Maternity leave. How to calculate maternity benefits on a calculator

  • 20.10.2019

When going on maternity leave and childcare, a woman is entitled to payments, so she needs to know the rules for calculating them. Employers must also comply with the law on such employees. Decree money is calculated according to a special formula, which is approved by law.

Pregnant women have many benefits. They are not allowed to be fired at work. At night, working in this position is prohibited, this can only be with the consent of the employee herself. The employer does not have the right to load duties. The activities of a woman during pregnancy should not be dangerous.


Maternity period - maternity leave. Usually, the term “maternity leave” implies the time of motherhood. Women take leave until the child is 3 years old. By law, 2 are required:

  • on pregnancy and childbirth;
  • for child care.

They correlate with the types of recreation that are spelled out in Art. 255 and 256 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Given the nature of these payments, it will be easier to navigate the calculations.

Who can receive payments?

The payment of maternity money is fixed by law. Given its norms, the following groups of citizens can receive benefits:

  • women working under an employment contract;
  • students studying at universities and colleges on a full-time basis;
  • women who lost their jobs due to the liquidation of the employer or the reduction of the organization.

In addition to maternity payments, which are provided at a time, you can receive material assistance during the child's 1.5 years of age. This maternity money can be received by a larger circle of people:

  • citizens of the Russian Federation, including those who live in other countries due to work;
  • foreigners who live in Russia;
  • stateless persons who have compulsory insurance.

The legislation says that there is a right to choose a person who will take care of the child until the age of 1.5 years. When the vacation is over, the mother needs to decide whether to continue the parental leave. The woman has the right to return to work. Relatives or legal guardians may be responsible for caring for the child. Sometimes it is shared by several people.


How is maternity money calculated? The amounts depend on the duration of the vacation and earnings. It is approved based on the types of complications, the number of children. The law specifies the time of rest, which is supposed to be pregnant. The minimum is 140 days and the maximum is 194.

Using a simple formula, you can understand money. In 2015, there were changes, so the indicators of the minimum and maximum became different. If the vacation is 140 days, then the maximum is 228,603.2 rubles, the average daily earnings are 1,632.88 rubles. The minimum allowance is 27,455.34 rubles, and the average daily wage is 196.11 rubles.

How to calculate maternity money has a fixed rate. Funds are transferred monthly for 1.5 years after the birth of the child. Non-working family members, students and laid-off workers are provided with social security benefits. Its sum is:

  • 2718 rubles for 1 child;
  • 5437 - by 2;
  • 10873 - maximum if there are several children under 1.5 years old.

If a woman is employed under an employment contract, then she is also paid money. Her maternity leave will be paid in full. The allowance is 40% of the average income for 2 years. How is maternity money calculated? These principles are in the law. In 2015, for employees, the maximum is 19,856 rubles. If there are several children, then the amounts are added. But the entire amount of the allowance cannot be more than the average earnings.

The procedure for payments to unemployed women

Non-working women are also paid maternity money. Although gold coins are not provided, the allowance is 14,497.80 rubles. This amount can be received by all women who do not have a job. How is maternity money calculated? Young mothers have the right to receive monthly payments under the following conditions:

  • full-time training at an educational institution;
  • registration with the Employment Service due to reduction or loss of work.

The registration procedure for the unemployed involves applying at the place of registration or study for the transfer of payments. To do this, you must provide documents:

  • statement;
  • sick leave;
  • employment history;
  • certificate of registration.

Only after registration will maternity money be transferred. Such payments ensure the protection of the rights of mother and child.

Seniority and decree

Parental leave is included in the exceptions include cases where the insurance pension is paid ahead of time. Maternity leave is also included in the length of service. This information is contained in the law.

The insurance experience is the time of work of a woman on the basis of an employment contract. The amount of payments depends on it, but not the very fact of providing material assistance. Pregnant women must be paid the necessary funds. If the employee has less than 6 months of service, then the provision of maternity benefits is required. Regional coefficients must be taken into account.

What do you need to know about payments?

You can also receive maternity money after the end of the vacation, but not later than 6 months. If there was employment in several places, then benefits are paid from each organization. It turns out that the amount may exceed the maximum set figure. This is not prohibited by law. The maternity allowance is transferred in full on the day of salary.

Since 2015, child care payments can only be received when the baby has reached 2 years of age. Then the funds are provided for the entire period. Unemployment benefits and child care income are not allowed at the same time.

When the caregiver is in school or working, benefits may be available and extra income(for example, a scholarship).

Maternity money for child care can be received after the end of maternity leave. The time for processing documents by the employer is 10 days. Social Security transfers money through a bank (to a card or account) or mail (transfer). Child care allowance is paid by one of the following methods:

  • in advance;
  • next month.

When does the husband get paid?

If a woman does not have a job, but her husband provides for the family, payments are also required by law. Decrees are not included. The maternity allowance is paid to insured women working under an employment contract. And payments for child care by the father are also received every month.

Labor law clearly defines the rights and obligations of employers in relation to pregnant employees. In case of expectation of a child, the employee is guaranteed the retention of the position and material assistance. Benefits are paid by the employer or the state.

Decree increase

Maternity funds may be increased due to the number of days:

  • if the pregnancy is multiple;
  • difficult childbirth;
  • the birth of 2 or more children.

When childbirth is difficult, and there is a threat to the life of the child, then another 16 days are provided. Additional sick leave may also be issued if additional recovery time is needed. If more than 1 child appears, then the entire period of disability is 194 days.

Decrease Decree

By law, an employer cannot require a pregnant employee to return to work. This period should not be shortened. Therefore, the payment of funds is not determined by the employer, and the dismissal is considered illegal.

The vacation period can be reduced due to the desire of the employee herself. When an abortion occurs, you can also go to work. In this case, sick leave is provided for the time necessary for recovery.

By law, tax is not deducted from. This is evidenced by Article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Therefore, no one has the right to withhold any percentage.

Special cases

Payment of funds can also be made upon liquidation of the enterprise. Only about this event should be a warning for a month. At the time of dismissal, settlement takes place, including the payment of benefits. Documents that are required for processing payments must also be issued.

Single mothers also receive benefits. Payments are also made in case of adoption without registration of marriage. The calculation principles are the same as in the general case.

How to earn?

Many mothers do not have enough benefits while caring for a child, so they are interested in how to earn money in maternity leave. And many take on part-time jobs in order to continue to develop in their profession or to master a new specialty. The type of work depends on their position. In some specialties, it is possible to continue activities at home, via the Internet. The benefits are in maintaining your qualifications, improving your skills.

On maternity leave in a different way? You can turn your hobby into a source of income. Many women know how to sew, knit, embroider, make beautiful souvenirs or create photographs. Many ideas can be turned into reality. You can find clients using the Internet, newspapers and through acquaintances. Doing what you love and earning income brings a lot of pleasure.

Many companies offer to work from home via the Internet or phone. You may have to advise people on services and products. You can get a job in a bank, a taxi, an online store. This job has many benefits. The main one is the possibility of combining with other types of earnings. You can choose the schedule, as well as the place of work.

How to earn money on maternity leave if the child has grown a little? You can take children home for supervision, as many parents need such help. Even if the kids go to Kindergarten, they sometimes need to be left under adult supervision for the weekend. It is only necessary to be aware of the responsibility, and if you take up this matter, then treat it carefully.

How to earn money on maternity leave if the above methods are not suitable? You can find work online. If you already have some skills, it will be easier. And when they are not, you have to spend time learning. Among the types of earnings there are copywriting and rewriting, when it is necessary to write texts to order.

You can also work on website modeling. This option is especially suitable for those who spend a lot of time in social networks. The main task in this work is to ensure order in the forums, as well as participation in the discussion of topics. Another type of income is the promotion of groups in social networks. You can post ads and get paid for it.

Earnings include tutoring, translation of texts, creation term papers, abstracts, network marketing, cooking for sale, performing services at home (for example, manicures). If there are any skills, then in the decree they must be used. With a skillful approach, you can secure a stable income.

In fact, there are a lot of types of earnings in the decree. You just need to choose the direction that suits you, and actively develop in it. Even during the period of the decree, you can get a high income if you organize everything correctly.


In the employment service, young mothers can be trained, having received a new specialty. During the decree, such services are paid by the state. There are many specialties offered, but you can choose the one that suits you perfectly. After training, a document will be issued, thanks to which you can get a job.

The advantages of the courses include the demand for professions. The received specialty will allow you to improve your knowledge, and after the decree to find a profitable job. Training is conducted by experienced teachers, specialists from different educational institutions.

But such training also has disadvantages. Interesting vacancies are not always offered, and then suitable courses have to wait for a long period. Not all regions have rich technical equipment. But many people, including women on maternity leave, are attracted to such training because it is free.

Free courses in the decree are guaranteed by the state. Training is necessary in the following situations:

  • no qualification;
  • difficult to choose a job;
  • want to change profession.

The main task of education is employment. After that, citizens often find profitable work or open own business. Typically, employment centers offer economic specialties, as well as training for an accountant, secretary, psychologist, cook, and designer. The list of professions depends on the region, types of educational institutions. Each person can choose a suitable profession.

The training time lasts about 6 months, but it all depends on the type of specialty. Group recruitment takes place in different time. To enroll in courses, you must contact the employment center by registration. To do this, you must provide an application, passport, birth certificate of the child, a document on the decree. Training is usually conducted by specialists from universities and educational institutions that cooperate with the employment center.

Usually courses are held in the evenings, but they are full-time and part-time. Classes are held individually or in a group. After completing the training, a document is issued. At the same time, the mother receives an allowance on maternity leave. After mastering the profession or retraining, you can find a more profitable job.

Decree (lat. decretum resolution from decernere - to decide) is a legal act, a decree of an authority or official. In everyday life, a decree or maternity leave is called social assistance, maternity leave (BiR). All this is connected with caring for the health of the mother and her unborn baby. So, maternity leave is a period of stay on sick leave due to pregnancy and childbirth, and the provision of state social benefits, the amount of which depends on many factors. Sometimes a decree is also called parental leave until the child reaches the age when children are admitted to preschool institutions. This is slightly incorrect.

1. Maternity leave, maternity allowance, payments under decree in accordance with the Labor Code of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Legislatively, "maternity leave" is regulated. And also "On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood", which describes in detail from which week they go to maternity leave pregnancy childbirth and how long it lasts. About the accrual and procedure for calculating maternity payments 2019 be sure to read Order of the Ministry of Health and social development RF dated December 23, 2009 No.

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1.1 Who receives maternity and childcare benefits in 2019

All working women are entitled to social benefits for pregnancy and childbirth(Law of May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ, part 4 of the Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ, subparagraphs “a”, “e”, paragraph 9 and paragraph 14 of the Procedure approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia December 23, 2009).

  1. women subject to compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood;
  2. women dismissed in connection with the liquidation of organizations, termination individuals activities as an individual entrepreneur;
  3. women studying full-time education on a paid or free basis in educational institutions of primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher education vocational education;
  4. women passing military service by contract;
  5. women referred to in subparagraphs "1" - "4", if they adopt a child (children) under the age of three months.

Foreign employees temporarily or permanently residing in Russia and working here, maternity allowance is paid in accordance with Russian legislation and at the expense of the FSS of Russia.

Foreign employees temporarily staying in Russia, maternity benefits are NOT relied upon. Because they are not insured persons in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood, they are not subject to insurance premiums to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation for the amount of payments and remunerations under labor contracts and civil law contracts, including contracts of author's order (p. fifteen )

Citizens of the Republics of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Armenia who work in Russia under employment contracts, pay maternity benefits in accordance with Russian legislation at the expense of the FSS of Russia. That is, follow the general rules.

The duration of work under an employment contract (insurance period) does not affect the fact of payment of benefits, but its size.

Thus, a woman whose insurance period is less than six months is entitled to receive maternity benefits in the amount of average earnings, but not more than 5965 rubles. (since January 1, 2015) taking into account district coefficients for a full calendar month (part 3, part 6 of the Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ).

Can the father of a newborn get "children's" benefits??

The child's father can receive a lump sum for the child as well as for the child. After all, any of the parents or the person replacing him has the right to receive this allowance.

And here maternity allowance for pregnancy, childbirth is not prescribed for men - this is understandable. Therefore, a family in which the mother does not work will not receive such an allowance. After all, the allowance is paid only to women who are insured persons, that is, working under labor contracts.

In case the woman is not "insured", ie. does not have a permanent job, then the following cases of payment for maternity leave are possible:

  • Women entrepreneurs engaged in self-employed activities receive this allowance only if they are members of the voluntary social insurance fund and paid contributions for at least six months before the decree. depends on the amount paid.
  • Women who were fired in connection with the liquidation of the enterprise (organization) receive maternity leave in 2019, monthly, but only if they are registered with the employment center.
  • Full-time students (paid / free form of education) have the right to count on maternity leave, which is paid at the place of study.
  • Unemployed women who are not registered with the employment center, maternity leave is not paid.

Note: If a woman at the time of the start of maternity leave works under the GPA, she is not credited with benefits (part 1 of the Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ).

Deadline for claiming benefits

Need to apply for payment no later than six months from the date of the end of maternity leave (the period for which a sick leave certificate was issued upon adoption). This procedure is established by articles 7, 17.2 of the Law of May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ, articles 10, 12 of the Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ, paragraphs 10, 11, 13, 80 of the Procedure approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 23, 2009 No. 1012n, and Article 255 Labor Code RF.

If the application deadline is missed, the benefit will be paid only if there are valid reasons for the delay (part 3 of article 12 of the Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ, clause 80 of the Procedure approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of December 23, 2009 No. 1012n) . The list of good reasons was approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated January 31, 2007 No. 74.

When they list, the terms for paying maternity

According to, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 23, 2009 No. 1012n, for women specified in subparagraphs "a", "c" and "d" of this Procedure, pregnancy and childbirth benefits are assigned and paid no later than 10 days from the date of acceptance (registration) of the application with all necessary documents.

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1.2 Minimum, maximum amount of maternity 2019

The total amount of the maternity benefit in 2019 should be in the range from the minimum maternity benefit to the maximum amount of the B&D benefit

from 51918.90 rubles. up to RUB 282,493.15

Because not all expectant mothers have 2 years of work experience, someone has just started labor activity, someone is an individual entrepreneur or is still studying, and some do not work for certain reasons, so they have their own maternity calculation.

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1.3 What formula is used to calculate maternity benefits. Calculation of maternity

If in the hospital for pregnancy and childbirth a mistake was made in the term

Everyone makes mistakes, even doctors. And what should an accountant do if he found an error in the term of the sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth of an employee, for example, instead of 140 days, 141 days are indicated.

When there is clearly a mistake made by the doctor. It makes no sense to drive a pregnant woman to clinics and take a sick leave without reissuing. You just need to pay for 140 days and indicate this in the calculation, which is attached to the disability certificate.

And, of course, in the application for maternity leave, your employee must indicate the period of such leave for exactly 140 days, and not the period indicated in her sick leave.

ALGORITHM for calculating maternity payments - benefits for BiR

1. For the two preceding years of the start of the corresponding vacation of the calendar year (for vacation starting in 2014, these are 2012 and 2013, from January 1 to December 31), we calculate the amount of accruals (wages and other accruals) subject to contributions to the Social Insurance Fund. At the same time, according to, if in one or both years there was at least 1 day of leave for BiR / care, this year can be replaced with any previous calendar year (at the employee’s choice), if the benefit from the replacement is greater (you need to apply for a replacement with indicating the selected year(s).

2. The amount for each year is compared with the maximum size of the base for insurance premiums for this year (2011 - 463,000 rubles, 2012 - 512,000, 2013 - 568,000, 2010 and previous - 415,000 rubles), we take less for each year. We add up the results.

3. We compare this amount with the minimum amount of maternity leave (x 24), take more (in 2014, the minimum wage was 5554 rubles, regardless of the region).

4. Divide the amount by the number of calendar days in these two years (for 2012 (leap year) and 2013 - 731), subtracting from these days the days that fell on temporary disability, leave for B&R and leave to care for a child, leave without pay.

5. Divide the sum of the maximum size of the base for contributions to the Social Insurance Fund for the previous two calendar years (for a vacation that began in 2014, it is always 2012 and 2013, regardless of the replacement of years for earnings) by 730, compare with the result from paragraph 4 , we take the smaller one.

6. For the B&R benefit, we multiply the result from paragraph 5 by the number of days of vacation in the B&R.

7. For care allowance - multiply the result from paragraph 5 by 40% and 30.4, compare with the minimum maternity allowance established for the corresponding year, take more, for Chernobyl victims - multiply by 2.

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2. Beginning and end of maternity leave

The question is often asked: "Which week does maternity leave begin?". The benefit for pregnancy and childbirth is paid to the insured woman in total for the entire period of maternity leave lasting 70 (in case of multiple pregnancy - 84) calendar days before childbirth and 70 (in case of complicated childbirth - 86, in case of birth of two or more children - 110) calendar days after childbirth.

2.1 From what week when they go on maternity leave

Sick leave for BiR is issued for a period of 30 weeks (or 28 if the pregnancy is multiple). More precisely, according to 70 calendar days before the birth, women, upon their application and on the basis of a certificate of incapacity for work (sick leave) issued in the prescribed manner, are granted maternity leave (in the case of multiple pregnancy - 84). Within these terms, you must contact the medical institution in which you are registered for, in order to then present it at work to assign benefits. You are required to make payment in accordance with paragraph 1 within 10 days after you submit the required documents. Now you know when they go on maternity leave.

2.2 How long is the decree - maternity leave

The total duration of maternity leave ranges from 140 to 194 days. Details are shown in the table.

Maternity leave (in days)

Child benefit payment deadlines

Payments for a child can be received within six months from the moment of the occurrence of a certain event (for example, the end of maternity leave, the child's birthday, etc.). This is stated in the Law of May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ and paragraph 80 of the Procedure approved by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of December 23, 2009 No. 1012n.

Note: See more details about the deadlines during which you can apply for payments.

To assign a maternity benefit, you need not only a sick leave, but also. No application, no benefits, because during this time the employee can work!

The employer must provide leave from the date indicated in the application. In this case, it should be borne in mind that the end date of the vacation must correspond to the date on the sick leave. That is, the end of the vacation is not postponed. So, in fact, the vacation will be reduced by the number of days that the employee worked without taking a vacation.

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3. How maternity leave is issued

If you are eligible for benefits, there are certain procedures for taking maternity leave. To do this, you need to collect the following documents:

  • A sick leave certificate issued by the medical institution in which the woman was registered, it is provided upon the onset of the 30th week of pregnancy (28th - with multiple pregnancy);
  • If there were several places of work for the last period, the maternity leave is paid to the place of the last of them, a certificate is required stating that the payment was not made elsewhere;
  • Application for the appointment of maternity allowance;
  • Upon dismissal as a result of liquidation of the company maternity payments are made by the social security department, subject to registration with the employment service and the availability of a certificate of this (the benefit in this case will be 515 rubles per month);
  • If the employer cannot pay the benefit, it is paid by the insurance company, whose name you can see on the CHI policy.

On the basis of these documents, the head of the company issues an order to grant maternity leave to the employee in the form of No. T-6 (clause 1 of the instructions approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1).

With complicated childbirth, the duration of postpartum leave increases. Childbirth, which doctors consider complicated, are listed in the Instruction of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated April 23, 1997 No. 01-97. An increase in maternity leave will be indicated in an additional sick leave that will be issued to the employee. In this case, she needs to pay extra.

In order to extend the maternity leave in connection with the complications that have arisen, the employee must submit an application to the administration of the company. On its basis, the head of the company issues an order to extend maternity leave to the employee. Standard forms of these documents are not provided by the legislation. Therefore, they can be made in any form.

Deadline for claiming Maternity Benefit

According to paragraph 2, maternity benefits are assigned if the application was followed no later than six months from the date of the end of the maternity leave.

Postponement of the start of maternity leave

An employee has the right to postpone the start date of maternity leave. That is, go on vacation later than the date indicated on the sick leave. The fact is that the sick leave gives the employee the right to leave. However, when to use this right, the employee decides for herself. After all, the basis for the vacation is. Until she writes it, she can continue working for some time after receiving a sick leave. During these days, the employer must pay wages on a general basis.

For example, if maternity leave falls at the end of December, it can be more profitable to postpone its beginning to January next year. In this case, the billing period for calculating benefits will be different. For example, if the start of the vacation falls on December 2015, then the billing period will be January 1, 2013 - December 31, 2014. And if for January 2016, then the period from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2015 is taken for calculation. If an employee had a high average earnings in 2015, it is more profitable for her to postpone the start of her vacation to 2016.

There is no prohibition on such a transfer of the billing period in the Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ. This means that the employer can pay benefits, which will be reimbursed by the FSS of Russia in the future. To exercise the right to leave from a certain date, the employee writes a statement in which he indicates the start date of the leave. The employer must provide leave from the date indicated in the application. In doing so, it must be taken into account that the end date of the vacation must match the date on the sick leave. That is, the end of the vacation is not postponed. So, in fact, the vacation will be reduced by the number of days that the employee worked without taking a vacation.

Example of rescheduling the start date of maternity leave

I.I. Ivanova has been with the organization since February 1, 2014. Until that date, she had not worked anywhere. In December, she received a sick leave, according to which she must go on maternity leave from December 18, 2015.

However, Ivanova decided to postpone the start date of the vacation until January 1, 2016, so that the salary for 2014 and 2015 would be included in the billing period. In the period from 18 to 31 December 2015 Ivanova continued to work.

On December 29, 2015, Ivanova wrote an application for maternity leave from January 1, 2016. At the same time, the end date of the vacation remains the same (in accordance with the sick leave). From January 1, the employer granted Ivanova leave. To calculate the allowance, the accountant took into account the income received by Ivanova for the period from February 1, 2014 to December 31, 2015.

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4. Length of service on maternity leave, who pays maternity leave and how, payment procedure, calculation of maternity leave

How maternity pay is paid if a woman works in several places at once.

What kind of maternity allowance can she count on, for example, while working at her main place of work and having two more external part-time jobs?

If an employee at the time of going on maternity leave is employed by several employers and has worked for them in the previous two calendar years, each of their employers must pay her an allowance.

This allowance is calculated and paid on the basis of the average earnings on which insurance premiums by each employer separately. And the marginal taxable base applies to each policyholder.

Therefore, the total amount of benefits that the expectant mother will receive in all three places of work may exceed the maximum taxable base.

But which of the employers will pay the monthly child care allowance, the employee needs to determine herself - it will not work to receive it from all her employers at once

Where sick and maternity pay are paid

When an employee has several places of work, he himself can choose in which place he will receive temporary disability benefits (sick leave) and maternity benefits (maternity leave).

Moreover, each organization, when calculating benefits, can take into account the amount of earnings in an amount not exceeding 624,000 rubles. for 2014 and 568,000 rubles. for 2013. These amounts include income received from other employers in the billing period. However, if the allowance is assigned by several organizations, then each of them takes into account the income accrued by it in amounts not exceeding 624,000 rubles. for 2014 and 568,000 rubles. for 2013 (part 3.1 of article 14 of the Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ). Thus, when receiving sick leave or maternity allowance from several employers, the employee can collectively receive benefits accrued from the amount of earnings in excess of the specified earnings limits.

Deadline for payment of maternity benefit

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5. Calculation of maternity leave

By general rule it is necessary to calculate maternity leave based on the income of the employee for the two calendar years preceding the first day of maternity leave. accrual maternity benefits in 2019 year must be carried out taking into account new limits - the maximum salary for calculating insurance premiums. In 2019, the maximum amount of earnings will change, which must be taken into account when calculating maternity and other benefits. For these purposes, it will be necessary to take the maximum from state non-budgetary funds. It is important to remember that how “discrete” are considered, and child benefits that are assigned at the end of the year, for example, 2014, are calculated based on earnings for 2012 and 2013.

The amount of the allowance for the entire maternity leave is determined once - from the day when the woman actually goes on maternity leave. This date must be specified.

If an employee went on maternity leave in December 2014, the maternity benefit is calculated from the employee's income for 2012 and 2013. The maximum amount of daily earnings that can be taken into account when calculating benefits is 1477.43 rubles. ((512,000 rubles + 568,000 rubles) : 731 days), because 2012 is a leap year.

If maternity leave begins in 2015, the billing period will be 2013 and 2014. The maximum amount of payments that can be included in the calculation of benefits will increase to 1,192,000 rubles. (568,000 + 624,000). The average daily earnings will increase to 1632.88 rubles. (1,192,000 rubles : 730 days).

How to get maternity allowance at the place of study

The allowance for pregnancy and childbirth is entitled to receive female students. Provided that they are studying full-time at an educational institution of primary, secondary, higher or postgraduate professional education. For example, at an institute, university, academy, lyceum, college or college. The right to receive benefits does not depend on the basis on which the training takes place: paid or free (letter of the FSS of Russia dated August 9, 2010 No. 02-02-01 / 08-3930).

The amount of the allowance is calculated based on the established educational institution the amount of the scholarship (it cannot be lower than established by law ).

Note: Articles 6, 8 of the Law of May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ, subparagraphs "c", "d" of paragraph 9 and paragraph 12 of the Procedure approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of December 23, 2009 No. 1012n.

The allowance is paid by an educational institution (approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 23, 2009 No. 1012n).

To receive benefits, submit to your educational institution a certificate from a medical institution issued by a doctor (subparagraph “c”, paragraph 16 of the Procedure approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 23, 2009 No. 1012n). Students of educational institutions of primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher vocational education and institutions of postgraduate vocational education are not issued a sick leave certificate (clause 26 of the Procedure approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 29, 2011 No. 624n). In addition, an application addressed to the rector (another official) with a request to assign an allowance may be required.

The allowance will be assigned and paid within 10 days from the moment the woman submits everything Required documents and they will be accepted (paragraph 1, clause 18 of the Procedure approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 23, 2009 No. 1012n).

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5.1 How to calculate maternity benefits, maternity benefits

How is maternity leave paid? Very simple! You need to independently calculate the amount of maternity allowance in advance to facilitate the planning process family budget. For the amount of maternity, i.e. the amount received in this case from the state Money, affect:

  • insurance experience;

    Note: Since the maternity benefit is paid to a woman insured in the FSS who has at least 6 months of work experience.

  • average earnings;

    Note: The higher the average salary, the greater the amount of calculation of maternity

  • payroll charges;
  • region of residence;

    Note: The regional coefficient of wages is taken into account

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    5.2 Maternity pay calculator in 2019 online

    Manually calculating the amount of maternity benefits is quite laborious. Therefore, acute questions always arise: how maternity leave is paid, how maternity leave is calculated online. Your attention is presented to the exact calculator of maternity leave, which is part of a special program.

    With help maternity calculator you can calculate the maternity allowance (sick leave) and the monthly allowance for caring for a child up to 1.5 years. in accordance with all approved rules. The calculation of maternity leave is free, represented by a service - this is a web service for entrepreneurs and accountants that allows you to keep accounts and submit reports online.

    After entering the required data on earnings for 2 accounting years, the script will automatically calculate the amount of the selected allowance. All necessary restrictions are taken into account. You can also see tips with links to articles of regulatory documents.

    The program calculates maternity allowance (sick leave) and monthly allowance for caring for a child up to 1.5 years in just 3 steps.

    Step 1 . First select what you will consider:

    1. maternity or
    2. child care allowance.
    At the first step, for maternity allowance for pregnancy and childbirth, you need to indicate the data from the disability sheet (), and for the allowance for caring for a child up to 1.5 years old, data about the child. Since 2013, out of 2 years of being on sick leave or parental leave. If there were such periods, indicate them.

    Step 2. The second step indicates earnings for 2 accounting years and other parameters necessary to calculate the average daily earnings.

    Step 3 At the 3rd step, you will see the final allowance calculation.

    For the appointment and payment of maternity benefits for pregnancy and childbirth, documents are needed

    • disability certificate ();
    • some employers ask you to write an application, although a sick leave is usually sufficient;
    • if the calculation of the B&R benefit will be made at one of the last places of work at the choice of the woman: a certificate from another insured that the purpose and payment of this benefit by this insurer is not carried out;
    • if you want to replace the accounting years (or one year) with earlier ones, then you also need an Application for the replacement of the year;
    • .

      Note: If in the billing period the woman worked for other employers. The certificate of maternity leave also indicates the excluded periods.

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    7. Questions about maternity leave, maternity leave

    Video "Benefit Calculation 2019"

    General rules for awarding benefits 1:20
    Option 1: benefits are paid for each job 3:17
    Option 2: benefits are paid at one job 3:09
    Option 3: benefits are paid either as in option 1 or as in option 22:09
    How hospital benefits are calculated 6:38
    If an employee works part-time 6:55
    If an employee works on an external part-time basis 5:14
    Peculiarities of payment of allowance for the care of children (other family members) 4:20
    Features of the payment of sick leave 2:45
    The procedure for calculating benefits for pregnancy and childbirth and childcare 12:48
    Documents to be submitted by an employee for appointment and payment of benefits 7:00
    Benefit calculation in 2015 1:36
    Answers to the questions of the participants of the webinar "Benefit calculation - 2014. Solutions for common and confusing situations" 13:58

    Regulations governing the payment of benefits 6:01
    Migrant benefits 1:15
    Features of the calculation of benefits in the Crimea and the city of Sevastopol 2:38
    The procedure for calculating temporary disability benefits 3:20
    The procedure for calculating the maternity allowance, monthly allowance for child care 5:42
    Calculation of benefits based on the minimum wage 5:33
    Documents for assigning benefits 4:13
    If the region participates in the pilot project of the FSS of Russia 1:56
    Answers to the questions of the participants of the webinar "Manuals-2015" 8:02


- this is always a long-awaited time for any woman. After all, the desire to have a child is inherent in us by nature. When the time comes to go on maternity leave, the question becomes acute for any woman: how to get maternity leave? How much will payments be made, and does the length of service affect the size of these payments? Let's look at all these issues in more detail.

In principle, everyone knows what maternity leave is. This is the period during which a woman is on sick leave to care for a newborn child. It lasts until the baby reaches the age at which they are ready to accept him in the nursery. preschool- kindergarten. As a rule, such an event occurs at the age of three years.

In exceptional cases, a mother may decide to send her child to kindergarten early, or extend her maternity leave (usually, this happens on medical recommendations related to the health of the baby).

The first situation, as a rule, is typical for mothers who are engaged in individual entrepreneurship (individual entrepreneurship) and see that sitting on maternity leave is unprofitable for them. In this case, you can send the child to the garden, or the father will be engaged in his upbringing. By the way, in the second case, when the father takes care of the baby, he can go on maternity leave instead of the woman and also receive due payments, as much as he wants (up to the age of three children). But more on that later.

By the way, the right of a woman (man) to maternity leave is regulated by law. All questions on this matter are covered in articles 255 and 256 of the Labor Code.

Who's on vacation?

In principle, a little earlier we already raised the issue that a father can go on maternity leave instead of a mother if a woman is involved in an individual entrepreneur. But not immediately after the birth of the baby. It is clear, after all, that no one will pay a man - this is absurd! But the parental leave - please, the spouses should decide here, if it is really more profitable for them that the mother works (for example, if she is an individual entrepreneur), and the father sits with the child, then they may well change roles, the father will become a householder, and the mother take responsibility for the maintenance of the family.

By the way, not only dad can go on parental leave, but also grandparents. The main thing is that it should be one person who will receive state subsidies. If it turns out that several family members receive maternity leave, a criminal case will be opened against them. So, it is better to be honest with the state, and not try to deceive it.

maternity benefits

Maternity benefits are a broad concept that includes several types of social benefits for a mother and her baby. So, our state provides for the following payments:

  • if mom early (up to 3 months) was registered with the LCD;
  • at the birth of a child (moreover, payments increase with each child);
  • payments to;
  • assistance for a child up to 1.5 or 3 years.

Let's take a closer look at all these payments, and how much they are assigned.

Before the baby is born

This payment takes place immediately after the woman has given birth. You can pick it up from the state within 6 months from the date of birth of the baby. The peculiarity of this payment is that it is given regardless of whether the mother worked before the birth or not.

Payment during pregnancy and after childbirth

If the expectant mother works, she has full right apply for this designated assistance. It is produced once. True, in order to get it, you will have to run around: collect the necessary documentation and submit it to the relevant authorities. There is good news: the payment is accrued within 10 days after the submission of documents. It depends on the experience - it is desirable to work for at least two years. By the way, if you combine two jobs, then under legal circumstances you can request payment from both employers. And they have no right to refuse you!

If you did not have a job before giving birth, the payment is made by the local employment agency. But the amount of such a payment, of course, will be averaged and calculated from the minimum subsistence level. If you are involved in IP, accruals will also be made according to separate rules.

Baby care

This allowance is issued after the baby is born. Payments last one and a half or three years. These payments guarantee you a monthly rate of 40% of the salary (of course, the average monthly). And another important condition for the payment is that the person who receives it must be on maternity leave. As soon as he goes to work, there can be no question of any payments.

As a bonus

An incentive payment from the state is considered to be assistance for the third baby (and all subsequent children) that appears in the family. This promotion has been in place since 2013. The amount of the allowance is the subsistence minimum, paid up to the age of three years of the child. But don't rejoice prematurely.

The allowance will be given only if the income for each family member does not exceed the established subsistence level, and the family lives at a registered address and the spouses are citizens of the Russian Federation. So, if you work and get a lot of money for it, according to the state, there can be no talk of any encouragement.

We collect documents

Naturally, without proper documentation, no one will charge you money. To receive any of the above assistance, it is necessary to collect the necessary documents and submit them to the relevant authorities.

To receive money for a pregnant woman in connection with her situation, the following papers are required:

  • certificate of temporary disability;
  • a statement granting you leave.

To care for a newborn child, the state provided for an allowance, but in order to issue it, you need papers:

  • birth certificate (copy);
  • leave application;
  • an official document of the other spouse from the place of work stating that he does not draw up this assistance for himself.

And who pays?

Benefits related to pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare are accrued by the Social Insurance Funds, and are paid, in spite of this, by employers.

Does seniority affect maternity leave?

According to the last rule, when calculating payments, the income of a woman for the last two years worked before she went on maternity leave is taken into account (for female entrepreneurs, such calculations are made according to other schemes). This means that you need to work at least a couple of years before you plan a pregnancy.

But this does not mean at all that if you worked for a year, six months, or just got a job before you found out about the pregnancy, you will not be credited with maternity payments. The only caveat is that the amount of the payment will be calculated for you not for the last two years, but according to how much the minimum payment is established in your region of residence. So you may not work at all before the decree, but you will receive maternity anyway.

Father on maternity leave

Often a woman (especially if she is engaged in individual entrepreneurship, and it is simply not profitable for her to be on maternity leave) has a question: can her husband get maternity instead of her? We have already touched on this topic in passing. But it has a few of its own nuances.

Today, a husband on maternity leave (if the wife is an individual entrepreneur) is far from uncommon. Recently, an increasing number of women have begun to pay attention to their careers, they are rapidly climbing the stairs and maternity leave for them is something like throwing a few steps back. Especially if a woman is engaged in IP. In this case, spouses often decide that it is dad who will sit on vacation. This is especially beneficial when mom works as an individual entrepreneur, and dad, for example, is an ordinary employee at a factory.


So, you have decided that it is your husband who goes on vacation. It is necessary to collect and provide the employer and the relevant authorities with documents. Which ones - you will be prompted on the spot, because the list may change. Usually these are several certificates from work and a corresponding statement to them.

If the employee is officially employed, then during the decree she is supposed to receive maternity leave. But for this you still need to work out a certain period, otherwise you can be left with a nose. What is generally due to a pregnant woman from social guarantees from the state? What cash benefits can expectant mothers claim?

Benefits for pregnant women in 2019

In Russia, every pregnant and young mother receives financial assistance, for those who worked, the amount is much higher. Therefore, many representatives of the weaker half of humanity are interested in: how long do you need to work to get maternity leave in 2018?

The main payouts include:

  • assistance in early fixation of an interesting position (for up to 12 weeks);
  • childbirth and pregnancy;
  • money that is given out until the child is 1.5 years old;
  • compensation amounts if the child is under 3 years old.

The total lack of money, the high cost of children's things, strollers and food are forcing future mother to work hard for as long as possible - this is the only way to provide more or less impressive help.

Work experience and hours of work

According to the current Russian legislation, before applying for maternity leave, a pregnant woman must work at the enterprise for at least 2 years, plus the 30 weeks fixed by law before the maternity leave is issued.

The length of service also changes the amount of payments. In 2019, legislators introduced new restrictions and regulations that do not please women:

  1. If you want good maternity leave, if you please, by 2019, officially work in the organization for 6 years.
  2. The term of 2 years continues to operate, but you can only hope for minimal assistance.
  3. What is due to pregnant women if they did not have time to work hard for 2 years? The “reward” for the birth of a new Russian is an average salary of 5,965 rubles.

Additional factors affecting maternity leave in 2019

Another important factor, affecting the receipt of monthly payments, is the income that a woman received before pregnancy. State assistance cannot be more than 40% of the average wage of a worker, recorded in the statements for the last 2 years. Therefore, if the salary at the enterprise is piecework and there is no fixed rate, try to get more money - this way you will provide your maternity leave with more help. However, there is also a payout limit:

  • the minimum limit for child care is 2,570 rubles;
  • the monthly amount passing to the maximum cannot exceed 215,000 rubles fixed by legislators in 2019.

If, after the child is 1.5 years old, the mother wishes to extend maternity leave, she is charged 500 rubles every month until the baby is 3 years old.

Also pay attention to the change in a one-time payment in Russia depending on the duration of the vacation:

  1. Vacation lasting 140 days implies the maximum possible payments in the amount of 248,164 rubles.
  2. Vacation, lasting 156 days, fixes the assistance of 276,526 rubles.
  3. Vacation, calculated for 194 days, to the maximum involves maternity payments in the amount of 343,884 rubles.

By the way, if a worker combined work at several enterprises at once, she has the right to apply for maternity leave from all employers. It is interesting that in 2019, Russian mothers were assigned to pay another help - as soon as the child turns 2 weeks old, the family is given 15,382 rubles. A trifle, but nice!

Maternity capital at the birth of a second baby in 2019

Evil tongues foreshadowed mothers who gave birth to their second child after January 1, 2018, the absence of maternity capital payments, but, fortunately, these were only the machinations of enemies. Maternity capital at the birth of a second child in Russian family continue to pay, and you can spend it to solve several problems:

  1. Make a down payment on a mortgage and pay interest before the child is 3 years old.
  2. The day can be deposited in the bank to an open account, the finances from which will go to the education of the baby when he grows up and the time comes to receive higher education. There are years ahead, so the contribution will increase significantly in size.
  3. Set aside as a future pension due to the mother.
  4. In 2019, lawmakers added a spending clause maternity capital for the maintenance of a child who is sick and needs expensive treatment, rehabilitation and recovery after receiving a disability group.
  5. Funds received from the state are allowed to be spent on the purchase new car domestic production.

On February 1, 2017, all childbirth payments were indexed to the current inflation rate of 5.4%. The amount of the maternity allowance is affected by the size of the average monthly earnings and the limits established by law on the minimum and maximum levels of benefits. In the article we will talk about the calculation of maternity payments in 2019, we will give examples of accrual.

The law of the Russian Federation considers “maternity leave” as two following one after the other leave:

  1. For pregnancy and childbirth (provided to pregnant women who will have a baby soon). Leave is issued:
  • women working in enterprises;
  • officially registered as unemployed;
  • undergoing military service under a contract;
  • full-time students;
  • adoptive parent of a child under three months of age.
  1. To care for a child under the age of 1.5 years (provided only to one of the parents, mother or father, at their discretion).

Previously, the head of a company in which a pregnant woman works under a fixed-term employment contract had to renew it until childbirth, today the law obliges the employer to renew the contract even after the birth of the child. This ensures that the woman receives full benefits.

The formula for calculating maternity

The maternity benefit is calculated according to the following formula:

PBiR \u003d D2G: 731 x NDO, where

  • PBiR - the amount of the allowance,
  • D2Y - the amount of income for two years (if the allowance is calculated for 2017, income for 2015-16 is taken),
  • 731 - the number of days in the billing period,
  • CHDO - the total number of days in the vacation period.

The formula for calculating the amount of benefits based on the minimum wage:

  • SP \u003d minimum wage x 24 months: 731
  • Minimum wage = 7500 rubles (from 01/01/2017)

Calculation period for maternity payments

The calculation period for maternity benefits is 24 months immediately preceding the leave. For vacation that came in 2017, 2015-2016 are taken into account. It must be remembered that 2016 - leap year, and therefore the number of days in the billing period will be 731 (365 + 366).

When calculating, you do not need to take into account:

  • the period during which the parent was unable to work,
  • the time during which the employee was released from execution official duties, but at the same time, wages were retained for him, and contributions were paid from it.

In the event that there was no income for the 2 years preceding the vacation due to another maternity leave, the law allows replacement for earlier periods - 2013-14. This assumption takes place due to the possibility of increasing the amount of the benefit.

How does seniority affect the calculation of maternity payments

If the length of service is less than six months, the amount of maternity payments does not exceed the minimum wage. The maternity payment will be one minimum wage per month. If, when calculating the allowance, the amount turned out to be less than the calculation based on the current minimum wage, it is the minimum wage calculation that is taken for calculation.

Regardless of the region where the woman lives, the federal minimum wage will be taken into account. There are also no allowances. We remind you that the minimum wage approved at the federal level has not changed since July 1, 2016, and to this day it is 7,500 rubles.

Minimum and maximum maternity payments:

Also paid:

Benefit Minimum amount Maximum amount Comment
Maternity allowance 34 521,20 266 191,80

The minimum amount of the allowance issued to working women is calculated on the basis of the minimum wage (equal to 7,500 rubles as of January 1, 2017).

Unemployed women receive benefits in a fixed amount.

Monthly allowance for caring for a child under the age of 1.5 years 3065.69 (for the first child)

6131.37 (for the second and subsequent children)

23120,66 It is calculated based on the sum of 40% of the average monthly salary of one of the parents for two years.

List of documents for registration of maternity allowance

To apply for a maternity allowance, you must provide a certain package of documents.

Document Comment
Application in any form for maternity leave Most often not required
Disability certificate (sick leave) In some cities it is already possible to issue it in electronic form.
Certificate from the insured stating that they were not paid benefits If the payment is made out at one of the places of work (at the discretion of the employee)
Application for replacement year (several years) If you want to take earlier periods for the billing period
Certificate of income from the previous place of work, indicating excluded periods In the event that during the settlement periods the employee worked for other employers, and if the calculation of the benefit exceeds the minimum amount. If it is not possible to provide such a certificate, the employer calculates maternity payments based on the data he has for the time of work.

It is recommended that when receiving a sick leave, check the correctness of filling in the data, since if an error is found in the disability certificate, the FSS has the right to refuse to reimburse the costs of paying benefits. The employer will certainly send a woman for a duplicate.

According to the information provided by the Ministry of Labor, starting from 2017, medical institutions are switching to electronic document management. At the moment, only residents of those cities from which they decided to start the process of switching to electronic format can issue a sick leave in electronic form.

Maternity payments to a non-working mother

Unemployed women are also entitled to maternity benefits. To do this, they need to contact the local branch of the District Office. social protection population (RUSZN). It is also possible to submit documents to the Multifunctional Center, if there is one in the area where the woman lives.

The payment of benefits will be made at the expense of the territorial body of the FSS that appointed him. Additionally, you can register with the employment center and receive unemployment benefits.

Maternity payments for students

Russian legislation provides for the receipt of maternity benefits not only by working women, but also by students - their benefits will be paid from the budget of the educational institution.

Full-time students apply for academic leave in writing in educational management. And those who study on a part-time program and at the same time work part-time, will have to register with the employer. If the correspondence student does not work, she submits papers to social security.

Women studying full-time are entitled to apply for maternity allowance, the amount of which will be equal to the amount of the scholarship established by this educational institution. As for officially employed women, a student's maternity leave can last 3 years, and after it ends, she will be able to continue her studies.

All due payments will be issued immediately, as the student provides a complete package of documents, namely:

  1. Application for maternity leave (first for the first 1.5 years, then the vacation can be extended for the same amount).
  2. Certificate of registration in the antenatal clinic.
  3. A certificate confirming that the father of the child does not receive benefits at the place of work.
  4. If the mother-to-be is officially married, you must bring a copy of the marriage certificate.
  5. Passport.
  6. Insurance certificate.
  7. After the child is born, it will be necessary to provide the university with a birth certificate.

Upon completion of training, the remaining benefits will be paid by the social protection authorities.

Maternity for a female entrepreneur

In the event that a woman who is registered with the tax office as individual entrepreneur, voluntarily paid contributions to the Social Insurance Fund, she will be assigned a maternity allowance equal to one minimum wage per month (7,500 rubles). However, payments will only be made if she has paid annual premiums in advance for one year.

While on maternity leave, a woman is not required to make contributions to the Pension Fund. The law allows not to pay contributions while one of the parents is caring for the baby until he is 1.5 years old. If the parent decides to extend maternity leave for an additional year and a half and not work during this period of time, then he may also not make payments to the FIU, provided that documents are provided that would prove the absence of any activity at this time.

Step-by-step instructions for calculating maternity

To calculate the amount of maternity benefit, you need to follow the scheme below:

  1. Determine all contributory earnings for 2015 and 2016 separately.
  2. The amounts received are compared with the maximum base for contributions.
  3. When exclusion periods occur, find out their duration.
  4. Divide the amount of money earned by the number of days in the billing period.
  5. Average income per day should be received not lower than the earnings calculated on the basis of the minimum wage (minimum wage * 24/731).
  6. Calculate the benefit amount. If the length of service is less than six months, the amount of the benefit will not exceed the minimum wage.

An example of calculating the maximum maternity payments

Let the maximum amount of income for 2015 be 515 thousand rubles, and in 2016 - 711 thousand rubles. In 2015 - 365 days, in 2016 - 366 days, so the billing period is 731 days.

We calculate the amount of maternity payments:

  • (515,000 + 711,000): 731 * 140 \u003d 234,801.64 rubles.

An example of calculating maternity payments when excluding a period

A woman with 8 years of work experience takes a vacation from 01/20/2017. The amount of earnings on which contributions were accrued in 2015. amounted to 475 thousand, and in 2016. - 598 thousand rubles. The woman was ill for 16 days in 2015, received sick leave.

  1. Calculate earnings for 2 years:

475,000 + 598,000 = 1,073,000 rubles. We compare the amount with the maximum value - the amount does not exceed it.

  1. Find out the billing period:

365 + 366 - 15 (sick leave) = 716 days.

  1. We calculate the amount of payments:

1,073,000: 716 * 140 = 209,804.47 rubles

An example of calculating maternity payments when replacing a period

A woman with 9 years of work experience was forced to take maternity leave from February 1, 2017. while caring for his son (he was not 1.5 years old). The employee wrote an application to replace the billing period for 2013-14. In 2013, the amount of her earnings amounted to 399 thousand rubles, in 2014 - 489 thousand rubles.

  1. Let's calculate the woman's earnings for 2 years:

399,000 + 489,000 = 888,000 rubles.

Limit size in 2013. was equal to 568 thousand rubles, in 2014 - 624 thousand rubles. Mother's earnings were below these amounts.

  1. The billing period is:

365 + 365 = 730 days.

  1. Calculate the benefit amount:

888,000: 730 * 140 \u003d 170,301.37 rubles.

An example of calculating maternity payments for income above the limit

A woman with 10 years of work experience wrote a statement and issued a sick leave, the decree begins on 01/20/2017. In 2015, she earned 725 thousand, and in 2016 - 709 thousand rubles.

  1. Let's calculate the total earnings for 2 years:

725,000 + 709,000 = 1,434,000 rubles. Income for 2015 exceeded the limit, the maximum amount of 670 thousand rubles is taken for calculation.

  1. Billing period:

365 + 366 = 731 days

  1. We calculate maternity payments:

670 000 + 709 000 = 1 379 000

1,379,000: 731 * 140 = 264,103.97 rubles

An example of calculating maternity benefits for multiple pregnancies

A woman with 7 years of work experience, pregnant with twins, presented a certificate of incapacity for work, opened on February 1, 2017. Earnings for 2015 amounted to 498 thousand rubles, for 2016 - 577 thousand rubles.

  1. Total payments to the mother:

498,000 + 577,000 = 1,075,000 rubles. The maximum size for 2 years is not exceeded.

  1. Billing period:

365 + 366 = 731 days.

  1. We calculate maternity payments:

1,075,000: 731 * 194 = 285,294.12 rubles

An example of calculating maternity payments with a work experience of less than 2 years

The woman got a job on 01/13/2016, her experience is 1 year. From 21.01.2017 she went on maternity leave. In 2015, the employee did not earn anything, and in 2016. her earnings amounted to 549 thousand rubles.

  1. We calculate incomes and compare them with the maximum size of the contribution base:

0 + 549,000 = 549,000 rubles.

  1. The billing period is 731 days, the fact that the woman did not work in 2015 does not matter.
  2. We calculate maternity payments:

549,000: 731 * 140 \u003d 105,143.64 rubles. Since the amount exceeds the minimum payment, that is how much the woman will be paid. In the case when the benefit is less than 34,521.20 rubles, the minimum amount is issued.

Legislative acts on the topic

Art. 255 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation Women's right to maternity leave
List of persons entitled to maternity leave
Federal Law No. 201-FZ dated June 29, 2015 Amendments to the terms of the decree on a fixed-term employment contract
On the inclusion of a period of sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth in the pension experience
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2006 No. 865 On the payment of maternity benefits to mothers-students in the amount of scholarships Universities

Typical mistakes during registration

Mistake #1. The woman found that she could have received more benefits if she had provided additional documents or took other years for the billing period. The employee did not ask at the place of work for recalculation of the payment.

Employees have the right to apply for a recalculation of the amount of maternity pay within 3 years.

Mistake #2. When calculating the amount of maternity allowance, a woman did not take into account the days when she was sick and was on sick leave.

Days of stay on treatment are considered an excluded period that is not taken into account when calculating maternity benefits. They must be deducted from the billing period.

Mistake #3. The employer decided to deduct the money that the financially responsible employee was supposed to return for damage to the property of the enterprise from her maternity allowance.

From the amount of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth, as well as from benefits for the care of children, the employer does not have the right to make deductions. Even in the case where the employee has caused damage to the property of the company, benefits must be accrued in full.

Mistake #4. Withholding personal income tax from maternity allowance.

Personal income tax is not withheld from benefits for pregnancy and childbirth, and from the amount of the child care allowance.

Answers to common questions

Question number 1. Who pays maternity allowance?

For the entire period of maternity leave, including holidays and weekends, the allowance is paid at the expense of the FSS. The taxation system chosen by the company in which the woman works does not play a role. Payments are actually made by the head of the company, and then the FSS reimburses him for expenses.

Question number 2. When will a woman receive maternity leave?

The allowance is calculated and accrued no later than 10 calendar days from the date of the woman's application for its provision. The basis for the appointment of payment is a sick leave. The amount is paid in full on the next day of issue wages.

Question number 3. How to calculate the amount of maternity allowance for a woman working part-time?

In the event that an employee works part-time, she receives the minimum payment calculated on the basis of the current minimum wage, but recalculated based on the time of work. In your case, the minimum wage must be divided by 2, since you work part-time. That is, maternity will be 7500/2 = 3750 rubles.

Question number 4. How is the duration of maternity leave and the amount of benefits calculated if twins are born unexpectedly?

If a woman was given sick leave for 140 days, and she had twins, the leave must be extended by 54 days. The allowance, accordingly, is also subject to recalculation.

Question number 5. Is maternity allowance required when adopting a child?

If a woman has adopted a child under the age of 3 months, benefits are issued starting from the date of adoption and ending on the 70th day from the date of birth of the baby. In the case when two or more children are adopted at once, the allowance is accrued from the date of adoption until the 110th day from the date of birth of the children.

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