special attention to details.
  3. Often in a depressed and tense state.

Causes of Perfectionism

The human psyche is a complex thing. Psychologists make a lot of assumptions about why perfectionism appears in a person, but is it really possible to say something for sure?

Initially, it was believed that people who strive for excellence in everything are brought up in this way by their parents. They instill in their children that they can only earn love through personal achievement. They say that a person is worth something only if he has reached career or any other heights in this life. But additional studies have shown that it is not so much upbringing as genes that can make a perfectionist out of a person. If one of the parents or grandparents possessed this character trait, it will begin to manifest itself in children from childhood even without the creation of favorable conditions.

Some psychologists insist that perfectionism is generated by a feeling of inferiority: they say that it is the feeling of being an inferior person that pushes an individual to overestimate life standards, set difficult goals, etc. It turns out that if such a person achieves a high goal, he will prove to himself and others that he's worth something.

What does perfectionism lead to?

A perfectionist is a completely harmless individual who properly performs his duties, keeps his word, is punctual and moderately flawless. But when the pursuit of perfection becomes an obsession, when it reaches the scale of neurasthenia, this is, of course, dangerous phenomenon for a person's mental health. There are many examples from life.

For example, it has already been said that a perfectionist is a person who is meticulous about details. But endless digging into the little things does not allow you to complete projects on time and bring things to an end. And since a perfectionist is a person of achievements, he often falls into depression, unreasonably considering himself a loser.

The need to succeed in everything, to do everything perfectly, puts an enormous burden on nervous system. This often leads to nervous breakdowns.

Intolerance towards others and towards criticism drives the perfectionist out of society and hinders socialization.

How to beat perfectionism

What does the word "perfectionist" mean? But how to keep this character trait under control?

One of the main problems of perfectionists is obsession with details. They strive from scratch to immediately create a product that is on the verge of perfection. Because of this, "chronic honors students" fall into a trap and do not complete their projects. We need to break this vicious circle and start acting at least somehow.

Perfectionists often get ahead of themselves and try to calculate all the moves. Do not do this. Problems need to be addressed as they appear on the horizon. It must be remembered that the best is the enemy of the good. You should not immediately create the best - it makes sense to first set yourself the goal of creating something good.

Mistakes should be easier to deal with. It is the fear of making mistakes and disrupting the ideal flow of life that keeps perfectionists from really necessary actions. You learn from your mistakes, and they help you improve your performance over time.

So what is a perfectionist? We have found out the meaning of this word. Perfectionism is far from a sentence, not a mental disorder, and not a stigma. To strive for the best is necessary, to improve is necessary. But you also need to be able to forgive yourself and others for mistakes, stop in time and enjoy the result. After all, perfection, as you know, there is no limit.