The method of establishing psychological contact. Psychological foundations of communication

  • 10.10.2019

Psychological contact in the psychology of communication is no longer understood as any contact that people enter into when communicating, but a contact with a plus sign that optimizes communication. With regard to the activities of police officers, psychological contact is a situational state of the relationship between an employee and a citizen, characterized by the achievement of mutual understanding and the removal of barriers that prevent communication in order to obtain information or perform any actions that are significant for the successful solution of operational tasks.

To establish such a contact, an indispensable condition is to overcome psychological barriers, which make it difficult to achieve mutual understanding, cause alertness, mistrust and other negative psychological phenomena. The most famous among such barriers are semantic, intellectual, emotional, motivational, volitional and tactical.

The semantic barrier consists in turning off from consciousness everything that is connected in meaning with the danger zone, i.e. a person is turned off from communication if a zone that is dangerous for him is affected. Therefore, even in the old police manuals there was a recommendation not to name the act directly committed by the criminal at the beginning of communication, replacing it with a word that is neutral in meaning: he didn’t steal, but took, didn’t kill, but hit, etc. Here the principle applies that in the house of a hanged man they do not talk about the rope.

The unwillingness to have a frank conversation at the moment, a prejudiced attitude towards police officers, fear of revenge by criminals, unwillingness to bear responsibility for what they have done can act as a motivational barrier.

The intellectual barrier is caused by errors in the misperception of each other, the characteristics of the speech of communication partners, differences in the level of education, awareness in certain issues.

The emotional barrier can be caused both by the negative feelings experienced by communication partners for each other, and by their emotional states: depression, irritability, incontinence, aggressiveness, anger, as well as emotional insensitivity, which is often specially trained by criminals.

A volitional barrier occurs if the communication partner is forced to submit to his will or he is bound by a promise not to make contact with a third person, and also cannot overcome other behavioral attitudes.

The tactical barrier consists in the tactics of behavior aimed at resistance through counterarguments. This barrier is based on blanks - sophisms, response formulas that neutralize the result of exposure. For example: “Everyone steals, especially those who have power!”

Establishment psychological contact is aimed at achieving a certain level of mutual understanding, mutual acceptance by an employee and a citizen of each other as individuals capable of solving their problems without focusing on a conflict type of relationship. Based on the establishment of psychological contact, the ability of citizens to resist the solution of professional problems, psychological impact in the business sphere is weakened.

Psychological contact is always a certain positive state of interpersonal relationships. Often there is a need to deepen psychological contact and establish a trusting relationship with a specific person, which differs from psychological contact by trusting confidential information to an employee to solve operational tasks.

Practice has been developed and researchers have summarized special techniques and means that cause the person with whom the employee communicates, the desire to interact and reach agreement and trust. This is a special technology for establishing psychological contact, which you will learn today. Your attention is invited to the method of contact interaction (MKV) L. B. Filonov, successfully used to establish psychological contact by police officers.

MKV includes three principles and six stages of rapprochement when establishing psychological contact

The principles are as follows:

1. the principle of consistency. It consists in the need to consistently go through the stages of rapprochement, which means two things:

a) you can’t get ahead of the stage or skip it, otherwise a conflict is possible

b) it is impossible to stop (linger) for a long time at the stages, otherwise the contact will cease to develop.

2. the principle of orientation. It means that the transition to the next stage of rapprochement is carried out by focusing on the signs (indicators) of the completion of the previous stage (at different stages, these can be different signs: waiting, overcoming misunderstanding, alertness, relaxation and calming, reducing pauses in responses, reducing monosyllabic answers, readiness to keep up the conversation, to report something, to perceive the impact, etc.). The experience of distinguishing these indicators is acquired by training (up to 12 times), after which they are recognized intuitively.

3. the principle of calling the desire for rapprochement. It means the need to emphasize the challenge of such a desire in the person with whom we communicate. The initiator of contact arouses interest in his personality, inspires his necessity, importance.

The stages of rapprochement themselves are distinguished by the predominant method of influence. With a fully established psychological contact, the following six stages of rapprochement pass sequentially:

1. stage of accumulation of consent. At this stage, it is necessary to ensure that at the beginning of communication a person says the magic word “Yes” several times and never says the word “no”. At the same time, it does not matter what agreement is reached about, but only its quantity is important. It is necessary not to object and even agree with phrases like: “Maybe”, “Let’s”, etc. even in case of disagreement. The question for consent should be raised based on known, obvious things, from the weather to the fact of being called for interrogation: “Today is such and such weather!?” - "Yes". “You don’t like being called to the police? Will you speak the truth? Do you want to get out faster?” etc.

The need for this stage is determined by the removal of plans for resistance, when a person is determined to say a resolute “no”, but is forced to say “Yes”, this knocks him down, causes frustration. Indicators of the passage of this stage are signs of confusion and expectations in your interlocutor.

2. the stage of searching for common and neutral interests. At this stage, it is recommended to find out interests, hobbies, hobbies. Interest always attracts. Find out the interest of the interlocutor and, through the manifestation of interest in his interest, win him over. This task of the stage is due to the fact that interest and its search always cause positive emotions, and the emergence positive emotions performs the function of a semiconductor when the initiator of its search is perceived positively, because it is a source of positive emotions. In itself, communication of interests brings together, creates a group of interest: "We are such and such." Neutral interest always removes the difference in position and status.

The stage matures when the partner begins to talk about the most important interest for each of us - about himself, to name his qualities, explaining successes and failures, which entails the need to move on to the next stage.

3. the stage of acceptance of the principles and qualities offered for communication. Here begins an individual approach, the conversation focuses on the personality of the interlocutors, it turns out the direction, beliefs, attitudes, attitudes and properties. When a person has created his image, sometimes somewhat idealized, it becomes necessary to correct it, which is the task of the next stage.

4. the stage of identifying qualities and properties that are dangerous for communication. This is a kind of continuation of the previous stage, where it turns out what a person does not like in himself and prevents him from living in his opinion. Here they begin to clarify the circumstances of the case and the attitude towards them, interest in the personality of the interlocutor continues to be shown.

5. stage of individual influence. By this time, the interlocutor should see in the initiator of the contact a person who has the right to influence him due to the approach and the mutual interest shown.

6. stage of interaction and development general norms. This is the stage at which agreement and mutual understanding is reached at a certain level.

In the light of the psychological patterns of establishing psychological contact, it is wrong to follow literally the official procedure for bringing charges in criminal cases according to the Code of Criminal Procedure. If approached formally, then more often, if the indicated stages of rapprochement have not been passed, the question of whether the accused pleads guilty to the charge brought against him is followed by the answer: "No!" If steps were taken to establish mutually acceptable interpersonal relations before the official charge was filed, and the employee achieved the psychological right of individual influence, making certain demands on him on the basis of established rapprochement, then it is psychologically more difficult for the accused to take a negative position of opposition.

1. receiving, receiving and accumulating information about the interlocutor and predicting their actions;

2. reception of the primary accumulation of consent and the inclusion of the interlocutor in communication;

3. reception of establishing psychological contact, taking into account the motives of the interlocutor;

4. reception of establishing contact, taking into account the individual characteristics and states of the interlocutor;

5. acceptance of establishing contact, taking into account the conditions of communication;

6. acceptance of the disclosure of the tasks and objectives of the activities of the Department of Internal Affairs to establish contact;

7. confidence-building technique;

8. reception of increasing the importance of trusting relationships.

All of the above techniques and the existing specific rules for their use constitute the technique of establishing psychological contact. These techniques and rules require special study and indispensable application in order to form stable skills in using this technique. We have considered only the general patterns of the method of contact interaction in the activities of police officers.


1. The concept and psychological characteristics of contact in communication.

2. Psychological mechanisms for establishing contact.

3. Features of establishing psychological contact with different partners and in different situations activities.

The concept and psychological characteristics of contact in communication.

In modern scientific literature The term "psychological contact" is understood by different authors in different ways. At this stage in the development of science, the issue related to the definition of the concept of "psychological contact" is debatable. Various sources give the following definitions of this concept:

§ Psychological contact is the process of establishing and maintaining the mutual attraction of communicating persons. If people are imbued with interest or trust in each other, we can say that psychological contact has been established between them.

§ Psychological contact is a set of relationships and dependencies that arise in the process of communication between people.

§ Psychological contact is a relationship that is characterized by the desire and readiness of interlocutors to participate in communication with each other. To establish psychological contact means to arouse sympathy for oneself in the interlocutor, or at least not to arouse antipathy in him. Psychological contact is a prerequisite for the development of further relationships.

§ Psychological contact is a system of interaction between people in the process of their communication based on trust: an information process in which people can and want to perceive information coming from each other [N.I. Prorubov, 8].

§ Psychological contact is a purposeful, planned activity to create conditions that ensure the development of communication in the right direction and the achievement of its goals [A.V. Dulov, 8].

§ Psychological contact is an adaptation, these are internal and external tricks, with the help of which people apply to each other when communicating [KS Stanislavsky, 8].

Thus, the proposed definitions are characterized by terminological diversity and cause ambiguity in their understanding. For a more detailed study of the concept of psychological contact, consider the authors' ideas about structure of psychological contact.

E.A. Vorobyeva proposes to consider the structure of psychological contact in accordance with the socio-psychological model of communication proposed by G.M. Andreeva. According to this model, communication and, accordingly, psychological contact include perceptual, communicative and interactive components:

1. The perceptual aspect of psychological contact - involves the perception and understanding of each other by people in the process of psychological contact: in this aspect, features play an important role appearance and behavior of contacts.

2. The communicative side of psychological contact - includes the exchange of information between contacting individuals and is represented by verbal (verbal, speech) and non-verbal (non-verbal - gestures, facial expressions, etc.) means of communication.

3. The interactive side of psychological contact is considered as a process of interaction and mutual influence between contacting persons.

Thus, in accordance with the proposed model, the structure of psychological contact includes three interrelated components; psychological contact itself involves the simultaneous flow of processes of perception and understanding of each other by people, the exchange of information, interaction and mutual influence between them.

Optimal psychological contact suggests:

§ At the perceptual level - the emotional disposition of those in contact with each other;

§ At the communicative level - the consent of those in contact with each other;

§ At the interactive level - finding common and coinciding interests of contacts.

E.A. Vorobyeva, studying the psychological contact between the investigator and the interrogator during the interrogation, proposes to consider professional psychological contact as “the background of the interrogation, enabling the investigator to use a wide repertoire of tactics, and the basis for creating the background is an inviting atmosphere and favorable relations between those in contact . ... On the basis of the created background, the investigator has the opportunity to effectively provide a professional psychological impact (tactics) on the interrogated during the interrogation. In a broader context, it is supposed to consider professional-psychological contact as a background for the implementation business communication which makes it possible to achieve the optimal result of business negotiations.

J. Shchepansky considers psychological contact as an element dynamic structure of social ties on the basis of which social behavior of people is carried out. According to Shchepansky, social connection “can be represented as a consistent implementation of: a) spatial contact, b) mental contact (according to Shchepansky, this is mutual interest), c) social contact (here it is joint activity), d) interaction (which is determined by , as “systematic, constant implementation of actions aimed at causing an appropriate reaction from the partner ...”), finally, e) social attitude(mutually conjugated systems of actions)" . Thus, according to the point of view described, psychological contact arises on the basis of spatial contact and follows after it; in turn, preceding social contact, which implies direct communication and joint activities of those in contact. In other words, according to Shchepansky's concept, psychological contact is not identical with communication, but precedes it.

Consider the main characteristics of psychological contact:

1. Psychological contact always has a two-way character: its establishment and maintenance depends on both persons entering into this psychological contact. However, in this case, the initiative to make contact, as well as the control action, if any, as a rule, belong to only one of the contacts.

2. Psychological contact is a dynamic, developing process, the participants of which, perceiving each other, exchanging information and exerting psychological influence on each other, constantly adjust their behavior in accordance with the changing external and internal conditions of psychological contact. The process of coordinating the relationship of the contacts occurs gradually, step by step, sometimes imperceptibly.

3. Establishing psychological contact is necessary condition successful communication.

Thus, apparently, psychological contact is the internal psychological basis of people's communication and at the same time is the result of this communication. Psychological contact occurs before direct communication of people based on their perception of each other and is subject to changes in the process of communication. Optimal psychological contact, involving emotional location, communicative agreement and interactive finding common interests contacting is the most important factor communication efficiency.

Similar information.

Psychological contact in investigative practice is the creation of favorable conditions for the relationship of the investigator with the participants in the interrogation, characterized by the desire of the investigator to maintain communication in order to obtain truthful testimony about the circumstances relevant to the case.

Psychological contact is a professional (business, role-playing) communication between the investigator and the interrogated. As in any other type of professional communication, in the communication of an investigator, two typical situations can be distinguished in terms of the goals of establishing psychological contact. The first situation is a contact aimed at interactions between people (for example, in the course of communication, the investigator helps the witness, by analyzing the situation, to recall any circumstances that he previously perceived). The second situation - the contact is aimed at changing the people themselves (for example, using the methods of mental influence to change the value orientations of the offender, the motives aimed at giving false testimony).

The functions of establishing psychological contact with the interrogated follow from the purpose of such communication - obtaining truthful information with minimal time costs and the greatest effect from the interrogation process:

1. Information and communication function. By means of communication, verbal and non-verbal communication, the investigator and the interrogated exchange information known to them. Moreover, such an exchange is, as it were, one-sided, i.e., the investigator tries to obtain as much information as possible of interest to him, although he himself hides the information that is at his disposal.

2. Regulatory and communicative function. In the process of communication and reception - transmission of information, the regulation of the behavior of those who communicate is carried out. This function is manifested in the fact that, firstly, by cognizing another person, the cognizer himself is formed; secondly, the success of organizing coordinated actions with him depends on the degree of accuracy of "reading" a communication partner.

3. Emotional-communicative function. In the process of communication, emotional ties are established “like-dislike”, “pleasant-unpleasant”. Such emotional ties are associated not only with the personal perception of the communication partner, but also with the significance of the information transmitted by him. The transmitted information can cause various emotional reactions on the part of both the recipient and the one who transmits it.

Based on the model of business communication proposed by G. M. Anreeva, it seems possible to single out the stages of establishing psychological contact with the interrogated person: the perceptual stage, the communicative stage, the interactive stage.

Perceptual side establishing psychological contact with the offender includes a process of mutual evaluation. Mutual evaluation and the creation of a first impression based on it plays an important role in the communication process. The result of mutual evaluation is the decision to enter into communication with the investigator or refuse it.

There are situations when the investigator cannot destroy the distrust, indifference and suspicion of the interrogated, i.e. there is a psychological barrier.

Psychological science describes methods for neutralizing psychological barriers, some of which can be used by an investigator during interrogation:

1. The rule of accumulation of consents. This technique consists in the initial formulation of such questions, to which the suspect (accused) naturally answers “yes”. This takes into account such a “psychology” that is characteristic of all people: a) if a person initially answered “no”, then it is psychologically difficult for him to say “yes” later; b) if a person said “yes” several times in a row, then he has a weak, but real, fixed psychological attitude to continue the tendency of agreement and say “yes” again. The tactic of using this technique during interrogation is to start with simple, harmless, "neutral" questions that do not cause alarm and to which there is no other answer than "yes". Gradually, the questions become more complicated, approaching the essence of the problem under discussion; they begin to touch on “painful points”, but for a start, they are still not the main ones.

2. Demonstration of commonality of views, assessments, interests on certain issues. Psychological rapprochement with the interrogated person is facilitated by finding and emphasizing everything in common between him and the investigator, stretching personal ties between them, leading to their temporary rapprochement, isolation from the whole world (to the formation of the “we” dyad). The common can be found in unity, similarity, similarity, comparability: age, gender, place of residence, community, elements of biography (upbringing in a family without a father, absence of parents, tragic, unpleasant events, or, conversely, good luck, etc.), hobbies, ways of spending leisure time, attitudes towards sports, attitudes towards various events that have taken place in the country and the world, opinions about books read, films watched, etc., people's assessments, their valued qualities.

3. Psychological stroking is a recognition of the positive aspects in the behavior and personality of the suspect (accused) understood by the investigator, the correctness in his position and words, an expression of his understanding. People like to be praised, so positive points in their behavior, beliefs should be highlighted especially by the investigator. The use of this technique when eliminating psychological barriers calms the interrogated person, increases the feeling of confidence, forms the idea that the investigator is fair, friendly and not indiscriminately negative. The main calculation of the application of such a rule is the moral and psychological obligation of the interlocutor, inducing him to reciprocate recognition of the merits and correctness of the investigator, agreement with his statements, and expression of understanding. When this is done, the number of "points" of psychological convergence increases, the contact grows.

Communicative stage establishing psychological contact with the interrogated is the stage of mutual interest, including the transmitted information, the stage of accumulation of consents.

The third stage of establishing psychological contact is synthesis of rational inferences, emotional impressions, the imposition of past experience on one's own intentions towards a partner and the creation of a so-called "dynamic" image. It consists of single ideas about another person as the owner of social role and individual personality traits that make him suitable or not suitable for communication in given conditions. This stage is the interactive side of psychological contact. It consists in organizing interaction between the investigator and the interrogated, i.e., in the exchange of not only certain information, ideas, but also actions that allow establishing the truth in the case. This is the stage at which a common “we” arises between communication partners. This stage, although it is mandatory in communication, but, based on procedural features, is limited to the use of words like “we are together”, “you and me”, “the two of us”, “we are alone”, etc. You can’t skimp on the word “we”, emphasizing the closeness and trusting nature of communication.

On the basis of the foregoing, we see that a model of establishing psychological contact has emerged that does not contradict the foundations of social psychology and fully corresponds to the goals and objectives of interrogating offenders. The presented model is dynamic in nature, since it traces all the elements of the dynamics of development and the passage of psychological contact (from the first acquaintance to interaction in order to obtain truthful testimony). It can be seen from the presented model that the main condition for its effectiveness is the phasing and interdependence of the stages underlying this model.

Based on the model, the following methods can be used by the investigator to establish and maintain psychological contact with a suspect, accused, witness, victim during interrogation:

1. The method of creating initial favorable psychological conditions for solving communication problems. It is necessary to build communication in a calm, businesslike atmosphere. A conversation is preferable only in the presence of those persons who must participate in it in accordance with applicable law. Here it is necessary to remember about the justice and benevolence of the representative of authority. The investigator is not a private person, but an employee of the legal sphere; he is a representative of the state apparatus, a representative of the law, so he must be fair and considerate. This technique includes the rule of dialogicity. It is easier and better to understand an active speaker, to get the information necessary to resolve the issue, to see what position he will take, what line and tactics of the conversation he will begin to pursue. To do this, along with the proposal to speak out, the investigator should not first immediately touch on painful and difficult questions Otherwise, a person can withdraw into himself. Better to let him calm down a bit. You can first justify an invitation to a law enforcement agency, ask polite and meaningless questions: “How did you get there?”, “Are you straight from work?”, “Please tell us a little about yourself: where and with whom do you live, where do you work ? etc. These questions arouse interest in any person, one way or another, excite him.

An integral part of this technique is the manifestation of attention to the interlocutor and to what he says. With all his appearance - posture, facial expression, voice - the investigator must express his readiness to objectively understand and help the interrogated. It is unacceptable to do something else, be distracted by telephone conversations, to demonstrate haste and a desire to quickly part with the interrogated, to look at the clock all the time.

The next element of this technique is the rule of active listening and maintaining the speech activity of the interrogated. When speaking, a person not only communicates information, but always behaves in a certain way both in relation to the investigator and in relation to the topic of conversation. Therefore, it is necessary to listen not only to the words, but also to the person being interrogated, to strive to understand what he wants to say and what he does not want to say. The position of active listening is considered to be the most advantageous, which is realized by tilting the body towards the speaker, facial expression, visual contact, facial expressions, eyes of the “I am all attention” position; responding in all non-verbal ways to the content of the speaker - gestures, changing the position of the eyebrows, narrowing and widening the eyes, movement of the lips, jaws, position of the head, body: “I understand”, “What are you ?!”, “I can imagine what you felt!” etc., by stimulating such a presentation: “I don’t understand. Specify it”, “Tell me more” and others; summarizing with a proposal to confirm the correctness or make a clarification: “I understood you like this ... Right?”, “I draw the following conclusion from your words ...”.

This group of techniques also includes the rule of containment of emotions. In an atmosphere of emotions, logical reasoning and arguments lose their force and no issue can be resolved. The manifestation of feelings and emotions when the interrogated person tells about what happened to him, his anger, resentment should not be stopped. It is necessary to wait some time and let the person "discharge", freely "pour out the soul." In the joint consideration of the essence of the issue, clarifications, decision-making, emotions must be restrained, setting an example.

2. Acceptance of self-presentation of the personality of the investigator, a fair and benevolent attitude towards the interrogated person, refusal to demonstrate one's superiority. No one will voluntarily be sincere and confiding with a person who looks undeserving of it. The investigator needs to present himself in such a way that the interrogated person has no doubts about his high qualifications and professional knowledge. At the same time, the investigator should not show his dissatisfaction with the legal illiteracy of a person.

3. Reception of the study of personality, its psychological characteristics and mental states. The study of the psycho-physiological characteristics of the personality allows the investigator to conduct interrogation more flexibly, to make his own adjustments to the communication process without disturbing the mental and emotional mood of the interrogated.

4. Acceptance of the presumption of trust. It is impossible to initially show prejudice, distrust, antipathy towards the interrogated person, the desire, if only to finish the conversation and business as quickly as possible. It is necessary to suppress the initial desire not to believe absolutely anyone and nothing, the conviction that all people who have fallen into the orbit of criminal proceedings are unscrupulous. The opposite extreme is also wrong. It is also unacceptable to assume that all people are honest and conscientious.

5. Reception of subordination of communication to the solution of problems of legal education of offenders. The Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation does not provide for the need to provide educational influence on offenders, but many such instructions are contained in departmental documents and in functional duties. The upbringing energy is carried not only by the content of the statements of the investigator, but also by the way he says it, what position he takes, how he builds relationships, how he communicates. Legal education is not only a civic duty, but also one of the conditions for success in solving the task facing the investigator.

6. Acceptance of a demonstration of sincerity by a lawyer. This technique is important as showing that the investigator was the first to believe the interrogated person, respects his opinion and his difficulties. This technique is designed as an example of imitation, as a signal for the beginning of the manifestation of reciprocal sincerity and trust. Of course, it is necessary to remember about investigative and service secrets.

7. Search for points of agreement in the problem being solved. It is necessary to move on to clarifying the information of interest to the investigator without haste, when the law enforcement officer himself feels that there are no psychological barriers, and psychological closeness has really increased. Start by stating the facts of the case, beyond doubt. At the same time, achieve clear answers from the interlocutor - “Yes”, “I agree”, “I confirm”, “No objections”. Then move on to facts that have not been proven with full persuasiveness and require sincerity from the interrogated.

8. The method of joint search for a mutually acceptable solution to the problem has a dual purpose. Having embarked on the path of participation in resolving the problem facing the investigator, the interrogated person psychologically approaches him in terms of intentions and direction of thoughts, and mutual understanding increases.

9. Reception of actualization of motives of sincerity. The decisive moment in establishing psychological contact with the suspect (accused), which allows to overcome the internal struggle of motives and his hesitation "to speak - not to speak?", is the actualization of the motives of sincerity, leading to the decision to "speak". The task is to provide psychological help, update, increase the strength of sincerity motives. If the person being interrogated is afraid of publicity or revenge on the part of accomplices, infringement of pride, it is appropriate to rely on the motive of "following the principles of a decent life." Pay attention to the presence of a person's positive qualities, life principles, which he changes, not making the right and honest choice now. “The motive of loving one’s neighbor” is a strong motive for every person. It is important to show the connection of his duty towards them with the need to bring them a minimum of grief, additional problems, worries, difficulties, grief. The activation of the “motive of personal gain” is especially appropriate if the investigator has irrefutable information that the role of this particular person being interrogated in the commission of the crime is insignificant.

When choosing one or another technique (group of techniques) to establish psychological contact with the suspect (accused), witness, victim, you must first arouse interest in communication in the interrogated person, try to arouse interest in giving truthful testimony. Knowing the purpose of communication contributes to the activation mental processes. So, for example, if the interrogated person knows why he was called, understands that his testimony is of great importance for the case, he better remembers and reproduces the events. This route of influence is designed for positive moral qualities interrogated.

The process of establishing psychological contact is sometimes accompanied by an internal struggle of positive and negative motives. On the one hand, this is assistance to the investigation, obtaining some benefits, and on the other hand, this is the fear of reprisals from other participants in the crime, the fear of betrayal. The task of the investigator is to identify them and help the interrogated person overcome negative motives in himself. The interrogated person must himself understand and realize the need to give truthful testimony.

Good results in establishing psychological contact are achieved by causing an emotional state in the interrogated person, as a result of which lethargy is automatically removed, apathy and indifference to one's fate are overcome, a sense of duty and self-confidence appear. This type of reasoning is called psychological. It is allowed to excite an emotional state only by such methods that do not contradict the law, do not involve the commission of provocative actions, the possibility of lies and deceit, mental and physical coercion to testify, without causing a reaction dangerous to mental and physical health.

All of the above methods and rules are rather mild forms of establishing psychological contact, which in most cases lead to success in the interrogation of persons involved in the investigation process. But in difficult situations When the interrogated person continues to hide, lie, dodge, it is necessary to move on to more energetic measures to prevent and expose lies, mental influence.

In the process of verbal communication, an important role is played by the psychological side of the interaction of the two main participants - the speaker and the listener. The general psychological atmosphere, personality traits of the teacher, on the one hand, and the class, on the other, all determine the results of communication.

Communicative situation (communication situation). It is characterized by the presence of a certain structure. The main elements that form such a structure are the speaker, the listener (audience), the subject of speech, the language (means of communication), the text (encoded information), and the perception of information.

The essence of the scheme of the communicative situation is as follows. The subject of speech is perceived by the speaker as some kind of objectively existing reality. In the mind of the speaker, an idea of ​​the subject of speech is formed, which is expressed through language and finds material consolidation in the text (oral or written). The text is perceived and deciphered by the listener, in whose mind, in turn, an idea of ​​the subject of speech is formed, mediated, on the one hand, by its own experience, and on the other hand, the information contained in the speaker's speech.

Availability a large number elements of a communicative situation, the complex, indirect nature of their interaction leads to the fact that mutual understanding and communication between the speaker and the audience are not established by themselves, but require special skills.

Characteristics of the speaker. The speaker is subject to both intellectual (mind, erudition) and psychological requirements: extraversion, or openness (appeal to other people, that is, such a personality trait that makes it easy to establish contact with other people), poise, confidence, mobility of character , sense of humor and self-irony.

Along with these, special speech qualities also play an important role: speech skills (technical and linguistic), understanding of tasks and the specifics of speech. All these qualities at the moment of speech find expression in psychological attitude- the orientation of the speaker to communicate with the audience, to convince the listeners. The main components of the installation are: solid knowledge of the subject of speech, a clear statement of the purpose of the speech, the desire to communicate and arouse the interest of the audience.

From the point of view of the audience, the speaker is characterized by such a quality as credit, i.e., the degree of trust of the listeners. The higher the credit, the easier it is to establish contact, the more effective the persuasion.

There are the following ways to increase credit:

- the speaker expresses at the beginning of his speech judgments that are close to this audience, even if they have nothing to do with the subject of the upcoming message;

- at the beginning of the conversation, views are expressed that allegedly contradict the interests of the speaker;

- the source of information is not called at the beginning of the speech, but after the proof.

characteristics of the audience. The audience is a group of people united by a common activity - listening and speech perception. A group of people turns into an audience through a process of polarization that occurs as a result of the action of the attitude to receive information, as well as focusing on the speaker.

The effectiveness of the assimilation of the material is determined by the composition of the audience, its educational level, and the mood for contact. It has been established that perception is the most complete if the listeners take an active part in the perception of information (they ask questions, make an attempt to find solutions to the problems formulated by the speaker).

The quantitative composition of the audience has some influence on the assimilation of the material, since in large groups It is more difficult for listeners to achieve unity of attitude and personal contact with the speaker.

The placement of the audience is also important. For large audiences, it is advisable to arrange listeners in rows, which allows you to limit interpersonal contacts and thereby simplify polarization. Another way is a “round table”, when the listeners are seated around the perimeter of the room. Then everyone present is included in the general conversation. Such placement is especially effective for small groups and when the active participation of the audience in the perception of information, its discussion and the development of a single decision is required.

Interference that disrupts communication and their elimination. Disruption of communication may be due to the peculiarities of perception, understanding and memorization of information.

The main types of interference:

- the inertia of the listener's involvement in the circle of his problems;

- high speed of mental activity, which leaves a significant part of attention free in the perception of speech;

- instability of attention that occurs due to the relative short duration of concentration, after which its natural weakening occurs, and therefore the speaker must take into account that during a long speech there may be failures in the attention of the audience (for such cases, it should be possible to switch using a joke, talking to another topic, change of activity);

- antipathy to other people's thoughts, arising because the system of views of each person is in a certain balance, therefore, any information that violates this balance will be rejected. Rejection is the stronger, the farther the speaker is in his opinion from the audience, therefore, one should not oppose oneself to the listeners at the beginning, it is preferable to present some problematic situation that will cause an information imbalance. The message that follows, if directed at correcting such an imbalance, will be best received.

The theory of the lazy recipient has been formulated in the scientific literature, which explains the low level of assimilation of information by the unwillingness to perform mental work to verify the conclusions contained in the speech. The lazy recipient effect is due to low level student development.

Sometimes, however, it is also observed in an intellectual audience, if the speaker's credit is very high. In such cases, the listeners completely trust the speaker, refusing to critically evaluate the facts presented. So, for successful communication, it is necessary to influence the audience in a special way.

Exist the following ways organizations of listeners: contagion - transmission of psychological mood; imitation - repetition of a pattern of behavior; suggestion - uncritical, unsubstantiated perception of the material; persuasion is the logically justified introduction of information. The latter method is the most difficult, since it requires a skillful presentation of facts and active mental activity in their perception. At the same time, this is the most effective way if deep and lasting assimilation is required. Other modes may, if necessary, be combined with persuasion, but should not become predominant in the practice of the speaker.

Techniques for organizing and maintaining attention. To maintain and enhance the attention of listeners, it is recommended to use various methods of preliminary contact, compositional methods of constructing an utterance, dramatization (dialogization) of speech, pauses-discharges, intonational richness of speech, a variety of tonal patterns of a phrase, emotional richness of speech.

Contact preset. It is carried out by a series of operations sequentially performed by the speaker. Firstly, with the help of a preliminary pause before the start of the speech, polarization is performed, the attention of the listeners is focused on the speaker, personal contact is established between him and the audience. Secondly, during the pronunciation of the first phrases that contain greetings and other formulas speech etiquette, indicating the nature of the upcoming speech, the establishment and consolidation of the initial visual contact continues. An even, calm, friendly tone is extremely important.

The first phrases are not spoken too loudly to cover the noise of the audience, which should calm down and listen to the speaker. Because of this, one should not immediately touch on the essence of the issue under consideration. It is also not recommended to start the speech with self-deprecation, recognition of one's own incompetence, unpreparedness. This drastically undermines the speaker's credibility.

Compositional techniques for constructing statements. Such techniques help to keep the attention of listeners, provide the most effective understanding. Psychologists distinguish three ways of constructing a message: with a climactic order (the most important arguments are contained at the end of the speech); with an anti-climactic order (the speech begins immediately with the most compelling arguments); with a pyramidal order (most important information is in the middle of the performance).

The choice of how to build a particular message depends on the characteristics of the audience. If the listeners are not interested in the subject of the message, then it is more effective to apply the anti-climactic order. Conversely, when the audience is interested in the information, the climactic order of the message is applied so that the weakening of the argument does not disappoint the listeners.

It is also important to carry out a clear grouping of the material, point out the main stages, questions, points of the speech, and throughout it constantly note in which place, which item you are considering. This will help eliminate the negative aspects of the linear perception of oral speech. Written speech we perceive not only linearly. Any passage can be constantly correlated with the entire text and its individual parts.

The linear nature of the perception of oral speech, the inability to go back or run ahead, evaluate the compositional parts, paragraphs, etc., lead to difficulty in understanding. That is why it is important that the speaker always gives the listeners an idea of ​​his speech as a compositional whole.

When constructing a message, it is also necessary to resolve the issue of including the arguments of the opposite side in it. The use of materials of this kind is preferable in a speech to a prepared, highly intelligent audience that does not like ready-made conclusions. Including opposing arguments is also advantageous if listeners are known to disagree with the speaker and if the audience will be exposed to opposing information.

Studies have shown that the presentation of opposing points of view in groups with a low intellectual level turned out to be ineffective. The report should contain clearly formulated conclusions only if the listeners, after the evidence presented, are not able to do this on their own. An intelligent and well-prepared audience may perceive explicitly formulated conclusions as an attempt to impose an opinion on the part of the speaker.

The following compositional techniques are also used: announcing, delaying the presentation, and an unexpected break.

Dramatization (dialogization) of speech(transformation of monologic speech into dialogic). Dramatization can be external and internal. External is to organize a dialogue between the audience and the speaker in the form of questions and answers. However, it is often not always feasible.

Internal dramatization is such a construction of the speaker's monologue speech, which implies:

- a certain approach to the selection of material and speech composition at the stage of preparing a speech, which involves taking into account the characteristics of the audience;

- anticipation possible questions listeners by clarifying what is incomprehensible to them;

- using different formulas for including the audience in the dialogue: “As you probably know”, “You might ask”, “You were surprised to hear these words”, etc.

Pauses-discharges. The concentration of attention lasts a limited time, after which its natural weakening occurs and, as a result, the loss of polarization. There is a switch of attention, so the speaker must anticipate this moment and take a break in the presentation of the main content.

This pause should be filled with some examples that illustrate the main content and at the same time very expressive, exciting; whether a joke that is appropriate in this situation, or just an extraneous conversation that allows for a short time divert the attention of listeners (the latter technique is used with caution so as not to lose the main thread of the conversation).