Why do red tulips dream. Why do yellow tulips dream

  • 17.10.2019

Since ancient times, the tulip has been considered a symbol of wealth, luxury, material well-being and love. Dreams refract reality, therefore they receive a different interpretation and interpretation. Turning to dream books, together we will try to answer the question of what tulips dream of. When interpreting dreams, it is important to take into account the nuances: flower size, color, quantity, who dreamed and under what circumstances.

Color condition

Living tulips in a dream - getting rid of the negative in the soul and body, marks the beginning of a new period of life.

Dried - bad luck in love, love remorse.

Fallen - a problem with making friendships.

Beautiful - an omen of a good event.

Seeing artificial tulips in a dream promises the onset of an unsuccessful streak in life.

Closed buds - meet your fate in a person who was not paid attention to.

Interpretation of sleep by bud color

Answering the question of why red tulips dream, dream books say that this is a favorable sign that predicts material well-being and profit. Burgundy - the rise of vitality and spiritual strength.

Yellow tulips dream as a sign of betrayal, deceit by a loved one. For married people, a dream in which the other half gives yellow tulips portends a family quarrel or divorce. Flowers are given by a friend or colleague, beware of betrayal, it is undesirable to trust the innermost.

Pink - love relationships, romantic encounters.

Black - sleep is considered unfavorable, predicting trouble, sadness, failure, loneliness and depression.

Purple - problems will come in the family. Blue - unrequited feelings.

Unfavorable acquaintance promises a dream with white flowers.

Multi-colored tulips dream as a prophecy of a useful and kind deed.

The meaning of vision by the number of flowers

Lonely flower - flowering, overcoming longing and loneliness.

A few buds in a bouquet - well-being in love.

A lot - expect an event that greatly influenced your feelings.

Location of plants in dreams

In the garden - you have to go through a shock situation

In a vase - the appearance of a fan who secretly desires a love relationship with you.

On the grave - the temporary, transient will leave the path of life. About what dreams, read more here.

In the garden - portend a favorable period, the acquisition of property, a meeting with a loved one.

B - a sign of a difficult period in life.

In the field, wild flowers of this species are considered messengers of sadness and sorrow.

Activities with tulips

Seeing - to changes in life and a change in financial situation. Inhale the fragrance of flowers - hypocrisy prevents you from building relationships with other people.

Planting bulbs in - to a family scandal, suspicions of treason, jealousy. Watering - fall in love with a stupid girl. Grow in the garden - a serious test. Blossom - a long-awaited wish will come true.

Pluck - a dream promises spiritual uplift and fulfillment of desires. Picking from the garden - promises a stormy romance. Cut off - a direct conversation is possible, which you will regret.

If you dream that you were presented with a bouquet of tulips, then in life you have many admirers. Giving yourself is a sign of imminent love.

Buying is an unsuccessful love relationship. Selling is a favorable period, good luck in your endeavors.

Gives tulips - soon wishes and dreams will come true.

Trample and throw away - means the desire to end the old relationship.

More versions of dreams

Seeing a bouquet of tulips is considered a harbinger of success in all endeavors.

A bouquet of multi-colored ones is a frivolous and frivolous attitude to life, a sign of change.

A bouquet of white tulips is a dream as a sign of loneliness. For married couples - disappointment in each other.

Bouquet of red - fate is preparing a gift, changes in love and finances.

Prepare for conflict in a public place. So dream books answer the question of why tulip bulbs dream.

Field of colorful flowers auspicious sleep, portending glory and prosperity.

Meaning depending on who dreamed of the plant

Seeing buds for a lonely girl is a quick marriage.

Flowers dreamed of by a girl in a relationship speak of spiritual purity.

Pregnant women warn of injury.

A married woman does not promise good changes.

For a lonely man, a dream about tulips predicts a meeting with a narcissistic and selfish woman, an acquaintance will develop into a romance and end with a wedding.

A man in a relationship speaks of excessive arrogance.

To a married man indicates the fidelity of his wife.

Let's turn to eminent dream books


To see multi-colored tulips - a variety of events and impressions will appear in life, replacing each other like a kaleidoscope.

Red for women - the onset of menstruation, for girls portends the groom.

Tear off - a warning against excessive talkativeness.

Fading - an indication of selfishness to the dreamer.


Red - promises mutual love and fidelity.

White - the onset of a period of sadness and sorrow.

The dew drops on the petals signify tears.

Yellow - separation for a woman, and a girl portends a boyfriend: a married or a widower.


When interpreting dreams about tulips, Freud took into account the position of the flower, and not the color of the bud.

Being in the house means the selfishness of the spouse. Accept it or leave.

Bouquet - there will be a reason to overestimate life values ​​and priorities. To receive a bouquet as a gift - to loneliness and unfulfilled dreams.

Dried buds are a symbol of illness or parting.

Planting - surprise the people around you by doing a noble deed or making a wise decision.

Family dream book

Red is a symbol of spirituality. A person thinks about the soul, thinks about plans for a long period.

White color - upset a loved one

Eastern dream book

Fading is a sign of loss, sadness and hard feelings.

Planting tulip bulbs - predicts the accomplishment of a noble and wise act.

Multi-colored - for a fun pastime.

Flowers in a vase - to betrayal.

Yellow - envious intrigues.

Black portends a special event.


Tulips in a dream warn a person about excessive complacency and arrogance.

Hold in your hands - unrequited love.

Tear - to achieve the location of a proud girl.

Gypsy dream book

They portend wealth.

Being among blooming tulips - to prosperity and glory.

Tulip is a plant with a peculiar character. One flower emerges from one bulb. He is a loner and selfish. Take this into account when interpreting dreams, in which an indication of individuality and creativity is probably hidden. In any case, rejoice in the good meaning of sleep and do not focus on the bad.

Dream interpretation tulips

Nature has presented us with many gifts and beauty, and flowers occupy a leading position in this area. How often do we make an involuntary association with the people around us, comparing with capricious, but no less beautiful roses or simple daisies. And what thoughts do tulips lead us to in a dream? One of the manifestations of the beginning of spring deserves leading forecasters and psychologists to give their interpretation of such an ambiguous combination. The dreamer, on the other hand, needs to clarify some of the details seen in the dream and trust his intuition.

What does the interpreter say?

The tulip itself speaks of your dreamy nature. He dreams of those who are mired in their world and live in illusions. But it is worth noting that soon all plans will begin to be implemented, you just have to make more efforts.

For more detailed interpretation what tulips dream of, some nuances should be remembered. Did you manage to see as if the picture from the outside or actively participate in it?

Be an observer

Most often, we have to be silent witnesses of those events that occur in our dreams. In order to correctly determine your future fate, you need to pay attention to the condition of the flowers, their number, as well as other characteristics.

If you dreamed of tulips

  1. Artificial bouquet. An unfavorable sign that dreams of melancholy and sadness. Unfortunately, a short-term black streak will come in life, but its duration will not be too long. Such a state will be caused more likely not by everyday problems, but by inner experiences, which after a while you will not be able to keep in yourself.
  2. closed buds. The dream interpretation claims that very soon he will be lucky enough to meet his fate. The chosen one, the potential partner is somewhere nearby, perhaps even in the circle of close friends. In this period of time, it is necessary to be open to the world and not to miss the possible chances that life sends us.
  3. A stunted plant. Why dream of crumbling petals? You should be seriously concerned about your own well-being. Perhaps, as a result of stress or strenuous physical labor, the body was depleted. He needs to replenish his energy and strength, which means that it will not be superfluous to give him a little rest.
  4. Seen in a glass or vase. This suggests that one of the fans is literally obsessed with you. This episode also promises that very soon your attractiveness and charm will increase in the eyes of other people, and there will be a noticeable increase in candidates for life partners.
  5. Big bouquet. An extremely auspicious symbol, portending happiness in personal relationships. Even greater harmony and mutual respect will reign in the family, and the beloved husband or wife will pleasantly delight with surprises and boundless love. For unmarried couples, a bouquet is a harbinger of a long and strong marriage.
  6. Grow in a meadow or field. Any open area in a dream is a symbol of good change. Carelessness, fun and little joys, for which there was not enough time before, will knock on your house.
  7. bulbs. Bulbs dream of major scandals and conflicts. There will likely be some disagreements with random strangers in a public place. You should also be wary of conflicts with superiors, which can even lead to dismissal.

Number of colors

A lot can be said about the amount of what we see. Was it a lonely and proud tulip, or did you happen to see many flowers?


How many tulips were

A single tulip is a very auspicious symbol. Usually he dreams of those who have health problems. But do not worry, because soon you will be healed, both from mental trauma and physical ailments.

It is also worth noting that this incident is a sign of the beginning of a new path. The dream interpretation claims that in life there will always be an element of novelty. It can be both a fateful meeting and a change of residence.


Why dream of a huge number of flowers that I happened to observe? This means that you will soon have to experience long experiences. There will be some situation that will greatly affect the senses. The dream book advises not to take the troubles that have befallen too close to heart.

plant color

Often we have to see plants, whether they are roses or tulips, in various colors. Remember this detail, which is important in the interpretation of dreams.


This suggests that you are obsessed with a man who has a proud disposition. However, you have turned the head of the representative of the stronger sex so much that he is ready to give up his principles and offer anything for the sake of your pleasure. It should be noted that the chosen one rotates in a close circle of your environment.


It is especially desirable to see this dream a young girl who is in search of her destiny. Pink coloring promises a quick date, which will be saturated with mystery, romance and incredible emotions. This evening will be Starting point before a long and lasting relationship.


Black coloring does not promise changes for the better. Unfortunately, you will have to spend some time in depressing loneliness. Due to the protracted period of feelings and sadness, there is a high probability of getting depression. It is necessary to maintain peace of mind, walk more on fresh air and provide free assistance. By turning your attention to others, your own sorrows will be forgotten.


What color were the tulips

Unfortunately, the white color in a dream, despite all its purity and purity, portends domestic problems and disagreements with the other half. You should gain wisdom, patience in order to resolve conflicts peacefully and maintain love relationships. It is also better to refuse upcoming dates and meetings that will only bring disappointment.

Purple, multi-colored

Purple is a dream for those who are mired in family problems. Relatives do not understand your position and disagreements arise on this basis.

But a bouquet with the most incredible colors shows a frivolous attitude to life. Due to variability, impulsiveness and easy temper, it is not possible to gain the full trust of others. This indicator makes it difficult to reach even greater heights in the business sphere. See blue flowers- experience unrequited love.

Participate in a dream

Continuing to analyze what tulips dream of, one should remember whether any actions were performed in relation to them. Active participation can complement online interpretation.

If a man received a bouquet of flowers as a gift, then his marriage will be fragile and fleeting.

Other interpretations

In order for the online interpretation of dreams to be as holistic and complete as possible, it is necessary to turn to other sources. Leading predictors and psychologists will help you understand what tulips dream of.

Miller's dream book

If they gave tulips

The psychologist claims that the tulip is a symbol of family life and love relationships. If in a dream you receive a gift in the form of flowers from a friend, then soon life path you will meet a person who will lay claim to your heart. However, despite all the initial ardor of feelings, this will not result in a lasting union.

If you happened to give gifts, then you have chosen a frivolous person as your life partner. He is greedy for female attention, is distinguished by excessive windiness and cowardice. Plant bulbs will lead to trouble at work.

Freud's dream book

Freud approached this issue from the point of view of psychoanalysis. He emphasized whether he had to actively participate in dreams or whether observation was the basis.


What do the flowers dug up in a field or flower bed say? This means that in your close circle there are false and hypocritical friends who are interested in minimal business success. They, having entered into your confidence, are looking for weak points where they can strike. But if tulips are present in the dreamer's house, then this shows his secrecy, distrust of the people around him. You should be a little more open to the outside world and learn to trust those who sincerely want the best.

A garden filled with these beautiful plants promises an exciting journey to distant places. The trip will bring a lot of new experience and unforgettable impressions.


If you happen to plant

Does the dreamer pick flowers with desperation and zeal? You should reconsider your life attitudes and prioritize. Perhaps you are doing something wrong that repels the people around you.

But on the contrary, planting sprouts is respected by a close circle of friends. The dreamer will perform an act that will make him look at him in a different light and gain authority in certain circles. A dream in which you zealously trample flowers in an open area calls you to think about your life behavior. Are you dominated by vanity and selfishness that ignore the needs of people close to you?

Dream Interpretation Hasse

The medium gave an ambiguous interpretation based on the details of our dreams. So, if you happened to be only an eyewitness, a silent witness to this incident, then this speaks of your frivolity. You are promiscuous in love affairs, and also have a poor idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat you would like to do in life. You should listen to yourself and prioritize.

Are you picking tulips or roses in the field? The outcome of such dreams suggests that soon all cherished desires will come true. What you have been working on for so long and making efforts will bear fruit. But watering - to bright love. The girl will not be distinguished by exemplary qualities of character, so the union will not last a long time.

Seasonal dream book

Of no small importance is the time of year in which we were visited by the night episode. This source will help give the correct online interpretation.


In this case, you can safely expect pleasant surprises and moments of joy. Unexpected gifts and confessions will not be too significant and serious, but at the same time they will give a feeling of joy and optimism.


Unfortunately, conversations with high-ranking officials cannot be avoided. Some authoritative person will try to influence you through unobtrusive persuasion or other, but already rude methods.

Some dreams are wonderful - you want to remember them, after them you wake up with a wonderful mood, but, in addition, you clearly feel - this dream promises something.

And, most likely, something kind, joyful and happy! To find out if our intuition is failing us, we use interpreters. And this is true - after all, dreams do not always reflect the visible and tangible essence of things. So it is with flowers.

A tulip in a dream is a special sign. One dream book may associate him with an arrogant and proud person, while another may indicate love joys and romantic experiences. All this is true!

But in order to interpret as accurately as possible what tulips dream of, these delicate flowers, one should recall the details of dreams. The color and type of tulip, where and under what conditions did you dream about it, and what did you do with it.

There are many examples of such "flower" dreams:

  • You saw this flower from the side in a dream.
  • You dream of artificial tulips.
  • I dreamed of tightly closed buds.
  • Withered tulips in dreams.
  • One flower in a vase or in a glass.
  • Bouquet in a dream.
  • They grow in the field, in the flower garden, just in the flower bed.
  • White tulips in dreams.
  • I dreamed of beautiful pink buds.
  • Red buds.
  • Yellow tulips in a dream.
  • Collect them in a dream.
  • You sniffed a tulip in your dreams.
  • They plucked a flower.
  • In a dream, make a bouquet of tulips.
  • They burned, trampled or threw them away in a dream.
  • Received these flowers from someone.
  • Gave tulips to someone.

These dreams are often pleasant, light and associated with something light. Still - the flowers themselves have always been a universal symbol of love, joy, flowering. Know this when interpreting what tulips dream of - you should not expect bad things from such "flower" dreams.

see tulip

This flower, so beloved by most beautiful ladies, is also an important symbol. However, its color, appearance, condition - all this changes the meaning of sleep dramatically, and the dream book offers a whole range of unique interpretations.

If you just saw a tulip or several tulips in a dream without touching them, this is a vivid symbol, unique and meaningful. What exactly it promises - find out without missing the details of the dream.

1. If you just saw one ordinary flower, then the dream book indicates that you will flourish, heal, both from diseases of the body, and from any longing and negativity. You seem to enter a new stage, get a new life - this is what awaits you soon.

2. Artificial buds - perhaps the only symbol that does not portend great joy. You have to grieve and cry a little. But do not be afraid of the future, there is nothing tragic in it.

And everyone has moments of sadness - even crying for no particular reason can be good for the psyche. Just do not get stuck in this negative state, and after it, smile at the new day!

3. If you dream of tightly closed buds, know for sure that your happiness is already very close. Get ready to meet him!

4. Such a dream, in which the plants wilted, their petals crumbled, is a sign to preserve health. The dream interpretation in this case seriously recommends not to take your health carelessly, take care of yourself more so as not to get sick.

5. One proud tulip, standing in a vase in a dream, or in a glass, is an interesting and piquant symbol. Someone secretly dreams about you, burns with irresistible desire and passion. You will soon find out who this fan is - and make your own choice of what to do.

6. A beautiful symbol is a bouquet in a dream, of any color and type. The dream interpretation assures that such a dream is a sign that you should expect great happiness in love! Trust him!

7. If you saw flowers growing on the field, in the garden or on the grass in your dream, various joys, pleasures, carefree fun and bright moments await you.

8. White tulips are a symbol of tenderness and light sadness. But this is rather a kind and bright dream, because sadness will be light, short-lived, and will not be the result of trouble - maybe you will miss your loved one, but he will also think about you, and this will brighten up sadness with shades of joy and romantic experiences.

9. If you saw red tulips in your dreams, know that you own the heart of some very proud and wayward man. He dreams of you, and all his arrogance next to you will disappear. Do you know who he is?

10. Delicate pink tulips in a dream promise you a quick date. Moreover, this will be an unusual event for you, romantic, pleasant and very memorable.

11. Yellow tulips in dreams hint at your dreams, which will soon begin to come true. They are associated with romantic feelings, and it only depends on your behavior whether they come true as you wish.

Pick a flower

Other dreams with tulips are those in which you not only saw them, admired them or noticed them indifferently, but also did something. They sniffed the aroma of buds, plucked tulips or received them as a gift - it is the nuances that will help to unravel the meaning of the dream.

1. Such a dream, where you picked tulips, portends you great bright joy and inspiration in reality. Very soon, maybe even today!

2. If you inhaled the delicate aroma of a tulip in a dream, this is a hint - you sometimes show excessive arrogance and pride. You probably have a sense of superiority, but isn't it too strong, doesn't it push people away from you? Think.

3. Picking a tulip flower in a dream means that in reality you have to show courage, take a step towards intimacy with someone you sympathize with. And it is right! You can wait forever, but you should show courage and take a step towards happiness! Don't be afraid of anything!

4. If you collected a bouquet from tulips in a dream, you will find a lot of joy and satisfaction from some very kind or useful deed, event or deed.

5. Burning tulips, trampling them, throwing them away and so on is a serious symbol. You are probably ready to decisively end your relationship, which has completely outlived its usefulness, and open a new stage.

6. To receive a tulip or a bouquet of tulips in dreams is a good sign for a woman. This means that in reality you have a lot of fans.

You are surrounded by masculine sympathies, and you are well spoken of - even if you are surprised and did not know it, you are. So be sure!

7. And if you yourself presented tulips to someone in a dream, you will fall in love. And this person will have pride and a difficult character. But love can melt any heart and make even the most stubborn man soft!

What does the tulip seen in dreams portend to you? Wait for the best, listen to the advice of the interpreter, and do not doubt that happiness is near!


Why do red tulips dream. Why do yellow tulips dream

The situation turns out to be interesting. You start discussing dreams with friends and you come across the fact that the meaning of some images, for example, snow, is known to everyone, but no one has a clue about others. Tell me, why do tulips dream? No, not just flowers. People can still answer such a question, namely quivering tulips? Do not know? Let's fill this gap.

Let's start from the end

Usually, when unraveling the images seen in night wanderings around the astral plane, it is recommended to remember everything to the subtleties. Then the picture is collected together and analyzed. When discussing what tulips dream of, we will first formulate the rules according to which astral information should be perceived. Then, as usual, we turn to examples, relying on authoritative authors. The fact is that the tulip is a special flower. He, as they say, has his own character. From this it is worth starting our analytical "dance". Look at the tulip. He is very gentle and short-lived. It is also important that the bulb gives birth to a single flower. From this circumstance, it has long been concluded that the tulip is an egoist. This must be taken into account when solving your dreams. They necessarily hidden information about individualism, at best. It is also advisable to remember your mood when you are trying to understand what tulips are dreaming of. Has anxiety or joy ruled your soul? Maybe you remember admiration for the landscape or dissatisfaction with the weather? Such little things can completely change the meaning of the interpretation. Now see for yourself.

Different perception of the image by people

There is one more subtlety. Men and women should approach the question "why do tulips dream" differently. This is a general rule. It is believed that this flower is a sign of arrogance and pride in relationships. He advises a man to humble his arrogant nature. Due to intemperance or elementary lack of culture, he can push away true happiness from himself. Although in some cases a flower in the dreams of a proud knight suggests that all his arrogance and pride will soon be shattered at the feet of an arrogant dummy. That is, he will fall in love with a beautiful shell, neglecting the values ​​​​of the soul. A quivering tulip encourages such a man to be more thoughtful about choosing an object of adoration. It is very bad if the flower withered. This is a sign of a broken heart. The reason for such an experience will be the handsome man's own egoism. Nothing to delay. Tulips are dreaming - to know, the time has come to look deeper into your soul, to reevaluate what has accumulated there, to throw out the unnecessary.

The meaning of the image for a woman

What do the sages and interpreters of the daughter of Eve suggest, who wants to understand what tulips dream of? Multi-colored bouquets or single flowers have their own nuances, but are united by a common idea. This quivering plant speaks, and sometimes even screams about the beauty's personal problems. Nearby there is or will soon appear a person who is unworthy of real self-giving, which characterizes sincere and devoted love. This, so to speak, "gift" will capture her attention thanks to a bright wrapper and sweet speeches. Only the aftertaste will remain from him very unpleasant. That's what tulips dream of. Yellow at the same time will tell you that disappointment can be smoothed out by some kind of material income. This sunny color speaks of wealth. Therefore, it is necessary to try to shift attention from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bpink dreams to the work area. Then the dreamer will avoid many tears and misfortunes. Now let's move on to a review of authoritative sources. They also have something to say about this.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Perhaps there is no such topic that the seer would not touch upon in conversations with people. Everything was open to her. She also knew the answer to the question: “Why do tulips dream?” Multicolored, she suggested, are seen by a person on the eve of a kaleidoscope of events. They will be very different, united by only one characteristic: each will leave its mark on the soul. That is, the field of flowers should be understood as a sign of a rapid change of circumstances and impressions. If Vanga was asked what the red tulip was dreaming of, she would definitely try to find out who exactly dreamed of it. For women, such an image promises the onset of menstruation, for girls - a boyfriend. But the man dissuades from military plans. The seer recommended the son of Adam not to fight after such a dream. Otherwise, he will surely suffer. The seer did not like visions in which a person plucked a tulip. In this case, she warned against excessive chatter. "You'll regret it later," she said. Vanga considered the withered flower a sign of the most terrible and impenetrable egoism of the one to whom he dreamed.

Miller's dream book

This author is not inferior to Vanga either in popularity or in the wisdom of his interpretations. At the same time, he saw flowers in a slightly different way. For example, when analyzing what a red tulip is dreaming of, this source speaks of good things. For people in close relationships, such a vision is judged by joy and fidelity. In this source, the brightness of a flower is recognized as a sign mutual love. But the white petals should puzzle the dreamer. They speak of an imminent period of sadness and loneliness. It is especially bad when you saw dew drops on a flower. You will definitely cry. And if such a tulip also grows in the wrong place, for example, among rubbish and rubbish, then there will be a reason for grief. The author analyzes in detail why yellow tulips dream. They promise a woman separation, a girl, on the contrary, a rich admirer. However, he will be married (or widower).

Freud's dream book

The analogies used in this source of interpretations are interesting. For example, it does not understand why tulips are dreaming of red or a different color. The author believes that coloring does not really matter. The story, on the other hand, speaks volumes. If the flowers were in the house, you know that the egoism of your spouse (another family member) cannot be measured by any scale. It is deeper than the ocean, higher than Everest. You need to accept this or part with such a person. There is nothing to be offended by. A bouquet of tulips is dreaming - soon there will be a reason to reevaluate your life priorities. Don't give it up. This is higher power pushing you onto a different, happier path.

Family dream book

This source, no less beloved by readers, also paid attention to this topic. It makes sense to study the course of reasoning placed in it. Revealing what the red tulip is dreaming of, he speaks of the need to draw up or consider plans for a long period. That is, a scarlet flower should push a person to serious work. Another red tulip is a symbol of spirituality. You should not always focus on the "golden calf" in your life. Sometimes it is necessary to put aside the material and think about the soul. Otherwise, a person may find himself in such a situation that he will not need gold and diamonds. White tulips are dreaming - get ready for grief from a loved one.

Eastern dream book

This interpreter in his own way refers to tulips in a dream. He is interesting in that he considers plots that are not included in the lists of other authors. So, here there is information about what a wilted tulip is dreaming of. This is very bad sign. A period of great and bitter losses awaits a person. What they will touch is not told, but it is said that the soul will descend into the very abyss of black experiences. If you are given a bouquet of these flowers, then expect a dirty trick from a dear person. This sign is also not considered good. Planting tulip bulbs or sorting them out - to the nobility that you yourself will soon show. This image speaks of the dreamer's wisdom. A bunch of colorful tulips- to a cheerful, noisy company, an empty pastime. You will walk and have fun, missing something important in your life. If the bouquet is in a vase, get ready for betrayal. When the tulips are yellow, to know, the envious started an intrigue that they will definitely succeed. The dreamer will have a reason to cry. But grief does not drag on for a long time, if the flowers were beautiful and fresh. Black tulips speak of an extraordinary event without revealing its essence. That is, whether a miracle will enter the dreamer's life or an unexpected misfortune is unknown. But the event will be out of the ordinary. It is good when the sun shone brightly in this dream. Its rays usually smooth out all the bad things that tulips can mean in night visions.


Dream interpretation: tulip. Why is the red tulip dreaming?

All people dream. It has long been a tradition of their interpretation in order to decipher what fate is trying to tell us through the symbols in our dreams.

Among other things, there is one subject that every dream book pays attention to - flowers. Tulips occupy almost the main place in their row, along with roses, daisies and other bright flora.

Many people love tulips because of their beauty and the feeling of warmth and tenderness they evoke. If you saw these flowers in a dream, then you can look into the dream book. Why tulips dream, there are usually several explanations. But in almost any case, it is believed that this is a good sign, and your future is expected to be joyful and favorable.

In this case, a more specific value depends on the color of the bud, which will definitely be mentioned good dream book. The tulip can be red, yellow or a completely different color. Secondary details also play an important role.

red tulips

According to the traditional dream book, a red tulip dreams of material prosperity. This includes predominantly financial gains, but there are also correlations with high status and career advancement. In the near future, be prepared to meet success and financial growth. Perhaps this will be due to winnings, inheritance or an increase in salary, or even with new job. It may be that you will be returned the old debt, which you forgot to think about. In any case, as the dream book warns, a red tulip brings you well-being. Especially if there are many flowers.

Pink flowers

Further, as the traditional dream book informs, the pink tulip that you dreamed about predicts pleasant changes in your personal life. You are waiting for a romantic relationship, or at least a pleasant date. Be prepared to meet with the pressure of feelings and self-adoration from the adorer or adorer. And in general - expect love surprises.

shades of yellow

It was said above that tulips bring favorable news. However, as the dream book testifies, yellow tulips in dreams can also predict not very joyful changes. To be more precise, they speak of impending betrayal, betrayal, disappointment, or any other form of deception. It can also mean that any relationship is coming to an end - with a passion or, perhaps, with one of your friends. But at the same time, remember that tulips are still flowers, and if the news of the coming sadness is communicated to you through them, then be sure that some kind of joy is always at the heart of this. Perhaps it will be difficult or impossible to immediately recognize it, perhaps it will take a little longer to manifest itself, but in any case, a black period will be followed by a bright one, in which all negative events will turn in your favor.

black flowers

If you saw black tulips in a dream, then, remembering what was said above, have patience, courage and prepare to face difficulties face to face. It may very well be that loneliness, melancholy or even depression awaits you. Try to feel less sorry for yourself during this time - this will only make you weaker in the face of problems. At the same time, be honest with yourself and with others. It is also very important that you do not withhold help from those who need it. This will help you yourself by neutralizing the influence of your own problems on your life.

White and blue buds

Further, according to the dream book, a tulip white color also predicts problems, but of a purely cordial nature. Failures or unevenness in your relationship with your partner will affect you. If you are single, this may mean a hopeless start to a relationship that is not destined to end happily. But blue tulips clearly speak of an unrequited feeling.

At the same time, this kind of prediction, as it were, emphasizes that love difficulties now serve your greater happiness later. In other words, it is worth perceiving these events not as an oppressive curse, but as a difficult step upward - to the pinnacle of happiness.

Purple and colorful tulips

As for such exotic things as purple tulips, or tulips, whose buds are painted in several colors at once, there is an explanation for this. The first, that is, purple, report discord in the family. Perhaps the problems concern parents or, conversely, children. It is unlikely, but it is still possible that they will relate to relations with a spouse or spouse. Well, if so, then the conflict will most likely be due to the influence of relatives - mother-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, etc.

But multi-colored tulip buds indicate your carelessness and frivolity. Perhaps in this way you are warned that the business that you have in mind requires more serious study, preparation and reflection. In a word - be serious. Sometimes it is also evidence of your infantilism and a call to finally begin to relate to life a little more consciously and, so to speak, in an adult way.

If in your dream you see more than one flower or even a bouquet, but a whole field of tulips at once, then keep in mind that very serious changes await you that will affect your whole life and that you will experience for quite a long time.


Dream interpretation yellow tulips

Why do yellow Tulips dream in a dream from a dream book?

Relations with your loved one will deteriorate very soon if you saw yellow tulips in a dream. However, one should not arrange quarrels and scandals, do not pay attention to mutual irritation.

Soon everything will return to normal and you will forget about misunderstandings and scandals. Soon you will be able to live a peaceful life.


white tulips

Dream Interpretation White Tulips dreamed of why White tulips dream in a dream? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see White Tulips in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Tulips

Dream Interpretation - Tulips


Dream Interpretation - Tulips


Dream Interpretation - Linen

Seeing your underwear torn or dirty in a dream is a sign of shame, shame and need. Such a dream can also portend you losing your job or demotion, sometimes imprisonment or bankruptcy. To dream of your underwear or underwear loved one dirty, greasy, burnt - a very bad omen that portends you a streak of great failures, losses, collapse, complete ruin, which will end in separation from a loved one or divorce. Putting on clean underwear in a dream - to receive good news.

The dream predicts that lovers after such a dream can count on each other's sincerity and support, as well as on the fact that their desire to marry is mutual. The rest of the dream predicts good luck in business and the fulfillment of desires. See interpretation: clothing.

A dream in which you will see yourself dressed in underwear surrounded by strangers, means that many trials, shame and hardship await you. However, if people surrounded you in a dream so that no one would see you naked, then only people who are directly related to the scandalous case will know about your shame. If in a dream you see that you are getting into an elevator in your underwear in the presence of a large number of people and the elevator suddenly starts moving up, then, contrary to your expectation, you will have great success, which, however, will be accompanied by scandals around your name, gossip and big chores. See interpretation: elevator.

If in a dream you see yourself surrounded by strangers, in whose presence you have to undress to your underwear, and everyone sees that you are wearing your lover's underwear, then you will have a lot of worries and troubles due to your frivolous behavior, which will become known to a certain circle, which will cause criticism and disapproval in your address. A dream in which you see that your lover is wearing lingerie that does not belong to you means that he is unfaithful to you. Such a dream warns you that you have given your feelings to an unworthy and vile person. However, if you see your underwear on your lover, then you will have a lot of worries because of your lover, who will have many problems and troubles in the family. Black underwear in such a dream means sadness and tears. The dream also predicts to you that soon all the troubles will end and peace and harmony will reign in your relationship. See interpretation: color.

Washing your underwear in a dream is a sign of reconciliation after a long quarrel. Buying new underwear in a dream means that you will make every effort to equip your home or build relationships with a loved one. Tearing your underwear is a sign of undeserved humiliation, insults and shame. Seeing dried blood stains on your linen is a harbinger of physical ailment, surgery and stress that will affect your entire future life. See interpretation: blood.

In a dream, a woman wearing beautiful underwear in front of a mirror is a sign of deceived hopes, grief and resentment. Such a dream also portends you separation from your loved one and the collapse of plans. If in a dream you see that your lover is wearing such underwear that he has never worn before, then many disappointments await you. Such a dream portends you the loss of a loved one, pretense of love, mistrust and betrayal. Marks on your underwear - to receive an inheritance and marry a very responsible and hardworking person. Beautiful and expensive underwear in a dream warns you that your frivolous behavior can cause other people a lot of grief and damage your reputation. Folding clothes in a dream is a harbinger of success in love.

Dream Interpretation - White

White color in general means positive changes in life. White grapes are a symbol of innocence, purity, and white wine suggests entertainment, a wild life. White bread - wealth and profit. White shirt - to the good news, wearing it - to experience pleasant sensations. Have white teeth good health, hair - good luck. Seeing a white kitten is to avoid trouble, a cat is uncertainty, confusion, ruin. White rabbit - fidelity in love. White Swan- excellent prospects and pleasant experiences. White horse or horse - alternation of failures and successes with a predominance of the latter. White donkey - a prosperous life, full of prosperity and love.

To whitewash something - to participate in the celebration. To whiten yourself - to receive an unexpected gift. White to see or hold in your hands - to joy. Negative consequences can be caused by visions that are really fantastic, for example: a white bat as a sign of death or white ink on black paper, promising nothing but blues and illness. However, in any case, due diligence, presence of mind and the support of friends can help to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Dream Interpretation - Underwear

Be careful in your intimate relationships. Seeing lingerie - your distrust and jealousy will lead to a quarrel with your loved one. Seeing underwear hanging on a rope - your relationship with your loved one, put on display, will lead to separation from those who are dear to you. Wash underwear - your rash steps will make you feel ashamed that you want to hide from others. You are in underwear - to a disease of the genitourinary organs.

Imagine that you have covered your underwear with a blanket (see Blanket).

Dirty laundry - your career is in danger. Seeing dirty underwear - your rash behavior will lead to rumors and gossip. Wearing dirty linen - a dream warns of imminent danger of shame. You can get into an awkward situation because of your ambitions. Seeing another person in dirty linen - you have to learn about the unworthy deeds of the owner of dirty linen. To avoid publicity, the owner of the underwear will try in every possible way to denigrate you or drag you into a case that can compromise you. Buy dirty women's underwear - you will find yourself in the center of a scandal that will knock the ground out from under your feet.

Mentally prolong the dream and imagine how the owner of dirty laundry got under the shower and a large stream of water washes away all problems (see Shower).

Selling lingerie - you will cause quarrels and discord in the family of your relatives.

Try to refuse in the coming days from visiting your loved ones, no matter how they insist on your meeting.

Dream Interpretation - White Something

White monkey - portends the achievement of a higher position.

The white rat shows the way to the treasure - cooperation and support from someone.

White elephant - portends an appointment.

White dolphin - portends an appointment.

You cover yourself with a white veil - great luck and profit.

Red and white clouds - happiness.

Dressed in white clothes yourself - someone is plotting something against you.

A wagon drawn by white horses is riding - great happiness, good luck.

Riding a white horse is a disease.

A wagon drawn by white horses is riding - portends great happiness, good luck.

A commoner in white clothes comes to you as a messenger and calls you - portends death.

You see yourself dressed in white clothes - someone is plotting something against you.

Dream Interpretation - Linen

Linen - wash linen: clean - they don’t talk about you well; dirty and in dirty water - someone is judging. Wash clothes - to death. Buying linen is a disease; to do - cursing; hang to dry - profit. The underwear is torn - humiliation, trouble at work. Stand in underwear - learn about interesting news. Clean linen in the closet - well-being, dirty - family strife. Dirty linen is a lie, clean linen is a profit.

Dream Interpretation - Linen

Washing bed linen in a dream portends tears, changes in life for the worse, resentment and insults that can end in separation from a loved one. For the poor, a dream about bed linen promises well-being, especially if the linen is clean and ironed. See interpretation: bed, clothes.

To dream that others are washing their bedding is a bad omen, which means that you will be embroiled in some big scandal and your reputation will be seriously damaged. See interpretation: erase.

If in a dream you twist wet linen, then grief and trouble await you. A dream in which you hang freshly washed clothes on a rope means getting a big win or receiving an inheritance. If the linen suddenly turns out to be torn or stained, then you will find a trial, disputes with relatives and a family scandal. Putting ironed linen in a closet or chest is a sign of stinginess and pedantry. The dream also means that you will never give in to a friend or relative in any dispute. See interpretation: wardrobe, chest, furniture.

Seeing linen clean in the closet is well-being. If in a dream you buy bed linen, then you expect a lot of resentment, disappointment and trouble. Sometimes such a dream predicts that important changes will soon take place in your home. Selling bed linen in a dream is a harbinger of great failure, loss and need.

Dream Interpretation - Linen

Linen seen in a dream - to win or receive an inheritance. If the linen is torn, your career may fail. Rusty stains on linen - wait for the guests. Linen hung to dry portends quarrels and discord with friends and a loved one, loneliness. Twisting wet linen is unseemly deeds. Hanging it on a rope yourself is a disease of a close relative. To remove dry from the rope is a disaster in the house. Ironing clothes with an iron is a noisy visit of a cheerful company.

Wash clothes - start a general cleaning in the house or workplace. Seeing dirty laundry is a sign of family squabbles and troubles. Seeing clean, fresh-smelling linen on the shelves of the closet - to material well-being. Wearing underwear - find out interesting news. Walking in a headset - you will be overcome by restless thoughts. Buy linen - arrange family affairs.


red tulips

Dream Interpretation Red Tulips dreamed of why Red tulips dream in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Red Tulips in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Tulips

If you were given tulips, then you will be lucky, you are a happy person.

A dream with such flowers is a symbol of prosperity.

If you are standing in the garden surrounded by tulips, this portends wealth and glory.

Dream Interpretation - Red

Red color in a dream means that you will be honored by inviting you to a large and elegant celebration. A rich bright red color called purple means that your lofty plans will not come true. The red color of moderate, calm or pale tones portends happiness in love.

Red paints are a sign of good luck and luck, red pencils are for spending money and acquiring real estate. Seeing a blood-red moon in a dream is a harbinger of family strife and quarrels with a loved one. The red color in the letter portends separation due to suspicion and jealousy, but your reasonable behavior can save the day. Seeing a red-hot iron in a dream means that you are dearly loved in your own family and appreciated by your friends for your cheerful and cheerful character.

Dealing with red pepper in a dream is a harbinger that fate will send you a thrifty and economic companion in married life. Red caviar in your dream is a sign of future misfortunes and sorrows. Buy, pick and eat red grapes in a dream - in reality you will receive reproaches in the family and reprimands from the authorities. Drinking red wine - such a dream speaks of an upcoming fun walk soon. Cook jam and compotes from red berries - to health.

Dream Interpretation - Tulips


Dream Interpretation - Tulips


Dream Interpretation - Red

Very intense.

It symbolizes passion, physical strength, anger, sexuality, sensitivity, aggression and danger.

Red: This is the color of blood and has been greatly favored in some cultures.

The Chinese painted their banners red, as well as talismans.

The mother goddess in India is depicted in red, red: the color of creation, since the birth of a child is accompanied by profuse bleeding.

Even in the prehistoric period, people associated red with life.

They put a blood stain on the object that they wanted to revive.

Dream Interpretation - Red

This color emphasizes energy and strength.

Depending on the circumstances in a dream, he either warns of anger and aggression, or replenishes the dreamer's lack of energy.

Try to remember your feeling that accompanied the interaction with red.

Red color is associated with excitement, fear, sexual arousal.

Red is the manifestation of active action and the desire to succeed.

The world affects us with color, not taking into account our personal preferences.

And in response we show some emotions or just feel mood changes.

On a conscious level, we can verbalize our admiration or resentment for color combinations. Most of our dreams are not colored. We barely have time to notice the characters, their actions and, at best, the setting of the dream. But sometimes we have colorful dreams.

Color in our dreams appears to illuminate those aspects of our lives from which we especially stubbornly turn away. We read color information unconsciously.

Even in reality, preferring or rejecting any color, we do not realize why we made our choice.

Therefore, the color test is an objective psychological characteristic of a person.

At an unconscious level or in a dream, we are involved in a situation from the opposite position.

First, we experience a feeling, then we react by the appearance of a color spot in a dream.

Dream Interpretation - Red

Red and white clouds - happiness.

Seeing a red rainbow is fortunate.

Climbing the city walls, red - portends great happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Red

red color - you see a lot of red in a dream - this is an auspicious dream: your health will be excellent for many years, difficult situation you will not lose honor - while others are ready to fall on their knees; the answer to your passionate feelings will be pure sincere love; in old age, a ray of youth will shine into your soul

Dream Interpretation - Red

Red color is a symbol of strength, power, power.

Red color - can be a sign not only of passionate love and health, but also of danger, prohibition.

Dream Interpretation - Red Berries

Red berries - health and contentment.




A guy I know gave me a bouquet of white tulips and a daffodil, but I threw the bouquet at him. Although in real life I like him…


my aunt had a bouquet of daisies in her hands, there was one tulip in it, I asked for a flower, she plucked a tulip for me, which I immediately gave as a gift!


I didn’t see anyone, but someone gave me a basket with red tulips, they were tender and beautiful.


Hello! I dreamed of a bouquet of a red tulip and one yellow tulip. This yellow tulip, as it were, came off and I tried to put it into a red tulip.


i dreamed that a friend gives me a bouquet of tulips, throwing them on the ground


I saw myself in the cemetery and handed out red tulips to everyone who came in


i dreamed of my mother that she had died and I had to bury her, then I saw some kind of meadow, red tulips grew on it. I began to pick tulips an even number - 4 flowers. I knew it was for a funeral. Then again I saw a coffin with a dead mother, I took this coffin in my hands and began to carry it in my arms on my side. I saw only half of the coffin in front of me. I didn't feel any heaviness. Only there was a thought that my mother should be buried.


the dream was from Wednesday to Thursday. it means the guy I'm dating now gives me three white tulips in a dream. one of them is very beautiful, alive, and two are faded. why can this be a dream?
Thank you


I dreamed that they gave me two bouquets of tulips, but one was thrown under my feet out of anger or jealousy, and the other was presented by a guy, I never saw him, he picked up the second bouquet and gave both his own and that one, the person who threw the bouquet to me on the ground


i dreamed that I was getting married to a stranger. I’m not getting out of love. then after the wedding, we went out with him and saw a lot of tulips different colors.I asked to pick. He gave me pink


i dreamed about how I noticed tulips while driving over the hills, I stopped and saw different colors, it's yellow white red


I had a dream, my loved one left me, left me on the street with a blanket and two pillows, I dragged it home and cried, when I got home, I unfolded the blanket and there were two bouquets, fresh and blooming, one was lilac, and the second was white tulips, I reached for a bunch of lilacs.


Hello, I had a dream that my mother decorated our bedroom with her husband with flowers - roses and some other ones, in order to reconcile us. And then she gave me 3 more bouquets of tulips: one of red, the second white, the third white with black edges. Why such a dream?


Good morning. I dreamed about the apartment of my grandparents (Grandfather had already died 5 years ago.), as if I were going out onto a balcony, which, for some reason, did not have a railing (fence) in the front, but on the sides. The bright sun is shining, And below, in grandfather's garden, huge red tulips grow, and bushes! And behind a huge flowering tree - sakura. And there are price tags on tulips. I don’t seem to remember exactly, 86 rubles a piece. I think in a dream, now my grandfather grows flowers and sells them. And when he lived, there he had only roses from flowers.


I go up the stairs with a bouquet of red and yellow tulips, and on the stairs I still pick up a large bouquet of the same tulips, which someone has dropped or thrown away, and I pick it all up and go further upstairs. my friend is standing aside and I cover my face with flowers so that she does not recognize me


black and white dream, at night in the cemetery. people on every grave. with tulips, I was surprised. In short, I never went through this cemetery, I decided that I would find another way.


I come home from work, my mother says that your husband, having drunk again, he is sitting with the neighbors, I go in, he tells me, don’t swear, we go into the room, but not into ours, but some other one, and he gives me live tulips and says this to you for the holiday, although earlier he did not give me flowers and then gives me money 1500 rubles


Hello Tatiana! I remember my dream very vaguely, but it was so pleasant that I wanted to reveal its meaning. I remember that I am driving with my family and I notice tulips (my favorite color) in the field. we stop and I start picking the bouquet. The colors are mostly delicate - white, light pink, blue, purple. and gradually events begin to flow in a different direction, it seems even disturbing. In general, and all) Thank you!


I was digging up tulips in the garden late at night. First I came across a bush with withering purple flowers, I didn’t like it and I saw bright red and yellow tulips and rushed to them, but I never dug them up. I just stood and looked at them.


I am in my apartment and there are red tulips literally all over the apartment, there are so many of them, they were in every box) that's all I remember in my dream)


I saw a yard covered with red tulips strewn with snow, which is gradually melting! and I am trying to photograph this unusual picture ... .. and among the tulips there is one red rose, but I didn’t pick it .... but picked up a tulip that had shriveled from the floor and went to take a picture


I tore huge tulips, one might even say I stole from someone, they were first black, then yellow-black and hid them under a raincoat or coat, I don’t remember


Hello! I had a dream about how my ex-young man gave me a bouquet of tulips, how many of them I don’t remember exactly, but the bouquet was big. Then I dream that I put them in a vase at home and waited for the reaction of my relatives (moms, dads, ...), but no one noticed or said anything. After that, I went to see if they were, but they were not there ... Like this !!!))


Good afternoon, in a dream I plucked tulips on a long stem ... bright orange and red)) it happened as if in an abandoned place, but it was very beautiful))


wedding day, a tulip wedding bouquet, rumpled, and I have a panic, I ask them to bring another one, but there is no time ...


Hello. i had a dream in which a former young man (we haven’t talked for a year) gave me a bouquet of flowers (like bright pink tulips) and wanted to kiss him, but I pushed him away because I thought that you couldn’t forgive him right away. A man sat next to him and stood in a vase with a bouquet he had presented


My friend (just a friend) gave me a bouquet of red roses at the station, which turned into a bouquet of red tblpans in the train. The bouquet was large, one flower almost at the base was broken by an elderly woman sitting next to her.


Hello! I dreamed of an ex-husband who gave a bouquet of pink tulips.Tell me how to understand the dream. Thank you!


I’m dreaming of 2 tulips, I’m buying purple, and while I brought home they wilted, when I brought them home I put them in water, they were already gone.


Good afternoon, today I had such a dream: first I had a flower in a transparent vase, in the fresh air, and in my hands a bouquet of red tulips, 15 pieces, I shortened their stems. Then I came to the sewing workshop to buy a suit, they start offering me shoes, I don’t like them, it’s dirty there, a lot of people, girls in white dresses, they bring me jackets, I start trying on, I don’t like it, one big, dirty mirror ... and I'm leaving


i dreamed that my husband gave me a bouquet of pink tulips, and at that time I was with two twin girls, as if these girls were our children


tulip petals lay on the ground (purple saturated color) they had to be planted in order to grow flowers and a large field of yellow tulips.


I go into my room, and in the middle there is a very long coffee table, there are a lot of multi-colored tulips on it, my desktop is near the window in the corner and there are also a lot of multi-colored tulips on it, I am extremely happy about this, as if in reality I feel emotions, and I know that all these flowers were given to me by my dad, who recently went shopping, and at that moment was sitting in the next room. I was very happy, though I was in a hurry to meet my friends, and did not have time to see enough of them, but I thought that in the evening I would definitely come and admire.


Good afternoon!
I dreamed that I was looking for something in a pot with growing white tulips, it wasn’t there, then I open the closet and there is generally a sea of ​​white tulips and I refuse to dig further into them, like everything, I don’t remember further


i dreamed of red tulips ... they grew in a room on the floor, not in a pot, but in the ground. a fan stood nearby and blew on them, after which the flowers fell and did not rise. I tried to pick them up. But they fell anyway ... I told about this and showed it to my man standing next to me .. With this man we live in real life for a little less than a year


Hello! I dreamed that I was going to the cemetery to my dad and saw that the whole cemetery was overgrown with grass and many yellow tulips were visible through it. I decided to pick it up for my dad. Thoughts said that it was not necessary, but I still plucked, I don’t remember how many pieces, but I remember well that they were yellow and red.


I saw a man with a tulip and this flower was rooted, he was looking for someone. and then he asks whose window it is. I answer in English that this is my window. Then he gives me this tyulbpat and I go home and plant it in a pot from the ground. Then I see new flowers on the windowsill and I started to water them all like this. that even the earth flew out.


I dreamed that I picked a tulip, but for some reason it seems to me that it is a rose! There are still many tulips in the clearing and they are all open, I want to pick them all, but the dream ends there.


From Thursday to Friday I saw a lot of blooming red tulips, they grew on the ground in the form of beds, there were a lot of them and they were very beautiful


I was a jury in some competition and they gave me a bouquet of red tulips. I decided to unfold the bouquet from the film and saw that all the tulips in the bouquet were tied in two pieces with a black ribbon.


my wife and I were in some kind of garden or greenhouse there grew tulips, I don’t remember the color. my wife and I tore them straight from the roots and ate only the roots like we were hungry…..


I returned home with my family from a walk, it was a cold time, for some reason I went around the corner of the house from another gate and saw that the whole side of the house was in flowers in yellow tulips, I felt such happiness and surprise because they grew up in a wild place without landing and in a cold season they were so beautiful the first one I plucked unopened and decided to show my husband at the same time and take scissors from home to cut them to make a bouquet and give to my mother


i dreamed that I was picking tulips from a neighbor secretly from her, the tulips were orange-red, that is, all warm colors? and at the same time I found a case with $50


there was some kind of holiday, I don’t remember exactly, and there were a lot of tulips of different colors. I walked past the flowers and took one flower and went on my way, the tulip that I took was yellow. on the way home he withered.


Hello! I dreamed that my mother-in-law was supposed to come to our house (she disappeared when her husband was 2 years old) and I cleaned the house for her arrival, my mother cooked food for her arrival, and my husband sat in the room and watched a movie. He did not know anything about the arrival of his mother (we wanted to create a surprise), and on the kitchen table there were tulips in 5 or 6 vases. She arrived, went out to meet her older brother, and at that moment I was sweeping the floor of the house and for some reason there was a lot of dust and I did not have time. And at that moment I woke up.


I passed by a small clearing on a hill and saw that it was completely dotted with large, gorgeous tulips in mostly blue, blue-white, white and cream colors. I came home for a guy and we went there together, there were a lot of cute little animals. we photographed them and were touched, I wanted to pick tulips home and we returned home for paper for flowers, and when we went outside, there was snow and all the tulips were covered in snow. we came to the clearing and I woke up. I don't know further.
very interesting to know the interpretation) thank you very much. I'll wait for the interpretation


large field with green grass. many red tulips grow on the field. the weather is warm, bright, sunny, dream colorful, warm


a nice young man gave me a bouquet of yellow tulips, but some of the flowers were red-striped and overripe, but the colors are very colorful


I’m going through the dachas, I don’t remember what, but I’m going. I see a flower bed of red tulips and for some reason a red geranium to my right in the garden. I know without asking that the owners of the house are tearing 3 tulips and 2 geraniums and all red ones from the flower bed, I think that more than 5 I can’t know that it’s not an even number. When the owner has already left me became ashamed of what I stole.


climbed into someone else's dacha, and dug up two tulips (one was exactly white)
they bloomed at first, and then disappeared somewhere


The dream had a dream from Saturday to Sunday.
I receive a gold ring made of white and yellow gold and a bouquet of crimson tulips as a gift from a guy. Lush enough. Then the young man pulls out 1 stem from the bouquet, on which more shoots with tulip flowers extend. In total, there are 5 shoots with buds on the stem. At the same time, he says that this is a rarity, lucky.


in a dream I dreamed of a flower bed, which in fact in real life I have at work! and I dream as if two tulip bulbs were planted on this flower bed and I planted them as if I, but not at the time of the dream, but a little earlier! I still told everyone that they say, look, they will bloom soon, the bulbs have sprouted, there are flower sprouts here! and when I moved the leaves of one bulb and the second there really were small tulip buds!


tulips stand in the snow, are the tulips themselves covered with ice? and more sprouts appear from under the snow. And a big big roof at the house


in a dream I saw a lot of tulips of various colors, and they were already tied into bouquets. I chose the bouquets I liked and later arranged them in vases.


I put roses of not the first freshness of pale pink color in a vase for a gift to a woman, and the third bud also broke, I wanted to connect it with something, then I decided, well, them………. I will give her a duvet cover……………. we open a black-and-white duvet cover in our hands with this woman, and it is crumpled, the woman takes and cuts the upper part of the fabric from herself to me with scissors and says that she knows how to fix it .... this is the first fragment of my dream, there were two more separate fragments, but these people are now connected by family ties, my ex-husband, his wife and her mother, this woman.


I dreamed how my boyfriend gave me red tulips and as soon as I took them they crumbled, and after a while they turned back with petals, only already short and in a bouquet with carnations (red).


Mne prisnilosi 4to v malenkom lesu v kotorom ea ranishe bivala s moim bivsim parnem s kotorim bila pomovlena, rasli belie tiulipani i landishi, tam bila mnoga sveta, lu4i solntza padali preamo na nih, no mejdu nimi rasla eshe i kakoe-to rastenie toje svetlovo tzveta no s shipami. Pomniu ea radovalasi i udivlealasi takoi iarkoi i svetloi atmosfere vo sne.


i dreamed of a field with tulips, where I wanted to take a picture, and fell, thereby crushing the place with tulips, there were also areas damaged by people nearby, the flowers were purple and yellow


on the night of Monday to Tuesday, I dreamed that they gave me many bouquets of flowers, bright, colorful, and roses, and tulips, but in one bouquet I saw 4 black very beautiful, already velvety tulips. thank you very much in advance.


A young man whom I know, he was my friend gave a bouquet of large tulips and as if he was asking me to marry or I was already married to him


i dreamed of a field of red tulips. I didn’t pick a big bouquet, and then I dreamed of a black-haired girl.


i dreamed that I was in a huge field of tulips, I seemed to be drowning in them with happiness)))))
Help me unravel it.


I dreamed that I was walking along a beautiful corridor where bouquets of tulips lay on the floor. I also have several bouquets in my hands, but I start picking flowers from the floor. Thoughts at that moment: "why did people throw beautiful tulips" the flowers were bright and vibrant.


i had a dream about how I pick flowers, put them in a bouquet of red roses and a big long yellow tulip, I pick it and also put it in a bouquet, there was a lot of greenery in this bouquet


i dreamed that my young man was giving me a bouquet of tulips there were red and yellow tulips


hello! At the very beginning, I dreamed that I was very successful and wealthy, despite the fact that I live alone with my daughter. and suddenly my former young man comes back to me with whom we have not seen each other for more than 8 months. He stubbornly insists on the resumption of relations. then the picture abruptly changes and I find myself in a cemetery. it's like in American movies, green grass and monuments. and there are a lot of blooming tulips around. On this I woke up.


Hello, I dreamed of a declaration of love. Whom do I love, but there was no confession, help me understand what it is for? ...


dreamed beautiful bouquet tulips, in a beautiful fashionable paper creamy white package. I remember that they were multi-colored, I remember the pink color. They gave it to me from above, but I didn’t see who, it happened on a white background.


In a dream, I dreamed of a former mother-in-law who held a whole bunch of red tulips in her hands, a father-in-law with a knife and an ex-husband. They tried to take my son away by car...


hello, I dreamed of a bed of blooming dark red tulippans, and I smelled them. [email protected]


A large river or lake I went into the water and a lot of tulips grew there, they were all not quite open as you were closed at night on tall stems, I collected them.


Mom dreamed of her dead son, she had one tulip in her hands, then four, but he didn’t talk, but just looked at her, what does it mean


Good afternoon! I dreamed that my husband gave me 3 bouquets of tulips. One black and two pink bouquets. What does this mean??? At the beginning he gives me a black bouquet, and then two pink bouquets of tulips.


grandmother dreamed that her mother came and brought two flowers, sort of like she took one loose with her and hung the bud on the ceiling and left. white bud resembled a tulip


My parents and I went to another city. They walked along the new streets. And suddenly we came to a kind of park. There were benches there. There was some big arch. And the wall, everything was colored. Different shades: red, blue, green. And next to this wall was a huge flower bed of Tulips. Also multi-colored, there were all colors. And I started taking pictures of them.


I see how the yellow bouquet of tulips fall out of the vase into the water of some pool, but I caught them and didn’t let them fall, but pressed them very tightly



I had a dream about how my young man gives me two black tulips and they wither in my hands


I saw someone holding a bouquet of 3 scarlet roses and the same large tulip in their hands, while I was trying on a dress


Hello .. Today I dreamed that I was going to school and there were tulips in the snow near the emergency exit .. further near the door on a large plate were red apples. Then the dream breaks and I am with a man and a woman in some room .. a woman carries a couch back and forth with a knock .. then a woman opens the door a man lies down on her and they kiss ... then some man cuts them off, The guard seems to be, oh trying to turn off the light but the light is flashing and the man freezes in one place .. then I go up to the woman and she says she wants to sleep ... and then they take the man and I run to give him things and I can’t. further on the field and I am with this man and everything repeats, but now I kiss the woman, then the man, and in a dream I love him. And during the kiss, they take him away and I run to give him things and I succeed in doing this, the car stops.


hello in a dream ex-boyfriend brought a large bouquet beautiful tulips along with a note, in a dream I couldn’t make it out and decided to read it afterwards, since there were many outsiders, he didn’t give the flowers himself, but handed them over, but watched the delivery from the outside. emotions were very positive in a dream. in real life, we cannot, after parting, for three years already, establish mutual language we don't talk now.


not long ago my good friend died and she dreamed of me alive she invited me to live in her country house living with children the house is very beautiful and in a dream it was even better there was a beautiful atmosphere that I remember that when I opened the locker there it was dirty and there was a cracker rye bread and on huge tables there were large vases with tulips, then her husband came and said what are you doing here and I left


I have a gap in the batteries and from there water flows to the neighbors downstairs, I went to see what was happening there, and a bouquet of bright tulips grew there .. I carry it in a transparent vase to my floor and show it to some stranger, who comes out of the next door, but he doesn’t care, he is sleepy and in a white housecoat.


a former boyfriend came to me with a bouquet of tulips and asked for forgiveness.


I dreamed that I was lost in unfamiliar city and soon somehow I ended up in a cemetery, and I couldn’t find my way, there was a whole path planted with tulips, there were mountains and a river around, and I also asked at one of the graves to show me the way to get out of there. What is it for?


In a dream, my school friend, with whom we have not communicated for a long time, came to my house and made a gift: White chocolate and four white tulips. She hurried to put them in the water. In general, we laughed, talked ... Just like before.


my friend and I were in Paris, we walked along the narrow streets with cobblestones with a map of the city in our hands, and suddenly we found ourselves at some kind of crossroads and a view of a 4-storey building opened up in front of us, and on it on each floor there were tulips of different colors. They were white, purple and soft pink. There were also tulips in the courtyard of this house. And in front of the house, a sakura tree blossomed. And I liked this picture so much that I started photographing both the house and the flowers of the tree.


a flower bed with incredibly large, beautiful, hairy tulips. yellow red pink


I dreamed that our entire garden was in blooming tulips, some of them pink with white veins are simply gigantic. Pure colors are only red, the rest are yellow-red, pink-white, white and pink, my guest best friend, a small hole was dug in the yard and we are sitting there, then my husband came for her and I, seeing them off, go to the garden and cut her a bouquet of tulips. Then I stand and look at the biggest ones and marvel at why they are so tall, taller than me. I admire them


I dreamed of the late parents in my parents' house. I came to them and

I happily hug them! I ask my dad to help me with my graduation project. He helps me and I’m leaving for my university to finish the project. I take a drawing board from an unknown girl on which there is a drawing depicting beautiful scarlet tulips. I’m very worried that I won’t be able to finish the project by the deadline!


Good afternoon! The dream was very colorful with many colorful tulips. and I put them in vases with great joy. I look and there are a lot of bouquets


I had a dream where I take a bouquet of 26 roses and bring it to the wedding, but while I was walking the roses turned into tulips, wilted and fell apart


My husband dreamed that he and his friends were stealing tulips in the garden, a lot and even with bulbs, and then they were divided.


I see the funeral of a familiar person, a lot of people, I try to catch up with the coffin with the dead, the feeling that I should have died myself, I run through the snow, the snow is white, but very deep, and red tulips are scattered on the snow, there are a lot of them, and I I try to climb through this white snow, but the snow is deep, and I cannot catch up with the dead man. All

Dream Interpretation Yellow Tulips

Every spring we observe a general revival, the awakening of flora and fauna. What thoughts does a person encounter when remembering this time of year? Tulips evoke a place of honor in memories: such simple, but no less bright flowers, depending on the color, speaking of innocence or passion.

It also happens that they are waiting for us not only in reality, in worldly bustle, but also in the arms of the night. Why dream of intriguing yellow tulips? Such a multifaceted symbol will help to decipher the leading experts in this field.

What does the interpreter say?

In a dream, a special role is prepared for us, which we have no right to resist. It is often allowed to see confused, indistinct images, to silently observe them. But sometimes we can influence the final result by intervening in the night world and changing its plot. What awaited the dreamer when immersed in the arms of Morpheus?

Be an observer

If you dreamed of yellow tulips

This flower, in addition to being loved by many ladies, is an ambiguous, but no less important symbol. The appearance, features and even the number of yellow tulips can radically change the interpretation, and consequently, your future destiny.

Number of colors

A lonely, proud flower or a chic bouquet full of colors? The interpreter will give a correct explanation of why this is a dream.

  1. One inconspicuous flower. A good omen that promises big changes in a life mired in everyday life and worries. Henceforth, you will not be left with a special inner strength, energy and endless streams of ideas that crave implementation. The dream interpretation also promises not only strengthening the psychological background, but also good health, a cure for physical ailments. Be open to the world, and fortune will not bypass you.
  2. Bouquet. It is not so important whether he was luxurious and pompous or of a very modest appearance, because this image in a dream is a sign full of love and warmth. If the dreamer is in search of a wonderful chosen one or life partner, then soon he will be lucky enough to meet a soul mate. The kinship of souls will unite you, which will result in a very long and promising relationship. Well, people who know the delights of family life should expect romantic surprises from their spouse.

appearance of a tulip

Nature is rich in various gifts, which are breathtaking, and there is a desire to create and create beauty. Flowers are an excellent reflection of what can be called the highest beauty, because it is not for nothing that they are associated with the fair sex, whose image will captivate with its mystery and beauty. In which appearance did your flower appear in a dream?

If you saw a whole field

  1. closed buds. Such images are dreamed of on the eve of victories and success. Probably, now you are in despair and are ready to give up one step away from the goal towards which you have so stubbornly walked. Believe in your own success and you will be richly rewarded.
  2. Artificial. Not so positive symbol, warning of future worries and problems. The dream interpretation convinces that fate will not prepare hardships for you that you cannot endure. The dark streak will pass and turn the future life into good.
  3. Field. But why see a whole field or meadow, completely dotted with yellow tulips? Momentary pleasures, with the benefit and enthusiasm of the time spent will give you this dream. For some time, it will be possible to escape from the eternal problems and immerse yourself in contemplation.

Do something in a dream

During the day we perform a great variety of actions, and it is impossible to guess what awaits when immersed in the night world. Continuing to analyze why such beautiful flowers dream, pay attention to what happened to them.

  1. Collect. Bright, carefree joy will knock on your house, causing oblivion, pleasure wonderful world. Perhaps now is the best moment to change the lives of others for the better.
  2. Inhale the aroma. Such an action is dreamed of by those people who have forgotten about respect for themselves and their kindred circle. The display of excessive pride and arrogance hurts loved ones and repels someone who could be a great comrade.
  3. Throw away. Throw away the bouquet as unnecessary? This speaks of determination, willfulness of character. Perhaps now the turning point has come in a love relationship and you are ready to put an end to them.

A tulip in a vase is a dream when one of the familiar men or women burns with uncontrollable passion towards you.

Other interpretations

Freud's dream book

If you dreamed about a garden

Freud's world-famous dream book and his representative approaches the interpretation of visions from the point of view of psychoanalysis. So, a garden full of incredible beauty of yellow tulips dreams of a romantic date, a pleasant dinner with your beloved man or lady. You should also count on a trip that will give a lot of bright, full of love and tender moments.

Why pick such beautiful flowers? You have chosen the wrong path in life, full of evil, cunning and deceit. It is necessary to change priorities and aspirations, otherwise the eternal feeling of anxiety, along with problems, will firmly settle in your soul.

Was the bouquet of flowers plucked by someone before you? Beware of ill-wishers who are trying with all their might to interfere with the dreamer's success. It is worth being careful with rivals who claim the heart of your lover.

According to Freud, yellow tulips in a house or apartment indicate the secretive nature of the dreamer. You are not used to baring your soul in front of other people, as a result of which there are some problems in communicating with the opposite sex.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

What will the famous soothsayer, known for her prophetic gift, tell? Throwing a bouquet at your feet and trampling it furiously is an indicator of selfishness and excessive concentration on your needs. By instilling in yourself such qualities as tolerance and attention to the feelings of other people, you will radically change your own life.

Vanga focused on where tulips grew in a dream. Flowers in the garden dream of increasing material wealth. Henceforth, the taste of luxury, sophistication and wealth will be partly familiar to you. But the unkempt land, where yellow tulips have grown along with weeds, dreams of sadness, being a messenger of sorrow.

Having an idea of ​​the mysteries of your future destiny, it will be easier for you to follow the road whose name is Life.

Your mark:

tulips- a pleasant hobby that can soon bring profit.

Modern combined dream book

Tulips in dreams- should be understood as a symbol of love and married life.

If you give tulips- it turns out that you love a beautiful, but empty person.

When in a dream they give you tulips- this means that a beautiful, but not serious person loves you.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.