How to quickly clean the apartment: tips for the lazy. How to quickly clean up the apartment: simple cleaning rules will help How to properly clean the apartment tips

  • 17.06.2019

In life, there are situations when you need to quickly and efficiently clean the apartment. Many housewives are lost, not knowing where to start the process. As a result, cleaning is delayed for a long time or does not bring the desired result. To achieve maximum effect, you need to tune in to a positive wave and make rough plan actions, noting for themselves areas that require special attention. Such simple tips suitable for both surface and general cleaning. How to quickly clean the house in a short time?

Emotional mood

Good mood is an important component of fast and effective cleaning. You need to get yourself in the right emotional state. Do not perceive cleaning as something negative and taking up precious time. Think this is a great opportunity to make your home clean, tidy and cozy.

To make cleaning more fun, turn on your favorite music. You will not even notice how quickly and cleanly, and most importantly, how easily you clean the room. Involve your family members in the process by organizing a competition or a quest, coming up with an unusual reward for a job well done.

Starting cleaning, set the time for which you need to complete all processes. This will not allow you to relax, but will only improve concentration and increase motivation.

Preparation of funds and tools

To facilitate the cleaning process, prepare the necessary tools and tools in advance:

  • Household chemicals(for washing plumbing, dishes, glasses, etc.) will help you quickly and effectively get rid of dirt, as well as disinfect. Use medications as directed.
  • polish for dust removal. Such a tool will not only effectively clean the surfaces, but also prevent the accumulation of dirt in the future.
  • Soft cloth from microfiber for wiping dust, double-sided foam sponges for sanitary ware, a rubber scraper for glasses and mirrors.
  • For the floor you will need a vacuum cleaner(indispensable in rooms with carpet), a broom and a dustpan (for collecting debris from linoleum or parquet), a mop and a bucket of water for wet cleaning.

Kitchen cleaning

Start cleaning your kitchen by putting things in order. Arrange plates and cups in their places, remove potholders and towels from sight. Remember, the fewer items on the table, the neater the room looks.

Wash all dishes that have collected in the sink. If you are a happy owner of a dishwasher, turn it on. Otherwise, before the guests arrive, just put the dishes neatly in the cabinet and deal with them later.

Wipe all surfaces in the kitchen - table, countertops and open shelves. Remove crumbs, dust and other contaminants. Then wipe all kitchen appliances - the top and door of the refrigerator, microwave oven, stove, etc. Remove surface dirt, small particles of grease and dust. Leave more detailed cleaning for the time of general cleaning.

Sweep the floor, starting from the far corner and gradually moving towards the threshold. Put the trash in a dustpan and mop the floor. To effectively clean the surface and give the room freshness, use a special household chemicals.

Toilet and bathroom cleaning

It is extremely important to ensure the cleanliness of the restroom and bathroom. Start cleaning by applying cleaner and disinfectant to the sink, tub, or shower. This will help get rid of visible dirt and refresh plumbing. Wash the mirror using a special spray. Clean the faucets limescale and polish them to a shine.

After cleaning the bathroom, start cleaning the toilet bowl. Apply disinfectant to inner surface plumbing, wash thoroughly with a special brush and rinse several times with water. Wipe the outer surface of the drain barrel and toilet bowl dry with a dry cloth. After cleaning, thoroughly mop the floor and spray with air freshener.

Cleaning in the bedroom and living room

Start a quick cleaning in the bedroom from the bed. Carefully tuck in the sheets, fold the duvet, and arrange the pillows. Cover your bed with a blanket or blanket.

Remove all things that are scattered on surfaces. Put clean clothes in the closet, and put dirty clothes in the laundry basket. Put cosmetics and care items in the drawers of the dressing table. Arrange the books on the shelves, and return all the dishes to their rightful place - in the kitchen.

Wipe all surfaces with a soft microfiber cloth to remove dirt and dust. Sweep all rubbish on the floor. Avoid a large number chaotic movements that will not bring results, but will take precious time. Finish your bedroom cleaning by cleaning the floor with a vacuum cleaner.

This question is especially relevant for a young mother, whose life is completely focused on the baby. One of the main problems during this period is the absolute lack of time - for yourself, for your husband, for friends and relatives, not to mention household chores, including cleaning the apartment.

But the cleanliness of the apartment is, first of all, of practical importance - a small child needs appropriate sanitary and hygienic conditions. So, we clean the apartment quickly, without spending extra nerves and effort on this process.

Emotional mood

It is very important that during household chores there is not just a good, but a cheerful mood, which in many ways contributes to the process going as energetically as possible. In this case, correct psychological attitude: now I will quickly clean everything and my house will be clean and good, cleaning up is such nonsense for me! Installation is wrong: again this endless cleaning, I can not stand household chores that never end!

Energetic music is very invigorating and improves mood during household chores. Put on your favorite CD or cassette and see how things go much more fun.

And one more important point- allocate a certain time for cleaning the apartment, for example, one hour, and make it a condition for yourself to do everything planned for this particular period. This setting also helps a lot to concentrate.

Two or more things at once

And so the work began to boil ... In order not to waste time in vain and at the same time facilitate your efforts, you can simultaneously do several things at once.

Where to begin? Of course, everyone has their own priorities, but it is best to pay attention to the most 'unpleasant' places, which, nevertheless, are considered the 'face of the hostess' - the kitchen, bathroom and toilet.

In the kitchen, plug the sink and soak dirty dishes in hot water, adding dishwashing liquid. What for? Once wet, the dishes will be washed very quickly.

In the meantime, wipe the stove, table surfaces, cabinet doors, refrigerator. Remove any extra pots and pans that create a cluttered feeling inside cabinets.

It remains to quickly rinse the dishes - and the kitchen is almost in perfect order.

Get out of the shower in the bathroom hot water, close the door, let the steam fill the bathroom, because after exposure to steam, dirt is removed faster. Treat the sink, bathtub and toilet bowl with special detergents. After a few minutes, turn off the water and wipe all surfaces with a sponge.

There are some more good way: Windows, mirrors, shower doors are the fastest to clean by spraying them with window cleaning spray, then going through a special rubber scraper - and that's it!

Put dusty bottles and tubes inside the cabinets (they can be dealt with when there is time for a more thorough cleaning).

If you are expecting guests, choose two or three bottles in one color scheme and compose. It is good if the color of towels and soap also matches the tone of the accessories. Put a new bar of soap in the soap dish, which always looks prettier than remnants.

Your helpers

Simple household items and household chemicals will help optimize the cleaning process. First of all, a bucket with a wringer and a mop with interchangeable nozzles. Or a mechanical mop, which can be wringed out with a single movement of the lever. She will help, without bending down and straining, to quickly wash the floors. Yes, and rinsing a floor cloth in a bucket of water is not a pleasant occupation.

Don't miss the opportunity to buy at the hardware store special wipes for wiping dust - they instantly collect dust even from polished surfaces - and wipes for wet cleaning - they do not leave streaks. Sponges - single-sided and double-sided, with a special hard layer for scrubbing stains.

You will also need a spray that prevents dust from accumulating on household appliances by removing static electricity - spending once a month on
this process of 15 minutes, you will save yourself from contemplation of the ever-dusty TV screen or music center panel. The same effect can be achieved with furniture, also wiping it with a special polish once a month.

The variety of products for washing glass, plumbing, kitchen utensils, etc. allows you to choose for every taste (or rather, smell) and wallet. This is especially true for kitchen furniture which gets dirty quickly.

Do not save on all of the above - this is saving your own time and effort.

Approximation to the ideal

Let's go to the rooms. Most of the time is spent on laying out scattered things in places. If there is no time at all, take a basket or a large bag and collect scattered books, cosmetics and other little things in them. And put everything in its place later, when there is a free minute.

Now we take out the vacuum cleaner. Many perceive this technological stage of work as superfluous and try to save time on it. However, as practice shows, it is necessary for effective cleaning, because the vacuum cleaner not only collects invisible dust, but also various other debris. If you don’t vacuum everything properly, then washing the floors will be much more difficult and it is possible that crumbs will creak under your feet.

Walk quickly with a vacuum cleaner on the carpet and floors, straighten sofa cushions, bedspreads, napkins. Wipe off the dust, paying particular attention to the panels household appliances on which it accumulates as a result of static stress. If the house has houseplants, refresh them and at the same time wash off the dust by spraying them with a spray bottle. Now almost everything is ready for wet cleaning.

Before washing floors, pay attention to glass and mirror surfaces. If they do not shine, and even more so if there are stains on them, the apartment does not look clean.

Spray them with window cleaning spray, wipe with a dry cloth.

To avoid wasting time moving furniture, lift chairs and anything that can be lifted and start mopping floors. This can be done very quickly if everything is already prepared. Remember that usually most of the dust accumulates under the batteries and along the skirting boards.

The regime is not for the sake of the regime, but for the sake of convenience

How often do you need to clean and what is better - a little every day or a rare, but well-aimed general cleaning? This question does not have a universal answer and you need to focus on your own convenience or habit.

For some, the regime of daily maintenance of cleanliness is normal - little by little to do things so that they do not accumulate: today - laundry, tomorrow - mopping, the day after tomorrow - kitchen chores. There are many advantages to this approach: it does not take much time and effort, but without the habit of orderliness, it is difficult to implement it.

Another option is the accumulation of household chores, which ends with a big cleaning. In this situation, which is typical for people who are accustomed to a free regime, you can not be annoyed by everyday chores, replacing them with something more pleasant, and at the moment of emergency, do all the accumulated things at once.

But if the house has Small child, daily cleaning of the children's room becomes an axiom. The only consolation here can be that even on wet cleaning the children's room requires very little time, the main part of which is occupied by laying out the scattered toys and things in places.

In any case, remember that you have household members who can be organized - as much as possible to participate in cleaning or take some business on yourself, at least not to interfere, which can also be very important.

And some more helpful tips

If there is a cat or dog in the house that sheds regularly, it is wiser to cover it up anyway. upholstered furniture easy-to-wash covers or capes. A less time-consuming option is to put decorative napkins only on those places where your pets like to settle down. Place under the food bowl paper towels to make it easier to take out the trash. Lightly grease the brush on the vacuum cleaner with glycerin, then it will be easier to collect wool from the carpet.

Place a beautiful basket next to the sofa or bed to put books, remote control, glasses and other little things in it. At least nothing will be left on the floor.

Buy or sew a beautiful bedspread on the bed to give you an incentive to make the bed in the morning! A disassembled bed, even with sterile cleanliness, does not create the effect of a cleaned apartment.

In the evening, take the time to leave the kitchen clean.

Starting the day with positive emotions is great!

It is perhaps impossible to find a person who, without being cunning, can say that he likes to clean the house. In order for this so unloved by many, but certainly necessary homework did not turn into a heavy labor service, you need to know a few simple rules and try to follow them.

How to properly clean

Rule one: clean up more often

Usually a thorough cleaning of the house is carried out once a week, most often on Saturday. In order not to start thinking about the nightmarishly spent upcoming day off on Friday, do not put off all the work on it. Do not accumulate cases, try to solve all problems as they arise. Milk ran away - wipe the stove right away, and do not tell yourself: "I'll clean it on Saturday." You go to the bathroom and see dirty socks lying on a chair - take them with you and put them in the laundry basket. Wash dirty shoes immediately after coming home, and do not leave them to dry until the weekend. If you accustom yourself and all households to follow this simple rule, the work on the day of general cleaning will be much less.

Rule two: the whole family is involved in cleaning

Actively involve all family members in cleaning. It is unfair when the mess is created collectively, and someone cleans the house in the house alone. Find a job for everyone that he can do, and the work will go much faster, and after that, the household will become less littering, because someone else's work is usually not as valuable as their own.

Rule #3: 15 minutes every day

Spend at least a quarter of an hour cleaning after work every day. Spending fifteen minutes on putting things in order is not at all burdensome, but on a weekend there will be much less work.

Rule four: get rid of the excess

Get rid of everything unnecessary in a timely manner. Ruthlessly throw away broken toys, leaky shoes, out-of-fashion items and other unnecessary things. Shifting them from place to place and flattering yourself with the hope that all this will ever come in handy is an empty exercise. On all this goodness, dust and dirt are only collected, which then have to be reluctantly wiped off.

Rule 5: choose cleaning products

Don't skimp on household chemicals. If possible, try to purchase high-quality detergents and cleaning products - even if they cost a little more than usual, but their use will save your time and effort. In addition, they are much more economically spent, and the effect of their use is much better. The same can be said about brushes, sponges and other cleaning products.

How to properly clean an apartment: instructions

  1. On the big cleaning day, the first step is to walk around the house and put everything in its place.
  2. It is necessary to clean in the following order: first dry cleaning is done, and then wet cleaning.
  3. You need to start from the "upper floors" of the dwelling. First, sweep or vacuum the ceiling with a soft brush, wipe dust off the surfaces of cabinets and shelves, and clean up the mezzanines.
  4. Next, wipe and, if necessary, wash the chandeliers and fixtures.
  5. Brush off the dust from the walls, wipe any dirt on them with a sponge. Wipe outlets and switches.
  6. Use a soft brush to brush figurines, paintings, vases and other interior details. Wipe dust off the TV.
  7. Wash windows and doors. Wipe down radiators.
  8. Clean the doors and walls of cabinets with special means.
  9. Vacuum upholstered furniture. With a sponge moistened in a special product, remove stains from it.
  10. After that, proceed to cleaning the floor. Vacuum it thoroughly and then clean it depending on the coating laid on it.

How to clean the kitchen

The principle of cleaning the kitchen is the same as for living quarters. Pay special attention when cleaning the stove, microwave oven and oven. To clean them, use special tools. If they are heavily soiled, leave the cleaner on them for about ten minutes and in the meantime clean the refrigerator.

How to clean a bathroom

There is usually a lot of work here. Spray the toilet bowl, tub, and sink with a sanitary ware cleaner and let it sit for a few minutes. At this time, wipe down all the shelves, bottles and jars that are usually stored in the bathroom. Clean faucets. Wipe the tiles on the walls. Wipe the mirror and lamp with a glass cleaner. After everything is sparkling clean, wipe the floor.

Dedicated to the young inexperienced owners of an uncleaned dwelling! Let's say you are expecting guests, or maybe you have a date? Or do you want to please your parents with suddenly acquired cleanliness and accuracy? Or maybe the reason is different: you had a party, and in the morning the house turned into scary story with a bad ending, and in an hour mother or wife will be at home?

You still did not know how to quickly clean the apartment, where to start and how to achieve a quick result? Then this article is especially for you! We will teach you how to clean not only quickly, but also qualitatively!

To begin with, let's consider what tools and special narrowly focused tools you will need if you really decide to learn in practice how to quickly clean up the apartment.

Household chemicals

  1. or its equivalent.
  2. Dishwashing liquid.
  3. Cream for polishing and removing dust from furniture.
  4. Universal cleaner.
  5. Abrasive agent for cleaning dishes and kitchen utensils.

Household supplies

  1. Household gloves.
  2. Floor cloth, mop.
  3. Toilet brush.
  4. Sponge for dishes.
  5. Universal wipes.
  6. Garbage bags.

So, it's time to learn how to quickly clean the apartment, without making a lot of effort.

First you need to decide what should be where. I assure you, if you found socks in the refrigerator, and slippers in the breadbasket, then you are clearly out of order! We think it’s not worth listing the places for installing objects in places, we are afraid you will fall asleep while you read. But the most important thing - everything edible - in the refrigerator, everything textile in a dress wardrobe (chiffonier), push everything else on the cabinets and chests of drawers, and do not forget what was hidden where.

The next step is to arm yourself with chemistry and shoot all the dirt in the house! In the bathroom, all plumbing should be sprayed with the necessary products. And leave it for at least half an hour. From there, go to the toilet and fill the toilet bowl with a toilet duck. In this state, leave it for the very last stage of cleaning - let the product dissolve.

Then go to the kitchen and collect all the dirty dishes in the sink. Anything that can no longer be eaten should be sent to the trash bin. Garbage bags will come in handy.

Next - the dishes should be washed, pouring plenty of detergent on the dish sponge and lathering each plate individually. It is best to lather everything first, and then, turning on the water at high pressure, rinse everything quickly and immediately lower it into the dryer. It’s better not to save on water, rinse thoroughly, household chemicals can harm your health if they later get into your soup from the plate!

We proceed to the next item of the plan called "How to quickly clean the apartment." All surfaces of tables, cabinets and the refrigerator should be lubricated abrasive. It is better to pour more abundantly on the stove. While everything is soaking, we return to the bathroom and wash off household chemicals from plumbing. A sponge for dishes will do just fine (we only beg you, take a new one from the package, do not wash the same as the dishes). Rub the surface of the bath and sink well, rinse with a copious stream of water from the shower.

Return to the kitchen and wash the abrasives off the furniture. The kitchen, in theory, should sparkle.

The last item is washing the floors. To do this, simply draw water into a bucket and wipe the entire floor in the apartment. It is important to wring out the rag in such a way that the floors do not become even dirtier. Rinse and wring out thoroughly, after you there should not be puddles and floods.

When the floors are done - go back to the toilet and flush it. Now the brush will cope with the task - drive it well around the perimeter of the toilet bowl, let it work!


So, now you know how to properly clean the apartment!

Stop! Did you make the bed? Well well! Run march to the bedroom! At any second, the doorbell will ring!

Come back! Take off your gloves! They are no longer needed!

As practice shows, very few people are able to get real pleasure from putting their home in order. Much more often, cleaning an apartment turns into a routine and unpleasant necessity. If you approach cleaning haphazardly, it can turn into a chaotic and exhausting event that takes a lot of time, but does not bring any visible result.

But if, before you go to clean up your apartment, you develop a small action plan, which you will strictly adhere to in the future, you will be amazed at the result.

Cleaning should bring positive!

The whole secret of successful, fast and tireless cleaning is the uniform alternation of simple and complex actions. When you are just starting to clean up, you still have a lot of strength and enthusiasm. So spend this time with maximum benefit: in a room where various household dirt accumulates the most. It's about the kitchen.

Cleaning up in the kitchen

With proper distribution of efforts and proper skill, the cleaning process in the kitchen will not take more than 12-15 minutes. First of all, free all kitchen surfaces from unnecessary items as much as possible. Take everything out of the room. Send dirty dishes to the sink, and incompletely used products and jars of spices to the refrigerator or on the kitchen shelves intended for them.

The less things left on dining table and the countertop, the cleaner the kitchen itself begins to seem. Usually, establishing such a “general” order takes about two minutes at the most. Take up washing dishes. Loading and starting the dishwasher will take a maximum of a minute of your time, after which you can proceed with a clear conscience to other things.

But if the “dishwasher” remains a luxury inaccessible to you, you will have to “act with your hands”. It’s good if you get into the useful habit of washing dishes and spoons immediately after eating: this will save you a lot of time in the future.

But what if right now there is a mountain of dirty dishes, and the cleaning needs to be completed urgently, since, for example, you are waiting for unexpected guests? Use a little trick. Having estimated the number of visitors, calculate how many clean cutlery you will need and spend a couple of minutes washing the right amount of dishes (and not a plate more!).

Dirty bowls can be hidden for the time being away in one of the kitchen cabinets in order to come to grips with them after the guests leave.

Wipe down kitchen surfaces. A special microfiber cloth is very convenient to brush crumbs and other debris from the countertop. You should not be particularly “careful” or be afraid to drop a few specks directly on the floor during the cleaning process: sharp sweeping movements save time, and mopping should still be the last thing to do.

Brush the dust off kitchen appliances. Use an ordinary cloth slightly moistened with water: this way dust particles will not rise into the air and settle again on freshly washed surfaces.

When everything is in its place, it seems much cleaner

Now it's time for the most important part of cleaning - washing the floor. In order not to breed dirt, first take the time to sweep all the rubbish out of the kitchen. To do this, you can use the most common broom. Start from the far corners of the room, where the main dust usually accumulates, and then gradually move towards the exit from the kitchen.

When all the rubbish is collected, all that remains is to wipe the floors. It is most convenient to use a special mop equipped with a microfiber sponge for these purposes. Washing the floor follows exactly the same principle as sweeping it: starting from the corners, gradually moving towards the center of the room and further, all the way to the exit.

The kitchen cleaning is almost complete. It remains to take a critical look around the room: is it visible somewhere on the countertop or hob plates are difficult to wipe off and at the same time very ? When it comes to emergency cleaning before the unexpected arrival of guests, it is unlikely that you have time to arrange a full session of the fight against unwanted pollution using all the cleaning products in your arsenal.

In your case, it would be more appropriate to try to scrub the stain by using force. Take a plastic card (for example, a bank card) and try to scrape off the dirt with its corner. More often than not, this works.

You can also use special metal sponges for these purposes, but, unlike plastic, they often leave scratches and other marks on unprotected surfaces. As soon as the stain has succumbed, take a rubber sponge slightly dampened with water and wipe the affected area: this way you can avoid.

For more information on how to quickly clean the apartment - in the video:

Bedroom cleaning

Cleaning products make the process much easier.

As a rule, it is not customary to invite guests (except, perhaps, the closest ones) to the master bedroom. Therefore, the cleaning of this room will be quick (no more than 10 minutes) and purely symbolic:

To make the bedroom seem tidy and clean at first glance, it is usually enough to get rid of the feeling of clutter in the space. To this end, all unnecessary dust collectors (whether figurines on the bedside table or a huge collection of the master's cosmetics on the dressing table by the mirror) are hidden behind the closed doors of the nearest cabinets (well, or in drawers).

It is also necessary to remove from the field of vision of the intended guests any things that openly need cleaning or washing, for example, stale bedding or curtains stained with something. Just hide them in the linen room. At the same time, spending precious time on making the bed anew, or, even more so, on “wars” with the window cornice, is worth it only in really special cases.

It doesn't matter if you've changed your linens or not, the master bedroom bed should be made up (at least covered with a blanket thrown over the top). To make the bed look more aesthetic, tuck the protruding edges of the sheet, blanket and the bedspread itself under the mattress.

You can, of course, try to cram all the "extra" in the gap between the mattress and the end of the bed, but this requires a huge amount of time and some effort (which could be applied to something more useful). In addition, from such treatment, the bed is very wrinkled and quickly loses its decent appearance.

Get rid of the dust. Wipe down all the furniture in the room using a dry cloth or microfiber cloth to avoid leaving streaks on the surfaces. First of all, it is worth brushing off the dust from objects standing in the far corner of the room; gradually move clockwise until you reach the exit. Wipe the surfaces with sweeping movements “toward yourself”, to save time, shaking off dust and other micro debris directly on the floor.

Now it remains only to quickly vacuum. Moving from the corner of the room to the entrance (backward), make sweeping sweeping movements with the vacuum cleaner brush, without swiping it over the same floor area more than twice and without wasting precious minutes.

Remember: your goal is not sterile cleanliness, but just a decent appearance of the room, achieved in the shortest possible time for this.

Bathroom and toilet

Cleaning the kitchen always takes a lot of time.

Since cleaning the bedroom is usually not too diligent, you will have enough time to gather strength before the next important step: cleanliness in the bathroom. If at normal times you already try to keep order in the bathroom, bringing the room into a decent look will not take you more than 9-10 minutes:

First of all, treat with a special cleaner all the plumbing in the room: the toilet, sink, bath and (or) shower. While you are processing the next surface, it will have time to cope with pollution on all previous ones, dissolving them.

In most houses, the bathtub and shower stall are covered with a curtain. Therefore, do not spend too much time trying to achieve perfect purity plumbing. Just quickly wipe all visible surfaces of the bathroom or cubicle with a sponge, then close the curtain. It would hardly occur to a polite guest to look behind her.

Particular attention should be paid to cleaning the mirror in the bathroom. Don't be stingy with glass cleaners. Spray it evenly over the entire surface of the mirror, then wipe it with light circular motions from top to bottom. Instead of an ordinary sponge or rag, it is better to use a special one for glasses (this can be purchased at any store in the household goods department).

The inside of the toilet bowl can be easily cleaned with a standard toilet brush and a special dry cleaner (in the absence of the latter, you can also use regular baking soda).

After completing the necessary procedures, flush the water several times. The outer surfaces of the toilet bowl can be treated with a universal one, then wiped dry with a microfiber cloth.

The drain hole of the sink, as a rule, does not look very aesthetically pleasing due to the dirt accumulating in it. Remove everything superfluous from the hole, as well as properly wash the drain itself, an old unnecessary toothbrush will help you.

As always, wipe the floor in the room last (from the corners to the exit). Use a microfiber mop to avoid streaks on tiles.

Tidying up the living room

Good cleaning needs inspiration!

In conclusion, you have to tidy up the living room. This procedure will take no more than 15 minutes of your time:

  • On the hastily restore the general order in the room, putting in place all the little things lying around at random and adjusting the shifted furniture. In parallel, notice the most problematic, rushing moments (spots from mugs on coffee table, large patches of dust, etc.) to return to later.
  • Clean all the mirrors in the living room with special means(the usual one is also suitable for washing windows) and a soft rag. Do the same with all the glass surfaces in the room.
  • Wipe dust off all visible surfaces. We already wrote about how to do it correctly in order to spend a minimum of time when we talked about cleaning the bedroom. Vacuum the living room floor in the same way.
  • Critically assess the situation, remember what details you did not like before. If some specks on the visible surfaces of the furniture did not rub off on their own during the dusting process, a plastic card is at your service.

As you can see, by organizing the cleaning of the apartment according to the plan proposed above, you will spend no more than an hour cleaning it up. Of course, such an algorithm of actions is not suitable for general cleaning. But it is indispensable if you urgently need to prepare your home for the unexpected arrival of important guests.

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