Celebration of the new year corporate. Scenario of the New Year's corporate party "New Year's mood

  • 20.10.2019

On the eve of the winter holidays and the celebration of the New Year 2019, large concerns and small companies organize corporate parties. Most often, the event is given into the hands of professionals, but if there is a “special” assignment from the boss or own wish, then it's easy to pick up some cool scenarios.

New Year's corporate party for the meeting in 2019 will be hosted by the presenter and Santa Claus. Separate parts and competitions can be replaced or new ones added.

Cool story with Santa Claus

The appearance of fairy-tale heroes at the New Year's corporate party does not happen immediately, but after colleagues congratulate each other, make a few toasts and be ready for the unfolding action.


How many wonderful holidays
Everyone has their turn.
But the best good holiday
Favorite since childhood - New Year!
Will roll on a snowy road,
Having turned the snowflakes round dance.
So mysterious and strict
The New Year is coming to the heart!

The leader takes a glass filled with champagne and approaching those present, starting with the boss, gives him the floor with general congratulations for colleagues, and after that the competitions begin.

To conduct it is necessary to identify 6 volunteers of both sexes. When the pairs are selected, then 6 chairs are set back to each other, on which the men sit. Any oriental dance is turned on and the girls dance in front of their partner. The main thing is that the beauties try their best. This is easy to achieve if the host encourages one or the other girl.

At the end of the melody, each man is given the opportunity to say which part of the partner's body during the dance was the most impressive for him. Sometimes men get embarrassed and call something neutral: hand, ear, knee or face.


“The essence of the competition is that the place indicated aloud must be bestowed with a passionate kiss.”

So that kissing the “neutral” knee and ear turns into a fun sight. After the competition, a break is made for the exchange of impressions and rest of the participants.


“And again they ate the smell, we sat down at the table.
May your faces be happy
Soon the solemn hour will come -
So that you all look at a good fairy tale!

  • Santa Claus comes out.

Santa Claus:

« Hello guys, how have you grown up this year. I have prepared a few riddles to warm up:

In the summer I walked in the park

And the pattern saw bright

I wanted to consider it

Suddenly the halves closed

And the drawing is gone. (Butterfly)

The blue sheet covers the whole world. (firmament)

When it's needed, it's thrown away
and became not needed - raise. (Anchor)

The more you take out of it, the bigger it becomes. (Pit)

A sieve is hanging, but not twisted with knitting needles. (Web)

Although I see that some have been shaving for a long time (referring to a young man), and some are still not (to a bearded man). Well, since you're already big, we can play like an adult. We will determine the most attractive man in your team.

Selected 5-7 willing or not, to participate in this action. A rope with a tangerine attached to the end is tied to the belt of each player. The height is chosen so that the fruit reaches the floor. Light cardboard or plastic boxes are placed in front of the participants. Without the use of hands, it is necessary to push the box to a predetermined finish point. Whoever wins gets a prize - a bottle of champagne.


“Well, now it’s time to enter the New Year 2019, and leave the old 2018 behind! When crossing an obstacle, make a wish in your mind, just don’t tell it to anyone so that it will come true.

The symbolic section is depicted with the help of a long Christmas tree garland tied to chairs far apart from each other. The height is selected sparing, taking into account the narrow dresses of the ladies present.

Final word.


"Corporate comes to an end,

I want to wish you health, happiness,

So that dreams come true

In today's coming year!

Let there be money, strength and patience,

Good luck in your future endeavors

Working mood all the time,

But sometimes keep your head in the clouds!”

Corporate script with humor

The meeting of the New Year 2019 for the adult team is notable for its special piquancy and humor. For small companies where it is not planned to hire outside hosts, the organization of a corporate party in the form of contests and games, collected in one scenario, is perfect. An organizer is selected from among colleagues who will assign tasks. To help himself, he chooses the Snow Maiden, who will help. It is not necessary to inform about the role in advance. It is much more interesting if the "elections" are also held in the form of a competition.


“I will need a fabulous beauty to help me, otherwise what kind of New Year 2019 without the Snow Maiden!”

  • Chef's Kiss Contest. 5-6 employees are selected. Each of the participants must kiss the leader, even if the leader is a woman. With a little acting and the addition of grimaces and antics, the action will look funny and provocatively. The most artistic employee becomes the Snow Maiden. The host designates her image with a crown or cap.

Now she becomes the co-host of the evening. And the next competition is held immediately.

  • The host and assistant are chosen by several men. They sit on chairs lined up in one row, crossing their legs. The trouser leg, located on top, rolls up to the knee. Opposite the chairs is the Snow Maiden, the task of colleagues is to melt the snowy beauty. For this purpose, they give as many compliments as they can. The task of the girl is to say, from whose pleasant words she “really” melted.


« In fact, we have a different winner (it depends on the situation, maybe everything coincided?). The Snow Maiden is a young and shy girl, how does she admit in such a decent society that she actually melted, not from compliments. And from the amount of vegetation on the legs of the most brutal man.

All participants are seated in their places, the winner is given a symbolic gift. After a break, the host takes the head of the company from the table and gives him a task.


"How long have you heard good words, from our beloved leader? Note that today he is ready!”

  • In teams, tactile contacts between colleagues are rarely accepted, and the boss is given a task, you need to hug your subordinates and give a compliment: you are smart, you are responsible, you are polite. If it’s bad with compliments, then you can prepare letters in advance on which these words will be written. And let the boss read them and distribute them at his own discretion.


“And among those who did not get the certificate, we will conduct an additional casting for the symbol of 2019.”

  • 2-3 participants are selected, who will run around the hall, depicting the animal of the coming year. You can get on all fours, playfully roam the hall in search of a mink, hastily gnaw on a crust of bread. But if colleagues still didn’t guess, make a characteristic mouse squeak. The winner is determined by audience voting, and he is given a hoop with mouse ears.


“Let the Chief Pig of the New Year 2019 make a toast to colleagues!”

After the next feast and dances, competitions are held by a whole block.


“It seems that today we will have to choose not only the symbol of the year, but also the best announcer for the news program on our television”

  • Participants, who are selected no more than 3, are invited to read any tongue twister from a sheet, it is desirable that it be a well-known pun, for example, “Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry” or “Karl stole corals from Clara, Clara stole the clarinet from Karl”. At the climax of the feast, even this phrase will be beyond the power of half of the adults. The winner of the competition is awarded a bottle of champagne instead of a microphone.


“It turns out that television needs not only an announcer, but also a prompter. Only the most plastic and graceful will be selected for this role. Let's test your talents

  • The task is pronounced in the ear of two participants. Using pantomime to portray your boss. Trying to imitate characteristic gestures, facial expressions, copying the gait. That participant coped with the task, the game of which the colleagues guessed.


“At the end of our evening, there is only one contest left to play, but it is the most fun, whoever agrees to perform it will receive a bottle of cognac or champagne as a gift.”

  • The participant is needed alone, when a person is found who wants to, they explain to him that he needs to offer “Private Services”. The host or the Snow Maiden dial any set of numbers on the phone, after the subscriber answers, the participant must offer the intimate services of Santa Claus (Snow Maiden) on New Year's Eve for a plate of Olivier. At the same time, try not to laugh, but at the end, apologize for the trouble and congratulate the person on the New Year 2019.

New Year - a new page, new dreams and new accomplishments - the magic of the New Year tree and miracles that happen only on this holiday. We all love it from early childhood and most often celebrate it with our families.

- There are so many wonderful holidays
Everyone gets their turn
Only the very best holiday
Of course, it's New Year's Eve.
He will have to rush to us for a long time
The sun, snow and wind will bring
Laughing with us,
This wonderful holiday is the New Year.

- So today we have gathered to celebrate this magical holiday with our family - friendly employees. No wonder they say that we spend most of our time at work, so we know everything about those with whom we work side by side - who had a baby in the family, whose daughter was teething, who played fun wedding children...

- And, you know, which of ours is now having a stormy romance?

- I guess, but we won’t talk about that, the New Year is a mysterious holiday, so let it remain a little secret of our lovers. I assure you, we will have enough jokes, games and fun without this. Let me congratulate the friendly, wonderful and cheerful team of our company on the New Year!

- Today there will be a lot of interesting toasts and sincere congratulations, but I would like to start with the words of our most important person, on whom everything depends. I give the floor for a celebratory toast to our dear (Name of the head).

- Thank you for the kind words of congratulations, and you, dear employees, do not forget that for such wonderful words you need to drink to the bottom and have a good bite to gain strength for New Year's entertainment.

Break for a meal.

- So, my dears, you are probably ready to start having fun. Therefore, I ask everyone ... to sing!
New Year's Song Contest.

- In order to create a real New Year's mood in our small friendly company, we will also sing appropriate songs. We pass the microphone around and sing 2-4 lines of a song about the New Year, Christmas trees, winter, snow, love in winter and everything else related to this wonderful winter holiday. Those who do not know such songs are eliminated from the competition. Gradually, there are more dropouts, and the winner is a real connoisseur of winter songs.

- Congratulations to the best singer of our team and give him the right to toast.

Break for a meal.

- So, we already had a musical screensaver, it's time to move on to the costume ball. Of course, you are all very smart today, but something is still missing in your costumes, some kind of wit, or something. (the presenter herself puts on bunny ears at this moment - something else can be) - like this, for example.

Competition "New Year's Masquerade"

All employees come out (or most of them) they pass each other a bag of clothes (there may be wigs, bunny ears, Santa Claus hats, Carnival masks and just clothes . Music sounds, on whom it stops, he takes out a piece of clothing from the bag (without looking) and puts it on himself. Then evaluated appearance participants, prizes are given to three people who look the most interesting or funny.

- And now I suggest that men play the role of Santa Clauses. I suggest - the role is very pleasant (three male participants come out, then three girls are invited) .

Competition-game "The most skillful Santa Claus"

- We cling clothespins to the clothes of our Snow Maiden girls, and the task of Santa Clauses, whose role is played by our valiant employees, is to help them get rid of unnecessary clothespins in order to go to the holiday as soon as possible. Well, to make it more interesting, we will blindfold our Santa Clauses. So, one, two, three, let's get started!
The winners receive prizes and the right to say a toast.

Break for a meal.

- It's time to drink a New Year's cocktail.

Competition "New Year's cocktail"

5 participants are invited. It is assumed that in the 1st of the five shots vodka, in the rest of the water. The task of the participants is to drink a drink through a straw so that no one guesses who is drinking what.
Then the audience tries to guess who had the vodka. The bottom line is that in all drains strong alcoholic drinks (vodka, cognac, whiskey) .

- New Year is a holiday when everyone has fun and dances. It's time for us to dance.
Competition "Unravel"
5 pairs are called. They all get their hands dirty. The music turns on, whoever unravels faster, he receives a prize.

Competition: "Dance with Christmas balls"

(Like dancing with balloons) several couples are called, each receives a fragile New Year's ball, you have to press it with your stomachs and dance. You must not drop the ball so that it does not break. I (balls must be taken plastic, unbreakable) .
Prizes for everyone who danced to the end with the ball.

Competition: "Dancing on snowflakes"

Several huge snowflakes are being prepared in advance (newspaper size) . Each pair of dancers receives one of these snowflakes. Everyone dances to the music, then a short pause, during which time you need to fold the snowflake and continue to dance. This continues until one pair remains on the smallest piece of snowflake.
A couple of winners are given the right to say a toast.

Break for a meal.

- They say that you have a lot of money, you must not be afraid to part with them. Let's see how rich you want to be.

Competition-game: "Get rich in the New Year"

One of the employees is chosen by the banker and goes around everyone with a piggy bank small size. There it is necessary to put as much money as they want and can. Then you need to name the estimated amount of money in the piggy bank. The banker writes down who called how much. Then the piggy bank is broken, the amount is calculated (several people - competent jury) . The one whose amount was closest to the real one becomes the winner and receives money from the piggy bank.

- When the New Year comes, we think what it will be like for us, what desires it will fulfill, what we can expect from it.

- You know, now it is more important what this year will be like for our company. And let's try to guess to find out about it.

New Year's comic fortune-telling.

Leading with a pouch (embroidered with stars) they go around the employees, they take turns pulling out objects from there, and the presenters explain their meaning.

Value of items:
A bottle of Coca-Cola - there will be many holidays with feasts.
Chocolate - the company is guaranteed a sweet life.
Chewing gum - the year will be long.
Lighter - there will be a lot of incendiary entertainment.
Tablet - you have to make presentations of your product many times.
Pen and diary - there will be many successful contracts.

- Based on this fortune-telling, I want to assume that this year will be happy for our company. I think you should definitely drink to it.

Break for a meal.

- Darling (leader's name) ! Don't you think that someone is missing at the celebration in honor of the New Year?

- Of course, I just wanted to invite you to call Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden! Let's all get together!

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka come out to the music.

Santa Claus :
- Snow and wind, blizzard, ice,
The New Year is coming to us.
I hurried to you today,
To congratulate you, friends.

To all of you - fulfilled hopes,
Happiness and success!
And a whole lot of health
Solar laughter!

Snow Maiden :
- I hurried to you for a holiday,
Almost too late
So many congratulations
Almost lost.

May good luck and success
You are accompanied
Lots of tenderness and love
I wish you.

You know, my dears, I wish you that the good Santa Claus will come to every home and fulfill everything that you ask him to do. Let all your questions be solved easily. Live in harmony with yourself, and happiness will surely come to you. Happy New Year!

Santa Claus :
- And now it's time to get up all in a round dance.
To the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, a cheerful round dance is organized around the Christmas tree. Then Santa Claus distributes gifts from the bag (options - personalized mugs, diaries, calendars, etc.) .

The holiday continues according to a free scenario.

Everyone knows how you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it, so at work, the arrival of the new year should be met cheerfully and kindly. For this, New Year's corporate parties are held, which are designed to cheer up after a difficult working year, rally employees and defuse the situation within the team. The new year 2019 will be the year of the Yellow Earth Pig, and the script will be dedicated to it New Year's corporate party for colleagues. If you don’t have your own ideas about organizing a holiday, then you can use our scenarios that we have prepared especially for you!

Scenario 1: Fairy tale with Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden

Although adult aunts and uncles probably work at your enterprise, they would certainly like to feel like children at the celebration of the New Year. So such a fun fairy tale with competitions will surely appeal to the whole team. The main characters will be Santa Claus and his granddaughter Snegurochka, but the host will also need help. The holiday begins with the words of the presenter, which are best arranged in a poetic style. Next, there should be a speech by Santa Claus:

- Good afternoon! Where did I stop? Tell me, good friends!

Remember that the speech of the characters should be built in a fairy-tale manner, drawn out and with a slight rustic accent. Do not forget about gestures and a loud voice. Next, the leader must tell the main character whose holiday they are on. Santa Claus must pretend to be in the wrong place:

“I should be in Beijing, and then in Rome, and then go to so many more places!” I have everything scheduled to the minute!

Let the hero leave, but promise to return. Remember that rhymes are your best friends when designing this script. Then the floor is given to the host, who proposes to raise a toast to all the events that have taken place throughout the year. This translates into a fun little game of having people at the table tell the most unusual, funny, or most memorable company stories from the past 365 days. The author of the best story, as voted by the audience, will be awarded a postcard, diploma or other honorary prize. Then the leader says:

- Not all languages ​​\u200b\u200bare kneading, it’s worth dancing! To everyone who is not afraid to show themselves in all their glory, I ask you to become the center of the hall!

This is where the next competition for the New Year's party should begin, in which participants need to dance in several of the most famous styles: tango, cancan, lezginka, Russian folk and something else. The winner should also be chosen with the help of the rest of the audience. As soon as the winner is awarded the award, Frost should fly into the hall:

“I’ve almost finished everything, but now I’ve lost my staff!” Can you see, youth?

Naturally, the audience will answer in the negative, and, having scolded the grandfather, the presenter must continue the holiday by offering the next toast to love. After the opportunity to make toasts is provided to guests of the corporate party. For the best, you need to give a present again.

- And where is the most beautiful girl this holiday - the Snow Maiden? Had Frost left her somewhere in the fields of Ethiopia? That's not the point! Come on, brave men, help us make a beauty!

This is a call to start the next contest. Men must line up in two teams. Each is given the same set of tape, balloons, thread and markers, the rest to taste. It will be much more interesting if the competition will be held for a while. By the way, whether to inflate the balloons before the start of the competition or not is up to you.

- Thank you, good fellows! Now each of you will be able to boast that there were two Snow Maidens at his corporate party at once. Let's raise a toast to our men!

Time to move smoothly to the next competition. Participants who have not been particularly active before will have to stand in a circle and, to the music, pass to each other some thing from a box of clothes that will be collected in advance. The one on whom the music stops will have to put this thing on himself and remain in this form for the next half hour. In general, it is worth doing about 10 laps, but not too long, so as not to let everyone get bored. It is better to put a long skirt, a wide hat, funny glasses, strange clown noses and so on in the box.

The facilitator should thank the participants for their activity and, of course, propose a toast. Santa Claus enters next and says that he is glad that the last place on his list fell to the company of these people. All those present are given gifts for the toasts they make. It remains for everyone to spend together old year and make a wish.

This is just a frame from which you can make your own version of the script with jokes of your company or make it more lively, filled with contests. The order of the games can also be changed, as well as adding your own.

Scenario 2: Journey to New Year 2019 with host

The leader can be either a person or a character. For a funny effect, you should choose the symbol of the New Year - the Boar, for a corporate party this will be a great option. The celebration officially begins when all employees are seated in the banquet hall. After that, the Leader takes the floor:

- Here comes the most long-awaited holiday for everyone! Surely one of your friends will celebrate it not at home, but don’t think that you will stay this new Year's Eve in this room! Today you got amazing opportunity visit three countries at once, having studied how they celebrate the arrival of the new year in them. So, the first stop of our holiday train is Poland.

Here it is necessary to create the atmosphere of a moving train and a noisy station. Turn on the sounds of knocking wheels, people's conversations, but do not forget about the national melodies of the country you are "going to". The host again takes the floor and talks about the traditions of Poland:

- In our country, salutes and fireworks are launched to the sound of chimes, but the Poles like to burst balloons more. Let's try to announce this hall with loud claps!

In the center of the hall you need to invite couples of men and women, giving each one a ball. Balls will need to be placed between people. While the music is playing, the participants must dance so that the ball does not fall out. As soon as the music ends, the couples should hug so hard that the balloon between them bursts. The couple that can do it faster will have to make a toast. After that, the impromptu trip begins again.

“It seems to be hot, do you feel it? And all because we are on the hottest continent - in Africa! Today we ended up in Kenya, where some residents, according to tradition, congratulate each other ... with spitting! Thus, they wish well-being, health and good luck. Now let's try what it is.

Participants are called again, and pacifiers are distributed to them. The game is that the dummy needs to be spit out as far as possible. The winner also gets the right to say a toast. The "journey" begins again, and the next country should be the United States.

“Would you like to take a boat?” I think everyone agrees, but first we must not forget about an important tradition - a bottle broken on the side! We, of course, will not beat, but we will definitely drink to what we have gathered at this table today.

After a series of toasts, an American song from the pop genre should start playing, and the words are again given to the Host.

— Ah, America! Skyscrapers and Hollywood stars, all beautiful and snow-white smiles... Do you remember the standard of male beauty, handsome Arnold Schwarzenegger? Did you know that in America there is a competition for the title of the most strong man are held the day before new year holiday? Let's try it too.

Take five men for the competition and give them one newspaper unfolded to the end. Each player must, with one left hand, starting from the corner, crumple the entire sheet. Whoever does it the fastest is the winner. Everyone drinks again in honor of some toast. Train noises start again, but now along with folk Russian motifs.

- Well, it's time to return to your beloved Russia! By the way, the celebration of the New Year on the first of January came to us from Peter the Great. It was he who commanded in honor of this holiday to blow up barrels of resin and dress up spruce and fir in houses, and also drink, sing, dance and have fun! What? Let's follow the example of our ancestors!

Here begins the time for dancing and free program. You can call Grandfather Frost with the Snow Maiden to bring gifts, or just arrange an evening of memories of your life in the team.

Scenario 3: Cool pig

You can build your scenario on an interesting conflict: The outgoing year of the Dog will not be able to come to terms with the fact that the new 2019 Year of the Pig is coming. To do this, you will need a Leader and a Yellow Dog. The first words, as usual, are spoken by the host:

— Good evening, dear inhabitants of our planet “Yellow Dog”! As you know, the resources of our Motherland are almost over, so today we will go in search of a new planet. Scientists predict that the Yellow Pig will be the best for us, but first do not forget to eat and drink. And by the way, are there passengers here who do not use "fuel"? Raise your hands, don't be afraid! Everything's clear with you! Well, then, it is you who will now evaluate how well the others are doing well. Let's see who will empty their glass the most effectively!

Bring the “teetotalers” to the middle of the hall, and let the rest try to surprise them. Give incentive prizes for the victory.

“Finally, we’ve refueled, and we can go.” All passengers need to go to our special take-off area.

Guests should go to a place prepared in advance, where they can all fit. You need to stand one after another, putting your hands on the belt in front of the one standing. When the movement of the "train" begins, all its participants must raise right hand up with the words "Oink-Oink". Try to explain what it means in "pig" dialect.

It will be very interesting if interesting obstacles are placed in this zone beforehand:

Ropes stretched at different heights, through which everyone will have to step over;

A rope pulled from above so that everyone has to crouch or bend;

Circles or hoops in which you need to stand with only one foot.

You can also turn off the lights along the way, blindfold the person in front, make someone jump on one leg, or something completely different. Such a competition can be held several times a night, "traveling" to different places.

Citizens, everyone needs to return to their seats! We have an emergency refueling. However, we are already very far from all our acquaintances, so we will have to use the services of strangers. To do this, we need five volunteers who are willing to taste the drinks!

The game begins immediately, in which five participants have to try several alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. To do this, they need to be blindfolded and, if desired, hands. Guessing the drinks correctly wins a prize. As soon as the competition ends, the Dog runs into the hall.

  • Who is going to leave my planet? I didn't let anyone go!
  • Sorry, but it's late, we'll be at the Pig's soon.
  • Then I will bite you! I love biting people!
  • Be calm, this is not possible!
  • Then you yourself bite each other, and maybe I'll forgive you. See. What do I love the most?

Guests must guess the word "bone".

- Exactly! And I have a pretty large supply of bones. So I will call eight beautiful ladies and eight brave men.

Pre-prepared cardboard bones on clothespins should be worn on girls from different sides. The task of men will be to remove these bones from girls without hands. Whoever has the most of them wins.

Now I'm almost satisfied. However, I will miss you. So yell after me, okay?

There is a small competition between men and women who barks the loudest. After the Host announces the arrival on a new planet. Guests can take to the dance floor under the pretext that everyone needs to warm up after a trip. Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden may appear here, who will hold their own contests or simply distribute gifts.

Be sure to start thinking through the script in advance, even now in the summer you can make a good holiday, which will just need to be added closer to the desired date. Think over not only the words of the characters, but how the games you have chosen will suit the gathering company, because even the most funny contest for the new year 2019 may not be interesting for the team. The decoration of the hall and the atmosphere of the evening also play an important role, so do not forget to decorate everything with themed decorations and posters. We wish you to celebrate and celebrate the New Year in a circle of good people!

Welcome dear guests!

Just yesterday, they said on the radio that this year many companies cut the budget for the celebration of the New Year, and some even announced: if you want a New Year's corporate party, do it yourself and at your own expense.

Of course, it's good when the company itself organizes corporate holidays, it's even better when professionals are hired and they don't think about this topic anymore. But what to do, the crisis ...

That's what happened at my job, they didn't give me any money at all. We really, really wanted to celebrate the holiday with the team, sat down to think and decided to make a New Year's corporate party in the office on our own.

They began to consider how much it would cost us and I’ll say that many took their heads - it’s a little expensive, especially since before the New Year there are already big expenses on gifts for loved ones and New Year’s treats. The way out was found: to spend as little as possible on food, to make the holiday fun as much as possible due to the entertainment program.

I took over the whole organization, but with the condition that all the employees will help me, do everything that I say and not refuse.

All people are different, one likes it, the other does not, whims begin: I don’t eat it, I don’t drink it. And it’s even worse when it’s like this: I didn’t drink / eat it - I won’t pay. For many years of work, we have developed the rules for holding office corporate parties:

- Everyone buys alcohol for himself or they are combined into groups by type;
- If you don’t like the food on the table, don’t eat, but hand over the money;
- If everything and everything annoys you - do not go at all;
“If you don’t like how the organization of the holiday is going, just tell me, next time you will do everything yourself.

A plan for organizing a New Year's corporate party in the office is inexpensive and fun.

You need to set a date. I recommend doing corporate parties on Thursday, I will explain why. If you do it on Friday, then you can go for a walk so much that then you lie down all weekend, and before the New Year there are a lot of things to do at home. And if on Thursday, then everyone understands that tomorrow they have to work, then the bosses are more loyal to being late in the morning, or even they can even give a day off. And how good it is to discuss all the details of yesterday's corporate party, to laugh, to look at the pictures. Then, it is necessary to clean up the office after the holiday. Imagine what will happen by Monday.

Conduct a survey among employees and determine the number. You can send an e-mail that there will be a corporate party on such and such a date, please give an answer before such and such a deadline. If someone is not satisfied with the date, see the rules of paragraph 3.

Determine the venue for the New Year's corporate party in the office and decorate it. Ask employees to bring garlands, a Christmas tree, toys, masks, tinsel from home. Everyone has enough of this goodness, which seems to be unnecessary, but it's a pity to throw it away. Choose employees who are not very active, ask them to cut paper snowflakes or something else to decorate the office.

Think over food and snacks for the New Year's corporate table. Like it or not, this is a working day and by the evening everyone is hungry. Moreover, we plan to drink hard liquor. Ask employees to bring some canned food from home for free: pickles, tomatoes, sauerkraut, lecho, salads, mushrooms and more. If there is jam - great, you can dilute it with water and do without expensive juice. In extreme cases, you can buy syrup.

There are enough 3 types of salads, for example, you can make "Herring under a fur coat", from crab meat based on Chinese cabbage and traditional meat salad with sausage. As you can see, salads are inexpensive, but satisfying. Take a look, you might find something for yourself.

Fruits: apples, oranges at the rate of 1 pc per 3 people, 2-3 pcs of lemons, choose small tangerines, there will be more of them, at the rate of 2 pcs per person.

We ordered hot at the nearest canteen, they prepared a large piece of baked meat with boiled potatoes for us, something about 180 rubles. it cost (2013). Warmed up in the microwave.

I will say that there were no frills, but no one was left hungry either. They did well without caviar and expensive salads. At meetings with employees, no one ever remembers what was on the table that New Year, but the Snow Maiden will be remembered for a long time.

We bought disposable tablecloths and dishes for the tables, do not forget to include this in the shopping list, as well as large garbage bags, napkins.

It is necessary to think over the musical design of the New Year's corporate party. I spent a lot of time preparing musical accompaniment, all this is not difficult, but long. And I really wanted to make the holiday fun, music plays an important role in this matter. While the tables were moving, I turned on the assembly of New Year's songs, all this sets the team in the right mood, you see, someone sings, and someone even dances. In addition, if a lot of people are expected, as we had, then microphones are needed.

I prepared the entertainment program myself, enlisting the support of people about whom I knew that they would not refuse me. The first thing you need is to get the costumes of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. I was lucky, one employee's mother works in a kindergarten and they gave us a Santa Claus suit for one evening, this particular employee was Santa Claus. But you can also make yourself out of an old velor robe, sheathe it with tinsel, and there are a lot of inexpensive hats with a beard sold in stores, make a staff and put on felt boots. I made the Snow Maiden costume myself and I decided to dress the most active man in it, it also turned out that Santa Claus is shorter than the Snow Maiden, that’s still a joke. Until the very last moment, I did not tell him that he would be the Snow Maiden, he would immediately refuse, despite the promise to help me. The suddenness and the strong alcohol he drank worked, and yet I conceived the deceit - to dress him in nylon tights. The main costume was made from old tulle.

I asked one lady to prepare the role of a gypsy, she made a costume for herself, found some funny fortune-telling and predictions, it turned out very well.

For many years, at the New Year's corporate party, the whole team carried out such a lottery: we copy all the employees on the sheets and then each in turn draws out a sheet with the name of the person to whom he will give a gift. Who pulled out whom we keep a secret, we create intrigue, so to speak. We agree in advance that the value of the gift cannot be lower, for example, 150 rubles, and higher - please, as the master-master says. Before the start of the feast, we hold a type of ceremonial part, the director begins, congratulates everyone and gives a gift to the one he pulled out. Then this employee also congratulates everyone and gives a gift, and so on in turn. It turns out that everyone is with gifts, everyone is happy, everyone has good mood, but it cost 150 rubles. There was a curious case, one lady pulled out the same man for 3 years in a row, and we have a lot of employees ... well, how can you not mock this, it’s good that people are humorous. In general, all our employees were generally very cheerful, friendly with each other. It is a pleasure to do corporate events with such people and it is a pity that our company was closed.

I also announced to everyone that there would be a “hat competition”, so that everyone would come in hats, this is a prerequisite. Scream! Who in what! But it was fun beyond words.

So, at the appointed time, the table is set, everyone gathered and put on their hats, took their gifts, the solemn part begins with congratulations. After that, I chose three employees who had the coolest hats: the symbol of the year (our director), the rabbit from Alice in Wonderland and Mr. X. Each participant told why he put on such a hat and then voted with applause: whoever clapped harder, he won. And won, oddly enough, the rabbit.

It's time to refresh myself, I put everyone at the table, I give the official word to the bosses on the downstream, just 4 toasts. We drank, relaxed a little, I begin to prepare for the competitions. Below I will write a list of what you need to cook and buy.

I was sure that at least someone would come to the hat competition in a cowboy hat, and I was not mistaken. The first competition I'm holding is "Cowboys". See description. I managed to find only 2 boat pumps, but I also had two participants, if there were more people, I would do it in stages, i.e. 2 times 2, revealed the winners in each pair, then they compete again. I give a prize to the winner, lollipops to the losers.

After the competition, everyone sits down at the table, and I prepare the gypsy's exit. As soon as it is ready, I turn on the music from the film "The camp goes to the sky." It is necessary to warn the actress so that she does not leave immediately, but after 15 seconds. This is necessary so that the employees, having heard the music, understand that some kind of action is beginning, stop talking and get ready to watch.

Then the exit of the gypsy. My colleague prepared herself, and her performance was also a surprise for me. What if no one agrees to be a disguised guest? Prepare everything yourself, a suit, words on a piece of paper (in large print) and simply choose the most active employee during the corporate party. In a good cheerful mood, but with a drunk stack or two, few people will refuse.

The next competition I will hold a competition with stockings, see. Music can not be turned on, it is not heard because of Homeric laughter.

After I prepare the performance of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. As I wrote above, my assistant for the role of Santa Claus knew everything in advance, even learned the words by heart. I printed the text of the Snow Maiden in large print. The man I chose for the role of the Snow Maiden was pulled out of the table by deceit and sent to the dressing room. When he saw what kind of costume I had prepared for him, he, of course, immediately began to doubt, maybe I'm not in my right mind, offering him such a thing. I, reminding him of my promise to help me in everything, dispelled his doubts about my mental abilities with just one phrase: “In next year You will be the last to receive your salary! Cursing and swearing, he began to put on pantyhose, and I, laughing at my good joke, thrust a piece of paper with the text into him and went to get ready for the exit of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. It was necessary to gather everyone and put them at the table. By this time, the employees are already well tipsy.

There are a lot of scenarios on the Internet, you can choose for yourself what you want, but I did not count on a long action, the evening is short, there is not enough time, but I still wanted to dance. Therefore, I limited myself to short poems of heroes, and the appearance of the Snow Maiden made a splash, everyone rushed to take pictures with her and Santa Claus.

First, to warm up, I say that I will ask questions, and the employees should answer yes or no in unison.

“Santa Claus is a great man?
Will he drink half a bucket of Stolichnaya?
Is he carrying a bag from the warehouse?
Give us two salaries?
Likes jokes, anecdotes?
What about work Saturdays?
Santa Claus sings ditties?
Does Grandpa have girlfriends?

We call together Santa Claus.

Santa Claus enters, all upset, confused, sad, nervous.

"What should I do? That's the trouble, so the Snow Maiden let me down,
He writes a telegram that he won’t come to the holiday
You see, she has a date - a meeting with Lel in a restaurant
Don't care about grandpa! All in Spring, vigorous mother!
That, damn it, is also a flirt, she would always flutter in love
Not the hostess - grief - just! Dirt everywhere - but she doesn't care!
Well, what should I do now? What's the deal without the Snow Maiden
In the New Year let everyone down! Holiday, Lord, forgive!
What should I do? What do i do? On a mobile, why call?

I answer:

Well, you whined, old grandfather, are you tired? And no more strength?
We will find the Snow Maiden, we will call together in chorus.

We call together the Snow Maiden

Beensi's screensaver "crazy_in_love" sounds and here it is - the Snow Maiden.

"Hello my dear,
Mature and young
Noisy and naughty
Happy and beautiful.
Married and single
Bald and Redheads,
Modest, shameless,
Thick, thin,
simple and business
Good and bad
Rich and poor,
Drinkers and snackers
Well, to the best of the subjects.
Happy New Year!"

Then the dancing begins. I wanted to hold another dance competition before the dances, I even prepared a cut for him, but I couldn’t do it. To be honest, I myself was already tired by that time, I also wanted to relax and have fun with everyone. I spent it later on my husband's anniversary, you can see how.

I have prepared 55 musical hits for dancing, everyone dances to this music. If you want to receive them, then subscribe using the link below, you will receive access to the mail cloud at the specified address, where you can view and download. In the same place, the very first number is a cut for a dance competition held by me on my husband's anniversary.

At 22:00, I invite everyone to go outside to watch the fireworks that I bought from the general money.

No matter how it all goes, be sure to thank for the help, say how well done everyone is, how well they helped and all that.

My to-do list for a corporate party in the office.

Find boat pumps for the Cowboys competition, prepare scarves, see photos.

Prepare musical backgrounds

balloons for the competition;
the cheapest pantyhose, 3 pcs of the smallest size, 1 pc of the largest size;
Chupa Chups for the losing contestants;
Souvenirs for the Gypsy, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, as well as for the winners of the cap and cowboy competitions;

Another thing is important for corporate events in the office.

Check the availability of dishes, and also ask the women to bring boards, knives and some cloth napkins (rags) from home. Everyone will be busy and cook food faster.

I plan to write a lot of articles, I will tell you how we did theme parties with friends and colleagues, how we relax and what we do in nature, subscribe, you will be the first to know, if interested, of course.

Anya Rudenko
The scenario of the New Year's corporate party in the preschool educational institution for employees

Scenario New Year's Corporate Party« Corporate - casting»

Everyone sits down at the tables and the party begins.

Cheerful music sounds and two presenters come out.

Vedas 1: Good evening, dear colleagues! We welcome you to our wonderful New Year's hall, and we hope that our evening will be a real holiday for everyone and will be remembered by you all year long!

Vedas 2: Good evening, dear friends! And our evening is really good, look at each other, how many kind and bright smiles, how much joy in the eyes, high spirits and, of course, the anticipation of a miracle that will certainly happen. How else, because today new Year's Eve when you can forget problems and sorrows and plunge into New Year's fairy tale.

Vedas 1: We all waited a whole year

When to us New Year will come

Everyone is tired of work

We all want holidays.

Vedas 2: Already tortured reports,

The authorities need something from us,

I so want to wave my hand

And wave a glass of vodka!

Vedas 1: You colleagues do not bay

If you want a holiday

You will have a holiday now

Oh, tell me what time is it?

Vedas 2: The work day is almost over,

Six, you know, it's already o'clock,

We set the table "delicious" very,

It would be time to sit down.

Vedas 1: You came to us today,

We will have fun with you

I wish all my friends

Smile and drink!

Vedas 2: The most important first toast,

Our leader will say

He brought us gifts

The most important leader!

Vedas 1: The floor is given to the head of our kindergarten Murzikova Lyudmila Pavlovna, let's greet her all together.

Solemn music sounds and the manager comes out.

Vedas 2: TOAST

Fill the container with reagent

And let's drink to corporate!

For a powerful team!

For the office gang!

For free parking!

For great dexterity!

Let the internet fly!

Let's drink a glass too!

So that the stapler is not naughty!

To keep the printer alive

Scanner, air conditioner, computer

Added comfort to us!

So that the boss knows for sure

I always got up from that foot!

Let the fly that bites

Flies past the boss

Guests pour glasses and have a snack.

Cheerful music is playing at this time the door enters elegant woman- the director, who has just rested in the Maldives, and quickly goes to the presenter.

woman director: "Wait a minute, gentlemen! I beg your pardon, I was a little late, traffic jams ".

Presenter1: (looks at him in disbelief): “Who are you, exactly?”

woman director (loud whisper): “Oriental symbol was ordered for the New Year, congratulations to the team? Get it and sign it." He takes out a bill of lading from his pocket and hands it to the girl.

presenter (looking the stranger up and down): “Yeah, but we thought…”

woman director: “A real bird will fly in, with luxurious plumage, a scarlet crest, a magnificent tail, and will read a solemn speech to you, I beg your pardon, crow. Roosters, you know, are not parrots, they don't know how to talk. Well, just like children, honestly! Turning to present: “Let me introduce myself, I am the director of the most famous movie. I came to you here today in order to choose the main character of my most famous Russian bestseller ___ Please love and favor.

Presenter 1: “Well, we just got together, we didn’t raise our glasses even once, we didn’t have time to try salads. We have a long New Years corporate party the program is extensive.

woman director: “Beautiful, sweet, good, I have no time to drink, have a snack, I have a busy schedule, until mid-January - continuous New Years corporate party where to sit here. I sleep 4 hours a day and dream ... "

Presenter 1: "About what, if not a secret?"

woman director: “Find an assistant for yourself, a nimble or pretty, efficient assistant. Together we would have ripened everywhere, not a single one was missed from the list New Years corporate party. Idea! And let's arrange a casting, like in a movie or on television. I see there are many suitable candidates in the hall. Well, how? Do you agree? Don't be shy, it will be interesting."

Presenter 1: “Tempting offer. How are the tests going to be?

woman director: “And the casting will take place as follows. Since this past year was the year of cinema for us, then the auditions for the main role of the film will take place in our hall. And I will look at our applicants and choose the most wonderful actress.”

Vedas 1: Well, dear director, we will help you with this, we will arrange a screen test on our site. So we start.

Vedas 2: Acting art is first of all the art of action. A real actor can show a whole performance without any improvised means. Our participants now also have to try to do it. I invite our participants to audition for the main role.

Groups No. 1,11,12 come out to perform.

woman director A: Yes, it was great. I think that I did the right thing by coming here, and here I will definitely choose the main character of my movie.

Vedas 1: toast

Let's drink to brilliant success

For a friendly and close-knit team,

So that we do not get nuts,

For a grand influx of money!

Over the weekend, minimum sick leave,

For the prospects for the coming year,

Let be new everything will be unusual,

And with each miracle, let it happen!

Vedas 2: Well, while you drink and eat, let's open our New Year's lottery.

Vedas 1: Every real artist should be able to dance, and dance in different styles. He must quickly and skillfully respond to the sounding music and skillfully rebuild depending on the soundtrack. I invite the following participants to our screen tests.

Groups No. 2,3,4 come out to perform.

Vedas 2: It can be difficult to play emotions, especially when our participants need to do it for a screen test, everyone is worried, the voice is trembling, but a real actor needs to be able to do this too. I invite the following participants to our screen tests.

Groups No. 10,8,9 come out to perform.

Vedas 1: Dear, our director, our participants are tired, let's sit down and rest a bit, and you still think about who is better suited for not the main role of your film.

Vedas 2: Well, we continue our holiday despite our participation in screen tests, for the fight for the main role. As the famous said, but unfortunately

The untimely departed showman Roman Trachtenberg: "My life is boring until the first hundred grams appear in it!". And as Nikita Mikhalkov said in the famous film "Station for Two". "One hundred grams is not a stop-cock, pull it - you won't stop!". So let's keep pushing….

(who considers it necessary how much! Everyone has their own norm) so that no one and nothing could stop us on this festive evening.

Vedas 1: Well, while you are having a snack, I suggest you play a few more lottery tickets.

Lottery draw, 5 numbers in total.

Vedas 2: Well, I think everyone has sat too long in their places, it's time to get up and move a little. I also propose to show our skills to participate in screen tests. And now you will see a real performance with very talented actors in the lead roles. But for this I need your help. I need 9 assistants. Come here. So well done, great. Here you will be our actors. Now you yourself and everyone who is here will see what wonderful artists you are.

Roles are distributed (or just assigned and memorized or cards are given out): Characters: Snow Maiden, Stranger, Rooster, Crow, Helicopter, Forest (at least 3 people - Trees).

Presenter 1: The plot of our production is very simple. Our artists need to get into the image of their heroes and portray all their actions as best as possible. The best actor will receive a prize. So, artists, are you ready? Viewers, please applause. Artists, take a bow. Started!

Christmas story(action movie)

Noisy bamboo FOREST. Trees swayed from side to side and creaked ominously. It was dark and scary in the FOREST. Breaking the branches and crushing the grass, an important ROOSTER slowly came out of the FOREST. He was hungry and therefore crowed very strongly. Frightened, the CROW flew from TREE to TREE and croaked indignantly. The COCK looked around, angrily shook his tail and hid UNDER THE TREE. Suddenly, the sound of a flying HELICOPTER burst into the lunar silence. A STRANGER and a SNOW MAIDEN flew on it. The HELICOPTER's engine roared louder and louder, its propeller spinning wildly. Looking for a place to land, the HELICOPTER began to descend and landed in a clearing. Bamboo FOREST rustled around. A STRANGER and a SNOW MAIDEN came out of the HELICOPTER. THE STRANGER wiped his forehead, the SNOW MAIDEN clapped her hands and said "Hooray!". Suddenly the SNOW MAIDEN saw an important COCK under the TREE and screamed "Oh oh oh!". COCK looked at uninvited guests hungry eyes, licked his lips and crowed loudly. SNOW MAIDEN quickly and deftly climbed a nearby TREE. THE STRANGER was left alone with the COCK. Again, frightened, a CROW flew from TREE to TREE and croaked indignantly. The COCK slowly approached the STRANGER. Both prepared for the fight. Standing upright, the STRANGER lunged with his foot and shouted loudly "Kiya!". The COCK crowed even louder than before, continuing to approach the STRANGER. THE STRANGER winked at the frightened SNOW MAIDEN sitting on the TREE, quickly changed his stance and shouted again "Kiya!". But the COCK boldly walked forward. And then the STRANGER, without fear, rushed at the ROOSTER and laid him on the shoulder blades with a series of well-aimed blows. SNOW MAIDEN screamed "Hooray!". The CROW croaked in surprise and fell off the TREE. The COCK crowed again, but this time plaintively. THE STRANGER put the COCK in the cage. The COCK doomedly looked at the STRANGER and obediently sat down in the cage. SNOW MAIDEN once again screamed "Hooray!" and descended from the TREE. THE STRANGER took the SNOW MAIDEN by the hand, handed her the cage with the COCK, and they all went to celebrate the New Year. Following them, the bamboo FOREST rustled with delight, and the CROW croaked in surprise.

Vedas 2: Well, it's not a sin to drink for such a performance.

Raise a toast to the New Year

Let the toast be extremely simple,

For happiness, friendship, laughter,

In all matters, great success,

For sensitivity, tenderness, kindness

Family life warmth!

To the cheerful music of BABA-YAGI, BABA-YAGA herself flies into the hall and screaming:

Baba Yaga: Did you recognize Grandma Yozhka?

Why didn't they call me?

Well, tea is also a person,

Even though I'm already a century old.

And even though I'm old, I know

I'm such an entertainer.

I will dance for you now

Amazing dance.

you help a little

Clap and dance yourself.

Baba Yaga performs a dance.

Vedas 1: TOAST

Friends let's raise a glass

sparkling wine

For life to be love

And full of joy!

For the fact that the pocket was full

Not small banknotes

And to fulfill all the dreams

Coming New Year!

Vedas 2: Well, now let's get back to our New Year's lotteries and give away a few more tickets.

Lottery draw, 5 numbers in total.

Vedas 1: Well, now let's remember our oldest cinema, the films that we watch in holidays, films that brought up our parents, and we are with you, films that gave us a lot of joy, fun and life experience. Let's do a little quiz.

The main character of Leonid Gaidai's films? (Shurik)

Name the film director "Relatives", "Siberian barber", "Burnt by the Sun". (Nikita Mikhalkov).

Name a film about the legacy of a Russian grandmother. ( "The Incredible Adventures of Italians in Russia")

What are the nicknames of the Gaidai Trinity? (Coward, Dunce and Experienced).

What does Shurik collect in "Prisoner of the Caucasus?" (Toast)

Leave me, old woman, I'm sad!

Can you tell me how many degrees are below zero now?

Do not teach me how to live, better help financially!

- I have two children: boy i. also a boy.

Who bought a pack of tickets - he will receive a water pump.

Yesterday a friend from the village arrived, We spent the night in the house of a collective farmer ... I did not have time to change clothes (Most charming and attractive).

You are under arrest! Do you have a pistol? Then they are detained. (Peculiarities of the National Hunt).

Vedas 2: And let's all stand together in a round dance and sing our very christmas tree song.

Everyone sits at the tables.

Vedas 1: You know, dear director, and we have another very interesting person for you, she will bewitch you, and tell the whole truth, and at the same time she will participate in our competition. She will definitely win this place and this role. Well, are you ready to watch another performance.

The gypsy comes out and starts her show:

I was at the station

And all the drivers wondered.

And I wondered to all passers-by

But no award!

And that's why I came to you.

Will you gild my hand?

Okay, okay, don't rush

Check out my work first.

Give your hand, my dear,

I'll tell you the whole truth!

Waiting for a promotion at work for you,

But here everything depends only on you.

If you work well

So you deserve a promotion!

And I won't take your hand

I will guess by your eyes.

Now I'll look into your eyes

And I'll tell you the whole truth.

I see your eyes don't lie

Big adventures are waiting for you.

Many trials await you

But you can handle them with a bang!

But your aura is very simple,

After all, you are beautiful and gentle!

You will surely find your prince,

And you will live your life happily with him.

And you have such a line of fate,

That there is no end in sight.

So you will live long

And for such information, gild my pen!

And you have a figure though where!

And you should be the captain of the ship

But you're a secretary, and that's destiny.

Well, you know, not such a bad fate!

And I see you, the boss is here.

Let's see what you have.

And you have one feature.

I don't know if she's good or bad.

Do you like to manage people?

You can't take that away from you.

And if you manage well,

Then in life you will have everything!

So I told you, I have to go.

Just gild my pen first.

Who cares how much, let's

And forever let's say goodbye!

Vedas 2: TOAST

For luck and for the ladies

I offer five grams!

Happy New Year!

Lottery draw, 5 numbers in total.

Vedas 1: (the director cannot make a choice in any way and then the presenter offers him the last performance) you know, we have one very beautiful princess in our treasury, who is quite suitable for you to play the role of the main character. So we invite our princess to audition.

The princess enters the hall and sings a song. Fidaliya Fanisovna sings a song.

After the performance of the song, the director makes a choice in favor of the princess and congratulates everyone on the new year and leaves the hall together.

woman director: TOAST

I wish happiness

And love came to your house!

Well, there was a lot of money

Like snowflakes outside the window!

I propose to start intoxication

To set the mood!

Everyone sees off the director and his candidacy for the main role.

HOST 2:Friends! It seems to me that our holiday is clearly missing someone! Whom….?

That's right, of course, Santa Claus!

So let's call him in the old, ancient but most Reliable Way!

We call D. Moroz:


New Year's welcome guest

Well, of course (in chorus! - Santa Claus)

In the new year of gifts, who brought us-?

Santa Claus! (in chorus)

Who draws a pattern of roses on the window?

Santa Claus! (in chorus)

Chill hands, cold nose, where are you, where are you?

Santa Claus! (in chorus)




The screen saver sounds - Santa Claus's exit (Crunch of steps in the snow and screen saver "Thank God you've come!")

Santa Claus (Reads sadly)

Hello everyone and good evening!

How everyone was waiting for this meeting

I walked through dark forests

To get to meet you

I came from a good fairy tale

Let's start the games, dancing

Let's get together in a round dance

Let's celebrate the New Year together!


Hello grandfather, but what is the matter with you, you are not like that!

Why are you barely crawling? Do you carry a lot of gifts?


Yes, no, my bag is empty,

From melancholy I became sick!

The snow maiden changed me

To Santa Claus screwed!

She doesn't need me in a crisis

Oh, how sick my friends are!


Grandpa, listen, don't be sad!

There are many ladies here - look!

There are few beauties in the world,

especially in moonlight?

You will knock on your wonderful staff!

Now there will be a swarm of beauties!

Like butterflies to the light

they will fly to the road, grandfather!

Not! So it doesn't fit!

Friends! Something must be done!

We need to cheer up our Santa Claus somehow!

Vedas 2: Well, Grandfather Frost, do not be sad that your Snow Maiden ran away from you, we have a whole parade for you Snow Maidens.

Snow Maidens enter the hall and dance a dance.


Oh, how beautifully our Snow Maidens dance! Compliments from me

And applause from you!

And now, friends, we all sit down at the tables

We continue our holiday, please fill your glasses

And "Let's skip a hundred grams"!


And you, grandfather, also sit down at the tables

Scolding, for sugar dishes, for honey drinks!

Now we will make you happy!

Friends let's raise a glass

sparkling wine

For life to be love

And full of joy!

For the fact that the pocket was full

Not small banknotes

And to fulfill all the dreams

Coming New Year!

Vedas 1: Well, we'll have a little rest and play the following numbers of lottery tickets.

Lottery draw, 5 numbers in total.

Vedas 2: Let's play (the host has questions, and the guests are given answers. Then the host reads the question, and the guests answer with their chosen answers)

Drinking song.

Residual lottery draw.

Santa Claus: Dear guests, I have gifts for you, these are new year letters, but first I will make riddles for you, and whoever guesses, he will receive his letters.

Riddle options:

1. Folk drink of all time,

Passed through copper pipes

Often cooked on the stove

Well, you name him.


2. Burns the mouth and throat,

But at the same time they drink together,

Usually served in glasses

But they also drink from glasses.


3. Delicate fragrance, what a bouquet,

Beautiful color and astringency, sweetness,

It has been in barrels for many years,

Well, have you already guessed?


4. Sometimes ladies drink a drink,

Adding juice and ice

And in the composition like grass,

Hits in the head sometimes.


5. Quenches thirst, gives a belly,

Goes well with fish

Everyone understands perfectly

Malt will be included


7. They often drink it with cola,

They also pour it into barrels,

The most important for pirates,

It is sometimes rich.


8. Goes great with tonic,

The taste is sometimes unusual,

Drink with lemon and ice

No friends, I'm not talking about rum


9. Rich flavor and color,

And we don’t have him dearer,

It plays so easily in a glass

And the stars always shine


10. Bubbles and gaziki,

They play in a glass

We are like aristocrats

Well, who's to guess


Distribution of Santa Claus Mail.

Drinking song.

Santa Claus:

It's time for us to part

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,

Happy Year of the Bird - Rooster!

Snow Maiden:

Finally, you need to drink

To consolidate the desire

For the Rooster to bring good luck

For us to live well!

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden leave.

Presenter 1:

Our holiday is coming to an end

We will say goodbye

But, literally a year later,

I promise to meet again!

Lead 2:

Don't be sad, don't be sad

Have a wonderful life

Celebrate the holiday for a long time

Let the year be bright!

Drinking songs and dances.