How to catch a hornet in the country. How to get rid of hornets - we drive away uninvited neighbors

  • 15.06.2019

No wonder wasps and hornets are called ambiguous human neighbors. On the one hand, they do not cause significant harm, on the other hand, the Internet is full of questions about how to get rid of hornets under the roof. So what's wrong with the wasps? Disturb people's comfort? Scarier!

Harm from proximity to predatory insects

Buzzer bites can be dangerous. Hornets are able to instantly destroy entire colonies of agricultural insects and sometimes not only harmful ones.

The inhabitants of one nest daily bring home live prey up to 200-300 various insects: caterpillars, bugs, butterflies. By performing such sanitary cleaning, hornets help gardeners to fight for the crop in their garden. But sometimes they also fight with useful buzzing, for example, bees. So, having exterminated several hundred bees, these "predators" violate the natural balance of nature. Even more harm is done if the bees turned out to be friendly, from the bee houses that the owner has equipped on the site. Hornets may well ruin the hive, exposing the economy to even more damage.

Therefore, before getting rid of the hornet's nest under the roof, determine whether these creatures harm the apiary, or whether peaceful coexistence is possible.

Sometimes vespiary appears out of nowhere. Yesterday he was not there, but today there were buzzing neighbors.

Hornet or wasp

Many inhabitants find it difficult to distinguish between a female and a male of the Shershnev family. Although these heterosexual insects are similar to each other, they can be recognized by the length of the body. The wasp is smaller - 1-1.5 cm, the common hornet - up to 3 cm. Looking at the neutralized individuals in more detail, you can notice another difference in the form of a brownish spot characteristic of male hornets on the back and closer to the base of the belly. Representatives of the genus have no brown shades in color.

What danger is fraught with a wasp hive

Such a "neighborhood" may be unsafe for the health and life of an adult and a child. 1-2 insects that accidentally flew into the area are not as dangerous as a whole colony that has settled in a permanent place. It is they who act as provocateurs of possible troubles.

If dangerous insect attacks a person - stings. If there is no allergy to bites, you don’t have to worry. The site of the lesion from a wasp sting will hurt, the inflammatory process after a short time will pass. Hornet bites are more dangerous.

Unsafe Neighborhood: Possible Consequences

Still thinking how to get rid of hornets under the roof and is it worth it? After reading this information, determine exactly what danger is fraught with their living near the house or agricultural premises.

The first thing to remember: hornet bites in 75% of cases cause allergic reaction. It appears in the form inflammatory process at the site of the sting. In 15% of the victims, serious complications are noted:

  • severe intoxication of the body;
  • headaches;
  • rapid heart rate;
  • numerous hemorrhages.

Such symptoms are observed in people with hypersensitivity to insect skin lesions.

Still found in nature more dangerous species hornets, the bite of which can provoke swelling of the bronchi (if the insect stings in the neck, chest), suffocation; anaphylactic shock, due to which, with untimely medical care, a person can die suddenly. Most often, deaths are observed among the population group in which kidney failure or necrosis has developed against the background of a hornet bite. internal organs(observed in 2% of people).

Important! Official statistics confirm that the death rate from the bites of giant (mutating) hornets in Japan is growing every year. 40-50 people die each year from predatory insects, the same number end up in hospitals with serious complications. In China and Thailand, hornets are recognized as one of the most dangerous representatives of their kind.

After reviewing such statistics, it is worth considering how to get rid of hornets under the roof if you are a victim of such a “neighborhood”.

It is noted that females are less dangerous than male insects of this species. Skin lesions can lead to moderate intoxication, but when a person is allergic to toxic substances contained in enzymes that enter the skin during a bite.

Obviously, if one of the family members suffers from allergies, you will have to take care of how to get rid of the hornets under the roof. Notice! Be careful when doing this operation. See below for how to deal with the issue.

If you have a swarm under your roof and several insects have flown into your home, cover the “guest” that has arrived with a glass jar or glass. In no case do not drive the hornet with a broom, a newspaper. An angry insect stings furiously. You can also take a matchbox as a trap, and if you have a lot of courage, use leather gloves, wearing which, catch the insect and release it on the street. Even large individuals of hornets cannot pierce the material of construction or leather gloves with a sting. If none of the listed remedies is suitable, use a sheet of newspaper specially folded 2-3 times. After neutralizing the insect, you can release it into the wild. In addition to the rules for catching wasps indoors, a person in contact with such insects should know how to get rid of hornets under the roof of the house, where they often like to build nests.

How to remove a cocoon without harm to health

If such inhabitants often stay under the roof in the country house or in the apiary, then their nest is nearby. Having determined where the swarm is located, choose a technique for getting rid of the hornets. Under the roof of the house - a calm and cozy place for arranging the dwelling of insects. Boarded sheds, attics, tree branches, sheds are best suited for the life of the hornet family.

It is not difficult to drive away a swarm, the main thing is to know how. There are several ways to get rid of hornets under the roof in the country, if the hive hangs freely.

spitting on inside plastic bag special insecticide: "Dichlorvos", "Raptor", "Executioner", "Tetrix", "Aktara", put it on the hive. Hornets die from the same means that are used to poison cockroaches and bedbugs. If the nest is attached to a wall or ceiling, the edges of the bag are glued, wrapping the hive in a polyethylene cocoon. If the colony is located on a tree, the "trap" is simply tied at the base of the hive.

The nest is sprayed on all sides with a flammable mixture and set on fire. This method is cruel and upsets the balance ecological system. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it. It is better to try to solve the problem without going to extreme measures.

When resorting to this method, remember about fire safety and strictly observe it. It is forbidden to drive hornets out of the interior, apiary or tree in this way! If careless, a fire may occur.

Pests in the barn

How to get rid of hornets under the roof of a barn with minimal damage to the room? There are several effective ways.

  1. A bucket of boiling water or diluted kerosene is hung from the ceiling. Dip the nest into the container. After the insects have died, the cocoon can be safely removed and taken outside.
  2. You can get rid of the nest by clogging the honeycombs mounting foam. The hornets trapped inside the cocoon, having no access to light, food and oxygen, will soon die, and the hive can be removed from the ceiling and successfully disposed of.

If you can’t get rid of pests on your own, contact a special pest control service for help. Specialists work on call and professionally exterminate unfavorable neighbors in the form of buzzing wasps and hornets, which pose a threat to the health of children and adults.

Algorithm of actions during the removal of predatory insects from the house

You already know how to get rid of hornets under the roof in the country, but what if the insects have penetrated the premises and are already equipping housing?

For the interior space, a simple and harmless way is suitable. Take a bucket of water 2/3 full. Raise it to the required level and dip the nest. For reliability, the container can be pressed against the ceiling by placing it on a stepladder or supporting it from below with a wooden plank. All that remains is to wait until the insects die in the water.

Roy in the hollow

Half the trouble when the hornets are under the roof. IN hard to reach place getting rid of insects is much more difficult, for example, when they settled in a hollow tree right under the window.

To drive out buzzing intruders, use a strong insecticide. Suitable "Karbofos" or "Executioner". Having poured liquid into the hollow, it is closed, covering the exit with putty or pasting it with adhesive tape.

Wasps underground

To exterminate a swarm that has settled in an earthen hole, 3-5 liters of boiling water are poured into the crack, and the hole is covered with a stone.

Now you know how to get rid of hornets under the roof of a garage, house, shed. Remember that not only the insects you are trying to exterminate are dangerous, but also the pesticides used. It is necessary to work with poisons in a protective suit. It consists of a hat with a special veil, overalls or jacket and pants, boots and gloves. The mesh protects the face and head from insect attacks and provides barrier resistance to volatile particles of the sawn solution. When working with poisons and contact with unsafe insects, this is exactly what a person's protective suit should look like.

But readers are interested in another question about how to get rid of hornets under a roof in winter.

The onset of cold weather is the optimal time to deal with the dominance of stinging insects. Old nests suspended under the roof are removed. Cracks and holes are sealed. The room is tightly closed, and in the spring they are examined for the formation of new breeding centers for hornets.

Safety rules during the extermination of insects at home

Note that the destruction of hornets is carried out at night or when insects show reduced activity: they hide in a nest or fly out of it. But even in this case, follow the basic safety rules so as not to get harm to your health, especially if there are children in the house.

As mentioned earlier, when in contact with bees or wasps, wear special clothing in the form of a protective suit that ensures the complete absence of open areas body.

Speaking about safety, it should be noted that the preliminary treatment of the hive with smoke in order to neutralize the hornets and wasps that have settled in the nest does not always produce the effect that is expected. Angry and disturbed insects can behave aggressively by attacking a person or a child playing nearby.

Therefore, before proceeding with actions, determine how to get rid of hornets under the roof at home with the least damage to yourself, family and home. Plan a system of actions in advance and do not lose vigilance, carrying out the procedure for the extermination of harmful insects.

Wasps and hornets, being an integral part of the natural ecosystem, are vital for biocenoses, therefore, the inappropriate extermination of these buzzing creatures can lead to a violation of the natural balance.

Before doing anything, think twice about how it will affect nature, and start work only in case of emergency.

Insects, representatives of wasps, can be a threat to people when their adults begin to settle close to human dwellings. One of the aggressive species of such winged ones is precisely the hornets. They are become dangerous only under certain circumstances - when a person directly to them approaching. If nests are found very close to human settlements or on garden plot, then it is best to destroy them with professional preparations.

What are insects

Hornets are Hymenoptera very large insects from the category of public, so-called paper, wasps. These creatures are called paper because they build their nests from chewed tree bark which is mixed with their saliva. Their largest individuals have a body length of 55-60 mm along with the sting, which takes up 10% of the total length. Only scoli or road wasps can be considered a little larger than such winged ones. In total, 23 subspecies of hornets are classified, found in different parts of the entire planet. But most of all they love live in northern regions.

The appearance of insects is similar to their relatives, only much larger. The same yellow-striped body, but the head is red. The wings are long and thin, the waist is a combination of several segments, which makes it very narrow, almost invisible. The body is covered with barely noticeable hairs, but mainly attracts attention with its thin chitinous cover. Among the many species, it is this variety that is recognized by all experts. the most aggressive towards people and animals. By attacking an approaching creature, hornets thus protect not only their nests, queen cells but also themselves.

Danger from bites

In order to kill the hornets along with their nest, you need make a solution, which is then simply sprayed through a garden sprayer. The dosage should be in proportion 4 ml per 996 ml(almost 1 liter of water). The treatment should be carried out through a long-bar sprayer with atomizer.

Another drug with a universal effect is also Medilis, but only the Super group. Product features include the following:

  • Release as concentrate.
  • The active substance is fenthion (24%).
  • The blend of the product is made in the form:
  • ampoules(glass capsules) with a volume of 1.2 ml;
  • plastic bottles - 10-250 ml;
  • containers made of durable polymers - 0.5-20 liters.
  • The substance may be usable for 5 years from the date of release from the factory.
  • According to the safety class for human and animal health, the product is in the group low-hazard (grade 3).
  • Average cost per bottle 500 ml - 1500 rubles.
  • For processing, the same dosage is used in the preparation of the suspension as in the previous preparation of the Medilis-ZIPER solution.

Among the professional insecticides of foreign (European) production, Masterlak can be distinguished Spanish firm "Cimica de Munguia". Commodity characteristics are the following indicators:

  • Produced in the form liquids.
  • The main ingredients are - alpha-cypermethrin(0.03%) and chlorpyrifos (5%).
  • Bottles or canisters on the market are found with a volume of 1.5 or 25 cubic meters.
  • Security is average, corresponding III class.
  • After processing the nest and the insects themselves, the substance continues to act in an active state for about:
  • 2 months(for surfaces with poor absorption);
  • about a month and a half with an absorbent surface.
  • Valid for five years from the date of production.
  • (0.17%), permethrin (0.17%) and hypernylbutocride (1.35%), as well as carbon monoxide (2.8%).
  • Slightly hazardous in terms of toxicity to human and animal health ( IV class).
  • Suitable for use throughout 3 years from the date of issue.
  • After processing, the effect of toxicity to insects will be even more keep 3-4 days which will completely destroy them.
  • The average price of a can - 300 rub. in free sale

The tool is convenient because it does not need to be individually prepared, as well as the length of its jet, reaching up to 5 meters. This is especially important when processing the nests of stinging insects, when it is undesirable to approach them.

For most professionals, the very familiar powdered drug "Karbofos" is considered one of the most effective. In addition, the drug is quite economical and beneficial. The characteristics should include the following parameters of the tool:

  • Form of production - powder.
  • The active substance is malathion (related to organophosphorus compounds).
  • Blend - bags weighing 60 gr.
  • The drug after treatment is active for another 3-4 weeks.
  • according to the hazard class, the drug is in the group medium hazardous(III class).
  • The average cost of the powder - 60-80 rub.

The destruction of hornets can be an urgent task for summer residents, whose "neighbors" have become insects. Hornets, like some other representatives of this family, can cause a lot of trouble to a person. Exactly possible consequences such cohabitation force him to wage a continuous struggle against both hornets and wasps of other species.

Insect hunters

For the sake of truth, it is worth saying that the outcome of the fight between the hornet and the spider is not always a foregone conclusion. The victims of wasps of this genus are often arachnids, who get their food on the ground. For example, a wolf spider most often has no chance of surviving a confrontation with a hornet and even a smaller wasp. To save some individuals from the poison and mandibles (jaws) of a striped hunter, sometimes only an excellent reaction helps. Nevertheless, the predators themselves can easily get "for lunch" to the cross or other spider, weaving a fairly strong web.

Are hornets dangerous to humans?

The reasons why the beekeeper has to exterminate the hornets are understandable. From their terror, bees can suffer very badly. But why are gardeners trying to get rid of the neighborhood with huge wasps, on whose plots there are no hives? Don't hornets kill pests?

Interesting! Bees have a special tactic of war with hornets. Since the bees cannot penetrate the hornet's shell with their stingers, they stick around the hornet with their bodies and begin to heat it up. Also, the hornet increases the level of carbon dioxide. As a result, he overheats and suffocates.

The fact is that these insects in the adult stage are not carnivorous. The arthropods they kill serve as food for the larvae. Adults themselves eat nectar and the sweet pulp of fruits and berries. They can ruin even a rich harvest. Vineyards are especially affected by the "gastronomic preferences" of hornets and wasps.

If a hornet and a person live nearby, then the risk of being stung by the latter increases by an order of magnitude. Pets can also suffer from insect bites. It cannot be said that stinging by a hornet or wasp is deadly. Severe consequences from the action of toxins occur only in people who are sensitive to them. However, painful inflammation after injecting poison under the skin with a stinger is guaranteed to every stung. Children are especially sensitive to the action of toxins.

However, the sensations after the "bite" of the common hornet (hornet wasp) differ in stronger pain from the feeling of pain that remains after the sting of a bee. And unlike her, a wasp can sting several times in one place. The predator does not leave a smooth weapon of attack in the victim's body.

It should be clarified that the hornet wasp does not differ from its relatives in excessive aggressiveness (it is this species that is common in temperate latitudes of both the European and Asian parts of the Russian Federation). A giant hornet can pose a threat to health (in Russia, it lives only in the south of Primorsky Krai). Fortunately, the chances of meeting with individuals of the huge Asian hornet for most of the inhabitants of the country are minimal.

Still, even ordinary hornets are able to "organize" collective defense if the life of any of the inhabitants of the colony is endangered not far from it. In this case, all insects will fly out of the nest to protect it. A massive attack by hornets can be dangerous to human life (especially a child) and pets.

The risk of encountering wasp aggressive behavior increases many times if their nest is located next to human habitation. A mass attack will begin immediately, as soon as one of the individuals, accidentally crushed or simply sensing danger, releases an alarm pheromone.

How to get rid of unwanted guests

So, what damage can wasps cause to an apiary, a garden, as well as to the inhabitants suburban area, of course, however, the fight against hornets should be carried out only if the neighborhood with them poses a real danger to the crop, bees, humans and animals. Of course, if insects built a nest in the attic, under a canopy, on a tree in the garden, in a barn or bathhouse, you will have to get rid of it.

Nest destruction

Unfortunately, there are no humane ways to deal with wasps, but a person, in order not to suffer in "combat operations", needs to be properly prepared for them. Before destroying the hornets, you must wear thick clothing, closed shoes, gloves, a scarf and a hat. The eyes are protected by tight-fitting goggles (even better, a gas mask or a beekeeper's net will protect the face from stings). In any case, you can not leave open even small plot body.

The best time to destroy a nest is between dusk and dawn. While there is no sun, the inhabitants of the colony do not show any activity. By the way, using a flashlight for illumination is not recommended. How to deal with hornets in this case? You need to take a lighting device with a red light filter with you. Insects do not react to its rays.

An effective remedy for wasps and hornets is an insecticide. They are sprayed with nests, which after 15-20 minutes are collected in a plastic bag. Then they are burned. Insects can be poisoned with Dichlorvos, Fufanon, Karbofos, etc. Sometimes the night processing of nests, including those built on tree branches, is carried out with boiling water.

It happens that wasps settle in a tree hollow. Their colony can be destroyed if you fill its bottom with insecticide and seal the hole with tape, putty or putty.

It is easier to deal with hornets in the spring. During this period, insects are inactive, and their colonies are not so developed. If wasps have previously settled on the site, then finding their nests is not difficult.

Hornet repellent

Hive fumigator

There is one remedy for hornets that does not kill them, but only scares them away. Every living being is afraid of fire. The smell of smoke signals to the wasps that they need to escape from the impending fire element. Some gardeners deceive the instinct developed by millions of generations of hornets by fumigating their nesting places with smoke. Sometimes frightened insects change their "registration". However, one should not vouch for a 100% fumigation result.

Trap device

A hornet trap will help rid the site of unwanted "neighbors". Similar structures can be placed in gardens or apiaries, even if there are no wasp nests there yet. Insect scouts will fall into the traps. They will no longer share information about the new “bread place” with relatives.

Sugar syrup, compotes or a solution of honey are sometimes used as bait, but bees often fall into such traps. In order to prevent their death, it is better to prepare the bait from fermented compote or jam. To attract hornets and wasps, you can use beer and mash. These insects readily flock to the smell of alcohol, and the bees “disdain” them.

We must not forget about the "love of children" wasps. If there is meat in the trap, insects that are constantly in search of food for the larvae will definitely fall into it. There is also an effective drug for the destruction of wasps - Otos. Saturated with fragrances and insecticides, it attracts predatory insects to the trap. Otos is not dangerous for bees: they are indifferent to the bait.

Trap with meat bait

How to remove hornets and wasps with a meat bait trap? The procedure is simple:

  1. To the bottom plastic bottle a film container or similar smooth cylinder is glued on.
  2. Soapy water is poured into the container so that it does not reach about 4 cm to the top of the container. If the water level in the bottle is higher, the hornet will be able to get out of it. Soap solution must be made from laundry soap so that the liquid has no smell. An insect is more likely to drown in soapy water because its surface tension is lower than that of pure water.
  3. Pieces of meat or fish are placed on the cylinder cover. Only fresh products should be used as bait: the wasp is not interested in rotten meat.

You need to drill several holes in the bottle. The smell of meat will spread around the area much faster. A wasp flying to it will grab a larger piece. Overloaded, it will not be able to take off and will definitely fall into the water.

Traps with sweet bait

A "sweet" trap against hornets is made from plastic bottles with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters:

  • a cone is cut from the container and the cork is screwed;
  • a little bait is poured into the bottle;
  • the inverted conical part is inserted into the cylinder.

The trap can be attached to the trunk with tape (in this case, the wind will not be able to turn over the light container) or hung from the branches with a wire.

Insects, attracted by the smell of the bait, climb into the funnel. They will no longer be able to fly out of the trap: taking off or crawling along its walls, the hornets will beat against the walls of the cone. To make the bait deadly for wasps, a little borax or boric acid is mixed into it.

For the manufacture of traps, it is better to use a transparent container. The insects inside them are disoriented, and the hornets outside are more likely to climb into the bottle if they see their relatives there.

A slightly different design can be made from plastic containers:

  • a cone is cut off from one of the bottles (0.33; 0.5; 1 or 1.5 l);
  • in the case of the other, an incision is made with a cross;
  • a cone without a lid is inserted into the incision with a narrow part.

Wasps will crawl into a kind of notch. Do not remove the lid from the neck of the trap. It is unscrewed only before filling the container with bait. The hornets that have fallen into the bottle will not be able to get out through the notch: they will try to get out of the container only through the top. A large capacity can be equipped with 2-3 tapholes. They, in addition to everything else, will help to spread the smell of the bait faster. Tapholes can be cut out of dark plastic.

Another type of trap is a bottle closed with a cork with holes in the body drilled with a drill with a cross section of no more than 8 mm. The hornet can climb into the container, but he will not be able to get out of it.

Traps are placed in close proximity to fruit crops.

IN Everyday life, especially city dwellers, seek effective remedy from wasps and hornets is much less common than, for example, trying to find a drug for cockroaches. As a rule, dacha lovers and especially beekeepers have to think about how to poison hornets (a few dozen hornets in just a couple of hours can completely destroy a multi-thousand bee colony).

Poison for wasps and hornets can also come in handy when especially "daring" insects decide to build their nest inside the utility rooms or in close proximity to them. In this case, such a close proximity of insects to humans can simply be hazardous to health, especially for young children.

Considering that the bites of hornets and wasps (even single ones) can sometimes lead to severe intoxication, and in rare cases even to death, it is advisable to destroy the nests of these insects as soon as possible, without waiting until they suddenly perceive a person as a threat and attack on him. At the same time, hornets and wasps can be killed both directly with insecticidal agents, and by combining them with the mechanical destruction of the nest.

Insecticides against stinging insects

Not every insecticide sold at your local hardware or garden store is capable of killing a hornet or wasp. When choosing, it is advisable to focus on modern insecticides, most of which have a wide spectrum of action.

Among the many universal means There are some that are quite suitable for practical use:

  • Karbofos is an inexpensive and fairly safe drug based on the organophosphate insecticide of the same name, which is often used to control cockroaches, Colorado potato beetles and bedbugs. Requires dilution in water, while it can be sold both in liquid form in canisters and in powder form in bags.
  • Insecticides based on chlorpyrifos with contact action. On the basis of this compound, for example, insect repellents Get, Agran, Xulat, Dobrokhim Micro, Dursban, Fosban, Tzipi Lux, Sinuzan, etc. are produced. All these drugs can also be used as anti-hornets agents in the concentrations indicated in the instructions.
  • The executioner is also a fairly effective insect repellent with a wide spectrum of action. The amount of the drug that will be required to prepare the poison for hornets and wasps will be limited in most cases to literally 2-3 bottles for a total amount of about 200-300 rubles.
  • Tetrix is ​​a professional Dutch-made pest control product. It is sold in our country in bulk and mainly only to professional insect extermination services. In small quantities, it can be problematic to acquire it.
  • Aerosol products such as Raid, Combat, Raptor, Dichlorvos Neo and the like are sold in many hardware stores, but their use involves direct contact with the nest. It will not work instantly to kill hornets or wasps with aerosols, so usually the agent is first released from the balloon into a plastic bag, which is then quickly put on the nest and tied.

Any poison in the fight against hornets or wasps should be used very carefully: remember that these insects are able to defend their nest very actively, attacking in a swarm.

If there is no nest on the site, then it is advisable to use special poisoned baits for hornets and wasps (more on this below).

If a nest is found, it is better to destroy it at night, when insects are inactive: you need to come to the nest at night with an already diluted preparation or aerosol can and a garbage bag of such a size that it can easily fit the entire home of insects.

First possible variant- when the nest hangs on a tree branch.

In this case, poison is poured or sprayed into the bag, after which it is put on a hornet or wasp nest from below. Then the neck of the bag is quickly tied at the place where the nest is attached to the branch, so that its inhabitants do not scatter.

The second option is the location of the nest on the ceiling of the outbuilding. In this case, the technology is almost the same, the main difference is that the garbage bag is not tied up, but is glued to the ceiling with adhesive tape.

The third option (the easiest) is if the nest is in a hollow tree or hole. In these cases, the insecticidal agent is quickly poured into these holes, after which the entrances to them are immediately sealed with synthetic winterizer, tow or rags, which are also slightly saturated with poison.

Regardless of whether you are going to kill hornets at night or during the day by special means, before this, you must wear gloves, a beekeeper's mask and long-sleeved clothing. If at least one hornet manages to fly out of the nest and sting during the procedure, the consequences can be quite severe - depending on the tendency to be allergic to insect bites.

Folk recipes for persecution of wasps and hornets

And wasps can also be used using numerous folk remedies. Over the entire history of human destruction of these insects, a lot of such recipes have accumulated, but most of them still turn out to be much less effective than modern insecticides.

Let's take a closer look at some especially popular folk remedies.

Firstly, it is fly agaric, which is considered by the people to be a fairly effective poison from hornets, but requiring special preparation. How to kill a hornet using this method? To do this, 100 grams of honey and a glass of water are taken for three fly agaric caps, the mushroom itself is cut into small pieces, mixed with the rest of the ingredients and boiled for 3-5 minutes.

After cooling, the product is poured into cans and placed where hornets are most common (in fact, it turns out a typical poisoned bait for hornets and wasps). It will not work to destroy all insects in this way, but some of them will still die.

Alternatively, fly agaric in this recipe can be replaced with boric acid.

“We always kill fly agaric hornets in the spring. An excellent tool, reliably poisons them and is also affordable. You need to apply it in the spring, when the hornets are just appearing. So you can even destroy the uterus sitting in the nest - the working hornets will bring her poison and feed her. But if you try to poison the hornets like this in August, then nothing will work - by this time there are already a lot of them. It is easier to find and burn the nest itself.”

Vladislav, Tashkent

Second folk remedy from wasps and hornets - this is red pepper, the bunches of which are hung directly near the nest. It is believed that the smell of pepper repels hornets and wasps, and because of it they can leave the already inhabited nest.

The third way is to use a piece of meat. It is placed near and allowed to hang for a day or two, so that the insects get used to flying on it for feeding. Then the meat is treated with chlorophos or DDT (now, of course, it is better to use any modern insecticide for this purpose, for example, Get preparations, Lambda Zone, Executioner, etc.)

Practice shows that the option with poisoned meat allows you to kill almost all working hornets in just a few days. It is only worth noting that it is advisable to place a bucket under the bait itself, into which poisoned insects will fall, and periodically remove them from there. Otherwise, birds living on the site may also be poisoned, which will actively eat poisoned insects from the ground.

It is important to understand that all these folk methods will give results at best within a few days (or even weeks), so if wasps or hornets need to be destroyed quickly, they, unfortunately, will not work.

Traps and rules for their use

Similar to poisoned baits, special ones can also be used. The simplest such trap is made from a plastic bottle, in which the upper half is cut off with a knife or scissors, the lid is unscrewed, the top is turned over and inserted neck down into the bottom.

Sugar syrup or honey with beer is poured into the lower half of the bottle, on which insects will actively flock. The hornets attracted by the bait crawl through the resulting funnel into the trap bottle, feed there, but they can no longer find an exit hole.

Imported specialized traps for wasps and hornets work on the same principle. With a strong desire or doubt about the effectiveness homemade device it is quite possible to apply them. There are also sticky traps on the market.

However, again, it is unlikely that all hornets can be caught quickly with such a trap.

Fast acting wasp and hornet killer

However, powerful and fast-acting remedies for hornets are still available. Oddly enough, one of the most effective methods of getting rid of wasps and hornets is accessible to all. plain water in a bucket.

Depending on the size of the nest, so much water is poured into the bucket so that when the hornet house is placed in it, the liquid comes to the very edge. The bucket is raised to the nest so that it is completely submerged in water. You should think in advance how to fix the container: for example, prepare suitable height wooden beam or a stepladder, with which it will be possible to support a bucket pressed to the ceiling from below.

Another option is to douse the nest of wasps or hornets with gasoline or kerosene and then set it on fire. The dwelling of these insects is made of a cardboard-like substance, so it burns very quickly, and the whole procedure takes very little time.

However, this method should be used with extreme caution and only if the nest is located outdoors. So you can kill the hornets, whose dwelling, for example, hangs on a lonely tree branch.

When carrying out the operation, care must be taken to ensure that the fire covers only the nest itself and does not spread to the tree or surrounding plants. IN ideal When choosing this method of disposal, you need to have a fire extinguisher on hand and, accordingly, be able to use it.

A nest in the ground can be destroyed, for example, by pouring a pot or a whole bucket of boiling water into the hole. It is not recommended to take a smaller container, because the hole may be deep, and boiling water is simply not enough. After the procedure, the exit to the surface should be covered with something so that accidentally surviving insects cannot get out.

You can also kill hornets and wasps with used engine oil: as a rule, they pour it over a nest hanging, again, on a tree. However, it should be understood that this method is extremely unfriendly.

And finally, it should be remembered that hornets and wasps - in spite of everything - are useful partners of man in the fight against agricultural pests. These predatory insects actively exterminate caterpillars, beetle larvae and aphids.

Before you thoughtlessly kill a hornet, watch him - perhaps he only flies over the garden or in the garden, and near the house itself on suburban area doesn't even show up. Stop for a moment and think - after all, this insect helps you in the fight for the harvest, is it worth it to fight?

When you are in close proximity to the hornets, you certainly need to take care of yourself. But they should not be destroyed for no reason either: recently, due to the aimless extermination of gardeners, hornets, alas, have already become quite rare insects.

Be conscious, save for future generations this interesting and important - at least for nature - insect.

Interesting video: detailed instructions for making wasp traps to protect the vineyard

Another example of a trap for wasps and hornets from improvised means

Fighting wasps with WD-40?

With the onset of warm sunny days in the garden at the dacha, annoying stinging insects begin to fly. Some of them like to make nests in suburban buildings. Especially people are afraid of hornets with their large size. In case of danger, they pose a threat to people, so many are concerned about the question: how to get rid of hornets, what methods of struggle are the most effective?

Hornets are a type of wasp, only larger. In search of food love settle near suburban areas. They equip their nests in country houses. Most often they build nests under the roof of a barn, at home. These insects are predators and by eating various insects, they benefit agriculture. Thus, the hornets also save the harvest of summer residents.

Hornets can harm those hosts who have bees. Insects smell honey at a distance of 3–4 km. Even the smallest swarm is able to ruin bee colonies when it goes in search of food, close bee hive. Beekeepers must respond to predators in time so that they cannot harm the farm.

These insects become aggressive in times of danger. It is impossible to allow hornets to breed entire colonies near housing. When there are too many insects, in an aggressive state, large wasps can threaten people's lives. They become especially dangerous if people are close to their nests, believing that something threatens their housing.