Rosa Angelica: an amber favorite of flower growers. Angelic Angela by Kordes Rosa angela encyclopedia of roses

  • 16.06.2019

Another rose Angela (Angela) is called a rose Angelica (Angelica). This variety was bred in Germany. It belongs to the Floribunda group of roses. Floribunda means "profusely blooming". This group was obtained by crossing hybrid tea and polyanthus roses. Therefore, this group of roses has a wide range of flower colors, like hybrid tea, and disease resistance and good frost resistance, like polyanthus.

Angela is a low shrub rose. Under the conditions of the middle lane, the 4th climatic zone, this is a shrub usually about 1 m high with erect branches. In warmer conditions, it can grow up to 2 m. The leaves are bright green, glossy, medium in size. Flowering is long, from June to September. Flowers 4-6 cm in diameter, semi-double, cup-shaped. Collected in inflorescences of several pieces. The color of the petals is light pink at the base, gradually darkening towards the edges.

A distinctive feature of this variety is increased resistance to powdery mildew and black spot. This rose is not afraid of rain and wind, does not fade in the sun, has a faint delicate aroma, blooms profusely and for a long time.

Rosa Angela loves sunny places with fertile and permeable soil. The place should be well ventilated so that the air does not stagnate. Watering is moderate. Top dressing with fertilizers for roses twice a season. Once in the spring at the beginning of the growing season, the second time - before flowering.

Pruning is carried out in the spring before the leaves appear. It is necessary to cut off frosted and broken branches, old ones with a brown shell. Branches that cross and rub against each other, growing inward, are also cut off so that the bush does not thicken. All others are cut off by one third. Although if the bush is not high, then this is not necessary.

In the 5th zone and to the south, the bush does not need shelter for the winter. In the 4th climatic zone, the bush should be well spudded for the winter to a height of 20-30 cm. It is better not to collect the earth around the bush, but to organize a pile of compost. From above it will be necessary to close the bush with brushwood or spruce branches. It can be covered with a covering material or burlap.

Planting young bushes is best done in the spring. In this case, the place of budding should be deepened by 6-7 cm.

read a lot positive feedback about this variety of roses, including from gardeners from Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod.

For ornamental purposes, the Angela rose can be used as a specimen or grown in a small group. In this case, the landing interval should be about 80 cm. Or you can make it from bushes hedge. The rose will look beautiful against the background of blue, purple or white clematis, against the background of evergreen conifers.

As partners for her, you can use delphinium, long-leaved veronica, monarda, loosestrife loosestrife, small-petaled, New Belgian aster, narrow-leaved lavender, Fassen's catnip, wide bell, chistets.

This rose has a long shelf life.

Flower garden on the window. Beauty in the country.

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To decorate the plot with roses, we bring to your attention a rose from Kordes called Angela. The rose was introduced to the world back in 1984 and still occupies a leading position. Synonymous names under which it can still be found on sale are Angellica (floribunda, Kordes), KORday. The parents of this rose are Yesterday and Peter Frankenfeld. A hardy and easy to care for plant.

Characteristics of Angela

Flower at spray roses Angela is semi-double and has 26-40 petals. They create a semi-open bowl of pink (even raspberry) color, lighter in the center. Stamens are golden brown. The size of the flower is on average 4 cm. The flowering is repetitive and reproduced in whole brushes, smelling of a subtle, light fruity aroma. Because of the method of flowering, many attribute the rose to the floribunda group, but the author of this creation classifies it as a low bush rose.

branches Angela roses grow at least 1 m in height, and the width of the bush is 0.8 m. In warm regions, the rose is able to “shoot” in length by 2 m, which makes it possible to arrange different supports on the site. Its branches are flexible, plastic and easy to fit. The foliage is medium in size, dark green, shiny, dense. This vigorous plant quickly builds up green mass and during the season 2-3 plants per 1 m² will create a dense hat of greenery and flowers.

Rosa Angela - winter-hardy and disease-resistant plant. According to the authors, even with the defeat of powdery mildew and black spot, the rose itself copes with them and regenerates.

Angela rose care

Like all roses, the Angela rose variety prefers healthy soil, from good drainage. Read more in the article " Soil for roses". Watering- this is a necessity without which no plant can. Roses are watered under the base of the bush in small doses and as the topsoil dries up. For 1 bush you will need 8-10 liters of warm settled water. In hot weather, watering is carried out more often and evening spraying is used.

Enrichment of the soil with complex mineral and vitamin supplements, as well as feeding with rotted manure and compost, help any plant develop normally and produce good, high-quality crops and remain reliable and beautiful. So the Angela rose from Kordes is a must feed special fertilizers for roses in dry and liquid form, alternating them with watering 1 time in 2-3 weeks. Fertilizers begin to be given with the beginning of the vegetation of the plant and finish 1.5-2 months before the onset of cold weather. Everything depends on weather conditions.

Using Angela Rose Bushes

The rose is planted in a variety of flower-deciduous plantings - mixborders, borders, hedges, for decoration retaining walls. Angela is a rose that can be grown in containers and grown as a stem tree. Its crimson-pink color is in harmony with both coniferous and decorative deciduous shrubs (

Rosa Angela, whose photo is in front of you, is very beautiful and unusual. Her popularity continues to grow. The rose is also called Angelica. This wonderful variety was bred in Germany, it belongs to the group

"Floribunda" - this is how the name floribunda is translated, which is fully true, since the roses belonging to this group are simply doused with flowers. This variety was obtained as a result of crossing polyanthus and hybrid tea roses. It is because of this that this group of flowers has a very diverse bud color and excellent resistance to disease and frost.

Rosa Angela: description

Rose variety Angela low bush. The height of the plant depends on the climate in which it is located. IN middle lane(4th climatic zone) rose Angela reaches one meter in height, the branches of the bush are erect. In warmer climates, the rose bush can grow up to two meters.

The leaves are glossy, bright, green, medium in size. Angela begins to bloom early, at the very beginning of summer, the flowering is long, the last flowers delight the eye in September. The buds are beautiful, semi-double, cup-shaped, reach 5-6 cm in diameter. The flowers are light pink in color at the base, closer to the edges the petals are much darker, collected in lush inflorescences of several pieces.

The Angela rose is valued not only for its beauty, but it also has many other advantages. The plant has an increased resistance to diseases such as powdery mildew and black spot. Angela is not afraid of wind or rain. The buds do not fade in the sun, have a faint delicate aroma, similar to the aroma of apples. The flowering of the bush is plentiful and long.

Landing and care

Rosa Angela requires well-prepared soil with drainage when planting, a place for a rose bush must be selected so that there is no stagnation of air. Plant young bushes better in spring, the place of budding is recommended to be deepened by 7-8 cm.

The rose loves the sun, so the “place of residence” must be determined, taking into account the wishes of the queen of flowers. It is desirable to plant rose bushes in a sunny place with permeable and fertile soil. As mentioned earlier, the air should not be stagnant, the place with a pink flower bed should be well ventilated.

Roses should be watered sparingly as the soil dries out. Bushes need to be fed twice a season. The first time at the beginning of the growing season in the spring, the second time before the flower buds open.

Before the appearance of the first leaves, pruning of plants is carried out. It is necessary to remove broken, frozen and old branches with a brown shell. To prevent the bush from thickening, branches that grow inward and intersect with each other are cut off. If the bush is high, then, in addition to those listed, all other branches are cut off by one third. This rule does not apply to low bushes.

Angela looks beautiful both in group plantings and in singles. You can make from bushes beautiful rose looks great next to evergreens and against the background of purple, blue and white clematis.

Preparing for winter

Rosa Angela is a relatively winter-hardy variety. In the southern regions (fifth zone), the plant does not need to be covered for the winter. In a colder climate (fourth zone), rose bushes must be spudded to a height of 20-30 cm before the onset of winter. It is better to make a pile not from the ground, but from compost. The top of the plant also needs to be wrapped with covering material or burlap, for this you can still use spruce branches or brushwood.

Rosa Angela - a flower of extraordinary beauty, different abundant flowering and uniform arrangement of flowers throughout the bush. This variety is one of the most popular in the world, as the Angelica rose (otherwise referred to by many rose growers) has excellent characteristics, and in particular, it adapts perfectly to any climate, both Mediterranean and continental.

The variety was bred by foreign breeders more than 30 years ago. The author of the hybrid tea rose Angelica Reimer Kordes is a well-known German rose grower.

Rosa Angela: description of the characteristics of the variety

The rose variety Angelica is in particular demand among flower growers, because it is tea-hybrid plants that have excellent climatic characteristics. home distinguishing feature Rose Angela is in her appearance. The flowers are deeply cupped, not fully open. The color is pastel pink with crimson edging along the edge of the petals. The bush itself is quite powerful, with strong stems, grows up to one meter in height. The aesthetics of the “Angelic” rose lies in the fact that several rose inflorescences are located on one stem at once. The bush is well leafy, intensively growing, the buds have a beautiful oval shape and a pleasant delicate aroma.

Rosa Angela

Rose variety Angela floribunda is the most successful type of plant for forcing. The main features of the plant are described below.

plant parameters

Angel Rose adapts remarkably to the climate in which it is grown. The growth and size of the buds depends on the weather conditions. In hot climates, the bush grows quickly and abundantly, in cool areas the plant is less active. Average options:

  • Bush height - 100-150 cm;
  • Width - 80-90 cm;
  • The size of the flower itself is 6-10 cm;
  • Flowering period - re-blooming;
  • Leaves - glossy, bright green, dense;
  • The bush is strong, growing, upright.

rose bush angela

Climatic features

Angela (Angela) rose perfectly tolerates both cold and heat. It is a winter-hardy variety of rose. When grown in the middle lane does not need careful shelter. The height of the bush will strictly depend on the climate in which it is grown. In the middle lane, the plant reaches 1 meter in height, while the bush itself is upright. In warmer conditions, the hybrid tea rose Angelica can grow up to 2 meters in height. The bush is slightly inclined, curved. Such "fluffiness" will decorate any facade and will please the eye of every owner of the plant.

Additional Information! Buds tolerate heat well, do not crumble and do not fade. This aspect distinguishes the rose well from other types of hybrid flowers. The bush blooms profusely, in warm weather it looks like a well-leafed spherical bouquet of roses. Aesthetic and attractive.

Flowering period and yield

The presented variety is good because it blooms from early summer until the end of September. Flowering is continuous, the appearance of the buds does not lose its attractiveness and elasticity. The leaves of the flowers are bright green, not falling. The flower is resistant to diseases, does not require scrupulous care, tolerates powdery mildew well. The buds open on stems in several pieces, the diameter of the bowls is 5-7 cm.

Rose gives a great yield. Almost the entire bush is strewn with buds; in the cut, the flowers stand for a long time, do not crumble. The spines are small and frequent. It is worth noting that Angela can bloom until frost, while presentable appearance buds do not change.


The Angelica variety is used both in private houses in flower beds and for street decoration. It is used for border plantings, rose gardens, container and flowerpot cultivations.

Gorgeous rose bush

Growing method and care of the variety

Despite the fact that the Angela floribunda rose is not as whimsical to grow as some types of roses, it requires proper fit and care. If all conditions are met correctly, in the future the plant will be pleasing to the eye, and at the same time it will not get sick.

To grow an angel rose bush, you must first prepare the soil with drainage. Flowers do not like stagnant air, so you need to plant a bush in an open space on the sunny side, as the plant loves moisture and sun. It is desirable that the soil be fertile and breathable, that is, it is imperative to loosen the earth.

It is desirable to plant roses in early or mid-spring (the plant is not afraid of light frosts). It begins to bear fruit in early June, although this parameter will largely depend on climatic conditions.

The plant loves drainage soil with an acid-base reaction of at least 5.6 and no more than 7.3 pH. The planting hole should be free to accommodate the entire root of the plant. Depth not less than 50 cm. Drainage can be pre-made from sand or gravel to prevent stagnant water during irrigation.

If the root system of the seedling is open, it is recommended to hold the rhizomes in water for 4-6 hours. Pay attention to damaged shoots. If there are any, they must first be removed. Long shoots need to be shortened, weak ones should be cleaned, removed, and only strong and healthy ones of medium length should be left.

soil fertilization

For the rose to take root and have blooming view, flower growers offer to thoroughly prepare the soil as follows:

  • Manure (three parts);
  • Soil layer (fertile) two parts;
  • Sand (two parts);
  • Peat (one part).

The most relevant landing time is May. By this period, the soil is already considered to be sufficiently warmed up.


Rosalia do not like abundant watering; you need to moisten the soil after it dries. Flowers need to be fed. This procedure must be done twice - the first time at the beginning of spring (during the growing season), the second - before the buds bloom. The method of feeding is quite diverse, the choice of complex fertilizers is determined independently and depends, first of all, on the type of soil and the acidity of the earth.

Rosa Angelskaya loves complex mixtures of potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. The proportions are 1:1:2. Many rose growers use organic top dressing in the form of bird droppings, manure. However, they need to be diluted with water and insisted for several days.

Additional Information! Spring composts loosen the soil, which increases the air permeability of the soil. This procedure can be done in combination.

The first feeding is carried out for the intensive growth of the plant, the second stimulates the re-blooming of the buds.


In the spring, it is important to prune rosalia before bud formation.

The pruning procedure should only be carried out with sharp and clean garden tools. This aspect allows you to grow a beautiful ornamental plant and direct the correct growth vector of the bush.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

In fact, hybrid tea roses, and the Angelica variety in particular, are quite comfortable plants for rose lovers. They are not so whimsical, have resistance to weather phenomena, withstand diseases well. Rosa park Angela has the following advantages:

  • It tolerates both warm and cold climates.
  • Watering is carried out once a week (the presented roses are not special lovers of water, which is very convenient for the owner).
  • The bush grows strong, while it has a compact size (not sprawling).
  • The whole bush is strewn with bright and delicate buds.
  • It blooms continuously, the petals do not crumble, do not turn yellow.
  • Roses stand beautifully in the cut (they do not fade for a long time, about 7 days).
  • Floribunda roses grow profusely and often on stems than other varieties of hybrid tea roses.
  • IN winter period easy to hide, do not require disembarkation.
  • The flowers emit a pleasant and delicate aroma of medium strength, which allows you to put bouquets of roses in the house.
  • Resistant to many diseases.

Tea rose

However, with the tea rose Angela, not everything is as smooth as it seems at first glance. Yes, this variety can be easily grown at home, but it is important to find a suitable place to form a flower bed. Angelica is a grateful and fruitful plant, but if planted incorrectly, this bush will not please the owner with an abundance of flowers. Of the minuses of a hybrid decorative rose, the following can be noted:

  • Planned and high-quality soil preparation. If the owner of the seedling has not provided for all aspects of planting, the rose may simply not take root in the soil.
  • Ventilation. The bush should be located in a well-ventilated place. Otherwise, from lack of air, he will begin to hurt and wither.
  • Sunny side. The owner must have a sunny place in the garden to plant this plant. Angelica loves the light very much, and if it is not sufficiently filled with UV rays, the bush begins to “extinguish” and wither.
  • Requires solid feeding. Ideally, flower growers recommend fertilizing three times a season. The last time is carried out at the end of August for better conservation plants during winter.

Compared to others hybrid tea roses Angela has the most interesting coloration. The petals are provided with a beautiful crimson reverse, which makes the rose even more in-depth and extraordinary in appearance.

The floribunda rose, which means “abundantly flowering” in translation, is a real decoration of the garden, besides, it is not difficult to grow this species. Many varieties have been bred today, and one of the most popular is the Angela variety. This flower boasts a wonderful decorative appearance, complaisant at the same time character. We will find out what the Angela rose is, in what conditions to grow it, how to care for it.

Rosa Angela is a shrub-shaped floribunda with short stature. But the milder and warmer the climate in which the shrub is grown, the higher it can grow: in a cool climate, only a meter, and in a warm one, two. The variety, like many other floribundas, was bred by German breeders.

External Description

The rose boasts wonderful bright foliage of a delicate green hue. The size of the leaves is medium, but their number is quite large. There are few thorns on the shoots.


The flowering period starts quite early and lasts a long time. Literally from the very beginning of summer until mid-September, the Angel rose pleases with its decorative buds.

The flowers deserve a separate description: they have the correct bowl shape, semi-double structure, delicate light pink hue. The diameter of one flower is only 5-6 cm, however, due to their huge number, the bush looks almost completely pink (see photo).

The pink color of the buds is uneven: it is the lightest at the base of the petals, but darkens as it approaches the edges. The buds are not located singly, but are collected in small inflorescences. The aroma of the plant is very pleasant, reminiscent of apple.

Other features

This plant boasts not only a surprisingly decorative appearance, but also a high resistance to diseases: including fungus. The resistance of the rose to black spot and powdery mildew is especially noted: the main enemies of flowering garden shrubs.

In addition, the rose is not afraid of either winds or rains. Even after a heavy rain, bright buds will not lose their shape and color, and after the wind they will remain in their places.

Application in design

Floribunda Angela is great for growing both in group compositions and in single plantings. In addition, the plant is often used to form an elegant hedge on the site.

As for neighboring plants, Angela will look most advantageous against the background of coniferous specimens. If we talk about undersized flowers, then the best neighbors for floribunda will be blue, white and purple clematis. The following plants will also be good partners: delphinium, aster, monarda, narrow-leaved lavender, loosestrife, catnip.

Note that the rose can also be used to make bouquets: it stands in the cut for a long time and well.

Growing conditions

We will find out where it is best to plant this rose and what conditions it needs for a prosperous existence.

Location and lighting

This pink variety loves the sun, so you need to choose the right place for planting. In the shade, the plant, of course, will not die either, however, lush flowering in this case cannot be seen.

But although sunlight is needed in abundant quantities, the rose should not be under direct rays throughout the day. In this case, there is a high risk of rapid withering of tender buds, their burnout, and burns are possible. best choice there will be a site where the sun shines brightly in the morning or evening, and at midday the plant is provided with light shading.

Choose a site open and better - on a small hill. It is not worth planting a flower shrub in a lowland, since stagnant water in the soil is harmful to its roots.

Temperature and Humidity

Rosa Angela needs a moderate air temperature: not bad, however, it tolerates both short-term drought and not very protracted cold. It requires shelter for the winter, and in case of intense heat in the summer it is recommended to spray the bush.

The plant tolerates light drafts without problems, it is not afraid of them at all. Gusty wind, however, the plant does not need. The rose must be protected from strong wind on the north side, and avoid planting it on the corners of buildings, in the aisles between buildings.

Soil composition

The soil in the flower bed should be well-drained and moderately fertile. The soil should contain both sand and clay, be moderately moist rather than dry. If the soil is poor or dense, clayey, add humus to it: this fertilizer will loosen the soil and make it more nutritious. Prepare a place for planting roses in advance by digging up the soil and adding compost or manure to it.

Seedling selection

When buying a seedling of this rose, pay attention to the presence of at least 2-3 lignified shoots extending from the trunk. The bark of the plant should be without damage and rot, have a greenish tint. The roots of the seedling must be mature and developed, branched.

How to care

Find out what kind of care this rose needs for lush flowering and rapid growth.


You need to moisten the rose moderately: only after the topsoil has dried. But during the period of active growth and development of water, a rose needs a lot: these periods fall on bud break, flowering, the formation of new shoots and foliage. After the first phase of flowering, watering should also be especially plentiful in order to stimulate the early start of the second phase.

Water the plant in the evening or in the morning: but not at midday. In the latter case, it is very likely that the shrub will get burned from the sun's rays that have fallen on the water drops.

Loosening and mulching

Floribunda will grow well only in soil that is sufficiently permeable and loose: therefore, a loosening procedure is necessary. However, one should not go too deep: the roots of a rose often lie close to the surface. Experienced gardeners loosen no more than 10 cm in depth.

When caring for a plant, mulching can be of great help. A layer of mulch will help keep the roots moist for a longer period, get rid of weeds and make the loosening procedure almost unnecessary. As mulch, you can use hay, decomposed dry manure, peat, fallen leaves.

top dressing

For the successful development of shrubs, additional nutrition is necessary. The optimal frequency of top dressing is twice per season. For the first time, fertilizers are applied in the spring, at the very beginning of the growing season, the second - before flowering.


The bush needs both sanitary and formative pruning. The procedure is usually carried out in the spring, before the first leaves begin to appear. Sanitary pruning is to remove frozen over the winter, diseased, old and broken branches. In addition, the procedure should include the removal of shoots that thicken the crown, growing inwards.

With formative pruning, the branches are shortened by about a third of the length. However, if the bush is low, shortening occurs to a proportionally lesser extent.


Angela is quite a winter-hardy variety, however, in our climate, winters are too frosty to allow the rose to spend them without shelter. In the south of the country, you can not cover if the plant is already an adult.

Starting from the fourth climate zone floribunda needs protection for the winter. To do this, before the onset of cold weather, the bush is spudded with soil or peat, forming a ridge of 20-30 cm. You can use compost for hilling: this way you will additionally feed the rose.

From above, the bush is covered with burlap or nonwoven fabric, of which there are many on sale now. The space between the branches is laid with spruce branches.